1 Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)

Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)smithfieldshs.eq.edu.au/.../FormsAndDocuments/Documents/Behaviour/pbl.pdf(SW-PBL) framework to develop a whole-school approach to student discipline

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Page 1: Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)smithfieldshs.eq.edu.au/.../FormsAndDocuments/Documents/Behaviour/pbl.pdf(SW-PBL) framework to develop a whole-school approach to student discipline


Positive Behaviour

For Learning


Page 2: Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)smithfieldshs.eq.edu.au/.../FormsAndDocuments/Documents/Behaviour/pbl.pdf(SW-PBL) framework to develop a whole-school approach to student discipline
Page 3: Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)smithfieldshs.eq.edu.au/.../FormsAndDocuments/Documents/Behaviour/pbl.pdf(SW-PBL) framework to develop a whole-school approach to student discipline

Table of contents

What is Schoolwide Positive Behaviour for Learning? ................................................................. 1

Universal Behaviour Support Model (Expectations) ...................................................................... 2

Guidelines to managing inappropriate behaviour – learning ........................................................ 3

Guidelines to managing inappropriate behaviour - respect .......................................................... 4

Guidelines to managing inappropriate behaviour - safety ............................................................ 5

Anti-bullying policy ............................................................................................................................ 6

Intent ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Definition of Bullying ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Physical bullying ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

Verbal bullying .......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Social bullying........................................................................................................................................................... 6

Cyber bullying ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

School Wide Proactive Approaches to Decrease Bullying ........................................................... 6

Electronic devices policy .................................................................................................................. 7

Mobile electronic devices (phones, iPods etc.) ......................................................................................................... 7

Expectations for student use of mobile phone and electronic listening devices ........................ 7

Preamble: ................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Expectations: ............................................................................................................................................................ 7

Computer use policy .......................................................................................................................... 8

Information Technology ............................................................................................................................................ 8

Internet and Email ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

School uniform policy ........................................................................................................................ 9

Enforcement of the Uniform Policy............................................................................................................................ 9

Uniforms ................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Jewellery................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Free Dress Day Code ............................................................................................................................................... 9

PBL Lessons ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Page 4: Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)smithfieldshs.eq.edu.au/.../FormsAndDocuments/Documents/Behaviour/pbl.pdf(SW-PBL) framework to develop a whole-school approach to student discipline


What is Schoolwide Positive Behaviour for Learning?

Students of all ages learn best when the school that they attend is a safe, supportive and disciplined environment. For this reason, Smithfield State High School is one of many schools in Far North Queensland that uses the Schoolwide Positive Behaviour for Learning (SW-PBL) framework to develop a whole-school approach to student discipline.

Within this research-based framework, the pro-social behaviours that assist students to be safe and respectful learners are explicitly taught and reinforced in much the same way as academic skills. Students are likewise clearly acknowledged for meeting our expectations of positive behaviour, and provided with appropriate feedback. Put simply, teaching students the expected social behaviours and routines and then acknowledging them when they use these same behaviours is by far the most effective way to prevent management problems. Furthermore, if students use inappropriate behaviour, an array of consequences is utilised with the aim of teaching and reinforcing what we want the student to be able to demonstrate instead.

This does not entail a different way of ‘managing’ behaviour in a school, as the framework will help to highlight what is already working effectively as well as providing pointers to areas requiring ongoing development. The overall goal is to further support our long standing commitment to a safe school environment where the focus can remain on teaching and learning.

Implementing this framework involves the work of the SW-PBL team. This is a representative group comprised of a range of teaching staff, non-teaching staff, school leaders and specialist personnel.

