PAGE TWO CORTLAND STANDARD, CORTLAND, N. Y n FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 21, 1988 Cortlanfc Standard 1 UPERATURE « p. am. Frtssmy JMUUI *©-ai •p. m Thar «• 3a» • . 1W 4 p. BL Thar W T *» a*. M « p. m Taut 1* • a- am r r l _ _ _ J 0 7 p, at T b u r , _ f > 11 a. at. Ftt ,. M 9 p sm The* U 1* M. FH SO LI MID Thar N » Pv ah Ft! *• 8 a. at. Pat * * a* am. Fii 3t Highest— g* x>wss* Cortland, N. Y.. Jan. II. 1»M Actual w*athsr b*tw*en « p. Ha. restardmy mad t p. an. today cloudy with eouthsmst wind. POLICE GET REPORT ON ii II DEFICIENCY OF MEAT CAUSE OF DEATH OF DOGS THE PLAT MUST GO ON — BUT WHERE? LOCAL ART BY AMATEURS TO BE DISPLAYED WEATHER FORECAST Forecast for Cortland mad vicin- ity: Rmto or amow and wmrmmr to- night and Saturday. Lowest tem- perature tonight about 16 degree*. DOINGS TONIGHT Oily FMBT C U M of Peisoaia*. Art Actually Proved Dwttf Receat Months SYMPTOMS ARE SIMILAR Townaand Club 1, 7:10 p. m., T. W. C A. Bright Light Rebekah Lodge, t p. m.. John L Lawta Lodga rooraa. Universalis* Twilight Club, « p. I n> . ohurch. First Methodist Mlapah Circle, 1 7:19 p. m., 21 Washington Street. Vetenaanao. inform PoKca Test Faolty Diet Is Came of Mast of Deaths DOINGS TOMORROW Toxoid clinic, It a. m.. public health office. Social Widows Club, 1:10 p. m., It Clayton Avenue. Baaketball. Normal vs. Buffalo. | dl „. a Mts S 10 p. as., Normal gym. IREV1TIES -wanx so no MOBS A s o v i W 6 " go, we'll go ao more a roving So late Into the night, Though the heart be still aa loving And the moon be still as bright. Of all the doga that died within the past two montha hero from what was believed to have been four are actually known to have boon poisoned. Local veterinarian* informed Chief of Police LeRoy Stevena that many of the animals may have died from a meat deficiency disease which haa many of the symptoms of poisoning. Doga require m car- tain amount of meat in their diet, and if they fail to get it this in, cauaing them to suffer in the same manner aa they would if poisoned. The veterinarians state that a complete examination of the doga' organs would be the only way to determine whether or not they ! were actually poisoned. Kxamina- j tion of four revealed traces of | poison. Many of the particlea of meat picked up by the police failed to show any signs of poison in oth- If at aome place to or near Cortland, there gathera tonight aa audience to witneaa a per- formance by the Hilltop Mas- quers, It la doomed to disap- pointment. Mrs. Mary Noble Smith, head of the Dramatic de- partment of the Normal School, is in a quandary. Some time ago. a party called Mrs. Smith and asked if the Masquers would give a play for them the "Hat." Thinking that they amid the Methodist Church," aba prompt- ly said yea and hung up. When she called the church authorities to find out the date, aha waa aurprised to learn that they had not made arrangements for such an entertainment, ao tonight the Hilltop Masquers have no audience, and the audi- ence haa no Hilltop Masquers. PICK LEADERS FOR SCHOOL OF . REUGION HERE Groupi Witt Mast Wednesday Ere stags From February 16 to March 16 f«r Sludy New Gallery Being, Fixed at Cort- laaa Frts Library; To Bo OHM. Probably Fob. 6 For the aword outwears its sheath, j And the soul wears out the breast Aaaf the heart must pause to breathe | w CMe , Authorities believe that In moat cases the doga were more or leas And love itself have rest. made Though the night waa made for loving. And the day returns too soon. Ye* we'll go no more a roving By the light of the moon. —George Gordon Byron Six leaders in religious and edu- cational circles have been chosen aa members of the faculty of the School of Religion to be held at the First Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evenings from Febru- ary 16 to March 11. The selection of the faculty was announced mt the meeting of the Curriculum neglected by owners, not intention- j committee held last night under ally, but unconsciously, and they | the chairmanship of Dr. Olive Fiah. wish to warn them that their anl- Dr. Lynn E. Brown of the Nor- mala must hare an animal diet to >a»l School faculty haa been An exhlbltjon of local amateur art will be the opening feature of I the gallery mt the Cortland Free 1 Library, where the room Is at prea- j ent being renovated for Its naw I use. A first complete ahowlng of ! the display la expected to bo held I on Sunday afternoon, February t, I while the exhibitors will start bringing their works nsxt weak. Miss Marlon J. Gibson, superin- tendent of the art work In the city • schools; Mrs, Leslie Stone, chair- | man of the adult education com- mittee of the T. W. C. A.; Mrs. Beryl J. Kellogw, head librarian at the Cortland Free Library; Porter K. Bennett, a member of the li- brary board and himself interested in amateur work; and Mrs. John Wattenberg, also a member of- the library board mnd mn mmmteur en- thusiast, comprise the committee which is working in tho collection of items for this djaplay. A wooden moulding of .sufficient strength to hold any heavy material has been constructed around/ the top of the walla, and an eye-level ledge for the exhibition of small articles, ceremlcs or other works which should be shown at a lower level has been erected In the art gallery. The room is practically completed with the exception of the painting. The exhibit will be entirely of works done by local amateurs, who have indulged in these fields ma leisure pastimes. Oils, watercolora, many of local subjects: jewelry, metal work, original wallpaper de- signs, bookplate designs. Christmas cards and commercial mrt plans are only a few of the subjects which will be shown mt this first exhibi- tion of the products of Cortland County artists and craftsmen. AG ASSOCIATIONS ELECT OFFICERS Mat Farm, H.«. as. 4-H Rtarsjt Meet Yesterday APPOINT SOCIAL COMMITTEE Hifley sad Twe 4-H Mtttbtft to Broadcast at Cornell Saturday The joint associations of the Farm and Horns Buraau and the 4-H department elected Frank Wavle vice president Mrs. Lyle Cottrell of Scott eecretary, and Kenneth Miner, treasurer, at a meeting presided over by Mrs. E. B. Blckford. president ysstsrdsy. The group .also discussed rural so- clsl problem* snd appolntsd s committee to study thess problems. The committee is part of the *County Agriculture Conference Board and consists of Lloyd Morse, Mrs. Lyle Cottrell and Richard Anderson. A resolution waa paaaed auth- orising Mrs. Bicltford to sign the required financial agreement with Cornell I'nlverslty. Ralph L. Hlgley, county 4-H agent, will give a radio talk from WESG. Saturday at 12:18 p. m. He will discuss plana for the new 4-H project and will bo assisted by Robert and Albert Sweeney of the West Homer 4-H Club. He also haa made plans for Mark Entorp, home life specialist and professor at Cornell to continue his discus- sion on "How to get along with others," next Tuesday. FARR WEIGHS IN AT 2 0 . POUNDS Welshman Face. Hal Braddock, 1691 a> ToaigV ia New York City New Tork W) — Tommy Parr, Welshman, who holds ths British Empire heavyweight tltls, weighed in at 10? pounds today for his 10 round bout tonight with James J. Braddock. former world cham- pion. Brmddock weighed 199V». LARGE DECREASE SHOWN I STATE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY W A N K SUREJHIERATION Girdler TelU Fellow Lekifn Alaatai Wafts Would I t Sscart Albany (M) — Ususl seasonal re- ductions and unfavorable weather conditions osussd a lt.l per cent j were decrease in New Tork construction wsre conquered four years ago," employment last month, the State I j t WM time, he added, "for open New York UP) — Tom M. Gtrdler. chairman of Republic Stool which fought a groat Industrial battle last year with ths CIO, amid last night he would like to sss "industry's operations so atsble" that Its work- ers could bs assured of a minimum annual wags. "Perhaps," he added, "it Is not too mueh to hops that that Urns will corns in America." In mn address prepared for a banquet of fellow alumni of La- high University, Girdler said ths problems of the currant recession less acute than those which WILLIAM P LEAGUE HEAI PtaasyirsmJi t B, Loftus, 4| Labor Department reported to- day. * At the same time, payrolls dropped 17.8 psr cent Highway contractors noted the greatest reduction in working forces, 44 per cent, while general building contractora reported a de- crease of 19 per cent, miscellane- ous general contractors, 18.8 per cent snd subcontractors II par down to the Job in that minded cooperation among all forces having tho wslfars of the nation at heart" In talks with "scores of business men.