Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)

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  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)



    Jacob Reed


    PO BOX 31732

    Mesa, Arizona 85275




    [email protected]


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


    contentsLogo 4-5Business Card 6-7

    Brochure 8-9

    Event Ad 10-11

    Montage  12-13

    Letterhead 14-15

    Webpage  16-17

    Photodesign  18-19

    Flier 20-21

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


    logoDescription:A logo created for a ctional organization.


    February 13 2016

    Course / Instructor:

    COMM 130 Section 14Jason Stucki

    Programs/Tools Used:

    Adobe Illustrator


    • Create three completely dierent, original logos.

    • Use research to gather opinions about which logo appeals most to them.

    • Use only the Illustrator tools to create and draw your logos.

    • Rene one logo with variations for color


    I started this project by brainstorming the name of my ctional organization. I knewthat selecting something that was familiar and known by others would make my

    life easier. I decided to go forward with “STRWBRRY Corp.” because strawberries

    have a natural complementary color scheme. Once I got the name down, I started

    sketching logo ideas based o of strawberries. After creating a few, I selected the

    best ones that t within the guidelines for our assignment and asked others for their

    opinions on which was the best. After researching what was the best option to move

    forward with, I selected this geometric strawberry design and rened it based o of

    feedback. I used only the pen tool and a lot of time selecting colors and moving lines

    in order to get everything looking the way I wanted. Font selection was as simple as

    trying out dierent fonts until I found the ones that looked the best with the overall

    look and feel of the logo.

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)



    Business card designed using a personally created logo.


    February 26 2016

    Course / Instructor:

    COMM 130 Section 14

    Jason Stucki

    Programs/Tools Used:

    Adobe Illustrator & InDesign


    • Create a new logo using only Illustrator & InDesign.

    • Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for business stationery.

    • Keep designs simple and include appropriate contact information.

    Process:I created a logo based o of something that I really nd incredible – rice terraces. I

    wanted to stretch myself and create something interesting but also extremely

    simple, like the inspiration designs I found for the activity earlier in the week. I

    sketched several terrace based designs on a piece of scrap paper and decided to

    move forward with a simple series of lines. I knew that Illustrator has an “oset path”

    tool that would help me, so I opened a 5″x5″ art board in Illustrator and began to

    create my initial “T”. Afterwards, I used the oset path tool a few times until I had the

    desired amount of repeating “T”s.

    Now that I had my logo, I explored ways to create unity between my stationary and

    business cards. I decided on a using a simple 2 line border. Now that I had my logo

    and I border, I kept the front of the business card (2″x3.5″) simple and moved on to

    the back of the card. I once again chose a very simple design that was inspired by theactivity earlier this week – keeping the logo on one side and the contact information

    on the other (asymmetrical balance). I decided to use an accent color on my logo

    and one of the sections of the contact information to keep my design interesting yet

    simple. I chose a very cool teal color to not distract from the other information and

    appear inviting.

    business card

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)



    A two sided (duplex) folding brochure using a personally created logo.


    March 26 2016

    Course / Instructor:

    COMM 130 Section 14Jason Stucki

    Programs/Tools Used:

    Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop


    • Create a new, original logo to use in a brochure.

    • Set up and align a two-sided, folded document.

    • Incorporate quality images (at least four) and clip at least one using Photoshop.

    • Trim for a full bleed and print in duplex color.


    After setting up my Adobe InDesign document with the appropriate grid lines for an“oset brochure” design, I moved into Adobe Illustrator to begin creating my logo. I

    decided to go with a simple, Google material-esque design with a

    complementary color scheme (I used only the shape and pen tools in the creation

    of my logo). I selected blue and orange and then moved forward lling in the gaps in

    my InDesign document. Referencing some of Google’s material design principles, I

    created a layout of elements that would lead my audience carefully through my

    brochure and help them nd the information they wanted. After getting the layout

    nalized, I selected images to help make the brochure more appealing and

    eye-catching. I found images through simple searches using Google Images. I

    placed the images directly into my layout and then contemplated ways that I could

    create a cutout of one of the images. Instead of using one of the ones I found online,

    I decided to create an image by stacking a few dierent album cover arts on top of

    one another (I utilized the quick selection tool and the rene mask option to

    accomplish this look). Afterwards, I used the text wrap option in InDesign to help

    form the text around this new image.


