Maria Cristina Alvarez, copywriter, 32 years old Since 2002, besides my work as proofreader, I started to work as a copywriter, doing direct- mailing, take-ones, institutional and promotional material as free-lancer. From 2006 on, I inverted roles, acting mainly as copywriter and free-lancer proofreader. Throughout my professional career, I have worked in (and with) several publicity agencies, of design, events and promotional, of marketing relations and incentives. As copywriter I worked for Keenwork, a design agency, and Touché Advertisement, GD&A Events and Promotion and Dabster Communication. As proofreader, I have been in agencies as Guimarães Professionals, Pátria Publicity, Full Jazz Advertisement, Lowe, Fischer, Neogama, Dezing com Z, besides working for clients as Natura and BSH - Bosch Continental. In the last year, besides copywriting, I started doing Creative and Strategic Planning, enhancing even more my background.

Portfolio Cris Alvarez

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This is a small but wide broad sample of my work as a copywriter.

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Page 1: Portfolio Cris Alvarez

Maria Cristina Alvarez, copywriter, 32 years old

Since 2002, besides my work as proofreader, I started to work as a copywriter, doing direct-mailing, take-ones, institutional and promotional material as free-lancer. From 2006 on, I inverted roles, acting mainly as copywriter and free-lancer proofreader.

Throughout my professional career, I have worked in (and with) several publicity agencies, of design, events and promotional, of marketing relations and incentives. As copywriter I worked for Keenwork, a design agency, and Touché Advertisement, GD&A Events and Promotion and Dabster Communication.

As proofreader, I have been in agencies as Guimarães Professionals, Pátria Publicity, Full Jazz Advertisement, Lowe, Fischer, Neogama, Dezing com Z, besides working for clients as Natura and BSH - Bosch Continental.

In the last year, besides copywriting, I started doing Creative and Strategic Planning, enhancing even more my background.

Page 2: Portfolio Cris Alvarez

From the Starting Point to the Contact Point

The time in which writing a smart headline was guaranteed success has gone. Nowadays, the con-sumer is tuned, knows deeply his own desires and mainly his power over the market.

Much more than the headline, the idea must be intelligent. It is necessary to involve the consumer since the beginning, treat him with high standards, respecting his intelligence, spot him, creating unique moments for him.

This concept applies to all the contact points of a brand with your stakeholders - employees, stock-holders, consumers, opinion makers, suppliers. It is necessary to turn the brand, product or event - in a nutshell, all the manifestations related to the brand and its target market - huge, unforgettable, memo-rable, generating a strong link and indissoluble between the parts.From point to point, from end to end.

A example of this is what you’ll see on the next pages.

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Coral Paints: Institutional Material

Creation of a colour’s catalog to help the consumers choosing colours to paint a room.

In a didactic and concise way, the catalogs cover a range of possibilities of colours usage to paint diverse rooms and the variety of colour’s mixes. The customers were able to see real pictures of different colours in different rooms, stimulating its senses and creativity to paint their own houses.

In the example below: “to feel like the king of your home, choose the nobel violet”.

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Perdigão: POS material for consumer promotion

“From the heart of Germany to the heart of Brazil”. A sign put on supermarket shelves to the launch of

Perdigão Premium (Gold) Sausages. Exploring the fact that German sausages are very traditional in Brazil, and now it would be in the

heart of Brazilians as well.

“Promotion: fun starts with pizza”. The campaign gave entertainment items, such as video games, home theatres, sound-systems, relating Perdigão pizza with fun moments in life.

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Bristol: Consumer Promotion and POS Material

Together with the launch of the new Dermodex Prevent pack-age material, there were created some collectable giveaways.

With the purpose of narrowing the relationship between mon and baby during bath time, there were created two characters (finger puppets) and two story books that served as scenario for the mother to tell the story.

“Promotion: stories for the mom to tell”

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Hospital Samaritano

Publicity for the launch of the new brand of Samari-tano Hospital and its birthday.

