Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12

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  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12







    STUDIO 3


    & ALKE


  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    Wamp has updated its clothing range toreect the new logo and URL and we have

    also opened another store that enablesordering rom outside o UK and Europe

    Now you can get your ofcial Wampclothing or items rom our painters range

    no matter where in the world you live

    For Uk and Europe you can use


    Rest o world


  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    Ice Mage (Krueger the Stormwrath) by AWinner, Single Figure and Best in ShowPress Painting Contest 2012

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    Material herein does not necessarilyreect the opinions o Portal Magazinesta who are not liable or said opinions.All textual copy has been taken romthe Wargames and Miniatures ParadiseForum website. Artwork has also beeneither taken rom Wargames andMiniatures Paradise Forum or romcompany websites pertaining to theimage and may not be reproduced(except or personal use) withoutprior written permission rom the saidauthor / artist. Most product names aretrademarks owned by the companiesthat publish those products.


    Follow us on

    welcome to issue

    WAMP Founder, OGL and Co-Editor Brett JohnsonLayout & Co-Editor Shane Rozzell

    Cover ImageIce Mage byAnaProo Reader

    Martyn DoreyIan Pursey

    News HoundRobert Monnar (LOBO)

    Review TeamMaGieNeatPeteCregan TurCaptain SproutDarklord

    shanerozzellContributors WAMPERS o the World

    united:)Find us at www.wamporum.com

    www.wamporum.com/portalContact Portal at [email protected]

    Wow! What a hectic month its been. Going on holiday a week beore running a lis probably not a good idea and it did leave me little time to think! Despite the lasstresses WAMP2012 went well. A ew tweaks were made over last year and it wto see people enjoy it even more. It certainly gives me enthusiasm (i not energy!)years event which I hope will be even bigger and better, though I think I will call help rom others or that one! A big thank you to everyone that came along to the evall those that helped out on the day as well, it was like the Olympics but with less and Paul McCartney singing badly !!

    So one event nishes but the Wamp party keeps rolling and we continue to bgreat new contests and this month we have a brand new sponsor thats worth chec

    While I go and take a (hopeully!) well-earned rest, enjoy Portal and keep an eythe WAMP2012 Special Portal coming soon!



  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12




    View rom the Hill





    Latest Releases

    Meet the WAMPER

    Show Report



    Random Musings


    in this issue

    Contest Article

    Review Article

    Review Tutorial

    We welcome Soda Pop Miniaturesto the old and kick o with a greatcontest. Check out Page 10 or moredetails.

    In View From the Hill, Tim Fitch explainswhy there is more to see in our usersignatures.

    Shane Rozzell gives us the ull lowdownon an iconic miniature, Tanka Wankarom studio 38/

    Every wondered the best best to makeTrue Metallic Metals really shine? p1pershows us how.

    MaGie casts her experieced eye overMorgan rom Studio 38.

    WAMP2012, did you go? What did youmiss and all the winners in this indepthShow Report.

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12

    6/526 wamporum.com

    The Darkhas come oall! Check o

    Kickstarter oKnights: DarkCa lam i t yThis project

    culmination o years o work, patience, and a lot o love rolittle team, and you, some o you ans collecting miniatures range and patiently waiting. Well, wait no more!

    SPM need your push this product the best possible with easy to asseand aordable pminiatures, a ull e

    hard bound rule booa ton o other surdepending on how can push the limitneed your help - share this aroundwe will be respondquestions on our and the Kickstarter

    For all the very latest industry news check ouwampforum.com

    Welcome to issue number 25 o Portal, the number one E-Magazinededicated to miniature painting. Well, what a ew weeks... Both withthe brush and on the orum. I have spent more than the odd latenight nishing miniatures or contests and the WAMP2012 show,

    more o which can be ound on page 32 and I must say, beingpart o the WAMP online community has really helped. There areplenty o people always willing to help and show their techniques.To prove the point, in this issue we have an excellent True Metal

    Matallics Step-by-Step by p1per. We also have a couple o revand inormation about the next WAMP sponsored painting coand wed like to welcome Soda Pop Miniatures to the party.Also in this issue Tim Fitch advises us to look a bit closer at

    user signatures, More rom the Wiki Team plus all the latest releases fashing thier paint jobs to try and coax your hard eacash rom under your matresses. And as usual we nish up Scott Radoms, Random Musings.

    A center piece toyour hobby desk,t he wor k s ta t i onhas always beenan integral par tto any hobbyistssurroundings. To beintroduced shortly,

    the Grab & Go range o workstations to help make your hobby lieeasier.

    Heres a photo o the Middy, the middle sized station rom theGrab & Go range. This unit comes with an A4 Cutting mat as wellas a white acrylic palette insert which can be exchanged as needed,whether youre painting or modelling, theres no need to changeseats.

    Keep your eyes peeled or this release, along with many othersupported Grab & Go elements!!!!

    Dungeons & Dragons Gencon 2012 Exclusive Drow Dice Set.Each o the D&D areas at GenCon this year is a dierent sectiono Menzoberranzan. You can get this drow dice set i you visit themall. Also WOC will host the rst-ever Gen Con keynote address onThursday, August 16th at 7:00 PM EDT to share with the legions o D&Dans whats in store or the game that has changed gaming orever.

    Join us or anunprecedentedl o o k i n t othe uture o

    D u n g e o n s& D r a g o n s ,inc luding theevolution o thegame, the re-birth o a antasysetting and thenext generationo art!

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    Mantic Games Project Pandora Grim Cargo Ruleset

    PDF on Wargame Vault

    Project Pandora: Grim Cargo

    is a sci- board game pittingthe Corporation against themysterious Veer-myn, whohave boarded a CorporationStarship in attempt to stealits precious cargo a cargowhich the Corporation willdo everything in its powerto keep hold o.

    Written by the author othe sell-out Dwar KingsHold series, the gameeatures a host o astpaced and easy to learnrules that will lead to someincredibly tense games as well as aninnovative dice-driven combat mechanic and a scenariobased narrative, allowing you to recreate the mission.

    Kings o War Ruleset and Mantic Journal also available romWargame Vault.

    ManorHouse have opened

    a new section in our blog,Mindstalkers Catalogue wherewe present the ull range o ourminiatures dedicated to our gameMindstalkers

    The catalog is divided intovarious actions that make up ourgame.

    Each miniature is presented withone or more images, lists all thecomponents o the miniature, theprint material, scale and price.

    Step inside and see the catalogue the Mindstalkers miniatures,made by Manorhouse Miniatures painted by our Team! Theminiatures are divided in their Historical Factions, as describedby the Core Rulebook , and its showed also the Psya Faction (orwho plays with Fantasy Rules). Some miniatures can be used bymore than one Factions, and so are grouped in a separate section.Some miniatures are unpainted yet, so to let you appreciate thesmall details, we have lightly drybrushed them, ollowed by a washusing black ink.