*' he said, he had "found a unanimous desire on their part to give the go%srnm*nt every practi- cal cooperation," adding: "They are anxious to buckle spirit. cent. Lapeer keep them healthful. SERVICE FOR F. WILLARD'NEW SECRETARY WELCOMED HERE The Frances WiUmre, memorial service and tho day of prayer worm observed yesterday afternoon at the meeting of the Women'a Christian Temperance "Union at the home of Mrs. Harriet Saun- dsrs, tt Clinton Avenue. Miss Ceclle Walden was in chmrge of the devotlonmla. Tho meeting opOned with a eruamde hymn, Vad by Mrs. Nellie Snyder, planiat. The day of prayer wma observed with a number of abort prayer* by the members. Mrs. Snyder aang. 'The Sparrow." Tha secretary and treasurer's reports wars presented. Mrs. Mel- viaa Moon reported that a box of clothing and articles and a dinner had been furnished a needy family at Christmas time. Fruits and vegetables wsre also given by the organization to needy famlllea and shut-Ins during tha holiday sea- son. Mrs. Lena. Kenyon waa in aharge Of tha Frances Willard service. She waa aamistsd in the program by Mrs. Leola Alley, Mrs. Edna Hodg Directors serce of Chamber of Com Toador Drmamr Freevilie .,- ..„• Joseph C. Fields, new secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce, vii tendered a warm reception at a welcoming dinner party given in him honor by ths directors mnd of- ficers of the chamber at Hotol Cortland. Following the dinner, practically the entire evening was devoted to a discussion of the Chamber of Commerce program and policies to bs followed by the new secretary and members. The directors pre- sented Mr. Fields with a large bouquet, while the Homer Cham- ber of Commerce aleo sent flowers aa a welcome to this city. All but one of the directors were present at the dinner gathering A. Floyd Wray being on the sick list. Those attending besides ths secre- included President Carl C. cured to tsach the course. "Under- standing Ourselvea" which is pri- marily for young people. Rev. W. F. Davison, pastor of ths First Baptist Church of this city, will be the instructor for the course, "Tha New Testmmsnt. Its Contsnt and Values." The course entitled, "Guiding Children in Christian Growth" will be led by Dr. Fish. Mi** Blaa Oberg of Ithaca has been selscted to lesd those inter- ested in "Story Tolling," while Irving Taylor Smndsrs of Cornell University will lemd the course en- titled, "Christian Message For Our Present Day World." Horace F. Shepherd, general secretory of ths T. M. C. A. will discuss with adult leaders of youth ths oouroe entitled, "Guiding Youth's Approach to Rellgipn." AH of these courses have been credite dby the International Coun- cil of Religious Education and full credit will be given to all who complete the courses In a satisfac- tory manner. Dr. T. Bmsll Toung. Director of j Programs of the hfew York State I Council of Churches and Christian Education, haa given valuable aa- alatance to the committee from Boy Scouts Gain Permanent Pos- session of Honor Emblem Freevilie — Awmrded the travel- ing scout for the third successive quarter, the Boy Scout Troop of Frosvtlls, waa presented ths em- blem of honor as Its permanent property at a meeting of the Owas- co District Court of Honor at the Freevilie School last Wednesday night. John Southworth, scouter of Dryden. made all 50 CANDIDATES Moose Initiation to Be Held Here Sunday Afternoon The Blnghamton degree team will confer the initiation on a class of some 50 candidates Sunday afternoon at S at the rooms of Cortland lodge, 1518, Loyml Order of Moose. A free turkey dinner for all members of the local Moose lodge will be served at 6, with m program of entertainment to follow. The speakers of th after-dinner hour will be P. H. Galvin of Rochester, regional director; County Judge William H. Coon, Sheriff, Mervin Fowler and Attorney H. K. Angell. Lapeer — The Fellowship sup- per was hsld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Reueeh Friday evening, about 80 being present. After supper a small program was I ^ ok j ect t V e a of Industry mnd ths rendered. Gsmes were played and j ob j ect t V ea of government," lndus- those who desired went coasting. try rt <iognifA, he said, "ths no- Throughout tho land tonight mil- lions of psoplo facing the bitter realitlee of another depression ars hoping and prmylng that tho gov- ernment will really join with busi- ness in the effort to spssd up in- dustry mnd mmks mors jobs." At mnothmr point hs asssrtsd there was "no great gulf between sporu A delightful time wma enjoyed by mil. Tussdmy bsing ths birthdmy of Miss Jean Muckey, ahe had as sup- per guests the Misses Bottle and Savercool, teachers In the Mara- thon school faculty. A birthday cake waa made by Mra. Muckey, cessity for fair and Impartial gov- ernment rsgulations mnd rules to prsvent abuses." "But" he added, "business does not approve the Imposition of con- trols based on false theories. It Is a generally accepted fact that ths great majority of business msn ars also lee cream waa enjoyed by mil, honMt llm . t lt poM i b i e that a way for the supper which included oth-| ran be found t0 rlre durance to er good things. Evening callers wer e Misses Florence and Elizabeth Seymour of Cortland and Leslie anea( j* Palmer and Merlin Reynolds of Groton. Mrs. Lulu Foster, Mrs. Vivian Evening News, dl„ H e w a , preuldtnt „ Pennsylvania Burt,], Stock Quotati B Q Trrr & fu ^ ton, Manager, in Rank Bldg.. Itasca,*^ mills Ohmlsun. A mar Can Amer. Tel k Tel.! AnmoODd Atchison Auburn Mot Aviation Corp.. Chrysler.. Consolidated > Continental Can. Continental Moti Corn-South Delaware. L. a. w General Else General Fa General Moton___ later. Tl a Tel._ KenneooU_ Loswi Mack Truck, Marine-Mid.. Montgomery WVd N a t l Dairy N a t l Pr A Lt.. Na N, Y Central Packard Philip... Pab Ser N. J.. Radio Corp So. Padflc Splcer Splcer-Pfd this honest majority and permit the march of recovery to move Fabius Earl Partridge W Week's Illness ot Following luenaa "I think business Is far lass dis- turbed over reasonable govsrnmsnt regulations," he want on, "than lt Knickerbocker and Mrs. Roy Myers f , f oyer the appar , n t lack of a defln- attended a class meeting of the Jte p , aB or proKram 0 f government Marsthon Methodist Episcopal | re i at i oll , toward business." Church at the home of Mrs. Frank wRg nty ^ money ., Hammond Thursdsy afternoon j avaiuble for lnV e.tmsnt hs said. Mrs. Orsu Jackson and children but unc#rtajBty nmd frtghtoood tho of Homsr and Miss Jane Mcln- avera investor and sent him tyre spent Sunday at the home of j ,. into n i(li nK ." their parenta, Mr. and Mrs. John j ,. New developments and new Mclntyre. Jane spent the weekend [ fc0vernnn , n t policies," hs added. with her parent* and had as her j na(1 -introduced elementa of rigld- Fabius—Earl Partridge, a life- long resident of Fabius, died at his home on Thursday morning, I guest, Miss Gracia Cottet of the | j t y m t,> the overhead coat ot bual- awards sxcspt I after a week's Illness of lnflusnma Marathon high school faculty. I ness." merit badges, which were by Prof.! and pneumonia. Besides hla wife, | Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Brown of j The trend of shortening hours es, Mrs. Melvtna Moon. Mrs. Dol- Ur * i»eta««» President Carl phis M. Smith and Mrs. Bsrtha | Cooper^Vlce President Albert Com- Greenleaf. The Ufa and history of Frances Willard was reviewed and ths temperance work dlscuseed daring the program. Plana were made for mn all-day county conference and luncheon to hs held Wednesday at the filrst Presbyterian Church. The local union will have chajge ot the lancheon. The morning conference wHl open at 10:80, the luncheon will be served mt 12:80 mnd ths aft- ernoon session will begin mt 1:30. Mra. D. Leigh Colvin of New York City, stmts president, will be the speaker at the morning snd after- noon sessions. ando. Treasurer Edward C. Vlck, and Directors R. A. Amea, Leon Beaudry. R. A. Brewer, Harold P. Burgess, H. B. Darling, C. H. V. Elliott George W Gregg. Abram Lmjia, Charles Renlff and Gsorgs A. Welsh, GRUMHONS RECOVERS FROM A CLOSE CALL Hicks Dow of Freevilie, who sue- I Mrs. Hattie Fellowa Partridge, ceeds Prof. Frank Page as chair- ' he leaves five sons, Louis, Harold, man of the District Council of Carl, Edwin and Gerald; also hi* Honor. i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jmmes Part- Scout Executive Ralph Harrison ' rkVge of Brrwyn; one half-sister, presented tenderfoot mwarde and I Mrs. Clarence Bush; and several Scout membership to new Scouts of nieces and nephews. McLean. Randall Smith of West Wlllet were guests mt the ! and advancing wages, he said, "ds- Mclntyre home Saturday. j sirabie as lt is," had combined with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Foster and | other factors to "lift the gsnsral Mas, Yivlam Knl«l^rbjjcjka|,.. were price structure." callers Sunday afternoon at, the J "America Is a high wags country I horns of Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn ! and must remain so because a high I , n d family. I purchasing power on ths part of The funeral will be held at the I Mrs. Charles Seymour of East wage earnera Is neceasary to Indus- Freevilie is \ home on Saturday afternoon afr. J virgil was a guest of her daughter, try," he went on. tery. Preble Scoutmaater of the Freevilie troop, j with burial in the Berwyn Ceme- Church Notes Freevilie Methodist Episcopal Church notlcea follow: Sunday morning worship wll] he held in the Methodist Church, the Rev. W. H. Flaxington, pastor, at 11; Sun- dayschool will meet at 12, with E. L. Stanton, superintendent; Ep- this character. S. Fay Buck, dean of the school, haa announced that further de- tails regarding the program. In- cluding the names of Inspirational speakers for assembly, will be available within a short time. RAR CONVENTION HITS AT AMBULANCE CHASER HOME BUREAU PROGRAM ANNOUNCED FOR WEEK The following Home Bureau msetlngs have been announced for ths wsek of Jsnuar-. 