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Universal Behaviour Support Model (Expectations) Be Safe Be Respectful Be a Learner

All settings

Follow directions

Keep hands and feet to yourself

Look out for each other and report any problems to


Wear correct uniform

Stay on school grounds

Follow directions

Be a good listener

Use polite language and tone

Look after your own property and that of others

Wear correct uniform

Accept difference and help others

Place rubbish in bins

Follow directions

Be prepared and on time with the right equipment

Model the expected behaviours

Stay on school grounds

Teaching areas

Enter in an orderly manner

Use equipment properly

Gain permission to move or leave the room

Sit on chairs properly

Be in the right place at the right time

Use your inside/classroom voices

Gain the teacher’s attention in a polite way

Raise your hand to speak

Hats off inside

Leave the area tidy

Provide help to others in the classroom

Be on task and attempt all activities

Ask questions appropriately if you are not sure

Complete homework and assignments by due


Mobile devices switched off and put out of sight

Remain in your assigned working area

Moving between classrooms & walkways

Look out for others

Line up to enter a classroom

Headphones off and in bag

Move quickly and safely

Hat on if outside

Walk quietly so others can continue learning in


Keep left

Be aware of others to allow for smooth transitions

Offer assistance to staff

Model the safe way of moving around the school

for others



Line up with bags off backs

Keep pathway free between the lines

Wait your turn patiently

Place rubbish in bins

Use manners when purchasing

Learn the Smithfield way and help younger

students learn the routine


Join in school approved games

Stay in bounds

Use equipment for intended purpose

Wear hats, caps and shoes

Play fair

Take turns

Include others

Eat before moving onto the oval

Place rubbish in bin

Return equipment

Help others to learn the rules

Return to class on time

Bus line


Keep inside the fence line until your bus stops

Follow the bus duty teacher’s instructions

Line up

Board the bus calmly

Use your polite voices and manners when inside

the bus

Learn the Smithfield way and help younger

students learn the routine

Excursions Walk

Gain permission to leave group

At all times, use the same respectful behaviours

that are required in the school setting

Learn the Smithfield way and model the right

behaviours to help others learn

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Guidelines to managing inappropriate behaviour – learning

Inappropriate behaviour

Initial teacher actions may include: Suggested consequences

Disruptive talking (Minor)

Selective attending / tactical ignoring


Cueing other students (acknowledging their

positive behaviour)

Rule reminder

Giving choices

Make up time

Pause in talk (wait & scan)

Non-verbal redirection

Change seating – move away from peers

1:1 discussion

Directed to time-out desk

Parent contact / follow-up

Directed to Buddy Class if repeated

Failure to engage with class learning (Minor)

Offer of assistance

Repeat request allowing take-up time

Selective attending if student is not overtly disrupting others

Rule reminder


Given choice to walk away

Curriculum re-focus

Follow-up individual discussion with student

(i.e. at break time)

Use of own time to complete unfinished work.

Contact with parent if recurring

Contact with other teachers/case manager of students to share and discuss strategies

Does not have required equipment (Minor)

Resource using faculty supplies and keep

with teacher

Contact home

Case by case depending on circumstances Refer to Dean

Student is out of class (Minor)

Politely introduce yourself and ask student’s

name if you don’t know them

Ask “Help me to understand why you are out

of class”

Rule reminder if needed

Escort to class “I’m going that way I’ll walk

with you”

Classroom teacher consequence or

Attendance Administration Officer referral

Use of phone/IPod without permission and not for learning purposes (Minor)

Proactive reminder before entry to the classroom

Follow through

Rule reminder

Give choice and walk away

If behaviour continues send device to

Student Support Officer (SSO) with slip

Filming/ recording student/staff without consent (Major)

Advise SSO or Admin immediately

Remove student who has filmed / recorded from the location

Member of Admin/SBPO to check if breach occurred and delete footage if needed and parental contact made

Immediate removal of student from location

Contact parents

May result in a suspension

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Guidelines to managing inappropriate behaviour - respect

Inappropriate behaviour

Initial teacher actions may include: Suggested consequences

Swearing - conversational (Minor)

Rule reminder about expected language in


If recurring 1:1 discussion with teacher

regarding appropriate language

Swearing – ‘sotto voce’ (i.e. student mumbles/utters inappropriate language in low tone after being corrected (Minor)

Tactical ignoring / selective attending (treating the utterance as a ‘secondary’ behaviour)


Rule reminder about expected language in school and/or indication made that their behaviour will be followed-up

1:1 follow-up discussion regarding appropriate language.

