Poetry Blurbs that People Will Not Have the Balls to Write

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Poetry blurbs (hell, all blurbs) are annoying exercises in establishing pecking orders and brand recognition. Here are some truthful blurbs people might think but not write.

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BLURBS PEOPLE WILL NOT HAVE THE BALLS TO WRITE.... 1. "A brilliant new COMMODITY (I AM ALREADY THE MAJORITY STOCKHOLDER SO DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! SEE ME IF YOU WANT TO BUY SHARES) has arrived on the scene, and just in time...I have always asserted YADDA YADDA TWO-BIT SVENGALI YADDA YADDA..." 2. "I have no idea who this person is, nor have I had the time to read this book, but putting my name on the back of it (in and of itself) is cultural capital so I'm putting my name right...HERE!" 3. "If you read between the lines of what I'm saying, you'll realize my hyperbolic praise is obviously merely that, and the cognoscenti will know by my clever use of the word "accessible" that I deem this book literary roadkill, and quite flyblown at that..." 4. "What have you done for me lately? Yeah, so this is a book...." 5. "When I wrote "a book to end all things," I actually meant I keep it at the end of my wall bookshelf where sun exposure is maximal....that way none of my valuable titles will have to list on EBAY with "some fading"....only this piece of shit.... 6. "Cedar bedding is so expensive. My hamster looks cold. Thank you so much for thinking of both of us..." 7. "I can't remember when not reading a book has given me so much pleasure. I hope to re-experience this pleasure many times throughout the years..." 8. "This book should come with aspirin (for obvious reasons), a chisel (to scrape out some meanings between the lines), a coffin (for the death of literature) and a slingshot (to take out the windows of the chain bookstore where it came from)." 9. "This book is so sure of its own greatness that I propped it up in front of a mirror, so that it might continue to bask in its own glory for centuries. The beauty of this act is that it spared me the indignity of reading it..." 10. "I traded him my book for this, but I really think God should reward me. I mean, I gave him a Lamborghini and he gave me one of those combustible Pintos with the bucket seats...." COME ON, YOU KNOW YOU COULD HAVE WRITTEN AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE....FESS UP....