84: Mrs. Pearl Burt will be the host- sss at the Blodgett Mills meeting- j garage and the motor continued to and will discuss the third lesson run. in food buying on Tuesday; while He Claude Grummons of 7 Florsl Avenue, who was accidentally overcome by monoxide gss fumes last Tuesday evening, was dis- charged from th* Cortland County Hospital yesterday, apparently much Improved. Grummons went to the garage at his home Tuesday night and started his car inside ths building. It wa* one of those cold night*, and he sat In the car for a while, waiting for the motor to warm «p. After a few minute* he left the hi* broad experience in schools of j worth League meeting at «, mid- week prayer meeting Thursday eve- ning at 7:80. General News Mra. Nelson Metigar of Peruvtlls will entertain the members of the Thimble Club at her home Thurs- day afternoon, January 27. r Mrs. G. N. Hsrt of Cuyler was a guest Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Rabinowlts and Miss Bea- trice Edsall. Mr. and Mrs. George Purvis and daughter Ruth of Harford Mills were in town, Saturday. Miss Ethsl Allen and Raymond Van Horn of Cortland were Sun- day gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Horn. Leland P. Hughes and Donsld Foote have opened a meat market on Main Street. Miss Blanche Bmlrd of Cortland •pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, New York UP) Attacks on "ambulance chasers" and lncomps- tents in the legal profession—some of whom, aaid one jurist "csn scarcely speak the English lan- guage"—opened the «lat annual meeting of the 8tate Bar Associa- tion here yesterday. "The only solution of ths prob- lem of the profession, overcrowd- I Charles Balr'd Mat Frank Balrd. Preble—Mrs. Minnie Edlnger was hostess for her card club Thurs Mrs. I^anora Muckey afternoon. Mrs. May Gutchess spent a few days in Cortland during the past week. Leon rhillips haa been 111 with a cold and was not able to attend day afternoon, prises being won by " cho01 th, » w «'' k - Avl « <"°urtney Mrs. Edward Collier and Mrs. Frank F. Miller. Mrs. Edward Collier was hostess for the same club at her home last week, prises being awarded Mrs. Mary Shaver and Mrs. Charles Dennis. , Lewis Steger is making satisfac- tory recovery following an opera- tion for appendicitis performed Monday at the Cortland Hospital. ill the first of the week. Miss June Johnson of Marathon spent 8pnday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Ward John- son. Their son, Earl Johnson of Oneida, and Miss Arlene Pollard of Mlnoa spent Monday and Tuesday at" the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Homsr were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. "I advocate no move which I would change that situation. But after all. high hourly wags rates are meaningless unless thsro is work to do. What counts is ths sum total of the amount In the weekly pay envelope* at ths snd of the year." Here he referred to his belief In th* desirability of minimum an- nua] wages. Stand, Brand Soeony Vac. Stand of N. J.. United Corp , United G*a Imp.. U. 8. U. 8. tOsst-Pfd. Warner Bros—- Wooiworta_ Wssttnghotue Klss. = Volume Total. NEW VURK CUM Assoc Gss A Ei Cons Cooper ... ClUes Serrir, •lee. Bd A 8aar« ; St Regit Paper. Niagara Hudson (new) United Ga» GRAIN Mi May Wheat- Jaly Wheat Sept Wheat- May Corn July Corn . Sspt Com THE BATf T h e m a r k e t opened ally on small volumii to hold steady till I when profit taking list. Industrial aver* down three-q>iart«n i wma | Mis* Nellie Collier ha* been '* na Mrs - Martin Quail, and also the Loring untt will meet all d*y with Mr*. K. C. Sly. for a discus- sion, luncheon and husine«« meet- ing. The Marathon meeting will be held Wednesdsy under the dlrec- returned later to see how high the temperature gauge regis- tered. He sst In ths car a few min- ute* snd decided the motor was net warm enough vet. Hs stepped ed by unfit members," said Pre- siding Justice Francis Martin of the Appellate Division, "la to limit the number of schools snd the number of students." Ea*t Freetown Esst Freetown—Church services will be hsld st the usual tlms Sun- day. Rev. Albert Rlnes will be In from the csr preparing to Isave I th,s ••»*• to conduct a church ral- tton of Miss Wood of the College of Home Economics of Cornell and \ Mis* Lnchalnger. Thsy will hold a kitchen conference In the Mara- thon Grange hmll. Ths Cuylsr "Life Begins at 41 Ctub" will meet Thursday and dla- enaa the next part of their project, "Keeping Mentally Well." The South Cortland group will meet with Mrs. Willard Wslker. ReeTS- atlon Leader Mr*. Cecil Weatherby will be in charge with Mrs, Hor- ace) MeDougat, Mrs. Han* Hansen aad Mra Floyd Backler acting ma host eases Ml** Beatrice Fehr. the County Hem* Demonatrstlon Agent, will h a In Ithaea next wmsk at the Household Management Training Sehool. ; the garage when he collapsed. POLO PfiAYXR MARRIES Manila (sf) — Karl* S. Hopping, SI, Haw York polo player, aad Mrs. Charlotte Hanna, Mew Tork and CUtfornia socialite, were married amVi today. Hopping la a son of Karl* W. Hopping of tfew fork, wall knowa am a poloist He was found In an unconscious condition and taken to the hospital where Dr. Claud* E. Chapln at- tended him for ths past two days. YOUNG MEN TO PLAN YEAR'S PROGRAM AT Y Wtmxmsow comrAumcm L«*r*t«* OF) — J l r t h a r H o r a - Jr., film ptodmrer and hue- band of Myrna Lay, Is progressing ^^Hssffeartty after in operation for eSMHtla, Good Sammrltan Hos- pital reported today. Th* Young Men'* committee of the Y. M. C. A. of which Alec Sey- mour Is chairman will meet at 7 this evening In the board room to discuss th* program of young man's activities for the year. A questionnaire was sent out to members of the committee sad la- dividual* interviewed relative to worthwhile activities which might be adopted aside from tho** gov ried oa In the gymnasium and howl- ing alleys. Among ths activities which will be considered this evening aro: photographic society, dramatic club, outing club, chess and check- er club, life saving Instruction and swimming team, special!*** gym- nasium activity such ss badminton, fencing, apparatus work, «te.; bridge Instruction, dancing instruc- tion, public spesklng claaa, course Mi salesmanship, quartet or glee club, symphonic orchestra, social club for young men and women, discussion group, billiard touma- plng pong tourmmmenta. 1y beginning Tuesday evening. He will Illustrate his messsges with crayon pictures. Mrs. Kugons Dmnnan mnd son, "Billy Gen*," visited mt t h s hems of R. E. Dmnnan at Homer a tow day* the past week. The Horns Bureau snd ladles* Aid Society meeting was held with Mrs. C. L. Wlldman Thursday aft- •rnoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. L Wlldman and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown worm m Syracuse Saturday to attend a milk meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith and/ Mrs. Lillian Donaldson, all of Ith- aca and Mra. Ruth Rogers of Buf- falo ware visitors st the home of Mr. and Mrs. C W. Tarbell Sun- day. Mrs. Bessie Underwood also spent the afternoon at the Tsrbetl home. Mrs. Rogers Is a sister of Mrs. Tarboll and Mra. Underwood. Kber J, Bewdish ef Cortland died suddenly Thursday afternoon st his farm in this piece BANK QITfS BrglNKSS South Dsyton (Je* — T h i s com- munity of 700 person* wa* left without hanking facilities when stockholders of ths hank of South Dayton decided to amy off mil de- positor* aad go eat of business. Check* for approximately 171,000, representing total deposits In tha bank have been mailed io Vtepeall* Cashlsr C. W, Oreer said. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Knapp of West Danby were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Gregg. Mrs. Minnie Davl* spent a few days with relative* and friend* in Ithaca. The W. C. T. TT. