Poems, Songs, Ballads - Forgotten Books · PDF fileMy soul would rise and soar afar Untrammeled through the sky. 13. MY MOUNTAIN HOME. Here was my father

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Page 1: Poems, Songs, Ballads - Forgotten Books · PDF fileMy soul would rise and soar afar Untrammeled through the sky. 13. MY MOUNTAIN HOME. Here was my father
Page 2: Poems, Songs, Ballads - Forgotten Books · PDF fileMy soul would rise and soar afar Untrammeled through the sky. 13. MY MOUNTAIN HOME. Here was my father
Page 3: Poems, Songs, Ballads - Forgotten Books · PDF fileMy soul would rise and soar afar Untrammeled through the sky. 13. MY MOUNTAIN HOME. Here was my father

E ntered according to A ct of Parliamen t o f Canada, in th e yearone th ousand nine h undred and th ree , b y CA RRO L L RY A N

,in th e

ofice of th e M inister of A griculture and S tatistics at O ttawa .

Page 4: Poems, Songs, Ballads - Forgotten Books · PDF fileMy soul would rise and soar afar Untrammeled through the sky. 13. MY MOUNTAIN HOME. Here was my father

MY S O N G .

To understand the song I sing

Y ou must know grief l ike mine,

And out of love’

s immortal spring

Drink l i fe ’ s divinest wine .

Ah,you must love

,and lo se , and learn

What these alone can tell,

When thought s of flame transcendent burn ,

Like bolt s,when angels fell .

0,you must know what ’ti s to stand

Alone ’mid boundles s night,

To search in darkness for a hand

To guide your way aright,

Yet find it not ; to hear no sound ,

No promise in th e gloom

A spiri t in a void profound

The univers e a tomb .

Page 5: Poems, Songs, Ballads - Forgotten Books · PDF fileMy soul would rise and soar afar Untrammeled through the sky. 13. MY MOUNTAIN HOME. Here was my father


I f,having swooned upon the shore

Of time,and tasted death


You wander back to l i fe once more

And feel returning breath,

Whil e memory recall s the strain,

Triumphant,sweet and s trong .

That came with death,that ended pain


You ’l l understand my song .

Page 6: Poems, Songs, Ballads - Forgotten Books · PDF fileMy soul would rise and soar afar Untrammeled through the sky. 13. MY MOUNTAIN HOME. Here was my father


He was an ancient,bearded man ,

Within the archway seated ,

Who through the summer,l one and long,

H i s Rosary repeated .

H e rang the bell for Matin prayers,

At noontide for the reapers,

And,when the evening shadows fell

He rang it for the keeper s ;

And , sometimes , too , he toll ed a knell

For everlasting sl eeper s .

From day to day he said his beads,

Within the archway staying ;

The sun aris ing found him there,

A nd, setting, l eft him praying .

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On him would li ttl e hands attend ,

And little footfal l s pattered

Around him ; where the fig trees bend

Where purple treasures scattered ;

The Whisp’

ring cypre ss was hi s friend ,

For him the ivychattered .

But seldom at that Convent gate

A travell er di smounted ;

The outer world of love and hate

Pas sed by it unaccounted,

Monotonous,and quaint

,and calm


The prayerful seasons glided,

The vesper hymn and morning psalm

The days alone divided,

That hy t he dial , near the palm ,

Were left but undecided .

S o years went by,until one day

The night cloud westward roll ing,

Came round the Friar ’ s dim retreat

Without the Vesper tolling.


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The birds stil l sang on ivy sprays ,

The children s til l were playing ,

The Porter,as in former days


S eemed Rosar i es s til l saying ;

But D eath had found hi s quiet ways ,

And took the old man praying .

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’Tis a quiet l ittl e by- way,

S teep and rugged as Parnas sus ,

Leading from the noisy highway

Fil led with Carbonari as ses .

Lo fty houses lean above it ,

Whi spering like neighbors canny ;

S till in memory I love it

D ingy S trada San Giovanni .

Shrined in niches on the corners ,

S aint s and martyrs smil e down grimly

On the unbel ieving scorners

S talking through the twilight dimly,

Going no one knoweth wh ither,

By the Casa Frangipani

Wh ere the votive flowers wither

In old S trada San Giovanni .


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When the summer days were weary

Wi th the breathings of S irocco ,

B lowing with persi stence dreary ,

Red and sultry from Morocco ,

Pleasant was that shady all ey ,

When there were not passers many ,

Like an ancient cl iff - wall ed valley

Lonely S trada San Giovanni .

With her cushion,making laces


Deftly working like a fairy,

Fairest of the i sland graces ,

Little Anna Camelleri

Sat upon her doorstep singing ,

Giving l ittle heed to any ;

To and fro her bobbins fl inging

In old S trada S an Giovanni .

Gentl e,dark—eyed littl e maiden

D ream of unforgott en pleasure

With her tres se s,coin o


All her dowry and her treasure .


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Long ago l—While multiplying

Shadows gather thick and many ,

S t il l a sunbeam,time - defying


Shines in S trada San Giovanni .


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Bring me a cup o f the vintage of Capri ,

Odors of viol ets flooding it s b rim ;

H ere,in the cold north

,I would be happy ,

Calling up memories mi sty and dim .

Memories carried,l ike Orient treasure


Over the seas to the homes o f theWest ,

Gathered by hearts palpitating with pleasure .

Locked in th e casket of l ove in my breast .

Voice s that sound like the wind in the cedars ,

Come with th e odors of Capri to me,

With hands that were faithful and tireles s weeders ,

In gardens of l if e reaching down to the sea .

Thirst of my spirit thi s vintage can slaken ,

Time,sorrow and distance

,l ike cl ouds

,di sappear .

Long sil ent s ingers their strain s re- awaken,

The brave and the noble who peri shed are here .


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Up from the beaker,as up from the ocean

Vi sions aris e l ike the beauti ful dead ;

Coming in dreams,with a l iving emotion ,

And pale fingers part ing the curtains of dread .

Rosy cheeks nestl ing adown in white pillows ,

Fanned by the wings that are not for our gaze ,

Hoary heads sinking fast under the billows ,

Driven by tempests for many long day s .

Lost in the past,l ike the victim s who peri shed


Hurled from the cliff by the tyrant of old ;

Who has their names or their memories ch eri shed ,

Who has th e tale of their mystery tol d !

V i ol ets bloom where th e loving are lying,

They breathe in the odor and sm i l e in the vine ;

! i ss,rosy lips

,separation defying


I bl es s thee for giving thi s Caprian Wine .

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The trees have grown so stout and tall

Around my dear old mountain home .

The Pine,the Oak

,the Maple—al l

That answer to the winds that roam .

About the ivied hall .

Among their shadows long ago

My youth,all pas sionate and wild


Chased phantoms I have l earned to know

Could only haunt a dreaming chi ld

Unreconciled to woe .

