POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins Unique Resins for Binding, Lubricity, Adhesion and Emollient Performance Water-Soluble Resins

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POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins

Unique Resins forBinding, Lubricity,Adhesion and EmollientPerformance






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A Wide Range of Performance Properties


Aqueous Drag Reduction and Drift ControlAgricultureBuilding and ConstructionCeramicsCleaners, Personal Care and CosmeticsElectronics and TelecommunicationsMiningPaperPharmaceuticals

Properties of POLYOX™ Water-Soluble Resins

ViscositiesSolution Properties, Typical Physical Properties

Storage, Compendium Status, EPA Status,FDA Status

Working with POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins toAchieve Proper Dissolution

Product Safety






4, 5






Table of Contents

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POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins are nonionic, high

molecular weight water-soluble poly (ethylene oxide)

polymers. Molecular weights range from 100,000 to

about 8,000,000. They exhibit many properties

that are typical of other classes of water-soluble

polymers – lubricity, binding, water retention,

thickening, and film formation.

But POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins can do even

more. They’re thermoplastic materials that are

readily calendared, extruded, injection molded, or

cast. Films of POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins are

flexible, tough, and resistant to most oils and greases.

With their very high molecular weight, POLYOX

Water-Soluble Resins are viscoelastic, so their

aqueous solutions can reduce spattering and misting

potential. And POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins can

form association compounds with many other

substances to achieve a wide variety of additional,

useful formulation properties.



POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins

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Film Former, ExcipientPOLYOX Water-SolubleResins can be formed intoflexible films both bythermoplastic processing andcasting techniques. Such filmsmay be made of POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins alone orblended with a wide varietyof other polymers, such aspolyethylene, polystyrene,polycaprolactone, ethylenevinyl acetate, nylon, etc.

Low ToxicityPOLYOX Water-SolubleResins show a very low orderof toxicity in animal studiesby all routes of exposure. Atthe maximum practical oraldose to rates of about 2 g/kgof body weight there wereno deaths nor signs oftoxicity. Because of their highmolecular weights, the resinsare poorly absorbed fromthe gastrointestinal tract andare completely and rapidlyeliminated. These resins areneither skin irritants norsensitizers, nor do they causeeye irritation as the drypowder or as aqueoussolutions.

Flocculant ActivityHigh molecular weight gradesof POLYOX Water-SolubleResins effectively adsorb ontomany colloidal materialsand perform as efficientflocculating agents. Theyexhibit a high affinity for avariety of materials, includingsilica, clays, oxidized coal fines,lignins and paper fines.

High Binding EfficiencyPOLYOX Water-SolubleResins have high-bindingefficiency for pigments, fillers,metal powders and ceramics.These binders easily burn offat low temperatures with littleor no tendency to char.

Form Novel ComplexesThe strong hydrogen bondingaffinity of POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins accounts forthe association of thesepolyethers with variouspolar compounds, such asphenolic resins, mineral acids,halogens, ureas, ligninsulfonic acids and poly(carboxylic acids). Thesenovel complexes can bediscrete chemical entitiesresulting from very strongintermolecular associationand often exhibit propertiesmarkedly different fromeither component.

CrosslinkablePOLYOX Water-SolubleResins can be crosslinked toform gels that are highlywater-retentive.

EmollientWhen applied to the skin andhair, POLYOX Water-SolubleResins produce a soft and“silky” feel.

An unusually wide range of performance properties that

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LubricityPOLYOX Water-SolubleResins impart a high degreeof lubricity when in contactwith water.

Solubility/Thickeningof Many Organic SolventsPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare readily soluble in andwill thicken a wide variety oforganic solvents at varioustemperatures. Typical organicsolvents include most haloge-nated hydrocarbons, variousketones, alcohols, aromatichydrocarbons and esters.POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare not generally soluble inaliphatic hydrocarbon solvents,glycols, diols and aliphaticethers.

ThermoplasticityAs thermoplastics, POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins arereadily calendered, extruded,injection molded, or cast.Sheets and films of this materialare heat-sealable and can beoriented to develop highstrength. Films are inherentlyflexible, tough and resistant tomost oils and greases. Theseresins are compatible withmany natural and syntheticpolymers. The combination ofthermoplasticity and aqueoussolubility and compatibilitywith “hydrophobic” polymers(e.g., polyethylene,polycaprolactone, ethylenevinyl acetate, nylon, etc.) makePOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsa valuable asset for degradableplastics applications.