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eugene Hulslander oh Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Groves entertained at *upp*r Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Groves, Milton Grove* of this place and Miss Ur- sula Gay of Cortland. spending seevral days In vCortland assisting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Collier, who has been 111 but- la Improved at this time. Mrs. Jennie Porter is spending a few daya in Cortland ma the guest of Mrs. Jamea Nye. Several from this place were In Syracuse * Tuesday evening In at- tendance at a conference of Scout leaders. VICKI TO BE CITIZEN Hollywood (A?) — Vlcki Baum, German writer now working In Hollywood, nald yesterday she would take the oath of allegiance as an American cltiien next week. She haa passed her final examina- tions Him were dinner guests Friday of Mr. arid Mra William Apgar. Mra. E. J. Wells spent Monday with relatives In Groton. Mr. snd Mra. George R. Fel- lowa and son David of Ithaca were The Card Club will meet with I guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O'Connor, Sat- I K. Fallows, urday evening, January J*. The tax rate for state and county taxes for If IS In the town of Dry- den has been announced as fol- lows: Ths general fund town rate 1a $7 p*T thousand and the highway rate la 17 Inside the In- corporated villages of Dryden snd Freevilie, making a total rate of $14 per thousand. Outsld* the villages ths highway rats hss been set for I to, making a tot*] tax rate outside of 117. Ths total amount of tax money to be paid the county treasurer from the town of Dryden Is 110.147.07, snd tho amount to be paid the super- visor Is IJI.0S0. Mrs. Eleanors Fundls of Groton, Mr. and Mrs. Wsltsr Burch of Dryden snd Robert Parker of Varna were recent callers ef Mr. snd Mrs. Rem* Fundls and Mra. Has*) Parksr. Miss Kvm Carman of Ithaca spent Tuesday with friends In town, Fred Baaeom and son Claude at- tended ths funeral of Mrs Irene Baaeom la Auburn Monday, Miss Lota Wells spent Sunday la Rosa. D. D. Chase la going to CorUand every day for treatment at Ver- Hoey's Sanitarium Mass Lillian Apgar of Ithaca. Earl Van Arkol, Mr. snd Mrs. C. W. Starkey, Janet starkey aad Coed Mr. and Mr*. Homer Ch**e ot Cortland wsre Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. D. D. Chaae. MI** Lillian Apgar of Ithaca spent Mondmy with Mr. and Mrs. William Apgar, ' Mr. and Mrs. William Sherwood of Ithaea were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra H. M. Frees*. Mrs. Henry Van Arkol Is 111, Dorr 8. Fellows was In Ithaca last Thursday whsrs hs sttsndod a luncheon at tho Victoria Hotel, at which th* town collectors of tho county wars guest* of Mrs. Char- lotte V. Bush, county trsmsursr. Harrison M. Frsese spent two daya last week In Sayre, Pa, Mrs. Emma Laesy left last Tharaday night to spend some Urns at Deland. Fls Bruce Bloom of Weedsport spent ths weekend at his home hsro. •coat officials of th* Owaseo dis- trict held a meeting in the Free* vUl* school Thursdsy evening for tha purpose of planning a new procedure for the coming year »t srouilnsT- Mrs. Vllls Myers, Miss Gertrude Dutcher, Mrs. William A pots r and Mrs. Sora Church served refreshment* following tb* meet- ing, i Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Gregg oa. tertalned th* card club at the homo ot Mr. aad Mrs, William, Apgar Saturday evening. were callers at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Quail. Other callers at the Avery. Quail home Sunday afternoon were Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Hayes and children of Locke R. D. I, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer and mother, Mrs. Josephine Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Haye* and family were dinner guest* at the Palmer home Sunday. Rev. Arthur Reed was 111 a few days the first ef the week. Mrs. Bessie C j tehee* was in Cortland Sata* lay. Mrs. May Gutchess. Mrs, i.ltdred Brown and daughter l.*iira were also la Cort- land Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jennlson and son and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rics of Cortland wsre near Ithaca Sunday to visit their slater, Ruth House, who spends the weekends st Forest Home with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Underhlll. The young people held a busi- ness meeting at tha htme of George Wednesday evening, about J7 be- ing in attendance. Ice cream and cake were served those present. Archie Underwood spent Friday and Saturday at tho Leslie. Gutch- ess home. Mrs, Arthur Reed was a dinner guest of Mrs. Bessie Gutchess and family Tuesday. Mrs. Elate Fritts, son Howsrd and daughter Dorothy and Mrs, Eva Courtney and daughters, Avis and Lois spent from Saturday aft- ernoon antll Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Asahei Tlllotaon and family In Babcock Hollow. Fred Hall returned to his horns In Harford Sunday morning after spending some time with ths Court- ney brothers. Gsorge Fritts. jr., is hotplng at ths homo of his parsnts, Mr. and Mrs, Seymour Fritts. Hla parents ore both Improved from their ill- ness of a few weeka Saturday while cutting on th* Gutchess Lake, ths men had the misfortune to have ths Ice break mnd the is* saw aad engine go Into the water. Leslie Gutchess and Charles Pslmer saw the lee breaking in time to save them- eelve* from going In. Msny different trucks have been drawing lee from the lake tho last tow days. Ths Ice Is ef fine qusl- Ity. ERIE COUNTY CASHIER ADMITS THEFT GUILT Buffalo OP)—Frsderlck E. Thler- off, (3-year-old caahler accused of stealing $11,571 from the Erie County till, went to jail last night to await sentence after pleading guilty today to a charge of sec- ond degree grand larceny. Thieroff pleaded guilty to a count Involving theft of $110 from the county on November II, lt$7. Supreme Court Justice George A. I^rkln said would sentence | Thieroff a week from tomorrow. BORN BUCKLEY To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buckley of Homer, N/ Y„ R. D. 2, at the Cortland County Hospital, Cortland, N. T„ Janu- ary 21, l» tn, a daughter. Weight 8 pounds, 7H ounces. ELSON — To Mr. and Mra. Royal Elson of McGraw. N. Y., mt th* Cortland County Hospital, Janu- ary 19, 19J8, a daughter. Weight * pounds. 4 ouncef. HOPKINS To Mr. aad Mrs. Lynn H. Hopkins of Pittsburgh, Ps., at th* Pittsburgh City Hos- pital. January II, llll, a son, wslght 9 pounds. Mr. Hopkins Is ths son of Nsll C. Hopkins, formerly of Bast Hom- er and Cortland. McNALLY To Mr. and Mrs. Jcesph McNally ot Port Dickin- son, N. Y„ Jsnuary II, lllg, a son, Dennis Joseph. Weight pounds, 14 ouncoa. Mrs. McNally waa formerly Mlso Graea McCarthy ot Cortlaad, M. New York City's It.oo* shoveiers clean street* ot three- lack fall la record time. DIED BOWDISH—In Bast Freetown. January 30, HIS, Eber J. Bow- dish of 301 Tompkins street Cortland. N. Y- aged 71 years Funeral services at the Baerd memorial home Saturday at 2:H p. m. Friendo may sail Friday evening between 7:11 snd •:•#. Burial at tha Georgetown Cetaov tery neat spring. HYDE— tn Hew York Olty. * . Y„ Jaauary W , l l l l , Predertefc W. Hyde. Remalne to reach Cortland st 4 10 Sunday afternoon, with serv- ice Immedlstely following at th* «hape! of th* cortlsnd Rural Cem- etery. PARTRIDGE— la Fabius. M. Y., January 10» llll, Earl Pmrt- rldge. Funeral services will be Hold oa Saturday afternoon at J from the late home at famus, N. Y. Burial la Berwyn Cemetery. < COUNTRY PI New York, celpts 908.317 Creamery: Hlghsr i s>.15<-«c: extra (I 84 He; firsts (88-91) seconds (S4-87 30HC Cheese — R«e«!Mai steady. State, whes fresh fancy 16»«@17' 1936, 22^i.24r, hekt, Eggs - Receipt* 1*»- Mixed colon: fpe 24»ic: standings 23 31 H@83 H«: *«»" mediums and dirties average cheeks He- special packs 2lH«; 8 0 H © 2 1 c ; firsts » * onds 19*119 He; asm, 18H*»19h'c;<ilrtl«l Whltss - R«"*' marks 87Mfj2iM» mid western premlua 26 He; exchange * Mldwestsrn, excliw 2S«<Wi24c. Kesrbf. 2S}li#2ec. Near*^ exchange mediums clflc coast. Jumbo 27K*J38hc;«P«c standards 25 H 2 3 H e ; pullets un Browns—Ertrs N s a r b y and westsnV 26H#26c. Nsarbf urns 23 H ©24c. Dressed Poultrf Boxes, fresh: Tux era, 20 030c. fair to fanry, breW ers aSJi®28c; Ducks l»®20c. 1 wostsrn 23 @ 30c Fowls. 36-42 1 48-64 lbs.. 20Hi 21 H ©26 He. Old i Live Poultry - _ Chickens, RocksJf 20c. mostly IS**" 2 2 • 2 6 c . moithr horn 17d>i»e OH eg press weak. 23c* syosses 21c mos'llf20#2le. 924c. mostly lie 21c, mostly L^horn lfr 26c. mostly 24B* 28c; mostly i»B. M*>17c mostly • tom*2Bc. DueWS about st**dy. N*' Long Islmno «J 1.38, some •J** Mala* Owen Mt $1.26; Connects* #1.30, poorer^* lbs.). Mams 2.15. Bower*!- f red varieties ta- headed hbl.. tteo fSOO^ R«d Bliss 81 UTiWP* •ember* N*» tsr* t a d Chtemi* "' "ta». Omritmad Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

