Political Occultism: Seemingly Invisible, Yet it Shapes Our World  Markus Osterieder's From Synar chy to Shambhala  elucidates a controversial subject. It details the intrigue surrounding the exploits of Nicholas and Elena Roerich in their historic  journeys around the globe and the suspected political machinations of arcane secretive groups that may or may not have precipitated into broader, more tangible events in our history . The article paints a broad picture of this infamous Russian cou ple, stating that they possessed messianic ambition, that their ultimate objective was to establish a transnational, pan-Buddhist, quasi-Communist superstate, a spiritual and utopian re-working of the geopolitics of their time.  Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich (1874-1947), painter, philosopher , writer and Soman

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Political Occultism: Seemingly Invisible, Yet it Shapes Our World


Markus Osterieder's From Synarchy to Shambhala elucidates a controversial subject. It

details the intrigue surrounding the exploits of Nicholas and Elena Roerich in their historic

 journeys around the globe and the suspected political machinations of arcane secretive groups

that may or may not have precipitated into broader, more tangible events in our history. The

article paints a broad picture of this infamous Russian couple, stating that they possessed

messianic ambition, that their ultimate objective was to establish a transnational, pan-Buddhist,

quasi-Communist superstate, a spiritual and utopian re-working of the geopolitics of their time.

 Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich (1874-1947), painter, philosopher, writer and


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archeologist had an illustrious career in much more than his various listed occupations. He was

seen by several people involved in multiple separate secret societies to be their Meta-guru of 

sorts, and there is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that not only was he a fairly successful

diplomat, he also may have been a spy for Russia. Elena, his wife, a medium who supposedly

was in contact with higher intelligences on the ‘astral plane’, traveled across Asia, Europe and

America with her husband in search of the source of those intelligences, during which they

dispensed their philosophical teachings of Agni (Fire) Yoga, joined fraternal societies and made

contact with influential political figures and organizations. The exact details of the extent of 

their relationship with some of these groups and people is not always clear; Osterieder's article

occasionally relies on speculation and conjecture, however there are many facts to draw from to

make the picture clearer, including a barrage of documented references and physical evidence.

 N.K. Roerich has been accused by some to be not just a spy, but a potential double

agent. He did get involved with the American government and a US branch of the Rosicrucians

in the latter part of his life. He joined the ranks of both the Theosophical Society and the

Martinists, two brotherhoods with a long-standing bitter rivalry and somewhat similar, yet

opposing ideologies. Was this a ploy to somehow bring Yellow and Red Dragon together?

Could these maneuvers have been part of a reunion, a fusing of or conclave between the

 previously estranged branches of the ‘Brotherhood of the Snake’, the alleged ‘Luminari’ and

‘Illuminati’, Roerich serving as a go-between with Agartha and Shambhala?

The Theosophical Society, co-founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was a quasi-

masonic group that espoused teachings from the Eastern part of the world rather than the Western

Mystery School teachings that most Masonic lodges are typically more oriented towards. The


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movement was and is friendly toward female membership and passionate about humanistic,

emancipatory causes, leaning substantially to the left in a political sense. Their society’s ‘Grand

Plan’ was considered by them to be a physical manifestation of the Will of those named the

'Ascended Masters', who reside within Inner Earth, in the ‘Kingdom of Shambhala’. This plan

was in place in order to prepare the world for a New Age of peace, guided by Maitreya, the

future Buddha of this coming age.

Blavatsky was the original person to claim mediumship or direct contact with the

‘Mahatmas’, the Ascended Masters of Shambhala. Incidentally, she also claimed to have been

offered by both Russian and British intelligence services to become an agent, yet declined in

 both cases. The Roerichs found out about these enlightened beings hiding inside the Earth

through membership with her society and later, purportedly met one of them, Master Morya or 

‘Allal Ming’ several times in person. Elena wrote many letters to him and some of this

correspondence was delivered to the Moscow offices of Stalin himself, with the hopes that

certain concepts would be adopted by the Russian establishment. Lenin was considered

somewhat of a saint by the Roerichs; they thought for a time that Stalin might continue his cause

in the same direction, with regards to Inner Asia. This would later prove not to be so, in fact a

contemporary of the Roerichs with quite similar intentions as the Theosophists, a Buryat lama

and tutor of the last Dalai lama, Agvan Dorjiev, was charged with treason and died as a result of 

the Stalinist Purges.

The Martinists of Roerich’s time were a collection of diasporic Western esoteric

Christian brotherhoods, some of which had more right-wing political leanings. They formed in

and were based in France, yet established a wide network of lodges and independent orders


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under their own jurisdiction, including quite a few bases in Russia. A prominent Martinist,

Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, came up with ‘Synarchy’, a political philosophy of which

Roerich seemed to be sympathetic, if not subscribe wholeheartedly to.