Wi th wonder through their branches high,

I l ooked on each mysterious star,

And thought , if I were then to die ,

My soul would r i s e and soar afar

Untrammeled through the sky .


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Here was my father ’ s fav ’

rite seat

And there was oft my mother’s place

The path i s worn by many feet,

But she will nevermore retraceM i

Her way to this retreat .

Time roll s along its c easeles s wave,

And years on weary years have past

S ince through tho s e trees , so tall and brave ,

The red O ctober ’s blighting blast

S trewed leaves upon her grave .

Now others share her lowly sl eep

Who then were dear—the old,th e young

S til l I must toil along the deep,

With heart by many sorrows wrung,

And watch , and wait , and weep .


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But there i s one within my father’

s dwell ing,

Who from his window gazes out on thee .

He knows,Old Tree

,the tale that thou art tell ing ,

H e hears and sees what none el se hear or see .

Thou hast a secret Old E lm, worth the ke eping ,

We children knew it not in early days ;

But they who far beyond thy shade are sleeping

Reveal ed it to us ere th ey went their ways .

G od pity us who sadly wait with shrinking,

Like one sweet spiri t for the fal ling lea f.


,m ine ! in darknes s I am thinking

Of severed branches and a scattered sheaf .

Down the long road that dips into the vall ey

The love - crowned vi sions of our youth have fl ed ;

While l ike los t mariners we keep a tally

Of the sad years in desolation sped .


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But O,remember

,in thes e doubtful maze s

There i s a fountain by the elm tree bl est

And the wei rd presence in it s branche s gazes

Through hope ’s bright portal in the happy west .


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Take care,Old Man !! “

I thank you , s ir .“What street i s th i s I

m on

King - street . ! “And can you tel l me where

I ’l l find the Hel icon ! !

There’s no such place . But if you are

A stranger,you can go

To the Ros sin , i t i s not far .“Acros s the street ! ! “

Just so .

King street—a stranger—let me think

Rise up,ye stones

,and tell

The memories that sweetly l ink

Crocus with asphodel.

The faces look Toronto - l ike.

I feel my mother earth.

S t . James’

clock ! I hear i t strike.

This i s my place of birth.


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But Oh,how changed ! I look alo ng

The old famil iar street .

The bellman,yes

,I hear hi s song


And the tramp of vanished fee t .

Toronto ! I could fal l and ki ss

The very ground I tread .

O,Mother ! Father ! S i sters ! thi s

I s speak ing with th e dead .

’Twas here that I first l earned to be,

To read , to write , to row,

’Twas here I learned my A B C,

S ome sixty years ago .

’Twas here that I became a man

Firs t knew of love the j oy .

Twas here the strange,wild race began

Of an Old Toronto Boy .


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p ltimo , lasso, d-

e miei giorni al legri,

Che pochi no visto in ! uesto, v -iver breve .

Petrarca, S onetto CCL ! ! ! IV .

O,most dear to memory

I s that I sland in the sea,

Where the wild purple pass ion - flower bloom s ;

There the breezes sink to sl eep

On the bosom of the deep,

Mad-e drowsy with the weight of sweet perfumes .

There the towers darkly frown

H igh above the subj ect town,

Where the banner of the Master floats no more ;

And the sound of convent bell s

From the vall ey upward swell s,

And the Lotus - eaters dream upon the shore.


z o

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I mus t die on Friday the first .

I have three weeks more to repent .

Thank heaven ! I now know the wors t

Of the law that will never relent .

But why should I grieve or b e sad !

What is there in death that i s worth

A thought to a spirit who had

More reason for terror in birth !

But I ’m not alone in my doom,

Though fixed are my moments of' breath ;

I walk on the path to the tomb

With millions—all sentenced to death !

What i s li fe ! When hunger i s fed,

Curiosity all satisfied,

We wearily turn on our bed

And sleep a long sleep undenied .


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They talk of the mercy of God ,

Of Jesu s who died for my sins ,

A tos s—up among rascal s who nod

Approval when wors t rascal wins !

Well,l et them go on with their game ;

I,at least

,am no hypocrite vil e

In the depths o f my sorrow and shame

I can turn from their gods with a smil e .

I f the mercy of God were l ike their s,

Could words it s mal ignancy te l l !

Hang the wretch ! He’

s a fel low who dares

To think,and then send him to hel l !

The villain who robbed me of all

That gave satis faction to breath,

I sl ew as a s erpent in coi l

I s entenced and sent him to death .

Civil ization and progres s—all cant,

Hypocri sy , subterfuge , sham !

Rel igion that runs into rant

E xpires whil e muttering Damn !


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S E N T‘


Condemn me to death ! Very good !

What care I for rop e or for kni fe ;

I stand where all martyrs have stood ;

Y ou cannot condemn me to l ife !

But th e God who i s Lord over all

Wil l look into my heart,and He knows

The agony,wormwood and gall


The insults,the lashes

,the blows .

He has hidden and He wil l reveal '

’Tis mine to pas s under the rod .

From the sentence of man I appeal

To the j u stice eternal of God.

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A lov e - song died on my heart in a dream

That I dreamed in the long ago ,

But an echo of that sweet song would seem

Thro ’ my being ever to flow .

I never can catch the word s or the tune ,

Though o ften and often I try ,

The syllabl e s fai l,l ike an ancient rune


The melody breaks in a sigh .

And sometimes I pause when I hear the note

Of a bird,or the laugh of a chil d ;

Then into my spiri t there seems to float

A part of th e song that beguil ed .

The winds in the pines have an echo sweet

Of th e memory deep and strong,

And even the voices up from the street

Have sounds l ike my beauti ful song .


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But the chords will break and the words wil l fail ,

For my thought has a thousand wings ;

And in place of my song I hear the wail

The lost to my memory br ings .

I know that I never shall hear my song,

All sung as it was long ago,

Till the shadows of l i fe are dark and long,

And my footsteps gentl e and slow .

When the sounds of the stri fe grow faint and far

And the thought of the storm,between

The ri se of the glorious morning star

And the setting that i s not s een,

Have faded all from my Spirit away,

While sorrow and pain wil l but seem,

The song that di ed on my heart that day

Wi ll return and restore my dream .


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Oh,s igh no more for the days that are gone

Dim shadows of ghos t s that are dumb

What if thi s sunset b e lurid or wan ,

There ’s a glorious sunrise to come .

What if the fri ends you have cheri shed dead !

The woman you loved b e untrue !

They are the losers o f heavenly bread,

And wine of good l iving—not you .

Have you not supped with th e gods in your

Wi th Psyche to gladden th e night !

Tasted the rapture of love in it s prime

Along with the children of l ight !


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Unbidden a guest at the banquet of l ife

All naked you came and were clad

Hungry we fed you—we gave you a wife ,And thirsty

,our wine made you glad .

