PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. V0L- L PORTLAND, ME., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1862. N0. 47. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, JOHN T. OILMAN,, JOSEPH B. HALL, f Ed,tora- Is published at No. 82] EXCHANGE .STREET, in FOX BLOCK, by FOSTER, OILMAN and MALL, Under the firm name of N. A. FOSTER A CO. Terms: The Portland Daily Press is published every morning, (Sundays excepted), at 85,00 per year in ad- vance. Hates of Advertising: Transient Advertisements, 81.00 per square, for three insertions or less; exceeding threo, and not more than one week, 81.26 per square; 75 cents per week after. One square every other day one week, 81.00; 50 cents per week after. Exhibitions, fcc., under bead of Amusements, 82.00 per square per week. .special Notices, 81.50 per square for first week, 81.00 per week after. Business Notices, in reading columns, 12 cents per line for one insertion. No charge less than fifty cents. Leoal Notices at usual rates. Advertisements inserted in the Maine State Press (which has a large circulation in every part of the State) for 38 cents i>er square In addition to the above rates for each insertion. Transient advertisements must be paid for in ad- vance. rr All communications intended for the paper should be directed to the “Editors qf the Press,” aud those of a business character to the Publishers. tyThe Portland Daily and Maine State Press Office, in Fox Block, No. 82] Exchange Street, is open at all hours daring tho day and eve- ning, from 7 o’clock in the morning to 9 in the evening. rr Job Printing of every description executed with dispatch; and all business pertaining to the of- fice or paper promptly transacted on application as above. ~COMMUNlCATTQNa~ lCorre«pondei>cc of tile Press] Commencement at Waterville College. WaterVH.I.E, Aug. 13,18*12. When I closed my communication yester- day morning they were still coming, and kept coining till the remnants of all creation finally arrived. In attempting to be a prophet, to foretell who would win the prizes at the Jun- ior exhibition, on Monday evening, I did not succeed, for the committee awarded the first to John O. Marble, and t he second to Chas. F. The Oration and Poem before the societies last evening were pronounced by all to be ex- cellent productions, and in tine taste. The Oration was peculiarly a scientific article,— plain and intelligible, and brought, by happy illustration, within the comprehension of all. The Poem was indeed a war one, commen- cing with Virgil's familiar line “Arms and the man I sing,” and then showed that the “conn- try was full of arms, and to arms was the cry, but where is the man? It was not McClellan, nor Hunter, nor Burnside, nor lias the Napo- leon yet arisen. The poet had confidence in all the men he named, but attempted to show, in an irunical manner, that the Federal people had no confidence in their Generals any longer than each General is eminently successful; and the first time he fails to come up to their ex- travagant notions,the cry goes forth, "he is not the man." This morning the trustees of the College held their meeting at the College chapel. [We are obliged to abridge.] The procession was formed at the chapel, and marched to the church, where the follow- ing order of exercises took place: 1— Latin Oration; Ozias Whitman, Buck- field. 2— Oration: The Greek and French Revolu- tions; Frank Bodfish, Waterville. 3— English Oration; Seeming and Being;— Albert Quincy Marshall. Hebron. 4— The Brotherhood of Nations; Zcmro Au- gustus Smith, Ilodgdon. 5— Dissertation; The Law of Labor; Wm. Carey Barrows, Litchfield. 6— English Oration; Government and Peo- ple ; George Adam Wilson, Waterville. 7— English Oration; The Sphere of Faith; Isaiah Record, East Livermore. 8— Poem; Of the Class of Oration; The Traitor’s Dream; Alonzo Bunker, Atksinon. 0—Oration; The Poetry ot Mathematics;— Aretus Gustavus Barker, Lovell. 10— English Oration; Influence of Histori- cal Characters; ‘William Amory Stevens, Waterville. 11— English Oration; The Magic of Evil; Frederick Hale, Turner. 12— English Oration; Aristocratic Limita- tions; ‘Whiting Stevens Clark, Sangerville. 13— Oration; Reason and Prejudice; Elias Brookings, Jr., Woolwich. 14— English Oration; The Mississippi; ‘Au- gustus Champlin, Waterville. 15— Oration; Power developed by Emer- gencies; Justin Paysou Moore, Sidney. lfi—English Oration; The Foreign Policy of England. ‘Arch Dorillous Leavitt, Turner. 17— English Oration; The Ideal in Life;— •Wm. Eustis Brooks, Bloomfield. 18— Poem; Of the Class of an English Ora- tiou; The True and the False; John Francis Liscomb, Portland; lb—Oration; The Unity of Mankind; Geo. Langford Hunt, Woburn, Mass. 2t>—English Oration; Sadness in Joy; Ed- ward Wrillslow Hall. Portlanit 21— Dissertation; Edgar A. Poe: *Hoses Campbell Mitchell, Temple. 22— English Oration: Fate and Self; Asa Lyman Lane, Strattanville, Penn. LI—English Oration ; The Relations of Law and Liberty; *Wm. Dyer Ewer, Vassal boro’. 24—English Oration: Sans pour et sans re- procbe; George Alvah Gifford, Vassalboro’. The whole interspersed with suitable music. Those marked with a star (•) excused. The pieces, with two exceptions, were thor- oughly committed, of good composition, and timely selected subjects. No. 8, the Traitor’s Dream, was a poetic vision; the darkest, foul- est, bloodiest plot w hich could he laid before the human mind. The scene was laid in Washington, the actors Davis, Slidell, Mason, Toombs, Floyd, &c„ each carrying on his part with zeal, and having frequent consultaions with the devil; and the object of it all to sac- rifice upon tlie altar of slavery the bleeding lamb of liberty. The degree of A. B. was conferred upon Henry A. Kennedy, of Waldoboro’, in course, and tbe graduating class. Also the degree of A.M. upon Judah T. Pompilly, Simon S. Brown, Henry A. Hart, and Geo. G. Percival. The degree of D. D. was conferred upon Rev. Hezekiah Harvey. Geo. A. Bosworth and Sam- uel A. Collins, and the degree of LL. 1)., upon Gen. Benjamin Franklin Butler. This last an- nouncement brought down a storm of ap- plause which it seemed would never end. This closed the exercises at the churcli and the au- dience, as hungry as Poleypheinus, inarched almost on double quick to town Hall, where a war dinner, as the President called it, was pro- vided by Mr. Williams of the Williams House. The crowd, some 300 strong, made a desper- ate charge with knife ami fork upon the load- ed tables, and they were in a very few miu- ules “horribly cut to pieces.” The President requested the audience not to disperse until alter the second course was served, and called upon Vice Presideut Ham- lin, who was most lustily cheered. His re- marks soon drifted to the popular theme of the day—the rebellion. He thought he could see the silver linings of the sky through the clouds and to him it was the brightest day he had seen for sixteen montlis. He was followed by Gov. Washburn, and in very much the same strain. He said Maine had sent not less than 23,000 to the ar- my and navy beforethe call for the first 300,000, and her quota of the hist two calls would not he less than 17,000,making not less than 40,000 from Maine. Hon. L. M. Morrill was then called out anil he followed the course indicated by his prede- cessors and talked of war. He said we had been fondling with the enemy, and had been fighting much on the principle of a pious wo- man who felt it her duty,to chastise her son for some misdemeanor,but administered cloroforni before she whipped him, lest it would hurt. The Orator of the previous evening, was called out but the lateness of the hour, it being five o'clock, reminded him of short speeches, and he thought It best to adjourn which was done to have a meeting of the alunuii. Col. Plaisted of the 11th Me. ltcgt., and of class of '55 was here, and leaves tomorrow, to rejoin his Regiment, from which he had a fur- lough to recruit his health. Vice President Hamlin subscribed and paid into the College | to-dav. the sum of $1000. i In the evening was the levee, at President ('hamplinsatnd a Concert at the Baptist Church by the Germania Band. The house was crowd ed to its utmost capacity .and the receipts very much lessened the expenses of the graduating class. Outside of Commencement was a horse race, on the Fair grounds, but your correspondent not being a horse,nor interested in horse-flesh, diil not think to attend and has not learned who won the purses. Fuller. Letter trom Harper's Ferry. Clayton Gen. Hospital, 1 Harper's Ferry, Va., > Aug.il, 1802. ) Mr. Editor:—I beg leave to acknowledge, through your press, seventeen boxes of stores, and one hundred and fifty dollars, for the use of sick and wounded in hospital at Harper’s Ferry, Va, from the people of your State.