Synarchy essentially is a proposed theocratic, quasi-Communist re-structuring of society

into rulership by three councils, one for banking and finance, another for legal and political

matters and one with appointed leaders for the arts, education and religious issues. Interestingly,

the Martinists also claimed the direct source of this political philosophy to originate from

enlightened beings living in a subterranean city called ‘Agartha’. These sorts of rumors of a

highly advanced technological civilization somewhere near the region of Tibet were indeed what

inspired SS officers such as Karl Maria Wiligut and Heinrich Himmler to convince Hitler to send

multiple exploratory expeditions to the Himalayas during the rise of the Third Reich.

N.K. Roerich somehow managed to stay fairly uninvolved with the controversy between

these groups and the Theosophists. Instead, he used the auspices of both orders to network with

many important figures and attempt to sway their positions on many political issues with

immense implications. In fact, his diplomatic ‘flirtations’ with Bolsheviks and Communists,

Synarchists, Nazis, Buddhist lamas, Parisian aristocrats, Japanese royalty and the American

government betray the very notion that his allegiance was to any one of them over the directive

he was receiving from Shambhala itself. He desired change on a grander scale than any

nationalistic agenda could accomplish, although if any one country could facilitate the process,

Mother Russia was best prepared to do so in the eyes of his Master.

Perhaps he was truly motivated by what he believed to be a higher ordering principle, a

‘higher octave’ of intelligence or consciousness that possessed the proper vision for the future


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fate of Central Asia and the world. He was not particularly loyal to one specific group on the

‘phenomenal plane’ but seemed to have a much larger, politically transcendent purpose in mind

 behind his actions. Many thinktank types and geopolitical analysts such as Bilderberger and

one-time advisor, CIA handler for Osama bin Laden, Zbigniew Brzezinski have stressed the

importance of Central Asia as the strategic ‘Grand Chessboard’ of all regions. Beyond the

Anglo-Russian contest for Eurasian hegemony, was Roerich trying to broker a peace between the

West and the East? If anything, the instructions from ‘on high’ that he received from Allal Ming

indicated to him that a collusion between a form of Communism and Buddhist ‘lamaist

utopianism’ was necessary for the evolution of humanity as a whole.

Despite some of the more fantastical accounts associated with Roerich, such as his

custodianship of an all-powerful ‘magical meteor’ from the Sirius star system, the Cintamani

stone, portrayed in the TV series Legend Quest , he did have some very real, concrete

accomplishments, one of which we as Americans unknowingly encounter nearly every day.

Aside from his direct dealings with the upper echelon of Bolshevik leadership at various points

earlier in his career, Roerich’s ventures in America would prove the most fruitful in many

respects. During his time in the States, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his Secretary of 

Agriculture, Henry Wallace, both 32nd degree Freemasons, became interested in Roerich’s

endeavors. Around the time of FDR’s ‘New Deal’, the US dollar was modified; the man who

convinced Wallace and FDR to adopt the previously discarded reverse side of the US Great Seal,

a pyramid design with the ‘All-Seeing-Eye’ capstone was Roerich himself. Also, his Banner of 

Peace initiative and accompanying symbol was signed by Wallace in the presence of FDR and

adopted into the United Nations organizational charter. The initiative entailed an effort to ask 


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nations to treat museums, cathedrals, universities and libraries in the same manner as they would

hospitals. That was quite an achievement for man so little known by the world.

The deeply-rooted marriage of Judeo-Christian culture and capitalism in the West,

combined with the suspicious attitude towards socialism could provide the conceptual

framework to form an association of Roerich’s ‘politically messianic’ movement with that of ‘the

Antichrist’, labeling it a corrupt mythology, just as someone from the East might formulate a

similarly negative opinion regarding Western culture, imperialism and the ‘religions of the

Book’. Regardless of whether or not anything concerning Shambhala, Agartha or his connection

to them contains a shred of truth, there are likely few historians or conspiracy theorists with an

awareness of Roerich’s role in 20th century diplomacy who would disagree that he was quite a

divisive figure. If Roerich could have been accused of anything, such as trying to foment the

construction of a ‘New World Order’, his globalist vision might’ve been a lot closer to something

like ‘Star Trek’ than ‘Running Man’ or George Orwell’s ‘1984’.

Works Cited

Hausdorf, Hartwig. The Chinese Roswell. Boca Raton: New Paradigm Books, 1998. Print.

“Excalibur/Lost Cintamani Stone.” Prod. Kinga Phillipps, et al. Legend Quest. Universal

 Networks International, 20 July 2011. Television. 4 April 2012

Osterieder, Markus. “From Synarchy to Shambhala: The Role of Political Occultism and Social

Messianism in the Activities of Nicholas Roerich.” 1 February 2007. PDF file.

“ Zbigniew Brzezinski: The man standing behind Obama & Osama!.” anarchitext.wordpress.com 

21 May 2011. Web.


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