“On January, 25th, our new flame will light up 566 candles - Sao Paulo, 453 years. Samaritano Hospital, 113 years.”

“On January, 25th, our new flame will light up 566 candles - Sao Paulo, 453 years. Samaritano Hospital, 113 years.”

“Our new brand is the flame that lights up our future and sustains our past. It is the human warm in harmony with technology. It is modernity with tradition. It is our renewed mission: the objective is the human being.”

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Itau Bank: Convention for Managers Training

Taking advantage of the Olympic motto and the important role of the coach in a team, it was created the theme: “And, what’s your tactics?”

It was put a picture of the volleyball three times world champion coach Bernardinho, for the managers to feel the importance of their roles, leading a team.

“Are you good setting tactics?”

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FIC Itaú Financing: Sales Convention 2009

Young audience, extremely tuned on television, mainly in Globo channel. To cover this, tailor-made programs, treating them as real Globo TV stars!

FIC in Portuguese has the same sound of the word “stay” in English. So we played with the name and sound, creating phrases to this campaign.

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Itaú Bank - Taii Financing: Internal Incentive Campaign

Taii awarded the best sales employees with thematic trips, including partying, night-outs and a lot of fun.

The idea was to make a very creative material to the awarded employees, creating an unforgettable event and increasing passion for the company that was recognising their efforts. The main slogan was “on the party road”.

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Itaú Bank - Taii Financing: Consumer Promotion

Every year Taii Financing makes a consumer promotion, which giveaways were always money, cars or trips. How to be different and attract the customers to the stores?

The answer is: giving the financing clients a way for them to make money, so they will not have borrow money!

The campaign was an outrageous success.

“Promotion: Taii starts your own business - a chance to win a brand new car equipped to sell hot dogs”.

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Pão de Açúcar - Supermarket

Giveaways – Material for the launch of the first green store of Pão de Açúcar in Indaituba. One of slogans of Pão de Açúcar store is “What makes you happy?” and the slogan of the campaign is “Taking care of the future, makes me happy”.

One of the giveaways was a mug with the phrases: “Be the change you want to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi; “Instead of a plastic glass, use a mug to drink”; “You avoid dozens of plastic cups to be thrown on the trash”.

Another giveaway was some seeds, with the message: “Get to know the first sustainable supermarket in Brazil, You’ll find out that taking care of the planet starts with small actions, like planting these seeds.”

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Electrolux : Sales Convention 2008

In 2007, Electrolux sales team exceeded all companies’ targets. The challenge for 2008 was to stimulate them to be even better.

The event had excellent repercussion.

Inspired on the Guinness Book, it was created a book called Guinness Electrolux Records 2008 - Beyond Limits.

“Overcome challenges, break records, beat targets, go beyond, always”

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Hanes Brand - Zorba (male underwear)

Consumer Promotion

Promotion created to Valentine’s Day. The consumer could choose between a stuffed bird with a small board to write whatever she wants and a kit with erotic dice to warm up the couple moments - “throw the routine away”.

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Get Net: Sales Convention

A big launch, a product that will be revolutionary to the market in which it is inserted, the need to involve the sales team by body and soul in this great moment!

“Get in - it’s time for revolution”

“Get Net is preparing a revolution... and we need your help in this new stage”

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Arcor: Sales Convention and Product Launch

The concept was inspired in the name of the new product (Minuto = Minute). What can you do with a minute and how present it is in one’s life. For just about everything people want to postpone they say “wait a minute”; “hold on a minute, please”; “just a minute”. It’s that presence of the minute in everyday’s life that got me inspired to present that concept.

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Campari: Campaign at Sao Paulo Fashion Week (SPFW)

Campari, official sponsor of SPFW, requested the creation of a giveaway to be distributed during the event. It was created a fan of drink recipes, inspired in fashion, with texture, colours and fabrics movements.

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Cray Valley – Intern Training

As any other company, Cray Valley worries about confidentiality of its products and data.

The idea of the conference was to increase awareness of the employees about how important it was to keep confidentiality, of company’s information.