Wet TackPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsexhibit a high degree of wettack and, thus, are useful as wetadhesives. The dried residue isnon-tacky.

Thickening Power(Aqueous)POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare nonionic and completelywater-soluble at all tempera-tures up to the boiling point ofwater. Unlike most other highmolecular weight, water-solubleresins, they do not exhibit aninverse solubility-temperaturerelationship, except near theboiling point.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare extremely effective thick-ening agents in both freshand salt water. Aqueoussolutions are pseudoplastic(i.e., shear thinning).

Drag Reduction/Drift ControlVery low concentrations of thehigher molecular weightPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinscan reduce the turbulentfrictional drag of the water inwhich they are dissolved by asmuch as 80 percent.

add value to products and processes.

ViscoelasticityThe flexibility of ether linkagescombined with the extremelyhigh molecular weight ofPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsproduces solutions with elasticbehavior. Such solutions willclimb a rotating shaft! Thisproperty also tends to reduceboth the spattering and mistingpotential of aqueous solutions.

Available in Many GradesPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare supplied in a wide variety ofmolecular weight grades andformulated compounds instandard and NF (NationalFormulary) grades.

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POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinshave an unusual array ofproperties that make themuseful in a wide variety ofapplications. Here’s an over-view of the many ways theycan be used and the valuesthey bring to so many differentindustries. For more informa-tion, see corresponding tables.

Aqueous Drag Reductionand Drift ControlVery low concentrations of thehigher molecular weightPOLYOX Water-SolubleResins can reduce the turbulentfrictional drag of the water inwhich they are dissolved byas much as 80 percent. Applica-tions include agriculturalsprays, boat hulls, fire-fightingadditives, fluid jet cutting,pipeline slurry transport,storm sewers and well-fracturing fluids.


Seed Coatings – As film-formers, POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins can be usedin undiluted form as seedcoatings. POLYOX WSR N-10and WSR N-750 productsare typically used for thisapplication.

Seed Tape – The thermoplasticnature and film-formingcharacteristics of POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins makethem ideal for tape coating andadhering seed. Because they’rewater-soluble, POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins releaseseeds after planting and don’tinterfere with germination andgrowth.

Drift Control – POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins are usedfor drift control of agriculturalsprays, reducing carryover toother areas and permittingmore efficient spray directlyon foliage.

Water-Soluble Packaging –POLYOX Water-SolubleResins can be used as water-soluble protective coatings forpremeasured doses of pesticidesand other solid agriculturalformulations.


POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins • Applications

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POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins in Aqueous Drag Reduction and Drift Control

Application Recommended grades Use Levels, PPM Benefits

Fire-fighting WSR-30 5-100 Reduces turbulent frictionaladditives WSR-303 drag by as much as 80%.

WSR Coagulant

Storm sewers WSR-301 About 200 Reduces turbulent frictionalWSR-303 drag by as much as 80%.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins in Agriculture

Application Recommended Use Levels Benefitsgrades wt%

Seed WSR N-10 100 ExcellentCoatings WSR N-750 film-forming


Seed Tape WSR N-10 100 ExcellentWSR N-80 film-formingWSR N-750 characteristics and

thermoplasticity.Doesn’t interferewith germinationand growth ofseeds after planting.

Water- WSR N-10 2.0 Totally watersoluble WSR-205 soluble; packagingpackaging dissolves readily.

Agricultural WSR-301 0.05-0.2 Reduced carry overdrift control to other areas.

Permits moreefficient spraysdirectly on foliage.


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Building and ConstructionPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare used as thickeners, binders,and association compoundsin paints, coatings, paintremovers, cements, andconcrete.

Paints, Coatings, and PaintRemovers– POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins may be used asaqueous phase thickeners forlatex paints. And they’re alsoexcellent thickeners for manyorganic solvents. POLYOXWSR N-750 resin is typicallyused at 3.0 % by weight inpaint and varnish removers.