— j These donations were solicited and collected by Mrs. A. A. Goddard, niatron-in-chief of our institution, who manages her department with great ability and satisfaction, and who will see that the free gifts of a good people are properly expended and distributed for the comfort of the suffering patriots in our charge. On the bottom of a tin vessel I saw the sen- tence, You are remembered at home." Tru- ly the recipients of these favors feel that they are remembered, and that their services are appreciated. I can therefore assure you of much gratitude on their part, and of many thanks from the officers of the institution. It becomes me to mention, especially, the lilierality of the people of the towns of Saco, Saccarappa, Alfred, Brunsw ick, Topsham, and Portland. Yours truly, E. A. Dawson. Surgeon in charge General Hospital. Harper's Ferry, Va. [r or the Daily rreM.] The Maine Democrat, and its Treasonable Teachings. Editors Press :—Your suggestions in re- gard to the Maine Democrat, and its secession articles, should be heeded by the proper au- thorities. I have had occasion to observe its l>oisonons influence among tlie honest people of York county. Resistance to the demands of the Government, opposition to the enlist- ment of all Democrata. vilification ofthe Pres- ident and Governor, and treason in other forms | too numerous to mention, are among the fruits of its traitorous teachings. Democrats who come under its influence make no bones of threatening to spill their blood in resisting the authorities. They teach their children that the South are fighting for their rights against the encroachments of tlie “damned Republicans.” They defend the divine right of slavery, and in every way en- deavor to make out tiie Southern cause to be better than our own. Let the Government sec to It. Recruiting Officers. Our correspondent “Aroostook” informs us that tlie following named officers ami enlisted men iiave been detailed by Miyor Gen. Slocum as a a recruiting party for the 7th Maine: 1st Lieut, and Adjt. W. II. Larrabee, 7th Me. 2d Lieut. Elijah D. Johnsou, Co. K, Sergt. Janies McGiniey A, Lemuel C. Small ]i, Charles Lowell C, Elien True D, John X. Pomeroy F, Henry II. Cushman G. George H. linker H, Hiram Church I, Andrew J. Fogg K, They will proceed at once to Maine. All is : quiet. —-.—— Exempts.—By an order just issued from ; the War Department, persons exempted from draft are as follows: All telegraph operators and constructors ac- tually engaged on the fifth day of August, 1802; all engineers of locomotives on railroads, the Vico President of the United States, the officers—judicial and executive—of the Gov- [ ernment of the United States, the member* of both houses of Congress and their respective ! officers; all custom house officers and their clerks; all post officers and stage drivers who j arc employed in tlie care and conveyance of | the mail of the Post Office of the U. States; ail j ferrymen who are employed at any ferry on | poet road: all pilots: all mariners actually em- I ployed in the sea service of any citizen or mer- ; chant'Within tlie United States; all engineers and pilots of registered or licensed steamlmats and steamships, and all* persons exempted by the laws of the respective States from military duty, on sufficient evidence or on ids personal knowledge that said jiersons belong to any of the aforesaid classes, wether the exemption is I claimed by them or not. Exemption will not lie made for disability unless it be of such per- maneiit character as to render the person unfit for service for a period of more than thirty days, to be certified by a surgeon appointed by the Governor in eacli county for this purpose. A NEW COFFINWAREHOUSE. Ill Federal Street, Portland. THE subscriber has opened a Warehouse for COF- FINS and CASKETS. A large assortment con- stantly on hand and manufactured at short notice IN A SUPERIOR STYLE. As he does not intend to vary from his former prices before be came to this city, he will sell them From 15 to 20 Per Cent. Leii Than they have ever been sold in this place. Please call at No. Ill FEDERAL STREET, A few doors east of U. 8. Hotel, and examine, DANIEL CLARKE. Portland. Aug. 1. dflw BOOTS, SHOES^ & RUBBERS. E. SHAW & CO., No. 88 MIDDLE STREET, As usual, keep constantly supplied with fresh Ml and fashionable BOUTS and SHOES, in eve- f ry variety and style for gentlemen’s aud la- ^^^dies wear, and invite all their old cuntomers and the public generally to give them a call whenev- er thev desire to replenish their "understandings.” E. S ft Co. are agents for the Leavitt and Wilcox ft (. ibbs S E WI XG -M ACHIX ES. aug.r>-6md FIRST CLASS Sewing-Maehines. EMPIRE SHUTTLE. POE FAMILIES -AND- Manufacturers. SLOAT ELIPTIC. Every Machine fully Warranted. STOKER Jk CUTLER,General Agent*. ftS <& GO Middle Street, julldtf PORTLAND, Me A i BOOKS & STATIONERY. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS! Manufactured aud for Sale by BAILEY & NOYES, AND 58 EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND. Journals. Ledger®, Invoice, Sales, Memorandum. Cash, Record, Dockets, letters, Masonic aud Church Collectors Books. We make to order every kind of Blank Rook used by Banks, Insurance an<{ Railroad Companies, Ho* tels, Steamboats, Factories aud Countiug Houses. STATIONERY. Letter, note. Cap and Record papers, Envelopes— white and buff. Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Ac.. Ac. Ev- ery article at lowest rates. Wl Buy for Cash and Sell Cheap. BAILEY Sc NOYES, 6G and 68 Exchange Street. Portland, June 28.18G2. dtf 53 EXCHANGE ST. 53 BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY, —AND— PAPERHANGING WAREHOUSE ! Established in 1825* Premium Blank Books on hand and made to order, of every variety of style and finish. From our long experience, we are enabled to offer to the trade and our customers letter bargain* in quality aud prices, than can be found in any other establishment iu the State. Our stock of STATIONERY Is selected with the greatest care from the best For- eign and American Houses, and embraces every arti- cle needed for public offices. Counting Houses and private uses, and at lowest priori. ROOM PAPERS Of every variety, quality and price, embracing all the various styles of gold papers manufactured, to- gether with a Bill stock of Satins, mediums and com- mon papers—the largest stock to bo found in this market, at lowest market prices. School Books of every kind in use at wholesale prices. HALL L. DAVIS, 68 Exchange Street. Portland June 28, 18*3. S. II. COLESWORTHY, Ha* removed hi* stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY, PICTURES, PiciireFrimw, Piper Husks Finn Goo4, ie.,ic, TO No. 92 EXCHANGE STREET, Next door above the British ami American Express Other, where he will accommodate all who may be in want of goods in his line, at very low price*. Book-Binding and Picture-Framing, Done neatly a> usual. GENUINE HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, For sale at the above store by AT. SEAVEY. Physicians and Families supplied with Medicines and books. Case* rehewed ana vials refilled. June 24.1862, eodfira UNION FOREVER! RALLY TO THE FLAG! NEW RECRUIT8 WANTED! Latest I Vo in Headquarters ! -O- GREAT EXCITEMENT AT BTRL.HlGil’S, 163 Middle Street. MILITARY GOODS, Of every description, EOR SALE AT BURLEIGH'S. Summer Olotliiiig- Is selling, regardless of Cost, AT BURLEIGH'S. MILITARY UNIFORMS, For officers, made to order, from the best material, ! with dispatch, and at low prices. CUSTOM WORK, Of every description, made to order and warranted to fit. The largest and best selected stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING*, -AND- Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, -Ever offered in Maine, can be obtained at- BURLEIGH’S, All of which will be sold so as to warrant entire sat- isfaction to the purchaser. OCR STOCK OF CLOTHS AND TRIMMING GOODS Are unlimited in quantity, quality or price, and will be sold very low, at wholesale or retail, for cash. Buyers will do well to look at our stock before pur- chasing el so who re, as it was bought before the great rise on goods. 