It was created a theme for the training and the giveaway had a small manual with the summary of the information presented during the seminar.

“This is the key to Cray Valley success”“Well kept information, generates profit”

“This is the key to Cray Valley success”

“Well kept information, generates profit”

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Itaúcard - Interest rate reduction

We used a foldable paper to separate the two half of the percentage sign, symbolising the discount in the interest rate that the bank was providing to their clients.

The campaign was extremely successful and the bank, that in the beginning had set the campaign to 200,000 premium clients, decided to amplify the campaign to 2,000,000 Itau-card holders.

Aproveite o desconto que o Itaucard tem para você.

Itaú Unibanco S.A.Praça Alfredo Egydio de SouzaAranha, 100 - Torre Olavo Setubal04344 902 São Paulo SP


FECHAMENTO AUTORIZADO. Pode ser aberto pela ECT.

O Pagamento Parcial Itaucard está com desconto exclusivo

para você �nanciar sua fatura pagando menos.

O desconto na taxa de financiamento é válido pelo período de 6 meses, podendo ser prorrogada a qualquer momento pelo Itaucard. O cálculo da taxa de juros é de 30 dias, podendo variar conforme a quantidade de dias do mês. O Financiamento de Despesas está sujeito à incidência de encargos (juros e IOF). O valor financiado e os encargos serão cobrados no mês seguinte à contratação e comprometerão seu limite de crédito. Custo efetivo total de xx,xx% a.m e xx,xx a.a. Esse financiamento é recomendado apenas para curtos períodos, caso você queira financiar o saldo por um período maior, verifique outras modalidade de empréstimos ou financiamentos pelo Itaucard. Imagens ilustrativas.

Conte sempre com as vantagens que só o Itaucard oferece.

Acesse www.itaucard.com.brSe preferir, ligue para sua Central de Atendimento, que consta na fatura do seu cartão.

Para sugerir, reclamar e cancelar, acesse www.itaucard.com.br ou ligue para o SAC: 0800 724 4845 (24 horas). De�cientes auditivos fala: 0800 724 4838 (24 horas). Se desejar a reavaliação da solução, recorra à Ouvidoria Corporativa Itaú: 0800 570 0011 (dias úteis, das 9 h às 18 h) ou Caixa Postal 67.600, CEP 03162-971.

Aproveite a redução na taxa que preparamos para você.

% %de por

am am13,5 3,4Oferta válida para o cartão final XXXX

Taxa garantida

por 6 meses!


O Itaucard tem sempre as melhores ofertas para você. Por isso, esse mês preparamos um desconto especial para você utilizar o Pagamento Parcial Itaucard. Sempre que precisar, pague qualquer valor entre o mínimo e o total de sua fatura, e o saldo restante será lançado automaticamente na fatura do próximo mês.

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Itaucard Platinum - Awards Catalog

It was a year-end campaign to stimulate clients to change their credit card miles by gifts. An extremely high quality catalog was designed to present the products.

Some phrases used in the campaign: “With your Itaucard Platinum your choices become awards”.

By category:“Personal Care: for moments of body and soul care. Of feeling well and take care of the well being of the ones you love. To enjoy life, have fun, celebrate.”

“Technology: all the time, to talk with the ones that are far away, see the ones that are close, keep who you like close to you”.

“Home: moments to intensify feelings, please your palate, stimulate sense of smell. And in exchange, the contact satisfaction.”

“Entertainment: For moments of joy and fun, to celebrate childhood. Of being kid again. Of meeting, knowing, understand, have an opinion, entertain. All the time.”

“Travelling and Tourism: each experience is unique, each trip a story. Cultures, people, costumes,sights. For unforgettable moments.”

“Philanthropy: to donate in any moment to help forever. Your award? A vibrant and generous smile.”

“Awards: moments with friends, family or only your beloved. What matters is that it is the moment appreciate these great offers”

“Partners: the big news of the moments, for when you need more options to satisfy your wishes, give gifts and enchant.”