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


    event adDescription:Full color, full-bleed event ad to promote a benet event using only Microsoft Word

    and a scanner.


    January 29 2016

    Course / Instructor:COMM 130 Section 14

    Jason Stucki

    Programs/Tools Used:

    Microsoft Word, digital scanner


    • Find, scan and import a high-quality image

    • Create a full-bleed design.

    • Choose a color scheme and typeface(s) that work for the message and


    Process:First, I searched through various magazines for an appropriate image to utilize for

    this project. As I searched, I took note of good designs and gained inspiration.

    Afterwards, I selected what I believed to be an image that gave me the exibility to

    create an advertisement for a benet event. I scanned the image of a full grocery

    basket and placed it in Microsoft Word. Once I had my base image set, I

    brainstormed and played with various layouts and designs. I ended up selecting a

    design that emphasized the basket and utilized primary colors (and played those o

    of Arizona’s state ag / logo). Microsoft Word ended up providing all the tools

    necessary to complete my design and keep it looking professional.

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)



    Donate to the A Z Food Bank.

    For more information, visit: www.azfooddrive.gov 

    Feb 1 – Mar 31  

    W a n t t o h el p a f a m i l y i n n eed ?  

    V i si t a n y p a r t i ci p a t i n g F r y ’ s o r S a f ew a y l o ca t i o n s.  

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


     montage Description:An inspirational montage made by the blending of two or more images, and the use

    of tasteful typography.


    February 13 2016

    Course / Instructor:COMM 130 Section 14

    Jason Stucki

    Programs/Tools Used:

    Adobe Photoshop


    • Unify a layout with a consistent theme and spiritual message.

    • Blend two or more images together using masks in Photoshop.


    I created a canvas measuring 8.5″ x 11″ and placed my image within the canvas. (Part

    of the image had to be left out, unfortunately, due to the width of my original image)I brought in both the picture of the scriptures and the temple (which I cut with a

    feather so there were no ugly borders) and then applied a layer mask to the top

    background layer. With black paint and a 30% opacity, soft-edged brush, I slowly

    revealed the images of the scriptures and the temple. This was accomplished

    through the wonders of layer masking. After I had my desired look, I applied an

    additional value of 90% opacity on both the layer with the scriptures and the layer

    with the temple, just to ensure that there were no areas with no blend. I then

    duplicated my top background layer and placed it just beneath the top background

    layer. I applied a Gaussian blur with a 10 pixel radius. I then strategically cut out

    specic areas from the top background layer so the background would not appear

    so harsh where my quote and images were. Finally, I added some type with two

    contrasting fonts (and one just for the accent word “beauty”) and applied a drop

    shadow to help them stand out from the background. I changed the kerning of my

    sans serif text to 25 so it wouldn’t appear so tight and muddled.

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


    LETTERHEADDescription:Matching letterhead designed using a personally created logo.


    February 26 2016

    Course / Instructor:

    COMM 130 Section 14Jason Stucki

    Programs/Tools Used:

    Adobe Illustrator & InDesign


    • Create a new logo using only Illustrator & InDesign.

    • Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for business stationery.

    • Keep designs simple and include appropriate contact information.


    After nishing my business cards, I moved back to the stationary page. The 8.5″ x

    11” page used the same border and assets as the business cards (2 line border andexact contact information). To populate the top of the stationary. I ultimately decided

    to include the logo as a watermark because it really didn’t look right anywhere else,

    haha. I placed the logo in the center of the stationary and set a 15% opacity. I made

    sure that all of the items on both my business cards and my stationary had

    appropriate space from the edges.

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


    web designDescription:A web page designed to showcase a personally created logo.