163 Middle Sti'eet, JOSIAH BURLEIGH. Portland, July 22, 1362. dfim i BUSINESS CARDS. BREED A Tl’KEY, IMFOHTIBg OF Lasting*, Serges, Elastic Oussettings, AND FINDINGS, MANUFACTURERS of BOOTS & SHOES, ALSO, KID AND GOAT STOCK, 50 Union, four doors from Middle Street, c. 11. bused. PORTLAND, ME. j.o.tukky. je30—3md k w JOWLY LYYCII & CO., "Wholesale Grocers, -and- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GRANITE STORES,.... COMMERCIAL STREET, (Opposite liegd of Widyery’s Wligrf.) Portland. Me. JOB* LYKCH^PKLWJ BABKDt, THOg. LYKCH. WILLIAM CAPES, SIGN PAINTER, Half Way Down Willow Street, PORTLAKD, BE. Jnne 23. d3m JOHN R. BROWN A SONS, Sugar Refinery, YORK STREET, PORTLAND, ME. JeOdtf ALBERT W EBB A CO, DEALERS 131- Corn, Flour and Grain, HEAD OF MERItILI/S WHARF, Commercial Street, Portland. Me. je23tf WM. H. II. HATCH, 141 Middle Street. Portland, Me. 0y Manufacturing Jeweler, AND SILVERSMITH. Also, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. Portland. June 23. 1802. tf 2vl arble Work. 1. K. THOMPSON, Is prepared to receive orders for Marble, Free Stone, Soap Stone, Marble Chimney Piece*, Monumental Work and Grindstone*. Corner of Pearl and Federal St*.. J<*23tr PORTLAND, 31E. I. L. WINSLOW, Agent, MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, A\D EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY, Steam Cocks, Valves, Pipes and Connections, Whole- sale or Retail. STEAM AND GAS FITTING, Done in tho lw>.t maiinrr. Work* 6 Union 8t., and 233 ft 23S Fore 8t., jiiUdtr PORTLAND, MK so sr, SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, No. 31 Exchange Street, Portland, He. Order, .ollcited. Ji'30—8m L. J. CROSS, 141 Middle Siren, P.rllnad, Me. Watch-Maker, f" N. H.—All work being promptly and person- ally attended to, is warranted to give thorough satia- faction. je23tf DOLE dr MOODY, GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN AND PRODUCE, No. 5 Galt Block Commercial Street, PORTLAND. 31 k. ANDREW T. DOLE. FRANKLIN C MOODY. June 23. eodtf 3Mew Drug Store! crosmaF* poor, HAVE taken store, Na* 15 Middle Street, (Fox lilock,) and respectfully invite public at- tention to their large and well selected stocK of Drugs, Chemicals, Fancy Goods, &c., And solicit a share of public patronage, trusting that by furnishing the purest chemicals and best stock of drugs the market affords, and a careful attention in the dispensary department, to merit the confidence of the public. CHAS. F. CKOS If AM. Je24tf THOfl. H. POOR. w ii. i, i i u f. pabheb, xfigfeM, UPHOLSTERER X—” Mnaafulurrr »f FURNITURE, Lonnsnt, Bt-dMnids, SPRrxo-EEDs, mattresses, tew-cush- loss, 4■<?., 4rc. 148 Exchange Street, Portland. tST H®»r Mattresses renovated. ! Furniture re- paired aud varnished. Chairs rc-caned in an im- proved manner. Second-hand Furniture bought, sold or exchanged Jul30d6m II. FREEMAN’S OYSTER HOUSE, Corwr of Fore Strert sod Portlud Pier, la (he place where OYSTEliS of the beat ar'’ "erred up at a few momenta’ V / notice, iti every "TYI.K, at any hour in the day or evening. Alao, AI.E, PORTER. CIGAR8, Ac. angT-lnid A. W. BANFIELD, (Successor to P. J. Forristall and Mills & Forristall, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN, FANCY GOODS, Pocket and Table Cutlery, YANKEE NOTIONS, CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELHY, STATIONERY, TOYS, Ac., 28 and 30 Federal and 106 Congress Streets, ADDISON W. BANFIELD. Boston. P. J. Forristall can bo found at the above place. June 23. wly n o m oval. C. ». BROWN, HAS REMOVED TO NEW STORE, No. 3 UNION WHARF, Where he will continue the Flour, Produce and Provision Business, AS HERETOFORE. Portland. July 22, 1*62. 3m BUSINESS CARDS. TWmilELL A ( liuimv Commission merchants, -AND DEALERS IN- FLOUE AKD PB0VI8I0NS, 85 Commercial St., opp. Thomn* Block, PORTLAND, ME. John Q. TwitcheM. jul31d6m J»’« P. Chnmplin. VE.4TOS A IIALE, Commission merchants, SHIP BROKERS, CHANDLERS, AND DEALERS IN 1 ^ Ship and Cabin Stores, MOULTON'S BLOCK, Corner Commercial St. and Long Wh’l, Portland, NIe. JOHN YEA TON, JOSEPH HALE. •••Particular attention paid to procuring Freights, and purchasing ('argots and Charters for vessels. August 2, 1862. d& wtimT L. II. TITCOMB, Apothecary, -AGENT POR- PALMER’S ARTIFICIAL Limits, -ALSO,- Sheet Gutta Percha for Splints, AND CRUTCHES, FOR SALE. SPECIMEN LIMBS MA r BE SEEN AT 373 Congrev* Street, ... Portland. aug4dtf I. D. MERRILL Ac CO., PLUMBERS, No. 27 Union Street, Portland, Me. Water Closets, Urinals, Force and Suction Pumps, Bath Boilers, Wash Hotels, Silrer Plated tf Brass Cocks, of all kinds constantly on hand. t5T" All kinds of fixtures for hot aud cold water act up in the liost manner. All orders in city or country personally attended to I. D. MERRILL. JOHN BOND. S. D. MERRILL. aug4dly a- MI'KI nr*.an m -DEALER IH- Parlor, Oliamber AND ! PLAIN FURNITURE, Importer and Dealer in China, Crockery & Glass Ware, Brituiia Wire, Table (atlerj, ud Plated Ware, And a General Assortment of HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS. rpHE attention of purchasers is invited to the large A and desirable stock of House-keeping Goods now in store, as above, comprising as it does nearly every article usually needed in the Furniture and ( rockery Departments. Being one of the largest stocks in the State, purchasers can find almost any variety of rich, medium aud low-priced goods, suited to their differ- ent wants. Those commencing housekeeping can obtain a com- plete outfit at this establishment, without the trouble and loss of time usually attending a selection of this kind ; and the subscriber u confident that, combining as he does the various branches of house-furnishing business, he can offer goods at price* that will not fail of proviug satisfactory ou examination. 138 and 140 Middlo Street. Portland. June 23,1362. dtf DR. C. H. OSOOOD, SCHGEOX f MECHAXICAL ^Bdentint, Ih. 8 Clapp’s Block, Cuirrtss Street, orr. OLD CITY IIALL,-roRTLAXD, ME. 3mdft woe J. F. RICHARDSON, DESIGNER AND ENGRAVERj NO. 84) MIDDLE STREET, One Door Eaot of Canal Dank. OT Orders bv mail or express promptly executed. aug8eod3m lam w TIKEY’S Hair-Dressing Dooms Are removed to the new building NO. 151 MIDDLE STREET, Opposite his former place, and over E. N. Terry’s new hat store. jult$eod3w WILLIAM A. PEARCE, PLUMBER, -MAKER ON- FORCE PUMPS AND WATER CLOSETS, No. 124 Exchange Street, Tortlakd, Mb. H'arm, Cold anti Shoirrr Baths, H'ash lUarts, Brass anti .S'*/rer Plated Cocks. IjTYERY Description of Water Fixtnre for Dwell- J ing Hounce. Hotels, Tublic Buildings, Ships, kc., arranged and set up in the best manner, aud all or- ders in town or country faithfully executed. AM kiuds of Jobbing promptly attended to. (’onstantly on hand. Lead l’ipes aud Sheet Lead, and Beer l*umps of all kinds. jul)29dlv juin h. rLKRi.