POSSESSIONS ARE BUT LIGHT An excerpt from Love Letters from an Angel Hal Schroeder Spirit of Life by Daniel Chester French 1 OK, Beloveds, Here is the truth about possessions. Possessions are but things, and things are but beams of light that we have created to adorn our world. Do we own the light? Do we take and hide the light from our neighbor? Do we take the light of day and lock it up in safes, vaults, security boxes, behind protected doors and walls? Do we deposit light in bank accounts and add light to them in weekly or monthly deposits, accumulating light? No! Of course not. Light just is. It cannot be added to or built upon. How much light do we need to wear: closets full of light? One light is enough. Does it matter what kind of light we desire? Light knows not price or make or adornments to signify and symbolize something in our minds. It is just light. Can we own light, possess light? Try going out and capturing light in a bottle, and then, put a price on it, and then try to sell it. Yet, every one of our possessions is exactly that: light that we have captured in a bottle and said, “I own it, I possess it, it is ‘mine.’ ” What do we think it could possibly mean when we hear that all there is, is love and light? When we give, we give light; when we create, we create light forms. Is there some exception for us so we can build our port- folios, bank accounts, wardrobes, and fill our garages and houses with the finest of our possessions? What, indeed, is a bank, a house, a garage, if all that there is, is light? Are they not light forms and figures that we cover with property deeds and pronounce that they are “mine?” What about children, wives, and families? My family is certainly “mine.” It is ours in the same way that the property deed covers and sur- rounds our possessions, only now it is with marriage certificates and birth certificates, followed by divorce decrees, proving and establishing what is “mine” and “yours,” and yet, there is only light. So, in the reality of our world, within a divorce, half of the light of one child goes to one parent, while half goes to another? Bottle up the light and call it “mine? There is no “mine.” There are no possessions. There is no ownership. There is only light, the light of a Universe above and Oneness, constantly expressing itself in new ways, in new light forms for the pleasure and enjoyment of every living being. In this Universe of Light, there are no boundaries, fences, walls, or doors. There is only light; what is on each side of a barrier or wall is only light. “Wow,” I say. “Am I hearing right?” Fear courses through my veins and lodges in the pit of my stomach. “Am I being asked to give up and let go of everything that is ‘mine’—from my family to all of my possessions to my survival of my daily bread through my salary and business? “ “That’s it for me.” “I shut down. I close my mind to all of this. It sounded good when forgiveness would give me everything in my metaphysical teachings, as I could manifest a new car, house, home, and expensive vacations.” But now, here comes the zinger: must I give up every- thing, even my own clothes. What am I supposed to do, run around naked?” We do, in truth, run around naked, as light does not have clothes and does not have anything to hide beneath clothes. It is just light, and we are light, a light being of such splendor and beauty and radiance that one stitch of clothing of the finest material would detract from our beauty.

Possessions are but Light 08142015

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A new attitude on ownership of anything is the focus of this essay.