Cements and Concrete– Incement mortars, POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins provideaqueous thickening to provideproper body and applicationproperties. Because they formpseudoplastic (shear thinning)solutions, they enhanceworkability of cements andmortars.

POLYOX WSR-301 resin addsexcellent lubricity to concretemixes at 0.005 to 0.01% offormulation weight to assistpumpability.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins • Applications

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins in Building and Construction

Application Recommended Use Levels Benefitsgrades wt%

Paints & WSR N-750 3.0 Provides properCoatings body and application

properties. Reducessplattering anddripping.

Cements & WSR-301 0.005 Provides aqueousConcrete to 0.01 thickening for proper

body and applicationproperties. Alsoforms pseudoplasticsolutions that enhanceworkability of cementsand mortars. Filmforming propertiesprovide excellentencapsulation ofmineral powders andaggregates.

Asbestos WSR-301 0.4 based Lubricity reducescement WSR Coagulant on dry energy requirementsextrusion ingredients for extrusion.aid

Paint and WSR N-750 3.0 Good solubility invarnish many organicremovers solvents.

Concrete WSR-301 0.005- Lubricity assistspumping 0.01 pumping.

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CeramicsPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare used as binders and formingaids in ceramic parts, ceramicbricks, ceramic fibers, andceramic extrusion.

In ceramic applications,POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsserve primarily as binders andforming aids. They effectivelybind components of ceramicmixes for the formation of

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins in Ceramics

Application Recommended grades Use Levels, wt% Benefits

Ceramic WSR-301 0.001-0.7 Lubricity aids mixing andforming aid extrusion. High binding

efficiency. Burns off at lowtemperatures with littleor no tendency to char.

bricks and ceramic parts. Theyalso serve as excellent bindersfor ceramic fibers. For binding,POLYOX WSR-301 andWSR-303 are typically used at0.001 - 0.7% by weight of theceramic mix.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsalso provide excellent lubricity,aiding the extrusion of productslike bricks and asbestos cement.

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Cleaners, Personal Care,and Cosmetic ProductsPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsadd many important functionaland sensory properties tocleaners and personal careproducts. Perhaps the mostvaluable is their contribution ofemollient properties to personalcare products – hair careproducts, creams, and lotionsget the smooth, soft feel thatconsumers expect. POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins alsoserve as thickeners, binders,lubricants, and water-retentionagents in many other cleaningand personal care products.

Cleaners– POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins can be used tothicken both aqueous cleanersand those containing manyorganic solvents. They also actas emollients in liquid deter-gents like dishwashing liquids.With their film-forming activity,POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinscan be used for water-solublepackaging of solid detergentproducts. POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins add lubricity topolishes and waxes for easierapplication.

Hair Care Products– Inshampoos and conditioners,POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsserve as emollients and aqueousthickeners. They also addaqueous thickening to hair setlotions.

Skin Care Products– POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins areoutstanding emollients forcreams and lotions, providinga soft feel and smooth applica-tion. These resins are alsocrosslinkable to form water-retentive matrices for cosmeticgels.

Shaving Products– POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins providethe primary lubricant action inlubricant strips for razors —injection molded, or cast to thedesired shape. In shaving gels,POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinswork as emollients andlubricants.

Oral Care Products– POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins provideexcellent thickening with lowtoxicity in toothpaste, mouth-washes, and denture creams.They also provide wet tack fordental cements and dentaladhesives.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins • Applications

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POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins in Cleaners, Personal Care and Cosmetic Products

Application Recommended grades Use Levels, wt% Benefits

Creams WSR-205 0.25-0.75 Provides a soft feel andand lotions WSR N-60K smooth application. The

resins are also crosslinkableto form water-retentivematrices for cosmetic gels.

Cold Cream WSR-205 0.5 Provides a soft feel andsmooth application. Theresins are also crosslinkableto form water-retentivematrices for cosmetic gels.

Denture WSR-301 0.5 Provides excellent thickeningadhesives with low toxicity, plus

wet tack.

Denture WSR-301 NF 12-15 Provides excellent thickeningcreams with low toxicity.

Detergent WSR N-3000 0.05-0.1 Thickens aqueous cleaners,liquids acts as an emollient. Film-

forming activity useful forwater-soluble packaging ofsolid detergent products.

