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MLR Institute of Technology

MLR Institute of TechnologyLaxma Reddy Avenue, Dundigal, Quthbullapur (M), Hyderabad 500 043Phone Nos: 08418 204066 / 204088, Fax : 08418 204088

Micro project ReportSubject:MPMCA.Y:2014-15Faculty Name :D.NARESH KUMARTitle of the Project: sum of squaresTeam Members Details:3HT.NO.NAMEDepartment/Year12R21A04G9SK.AdilIII ECE12R21A04H2V.Chandrasekhar reddyIII ECE13R25A0409D.SrinadhIII ECEObjective of Micro Project (i.e. Concept of the problem ): Use to find sum of squares.To understand about assembly language programmeRelevance to the subject :Instruction set of 8086 microprocessorArchitecture /Design of the ProjectAssuming the segment registersInitialising data with Num1&Num2 of data byte and data with Num1&Num2 of data byte and data wordEnd the data segment

Intialising the code segment by moving data to AX registers ,AX to DSCopy offset address of Num1 to SICopy NUM2 to CX registerClear the BX register by copying eachCopy the contents of SI to AL registerMultiply accumulator content with ALAdd BX registers and AX registersIncrement SI

The loop is repeated depending upon the count of given inputs using loop instructionTerminate the program with INT03HEnd the code segmentEnd the start

S.NoActivityDate 1.Mathematical model definition2/01/2015 2. Algorithm9/02/2015 3. Programme13/03/2015 4. Compiling The Programme With Inputs (Test Cases)24/03/2015 5.Final Excution26/03/2015MASM SOFTWAREProblem Explanation (with Figures ): Assume cs:code, ds:dataData segmentNum1 db 04h,03h,02h,01hNum2 dw 0004hData ends

Code segmentStart:mov ax,data Mov ds,ax Mov si,offset num1 Mov cx, num2 Mov bx,0000h

Ii: mov al,[si] Mul al Add bx,ax Inc si Loop li Int 03h Code ends End start Application References : Ray, A. K.; Bhurchand, K.M. Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals. India: Tata McGraw-Hill. William Blair. "IC Die Photography". Retrieved 2009-12-23. John Bayko (December 2003). "Great Microprocessors of the Past and Present". Retrieved 2009-12-23.

MLR Institute of TechnologyLaxma Reddy Avenue, Dundigal, Quthbullapur (M), Hyderabad 500 043Phone Nos: 08418 204066 / 204088, Fax : 08418 204088Evaluation Criteria of Micro project Report APPLICATIONS

Simple exampleA statistical technique used in regression analysis. The sum of squares is a mathematical approach to determining the dispersion of data points. In a regression analysis, the goal is to determine how well a data series can be fitted to a function which might help to explain how the data series was generated. The sum of squares is used as a mathematical way to find the function which best fits (varies least) from the data.

In order to determine the sum of squares the distance between each data point and the line of best fit is squared and then all of the squares are summed up. The line of best fit will minimize this value.

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