^s & t u^ WHOLESALE DEALERS IE Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BRIGS. DYE STI FFS, CLASS WARE, FLUID, KEROSENE OIL, &c., NO Commercial Street, Thomas Block, jnBMAwtr Portland, me. GRANT’S Coffee and Spice Mills, 13 & 15 UNION STREET, PORTLAND, ME. OINSTANTLY on hand, and fot sals, at wholesale market prices. in the crude slftt* or manufactur- ed, every description of COFFEE, SPICES, CREAM TARTAR. SALE RATES. SH'EET HERBS, fc., *<•., Packed in every variety of packages to suit dealers Z3T~ Coffee and Spice* ground for the trade at short notice. All good* warranted as represented. aug4—3meodAw J. GRANT. EST COFFINS —AND— CASKETS, To be found in this city, of every description, finish- cd and trimmed In the ISTeatest Style, -ARE AT- C. II. BLAKE'S, No. 30 UNION 8 T II E K T. And will be sold cheaper than at any other place in the city. ROBES FURNISHED TO ORDER. -C. II. B. also manufactures- SHOW-CASES, DESKS, AX'D DR A WE It-WORK, Of every description, including Taylor’s Self- Supporting Drawer, the beat mnd ever made. CT"* All order* for Kepairing Furniture, Varnish- ing, Upholstering, Chair Seating. Glazing, Ac., promptly attended to. juldltf PRIN TING. RE3IO "V A E ! THE BOOK JOB PRINTING E st ablish.ment FOSTER 8r CUSHINGj Has been removed from the office over Casco Bank, to the office of the DAILY PRESS, CORXER OF MIDDLE AND EXCHANGE STS., FOX BLOCK, Directly over the Magnetic Telegraph Office, Fourth Story, where all varieties of Plain and Fancy Job Work, Will be promptly attended to on the most liberal terms. _ I ENTRANCE ••83] EXCHANGE STREET, Order* left at the counting-room of tho Daily Press and Maine State Pres*, head of drat flight of stairs, will be promptly attended to. tV The office is supplied with M’S FAST PRESSES AND STEAM POWER, And its capacity and fircilities for doing work in good style are equal to any in the City or State. S. A. FOSTER * CO. July 17,1863. dtf THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS STEAM POWER Book and Job Printing Office, No. 82i EXCHANGE STREET, Fox Block, Second Floor, PORTLAND, MAINE. 0 ! The Proprietor, of the Pobtlahd Daily Pan* respectfully invite attention to their facilitiee for exe- cuting, in beautiful .tyle, every deKriptkm of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING! Their Establishment is fhrnished with all the ap- proved modern machinery, and their assortment of Book and Fancy Types, Is adoqaate to do any work demanded in this State. Business Cards of Every Variety, Style and Cost PRINTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. BII>I.-IIEADK RULED AND CUT IN THE NEATEST MANNER. Billet* A Circular* in Every Variety of Type. BANk-fHECKS, NOTES. AM IIILS OF LAMM. TAGS PIERCED WITH HOLES k GLUTEN ED WHEN DESIRED. Policies Printed and Bound ftir Insurance Companies. Deeds, Law Briefs, Equity Cases, And other LAW DOCUMENTS executed with j Die patch. Bronze, Colored, and all other kinds of Printing, Executed in taste to suit the most fastidious. WEDDING AND ADDRESS CARDS Our Stylet are unsurpassed. SHOP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, AND ALL SORTS OF HAND BILLS. Portland, June SB, 1803. daw HOTELS. B ASttOB HOUSE, 1 BANGOR, ME., O. X. SHAW, PROPRIETOR r^rSMt' mo** central House in lire cttv Nearest to Railroads and .Steamboats. IWHORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET _julis—3m *" PREBLE HOUSE, PORTLAND, ME. Bltuated t'aairrss, caraer si Preble Street#. THIS Is the largest Hotel In the State, poa- ss-s-ing all the modern improvements, and I-1 tint cl#., in every appointment. TERMS MODERATE, FOR BOARD BT WEEK OR DAT. CHAS. H. ADAMS, Proprietor. Je23—3m CENTRAL HOUSE, E. O. Mayo, Propriotor. PA3SADUMKEAO, MAINE I >THE subscriber would very reupec t folly aa> [nonnee to his numerous friends, and the [public generally, that daring the temporary _-_(compulsory suspension of his business he as furnished this well-known house anew, and la now better than ever prepares) to wait upon hia cua- tomers, and hopes by strict attention to their want# to merit a continuance of the patronage which he haa hitherto received. E. G MAYO. I’assadumkeag, Jnnc 23,1882. dhwtf BATH HOTEL, By C. M. PLUMMER, j 386, Washington St., Bath. 4-1 •••Term* fl per day. Stable connected with bonne. Bath, Jnne 23,1963. dtf Summer Retreat, SOUTH SIDE OF PEAK’S ISLAND, HENRY M. BRACKETT, Proprietor. Or EX for Genteel Boarder*—three mile* I from Portland—within thirty rod* of tt»e Ocean—with good opportunities for Ashing, sea-bathing and water excursions. A Steam- er runs from 1'ortland dailv. Experienced boatmen in atteudaac. je26*8w SAGADAHOCK HOUSE, Alfred Carr, Proprietor, BATH, MAINE. | THE City of Bath la one of tho beaitbleat localities on the coast of Maine—delightfu- lly situated on the Keuoebee. twelve miles 1— 1 from the sea, and affords one of the Met in. iting retreats from the duet and turmoil of our Tne Sagadahock is one of the Rnest. meet spa- cious, and best appointed Hotels in the State, located within thaec miuntca walk of the Depot, Steam boat Landing, Post Office, Custom House. Ac., being di- rectly in the business centre of the City. Terasa Moderate by tbs Week or Day. Bath, Jane 23. 1*3. dtf DIRIGO EATING N0U8E, No. 7 MILK STREET, PORTLAND, ME. JOHN ROBINSON, Proprietor. Every Delicacy of the Scawa Served np at all hoars. TURTLE SOUP. TUBS DAT AND FRIDAY. BROOK TROUT aasl all kinds of GAME Served to order. PINE APPLE LEMONADE. STRAWBERRY LEMONADE. Frog* Served to Order. -MA V Meals to Regular Boarders at Reduced Kates. Open every Sunday from 8 to 1, and IVom 2 to & o'clock. Je2Sedtf INSURANCE. BATH MLJTUAI, marine Inanrance Company. OFFICE UNDER THE SAGADAHOCK HOUSE, FRONT SI KEET. THE President and I>1 rectors of the Bath Mutual Marine Insurance Company give notice that their Capital Stock amounts to $200,000 ; And that they are prepared to make insurance on tho mutual principle, against marine risks, not exceeding $10,000 ia any One Risk. directors : John ratten, Wm Drummond, O. E. R. ratten Oliver Moees. Sami 1. Robinson, E. K. Herding M. F Gannett, Arthur Sewal), J. p. Morse. J. II. MrLellan, Lewis Hlackmer, IHmd ratten. Jaa. F. l'atteu. S. A. Houghton, J. C. Jameson. E. K. HARDING. President, E. C. HYDE, Secretary. Bath. July 3,1*3. d«m FINE INSURANCE. WARREN hi HARROW, Okee T4 Middle, nr. of Eickaa|s 9t.. PORTLAND, ME.. Agent of the following Firwt Class Insurance Ca’a: National Inanrance Company, Of Boston. Cash Capital and Surplus. 8800,900. Republic Fire Inanrance Company, Of New York. Cesh Capital and Surplus. 3312,000. Relief Fire inanrance Company. Of New York. ..Cash Capital and Surplus. 3250.000. Equitable Fire and Marine las. Co., Of Providence. Pvpvvct CvcnniTv >1.1.1. o..ks '--a. a. al. first c*w a iteration in effecting insurance, » here of- fered to the public, at the trarest rates of premium adopted by sound and responsible companies. Office in “Boyd’s Building,” opposite Tost Office. June 23. dftwtf PORTL A N E> Mutual Fire Iniurance Company. THIS Company continue to insure property ou terms as ferorable as those of any reliable com- paiiy. All policies upon which six premiums bare been paid, are renewed annually free of premium to the policy holder. Those desiring insun^ice will do well to call and ascertain the terms before insuring elsewhere. Oftiee 102 Middle Street. CHARLES HOLDEN. President. Edward Shaw, Secretary. June 23. eodfhn A FEW WORE MEM WANTED! To form a Company to join a Mainx Imiirar, NOW IN THE FIEL D. To be ready and marti-red into tbo United State. Service, within txn days! -An ollbr i. made of- lO Dollars to a IvTan! In addition to the Bounty paid by ttar l ulled Stair., Stair and City, -Making a total Bounty of $160 IN ADVANCE! With a Bounty of $75 at the Close of the War I ltW Acre, of Bounty Land at the cIom of the War! OFFICE 168 FORE STREET, GRANVILLE M. CHASE, I Recruiting WM. M CUSHMAN, I OWcon July 33.1*13. tf