Hair WSR-205 0.25 Provides a soft feel andconditioner smooth application, also

adds aqueous thickening.

Hand soaps WSR N-750 0.1-1.5 Provides a soft feel and(bar and liquid) WSR N-3000 smooth application. Excellent

WSR-205 0.1-2.0 binding properties.WSR N-12K 0.2WSR N-60 0.3

Rubbing WSR-301 0.1 Provides a soft feel andalcohol reduces astringent sensation.

Shampoos WSR N-750 0.25-0.5 Provides a soft feel andWSR-205 smooth application, alsoWSR N-60K adds aqueous thickening.

Shaving gels WSR-205 0.1 Provides a soft feel andsmooth application; lubricantaction reduces razor drag.

Shaving/Razors WSR N-80 50-75 Provides the primaryWSR N-750 lubricant action in lubricantWSR-301 strips for razors.WSR Coagulant

Toothpaste WSR-205 NF 0.3-1.0 Provides excellent thickeningwith low toxicity.

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Electronics andTelecommunication

Batteries– POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins are used asbinders for battery electrodesand separators for batteries.They can dissolve a largeamount of the inorganic saltsand therefore can be used asionically conductive polymerelectrolytes in rechargeablebatteries. The polymer electro-lytes can be made into strongand flexible thin films toimprove the battery safety andperformance. This approachalso opens the door to newbattery designs.

Fluorescent Lamps andCathode Ray Tubes– POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins are widelyused as binders for fluorescentlamp phosphors. POLYOXWSR N-750 and N-3000 aretypically used at concentrationsof 1-5%. These polymers alsosee utility as phosphor bindersin cathode ray tubes.

Wire, Cable, and OpticalFibers– To assist in assemblyand installation operations,POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsmay be used as lubricants forwire, cable, and optical fibers.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins • Applications

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins inElectronics and Telecommunications

Application Recommended Use Levels Benefitsgrades wt%

Batteries WSR N-750 20 ~ 80 Efficient binding forWSR N-80 battery electrodes.

Form ionicallyconducting polymerelectrolytes withmany inorganic salts.

Wire, Cable WSR-301 0.1 Lubricity aids inand Optical assembly andFibers installation operations.

Fluorescent WSR N-750 0.1-2.0 Burn off at lowlamp WSR N-3000 4.0-6.0 temperaturesphosphor with little or nobinder tendency to char.

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MiningPOLYOX Water-SolubleResins are used extensively asflocculating agents in miningoperations. High molecularweight grades of POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins, soldunder the UCARFLOC™name, effectively adsorb ontomany colloidal materials andperform as efficient flocculatingagents. They exhibit a highaffinity for a variety of materials,including silica, clays, andoxidized coal fines. See thetable at right.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare used as lubricants and dragreduction agents for pipelineslurry transport. They also haveutility as dust suppressants.

UCARFLOC Flocculating Agents In Mining Applications

Application Recommended grades Use Levels Benefits

Clay suspensions UCARFLOC 302 5 ppm - 0.2%UCARFLOC 304 of total clayUCARFLOC 309 suspension

Heavy metal UCARFLOC 300 0.01 - 0.1%ore flocculation UCARFLOC 302 of solids


Oxidized UCARFLOC 302 0.01 to 0.1%coal slurries UCARFLOC 304 of slurry solids


Phosphate UCARFLOC 300 0.01 - 0.1%slimes UCARFLOC 304 of clay solids

Rock drilling UCARFLOC 300 10 - 20 ppmenhancer

Silica UCARFLOC 302 5 - 10 ppmsuspensions UCARFLOC 304


Reducing WSR N-750 2.0 Excellent film formation.spontaneouscombustionof coal

High affinity for many materials;effective adsorption ontosurfaces and efficientflocculating action.

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PaperIn papermaking, POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins serve asprocessing aids and compo-nents of finished products.Their primary roles are asadhesives and flocculants.

Adhesives– Solutions ofPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsexhibit a high degree of wettack and thus are useful aswet adhesives for tail-tieapplications, and in tissue andtoweling. The dry residue isnon-tacky.