Riches we gave you—our gems and our gold

We loved you,and made you our king

Taught you our wis dom—the secret we told

Of serpent,of ro se, and of ring .

Now a last favor,we open the gate


That you may pass out and away ;

Here , i t i s ordered , must ev’

ryone wait,

But none i s permitted to stay .


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A nobl e thing to nobler leads ,

The great succeeds the small ,

To glorious thoughts,and words , deeds ,

We all are heirs of al l .

All things the good and wise have taught

Through ages dark and long

The victor ies for which they fought

To us by right b elong .

We are the heirs o f God - l ike sires

The children of the Sun

Who in our souls retain the fires

That once Prometheus won .

From day to day , from year to year ,’Ti s ours to th ink and do ;

To know no creed that teaches fear,

But only seek the true .


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To be at peace with al l mank ind,

Do good whene ’er we can ,

And with a common bles sing b ind

The brotherhood of man .


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IN E ! ILE .

An angel with a flaming sword

Ha s shut me out of Paradis e,

For I have sinned before the Lord,

And exil e i s my sacrifice .

Yet I am brother to the stars

I know the path that they must tread,

S ince , fighting in angeli c wars

The lightnings circl e round my head .

No bolt can kill thi s l iving soul,

Though chaos black blo t out the day,

A nd heaven,l ike a shrivel l ed scroll


Burn up,di ssolve

,and pas s away .

1 2L ]

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Before the birth of mother night ,

From whom came all created things ,

My spirit came on endl es s fl ight ,

The past and future are its wings .

S on of the Morning, in my hand

I bear a torch from other spheres '

I ts l ight will spread o ’er every land,

And shine thro ’ al l the coming years .

For y e shall know me by a sign,

When fire i s kindl ed at my breath,

And comes a messenger divine,

Whose form i s l ife,whose shadow death !


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O,footsteps sounding in the night

Along the empty city street,

Go ye,l ike me

,in laggard fl ight ,

Your doom to meet !

Or go ye to a region blest

S ome place of quiet—call it home,

Where you may ease your toil and rest,

While I must roam !

O voices,calling through the gloom


Speak ye but to my heart alone

O f hope that ris es o ’er th e doom

Which I bemoan !


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Or are ye echoes of the past,

When love was young and li fe was

When nothing could a shadow cast,

Or make me sad !

O,music falling from the stars


A promis e o f the things to be

When,passed beyond thes e mortal

I will b e free ,

Art thou the spiri t of the sphere

Where dwell s the love I thought was dead !

Spirit of beauty ! thou art near ;

I hear thy tread !

O,foot step s

,voices , music , all

I ever knew to love,behold

I ’ve drawn the curtain,spread the

My hearth is cold !


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All silent now,I hear no sound


And soon the throbbing heart must cease

A mighty presence wraps me round .

I am at peace .


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To that extent of failure I must share

The company of other s l ike myself .

But there I will b e sati sfied,becaus e

I know with kindred spirit s I would be ,

A nd‘

go on striving, as I did on earth ,

To ri se to higher things .

For wisdom I

Have prayed and,l ike th e sage of ancient days ,

I found that wisdom i s increa se of sorrow .

But in that sorrow was a secret balm,

L aid on my heart in one swi ft flash of l ight

When I stood face to fac e with God alone .

For one ecstatic moment,Lo ! the veil


Which hides the mystery of l ife was drawn,

And the great deep to it s remotest bound

Was al l revealed .

My sorrow is no more ;

I have no fear . I know,for I have seen

The orb ineffable,and am content .


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M i s fortune now may come , the tempest rage ,



,the scorn of men


Hunger and poverty,aye

,Death itself



erwhelm th i s mortal . I can bear them all ,

Because I know their meaning and their end .

And when the time for my departure comes,


ll cast away thi s robe of flesh,and ri se

Triumphant in th e love that gave to m e

The gift of wi sdom ere I l ef t the earth .


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Dear child,I know not if thy poor old father,

Who mourns ‘

for thee in s il ence and alone ,

M ay in a long neglected garden gather

Sweet blos soms in forgotten beauty grown .

But I will go where thy dear hands have planted

True thoughts that blo ssom into deeds of love,

There I wil l pray and,i f my prayer be granted ,

’Twill not be long before we m eet above .

Creatures beloved with sad beseeching eyes ,

The fields,the trees

,th e hill s

,the distant lake


-’A re bles sed for their many memori es

Of thee,and glorified for thy dear sake .


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Not thou,but I

,should have been snatched from life,

I had my day,but thou was ’t fair and young,

For I am old and weary of the strife ,

While thy sweet p salm of l ife was all unsung.

But thi s i s not the whole of l i fe . In dreaming

I oft behold thee coming from afar ,

Wi th high immortal love and beauty beaming ,

A m es s enger from some more happy star .

The few short years of time that we have reckon’


Were but the fragments of an endle s s sph ere '

Thy mission finish ed,higher duties b eckon


Not thy beginning,nor thy ending here .

The pure and good,who bles s the earth

,must die

Wrong reigns triumphant—love i s void of breath

Whil e flaunting vice in heal th robust goes by ,

Lean wretchednes s in vain implores for death .


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, God ! to us so poor and lonely ,

Might have been left this flow’r of winter years ;

We had so littl e ! Of our treasure only

Remains a memory embalmed in tears .

But Oh,for death I thank Thee God

,my Father !

I have no terrors . I will not despair .

Thy will be done ! In death no shadows gather.

I could not keep h er here,nor lose her there .


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I chased a ra inbow in my youth

To seek a pot of gold ;

I found i t not,but find a truth

Now I am growing old .

The rainbow arched th e tearful skies ,

The sunlight shining through,

And where i t touched the earth a prize

Must surely be,I knew .

H igh hill s,l ow vales I travell ed o ’er


O’er ocean


,I sped ;

The golden treasure stil l before,

And stil l the rainbow fl ed .

Meantime th e years were gl iding by,

And I was growing old ;

Y et stil l the rainbow fi ll ed my eye,

My heart the pot of gold .


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At last the sun began to set

B eyond th e outer rim

Where sea and sky commingling met

Then all around grew dim .

My rainbow faded,and I cr i ed


For I was weak and old ;

O,I had lo st my Iri s guide


And mi s sed my pot of gold .

Then darknes s hemmed me all about

The sea and sky were black

My farther way was one of doubt

Ii forward,or if back .

Then to my li stening soul a thought

Came with a hope divine“ Beyond th e stars the treasure sought


The beauty shall be th ine .


Now,though I wander all alone


No Iri s in my sky,

The glory that for me has shone

In Spirit cannot die .


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The dream of life,th e mystery of death


The hope of heaven and the fear of h el l,

L'ose al l their terrors with the failing breath

God must do right,and , there fore , all i s wel l .