POLICE GET REPORT ON LOCAL ART BY AG ASSOCIATIONS … 21/Cortland NY Standard/Cortl… · Of tha Frances Willard service. She waa aamistsd in the program by Mrs. Leola Alley, Mrs

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    Cortlanfc Standard 1 U P E R A T U R E «

    p. am. Frtssmy J M U U I *©-ai

    • p . m Thar « • 3a» • . 1W • 4 p. BL Thar W T *» a*. M • « p. m Taut 1* • a- am r r l _ _ _ J 0 7 p, at T b u r , _ f > 11 a. at. Ftt ,. — M 9 p sm The* U 1* M. FH SO

    LI MID Thar N » Pv ah Ft! * • 8 a. at. Pat * * a* am. Fii 3t Highest— — g* x>wss* •

    Cortland, N. Y. . J a n . I I . 1 » M Actual w*athsr b*tw*en « p. Ha.

    restardmy mad t p. an. today cloudy w i t h eouthsmst wind .








    Forecas t for Cortland mad vic in-ity: Rmto or amow and wmrmmr to-night and Saturday. L o w e s t t e m -perature tonight about 16 degree*.


    Oily FMBT CUM of Peisoaia*. Art Actually Proved D w t t f

    Receat Months


    Townaand Club 1, 7:10 p . m., T . W. C A.

    Bright Light Rebekah Lodge , t p. m.. John L Lawta Lodga rooraa.

    Universalis* Twi l ight Club, « p. I n> . ohurch.

    First Methodist Mlapah Circle, 1 7:19 p . m . , 21 W a s h i n g t o n Street .

    V e t e n a a n a o . inform PoKca T e s t

    Faolty Diet Is C a m e of

    Mast of Deaths

    D O I N G S T O M O R R O W

    Toxoid clinic, I t a. m.. publ ic health office.

    Social Widows Club, 1:10 p. m., I t Clayton Avenue.

    Baaketball . Normal vs. Buffalo. | d l „ . a „ M t s S 10 p. as., Normal g y m .


    - w a n x s o n o M O B S A s o v i W 6 "

    go, we'll go ao more a roving So late I n t o the night,

    Though the heart be stil l aa lov ing And the moon be sti l l as bright.

    Of all the doga t h a t died within the past two montha hero from w h a t was bel ieved to h a v e been

    four are actual ly known to have boon po i soned . • Local veter inar ian* informed Chief of Pol ice L e R o y Stevena that m a n y of the a n i m a l s m a y have died from a meat def ic iency disease w h i c h haa many of t h e s y m p t o m s of poisoning. Doga require m car-tain amount of m e a t in the ir diet, and if they fail to g e t i t this

    in, caua ing t h e m to suffer in the s a m e m a n n e r aa they would if poisoned.

    T h e veter inarians s ta te that a complete examinat ion of the doga' organs would be t h e only w a y to determine w h e t h e r or not they

    ! w e r e actual ly po i soned . Kxamina-j tion of four revea led traces of | poison. Many of the particlea of

    m e a t picked up b y t h e pol ice failed to show any s igns of po i son in o t h -

    If at aome place to or near Cortland, there gathera ton ight a a aud ience to witneaa a per-f o r m a n c e by t h e Hi l l top Mas-quers, It la d o o m e d to disap-pointment . Mrs. Mary Noble Smith , head of the D r a m a t i c de-p a r t m e n t of the N o r m a l School, is in a quandary . S o m e t ime ago. a party cal led Mrs. Smith and asked if the Masquers would g ive a p l a y for t h e m t h e "Hat ." T h i n k i n g t h a t they amid the

    Methodist Church ," aba prompt -ly said yea a n d h u n g up.

    W h e n she cal led the church authori t ies t o find out the date, aha waa aurprised to learn that they had n o t m a d e arrangements for such a n enter ta inment , ao tonight t h e Hi l l top Masquers have no aud ience , and the audi -ence haa no Hi l l top Masquers.


    REUGION HERE Groupi Witt Mast Wednesday Ere

    s tags From February 1 6 to

    March 1 6 f«r Sludy

    New Gallery Being, Fixed at Cort-

    laaa Frts Library; To Bo

    O H M . Probably Fob. 6

    For the aword outwears i t s sheath, j And the soul wears out the breast

    Aaaf the heart must pause to breathe | w C M e , Authorit ies be l ieve t h a t In moat

    cases the doga w e r e m o r e or leas

    And love itself have rest.

    made Though the n ight waa made for loving.

    And the day returns too soon. Ye* we'll go no more a rov ing

    By the l ight of the moon. —George Gordon Byron

    Six l eaders in rel igious and edu-cational c irc les have been chosen aa m e m b e r s of the faculty of the School of Re l ig ion to be he ld at the First Presbyter ian Church on Wednesday even ings from F e b r u -ary 16 to March 11. The se lect ion of the facu l ty w a s announced mt the m e e t i n g of the Curriculum

    neglected by owners , n o t in tent ion- j c o m m i t t e e he ld last n ight under ally, but unconsc ious ly , and they | the c h a i r m a n s h i p of Dr. Olive Fiah. wish to warn t h e m t h a t their anl - Dr. Lynn E . Brown of t h e Nor-mala must h a r e an a n i m a l diet to >a»l School facul ty haa been

    An exhlbltjon of local amateur art wil l be t h e open ing feature of

    I the gal lery mt the Cortland Free 1 Library, w h e r e the room Is at prea-j ent being renovated for Its naw I use. A first c o m p l e t e ahowlng of ! the display la expected to bo held I on Sunday a f ternoon , February t , I whi le the exhib i tors wil l start

    bringing their w o r k s n s x t weak.

    Miss Marlon J . Gibson, superin-tendent of t h e art w o r k In the city

    • schools; Mrs, Les l ie Stone, chair-| man of the a d u l t educat ion c o m -

    mittee of the T. W . C. A.; Mrs. Beryl J. Kellogw, head librarian at the Cortland F r e e Library; Porter K. Bennett , a m e m b e r of the li-brary board a n d h imse l f interested in a m a t e u r work; and Mrs. John Wattenberg, a l so a m e m b e r of- the library board mnd mn mmmteur e n -thusiast, c o m p r i s e the c o m m i t t e e wh ich is work ing in tho col lect ion of i tems for th i s djaplay.