PORTLAND DAILY PRESS.Oration was peculiarly a scientific article,— plain and intelligible, and brought, by happy illustration, within the comprehension of all. The Poem was indeed

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Page 1: PORTLAND DAILY PRESS.Oration was peculiarly a scientific article,— plain and intelligible, and brought, by happy illustration, within the comprehension of all. The Poem was indeed



Is published at No. 82] EXCHANGE .STREET, in FOX BLOCK, by

FOSTER, OILMAN and MALL, Under the firm name of


Terms: The Portland Daily Press is published every

morning, (Sundays excepted), at 85,00 per year in ad- vance.

Hates of Advertising: Transient Advertisements, 81.00 per square,

for three insertions or less; exceeding threo, and not more than one week, 81.26 per square; 75 cents per week after. One square every other day one week, 81.00; 50 cents per week after.

Exhibitions, fcc., under bead of Amusements, 82.00 per square per week.

.special Notices, 81.50 per square for first week, 81.00 per week after.

Business Notices, in reading columns, 12 cents per line for one insertion. No charge less than fifty cents.

Leoal Notices at usual rates. Advertisements inserted in the Maine State

Press (which has a large circulation in every part of the State) for 38 cents i>er square In addition to the above rates for each insertion.

Transient advertisements must be paid for in ad- vance.

rr All communications intended for the paper should be directed to the “Editors qf the Press,” aud those of a business character to the Publishers.

tyThe Portland Daily and Maine State Press Office, in Fox Block, No. 82] Exchange Street, is open at all hours daring tho day and eve-

ning, from 7 o’clock in the morning to 9 in the evening. rr Job Printing of every description executed

with dispatch; and all business pertaining to the of- fice or paper promptly transacted on application as


~COMMUNlCATTQNa~ lCorre«pondei>cc of tile Press]

Commencement at Waterville College. WaterVH.I.E, Aug. 13,18*12.

When I closed my communication yester- day morning they were still coming, and kept coining till the remnants of all creation finally arrived. In attempting to be a prophet, to foretell who would win the prizes at the Jun- ior exhibition, on Monday evening, I did not succeed, for the committee awarded the first to John O. Marble, and t he second to Chas. F.

The Oration and Poem before the societies last evening were pronounced by all to be ex- cellent productions, and in tine taste. The Oration was peculiarly a scientific article,— plain and intelligible, and brought, by happy illustration, within the comprehension of all.

The Poem was indeed a war one, commen- cing with Virgil's familiar line “Arms and the man I sing,” and then showed that the “conn- try was full of arms, and to arms was the cry, but where is the man? It was not McClellan, nor Hunter, nor Burnside, nor lias the Napo- leon yet arisen. The poet had confidence in all the men he named, but attempted to show, in an irunical manner, that the Federal people had no confidence in their Generals any longer than each General is eminently successful; and the first time he fails to come up to their ex-

travagant notions,the cry goes forth, "he is not the man."

This morning the trustees of the College held their meeting at the College chapel.

[We are obliged to abridge.] The procession was formed at the chapel,

and marched to the church, where the follow- ing order of exercises took place:

1— Latin Oration; Ozias Whitman, Buck- field.

2— Oration: The Greek and French Revolu- tions; Frank Bodfish, Waterville.

3— English Oration; Seeming and Being;— Albert Quincy Marshall. Hebron.

4— The Brotherhood of Nations; Zcmro Au- gustus Smith, Ilodgdon.

5— Dissertation; The Law of Labor; Wm. Carey Barrows, Litchfield.

6— English Oration; Government and Peo- ple ; George Adam Wilson, Waterville.

7— English Oration; The Sphere of Faith; Isaiah Record, East Livermore. 8— Poem; Of the Class of Oration; The

Traitor’s Dream; Alonzo Bunker, Atksinon. 0—Oration; The Poetry ot Mathematics;—

Aretus Gustavus Barker, Lovell. 10— English Oration; Influence of Histori-

cal Characters; ‘William Amory Stevens, Waterville.

11— English Oration; The Magic of Evil; Frederick Hale, Turner. 12— English Oration; Aristocratic Limita-

tions; ‘Whiting Stevens Clark, Sangerville. 13— Oration; Reason and Prejudice; Elias

Brookings, Jr., Woolwich. 14— English Oration; The Mississippi; ‘Au-

gustus Champlin, Waterville. 15— Oration; Power developed by Emer-

gencies; Justin Paysou Moore, Sidney. lfi—English Oration; The Foreign Policy

of England. ‘Arch Dorillous Leavitt, Turner. 17— English Oration; The Ideal in Life;—

•Wm. Eustis Brooks, Bloomfield. 18— Poem; Of the Class of an English Ora-

tiou; The True and the False; John Francis Liscomb, Portland;

lb—Oration; The Unity of Mankind; Geo. Langford Hunt, Woburn, Mass.

2t>—English Oration; Sadness in Joy; Ed- ward Wrillslow Hall. Portlanit

21— Dissertation; Edgar A. Poe: *Hoses Campbell Mitchell, Temple.

22— English Oration: Fate and Self; Asa Lyman Lane, Strattanville, Penn.

LI—English Oration ; The Relations of Law and Liberty; *Wm. Dyer Ewer, Vassal boro’.

24—English Oration: Sans pour et sans re-

procbe; George Alvah Gifford, Vassalboro’. The whole interspersed with suitable music. Those marked with a star (•) excused. The pieces, with two exceptions, were thor-

oughly committed, of good composition, and timely selected subjects. No. 8, the Traitor’s Dream, was a poetic vision; the darkest, foul- est, bloodiest plot w hich could he laid before the human mind. The scene was laid in Washington, the actors Davis, Slidell, Mason, Toombs, Floyd, &c„ each carrying on his part with zeal, and having frequent consultaions with the devil; and the object of it all to sac- rifice upon tlie altar of slavery the bleeding lamb of liberty.

The degree of A. B. was conferred upon Henry A. Kennedy, of Waldoboro’, in course, and tbe graduating class. Also the degree of A.M. upon Judah T. Pompilly, Simon S. Brown, Henry A. Hart, and Geo. G. Percival.