Flocculation– High molecularweight grades of POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins, soldunder the UCARFLOC name,are used in paper making dueto their high affinity for pulps,fillers, and pitch. POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins are usedin fines retention, drainageenhancement and in paperwaste systems. They exhibit ahigh affinity for a variety ofmaterials, including silica, clays,lignins, and paper fines.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins • Applications

UCARFLOC Flocculating Agents In Paper Applications

Application Recommended grades Use Levels wt% Benefits

Tail-tie paper POLYOX WSR N-750 3 - 7 High degree of wet-tackadhesives POLYOX WSR-205 with dry residue that’s

POLYOX WSR-301 non-tacky.

Tissue and POLYOX WSR N-750 4 - 7 High degree of wet-tacktoweling POLYOX WSR-205 with dry residue that’sadhesives POLYOX WSR N-3000 non-tacky.

Flocculation and UCARFLOC 300 0.005 - 0.25 High affinity for a varietypaper fines UCARFLOC 302 of dry fiber of materials; efficientretention UCARFLOC 304 flocculation.


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PharmaceuticalsPOLYOX Water-Soluble ResinsNF are nonionic poly(ethyleneoxide) polymers. They meetthe requirements of the FoodChemicals Codex, the Interna-tional Codex Alimentarius andUS Pharmacopoeia (USP) orNational Formulary (NF).These products have also beenapproved in drug products soldin Britain and major Europeancountries. They are white, free-flowing hydrophilic powderssupplied in a wide variety ofmolecular weight grades,ranging from one hundredthousand to eight million.POLYOX Water-Soluble ResinsNF have a long history ofsuccessful applications inpharmaceutical products, inuses such as controlled releasesolid dose matrix systems,tablet binding, transdermaldrug delivery systems, andmucosal bioadhesives.

Controlled Release MatrixSystems– POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins NF are veryversatile polymers for con-trolled release applications.Upon exposure to water orgastric juices, they hydrate andswell rapidly to form hydrogelswith properties ideally suitedfor controlled drug-deliveryvehicles. Because POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins NF arenonionic, no interactionbetween drug and polymers isto be expected.

Direct Compression TabletBinding– POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins NF perform wellas binders in direct compressionsystems. They often providebetter flow and compactionproperties than other binders.And their lubricity also assiststableting operations.

Mucosal Bioadhesives–POLYOX Water-SolubleResins NF offer a number ofimportant properties formucoadhesion – water solubil-ity, hydrophilicity, highmolecular weight, hydrogenbonding functionality, andgood biocompatibility. Theseresins have a long linear chainstructure which allows them to

form a strong interpenetratingnetwork with mucus. Dataindicate that molecular weightsof 4,000,000 and higher havethe highest level of adhesion.

Melt Extrusion– POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins NFprovide good flow characteris-tics and can be used in conven-tional equipment.


POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins NF for Pharmaceutical Applications

POLYOX Approximate Viscosity Range at 25°C, cPWater-Soluble Molecular

Resin NF Product Weight5% Solution 2% Solution 1% Solution

WSR N-10 100,000 30-50WSR N-80 200,000 55-90WSR N-750 300,000 600-1,200WSR-205 600,000 4,500-8,800WSR-1105 900,000 8,800-17,600

WSR N-12K 1,000,000 400-800WSR N-60K 2,000,000 2,000-4,000

WSR-301 4,000,000 1,650-5,500WSR Coagulant 5,000,000 5,500-7,500WSR-303 7,000,000 7,500-10,000

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POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare supplied in a wide varietyof molecular weight gradesand formulated compounds instandard and NF (NationalFormulary) grades. Table 1shows the current productrange and their correspondingmolecular weights and proper-ties. Figure 1 summarizes thesolution properties of eachtype. Both thickening efficiencyand pituity (i.e., viscoelasticbehavior) increase withincreasing molecular weight.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare produced and supplied aswhite, granular powders, freelysoluble in water and possessinga slightly ammoniacal odor.Typical properties are given inTable 2.

The physical property data listed are considered to be typical properties,not specifications.

(1) Based on rheological measurements. Molecular weights obtained by othermethods, including light scattering and gel permeation chromatography, maynot be directly comparable.

(2) Model RVT.