    A wooden m o u l d i n g of .sufficient strength to hold a n y h e a v y material has been cons tructed around/ the top of the walla, a n d a n eye- level ledge for the exhib i t ion of smal l articles, c e r e m l c s or other w o r k s which should be s h o w n at a lower level has been erected In the art gal lery. T h e r o o m is practically completed w i t h t h e except ion of the paint ing.

    The exhibit wil l be entirely of works done by local amateurs , w h o have indulged in t h e s e fields ma leisure pas t imes . Oils, watercolora, many of local subjec t s : jewelry, metal work, or ig inal wal lpaper de-signs, bookpla te des igns . Christmas cards and c o m m e r c i a l mrt plans are only a few of the subjects which will be s h o w n mt th i s first exhibi-tion of the product s of Cortland County art ists and craf tsmen.


    Mat Farm, H.«. as . 4-H Rtarsjt Meet Yesterday


    Hif ley s a d T w e 4-H M t t t b t f t to

    Broadcast at Cornell Saturday

    The joint associations of the Farm and Horns Buraau and the 4-H department elected Frank Wavle vice pres ident Mrs. Lyle Cottrell of Scott eecretary, and Kenneth Miner, treasurer, at a meet ing presided over by Mrs. E. B. Blckford. president ys s t srdsy . The group .also discussed rural so -c l s l problem* snd appolntsd s commit tee to study thess problems. The commit tee is part of the

    *County Agriculture Conference Board and consists of Lloyd Morse, Mrs. Lyle Cottrell and Richard Anderson.

    A resolution waa paaaed auth-orising Mrs. Bicltford to sign the required financial agreement wi th Cornell I'nlverslty.

    Ralph L. Hlgley, county 4-H agent, will give a radio talk from WESG. Saturday at 12:18 p. m. He will discuss plana for the new 4-H project and will bo assisted by Robert and Albert Sweeney of the West H o m e r 4-H Club. He also haa made plans for Mark Entorp, h o m e life special ist and professor at Cornell to continue his discus-sion on "How to get along with others," next Tuesday.


    Welshman F a c e . Hal Braddock,

    1691 a> T o a i g V ia New York City

    New Tork W) — T o m m y Parr , Welshman, w h o holds t h s British Empire heavyweight t l t ls , we ighed in at 10? pounds today for h i s 10 round bout tonight wi th J a m e s J. Braddock. former world c h a m -pion. Brmddock we ighed 199V».



    Girdler TelU Fellow Lekifn Alaatai

    W a f t s Would I t S s c a r t

    Albany (M) — Usus l seasonal re-ductions and unfavorable weather conditions osussd a l t . l per cent j were decrease in N e w Tork construction w s r e conquered four years ago ," employment last month , the State I j t W M t ime, he added, "for o p e n

    N e w York UP) — Tom M. Gtrdler. cha irman of Republ ic Stool w h i c h fought a groat Industrial battle last year wi th t h s CIO, amid last n i g h t he would l ike to s s s "industry's operat ions so atsble" that Its w o r k -ers could bs assured of a m i n i m u m annua l w a g s .

    "Perhaps ," he added, "it Is n o t too m u e h to hops that that Urns wil l corns in America."

    In mn address prepared for a banquet of fel low a lumni of La-high University, Girdler said t h s prob lems of the currant recess ion

    less acute than those wh ich



    B, Loftus, 4 |

    Labor Department reported to-day. *

    At the same t ime, payrol ls dropped 17.8 psr c e n t

    Highway contractors noted the greatest reduction in working forces, 44 per cent, whi le general building contractora reported a de-crease of 19 per cent, misce l lane-ous general contractors, 18.8 per cent snd subcontractors I I par d o w n to the Job in that

    minded cooperation a m o n g al l forces hav ing tho ws l fars of t h e nat ion at h e a r t "

    In ta lks wi th "scores of bus iness men.*' he said, he had "found a u n a n i m o u s desire on their part to g ive the go%srnm*nt every pract i -cal cooperation," adding:

    "They are anxious t o b u c k l e spirit .



    keep them hea l th fu l .

    SERVICE FOR F. WILLARD'NEW SECRETARY WELCOMED HERE The F r a n c e s WiUmre, m e m o r i a l

    service and tho d a y of prayer worm observed yes terday a f t ernoon a t the mee t ing of t h e W o m e n ' a Christ ian T e m p e r a n c e "Union a t the h o m e of Mrs. Harr ie t S a u n -dsrs, t t Clinton Avenue .

    Miss Ceclle Walden w a s in chmrge of the devotlonmla. T h o m e e t i n g opOned w i t h a eruamde h y m n , Vad by Mrs. Ne l l i e Snyder , planiat. The day of prayer wma observed wi th a number of abort prayer* by t h e m e m b e r s . Mrs. Snyder aang. ' T h e Sparrow."

    Tha secretary a n d treasurer ' s reports w a r s presented . Mrs. Mel -v iaa Moon reported t h a t a b o x of c lo th ing and art ic les and a d i n n e r had been furnished a needy f a m i l y at Chr i s tmas t ime . Fruits a n d v e g e t a b l e s w s r e a lso g iven b y t h e organizat ion to needy faml l l ea a n d shut-Ins dur ing tha ho l iday s e a -son.

    Mrs. Lena. Kenyon waa in a h a r g e Of t h a F r a n c e s Wil lard service . She waa aamistsd in the p r o g r a m by Mrs. L e o l a Alley, Mrs. E d n a H o d g



    of Chamber of Com

    Toador Drmamr

    Freevilie . , - ..„•

    Joseph C. F ie lds , n e w secretary of the local C h a m b e r of Commerce , v i i tendered a w a r m recept ion at a w e l c o m i n g d inner party given in him honor by t h s d irectors mnd of-ficers of the c h a m b e r at Hotol Cortland.

    Fo l lowing the d inner , practical ly the entire e v e n i n g w a s devoted to a discussion of t h e C h a m b e r of Commerce program a n d pol ic ies to b s fol lowed by t h e n e w secretary and members . T h e d irectors pre-sented Mr. F i e l d s w i t h a large bouquet, w h i l e t h e H o m e r C h a m -ber of C o m m e r c e aleo sent f lowers aa a w e l c o m e t o t h i s city.

    All but one of t h e d irec tors were present at the d i n n e r g a t h e r i n g A. Floyd Wray be ing on t h e sick list. Those a t tending bes ides t h s secre -

    included P r e s i d e n t Carl C.

    cured to t s a c h the course. "Under-s tanding Ourselvea" w h i c h is pri-mari ly f o r y o u n g people .

    R e v . W . F . Davison, pastor of t h s First Bapt i s t Church of th i s city, wil l be the instructor for the course, "Tha New Testmmsnt. I t s Contsnt and Values ."

    The course entit led, "Guiding Children in Christ ian G r o w t h " wil l be led by D r . F i s h .

    Mi** Blaa Oberg of I t h a c a h a s been s e l s c t e d t o l e sd those inter-ested in "Story Toll ing," wh i l e Irving Tay lor Smndsrs of Cornell Univers i ty wi l l lemd t h e course e n -tit led, "Christ ian Message F o r Our P r e s e n t D a y World ."

    H o r a c e F . Shepherd, genera l secretory of t h s T . M. C. A. wil l d iscuss w i t h adult leaders of youth t h s oouroe entit led, "Guiding Youth ' s A p p r o a c h to Rel lgipn."

    AH of t h e s e courses h a v e been credite dby t h e Internat ional Coun-cil of R e l i g i o u s Educat ion and full credit wil l be g iven to all w h o c o m p l e t e t h e courses In a sat is fac-tory m a n n e r .

    Dr. T. Bmsll Toung . Director of j P r o g r a m s of the hfew York State I Council of Churches and Christian

    Educat ion , haa given va luable aa-alatance to the c o m m i t t e e from

    Boy Scouts Gain P e r m a n e n t P o s -session of H o n o r E m b l e m

    Freevi l ie — Awmrded the travel-ing scout for the third success ive quarter, the B o y Scout Troop of Frosvtl ls , waa presented t h s em-blem of honor as Its permanent property at a m e e t i n g of the Owas-co District Court of Honor at the Freevi l ie School last Wednesday night.