    MaxMini3d.ehi res 3d printing & prototyping se

    MaxMini.eu now oers a high quality 3d printing service 3d modelmakers see their designs come to lie. What mdierent rom most 3d printing companies is that were toourselves so the technology we use is geared towards high rand amazing surace nish. Moreover whenever applicinclude high quality resin copy o your work in the price.

    Frontline Games haverelease two ront l inearmaments. Deender Gunturret w/ Heavy BattleeldCannon and Deender Gunturret w/ Typhoon MissileLauncher both retailing

    or $29.99 USD. Also theyhave released FrontlineCommand WWII ull versionrulebook, their new 28mmwargaming rules that retailsor $39.99 USD.

    More details can be oundon their website. Click thelogo at the top.

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    MDP are still hard at workplaying catch up with adding products to

    the website and so ar have added over 100 productsincluding new product lines such as the excellent metallic paints romMr Hobby, a selection o the busts and gures rom MDC, KolinskySable brushes, the new chain and barb/razor wire rom Gale Force9 and some o the bricks by Basecrats, We are not stopping there

    though still to go on are The Basement range o busts, the antasticModelMates range o weathering dyes and sprays and i you haventtried these yet we have to say they really are amazing (our latestreleases o gaming bases were painted using these dyes), we alsohave a selection o scalpels and crat knives/blades rom the SwannMorton range to go on and o course all out latest releases and hopeto have everything online and up to date beore the end o the month.

    Talking o base releases, this month sees the release o the rsto our 120mm size round lip bases in Rocky, Cobblestone and Regal

    Stone styles, just right or those big war machines and walkealso have the round lip sewer base sets and two brand new the Sc- range consisting o an Alien set and a Chaos set andplanned or the uture. As we said we will get all these online aas we can but you can also catch us at shows through out twhere we will have our ull ranges with us.

    Our next two shows are Letchworth on 19th August at thevenue o the Broadway Hotel not ar rom the rail station athose who like the competitions the Letchworth Show compis ree to enter and we will then be at the Sutton Coldeld Shthe 9th September.

    Tabletop Art have released a set o 28mm coal pans. You get 10in each set and it retails or 5.00

    Another recent release is a set o 90mm skulls with the promise osome 54mm and 28mm skulls soon. The 90mm skull retail or 5.00and there are 6 in a set.

    True Earth Release Dust Eect Filter Waterbased Resin EmA liquid Filter or an easy desert dust eect. You can now apply

    with brush or airbrush ! Waterbased liquid lter, leaving an undirt surace, patches, streaks, thin dots

    CARE : the resh product is really transparent, do not ovLightly structured lter :unevenly distributed thin particles, learealistic, uneven or dotted surace.

    Uses: washes on water wet suraces, aibrush, streaks

    Dusty Desert, Plastic bottle 0,57 oz. Price: 5.00

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    Stats BoxPortal downloads 6882

    Memberships 2087

    WAMP posts 186,34

    Wiki Pages 278

    Blogs 47

    Wamp LadderQuite simply its a un painting league. You challenge a

    painter on the ladder to a paint o. Choose a theme anup to 6 weeks to complete your mini - both your entries ajudged by ellow members - the winner gains points andup the ladder. Its ree to use and you can challenge pesuit your ability. The ladder can be oundhere.


    Username ELO Str

    Darklord 1233 8

    ScottRadom 1133 3

    waghorn41 1125 3

    pae 1065 3

    Cregan Tur 1063

    breadhead vs Devon _ bo

    Protectorate Solos

    Spectral Dragon vs waghorPainted All Wrong

    Synthet vs waghorn41


    Voodooworx release 40mm Pre-drilled Base Donutz & 6mmMagnets Pack . A pack o 5 medium pre-drilled resin base donutzand 10 6mm x 2mm magnets. For use with 40mm diameter gamingbases. Cast in high quality grey polyurethane resin. Overall

    Diameter: 52mm, Overall Thickness: 6mm, Recess Diameter/Depth:40mm/4mm. $5.25

    Below is an example o how to use the Voodooworx Base Donutz.Please Note: Plinth and scenic details are NOT included in this pack.Plinths are available separately here


    going plastic on


    From their release. One o our largest stumbling blocks keeping up with customer demand or our resin kits. We hait increasingly diicult to produce our large kits in a qualityand price point to meet my high standards. The constanor a suitable service provider and manuacturing methoresin kits has stifed design and production, taking me awthe important work o product design and game developAugust 16th; the rst day o Gencon, we will open up our Kcampaign to help und this switch rom resin and metal mand models to an all plastic line.

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    Its contest time and wed like to welcome a new sponsor this y

    as you can already probably tell its Soda Pop Miniatures, ma

    o Relic Knights, Super Duneon Explore & Tentacle Bento.Inspired by Anime and Japanese pop-culture, Soda Pop

    Miniatures eature plenty o robots and girls with guns and biggerhuge hair! Based in their own Sodaverse these are some o the mostcharacterul and high quality miniatures available.


    1st Place - SDE box set

    2nd place - $50 Soda Pop voucher

    SpecialWAMP Prize - $50 voucher to the entry Darklord likesbest rom the rest


    4pm UK Time, 24th October 2012

    4pm UK Time, 31st October 1012

    For WAMP subscribers.

    The Rules

    (please read them, its amazing how many dont!!)

    You must be a Wamp Member to part icipate. Membershand you may register here.

    You may enter as many times as you like but each eonly submit one photograph so i you need more angles be a montage.

    Images must be no larger than 1000 pixels wide by 40high. (It is your responsibility to check this).

    any additional photographs o that entry will be remove

    All entries must be new work. (New work is dened as anot previously displayed on-line in a completed state (Yenter pieces which have been shown as a Work In Progres

    You give Wamp and Soda Pop Miniatures permission topictures or publicity (but you do retain ownership).

    You may post pictures o WIP or nal shots both helsewhere.

    Judging will be decided by public vote.

    Submissions must be posted to the contest gallery (toposted soon). You must make sure you select the correcoption in the contest select box either during upload (i ubasic uploader) or via edit pictures ater upload.

    We really hope you support this contest and help give SMiniatures a warm WAMPie welcome, they make some miniatures which should yeld some excellent paint jobs, Lthem how we roll!

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    VIEWfrom the

    HIL...the monthly arcle wrien by Miniature Heroes ownerTim

    12 wamporum.com

    I thought Id use this article

    to shine a spotlight on the blogs oellow Wamp members.

    A couple o months ago I sta

    blogging. Nothing earth shatte

    about that I know. Mainly release updates and the odd

    o news I think might be use

    other people. However it wa

    really until I started blogging

    I began to take notice o all

    other blogs people have got.

    There must be thousands o mini and gaming related blogsout there. Some start in a furry, and then tail o and theenthusiasm wanes. Others are steady plodders who produce regularupdates and provide a lot o useul content or the reader.

