Poli Econ

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Poli Econ

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Karen Jane Salutan08/14/14PoliEcon

Political economy is the study of the social relations, particularly the power relations, that mutually constitute the production, distribution, and consumption of resources, including communication resources. This formulation has a certain practical value because it calls attention to how the communication business operates, for example, how communications products move through a chain of producers such as a Hollywood film studio, to wholesalers, retailers, and, finally consumers, whose purchases, rentals, and attention are fed back into new processes of production. A more general and ambitious definition of political economy is the study of control and survival in social life. Control refers specifically to the internal organization of social group members and the process of adapting to change.

Reference: Political Economy of the Media Vincent Mosco http://www.blackwellreference.com/public/tocnode?id=g9781405131995_yr2013_chunk_g978140513199521_ss57-1

Analysis:Political economy refers to the interdisciplinary studies coming from economics, sociology and political science. Economics is concerned with the production, distributuon and consumption of wealth in the society. The government, public, private institutions and the common people are both the consumers and producers of economic and communication resources. Each member of the society has a function in producing, distributing and consuming the products of communication like newspapers, books, magazines, films, audiences in order to control people, processes and other things. As an example, movie consumers will go to cinema houses, buy dvd, download and streaming the videos online. The consumers buy film and the producers got ther money back and after that they may produce and distribute another movie for the masses that the latter will consume once again. Political economy is also a social and power relations that refers to the free and creative human activity that changes the world and makes history by using media as a ppwerful tool to communicate and influence others.