The degree of D. D. was conferred upon Rev. Hezekiah Harvey. Geo. A. Bosworth and Sam- uel A. Collins, and the degree of LL. 1)., upon Gen. Benjamin Franklin Butler. This last an- nouncement brought down a storm of ap- plause which it seemed would never end. This closed the exercises at the churcli and the au-

dience, as hungry as Poleypheinus, inarched almost on double quick to town Hall, where a war dinner, as the President called it, was pro- vided by Mr. Williams of the Williams House. The crowd, some 300 strong, made a desper- ate charge with knife ami fork upon the load- ed tables, and they were in a very few miu- ules “horribly cut to pieces.”

The President requested the audience not to disperse until alter the second course was

served, and called upon Vice Presideut Ham- lin, who was most lustily cheered. His re- marks soon drifted to the popular theme of the day—the rebellion.

He thought he could see the silver linings of the sky through the clouds and to him it was the brightest day he had seen for sixteen montlis. He was followed by Gov. Washburn, and in very much the same strain. He said Maine had sent not less than 23,000 to the ar- my and navy beforethe call for the first 300,000, and her quota of the hist two calls would not he less than 17,000,making not less than 40,000 from Maine.

Hon. L. M. Morrill was then called out anil he followed the course indicated by his prede-

cessors and talked of war. He said we had been fondling with the enemy, and had been fighting much on the principle of a pious wo- man who felt it her duty,to chastise her son for some misdemeanor,but administered cloroforni before she whipped him, lest it would hurt.

The Orator of the previous evening, was called out but the lateness of the hour, it being five o'clock, reminded him of short speeches, and he thought It best to adjourn which was done to have a meeting of the alunuii.

Col. Plaisted of the 11th Me. ltcgt., and of class of '55 was here, and leaves tomorrow, to rejoin his Regiment, from which he had a fur- lough to recruit his health. Vice President Hamlin subscribed and paid into the College

| to-dav. the sum of $1000. i In the evening was the levee, at President

('hamplinsatnd a Concert at the Baptist Church by the Germania Band. The house was crowd ed to its utmost capacity .and the receipts very much lessened the expenses of the graduating class.

Outside of Commencement was a horse race, on the Fair grounds, but your correspondent not being a horse,nor interested in horse-flesh, diil not think to attend and has not learned who won the purses. Fuller.

Letter trom Harper's Ferry. Clayton Gen. Hospital, 1

Harper's Ferry, Va., > Aug.il, 1802. )

Mr. Editor:—I beg leave to acknowledge, through your press, seventeen boxes of stores, and one hundred and fifty dollars, for the use of sick and wounded in hospital at Harper’s Ferry, Va, from the people of your State.—

j These donations were solicited and collected by Mrs. A. A. Goddard, niatron-in-chief of our institution, who manages her department with great ability and satisfaction, and who will see that the free gifts of a good people are

properly expended and distributed for the comfort of the suffering patriots in our charge.

On the bottom of a tin vessel I saw the sen-

tence, You are remembered at home." Tru- ly the recipients of these favors feel that they are remembered, and that their services are appreciated. I can therefore assure you of much gratitude on their part, and of many thanks from the officers of the institution.

It becomes me to mention, especially, the lilierality of the people of the towns of Saco, Saccarappa, Alfred, Brunsw ick, Topsham, and Portland. Yours truly,

E. A. Dawson. Surgeon in charge General Hospital.

Harper's Ferry, Va.

[r or the Daily rreM.] The Maine Democrat, and its Treasonable

Teachings. Editors Press :—Your suggestions in re-

gard to the Maine Democrat, and its secession articles, should be heeded by the proper au- thorities. I have had occasion to observe its l>oisonons influence among tlie honest people of York county. Resistance to the demands of the Government, opposition to the enlist- ment of all Democrata. vilification ofthe Pres- ident and Governor, and treason in other forms

| too numerous to mention, are among the fruits of its traitorous teachings.

Democrats who come under its influence make no bones of threatening to spill their blood in resisting the authorities. They teach their children that the South are fighting for their rights against the encroachments of tlie “damned Republicans.” They defend the divine right of slavery, and in every way en- deavor to make out tiie Southern cause to be better than our own. Let the Government sec to It.

Recruiting Officers.

Our correspondent “Aroostook” informs us that tlie following named officers ami enlisted men iiave been detailed by Miyor Gen. Slocum as a a recruiting party for the 7th Maine: 1st Lieut, and Adjt. W. II. Larrabee, 7th Me. 2d Lieut. Elijah D. Johnsou, Co. K, Sergt. Janies McGiniey “ A,

Lemuel C. Small “ ]i, “

Charles Lowell C, Elien True “ D, “

“ John X. Pomeroy “ F, “

Henry II. Cushman G. “

George H. linker H, “

Hiram Church I, Andrew J. Fogg “ K,

They will proceed at once to Maine. All is : quiet.


Exempts.—By an order just issued from ; the War Department, persons exempted from

draft are as follows: All telegraph operators and constructors ac-

tually engaged on the fifth day of August, 1802; all engineers of locomotives on railroads, the Vico President of the United States, the officers—judicial and executive—of the Gov-

[ ernment of the United States, the member* of both houses of Congress and their respective

! officers; all custom house officers and their clerks; all post officers and stage drivers who

j arc employed in tlie care and conveyance of | the mail of the Post Office of the U. States; ail j ferrymen who are employed at any ferry on

| poet road: all pilots: all mariners actually em- I ployed in the sea service of any citizen or mer- ; chant'Within tlie United States; all engineers

and pilots of registered or licensed steamlmats and steamships, and all* persons exempted by the laws of the respective States from military duty, on sufficient evidence or on ids personal knowledge that said jiersons belong to any of the aforesaid classes, wether the exemption is

I claimed by them or not. Exemption will not lie made for disability unless it be of such per- maneiit character as to render the person unfit for service for a period of more than thirty days, to be certified by a surgeon appointed by the Governor in eacli county for this purpose.

A NEW COFFINWAREHOUSE. Ill Federal Street, Portland.

THE subscriber has opened a Warehouse for COF- FINS and CASKETS. A large assortment con-

stantly on hand and manufactured at short notice

IN A SUPERIOR STYLE. As he does not intend to vary from his former

prices before be came to this city, he will sell them

From 15 to 20 Per Cent. Leii Than they have ever been sold in this place. Please call at

No. Ill FEDERAL STREET, A few doors east of U. 8. Hotel, and examine,

DANIEL CLARKE. Portland. Aug. 1. dflw


No. 88 MIDDLE STREET, As usual, keep constantly supplied with fresh

Ml and fashionable BOUTS and SHOES, in eve- f ry variety and style for gentlemen’s aud la-

^^^dies wear, and invite all their old cuntomers and the public generally to give them a call whenev- er thev desire to replenish their "understandings.”

E. S ft Co. are agents for the Leavitt and Wilcox ft (. ibbs S E WI XG -M ACHIX ES. aug.r>-6md


Sewing-Maehines. EMPIRE SHUTTLE.





Every Machine fully Warranted.

STOKER Jk CUTLER,General Agent*. ftS <& GO Middle Street,

julldtf PORTLAND, Me A


Manufactured aud for Sale by


Journals. Ledger®, Invoice, Sales, Memorandum. Cash, Record, Dockets, letters, Masonic

aud Church Collectors Books.

We make to order every kind of Blank Rook used by Banks, Insurance an<{ Railroad Companies, Ho* tels, Steamboats, Factories aud Countiug Houses.


Letter, note. Cap and Record papers, Envelopes— white and buff. Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Ac.. Ac. Ev- ery article at lowest rates. Wl Buy for Cash and Sell Cheap.


6G and 68 Exchange Street. Portland, June 28.18G2. dtf




WAREHOUSE ! Established in 1825*

Premium Blank Books on hand and made to order, of every variety of style and finish. From our long experience, we are enabled to offer to the trade and our customers letter bargain* in quality aud prices, than can be found in any other establishment iu the State. Our stock of


Is selected with the greatest care from the best For- eign and American Houses, and embraces every arti- cle needed for public offices. Counting Houses and private uses, and at lowest priori.