    So with this in mind I thought Id use this article to shine a spotlighton the blogs o ellow Wamp members. Those little tags at the bottomo their posts can lead to some extraordinary places.

    Now you cant write a piece reerring to the members o Wampwithout mentioning Darklord himsel. Without him there would be no

    Wamp. But by being the beating heart o the orum, and nowonline wamp store too, does he get time to post blog updatsurprisingly no not really, but he does have a blog which acadvert or his commission painting skills. What, you didnt could paint? Well just ollow this link and nd out.


    Brett is actually a very ne painter whose won lots o thiwill probably win lots more. While the blog pages are a they do show the skills o a proessional painter, and that iworth a browse.

    My good riend, and Portal editoRozzell also has a blog, and mDarklords he doesnt get time toit very oten. Considering he pultogether every month in his spare is understandable. But when he dotime to post its well worth a look. another Wamper who is highly gi

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    the brushes. An artist by trade he avourslarger scale miniatures and busts.


    Hes not concerned with genre ormanuacturer; hence his blog is always awonderul mixture.

    Vern is a gentleman I sometimes havethe pleasure o dealing with in the shop.His blog is more regularly updated andcovers a wider remit than just painting.Vern is a good painter, but also a bit oa magpie in the way he brings dierentthings together. Showing and discussingthe merits o Shapeways 3D printing orexample. As this is a possible uture pathor the hobby Vern is ahead o the gamein showing the good and bad points o thisnew technology.


    Warhammergrimace is anothernoted Wamp member with a blog to hisname. An historical war gamer rst andoremost, he writes and maintains a blogon the subject. It contains quite a bit oinormation regarding dierent historicalperiods, and some o his painted minis.However a little bit o antasy also creepsin i you have a look at his Grey Armysection.


    Moving outside o the UK we have theblog o the very talented MaGie. Here youwill nd work in progress shots as well andthe nished art icles and every one is brilliant. Its a great place to juststop o and admire some beautiul high level painting. She eaturesa good mix o manuacturers too.


    Mamageek is one o Wamps US members and as such gets togrips with some miniatures that arent so easy to get in Europe.Reaper miniatures are prominent, along with Dark Sword. Lots owips and many beautiul photographs o miniatures shes completed.The other great thing about her blog is her enthusiasm or miniature

    painting. It practically jumps rom the screen and is a great place tovisit i youre suering rom the dreaded painters block.


    Sister_Lucy is another talented lady rom the US. Again a superbpainter with no particular bias towards any particular miniaturemanuacturer. What she does do is create some beautiul andsometimes quite quirky dioramas. Using miniatures in a mannerthey werent quite intended may sound a bit muddled, however Lucy

    pulls it o every time. Always something going on here so welhaving a look.


    I know its getting to be a bit o a theme now, but these USblogs are too good not to mention. Piratemama not only has a ba whole website dedicated to the miniature hobby. And there o inormation on there or both the novice and the more experiIts a great site to visit i youre trying to introduce someonehobby. Everything is explained, rom what a miniature is, to lincan ollow or more inormation. Shes no slouch with a brush

    as her gallery and blog sections shows.


    So that concludes this little spotlight round up o some bloggers who make Wamp their home. These arent all the bloer though, just a sample o the more regular posters. Howevtime youre browsing the orum, have a click on the little linesin the posters signature area. They can lead to some surprcreative places.

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12

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    WAMP Forums Mini Painting Wiki i

    invaluable source o inormation abou

    hobby o miniature fgurine painting

    Follow Mini Painting

    Weathering powders

    Weathering powders are nely ground powders that are used tocreate a variety o dierent weathering eects such as rust, dust,mud and exhaust stains. They are made rom pure artists pigmentsand can be dusted on to a model or mixed with di erent acrylic mediato create eects such as dry or wet mud. They are mostly availableas loose powders although some manuacturers supply them assolid sticks, where the pigment is mixed with a binder, which canbe applied directly to the model or shaved with a knie to create apowder. The powder can also be created by rubbing the sticks onsand paper.

    Most manuacturers supply a range o earth colours to simulatenaturalweathering eects although ranges are expanding to includeother colours, such as blues and greens , to create eects such asgreen oxidation staining. They are also available as metallic pigmentsto simulate areas that have worn down to expose bare metal.

    Home made weathering powders can be made by shaving orscraping hard artists pastels, however these pastels contain abinding agent, usually wax, and are oten comprised o cheaperpigments to reduce the costs. The binding agent can react with anysolvent used to x the powders causing very unpredictable resultsand the low cost pigments may not adhere to the desired suraceat all. [...more]


    As there are limitations in the detail that plastics can hold whenthin many modellers use photo-etch parts to reproduce realisticnishes and eects. It is used predominantly by vehicle modellersand sold as part o kits or as an ater-market product to create detail

    or to allow the modelling o variant vehicles. It may be ormed romcopper or steel but is commonly made rom brass, known as brass-etch, and is usually used to depict intricate details such as instrumentpanels, mud guards, armour plates, oliage & mini plants and evencamoufage netting.

    The manuacturing process involves a design being xed to ametal plate coated in a photo-resist material. This is then exposedto light creating areas that have the resist and areas that do not. The

    metal in the areas without the resist is then removed by anchemical creating either very ne shapes or detailed mathe surace.

    Photo-etch is usually produced in rets, similar to the spplastic model, and can be removed by cutting with a shaknie or scissors. Care must be taken when removing pais recommended that they be cut on a hard surace ratherubber style cutting mat which can allow the parts to bend oAny remains rom the ret can be led away taking care thais not bent by ling along the length o the piece rather thaangles to it. [...more]


    A lter is the term used to describe the application o a vpaint over an area in order to uniy the colours undernevary their tone. It is a common term in the eld o vehicle mwhere it can be used to great eect in uniying the appeacamoufage schemes or to enrich large areas o fat colour.useul or adjusting a colour that is not quite correct to sonearer what is required.

    In applying a lter the brush should not be overloaded excess should be removed by wiping the brush on an absorbor tissue. The paint should be applied in a controlled manonce layed down, should not be disturbed by returning wstrokes until it has dried. For this reason many modelers ause o an airbrush when applying lters. As with glazes, be applied repeatedly and each application should be allowully beore a subsequent layer is applied.

    Filters can be made by thinningpaint with the appropriator can be purchased orm many hobby suppliers, particula

    who supply military vehicle models and accessories. [...m

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12



    Reviled Draackox59.99


    see our full range of miniatures atbanelegions.maelstromgames.co.ukminiatures not shown to scale

    BNB-007ThE TErroroF ForTrIUChimaera89.99

    BNB-023TyphaggahwGwyfern of Ceredigion59.99






    BNB-020TaLosColossusof Bronze49.99

    BNB-019KrULLServileLord of Dis99.99

    both moSeptemBNB-029

    BInTaacVicious Toracx14.99

    BNB-028gynroch ap roch

    Wocor of Powys59.99



  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12

    16/5216 wamporum.com

    By MaGie

    Ano Versus Morgane



    Material Resin

    Price $15.00



    Other Inormation

    For use with Anoe Versus rules.