Swearing – directed at other students (e.g. verbal insults) (Major)

Measured rule reminder of appropriate language.

Rule reminder about expected language in school and/or indication made that their behaviour will be followed-up

Direct apology

Directed to time-in area

1:1 follow-up discussion giving behaviour specific feedback

Referral to HOD

Swearing – directed at staff (Major)

Clear measured statement regarding the unacceptability of language

Indication made that behaviour will be followed-up

Buddy class referral

Referral to Admin

Restorative meeting

May result in a suspension

Stealing (Major)

Rule Reminder Replace or return any items stolen


SSO referral – actioned by either SBPO/


May result in a suspension

Littering (Minor Request/encourage litter pickup

Model picking up litter

Give choice and walk away

SSO referral

Refusal to follow instructions (Minor/Major)

Avoid responding to student’s secondary behaviours

Give choice and walk away

Indicate follow up will occur after the lesson

Exploration of problem if persistent (follow up individual discussion)

Catch up missed work in own time

Parent contact if recurring

1:1 follow up discussion giving behaviour specific feedback

Pay back learning time

Contact parent

May result in a suspension

Wilful damage to school property (Minor/Major)

Ensure student and teacher safety

Report incident to Business Manager (BM)

Removal of student

Curriculum HOD/Admin follow up (classroom)


May result in a suspension

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Guidelines to managing inappropriate behaviour - safety


behaviour Initial teacher actions may include: Suggested consequences

Physical misconduct/ violence (Major)

Seek assistance

Follow Critical Incident process

Use emergency phone extension 399

Remove audience

Use verbal directions to separate students

May result in a suspension

Playing inappropriate contact sports/ dangerous play (Minor/major)

Rule reminder If continues report to SSO

Serious breaches for school code i.e. weapons, illicit substances (Major)

Referral to SSO or Admin

Ensure referral has been acknowledged i.e. ring SSO, a DP. Request item be handed over – consider safety

May result in suspension/exclusion

Bullying behaviours verbal – including teasing – racial harassment (Major)

Clear statement regarding the unacceptability of actions

Indication made that behaviour will be followed up

Directed to time out/buddy class

Exploration of the problem with the relevant parties

Parent contact


Refer to HOD (Junior/Senior), Year level Dean if wider issues, may involve EASTeam

Access to school support staff

May result in a suspension

Out of bounds (minor)

Rule reminder

1:1 discussion

Refer to SSO if major incident

Uniform infringement (Minor)

Send student to office to change into a school uniform and record on One school

Refer to year level Dean

Dean contacts home and request detention via SSO

Smoking – at school or in uniform (Major)

Report on One School and refer to DP 1st offence – nurse referral, after school detention and contact parents

Repeat offence – may result in suspension.

Suspected drug use (Major) red eyes; unusual behaviour; tired/ sleepy; aggression

Advise SSO or Admin immediately

Member of EAS Team/Admin to remove student from class

SBPO or Admin to contact parents and student sent home

May result in a suspension

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Anti-bullying policy


The Tropical North Learning Academy – Smithfield State High School is committed to taking action to protect students from bullying and to respond reasonably and appropriately when bullying does occur. At this school we believe that all students and staff have the right to:

Learn and work in a positive environment. Feel valued and be treated with respect. Be part of a pleasant, healthy and safe environment.

Definition of Bullying

Bullying is an ongoing misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one or more persons. Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying of any form or for any reason can have long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders. Single incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.

Physical bullying

Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property.

Verbal bullying

Verbal bullying includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse.