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POSSESSIONS ARE BUT LIGHT An excerpt from Love Letters from an Angel Hal Schroeder Spirit of Lifeby Daniel Chester French1OK, Beloveds, Here is the truth about possessions. Possessions are but things, and things are but beams of light that we have created to adorn our world. Do we own the light? Do we take and hide the light from our neighbor? Do we take the light of day and lock it up in safes, vaults, security boxes, behind protected doors and walls? Do we deposit light in bank accounts and add light to them in weekly or monthly deposits, accumulating light? No! Of course not. Light just is. It cannot be added to or built upon. How much light do we need to wear: closets full of light? One light is enough. Does it matter what kind of light we desire? Light knows not price or make or adornments to signify and symbolize something in our minds. It is just light. Can we own light, possess light? Try going out and capturing light in a bottle, and then, put a price on it, and then try to sell it. Yet, every one of our possessions is exactly that: light that we have captured in a bottle and said, I own it, I possess it, it is mine. What do we think it could possibly mean when we hear that all there is, is love and light? When we give, we give light; when we create, we create light forms. Is there some exception for us so we can build our port-folios, bank accounts, wardrobes, and fll our garages and houses with the fnest of our possessions? What, indeed, is a bank, a house, a garage, if all that there is, is light? Are they not light forms and fgures that we cover with property deeds and pronounce that they are mine? What about children, wives, and families? My family is certainly mine. It is ours in the same way that the property deed covers and sur-rounds our possessions, only now it is with marriage certifcates and birth certifcates, followed by divorce decrees, proving and establishing what is mine and yours, and yet, there is only light. So, in the reality of our world, within a divorce, half of the light of one child goes to one parent, while half goes to another? Bottle up the light and call it mine? There is no mine. There are no possessions. There is no ownership. There is only light, the light of a Universe above and Oneness, constantly expressing itself in new ways, in new light forms for the pleasure and enjoyment of every living being. In this Universe of Light, there are no boundaries, fences, walls, or doors. There is only light; what is on each side of a barrier or wall is only light.Wow, I say. Am I hearing right? Fear courses through my veins and lodges in the pit of my stomach. Am I being asked to give up and let go of everything that is minefrom my family to all of my possessions to my survival of my daily bread through my salary and business? Thats it for me.I shut down. I close my mind to all of this. It sounded good when forgiveness would give me everything in my metaphysical teachings, as I could manifest a new car, house, home, and expensive vacations. But now, here comes the zinger: must I give up every-thing, even my own clothes. What am I supposed to do, run around naked? We do, in truth, run around naked, as light does not have clothes and does not have anything to hide beneath clothes. Itisjustlight, and we are light, a light being of such splendor and beauty and radiance that one stitch of clothing of the fnest material would detract from our beauty. 2light of Heaven and creates the illusion of the duality of light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong, and onward into the infnity of thoughts of duality and separation. Thus, from one single thought of mine and yours, we lost the Garden because the Garden is only the Oneness of light. We lost Heaven because Heaven is only the Oneness of light, not the duality of Heaven and Earth. We lost the Oneness of love, split into good and bad, thought and feeling, right and wrong, with an infnity of judgments as to what is mine and yours in trying to decide what is right and wrong, just and unjust, who gets what, what is my share, your share, his share, while Heaven and earth, and peace and joy remain divided in our minds of mine and yours.So what can we do? It boils down to a choice. Do we want the everythingness of Heaven, which is beauty, wisdom, prosperity and abundance, all within the Oneness of light and love? Or do we wish to remain separate and apart, forever dividing and separating, cataloguing, and listing what is mine and what is yours.Light cannot be contained or categorized. It is every-thing. Thus, it is the everythingness of this universe of love or the nothingness of this illusion of mine and yours. That is our choice to make.Does this mean I give up everything I have and own? Examine the words carefully. First of all, we never had anything to give up. If there is no mine in truth and reality, there is nothing to give up. The giving up is the illusion that we own, possess, hold onto, and protect something that never was nor could ever be; it could only have been the everything-ness of light. Thus, the letting go of the illusion of mine and yours is the freedom to be who we are, to awake to the truth that we are and have always been the allness of light, that we can only love and give light in forms of creative expression out of our beingness of love and light, to which all of our brothers can only rejoice and sing of their beauty. Thats an impossible dream, the world might say. Jesus showed us the possibility, potentiality, and power of one single drop of forgiveness in his exam-ple on the Cross with his previous admonition that, So, we are not giving up or being asked to give up anything; we are being reminded and asked to remember what we are: light; and to forget, dissolve, and radiate all that stands between us and the full realization and actualization of our light, right here and right now today, in time and eternity, Heaven and Earth, one and the same. The frst step in this realization is that there is no mine. Light cannot be owned, possessed, or kept. It cannot be gotten, bought, acquired, amassed or accumulat-ed. It cannot be sought or found by doing something or anything. It just is; it is the substance, the fabric, and the clothes of the Universe. It is you and it is me: the light of love that made this Universe of Light and extends it every moment of existence.Pause one moment and examine the word mine. Is there a more separatist word in all existence? If there is a word, thought, idea, or concept of mine, it fol-lows that there must be the thoughts of not-mine and yours. The original thought, the original error, the original sin, as ego mind uses it to keep us separate, was: mine.What is the biblical story of Adam and Eve but the story of mine and yours? Adam and Eve had ev-erything, or so they thought, but the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that was the posses-sion of the Father. Thus, in their separatist ego mind, the tree was the possession of the Father; it was not theirs, it was his.The serpent, or ego mind, then convinced them that they had to have it; they had to make it theirs. They were not content and flled without the possession of that apple. The thought of mine and the taking and possessing of what is yours crept into their minds until it cast them out of the Garden itself. Was the Father denying them in the story? Was he keeping something that was only his, a pos-session unique to him? Was he enacting a barrier, a wall, a safe, and posting sentinels between what was his and what were not Adam and Eves? No, the entire lesson of the story is that a single thought of mine and yours splits the whole fabric and OBSERVER REPORT Report from National LeagueReport from NJ LeaguecAscensionist Series The Ascension SeriesCheck the prices on Amazon.com

Awakenings to AscensionThe purpose ofyour life is to ascend to be with Father Mother Source. Awaken-ing is the way.to Ascension, described in this book.Love Letters from an Angel is a collection of essays from Angel Hal to women every-where. His concern is their spiritual welfare---but he is an angel who can laugh!. Ascension Is All That There Is continues Awakenings to Ascen-sion, with essential meditations on all aspects of ascending. Grace to Ascension leads you to recognize that grace is all around you; each and every instant grace is in your life, propelling you towards Ascension.Ascension and Nothingness takes you through experienc-ing nothingness andits role in all we believe and all we can believe. 3You shall do greater things than I.Thus, it is the single drop of forgiveness that wipes away the dream and illusion that there could be the separation of light, our light and love of mind, our mind of God. One single drop of forgiveness is always our answer. The perennial question is: are we ready to trade our mind of duality, of mine and yours, of right and wrong, of good and evil for our only mind of light, love and God, one and the same? If so, please repeat the following prayer of forgiveness three times, invoking the Spirit of the Trinity within us to come forward and drown us in our very own light:I forgive all remaining thoughts that I have ever thought or could have thought of separation of any kind, in particular a thought of mine and yours.I have remembered that light, the Light of Heaven, and the light of mind can never be split, as I am the Light of Heaven, and the Light of Heaven is me, one with all of Heaven, now and forevermore. Amen.And, so willing and intending, with the grace of light pushing and cajoling me to this point of realization and awakening, it can only be done and completed. Amen. Email: [email protected] Press Blog:http://ascensionistpress.blogspot.comHal Schroeder is a student, fa-cilitator, and writer on A Course in Miracles subjects. Although Halhas three traditional degrees, he asserts that his most important degree is from The University of the Holy Spirit, with whom he has been communing since 1988. It was revealed to Hal that his writings are a continuation of the ideas contained in A Course in Miracles.Hals writing is centered on forgiveness and ways to practice it. The forgiveness affrmation is the center of each of his books and the basis of each essay:I forgive all that is not; I remember all that there is.Hal organized and ran two humanitarian foundations, one in Ethiopia, one in the Philippines, both devoted to empowering people.He was also a superintendent of schools three times in the United States and abroad, creating numerous innovative programs, while en-countering the wrath of those who did not want funda-mental change.