(3) POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins NF comply with The National Formularystandard for “Polyethylene Oxide” (page 2285-6) in USP 23-NF 18issued in 1995.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins • Properties

Grades of POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins

POLYOX Grade Approximate Molecular Weight (1)

WSR N-10 100,000WSR N-80 200,000WSR N-750 300,000

WSR N-3000 400,000WSR-205 600,000

WSR-1105 900,000WSR N-12K 1,000,000WSR N-60K 2,000,000

WSR-301 4,000,000WSR Coagulant 5,000,000WSR-303 7,000,000WSR-308 8,000,000UCARFLOC Polymer 300 4,000,000UCARFLOC Polymer 302 5,000,000UCARFLOC Polymer 304 7,000,000UCARFLOC Polymer 309 8,000,000


Table 1

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Viscosity Range, mPa • sec (cP), Aqueous Solution at 25°C, Weight Percent Brookfield Viscometer, Model RVF,Spindle No./Speed, rpm

5% 2% 1%

12-50 — — 1/50 (2)

65-115 — — 1/50 (2)

600-1000 — — 1/101000-1200 — — 2/10

2250-4500 — — 1/24500-8800 — — 2/2

8800-17,600 — — 2/2— 400-800 — 1/10— 2000-4000 — 3/10

— — 1650-5500 2/2— — 5500-7500 2/2— — 7500-10,000 2/2— — 10,000-15,000 2/2— — 1650-5500 2/2— — 5500-7500 2/2— — 7500-10,000 2/2— — 10,000-15,000 2/2

Contact your Dow representative regarding resins that meet the NF standard (3).

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Solution Properties of POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins

Viscoelasticity Shear Thinning Mechanical Shear(Pituity)1 (Pseudoplasticity) Durability

MolecularWeight≥ 4,000,000

MolecularWeight< 4,000,000

1 Increases with molecular weight


Figure 1

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins • Properties

Typical Physical Properties of POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins

Appearance Off-white powderCrystalline Melting Point (1) (X-ray and DSC), °C 62-67Odor Slightly ammoniacal

Melt Flow Temperature, °C > 98Volatiles Content, as packaged, % by wt (at 105 °C) > 1.0

Alkaline Earth Metals, % by wt as CaO, max 1.0Powder Bulk Density, lb/ft3 (kg/m3) 19-37 (304-593)

Polymer Density, g/cc 1.15-1.26Moisture Content, as Packaged, % < 1

Heat of Fusion, cal/gm 33Solution pH 8-10

Particle Size, % by wtAverage through 10-mesh (U.S. Standard) 100

20-mesh 96

The physical property data listed are considered to be typicalproperties, not specifications.

(1) At temperatures far above the crystalline melting point, highpolymers of POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins still retain a veryhigh degree of crystalline character.

Table 2

Shear Rate




Shear Exposure



ty R



Shear Rate




Shear Exposure



ty R



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Storage StabilityPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinswill degrade to lower molecularweights with time and elevatedtemperature. Higher molecularweight grades are moresensitive than lower molecularweight grades. Samples pasttheir expiration date should beevaluated to confirm that theyare within specification limits.Samples that are out ofspecification should bediscarded.

Compendium StatusNF (National Formulary)grades of POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins are available.POLYOX Water-Soluble ResinsNF are identified in theCompendium as PolyethyleneOxide.

EPA StatusPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare identified by the FederalEnvironmental ProtectionAgency in 40 CFR 180.1001(d) for unrestricted use as inertingredients in pesticide formu-lations applied to crops up tothe time of harvest.

FDA StatusConsiderable interest has beenshown in POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins for diverseapplications in food, drug andcosmetic products. Such usesfall within the scope of theFederal Food, Drug and

Cosmetic Act. The FDA hasrecognized and approved theuse of Poly(ethylene oxide)polymers (POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins) for specific foodpackaging uses, and as a directadditive to beer.

FDA Status of POLYOX Water-Soluble ResinsFDA Regulation (21 CFR) Permitted Uses

172.770 Foam stabilizer in fermented maltbeverages (not to exceed 300 ppm byweight of the beverage) (WSR-301 andhigher molecular weight grades).

175.300 (xxxiii) Component of resinous and polymeric175.300 (b) (3) (xxxiii) coatings applied as a continuous film or

enamel over a metal substrate orapplied as a continuous film or enamelto any suitable substrate provided thatthe coating serves as a functional barrierbetween the food and the substrate andis intended for repeated food-contact use(all grades).

