Positive Traits(Anis)

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POSITIVE TRAITSBy: Anis SahiraPositive character traits are those things that draw us to other people. hen so!eone is generous" #ind" energetic" or opti!istic they e$ude energy that attracts others. O% course" who wouldn&t want to spend ti!e with a war!" open" and loving person' I% you are not getting the results you want in li%e" the (rst place to loo# is at how you are interacting with the world. So in this case are you applying positive traits in yoursel% !ost o% the ti!e' Or nah?Positive character traits can )e developed in ourselves. There is a si!ple" three step process to integrate a new positive trait into your li%e.Which positive character traitsdo you want to develop?STEP 1STEP 2STEP 3*. +otice what you want to change. ,o you tend to -udge others' ,o you let greed rule your spending decisions' Are you easily angered' This isn&t the ti!e to beat yourself up %or these aspects o% your personality. It is -ust a)out noticing how you thin# and )ehave" )eing honest %or the goal o% becoming better... /hoose one positive character trait to %ocus on developing. So lets ta#e a loo# o% positive character listto choose what to %ocus on.Adventurous A!)itious/al! 1riendly 2oving/haris!atic3. Beco!e aware o% your actions and choices as you !ove throughout your day. I% you notice that you are slipping )ac# into old ha)its" as# yoursel%" what would so!eone who is 44. (insert the trait your focusing on) do in this situation' Then act accordingly.This process does ta#e conscious e5ort to rewrite patterns o% )ehavior. Eventually" a%ter choosing to act according to your new positive character trait" you will develop this 6uality in your personality. Acting generous, warm, and loving will become eortless, and you will be the one easily attracting others.the end