    5Bad proportionsand low qualityresin.


    8No mould lines orair bubbles. Piecest well together.




    15 dollars is waytoo much or this


    Overall Score 6.0

    If you have a product you would like us to review then contact us at portal@wamp-f

    From the website (translated from French):

    Ano versus is a antasy skirmish game

    players. The setting is the planet Alanas, o

    in a universe called Ano. This review ocuse

    the miniature Morgane, which is part o the A

    versus game.

    Morgane comes ina blister package,along with a large scenic base.The mini comes in two parts: themain body and a separate pieceor the let arm.

    Upon opening the blisterpackage, it was clear that thesword had broken rom the armpiece. It broke o just above thehandle, so it should be easy to


    Ater checking the miniature,the most noticable thing or meis the shape o this gure. Itsalready quite visible on the boxart that the proportions o this mini are not verygood. Her waist is very broad in comparison

    to the hips, and she has no bottom athands are also rather large, while the the small side. For me personally, sh

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    If you have a product you would like us to review then contact us at [email protected]


    Quality: 5/10, bad prop

    low quality resin. Base ma

    solid resin with good deta

    Assembly: 8/10, No mo

    or air bubbles and the p

    well together. Some w

    preparing the base.

    Value: 5/10, 15 dollars is

    much or this miniature.

    Overall: 6/10, Im not im

    by this miniature. Even i

    the Ano versus game I d

    the necessity o buying t

    as it doesnt come with a

    card or anything. There a

    better alternatives.

    proportions are very important aspects o aminiature, and that is or sure a part in whichthis mini doesnt meet the standards.

    The miniature is made rom a shiny resin, thatis quite bendy and breaks easily (as is proven

    by the broken blade). This typeo resin doesnt seem to carrydetail very well, or it could alsobe that the mini wasnt sculptedwith much detail to begin with.When I rst looked at this mini, it

    reminded meo the plastic miniatures thatcome with large boardgames,both in terms o material aswell as sculpt details. In termso cast quality, there are noairholes, and I can also ndno mold lines. So preparationo this mini should be quiteast and easy.

    The base is made o

    a dierent resin than theminiature itsel. Its quitehard and solid. The twoseparate pieces o the baset snugly together, althoughsome gaps will need to belled, and some mould linesremoved, ater assembly.

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    Since I had to do the backside o my Tat the end I thought I might give it a try some step-by-step pictures o my painting. Unosome pictures turned out quite blurry but I hopeprogress is still recognizable during the diere

    I used P3 colors or the shadows on his silv

    parts and I guess some o you wont have themso heres a shot o the P3 colors I used (in ordsome tting equivalences).


    Basecoat: 1 : 1, Paint : Water. Everything ePaint, : Water (unless otherwise stated).

    Lets go!

    A step-by-step by p1pp1pers bio

    Hey all! My name is Oliver, Im 24 years old andknown on the web as p1per. I was introduced to thehobby by a schoolriend when I was around 15 yearsold. Back then I painted or about two years, mainlyRackham Miniatures, but then took a break or about6 years. And now I ound my way back into the hobby and have been painting again since September lastyear.

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    1. Silver-TMM Basecoat was done with CoatdArms Gunmetal, this ones an equivalent to GW Boltgun Met


    For the rst shadow I picked agreen color P3 Ordic Olive andstarted glazing it towards the

    shadows starting about in themiddle o each part.

    I will be reworking the

    midtones later on so dont worry

    about starting the shadows in the


    Next I used a mix o P3 CBlue Base : P3 Exile Bl1). Again, glazing towar

    shadows and leaving a bigreen untouched. I alsomake the paint more opathe deeper shadow areas

    1 2

    To intensiy the shadows, mynext mix consists o P3 ExileBlue : P3 Beaten Purple (1 : 1)and like beore leaving a bit othe previous layer untouched Istart glazing towards the deepershadows.

    3 4


    Ok, enough o thosecolors. :D Its time to towards black or the deshadow. For the next shused P3 Exile Blue : P3 BPurple : P3 Coal Black (1) and concentrating momore on the deepest sha

    For the last shadow I added some GW Chaos Blackprevious mix P3 Exile Blue : P3 Beaten Purple : P3 Coal BGW Chaos Black (1 : 1 : 1 : 1) and glazed it on the very endthe deepest shadow would lie.

    Note: The name P3 Coal Black is a bit irritating sinc

    black, not at all. Its more like Vallejo Model Colours Dar

    even a bit brighter.

    Ok, this one looks weird but it will come out nicely at the end.

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    First thing I do beore I startwith the actual highlights isbringing back some o thosemetallic pigments as well asthe midtone. For this I use thebasecoat color CoatdArmsGunmetal diluted with a ratio o

    about 1 : 4 with water. I glaze 1-2thin coats over the entire area,yes also shadows! Then with thesame diluted paint, start to bringback the midtones and sotentransitions.

    6 7

    8 9





    Now highlights. irst highlight I useo CoatdArms GunCoatdArms Enchante(this ones an equivalenMithril Silver) (1 : 2). Lthe shadows I glaze it

    moving my brush towhighlight areas.

    Followed by pure CoatdArmsEnchanted Silver leaving someo the previous layer untouched.

    To increase the shcontrast or the top I used a mix o CoaEnchanted Silver : VMMedium (1 : 1-2) andit in as a nal bright highlight.

    Slowly taking shape

    Not done yet still missing edge highlights and scratch

    For the edges I actually usepure VMC Metal Medium butits quite exhausting to paint itpure over dark layers o paint toreally get the ull eect and brightedges. Thereore I pre-primethe edges with the ollowing mixP3 Morrow White : VMC MetalMedium (1 : 1-2). Due to thewhite paint and already somemetallic pigment in it, it will bemuch easier to apply the VMCMetal Medium in the next step(and actually see it shine).

    As you can see, almixed some VMC Metato my white paint thosarent really shiny (yet) deal with it now. Using oMetal Medium and goall the edges I previouprimed.

    Here we go shiny edges. Nowonto the scratches. Like withthe edges I rst pre-painted thehighlights with P3 Morrow White: VMC Metal Medium (1 : 1-2) andthen going over all lines againwith pure VMC Metal Medium.

    I started with thhighlights and not with actual scratches becaway it is oten easier make the white lines by painting over it laterblack color.

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    15 16


    And inally the scratches with pure GW Chaos (undiluted!).

    Thats it or the Silver TMM part now the Golds.

    I also reglazed the deepest (last) shadow in between tosome o those metallic pigments that were shining througglazing Gunmetal over the entire area.