Thus far I ’ve come,not knowing whence

Through stormy years the upward path

At last I know that,whil e I cannot die ,

The path of sorrow is the way to God .

The love that sacrifices all i s mine ;

Thi s l ife i s but the childhood of my soul ;

I brought from other spheres a spark divine !

I know a part and yet wil l know the whol e .

Conscience within unlock s the book of fate ;

E ternal Must subdues th e mortal W i ll .

Thi s i s the secret ! S tanding at the gate

Of death I learn it . Peace , O soul , be stil l !


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O,tree of l if e ! the storms of year s are shaking

Thy fruit to earth,while comes autumnal night,

And one by one the t ie s of tim e are breaking,

Whil e one by one my loves are taking fl ight .

Behold , the high resolves of youth are ended ;

No more I chase the phantom of my quest .

M y work i s now complete . I have a scended

The la st high peak to view the land of re st .

The sunbeams thro ’ the mountains backward slanting

Tel l me the night i s near,th e goal b elO W ‘

I hear inviting voices welcomes chanting

Give me my robe and staff,and let me go .


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,all the phantom glories

That lured me hither,leave me now alone ;

The woeful moral of forgotten stories

I wri te,forgetting , on this ways ide stone .

I see the footprints others made before me,

And I‘

will follow them into the gloom,

While these poor flow ’

rs that I have gathered gore


Wi th thorns that fittingly may deck a tomb .

Farewel l to all I love ! Beyond the river

Are white—robed vi sions of immortal birth .

Behold,th e hand that taketh was th e giver .

Farewel l to all my dreams ! Farewell to ea rth !


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FE BRUARY 3, 1899.

Just s ixty years ago to - day,

Into thi s wicked world

A littl e,helple ss baby boy

Was all unconsciou s hurl ed .

H e went to school,he went to sea


H e went t o war al so ;

But why or what for,never he

Could unders tand or know .

O,sometimes he would hungry be


And sometimes he was cold ;

He knew the p inch of poverty

The luxury o f gold .


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FEBRUA RY 3, 1899.

But ever,as he went along,

H e struggled with a doubt

What i s the meaning of it all !

What i s it all about !

He trod the busy market place

Where traders cheat and li e,

And saw in every sordid face

Why many starve and die.

The money - changers,as of old ,

Were gloating on their gains ;

And love was bought,and j ustice

In palaces and lanes .

Then looking back he saw the world

Was ever such as these,

And thought—If thi s b e right,O God !

All l ife i s but di sease .


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FEBRUA RY 3, 1899 .

A flame from heaven touched hi s lip s ;

H e sang with pas sion strong ;

And those who heard in pass ing ships

Could ne ’er forget h is song .

In lowest valley he reposed,

Where flows the sacred rill ;

He passed the desert plain and stood

Upon the highest hill .

H e ques t ioned sun , and moon , and

The works and book s of men ;

He sat with pri soners under bars,

With tigers in their den .

And women loved him,children sought

H i s bles sing,but ala s !

He gave them all h e had to give,

Then passed as shadows pass .

5 1

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FEBRUA RY 3 , 1899.

Now old and worn he ask s himsel f

What have I for my years !

Have I gained happines s,or pelf


Or solace in my tears !

I s there a thought,a line

,a word

Of wisdom I can show !

I only know I fear no Lord.

And that all I know !


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The noble may have wealth and pri de,

A high and titl ed name,

But what are all he has beside

A P-oct’s l iving fame !

H i s m ight i s bounded by those hil l s,

Mine like the ocean roll s ,

A thousand hands work when he will s,

I sway ten thousand soul s !

A faithful heart in him may live,

And all it s love be thine,

But O ! th e Poet ’s heart can give

A passion more divine .

H i s l ove will fade away with years,

And end with death at last,

But mine wil l l ive in smile s and tears

When centurie s have pas s’

d .


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I only sing for those I love ,

Nor care for prai se or blame

From those whose sm i l ings only prove

Them heart l es s , cold , or tam e .

But those who love and suffer may

Find solace in my songs,

For only unto such as th ey

My wild , sad strain belongs .

I will not curb my spiri t down

To earth , or earthly eyes ,

Nor hang upon the smile or frown

Of those I do not pr ize .

I have a kingdom of my own

The world and men above,

Which i s my home,s o I alone

Wi l l s ing for those I love .


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After many years and long,

Once again I hear the song

the wildbirds in the branche s singing free ,

A nd tho ’ old,and bent

,and gray ,

M y glad heart responds to - day

I turn to thoughts of youth , o f love , of thee.

I have cros sed the great divide ,

I am on the sunset s ide,

L ooking down into th e vall ey o f the dead ;

B ut beyond the utmost r im

O f the far horizon dim


light , a s from an open door,i s spread



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I t may lead I know not where ,

But I trust and pray that there

Our spirit s wil l attain a high er b irth ;

That th e hopes we cheri sh ed here

Will within a brighter sphere

Find fruition that they cannot find on earth .

When the shadows pas s away

In the glory of that day,

No love,l ike ours pure , wil l ever cease .

Let u s hail that coming time,

In a dream of hope sublime

Hand in hand forever on the Path of Peace .


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What matter s the tramp of the crowd on the high


When hi s step will never more come to the gate !

Oh,what do I care now how many come my way,

When he never comes to me early or late !

H e gave me hi s dear love,all others forsaking

H i s hand and hi s home with his love he gave me ;

But what of it all to a heart that i s breaking

To clasp him again,whom I never shal l see.

In the morn when I r i se I fl ing open my casement ,

S til l thinking to hear hi s light step on the mould ,

Tho’ I know in my heart that no greater amazem ent

Could be than the sight of my lover of old .


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I strive to be stil l while I wait for his coming,

I tidy his room,put his chair in it s place ,

I gather my work,and hi s fav ’

rite air s humming,

I gaze on the picture that shows me hi s face .

The day pas ses on , til l the shadows returning

Inform my sad heart I have waited in vain,

But the lamp of my love in the window is burning


,he ’l l see it

,and come back again !

O , would we were dead , and the agony over !

I can picture two soul s meeting naked above

The lone one at home and the sad one a rover

Could meet unashamed in the l ight o f their love.

The footsteps are many,tho few that come my way


I sit and I weep whil e I pati ently wait.

What matters the tramp of the crowd on the highway,

When hi s step will never more come to the gate !


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’Ti s sweet to rove upon the hil ls

Among the trees and flowers

Or sit beside the laughing ril l s

That glide near sunny bowers ;

To muse alone and gentl e thought

Delightedly to woo

But sweeter were that sol itude

I f sol itude for two .

To li sten to the wild b i rd s sing,

To gaze upon the sky,

Where giants o f the fores t fl ing

Their long arms wild and high

S uch things I know are very sweet

In scenes we love to view ,

But O ! their !oy i s more complete

In soli tude fo r two !