Of every variety, quality and price, embracing all the various styles of gold papers manufactured, to- gether with a Bill stock of Satins, mediums and com-

mon papers—the largest stock to bo found in this market, at lowest market prices. School Books of every kind in use at wholesale prices.

HALL L. DAVIS, 68 Exchange Street.

Portland June 28, 18*3.

S. II. COLESWORTHY, Ha* removed hi* stock of

BOOKS, STATIONERY, PICTURES, PiciireFrimw, Piper Husks Finn Goo4, ie.,ic,

TO No. 92 EXCHANGE STREET, Next door above the British ami American Express Other, where he will accommodate all who may be in want of goods in his line, at very low price*.

Book-Binding and Picture-Framing, Done neatly a> usual.

GENUINE HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, For sale at the above store by

AT. SEAVEY. Physicians and Families supplied with Medicines and books. Case* rehewed ana vials refilled.

June 24.1862, eodfira




Latest I Vo in Headquarters !




163 Middle Street.

MILITARY GOODS, Of every description,


Summer Olotliiiig- Is selling, regardless of Cost,


MILITARY UNIFORMS, For officers, made to order, from the best material,

! with dispatch, and at low prices.

CUSTOM WORK, Of every description, made to order and warranted to fit.

The largest and best selected stock of


Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, -Ever offered in Maine, can be obtained at-

BURLEIGH’S, All of which will be sold so as to warrant entire sat- isfaction to the purchaser.



Are unlimited in quantity, quality or price, and will be sold very low, at wholesale or retail, for cash.

Buyers will do well to look at our stock before pur- chasing el so who re, as it was bought before the great rise on goods.

163 Middle Sti'eet, JOSIAH BURLEIGH.

Portland, July 22, 1362. dfim



Lasting*, Serges, Elastic Oussettings, AND FINDINGS,


50 Union, four doors from Middle Street, c. 11. bused. PORTLAND, ME. j.o.tukky.

je30—3md k w


"Wholesale Grocers, -and-


(Opposite liegd of Widyery’s Wligrf.) Portland. Me.



SIGN PAINTER, Half Way Down Willow Street,

PORTLAKD, BE. Jnne 23. d3m





Corn, Flour and Grain, HEAD OF MERItILI/S WHARF,

Commercial Street, Portland. Me. je23tf

WM. H. II. HATCH, 141 Middle Street. Portland, Me.

0y Manufacturing Jeweler, AND SILVERSMITH.

Also, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. Portland. June 23. 1802. tf

2vl arble Work. 1. K. THOMPSON,

Is prepared to receive orders for

Marble, Free Stone, Soap Stone, Marble Chimney Piece*, Monumental Work and

Grindstone*. Corner of Pearl and Federal St*..

J<*23tr PORTLAND, 31E.



Steam Cocks, Valves, Pipes and Connections, Whole- sale or Retail.

STEAM AND GAS FITTING, Done in tho lw>.t maiinrr.

Work* 6 Union 8t., and 233 ft 23S Fore 8t., jiiUdtr PORTLAND, MK


PAINTER, No. 31 Exchange Street, Portland, He.

Order, .ollcited. Ji'30—8m

L. J. CROSS, 141 Middle Siren, P.rllnad, Me.

Watch-Maker, f" N. H.—All work being promptly and person-

ally attended to, is warranted to give thorough satia- faction. je23tf


Commission Merchants, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN

FLOUR, CORN AND PRODUCE, No. 5 Galt Block Commercial Street,



June 23. eodtf

3Mew Drug Store! crosmaF* poor,

HAVE taken store, Na* 15 Middle Street, (Fox lilock,) and respectfully invite public at-

tention to their large and well selected stocK of

Drugs, Chemicals, Fancy Goods, &c., And solicit a share of public patronage, trusting that by furnishing the purest chemicals and best stock of drugs the market affords, and a careful attention in the dispensary department, to merit the confidence of the public.

CHAS. F. CKOS If AM. Je24tf THOfl. H. POOR.

w ii. i, i i u f. pabheb,

xfigfeM, UPHOLSTERER X—” Mnaafulurrr »f

FURNITURE, Lonnsnt, Bt-dMnids,

SPRrxo-EEDs, mattresses, tew-cush- loss, 4■<?., 4rc.

148 Exchange Street, Portland. tST H®»r Mattresses renovated. ! Furniture re-

paired aud varnished. Chairs rc-caned in an im- proved manner. Second-hand Furniture bought, sold or exchanged Jul30d6m


OYSTER HOUSE, Corwr of Fore Strert sod Portlud Pier,

la (he place where OYSTEliS of the beat ar'’ "erred up at a few momenta’

V / notice, iti every "TYI.K, at any hour in the day or evening.

Alao, AI.E, PORTER. CIGAR8, Ac. angT-lnid

A. W. BANFIELD, (Successor to P. J. Forristall and Mills & Forristall,



FANCY GOODS, Pocket and Table Cutlery,



28 and 30 Federal and 106 Congress Streets, ADDISON W. BANFIELD. Boston.

P. J. Forristall can bo found at the above place. June 23. wly

n o m oval.


NEW STORE, No. 3 UNION WHARF, Where he will continue the

Flour, Produce and Provision Business, AS HERETOFORE.

Portland. July 22, 1*62. 3m


Commission merchants, -AND DEALERS IN-

FLOUE AKD PB0VI8I0NS, 85 Commercial St., opp. Thomn* Block,

PORTLAND, ME. John Q. TwitcheM. jul31d6m J»’« P. Chnmplin.

VE.4TOS A IIALE, Commission merchants,


1 ^ Ship and Cabin Stores, MOULTON'S BLOCK,

Corner Commercial St. and Long Wh’l, Portland, NIe.


•••Particular attention paid to procuring Freights, and purchasing ('argots and Charters for vessels. August 2, 1862. d& wtimT


Apothecary, -AGENT POR-



Sheet Gutta Percha for Splints, AND CRUTCHES, FOR SALE.


373 Congrev* Street, ... Portland. aug4dtf


PLUMBERS, No. 27 Union Street, Portland, Me.

Water Closets, Urinals, Force and Suction Pumps, Bath Boilers, Wash Hotels, Silrer Plated tf Brass

Cocks, of all kinds constantly on hand. t5T" All kinds of fixtures for hot aud cold water

act up in the liost manner. All orders in city or country personally attended to


a- • MI'KI • nr*.an m


Parlor, Oliamber — AND —


Importer and Dealer in

China, Crockery & Glass Ware, Brituiia Wire, Table (atlerj, ud Plated Ware,

And a General Assortment of

HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS. rpHE attention of purchasers is invited to the large A and desirable stock of House-keeping Goods now in store, as above, comprising as it does nearly every article usually needed in the Furniture and ( rockery Departments. Being one of the largest stocks in the State, purchasers can find almost any variety of rich, medium aud low-priced goods, suited to their differ- ent wants.

Those commencing housekeeping can obtain a com- plete outfit at this establishment, without the trouble and loss of time usually attending a selection of this kind ; and the subscriber u confident that, combining as he does the various branches of house-furnishing business, he can offer goods at price* that will not fail of proviug satisfactory ou examination.

138 and 140 Middlo Street. Portland. June 23,1362. dtf


^Bdentint, Ih. 8 Clapp’s Block, Cuirrtss Street,

orr. OLD CITY IIALL,-roRTLAXD, ME. 3mdft woe




One Door Eaot of Canal Dank.

OT Orders bv mail or express promptly executed. aug8eod3m lam w


Hair-Dressing Dooms Are removed to the new building

NO. 151 MIDDLE STREET, Opposite his former place, and over E. N. Terry’s new hat store. jult$eod3w



FORCE PUMPS AND WATER CLOSETS, No. 124 Exchange Street, Tortlakd, Mb.

H'arm, Cold anti Shoirrr Baths, H'ash lUarts, Brass anti .S'*/rer Plated Cocks.