175.380 Adjuvant in the production of or addedto impart desired physical and technicalproperties to xylene-formaldehyderesins condensed with 4,4'-isopropylidene-diphenol-epichlorohydrin epoxy resinsfor use in coatings in contact withaqueous and dry foods, and beverages(all grades).

175.390 Preparation of zinc-silicon dioxide matrixcoatings used as food-contact surfacesfor bulk reusable containers intended forstoring, handling and transporting food(all grades).

176.170 Component of the coated or uncoated176.180 food-contact surface of paper and

paperboard in contact with fatty,aqueous, and dry food (all grades).

177.1210 Manufacture of closures with sealinggaskets for food containers (all grades).

177.1350 Adjuvant in the manufacture ofethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers usedin food-contact applications (all grades).

Table 3

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Although POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins are totallywater-soluble, care must betaken to make sure that theyare dissolved completely.Detailed procedures andequipment recommendationsfor laboratory and commercialscale methods for dissolvingPOLYOX Water-SolubleResins are described in thisbook.

The key to dissolution is goodinitial dispersion.The most important step in theentire dissolving operation ofPOLYOX Water-SolubleResins takes place in the firstfew seconds-separating theindividual resin particles fromeach other.

High-shear agitators are notnecessary and should beavoided.In water, POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins are instantlywettable. If the POLYOXWater-Soluble Resin powder isnot properly dispersed, thepartially dissolved, wettedparticles will agglomerate andform gels that may neverdissolve. High-speed agitationof dissolved POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins must be avoidedto prevent shear degradation ofthe resin. Organic solvents,because of their lower polarity,do not solvate (“wet”)POLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsas rapidly as water. As a result,particle agglomeration and gelformation are generally notproblems when dissolvingPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsin organic solvents.

Three major techniquesprovide good dispersion ofresin particles.For laboratory or plantrequirements, these techniquesfall into three major categories:• Simple direct addition to

water.• Predispersion in water-

miscible non-solvents.• Use of mechanical devices

that achieve dispersion withminimal shear.

Which technique you use willdepend on the final viscosityand volume required.

For laboratory and less thandrum quantities, direct additionof the POLYOX Water-SolubleResins to water, or non-solventpredispersion of POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins isrecommended. For largevolumes or continuousoperation, special mechanicaldevices are available. Eachof these techniques isdescribed here.

Direct Addition to WaterThe relative ease of dissolvingPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsdirectly in water depends onthree factors: (a) rate ofviscosity buildup (which is afunction of solution concentra-tion and molecular weight), (b)particle size, and (c) type ofagitation employed. Theunderlying factor, once again, isto obtain good resin dispersionbefore the solution viscositybuilds to a point where it is nolonger possible to disperseadditional resin without highshear. This is best accomplishedby adding the POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins at just the“right” rate of addition. If youadd it too slowly, the viscositywill build too rapidly, and youwill not be able to add the restof the resin. On the other hand,if you add the resin too rapidly,it will clump up and notdissolve.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins • Achieving Proper Dissolution

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Figure 3

Multi-propeller-type Stirrer

Figure 2Standard Turbine Stirrer Using the Proper Type Stirrer

A one-percent by weightsolution of the high molecularweight POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins and a five-percent by weight solution ofPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinscan be prepared by directaddition of the dry resin towater if the proper type stirreris used. We have found thateither the standard turbinestirrer (see Figure 2) or thestandard multi-propeller-typestirrer (see Figure 3) works wellto dissolve POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins on a lab scale.These stirrers create a largevortex with only moderateshear. Stir rapidly to create avortex initially (about 600rpm), sprinkle in POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins at just the“right” rate, and then decreasethe rpm to about 60. Continuestirring for 30 minutes to onehour until the solution appearshomogeneous. In this way, asthe viscosity increases, the sheardegradation will be minimal.Other concentrations of bothPOLYOX WSR and WSRNseries may also be prepared bythis technique. Depending onthe concentration selected andthe molecular weight, longerstirring times–up to threehours–may be required.