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I saw thee ’mid the great and fair ,

Of all the lovely lovel ie st ,

And none who looked upon thee there

But felt within thy presence bl est,

While I could only stand afar

And in thy smile my heart r epose,

Or murmur as unto a star,

The love I bore for thee, Sweet Rose .

But oft I thought—What can I do

To win a smile from those dear eyes !

Of all who won I felt how few

Were worthy of so bright a prize

For I would do some glorious deed

That would my depth of love di sclose,

Then thou would ’st in the effort read

The love I bore for thee , Sweet Rose .


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Ah,stil l within my heart I hold


memory of that bright hour

As tender hands thro ’ winter cold

Protect th e summer ’s fragile flow ’

r .

I t tel l s of golden moments gone,

And promise in the future shows,

S o will I ever think upon

The love I bore for thee, Sweet Rose .

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Here would I place,as in a shr ine


The treasures of my heart,

To make their richness stil l b e thine

When we are far apart ;

And bear sweet thoughts in after years ,

When tearful eyes will trace

Recorded hopes,unwritt en f ear s


That here have found a place .

But Oh ! Sweet Rose , my gentl e fri end ,

I t oft has been my lot

To write , as now I write , and lend

A name to be forgot .

Thou,too , perhaps in after days ,

Wilt smile upon the page,

Nor let so fa int a spel l the rays

O f memory engage .


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S o l et i t b e—and in that cold

Obl ivion shall l i e

A tale that never yet was told

By mortal l ip or eye .

And I will pray that thou'

l t be bles t

In friendship and in love ;

May every hope that fi l l s thy brea st

A bright fruition prove !

Sweet dreams and gentle thoughts be thine ,

Glad days o f happy hours,

Like fairies,may the moments twine

For thee their sweetes t flow ’

rs ;

Be beauti ful,and kind

,and dear


Sweet Rose,as now thou art ;

S o from the past thou wil t appear

To one unhappy heart !

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I was dr i fting away last night , in a dream

On the bosom broad of a m ighty stream ,

The voice of the waters that bore me along

S eemed singing the dul l refrain

Of an old,familiar

,sorrowful song

S oothing but tel l ing of pain .

My face was upturned to the moonless sky,

And stars that sil ently rose on high

S eemed spirit s I wooed in my youth

E re the heart that worshipped th e good and

Had wakened from visions to find despai r

Was wedded forever to truth .

And still I was drifting along that shore

The hil l s and the val leys about it bore

The semblance of places I’d s een before


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Anon I discovered that s il ently

Others were dri fting away with me

Away to the ocean o f mystery .

I turned to look on the face s near

And my soul was fi l l ed with a terribl e fear,

For they were the faces of beings d ear,

Dearer to me than my l ife

E yes that had lovingly looked on me

Now fixed in a ghastly vacancy ,

And some had the look of a misery,

That ended its angui sh in stri fe .

And there was a form that b efore my d r eam

I clasped to my bosom with !oy supreme

Deeming it al l mine own .

Her long dark hair was against my cheek

I strove,O God ! how I strove to speak

But my l ip s were as carved in stone .

She was robed in black , a s the day we met ,

But her lip s were pale , and her brow was wet

And dank with th e river spray .


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Then methought I drifted upon the shore ,

But I clung to the lovely prey,

That the sullen waves of that river bore,

And strove to upbear i t away .

But she sank from my arm s, l ike a weight of l ead ,

Down in the stream of the gravel es s dead,

And I rose from my dream with a start,

While memory sadl—y recall ed to my view

The dream of the night,and I knew it was true

By the load that I fel t on my heart.


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Along the val l eys river s glide

Beneath the wall s of castl e s grand ,

That are not homes for human pride,

Nor were they buil t by human hand .

The marble steps and pillared walls

Were planned in ages long ago,

When old magicians in these hal ls

Ruled genii from the world below .

But they have long since passed away

And other beings take their place,

Defying death and eke decay,

Perennial in their youth and grace .

And there are gardens fil l ed with flow ’


Where palpitating odors move,

And groves that clu ster into bow ’rs

O ’er l eafy couches made for l ove .


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Ah,human heart s ! how we ll i t were ,

I f ye could meet in place l ike thi s

Whene ’er your deepest fountains stir,

Responsive to the cl inging ki ss .

And there are forest s dark and high

Of tree s that tell the strangest tal es

That e ’er were told beneath the sky,

Or li stened to by heedle ss gal es .

The caverns deep,in mountain s old


Are fi l l ed with treasures , rare and vast,EA nd diamonds heaped on floors of gold

By gnomes in th e forgotten past .

A castle s tands up on a hil l ,

Whose lofty rooms contain a store

O f volumes,where I learn ! at will

The mysterie s o f magic lore .

7 1

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And there,upon a lofty seat,

I s placed the Queen of al l thi s i sl e

A sweet enchantres s , at whose feet

I rest,and l ive within her smil e .

The sad misfortune of my birth

Compel s me oft to leave her s ide,

Because I am a thing of earth,

And to the sons of men allied .

For me she sings the sweetest songs

On me their happiness conife rs

Whatever el se to earth belongs,

The world of l ove and dreams i s hers .


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Sweet and stil l th e moonlight l ies

Along the path we know so wel l ;

S oftly in the di stance die s

The echo of the evening bel l .

Here I stand beside the spring,

Placid in it s deep s below

Empty heart to it I bring

To fil l with thoughts of long ago .

Gently dreaming here I think

That I would find De Leon ’s quest ;

B ending o ’er th e spring to drink

A fabl ed draught to make me bl e st .


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Pain and sorrow now are fl ed,

Joy and peace again are m ine ;

Hopes,no longer with the dead


Return and make the wor ld divine .

Fear of parting never more ,

O h ! fountain of eternal youth ,

Shall destroy the happy lore

That comes to one who knows the truth .

Here I have the precious prize

The Spaniard sought o’er land

All the glowing hilltops ri se

Resplendent in their mystery .

Glorified the song of l i fe

Shal l ri s e from val e to mountain peak,

Men forgetting all their stri fe

Will here a glad contentment seek .


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Like an answer to their prayer

This spot they ’ l l hail as i f t’

were home,

E arth and sky will shine more fair ;

No farther will they wish to roam .

S tricken hearts with sorrow bowed

May here their burden haply bring,

And . parting from the heedl es s crowd ,

Shal l l earn the S ecret of the Spring .


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I looked on thee in former days,

And thought thee wondrous fair ;’Twas rapture then to fondly gaze


And feel thy presence there .

Thine eyes posses sed a happy beam,

Thy cheek s a ro sy glow,

Thou wert a s l ovely as a dream ,

But that was long ago,


Y es very long ago .