Social bullying

Social bullying, sometimes referred to as covert bullying, is often harder to recognise and can be carried out behind the bullied person's back. It is designed to harm someone's social reputation and/or cause humiliation. Social bullying includes:

Lying and spreading rumours

Negative facial or physical gestures, menacing or contemptuous looks

Playing nasty jokes to embarrass and humiliate

Mimicking unkindly

Encouraging others to socially exclude someone

Damaging someone's social reputation or social acceptance.

Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying can be overt or covert bullying behaviours using digital technologies, including hardware such as computers and smartphones, and software such as social media, instant messaging, texts, websites and other online platforms. Cyber bullying can happen at any time. It can be in public or in private and sometimes only known to the target and the person bullying.

Cyber bullying can include:

Abusive or hurtful texts emails or posts, images or videos Deliberately excluding others online Nasty gossip or rumours Imitating others online or using their log-in

School Wide Proactive Approaches to Decrease Bullying

HPE Units PBL Lessons Year level parades Newsletter articles

Slogans/visuals/posters Participation in anti-bullying days Performances/presentations

To assist you, provided below are websites containing advice and resources:



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Electronic devices policy

Mobile electronic devices (phones, iPods etc.)

Students should only use their Mobile Phone and Electronic Listening Devices during allocated times as outlined in the expectations for use.

The policy also applies to students during school excursions, camps and extracurricular activities.

It is important that students display courtesy, consideration and respect for others whenever they are using a mobile phone or electronic listening device.

Mobile phones/electronic listening devices should not be used in any manner or place that is disruptive to the normal routine of a school.

In-phone cameras are not to be used anywhere a normal camera would be considered inappropriate, such as in classrooms, change rooms or toilets.

Appropriate action will be taken against any student who photographs or films other individuals without their consent, who sends harassing or threatening messages/photographs/videos or films any sort of bullying, harassment or fight with their mobile phone or electronic listening device.

Disciplinary action will be taken against any student/s caught using a mobile phones/electronic listening device to cheat in exams or assessments.

Students should ensure that their mobile phones/electronic listening devices are always stored in a safe and secure place.

Mobile phones/electronic listening devices are used at their owners’ risk. No liability will be accepted by the school in the event of the loss, theft or damage of any device unless it can be established that the loss, theft or damage resulted from the Education Department’s negligence.

Expectations for student use of mobile phone and electronic listening devices


For parent/student contact during the day, students with phones can check missed calls/messages at appropriate times as stated above only. For emergency contact, parents should call the school office.

The use of mobile phones, MP3 players, i-Pods and similar electronic devices is disruptive to the learning environment of all students and are therefore not permitted in classes. Students wishing to use these devices in special circumstances should negotiate arrangements with the school Principal.

There are times when it is genuinely appropriate and beneficial for students to have access to a mobile phone. Students may, for example, need to contact parents in emergencies or to confirm or change a collection time after school. However, except in times of genuine emergency, mobile phone use is restricted


Students may use mobile phones and/or electronic listening devices at the following times of the school day:

1. Before school until 8.30 am

Lunch 10.40 am – 11.15 am

Afternoon break 1.15 pm to 1.35 pm

After school 2.30 pm onwards

Non-compliance in the use of any electronic device will lead to the loss of

privilege to have these at school

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2. At all other times (during lessons) these devices must be:

Turned off (not on silent/vibration)

Out of sight (includes earphones/cords)

Kept safely on or near your person

For parent/student contact during the day, students with phones can check missed calls/messages at appropriate times as stated above only. For emergency contact, parents should call the school office.

Computer use policy

Information Technology

All students using the Information Technology at Smithfield State High School will:

respect others’ rights to freedom from harassment and intimidation

use the internet and local area networks for purposes that are legal and generally acceptable for public school students

respect and adhere to the laws concerning copyright and other intellectual property rights

follow security restrictions for all systems and information and not attempt to breach security

use and share computer resources courteously and efficiently

respect the privacy and integrity of electronic documents.