    2. Gold-TMM

    Its more or less the same or the Gold as it was or the Silver so I will keep the descriptions rather short. The basecoat was donGW Shining Gold.


    I applied the irst shadowusing GW Snakebite Leatherand again starting about in themiddle and pulling my brushtowards the shadows.

    Next I applied somSnakebite Leather Scorched Brown (2 : 1) la bit o the previousuntouched.

    Unortunately its quite d

    to see the dierence in th

    steps until the last two sh

    are applied. Anyway tech

    the same always leaving

    the previous layer unto

    and moving the brush to

    the shadows.

    Continued work on theshadows with GW SnakebiteLeather : GW Scorched Brown(1 : 1).

    Pure GW Scorched Br

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    For the last shadow I addedsome black and applied it tothe deepest shadow parts, GWChaos Black : GW ScorchedBrown (1 : 2)


    First thing I did wasback some metallic pas well as the midtosotening o the transitdescribed in the silvGlazed 1(-2) times owhole area with some

    GW Shining Gold (diluwith water) and then wbringin back the midtsotening transitions.

    Followed by adding highlightsmoving my brush towards thelight / brightest spots with,

    GW Shining Gold : GWAuric Armour Gold (1 : 1).

    GW Auric Armour Gold.

    The last highlight wwith a mix o GW AuricGold : VMC Metal Med1) concentrating on the spots.

    Edges were done the exaway like in the silver part. Prewith P3 Morrow White : VMMedium (1 : 1-2) and then gowith pure VMC Metal Medium

    Thats it. :)

    Hope you enjoyed this litby-step and ound somethin/ helpul.

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    Colors Overview

    TMM - Silver

    Basecoat: CoatdArms Gunmetal


    1. P3 Ordic Olive

    2. P3 Cygnar Blue Base : Exile Blue (1 : 1)

    3. P3 Exile Blue : P3 Beaten Purple (1 : 1)

    4. P3 Exile Blue : P3 Beaten Purple : P3 Coal Black (1 : 1 : 1)

    5. P3 Exile Blue : P3 Beaten Purple : P3 Coal Black : GW ChaosBlack (1 : 1 : 1 : 1)


    1. CoatdArms Gunmetal : CoatdArms Enchanted Silver (1 : 2)

    2. CoatdArms Enchanted Silver (Mithril Silver)

    3. CoatdArms Enchanted Silver (Mithril Silver) : VMC MetalMedium (1 : 1-2)

    TMM - Gold

    Basecoat: GW Shining Gold


    1. GW Snakebite Leather

    2. GW Snakebite Leather : GW Scorched Brown (2 : 1)

    3. GW Snakebite Leather : GW Scorched Brown (1 : 1)

    4. GW Scorched Brown

    5. GW Chaos Black : GW Scorched Brown (1 : 2)


    1. GW Shining Gold

    2. GW Shining Gold : GW Auric Armour Gold (1 : 1)

    3. GW Auric Armour Gold

    4. GW Auric Armour Gold : VMC Metal Medium (1 : 1)

    Edges (Silver & Gold)

    1. P3 Morrow White : VMC Metal Medium (1 : 2)

    2. VMC Metal Medium

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    By Shane Rozzell


    Studio 38

    Material Resin

    Price 9.0



    Other InormationScale 32mm. Sculpted

    by Allan Carrasco



    6.0The cast is pretty

    poor, hencethe low score.


    8.5The our bits that

    all go togetherpretty well.


    9.0Im split over

    this miniature.

    Overall Score 7.5

    Tanka Wanka

    If you have a product you would like us to review then contact us at portal@wamp-f

    The legendary Tanka Wanka is the greatest e

    extractor o wake-dream orgers, hallucinog

    mushrooms prized by Aurlock shamans.

    Tanka Wanka The name is enough tomake people want to buy this miniature.Also the act that it came rom the mind andngers o one o the nest sculptors knocking

    about, Allan Carrasco, who designed andsculpted Tanka or the Alkemy Skirmish game.

    Tanka is an Aurlock rom the toad clan andis the most renowned mushroom extractor ohis people. These mushrooms are highly prizedby the Aurlock shamans who use them in theirhealing rituals.

    The Sculpt

    Tanka is quite an iconic miniature tha28mm to his eyes. He comes in our p

    let arm, weapon and head plume being rom his body. He is also supplied witbase that is hollow underneath so gamuse magnets to attach him and the miniabe removed or storage and transporta

    Tanka stands with his let arm dohis right arm extended out to hold t

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    If you have a product you would like us to review then contact us at [email protected]

    lint headed weaponover his shoulder, hesslightly twisting to thelet and has a certainlook o consternation onhis ace. He also has ahuge, warty, toad-likechin and labby belly.Hes wearing a loin cloth

    around his ront and yeshes anatomically correctbehind that so thatll beun to paint His letoot is slightly higherthan his right so someinterest can be added toa sel-made base.

    I like the sculpt as wesee Tanka in a resting,but watchul pose almostas i hes just seensomething while trekkingthrough the swamps ohis homeland in searcho his ungal quarry.

    The Cast

    Beore I go anyurther I must point outthat I really like TankaWanka. Allans andJrmies rendition othe miniature are bothdiversely dierent butboth superb and I wouldlike to attempt to paint him in a similar

    vein but I must admit the cast is prettybad but in the right hands, Its notbeyond saving. The biggest problemon my copy o the miniature is theeyes. I always like the miniatures eyesto be clear and well-cast so when Ipaint them I can use them to becomethe ocal point o the miniature.Unortunately on this copy the eyesare rough and will take some timeworking in a very small area to x themup. Next up is the mould sl ip, there areareas on his extended right arm and onboth legs where Ill have to re-sculpt

    muscle. The next big issue is a majormould line that starts just below thelet part o his mouth and goes downthe whole o his body. Thankully thishasnt obscured any acial details so itcan be removed but on the back o theminiature some rebuilding will need tohappen . On his let arm, unortunately

    around one o his bracelets there is

    some resin that hasnt been mixedcorrectly. It has cured but it looks likesomeone has dropped super glueall over his wrist and this will be timeconsuming to rectiy. One last pointand theyre hardly worth mentioningbut there are three tiny air holes on hischin but these are nothing unexpectedon a resin miniature and theyre veryeasily ixed. I know it sounds likeIm rubbishing this miniature but Imreally not and as stated, I really likethe miniature, so it all boils down totwo things. Do I have the skills to

    rectiy these problems and will thetime invested in xing it up producesomething that I can paint anddisplay? We will all have our ownanswers to these questions but ormy part I think I will persevere withthis miniature and try to do a goodjob on it.


    Quality: 6/10, the cast is phence the low score but that i you can expend thx it up you will end up wiminiature.