    John Southworth , scouter of Dryden. m a d e all


    Moose Init iation to B e Held Here Sunday Afternoon

    The B lnghamton degree t eam will confer the initiation on a class of some 50 candidates Sunday afternoon at S at the rooms of Cortland lodge, 1518, Loyml Order of Moose.

    A free turkey dinner for all members of the local Moose lodge will be served at 6, with m program of enterta inment to follow. The speakers of th after-dinner hour will be P. H. Galvin of Rochester, regional director; County Judge Wil l iam H . Coon, Sheriff, Mervin Fowler and Attorney H. K. Angell .

    Lapeer — The Fe l lowship sup-per was hs ld at the h o m e of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Reueeh Friday evening, about 80 being present. After supper a smal l program w a s I ^ o k j e c t t V e a of Industry mnd t h s rendered. G s m e s were played and j o b j e c t t V e a of government," l n d u s -those w h o desired went coast ing. try rtiart«n i

    wma |

    Mis* Ne l l i e Collier ha* been ' * n a M r s - Martin Quail, and also

    the Lor ing untt will meet all d*y with Mr*. K. C. Sly. for a d i s c u s -sion, luncheon and husine«« m e e t -ing.

    T h e Marathon m e e t i n g wi l l b e he ld W e d n e s d s y under t h e d l r e c -

    returned later to see how high the t e m p e r a t u r e g a u g e regis-tered. He s s t In t h s car a few min-ute* snd dec ided t h e motor w a s n e t warm e n o u g h vet. H s stepped

    ed by unf i t members ," said P r e -s iding Just ice Franc i s Martin of the Appe l la te Division, "la to l imit the n u m b e r of s choo l s s n d the number of s tudents ."

    Ea*t Freetown E s s t F r e e t o w n — C h u r c h services

    wil l be h s l d s t the usual t l m s Sun-day.

    R e v . Albert R lnes wil l be In from the c s r prepar ing to Isave I t h , s • • » * • to conduct a church ral -

    tton of Miss Wood of the Col lege of H o m e E c o n o m i c s of Cornel l and \ Mis* Lnchalnger . T h s y will ho ld a k i t c h e n conference In t h e Mara-thon G r a n g e hmll.

    T h s Cuylsr "Life B e g i n s a t 4 1 Ctub" wil l meet T h u r s d a y a n d dla-enaa t h e next part of their project ,

    " K e e p i n g Mental ly Wel l ." T h e South Cortland group wi l l m e e t wi th Mrs. Wil lard W s l k e r . ReeTS-atlon Leader Mr*. Cecil W e a t h e r b y wil l be in c h a r g e w i t h Mrs, H o r -ace) MeDougat , Mrs. H a n * H a n s e n aad M r a Floyd B a c k l e r a c t i n g ma host eases

    Ml** Beatr ice Fehr . t h e C o u n t y H e m * Demonatr s t l on Agent , wi l l h a In I t h a e a next wmsk a t t h e H o u s e h o l d M a n a g e m e n t T r a i n i n g Sehool .

    ; the garage w h e n h e co l lapsed.

    P O L O P f i A Y X R M A R R I E S M a n i l a (sf) — Karl* S. H o p p i n g ,

    SI , H a w York polo player, a a d Mrs. Char lo t te Hanna, Mew Tork a n d CUt forn ia social i te , were marr i ed amVi today . H o p p i n g la a s o n o f Karl* W . H o p p i n g of tfew f o r k ,

    wal l k n o w a am a p o l o i s t

    He was found In an unconsc ious condition and t a k e n to the hospital w h e r e Dr. C laud* E . Chapln at-tended h im for t h s past two days.


    Wtmxmsow comrAumcm L«*r*t«* OF) — Jlrthar H o r a -

    Jr., f i lm ptodmrer and h u e -band of Myrna Lay, Is p r o g r e s s i n g

    ^^Hssf feart ty after i n operat ion for eSMHtla, Good Sammrltan H o s -

    pital reported today.

    Th* Y o u n g Men'* c o m m i t t e e of the Y. M. C. A. of w h i c h Alec Sey-m o u r Is c h a i r m a n wi l l m e e t a t 7 this even ing In t h e board room to discuss th* program of y o u n g man's act iv i t ies for t h e y e a r .

    A quest ionnaire w a s sent out to m e m b e r s of the c o m m i t t e e s a d l a -dividual* in terv i ewed re la t ive t o w or thw hi l e act iv i t ies w h i c h might be adopted as ide f r o m tho** g o v ried oa In the g y m n a s i u m and howl -ing alleys.

    A m o n g t h s a c t i v i t i e s w h i c h wi l l b e considered th i s even ing aro: photographic soc ie ty , dramat ic c lub, out ing c lub, c h e s s and check-e r club, life s a v i n g Instruct ion and s w i m m i n g t e a m , specia l !*** g y m -nas ium activity s u c h s s badminton , fencing, a p p a r a t u s work, «te.; bridge Instruct ion, d a n c i n g instruc-tion, public s p e s k l n g claaa, course Mi s a l e s m a n s h i p , quarte t or g l e e c lub , s y m p h o n i c orches tra , social c lub for y o u n g m e n a n d w o m e n , d iscuss ion g r o u p , bi l l iard t o u m a -

    plng pong tourmmmenta.

    1y beg inn ing Tuesday evening . He wi l l Il lustrate his m e s s s g e s wi th crayon pictures .

    Mrs. Kugons Dmnnan mnd son, "Billy Gen*," visited mt t h s h e m s of R. E. Dmnnan at H o m e r a t o w day* t h e past week .

    T h e Horns Bureau s n d lad le s* Aid Soc ie ty m e e t i n g w a s he ld wi th Mrs. C. L. Wl ldman Thursday af t -• r n o o n .

    Mr. and Mrs. C. L W l l d m a n and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown worm m Syracuse Saturday to attend a mi lk m e e t i n g .

    Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith and/ Mrs. Li l l ian Donaldson, all of I t h -aca and Mra. R u t h Rogers of Buf-fa lo w a r e v is i tors s t the h o m e of Mr. and Mrs. C W. Tarbel l Sun-day. Mrs. Bess ie Underwood a l so s p e n t t h e a f ternoon a t the Tsrbet l home . Mrs. Rogers Is a sister of Mrs. Tarbol l and Mra. Underwood.

    Kber J , Bewdi sh ef Cortland died sudden ly Thursday afternoon s t his f a r m in th i s p i e c e

    B A N K Q I T f S B r g l N K S S South D s y t o n (Je* — Thi s c o m -

    m u n i t y of 700 person* w a * lef t w i thout hanking faci l i t ies w h e n s t o c k h o l d e r s of t h s hank of South D a y t o n dec ided to amy off mil d e -posi tor* a a d go e a t of business . Check* for approx imate ly 171,000, r epresen t ing total depos i t s In t h a bank h a v e been mai led io Vtepeall*

    C a s h l s r C. W, Oreer said.

    Mr. and Mrs. Claude Knapp of West D a n b y were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Gregg.

    Mrs. Minnie Davl* spent a few days wi th re la t ive* and friend* in Ithaca.

    The W. C. T. TT. meet ing will be held at the h o m e of Mrs. Eugene Huls lander oh Fr iday afternoon.

    Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Groves entertained at *upp*r Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Groves, Milton Grove* of this place and Miss Ur-sula Gay of Cortland.

    spending seevral days In vCortland ass ist ing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Collier, who has been 111 but- la Improved at this t ime.

    Mrs. Jenn ie Porter is spending a few daya in Cortland ma the guest of Mrs. Jamea Nye.

    Several from this place were In Syracuse * Tuesday evening In a t -tendance a t a conference of Scout leaders.

    V I C K I TO B E CITIZEN H o l l y w o o d (A?) — Vlcki Baum,

    German writer now working In Ho l lywood , nald yesterday she would take the oath of al legiance as an Amer ican clt i ien next week. She haa passed her final examina-t i o n s

    H i m w e r e dinner guests Friday of Mr. arid Mra Will iam Apgar.

    Mra. E . J. Wells spent Monday wi th re la t ives In Groton.

    Mr. s n d Mra. George R. F e l -lowa and son David of Ithaca were

    The Card Club will meet with I g u e s t s Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O'Connor, Sat- I K. F a l l o w s , urday even ing , January J*.