IjTYERY Description of Water Fixtnre for Dwell- J ing Hounce. Hotels, Tublic Buildings, Ships, kc.,

arranged and set up in the best manner, aud all or- ders in town or country faithfully executed. AM kiuds of Jobbing promptly attended to.

(’onstantly on hand. Lead l’ipes aud Sheet Lead, and Beer l*umps of all kinds. jul)29dlv

juin h. rLKRi.^s & t u^ WHOLESALE DEALERS IE

Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BRIGS. DYE STI FFS, CLASS WARE,

FLUID, KEROSENE OIL, &c., NO Commercial Street, Thomas Block,

jnBMAwtr Portland, me.

GRANT’S Coffee and Spice Mills,


OINSTANTLY on hand, and fot sals, at wholesale market prices. in the crude slftt* or manufactur-

ed, every description of



SH'EET HERBS, fc., *<•., Packed in every variety of packages to suit dealers

Z3T~ Coffee and Spice* ground for the trade at short notice.

All good* warranted as represented. aug4—3meodAw J. GRANT.



CASKETS, To be found in this city, of every description, finish-

cd and trimmed

In the ISTeatest Style, -ARE AT-

C. II. BLAKE'S, No. 30 UNION 8 T II E K T.

And will be sold cheaper than at any other place in the city.

ROBES FURNISHED TO ORDER. -C. II. B. also manufactures-

SHOW-CASES, DESKS, AX'D DR A WE It-WORK, Of every description, including Taylor’s Self- Supporting Drawer, the beat mnd ever made.

CT"* All order* for Kepairing Furniture, Varnish- ing, Upholstering, Chair Seating. Glazing, Ac., promptly attended to. juldltf


RE3IO "V A E !



E st ablish.ment


Has been removed from the office over Casco Bank, to the office of the



Directly over the Magnetic Telegraph Office, Fourth Story, where all varieties of

Plain and Fancy Job Work, Will be promptly attended to on the most liberal terms.



Order* left at the counting-room of tho Daily Press and Maine State Pres*, head of drat flight of stairs, will be promptly attended to.

tV The office is supplied with M’S

FAST PRESSES AND STEAM POWER, And its capacity and fircilities for doing work in good style are equal to any in the City or State.

S. A. FOSTER * CO. July 17,1863. dtf



Book and Job Printing Office, No. 82i EXCHANGE STREET,

Fox Block, Second Floor,


! The Proprietor, of the Pobtlahd Daily Pan*

respectfully invite attention to their facilitiee for exe-

cuting, in beautiful .tyle, every deKriptkm of


Their Establishment is fhrnished with all the ap- proved modern machinery, and their assortment of

Book and Fancy Types, Is adoqaate to do any work demanded in this State.

Business Cards of Every Variety, Style and Cost




Billet* A Circular* in Every Variety of Type.



Policies Printed and Bound ftir Insurance Companies.

Deeds, Law Briefs, Equity Cases,

And other LAW DOCUMENTS executed with j Die patch.

Bronze, Colored, and all other kinds of

Printing, Executed in taste to suit the most fastidious.


Our Stylet are unsurpassed.



Portland, June SB, 1803. daw




r^rSMt' mo** central House in lire cttv Nearest to Railroads and .Steamboats. IWHORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET

_julis—3m *"


Bltuated t'aairrss, caraer si Preble Street#.

THIS Is the largest Hotel In the State, poa- ss-s-ing all the modern improvements, and I-1 tint cl#., in every appointment. TERMS MODERATE, FOR BOARD BT WEEK

OR DAT. CHAS. H. ADAMS, Proprietor. Je23—3m

CENTRAL HOUSE, E. O. Mayo, Propriotor.


I >THE subscriber would very reupec t folly aa> [nonnee to his numerous friends, and the [public generally, that daring the temporary _-_(compulsory suspension of his business he

as furnished this well-known house anew, and la now better than ever prepares) to wait upon hia cua- tomers, and hopes by strict attention to their want# to merit a continuance of the patronage which he haa hitherto received. E. G MAYO.

I’assadumkeag, Jnnc 23,1882. dhwtf


j 386, Washington St., Bath.

4-1 •••Term* fl per day. Stable connected with bonne.

Bath, Jnne 23,1963. dtf


HENRY M. BRACKETT, Proprietor. Or EX for Genteel Boarder*—three mile*

I from Portland—within thirty rod* of tt»e Ocean—with good opportunities for Ashing, sea-bathing and water excursions. A Steam- er runs from 1'ortland dailv. Experienced boatmen in atteudaac. je26*8w

SAGADAHOCK HOUSE, Alfred Carr, Proprietor,


| THE City of Bath la one of tho beaitbleat localities on the coast of Maine—delightfu- lly situated on the Keuoebee. twelve miles

1— 1 from the sea, and affords one of the Met in. iting retreats from the duet and turmoil of our

Tne Sagadahock is one of the Rnest. meet spa- cious, and best appointed Hotels in the State, located within thaec miuntca walk of the Depot, Steam boat Landing, Post Office, Custom House. Ac., being di- rectly in the business centre of the City. Terasa Moderate by tbs Week or Day. Bath, Jane 23. 1*3. dtf


JOHN ROBINSON, Proprietor.

Every Delicacy of the Scawa Served np at all hoars.


Served to order. PINE APPLE LEMONADE.


Frog* Served to Order. -MA V Meals to Regular Boarders at Reduced Kates.

Open every Sunday from 8 to 1, and IVom 2 to & o'clock. Je2Sedtf




THE President and I>1 rectors of the Bath Mutual Marine Insurance Company give notice that their

Capital Stock amounts to

$200,000 ; And that they are prepared to make insurance on tho mutual principle, against marine risks, not exceeding

$10,000 ia any One Risk. directors :

John ratten, Wm Drummond, O. E. R. ratten Oliver Moees. Sami 1. Robinson, E. K. Herding M. F Gannett, Arthur Sewal), J. p. Morse. J. II. MrLellan, Lewis Hlackmer, IHmd ratten. Jaa. F. l'atteu. S. A. Houghton, J. C. Jameson.

E. K. HARDING. President, E. C. HYDE, Secretary. Bath. July 3,1*3. d«m


WARREN hi HARROW, Okee T4 Middle, nr. of Eickaa|s 9t..

PORTLAND, ME.. Agent of the following Firwt Class Insurance Ca’a:

National Inanrance Company, Of Boston. Cash Capital and Surplus. 8800,900.

Republic Fire Inanrance Company, Of New York. Cesh Capital and Surplus. 3312,000.

Relief Fire inanrance Company. Of New York. ..Cash Capital and Surplus. 3250.000.

Equitable Fire and Marine las. Co., Of Providence.

Pvpvvct CvcnniTv >1.1.1. o..ks '--a. a. al.

first c*w a iteration in effecting insurance, » here of- fered to the public, at the trarest rates of premium adopted by sound and responsible companies.

Office in “Boyd’s Building,” opposite Tost Office.

June 23. dftwtf

PORTL A N E> Mutual Fire Iniurance Company.

THIS Company continue to insure property ou terms as ferorable as those of any reliable com-

paiiy. All policies upon which six premiums bare been

paid, are renewed annually free of premium to the policy holder.

Those desiring insun^ice will do well to call and ascertain the terms before insuring elsewhere.

Oftiee 102 Middle Street. CHARLES HOLDEN. President.

Edward Shaw, Secretary. June 23. eodfhn


WANTED! To form a Company to join a Mainx


NOW IN THE FIEL D. To be ready and marti-red into tbo United State.

Service, within txn days!

-An ollbr i. made of-

lO Dollars to a IvTan! In addition to the

Bounty paid by ttar l ulled Stair., Stair and City,

-Making a total Bounty of —

$160 IN ADVANCE! With a Bounty of

$75 at the Close of the War I ltW Acre, of Bounty Land at the cIom of the War!


July 33.1*13. tf