When,arm in arm upon the hill

We strayed away so long ,

And never fel t the time until

We heard the night - bird ’ s song .


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I drink to thee —The guests have gone ;

The revelry i s o ’er,

The Chaplet s , that were late upon

Their brows are on the floor ,

While ghostly shadows , one by one ,

Come gl iding thro ’ the door

But what are they to thee or me !

My Beauti ful,I drink to thee !

I drink to thee —The crystal bowl

I s blu shing to the rim ;

It i s an emblem of my soul

That sparkle s to the brim

With love for thee,compl ete and whole


Not , l ike the se spectres , dim .

But what are they to thee or me !

M y Beauti ful , I drink to thee !


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Aye,what are they—thi s ghostly crew

These s il ent memorie s

Of things I fel t,or saw

,or knew


Perhap s beyond the seas,

When heart s were laving,kind and true


Not shadows such as th ese !

But what are they to thee or me !

My Beauti ful,I drink to thee !

I drink to the e ! The empty glas s

I s sh ivered on the wall,

And,one by one

,the spectres pass

Adown the dark’

ning hall ,

And I am left alone,Alas !

Alone and—that i s al l .

But what are they to thee or me !

My Beautiful,

t o th ee !


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Pour the red wine about !

Pour it out ! Pour it out !



,and shout

With a will .

There ’s a storm in my soul,

That wil l ever uproll,

S o quickly the bowl

Let u s fil l !

The day had not fled

With its l iving and dead,

Like a moment of dread

I t was


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As the sleeper will start

When he feel s the knife dart

Dividing hi s heart

To the core

One terrib l e pain

Of heart and of brain,

A gasping in vain,

And no more

Clos e , clo se to my breast

Her bosom was pres sed

Oh ! how I was bl est

In her arm s

Her breath was divine,

I drank it l ike wine,

Warm kis ses were mine,

M ine charms


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tI‘look ed in her eyes ,

They were lum inous skies ,

Where her soul made replies

To m ine own.

In a tempest of l ove,

That angel s above

Might envy to prove,

We were


Then a power unseen

Came quickly between,

Like the icy cold sheen

O f the north

And up I arose

To grapple my foes,

M y effort s were thro es

Little worth .


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On the wrack of the storm

I saw her white form

Out oceanward to rn ,

Like a breath ;

Dim ghosts all in white

Fast fol lowed her fl ight,

Through terror and night ,

Unto death .


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O , I have now an argo-sy, a- sai l ing on the sea,

All richly laden with the spice and gold of Arab i e ,

But I fear it will b e taken by some Turkish pirate


Who will rob me of my spices and my precious store

of gold .

O,would that I were young again on board the

G olden Fleece,

With bowline taut and shotted guns among the I sles

of Greece ;

I ’d t each that cruel pirate what I taught him once“ before


When I burned hi s galleys on the sea , and drove hi s

m en ashore .


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He met the pirate , gave him chase, and wrecked him

on the strand ;

Then brought the argosy to port , and won the

maiden ’s hand .

Now all ye sailors bold and free who plow the

stormy wave,

If ye would win a lady ’s love be ready,true and


Good fortune then will smil e on you,and when the

Turk ’s o’


You ’ l l l ive in peace and plenty on an i sl and all your

O wn .


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,come to a land across the sea

Come,deares t

,come to the West along with me

I’ l l show you a land where the mayflow er grows.

Along with the thi stle,the shamrock , and ro se .

I have a cabin by a wild mountain stream ,

A lake in the woods where the long shadows dream,

And the wild flowers bloom,and the wild b i rd s sing,

Where in the forest land I reign a s a king .

O , give me your word Love ; O ,give me your hand;

A nd you shall be queen of that beautiful land

The oak , and the pine , and the sweet mapl e tree

Are al l growing green in th e land o f the free .


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The north star i s high, and the south star is low ,

The anchor’

s atrip,and aboard I must go,

Then come with your true lover over the wave

Be brave as the bride of the free should b e brave .

‘O ,fly from the city of fol ly and crime

Come to where Nature i s sti l l in her prime,

Come ,dearest , come to a land across the sea,

Come , dearest , come the West along with


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I had a full cousin,cal led Arthur M acnide,

And as we went roaming down by the sea side ,

All nature was smiling as glad as a bride

I t was of a fine summer morning .

We met with 3 S ergeant in uniform fine,

A smart l i ttl e drummer,al l braiding and shine

Quite ready to, march at the head of the l ine

With hi s rowdy - dow - dow in the morning.

With cap on three hairs swagger stick in hi s hand

The ful l - chested S ergeant looked nobl e and grand ,

Just like he was giving the word of command ,“Attention !! to squads in th e morning .


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H e said My fine fel l ow, i f you’d l ike to ’ l i s t .

A shil l ing at once I wil l slap in your fist ;

Its an O pportunity not to b e miss’d

Out here of a fine summer morning.

We ’l l dres s you up splendid in scarlet and b lue ,

With height of good liv1ng in boil ed , roa st , and stew ;

The girl s will run after you,l oving and true

As you march thro’

the town in the morning .

The S ergeant had ribbons that flew from his cap

O , he was an elegant , roll icking c’hap

But what he was saying I knew was clap - trap,

As I thought to mysel f on that morning .

S aid I : You ’re a gentleman gallant and gay,

But I don ’t think I ’l l ’l i st in the army to - day .

And I’ve a su spicion that al l that you say

I s humbug and gammon this morning .


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Then as for your bragging about your fine clothes,

They are not your own , S ir, a s I do suppose ,

And you dare not sell them , no , not for your nose ,

I f you did you ’d be flogged in the morning.

Then,as for your grub and your cook ing so fine ,

“ I know how a soldier gets fed in the l ine ,

On a bit of bull beef you ’re contented to dine,

And sup your burgoo in the morning .

And as for the girl s that are l oving and true,

I have one already,and no thanks to you ;

I f I should enlis t, S ergeant , what would she do

Left alone on a fine summer morning !

S o drummer go on with your rowdy - dow - dow !

A nd I’l l stay at home with my hand on the plow ;

I will fight when I ’m needed but cannot ’l i s t now

So I b id you a very good morning .



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B eside the highway stands a ruined inn ,

Luxuriant mos s has spread its roof al l o ’er ;

N O voice i s heard , no footstep makes a din ;

The grass i s waving at th e‘

open door .

Winds whistle f reely thro’ the broken panes

A ghostly echo of forgotten strains .

The cheerful hearth that once was used to throw

Its l ight and warmth thro ’ every friendly room ,

And cast its gleam far out on drifting snow,

Is bare and vacant as a rifled tomb .

Grim desolation bro ods about the spot,

With mildew O dors,l ike sepulchral rot .

Yet I remember in the bygone

When Well er ’s four - horse,yellow equipage

Came whirl ing from Toronto,

’mid the cheers

Of villagers who came to meet the stage.