Itaú Unibanco S.A.Praça Alfredo Egydio de SouzaAranha, 100 - Torre Olavo Setubal04344 902 São Paulo SP


FECHAMENTO AUTORIZADO. Pode ser aberto pela ECT.

Programa Sempre PresenteDa lembrança para o presente,expresse todos os sentimentos.

Catálogo �m de ano/2010.

Com seu Itaucard MasterCard® Black™ e Visa In�nite suas escolhas se transformam em recompensas.

O �m de ano é a época de estar ao lado de pessoas especiais e de compartilhar momentos únicos com quem se gosta, tornando-os inesquecíveis na lembrança e emocionantes no presente.

O Sempre Presente, programa de recompensas do seu cartão, estáao seu lado para fazer parte de todos os seus momentos.

Com ele, todas as compras do seu cartão são convertidas em pontos que podem ser trocados por produtos, serviços, locação de automóveis, diárias de hotel, milhas aéreas e muito mais, em parceiros selecionados com exclusividade para você.

A cada US$ 1,00 em compras, você acumula 2 pontos. E todas as compras dos cartões adicionais são acumuladas na conta do titular, cujos pontos não expiram.

Conheça a seguir tudo o que o programa Sempre Presente oferece para presentear quem você gosta e resgate como recompensa um sorriso.

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Itaucard - lower interest rates: “Your Itaucard brings more for less”

Very polemic and intriguing campaign started by the saying: “As a special Itaucard client you deserve less...”

and in the next page, the information:

“... less interest rate for your Itaucard to parcel your invoice out or do the minimum payment.”

and more:

“more credit option with lower interest rate.”“use your Itaucard and benefit from everything it offers.”

Como cliente especial Itaucard, você merece muito menos ...

Itaú Unibanco S.A.Praça Alfredo Egydio de SouzaAranha, 100 - Torre Olavo Setubal04344 902 São Paulo SP


Fechamento Autorizado. Pode ser aberto pela ECT.




E ainda:

Uma outra vantagem para você usar ainda mais o seu Itaucard em suas compras: Se você participa do programa Sempre Presente, aproveite para acumular ainda mais pontos e trocá-los por milhas das companhias aéreas parceiras, produtos ou serviços.

Dica: você também pode concentrar os pagamentos das suas contas no seu Itaucard e acumular ainda mais pontos no programa.

Para sugerir, reclamar e cancelar, ligue para o SAC: 0800 724 4845 (24 horas). De�cientes auditivos/fala: 0800 724 4838 (24 horas). Se desejar a reavaliação da solução, recorra à Ouvidoria Corporativa Itaú: 0800 570 0011 (dias úteis, das 9 h às 18 h) ou Caixa Postal 67.600, CEP 03162-971.

4001 4428 Capitais e regiões metropolitanas

0800 728 4428 Demais localidades

Se preferir, acesse www.itaucard.com.br

De segunda a sábado, das 8h às 22h

Comunicação pessoal e intransferível, válida para financiamentos contratados até xx/xx/xxxx. O financiamento de despesas está sujeito a incidência de encargos ( juros e IOF). Para contratá-lo, você deverá efetuar, pelo menos, o pagamento mínimo de sua fatura. O valor financiado e os encargos serão cobrados no mês seguinte à contratação e comprometerão seu limite de crédito. Consulte o Custo Efetivo Total (CET ) no momento da contratação do financiamento.

Use seu Itaucard e aproveite cada vez mais todos os benefícios que ele oferece.


Você é um cliente muito especial para o Itaucard e, por isso, as taxas de juros do seu cartão foram reduzidas e igualadas à taxa do LIS. Agora, quando você precisar, conte com mais essa opção para realizar tudo que quiser.

... menos juros do seu Itaucard para parcelamento ou pagamento mínimo da sua fatura

Fique de olho!Veja na sua próxima fatura, no campo “Encargos de Financiamento”, a nova taxa:

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Maria Cristina Alvarez

[email protected]@terra.com.br

mobile: +44 0742 453 4442