    March 11 2016

    Course / Instructor:

    COMM 130 Section 14Jason Stucki

    Programs/Tools Used:

    Notepad++ & Photoshop CC 2015


    • Optimize an orignal logo for web page use.

    • Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals

    to your target audience.

    • Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and CSS.

    • Identify and use hex colors in Photoshop.

    Process:Using only Notepad++, I created a web page. I have prior experience using HTML/

    CSS, so this wasn’t anything new to me. With that being said, I did try and do a few

    things to set mine apart from others in the class. I was provided with a pre-made CSS

    sheet and the remains of an HTML page from an earlier activity. I made changes to

    these two les based on the project requirements. First and foremost, I imported my

    STRWBRRY Corp. logo into Photoshop and used the eyedropper tool to select the

    colors I wanted for the background, header section and font. Afterwards, I adjusted

    the size of the logo so that it would t the size of my webpage. In the CSS sheet, I

    changed the dierent font families, colors for each section and font, and then added

    in a footer to reect the header. These changes were pretty simple but allowed me to

    make the webpage look more unied. Finally, I made small changes in the CSS sheet

    like adding in a discrete drop shadow, border radius, and font size elements. After my

    page was complete, I ran both the HTML and the CSS les through online validator

    tools to ensure that there weren’t any redundancies or issues in my code.

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


    photodesignDescription:Demonstrate good photography and image editing skills. Select a

    color scheme and incorporate it into a poster layout with my own

    original image.


    February 6 2016

    Course / Instructor:

    COMM 130 Section 14

    Jason Stucki

    Programs/Tools Used:

    Notepad++ & Photoshop CC 2015


    • Select a color scheme and take a photo to match said color scheme.

    • Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance and use sharpen tool.

    • Use layers to design text and repeating graphic elements in Photoshop.

    Process:First things rst, I considered the locations that I was able to take photographs at. I

    brought a color wheel with me and went to a local preserve that has animals, desert

    wildlife, and art installments. Keeping possible color schemes in mind, I searched for

    good compositions. I found a concrete snake art installment with bright colors and

    decided to frame a few shots with my wife’s Canon Rebel T5. After getting

    photographs I believe went along with a powerful color scheme, I returned home and

    imported a few into Photoshop. After tinkering with a few possibilities, I decided to

    move forward with this blue, yellow and red triadic scheme. Using editing

    techniques that include: levels, sharpness, vibrance, selective coloring and some

    cloning (to clean up some areas that were distracting). I resized my photo so that it

    would t within a 8.5″x11″ layout, used the dropper tool to select my color swatches,

    and began designing my layout as a whole. I ultimately decided to play o of the

    theme of shadows, so I created repeating elements using drop shadows, inner

    shadows, 30 degree angles, bold lines. I used the shapes tool to create rectangles

    for the swatches at the bottom and then looked up a tutorial on YouTube on how to

    create a banner using only the shapes tool (rectangles) and the polygonal lasso tool.

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)


    flier Description:Black & white promotional ier for a graduate leadership conference.


    January 23 2016

    Course / Instructor:

    COMM 130 Section 14Jason Stucki

    Programs/Tools Used:

    Adobe InDesign


    • Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic ier layout.

    • Apply design principles and use appropriate typography.

    • Use only selected images and logos.


    First, I sketched four dierent ier designs. Afterwards, I selected what I believed

    to be the most successful design and began to create it using Adobe InDesign. Notonly did I follow my sketch, but I continued to improve the design by rearranging

    certain objects, utilizing a variety of dierent fonts, etc. I wanted to ensure that I had

    the best possible design using all that I have learned up until this point. The nal

    result is a ier that utilizes a variety of design principles such as appeal typography,

    alignment, white space, contrast, visual hierarchy, etc. All assets used for this ier

    were provided – the design is my own.

  • 8/18/2019 Portfolio Project - Jacob Reed (COMM 130)




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    During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees

    will meet with top executives of Vouant

    Communications to discuss breakthrough

    leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes

    of leadership that will market to any employer.

    Conference is available to graduating seniors.

    Space is limited.

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