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There i s a spiri t comes to me

E ach day at evening time,

When shadows gather on the sea ,

And sounds the vesper chime .

Then sweetly on my troubled mind

It pours a soothing balm

Then fl i e s my sorrow , and I find

My soul i s glad and calm .

Then good and happy thoughts arise

Whil e sinks my load of care,

And I behold the loving eyes

O f spiri ts pure and fai r .

S uch as in former days I knew

And in a dearer land

E re sorrow o ’er my Spirit threw

The shadow o f its hand .


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And oft I hear the whi spering

Of voices in my ear,

And O ften , too , I hear them sing

A song none el se may hear .

S till , gentl e Spirit,come to me

E ach day at evening time ,

When shadows gather on the sea ,

And sounds the vesper chime .


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Fill high the bowl !! I ’ve heard the song

At midnight when the fun was high ,

And madly rose the drunken throng

To drink the toast befittingly.

And round about

The revel rout

Proclaimed the reign of devilry .

Fill high the bowl !! they sang and spoke,

Till song and word had fail ed to tel l

How madden’

d souls,from reason broke


Can emulate the scenes o f hel l ;

And,rushing out


The revel rout

Insulted night with oath and yell .


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A S through the dreary wilderne s s

The chosen people bore

In danger,exil e and di str es s

The ark of God ; and o’


Their path an awful pres ence rose,

Alike in labor and repose,

E ternally before

So through the wildernes s o f time

Through ages l ong and dark ,

I s borne in maj esty subl ime

Our sacred,mystic ark ;

And though that awful Presence may

Not meet our gaze by night and day,

Our soul s retain i t s mark .

! Dedicated to the Master, Wardens and B rethern of D al

housie Lodge,Ott awa, 1868


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When rash and cruel foes as sailedWith blind and furious hate ,

The S acred Order stil l prevailed

More gloriously great ;

And round it s mys tic symbol s s tand

The good and wis e o f ev'

ry land

Immovable as fate .

And,l ike to them

,within our hearts

We keep the unrevealed ;

As God in earth ’s most secret parts

Most precious things conceal ed .

For he who seek s a lofty prize

Must learn to labor and be wi se,

And never faint nor v ield .

The work your hands have done i s small

To what must yet be done,

E re ye shal l h ear the Ma s ter ’ s call

Beyond the ri sing sun .


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The star which erst afforded light

Must s ink at last in endles s night

Its final cycl e run .

But o ’er the tomb transgres sion made

The evergreen shal l grow ;

For those who rest b eneath its shade

Another star wil l glow .

In Heaven ’s eastern portal grand

The Mas ter Architect shal l s tand,

All worthy craftsmen know .

The temple then will be complete ,

The labor all be o ’er ;

And the Great Lodge on high will

To clo se not evermore,

Within the citywhich the S eer

At Patmos saw in H eaven appear ,

Unseen by man before .


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From a plan by the wisest of S ages

Was built a magnificent arch

Over a path where,for ages

Multitudes s il ently march .

They come from the vall eys of sorrow

And cities that are of the past,

They are seeking a glorious morrow,

Their Shadows before them are cast .

They seek a city far away

A city on a hil l

The weary footsteps may not stay,

N or toil ing hands be sti l l !

For they all faith ful ly obey

The Ma st er ’s word and will .


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E ach one among that multi tude ,

With hope, though oft in tear s ,

Has toiled in quarri es strange and rude

For many weary year s .

But now each one whose work i s done,

With liberated hands,

Ascends the hill where brightly stil l

The Holy City stands ,

To which i s brought the ashlars wrought

In many dis tant lands .

And so each day the fabric grows

More beautiful and high,

B eneath the Master Architect

The al l beholding eye .

S o l et each one perform his Share ,

Brothers who labor all,

That perfect ashlars,we may bear

A place in that high wall .


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O S ea ! thy waves are cold and dark,

Thy voice i s hoarse and wild ,

And thou dost tos s my littl e bark

On which th is morn you smiled .

Yes,thou didst sparkl e gay and smile


As if beneath thy waves

There lay no victims to thy guile

In deep and tearl es s grave s .

But yet,O S ea ! I knew that thou

Wert treacherous before

I wrinkl ed thy inviting brow

Wi th my reluctant oar .

I call ed thee no endearing name,

Nor prai sed th ee with my lyre,

For well I knew i f thou wert tame’

Twas but with smothered ire.


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A lovely night ! S erenely clear th e Sky

Spreads it s broad arch of blue fi l l ed by the l ight

O f the wan moon which,

floating far on high,

Looks calmly down—~the S i lent queen of night .

The Sportive zephyrs,k i s s ing in their fl ight

Thy pure white brow,dear Mary

,seem to sigh

A prayer of love,and linger with del ight

Around our bower when thy dear form i s nigh,

As if they fain would bear thee with them as they fly .

But see,my love

,upon the fancied bound

Where earth and sky are met,a gloomy cloud

Ascending slowly until far around

Li e s ’neath the shadow of the stormy shroud .

Yon sheet of flame , how grand , how wildly proud ,


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It clove the blackness with a livid tongue .

And now the thunders hoarsely roar aloud ,

S til l wilder are the forked lightnings flung,

Which seem to madly sport the distant h il l s among .

S ee rai sed on high , l ike a triumphal arch

Based on the mountain s that o ’

erlook the vale ,

A S piri t rainbow gleaming o ’er the march

Of el emental armies,while the gale ,

E ager the woods and mountains to assail ,

Bears them right onward on hi s rushing wings,

E ach flying cohort clad in cloudy mail

With an exultant swiftnes s wildly s ings,

whne chaos black behind the whol e it s shadow fl ings .

S til l th e sweet moon upon us sadly pours

Her l ight as vet unshaded by the gloom

Of v onder cloud from whose black centre roars

The living thunder as from out it s womb

Springs each wild flash with every deaf’ning boom .


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The hi s sing deluge comes . Where shal t thou fly ,

My frightened dove,to

scape the coming doom !

N O shelter ! none ! Come to th i s b osom , I

Will shiel d my own dear love from heaven ’s angry

sky !

Peal , ye wild thunders ! Leap ye l ightnings down !

Ye wrathy el ements your force combine ,

Till trembling earth lies prone beneath your frown .

I reck not for your wrath whil e Mary ’s mine !

O ! l et me stand like yonder riven pine

Round whose bare h ead th e lurid l ightnings flame ,

And ’bout it s arms,l ike fiery serpents


Let me a part of thi s wild storm exclaim,

For I ’m ak in to it—our spirit s are the same .


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Our father s fought in the ancient days,

For their gold,or faith

,or fame


But thei r children have no need of bays

Till they wipe away their shame .

Our swords Shall drink of the cup of l i fe,

And the draught wil l be a flood

To bear from our land the wrecks of stri fe

And the footprints stained w ith blood .