    Assembly: 8.5/10, ourall go together pretty mentioned above the plumarm will need pinning butrecommend pinning evernothing out o the ordinary

    Value or Money: 9/10, 97.20 or a iconic miniatureby one o the best in the buin my mind well worth eveBut, with the work that is correct the casting errors take this miniature on i I dI had the skills to x it.

    Overall: 7.5/10, Im sthis miniature. A part disappointed with it becaucasting errors and knowwork is ahead o me to gstate where I can paint it. part o me is very pleasebecause I hold an iconic sculpted by Allan Carrasdidnt cost an arm or a leexcellent paint jobs that caon the internet provide s

    cool reerence images

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    Bombardier Bombshell

    Natsumi, Geisha

    Druid Gone Wilder

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    Hamlet (metal)

    Bergil, Male Engineer

    Male Forward Recon Hayden B (Metal)

    Hayden C (Metal)

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    Taurus Miniatures

    Limited Editions 80mm Sorceress Archduke Charles O Austria

    2 MindstalkerMiniatures

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    Real Name:John Keys

    Alias: megazord_man

    Website: www.megazord.net

    Wamp member since:1st Dec 2010

    Bio: I was brought up in St.Neots which is a small town near Cambridge, Whilst at school I didnt try so hard and ended up with average results aailing my A levels. From that point I was pretty aimless, working as a labbuilding site and a shmonger. I applied and won a place on a British Aeapprenticeship scheme and rom the very rst day never looked back. Fater starting there I moved with the company to Wichita Kansas or a two which was an amazing experience. From there I moved back to St.AlbaUK and nally ended up working or a company that designs and manusatellites and spacecrat. Having been there or 12 years Ive managedup through the ranks to become the head o mechanical design.

    Paint, sculpt or game? Paint Originally I started o by painting somarines or my son. A little later we then tried gaming at a local club but like it so I just stuck with the brushes and Call o Duty.

    Favorite mini company? I would say that my top couple right now wSmart Max and Hassleree - hows that or dierent ends o the spectrurecently Inamy Miniatures are making quite an impact on me or really hspot terms o setting up a great range o quality minis that I want to spend

    Favorite sculpt? As soon as I spotted the Ma.k range I knew these wereor me any o the powered suits would tick that avorite sculpt box righ

    How long have you been in the hobby? Since Aug 2010. Ater seeinhis riends GW armies my son twisted my arm and I brought him one o

    starter sets with the paints and brushes. From that point Ive never lookPretty much the only days I dont paint something are when Im away onor with work.

    How oten do you visit Wamp? Everyday, normally three or our times oten as a guest as Id be surng whilst on my phone.

    Best thing about Wamp? The pure ino, riendly advice and thought pexperience o wamp makes it pretty special or me. O course this doesnall on its own so really its the people that make it what it is. I can onlythe massive eort that it takes to make wamp happen everyday so Breget a special mention too!

    Tell us something interesting about you? Alongside miniature paint

    have a love or clay pigeon shooting and contemporary modern art. Frompoint o view Im big an o Damien Hirsts works and was lucky enoughsigned dot print called Opium quite some time ago. Totally unrelated tonumber o my team at work designed parts o the Beagle 2 mars Landerdue to touch down Christmas 2003. To calibrate the spacecrats camerathey start transmitting real pictures they use a known pattern to make colours and ocus are correct it was decided by the project team to getHirst to design a special dot painting specically or this purpose which hedid. As a result a machining incorporating his art was used, attached t2 and sent to Mars.

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    er of Khthon19.99

    BNL-025MEGlvraBull Krokodar





    see our full range of miniatures atbanelegions.maelstromgames.co.ukminiatures not shown to scale

    BNL-034Galhwch llaDD llawPendyndraig of Gwaelod29.99





    thE cUrSEDWarlock ofthe Gabrax






    BNL-036tEcaSSSword-Melusine Gigh9.99

    BNL-020kraanTain of Baalor29.99Foot and mounted

    BNL-035ESYlDSword-Melusine Siren9.99


    Championof Khthon




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    Much to Undaves disappointmentwe werent all going to look like tigers, nextwas a ace painting demonstration.

    Well or me the day didnt have the greatest o startswhat with a muggy, hot night, Sarah and I didnt getmuch sleep but when the alarm went o at six a.m. (which I sleptthrough) she got up and brought me a cuppa in bed so straight awaymy rown was turned upside down. My brother turned up on the dotand we packed the van and set o. The journey to Manseld waspretty uneventul just a splash and dash stop at the little che on theA38 and we arrived at Maelstrom Games eye o the storm at 9:30.Mr and Mrs Darklord were busy setting up so I unpacked my minientries and got them registered. I also spied the lovely new trophiesand gured one would look great in my painting room so with ngersand toes cross I sallied out to meet the other olks arriving.

    WAMP 2012 SHOW REPORby Shane RozzelThis is a personal look at WAMPs second show, how the day w

    and i it was a success. Plus a little bit about the painting conte

    People slowly ltered in over next ew hours and the contegradually built up while olks chatted and milled around good look at all the entries. By the time the cut o point wasthere were a good number o entries and all painted to a vstandard so I knew then that this was going to be a toughbut I had hopes o bettering my one bronze rom last year.

    It was time to go and meet some olks and take somephotos. Now we go on a lot about WAMP being the riendand its the people that make WAMP a cool place to hangwhen you meet ellow members in the fesh, shake their hatalk to them or a while you soon realise this isnt just a thr

    comment. I truly behave some o the olks around, all whelp, oer advice good critique on miniatures. That sawas there in abundthere arent manywhere you can sculptors and game

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    like Alex rom Warploque Miniatures, SaluteWinners like Scott Hockley, Demon winnerslike Andrew Vallance, Rob Cardiss and AlanCrookes rom Black Dragon Castings who isa very talented young miniature caster, allseeking and giving advice. There were alsoloads o other painters o various skill levelsbut all struggling with the same things youdo and its every one o these people thatmade the event a resounding success rommy point o view. I had the pleasure meetingsome people that Id not seen or a whileand lots o new aces turned up which wassuperb to see.

    The Speed Painting Contest

    The rst o the shows planned events wasthe speed painting contest. Thirty minutesto paint a miniature. I know rom personalexperience that Im not good at speedpainting and it takes me longer than thirtyminiatures to get my brushes out so optedout o this or the pleasure o throwing insultsand generally trying to put o those who didenter while taking their picture. Thank ully

    there werent too many underhanded tacticsgoing on but putting the water out o Borisreach was low Not mentioning any namebut you know who you are!

    When the allotted time wasup there were some surprisinglygood results, even fock was used!I think everyone who took parthad a good laugh, I know I did;) Ialso think a ew people surprisedthemselves. Quote o the contestgoes to Iain hailstorm Hale whosaid There is no sex when it comesto speed painting Moving on.

