Political and Economic Change in Russia BY GIOVANNI CORTI

Political and Economic Change in Russia BY GIOVANNI CORTI

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Political and Economic Change in RussiaBY GIOVANNI CORTI

Russian Civil War: A Timeline March 1917-Februrary Revolution

◦ March 7th-mass protests in the capital ◦ Mutiny of the army◦ Tsar Nicholas abdicates on March 15th

March 15th-Provisional Government Begins◦ March 22nd-Recognized by the USA◦ September 14th-Duma Dissolved, country officially declared the Russian Republic

November 7th-October Revolution◦ October 23rd- Bolshevik Central Committee decide an armed uprising is inevitable◦ November 7th-Winter Palace Stormed, Anti-Bolshevik movement begins

October 1922-Valdivostock falls, fighting completely over

Russian Civil War: Causes and EffectsCAUSES

War related difficulties◦ Millions of soldiers died ◦ Army severely underfunded

Lack of equality◦ Both wealth and power◦ Duma had little power

Riots caused by food shortages◦ Solders join riots

Nicholas II◦ Uncompromising, refused to share power◦ Incompetent


Communists eventually gain power◦ Lenin moves away from hardline communism

toward NEP

Removal of the Royal Family◦ Eventually executed

Economy Devastated◦ Infrastructure Destroyed◦ Industrial production down 85% from 1913◦ Agriculture production down 65% from 1913

New Economic Policy 1921-1925CAUSES

Famine◦ Russian Civil war◦ Bad weather◦ Loss of population in cities

Taxes rather than requisition◦ Allowed peasants to keep and sell surplus


Allowed limited private industry ◦ Mostly in agriculture

Agricultural production increase 40%

Caused rift within the communist party◦ Stalin opposed

Stalin: 1924-1953 Seized Power

◦ Blamed Sergei Kirov’s murder on Trotsky’s followers.◦ Eventually had Trotsky assassinated

Oppressive ruler◦ Police Terrorism◦ Massive purges

Five year plans- Plans to rapidly industrialize the USSR included staggering goals◦ Ended NEP◦ Increase Industrial production by 250%◦ Increase Agricultural production by 150%◦ Increase heavy industry by 300%

Collectivization: 1928CAUSES

Compete with Westernized Nations

Communist Ideals◦ Lenin thought small scale farming gave rise to


Greater efficiency◦ Grain Shortages◦ Agricultural output slated to increase 150%


Death◦ In 1945 Stalin admitted that collectivization killed over 10

million◦ Famine

Kulak Persecution◦ Kulaks- better off peasants◦ Stalin ordered them “liquidated as a class”

Peasant Resistance◦ Some peasants saw this as a second form of serfdom, they

sabotaged the reforms

Religious persecution◦ Churches closed◦ Priests arrested

Industrialization: 1928CAUSES

Compete with westernized nations

Foreign engineers◦ American engineers from depression era


Labor disciple◦ Jobs assigned by government◦ Movement required permission


Heavy investment◦ 1/3 of the soviet GDP was invested in

industrialization◦ Standards of living did not rise due to heavy


Rise of cities◦ Industrial complex’s spawned cities

Steel◦ Steel production increased 500% in 9 years



Nikita Khrushchev became First secretary ◦ 2 years after Stalin's death

Stalin’s dictatorial style

Started by secret speech◦ Sharply criticized Stalin◦ Reveled that Lenin had doubted Stalin


Attempt to expunge Stalin’s legacy◦ Stalingrad changed to Volgograd◦ Stalin’s name removed from many other locations◦ Stalin's body moved out of Lenin’s mausoleum

Satellite Countries were able to form their own governments

◦ Still under soviet control

End of forced labor◦ Gulags were made more humane◦ Gulags began to shrink exponentially

The process of removing Stalin's cult of, political system and labor camps


Started by Gorbachev

Corruption and abuse of power◦ An attempt to bring openness and transparency

to soviet politics


Greater freedom of expression◦ Nationalist parties in various republics gained strength

Political prisoners released

Looser travel restrictions

Greater freedom of press◦ Government lost control of media◦ Societal problems such as alcoholism and food

shortages exposed◦ More western culture◦ People learned about past atrocities◦ Communist system discredited


Started by Gorbachev

Attempt to jump start soviet economy ◦ In 1985 Gorbachev gave a speech admitting to a

slowing economy and an unacceptable standard of living


Greater autonomy in industry◦ State enterprises free to determine output based

on consumer demand◦ Some private business ownership (Restaurants,

shops etc.)◦ More relaxed foreign trade

Ceased Religious persecution

Relaxation of censorship◦ Books such as 1984 and Animal Farm could now be


Fall of the Soviet Union:1991CAUSES

Loosening/Loss of control◦ Glasnost◦ Perestroika◦ Loss of control in satellite states◦ Fall of the Berlin Wall

Unrest in various republics

Failed August coup◦ Hardline communists attempted to remove Gorbachev

Officially occurs December 25th 1991

Stagnant Economy◦ Lack of incentives lead to little innovation and low productivity◦ Competitive military spending


Dominance of USA

Turmoil in Russia

Formation of Russian Republic and other countries

◦ Political and economic turmoil in some newly formed countries

◦ Shock therapy in Russia, GDP falls by 50%

Russian Republic: Post Soviet Economic ReformsCAUSES

Free market system


Shock Therapy◦ Cut government spending drastically◦ Eliminated massive inflation◦ Ended protectionism◦ Advised by USA and IMF◦ Failed, caused national GDP to drop by 50%

Privatization◦ $30 given to every Russian citizen to buy stock◦ Oligarchs ended up with rights to most valuable


Putin slowly renationalizing oil

Russian Republic: Post Soviet Political ReformsCAUSES

New government

Stronger rule of law◦ Trend Started by Gorbachev


New constitution◦ New governmental institutions

Chechen Wars

Commonwealth of independent states

Elections◦ Many candidates◦ Wide range of ideologies

Corruption still fairly widespread◦ 26% chance of using bribes in judicial system◦ Ranks 133/174 transparency internationals index

Trends and Statistics Revolution rather than evolution

GDP: $2.015 Trillion (2012)◦ 506 billion (1989)

GDP Per capita $14,037 (2012)◦ Per Capita $3,428 (1989)

Exports mainly natural resources

Ranks 52nd on Gini (wealth inequality) index◦ Score of 41.7◦ Between south Korea and Cote D’Ivoire ◦ USA ranks 41st

GINI index graph