    The tax rate for s ta te and county taxes for I f IS In the town of Dry-den has been announced as fol-lows: T h s general fund town rate 1a $7 p*T thousand and the h ighway rate la 17 Inside the In-corporated v i l lages of Dryden snd Freevi l ie , m a k i n g a total rate of $14 per thousand .

    Outsld* the v i l lages ths highway rats h s s been set for I to, making a tot*] tax rate outs ide of 117. T h s total a m o u n t of tax money to be paid the county treasurer from the town of Dryden Is 110.147.07, snd tho amount to be paid the super-visor Is IJI .0S0 .

    Mrs. E l e a n o r s Fund l s of Groton, Mr. and Mrs. W s l t s r Burch of Dryden s n d Robert Parker of Varna w e r e recent cal lers ef Mr. s n d Mrs. Rem* F u n d l s and Mra. Has*) P a r k s r .

    Miss Kvm Carman of Ithaca spent Tuesday wi th friends In town,

    Fred B a a e o m and son Claude at-tended t h s funera l of Mrs Irene Baaeom la Auburn Monday,

    Miss Lota Wel l s spent Sunday la Rosa.

    D. D. Chase la go ing to CorUand every day for t rea tment a t Ver-Hoey's Sani tar ium

    Mass Li l l ian Apgar of Ithaca. Earl Van Arkol, Mr. s n d Mrs. C. W. Starkey, J a n e t s t a r k e y aad Coed

    Mr. and Mr*. Homer Ch**e ot Cortland w s r e Sunday guests of Mr, a n d Mrs. D. D. Chaae.

    MI** Lillian Apgar of Ithaca spent Mondmy with Mr. and Mrs. Wi l l iam Apgar ,

    ' Mr. a n d Mrs. William Sherwood of I t h a e a were Sunday guests of Mr. and M r a H. M. Frees*.

    Mrs. H e n r y Van Arkol Is 111, Dorr 8. Fel lows was In I thaca

    last T h u r s d a y w h s r s h s s t t sndod a l u n c h e o n at tho Victoria Hotel , a t w h i c h t h * town collectors of tho county w a r s guest* of Mrs. Char-lot te V. B u s h , county trsmsursr.

    Harr i son M. Frsese spent two daya last week In Sayre, Pa,

    Mrs. E m m a Laesy left last Tharaday n ight to spend some Urns at De land . Fls

    B r u c e B l o o m of Weedsport spent t h s w e e k e n d at his home hsro.

    • c o a t officials of th* Owaseo dis-trict he ld a meet ing in the Free* vUl* school Thursdsy evening for tha purpose of planning a n e w procedure for the coming year »t srouilnsT- Mrs. Vllls Myers, Miss Gertrude Dutcher, Mrs. Wi l l iam

    A pots r and Mrs. Sora Church served re freshment* fol lowing tb* m e e t -ing, i

    Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Gregg o a . terta lned th* card club at t h e h o m o o t Mr. aad Mrs, William, Apgar Saturday evening.

    were cal lers at the h o m e of the ir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Quail. Other callers at the Avery. Quail h o m e Sunday afternoon were Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Hayes and children of Locke R. D. I, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pa lmer and mother, Mrs. Josephine Pa lmer . Mr. and Mrs. Haye* and family were dinner guest* at the Pa lmer home Sunday.

    Rev. Arthur Reed was 111 a f ew days the first ef the week.

    Mrs. Bessie C j tehee* w a s in Cortland Sata* lay. Mrs. May Gutchess. Mrs, i . l tdred Brown and daughter l.*iira were also la Cort-land Saturday.

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jennlson and son and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rics of Cortland wsre near I thaca Sunday to visit their slater, Ruth House, w h o spends the weekends s t Forest Home with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Underhlll .

    The young people held a busi-ness meet ing at tha htme of George Wednesday evening, about J7 be-ing in attendance. Ice cream and cake were served those present.

    Archie Underwood spent Friday and Saturday at tho Leslie. Gutch-ess home.

    Mrs, Arthur Reed was a dinner guest of Mrs. Bess ie Gutchess and family Tuesday.

    Mrs. Elate Fritts, son Howsrd and daughter Dorothy and Mrs, Eva Courtney and daughters , Avis and Lois spent from Saturday aft-ernoon antll Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Asahei Tlllotaon and family In Babcock Hol low.

    Fred Hall returned to his horns In Harford Sunday morning after spending some t ime with t h s Court-ney brothers.

    Gsorge Fritts. jr., is hotplng at ths homo of his parsnts, Mr. and Mrs, Seymour Fritts . Hla parents ore both Improved from their il l-ness of a few w e e k a

    Saturday while cutting u» on th* Gutchess Lake, t h s men had the misfortune to have t h s Ice break mnd the i s * s a w aad eng ine go Into the water. Leslie Gutchess and Charles P s l m e r saw the lee breaking in t ime to save t h e m -eelve* from going In.

    Msny different trucks have been drawing lee from the lake tho last tow days. Ths Ice Is ef fine qus l -Ity.


    Buffalo OP)—Frsderlck E. T h l e r -off, (3 -year-o ld caahler accused of s tea l ing $11,571 from t h e E r i e County till, went to jail last n i g h t to await sentence after p l ead ing gui l ty today to a charge of s e c -ond degree grand larceny.

    Thieroff pleaded gui l ty t o a count Involving theft of $110 from the county on November I I , l t $ 7 . Supreme Court Justice George A. I^rk ln said h» would s e n t e n c e

    | Thieroff a week from tomorrow.


    B U C K L E Y — To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buckley of Homer, N / Y „ R. D. 2, a t the Cortland County Hospital , Cortland, N. T „ J a n u -ary 21, l » t n , a daughter. W e i g h t 8 pounds, 7 H ounces.

    ELSON — To Mr. and Mra. R o y a l Elson of McGraw. N. Y., mt t h * Cortland County Hospital, J a n u -ary 19, 19J8, a daughter . W e i g h t * pounds. 4 ouncef.

    H O P K I N S — To Mr. a a d Mrs. Lynn H. Hopkins of P i t t sburgh, P s . , at t h * Pittsburgh City H o s -pital. January I I , l l l l , a son, w s l g h t 9 pounds. Mr. Hopkins Is t h s son of Ns l l

    C. Hopkins , formerly of Bas t H o m -er and Cortland. McNALLY — To Mr. and Mrs.

    J c e s p h McNally ot Port D i c k i n -son, N. Y„ Jsnuary I I , l l l g , a son, Dennis Joseph. W e i g h t • pounds, 14 ouncoa. Mrs. McNally waa formerly Mlso

    Graea McCarthy ot Cortlaad, M.

    New York City's I t . oo* shoveiers clean street* ot three-lack fall la record time.

    D I E D

    B O W D I S H — I n Bast F r e e t o w n . January 30, H I S , Eber J. B o w -dish of 301 Tompkins s t r e e t Cortland. N. Y - aged 71 y e a r s Funeral services a t the Baerd memorial h o m e Saturday a t 2 : H p. m. Friendo may sai l Fr iday evening between 7:11 s n d • : • # . Burial a t tha Georgetown Cetaov tery neat spring.

    H Y D E — tn Hew York Olty. * . Y „ Jaauary W, l l l l , Predertefc W . Hyde. R e m a l n e t o reach Cortland s t

    4 10 Sunday afternoon, w i t h s e r v -ice Immedlste ly fol lowing at t h * «hape! of th* c o r t l s n d Rural C e m -etery. P A R T R I D G E — l a Fabius. M. Y.,

    January 10» l l l l , Earl Pmrt-rldge.

    Funeral services will be Hold oa Saturday afternoon at J from the late home at f a m u s , N. Y. Burial la Berwyn Cemetery. <

    COUNTRY PI N e w York,

    ce lpts 908.317 Creamery: Hlghsr i s>.15i»e OH eg press weak. 23c* syosses 21c m o s ' l l f 2 0 # 2 l e . 9 2 4 c . mostly l i e

    21c, mostly L ^ h o r n lfr 26c. most ly 24B* 28c; mostly i » B . M * > 1 7 c mostly • tom*2Bc. DueWS

    about st**dy. N * ' Long Islmno « J 1.38, some • J * * M a l a * Owen M t $1 .26; C o n n e c t s * # 1 . 3 0 , poorer^* lbs . ) . Mams 2.15. Bower* ! - f red varieties ta-headed hbl.. tteo f S O O ^ R«d Bliss 81

    U T i W P *

    • e m b e r * N*» tsr* t a d Chtemi*

    "' "ta». Omritmad

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