    Tommies Face Painting


    Much to Undaves disappointmentwe werent all going to look liketigers or have butterfies painted onour aces but coming up next wasa ace painting demonstration romGolem Painting Studios TommieSoule. Lots o people crammed

    around the tables as Tommiestarted his explanation o thetechniques he uses and it was

    a real eye opener, not just onthe techniques used but histeaching methods and hiswillingness to get in amongstthose taking part and helpout. Ater hed explained thetheory and shown everyonethe rst stage o what to dothey all took their seats andstarted their own miniatures

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    while Tommie walked around and oered advice. Tommie is verythorough and spent a good amount o time with everyone so thistook a while. I was a pretty hot day so beore moving on to the next

    stages they all took a break and had chance to do some shoppingor more mingling. Soon everyone return and were again crowdedaround as Tommie explained the next stages beore continuing onwith their own miniatures.

    I thought Tommie was just going to do a simple demonstrationbut what it turned into was a cut down version o Golems owndemonstration days. It was epic and Tommie did a brilliant job and Ior one am looking orward to see the results o those that took part.One unortunate aspect o the day was not being able to see the

    weathering demo rom our own megazord_man, somethilooking orward to but alas time waits or no man. It was geand the judging had nished. So Johns demo had to be pountil next year.

    The Painting Contest

    Last year the number o people who came to the WAMP20was a lot lower than wed hoped but the painting contest wvery high standard. Rob Cardiss, Nigel Carmen and Robinproved to be excellent judges and 2012 had a lot to matcThis years judges saw the return o Rob Cardiss (Demoalongside Scott Hockley (Iaction) and Andrew Vallance each bringing a vast wealth o knowledge and experiance toin hand. All three judges took their time and worked meththrough all the entries. WAMP uses the open judging syeach piece is given a score rom 1 to 100 on dierent asthe miniature like painting, modelling and basing as well asimpression and bonus points. The score is then added givitotal. I the total reaches a certain level its then awarded

    silver or gold. The award levels are set pretty high so to obthe piece has to be truly outstanding and would be right up tGolden Demon, Euro and World Expo winners. This in mymakes the WAMP painting contest one o the hardest to in and anyone who managed to grab a bronze or silver svery proud. Because the judging is so stringent, like lastgold certicates were awarded and or my part, I was over ehappy to get two bronze and one silver awards. Another gooo the contest is that the judges take the time to oer snadvice on the scoring sheet and when the judging is nis

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    take the time to mingle and talk about individual pieces. Id like tothank Demonherald or his advice on my entry and Ill certainly berevisiting it to make his suggested improvements.

    When the judging was nished it was time to give out the awards.Here is a breakdown o all the winners.

    Single Figure: Stuart Thunderbellie West

    Group: Stuart Thunderbellie West

    Monster/Vehicle: Stuart Thunderbellie West

    Duel/Diorama: Adam Sparks Parkhouse

    Large scale/Bust: Stuart Thunderbellie West

    Speed painting: Tom Urban Surer Welch

    BaneLegion: Stuart Thunderbellie West

    People Choice: John megazord_man Keys

    Best in Show: Stuart Thunderbellie West

    My Overall Opinion of The Day

    Ater last year I was one o the people who called o

    changes and I was really pleased with how WAMP20improved. It had more structure to it and seemed to fowThe inclusion o the demo by Tommie was excellent anwish wed have had time to see Megazords weatheringbut since the day fowed very well and people interacteone o the drawbacks is the time constraint.

    WAMP2012 was an excellent day out and a vast improvon 2011 which was still a good day so thats not a critic2011, just acknowledgement on success o 2012. Lots oand interesting people turned up and the painting conteagain a tough event with some high quality judges whica long way to cementing its credibility as one o the UKminiature painting contests. I like to thank all those tha

    part in the painting contest and oer my congratulaeveryone who took away certicates and trophies. I stimanage to nab a trophy or mysel but Im not disheaone bit. I have made improvements since last year and I could have made more but with real lie headbutting way it did I havent painted much since WAMP 2011, six minis in total but thats changed now and things have around. Im enthusiastic about paint ing again and WAMhas spurred me on to make urther improvements soorward to next year.

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    The Contest

    The contest is open to any miniature rom the Banelordsor Banebeast ranges. Your entries can be a single gure,diorama,unit, whatever you ancy as long as they are Maelstromminis. You can even sculpt/convert your entry as long as itsinherently a Maelstrom miniature (they even have their spankingnew bitz service you can use!)

    The deadline or entries will be 4pm Friday 24th August 2012

    Supporters deadline will be 4pm Friday 31st August 2012


    This will be carried out by Maelstrom sta as well as theirstudio painters. The Maelstrom painters are top drawer so youreally need to impress them!


    The bit you have all been waiting or! Here we go.

    1st Prize: One o EVERY new release or 1 YEAR!! Thisincludes Banelords AND Banebeasts! Yes thats right, EVERYminiature Maelstrom Games releases rom the prize awarded

    until 12 MONTHS LATER!! Thats ALL THE MONSTERS, ALLTHE TROOPERS AND ALL THE SINGLE FIGURES!!!! (Basedupon the previous 12 months release schedule thats over 1,000in miniatures!!) Maelstrom release at least 1 miniature per monthand oten 3 or 4! The winning entry will also eature on the covero Portal Magazine

    2nd Prize: Your choice o 1 miniature rom that months newreleases - FOR A YEAR! (So every month or a year you canpick one o their new releases rom that month).

    3rd Prize: Your choice o ANY miniature in the Banebeast orBanelord ranges (released at time o judging) Worth up to 99.99

    And as i that wasnt enough!!!.........

    Spot Prizes: There will be 10 x 10 Banelords/Banebeast(redeemable against either range) Vouchers awarded to entriesthat well rankly, Maelstrom think are cool!! These might be orentries that just missed out on one o the main prizes, maybeor the best paint job on a certain mini or maybe just a cleverconversion, it could be anything that catches the judges eye.

    Yes olks those lovely olks a

    Hassleree are back to serve up

    delicious meal o miniature perec

    cooked expertly by Kev and serve

    with a smile by Sally.

    Yes one o our avourite miniature companies is thrsome goodies your way to try and tempt you into gettinbrushes into action.

    For this years event we are oering up a much simpler cwith a single category and we have upped the prizes!


    1st place - 75 Hassleree voucher & eatured Portal Magazine ront cover

    2nd place - 50 Hassleree voucher

    3rd place - 25 Hassleree voucher

    Deadline: 6pm 23rd September 20

    Supporters deadline: 6pm

    30th September 2012

    (all times are GMT)

    Hassleree produce somelovely miniatures coveringeverything rom Fantasy emales toghost nabbing Great Danes. Theyare a pleasure to paint and i youhavent tried them beore you really should

    Hassleree miniatures can be ound here::Hassleree Miniatures

    Get painting olks!

    Last years winner.Major Tomoko by Iacton.