Hot Water MethodPOLYOX Water-Soluble Resinsare completely soluble in waterat all temperatures, except nearthe boiling point. At thistemperature, POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins precipitate.This phenomenon of inversesolubility provides an alterna-tive technique for dispersingand dissolving POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins. If youchoose this method, be carefulnot to let the steam from theboiling water wet the POLYOXWater-Soluble Resin powder!This may be done, for example,on a lab scale by using a smallpolypropylene or woodenscoop with curved sides. Thecurved sides will minimize thecontact between the steam andthe POLYOX Water-SolubleResins.

Typically, all the water neces-sary is heated to near boiling(about 97°C). Condensationwill generally appear on thecontainer above the level of thewater. If allowed to remainpresent, undesirable buildup ofthe POLYOX Water-SolubleResins may occur. To avoidthis, the near-boiling watershould be stirred vigorously tocreate a vortex (500-600 rpm).This stirring will (1) raise thewater level close to the top ofthe container and reduce oreliminate condensation on thewalls and (2) aid in dispersingthe POLYOX Water-SolubleResin particles.

After about one minute, thestirring rate should be reducedto about 50-60 rpm. Thesource of heat is then removedand a stirring rate of 50-60 rpmis continued until solution iscomplete. This technique isadaptable to small-andmedium-size dissolvingoperations, where minimalagitation equipment isavailable.


516 Diameter


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Predispersion inWater-MiscibleNon-SolventsDispersion of POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins in water-misciblenon-solvents separates theindividual resin particles fromeach other. When water is thenadded, each individual particlehas a chance to swell, hydrate,and thereafter dissolve. Thistechnique avoids the typicalclumping that occurs if wateralone is used. The use ofalcohols or glycols also has theadded benefit of reducing lossof solution viscosity on agingsince these solvents behave assolution viscosity stabilizers.

For example, to make aone-percent solution by thepredispersion technique,disperse 10 g of POLYOXWater-Soluble Resin in 40 gof anhydrous 2-propanol.Add this slurry to a beaker.Then add 950 g of distilledor tap water all at once. Stirat about 60 rpm and continuestirring for 30 minutes to1-3 hours until the solution is homogeneous.

Most non-solvent techniquesare suitable for large batchpreparation of POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins solutionsin plant-scale equipment. Forconvenience, in plant operation,the non-solvent is added to astirred vessel. The POLYOXWater-Soluble Resins are thendispersed in the non-solventfollowed by addition of therequisite amount of water.Stirring is continued within theguidelines discussed above.

POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins • Achieving Proper Dissolution

Aqueous Salt andAlkali SolutionsThe addition of salts to waterwill decrease the solubility ofthe POLYOX Water-SolubleResins. With such salt or alkalisolutions, a similar separationof particles is produced aspreviously described withorganic non-solvents. Dissolu-tion occurs upon dilution withwater.

For example, a 1.5-percentPOLYOX Water-Soluble ResinsCoagulant solution can easilybe prepared by first dispersingit in 20-percent sodiumhydroxide solution. Specifically,7.5 g of sodium hydroxide aredissolved in 30 g of distilled ortap water. Then, 15 g ofPOLYOX Water-Soluble ResinCoagulant are dispersed in theconcentrated sodium hydroxidesolution. Distilled or tap water(955 g) is added to the mixer.With the agitator turning about600 rpm, the resin slurry ispoured in. Agitation is reducedto about 300 rpm after all theslurry has been added. Whenthe viscosity has becomesufficiently high to preventundissolved resin from settlingout, agitation is reduced toabout 60 rpm. This rpm ismaintained until solution iscomplete.

Both methods — predispersionin water-miscible non-solventsand dispersion in aqueous saltand alkali solutions — areuseful for either large or smalloperations where agitationfacilities are limited, and wherethe dispersing medium is notobjectionable.

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Product Safety

When considering the use ofany Dow products in a particu-lar application, you shouldreview our latest Material SafetyData Sheets and ensure that theuse you intend can be accom-plished safely. For MaterialSafety Data Sheets and otherproduct safety information,contact Dow at the numbers onthe back cover. Before handlingany other products mentionedin the text, you should obtainavailable product safetyinformation and take necessarysteps to ensure safety of use.

Product Safety

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Published March 2002

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