Internet and Email

Rules Governing the Use of the Internet and Email include:

Students will only use the Internet for educational purposes

A student will not intentionally access or show others how to access offensive, obscene, criminal, and defamatory or sites promoting illegal or offensive activities. The student will inform the supervising teacher immediately if an inappropriate site is accidentally found

No student will download any material without the permission of the supervising teacher. Due to their size, music, video, game or program files may only be downloaded with the Computer Co- ordinator’s permission

In general, downloading of text and small picture files are allowed, but the supervising teacher will actively monitor this with the class and discuss appropriate strategies with the students

Students should use email. Any rude, offensive, racist, defamatory or insulting language in an email will be treated in the same way as handwritten material. Departmental filtering of email will notify the Computer Co-ordinator of any offensive content possibly resulting in suspension of privileges. Students will not use email to engage in any illegal activity

Students will respect the privacy of fellow students and teachers when using email and not give out personal details on the Internet

Students should regularly check their school email account

School related communication should only be through your DoE account.

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School uniform policy

Smithfield State High School uniform is endorsed by the School’s P & C. Wearing of the full school uniform is compulsory.

Enforcement of the Uniform Policy

Students who are out of uniform will be required to change into a uniform retained by the school for this purpose before Period 1. The office will retain their original garment/s. The student will be required to return the uniform to the office that same afternoon.

Students out of uniform, who fail to report to the office, will face a consequence for non- compliance with school procedures e.g. detention.

Students who are regularly in breach of the uniform code and unwilling to follow procedures will face consequences for non-compliance.

Students not wearing correct footwear without a medical reason will have their parents contacted to be sent home. Wearing of proper footwear is a health and safety requirement.

Uniforms All uniforms are available for purchase through he tuckshop. Students have a range of uniforms available.

Senior students choosing to wear the formal uniform are required to wear the entire uniform and are not to mix it with other school uniforms, i.e. formal shirt with casual school shorts. Shirts are to be buttoned and worn with the school tie at all times. White socks and black shoes (fully enclosed leather or imitation leather uppers) are also to be worn. In the cooler months, students may wear the school spray jacket only, and plain navy blue slacks or pants [not jeans or denim]. Hats must be worn during outdoor play. Only school hats available from the tuckshop to be worn.


Smithfield SHS has strict guidelines on the type of jewellery allowed to be worn by students. Students are allowed to wear small earrings, discreet necklace/chains, and one simple ring. Visible piercings need to be non-obtrusive and kept to a minimum of two. Large earrings, stretches, chains, stud bracelets, etc. can be dangerous when worn in HPE or near machinery in some subjects, and are therefore not allowed under Workplace Health and Safety guidelines.

Free Dress Day Code

Closed in shoes, NO midriff exposing tops, tops with a reasonable neckline, NO strapless or string shoulder strap tops for girls and sleeved tops for boys.

Skirts and shorts should be of appropriate length for school.

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PBL Lessons

In line with a whole-school approach to positive behaviour for learning, Smithfield has a system for teaching and encouraging expected behaviours in the form of weekly PBL lessons. These lessons are devised by the year level Deans and are both proactive and responsive to our particular context at this school. Their purpose of these lessons is to give staff the opportunity to teach, model and reinforce our expected behaviours and to ensure consistency of messages.

The lessons are accessible each week from the school based PBL folder by teachers only, emailed to CNC teaching staff and advertised through the administration notices on the Share Site. An overview of lessons across each term is also available in the G drive folder for teachers. It is expected that the lessons are delivered to students in the CNC class early in the week and reinforced further in the classroom and subsequent CNC lessons. The lessons take the form of a PowerPoint, which contains information and activities to assist in the delivery of these key messages. Teachers are asked to enrich and contextualise the lesson for their class when they see fit.

It is vital that all CNC teachers deliver the PBL lesson each week to promote consistency of student practice. Successful teachers define, teach, reteach and model the expected behaviours. They provide regular opportunities for students to practice the expected behaviours in the settings in which they will be used and acknowledge students when expected behaviours are demonstrated.

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