    Below shows the current contests running on WAMP. Click the title to go to the conte

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    Hammerall High Shield Gun Corps by Blighted PandaWinner: Unit, Privateer Press Painting Contest 2012

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    Deathjack by coldrenminisWinner: Warjack/Warbeast, Privateer Press PaintingContest 2012

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    Troll Axer by p1per

    High Exemplar Kreoss by Endor Jaggernaut by Chang1701

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    Sceleton Warrior byMochriedh

    Sylys Wyshnalyrr byBlighted Panda

    Choir o Menoth byEndor

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    Dannon Blythe & Bull by Blighted Panda

    Pistol Wraith by Nomad

    Untitled by Nomad

    Mangler H. Warjack by Blighted Panda

    Epic Skarre by Century

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    Mage Hunter Assassin by junex

    Tyrant Xerxis

    Sorscha 2012 by Ba

    Alexia by althai

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    Slayer by Aelath

    Lancer by Aelath

    Stryker by Aelath

    Deneghra by Aelath

    Ironclad by Aelath

    Charger by Aelath

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    Warpwol by Lono

    Kaya the Moonhunter by Lono

    Untitled by caractacus

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    Laris by Lono

    Skarlock by aehorst

    Orin Midwinter by ste686

    Warpwol (2) by Lono

    Kayazy Underboss by s

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    Deathripper by aehorst

    Warwitch Deneghra by aehorst

    Bane Thrall Ofcer by

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    Slayer Helljack Deneghra by aehorst

    Scavenger by aehorst Legion Carnivean by aehorst

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    Cephalyx Overlords by aehorst

    Cryx Bane Thralls by aehorst

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    Lich Lord Asphyxious by aehorst

    Sorscha by ragados

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    By Scott Rad

    When we all go out and spend our hard earned buckson things we need or want how important is customer

    service in deciding where our money goes? To me its the singlemost important actor on luxury items. Things like, say, buying somemore miniatures to add to the lead/resin/plastic/whatever-the-hell-you-call-necast mountain. I support my riendly local game storeas much as possible but unortunately they are not able to stockthe wide variety o ranges I am drawn towards spending my moneyon. The ranges produced rom all our corners o the globe thatare realistically not going to see any shel time in sunny Saskatoon,Saskatchewan, Canada. The reason I buy local is simply becauseI get great service. I price was the motivator surely I could buyrom one o the great online dealers that are able to oer the largediscounts vs. my local shop. Customer service is very important andeven without the ace to ace contact great customer service is stillpossible and should be rewarded with repeat business.

    When I buy something at an agreed upon price and I have itdelivered to me in a timely matter I dont qualiy that as great service.Its service, or sure, but not enough to stick out in the consumersmind I think. I mean anything less than that would make or a belowpar experience so I think delivering goods on time at the stickerprice is acceptable. Just that though. Its not a reason to NOT buyrom the online retailer but or me more can be oered. Over thenet transactions make it really diicult to interact at the point o salebut I have had experiences with some good eRetailers that went theextra mile. Little things like a ollow up eMail ater a couple weekslooking or eedback on the packaging o the product was a goodone. The business is showing me they care about my experienceand want to improve i need be. Nice! I had one business ask me i

    there was anything they could manuacture that might catch my eye.How cool is that! Even the reward point system while not being verypersonal certainly has a built in incentive to keep my money fowingto the eStore that gives me this little bonus.

    I understand completely that a lot o the businesses are small scaleoperations. One or two people shows oten having to produce theirproduct themselves as well as market it and ship it. Theres evenless hours in the day or these operations then most. Still a lot o

    the good ones take advantage o the net to keep in touch wcustomer base. Some o them have their own dedicated orinteract and get to know their customers as well as you cannet. Others make use o social media to keep customerswith their new oerings as well as keeping in contact with thpaying or their stu. I really dig all the contact Ive beehave with the dierent businesses Ive supported. Nothing out o my shoes more than my rst encouraging commentmini o mine over on CMON by the sculptor o the mini. His that to get a compliment rom the guy who made the mtheir imagination and a little putty. I loved it! And he sure o my money still.

    Maybe the most important part o customer service is mistakes. Things happen. I read somewhere that one in key strokes is an error or an experienced typist. Its prettysee how accidents can happen when the only interactionwith an error rate o one in thirty. Just today I had a packatrying to ship to a ellow WAMPer returned to me or the Sdamn time because I sent it to the wrong county. TWICApparently Austria and Germany are no longer the samSo its rustrating when it happens to me but I am very understand that even the good dealers are going to exerrors. Fixing a mistake to a satisactory level is ne. I wogrudge. The ones who go over the top to show me that themake up or any error and display a little service either by in a lit tle extra, oering a discount, or doing ANYTHING exto erase any ill eeling and make their eorts stand out willmy business again.

    It seems to me that the general conception is that pric

    dictates where consumers will shop. It certainly is a HUGor the household essentials. Who wants to spend mloa o bread then they have to? On the luxuries howevthe intangibles like service weigh at least as much as coscustomers mind when they shop. Online retailers or a litmarket such as scale miniatures can really set themselves athe crowd with their service levels. I know I always make to spend money at places I like and do business with peoplshown me they enjoy selling minis as much as I like painti

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    Issue 26 promises to be

    a corker, Well have someexcellent tutorials included on

    on weathering rom John Key

    Well also have the results

    rom the much anticpated

    Banelegions contest as well

    as all the regulars, View From

    the Hill, Random Musingsplus all the latest news and

    views rom around the hooby


    With over 1800 members and a 15% month on monthincrease as well as over 7000 page impressionsdaily not to mention Portal, the No1 ree monthly minipainting magazine that averages over 3,000 downloadsper month. Wamp is a growing, vibrant web basedcommunity with members based all over the world,many o whom are regular contributors to other hobbybased orums. This means that advertising with WAMPwill be one o the most positive things you can do tomake your business grow.I you have products relevant to Miniature Painting,Wargaming or Roleplaying then WAMP members areyour targeted market. I not, our audience are alsointerested in related products such as Fantasy, ScienceFiction, Historical and Military related media as well as

    Art and Photography so it is still a good idea to advertisewith us because WAMP is a vast community and or a loto its members the frst place to seek advice on books,video games, movies and much, much more.Apart rom classifed ads, which are black and whiteonly, all adverts are ull colour. I need be we can evendesign it or you ree o charge. It will include yourcompany logo and any images or text you require plusdirect weblinks to your companys website.

    For more information go to


    or email us on

    [email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Portal Issue 25 Jul-Aug12


    The Wampstore is continuing to grow even bigger with new ranges being

    all the time. We now stock a wide variety of products from these compa




    Model Display Products

    Morland Studios


    Stone Tower miniat


    Studio Miniature

    TIN Bits

    The Basement

    Tor gamingWar Grion miniat

    Avatars of War



    Foundations of War

    Guild of Harmony

    HasslefreeJoek Minis