The toast shall b e“To Italy


Union,Love and Liberty ! !

1 10

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The sk i e s are fair that beam above

Far lands of fame and song,

Where eyes that look the sweetest l ove

In sunny valleys throng .

But Oh ! give me the forest hil l s

Where happy I may roam ,

Where every pure affection thr ill s

In Canada our home .

The annal s of our native land

May be but rough and brie f ,

But there i s many a fearl e s s hand

To guard the maple - l eaf .

Let danger threaten when it will

We ’l l meet whate ’er may come ,

Remaining firm and faithful stil l

To Canada our home .


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The mountains,woods

,and torrent s wild


Where native freedom dwell s

Have charms that to the fore st child

No other land excel s .

Oh ! for the j oyful w ind that fl i es

Beneath the leafy dome

By lakes that beam like beauty ’s eves

In Canada our home .

Let other nations boast the fame

O f hero and of sage

What i s their glory but a name

Upon a blotted page !

Behold a land from tyrants pure

As wild Atlantic ’s foam ,

Where love and beauty dwell s ecure

In Canada our home .

Young giant of th e North and West !

The nations hail thy birth

Thine heritage i s of th e best

That ere was claimed on earth .

1 1 2

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Dear native land ! thy wand ’

ring child

Treads on thy shore again ,

And beauti ful,and grand

,and wild

Thou art to day as when

Mine eyes beheld thee firs t,and caught

From waving wood and rushing stream

The shadow of a bright - eyed thought,

The spiri t of a dream .

Crowned with the glory of labor and love ,

Faith , Loyalty , Virtue and Truth ,

O Land ! let the birth of thy mightiness prove

All the beauty and promise of youth !

In thee no S lave s nor despots dwell

To curs e the passing hour

By deeds that to the future tel l

Of misery and power .

Written , July Ist , 1867 . the firs t Dominion D ay

1 14.

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But , bound by love , thy children stand

With no dark thoughts between,

A nob l e,free and happy band


For Country and for Queen .

Let their voices ri s e

With their beaming eyes,

For the S tar of E mpire glows

O ’er th e northern arch

Where the giant s march ,

Whom none can delay or oppose .

A new Atlanti s for the world,

O Canada ! thou art ;

The flag thy children have unfurled

I s dear to every heart .

Long l ike our old flag , may it wave

That which for aye shal l b e

The symbol of the true and brave,

The banner of the Free !

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(New vers ion .)

Oh,Patrick dear

,and did you hear ,

The news that ’s going round !

The Shamrock i s no more forbid

To grow on Iri sh ground .

But,raised with honor and renown


By order o f th e Queen

The army and the navy now

Are wearing of the green .

S o now we ’l l wear the green , my dear ,

S o now we ’l l wear the green ;

For E rin grand we ’l l proudly stand,

And wear the l iving green .

1 16

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S o now we’ l l wear the green , my dear ,

S o now we ’l l wear the green ;

For E rin grand we’ l l proudly stand ,

And wear the l iving green .

N ot only did they beat the Dutch

Upon the wild Karroo,

But they have conquered E ngli sh hearts

Wi th courage high and true .

Th en everm-ore when Briti sh men

Shall s ing “ God S ave the Queen ,They ’l l not forget Old Ireland


The wearing of the green .

S o now we ’l l wear the green , my dear ,

S o now we ’l l wear the green ;

For E rin grand we ’l l prodly s tand ,

And wear the l iving green .

1 18

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N O drooping wil low weep s ,

Where Abercrombie sl eep s

In the bastion that towers above the sea,

Where the bil lows evermore

Tell the echoe s on the shore

Of him whose name was one with victory .

Near Abercrombie ’ s grave ,

Looking down across the wave ,

I s a s leeple s s,giant , i ron sentinel

! S ir Ralph A bercrombie’ s remains are buried in the

angle of one, of the bastions of the Castle of S t . Elmo at

Malta. O n a marb le s lab inserted in the opening of the

vaul t is a long inscrip tion in Latin,giving the main ineL :

dents o f his career . A 1 10 pounder gun was mounteddirectly over the tomb when the w riter visited the spot

in 1863 , and, from the cavalier of the work abo-vie, floated

the B ritish E nsign .

1 19

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Crouching gr im and sil ent there ,

Like a l ion in hi s lair ,

The ashes of the hero guarding well .

When Abercrombie died

Old E ngland o’

er the tide

S ent thi s sentinel to guard hi s sacred tomb.

They are brothers—he who sleeps

And the giant one who keeps ,

E ndless vigil in the sunshine and the gloom .

Over Abercrombie ’s h ead

Float s a banner blazoned red

Vi ctorious over sea and over land

And the foe had need be brave

Who on Abercrombi e’s grave

Would dare to lav a desecrat ing hand .

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Warriors welcome from over the sea

S ons of the. E mpir e , peerle s s and free .

Blue - eyed,tawny - bearded

,broad - shouldered

,tall" ;

Here come the Northmen to answer the cal l .

Who can deny them !

Who dare defy them !

Men of the North ! You are welcome to all .

Not in defiance , becau s e they are s trong

For freedom,and j ustice

,for right over wrong

To Show in the face of an envious world

That Britons are one when their flag i s unfurl ed .

They come not for conquest,but boldly to save

Canadian Northmen from over the wave .

Blue - eyed,tawny - bearded


,tall ;

Here come the Northmen to answer the call .

Who can deny them !

Who dare defy them !

Men of the North ! You are welcome to all .


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This harp was all my father gave

To me,before he found a grave

Upon a stranger’ s land .

“My boy ,! he said


“ the harp you hold

Was struck by many ministrels old,

By many heroes brave and bold ,

With an unfaltering hand .

Your sire s,the Chieftain s of O dronefi


Familiar were with every tone

Of wassail,l ove and fray .

S ome of its strings are wrought of gold ,

And some of S ilver’

s purest mould,

And some of iron hard and cold

And some are torn away.

! S ee ! eating’ s History of Ireland, for an account of theO


s,of O drone.


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I f virtue high you wish to S ing

Then fearl es s s trike the golden s tring,

By that i t oft was stirr’

d ;

And if with love your bosom swell

The silver chord will answer well,

And strains of deeper fervor tel l

Than ever maiden heard .

But i f of freedom ’ s fight your song,

Then str ike the iron loud and long,

Thus oft ’twas heard before .

The broken strings,once fair and bright


Are like to those who fell in fight,

When battl ing for a country’s r ight

Their strength could not restore .

1 24

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Behind a mighty Monarch’

s throne

That stands by the northern pole ,

Where ceasele s sly the sun has shone ,

Where th e fre ezing billows roll,

Where hi story S ince earth was young,

Was never told by mortal tongue

Or known to a human soul ;

A bannered light i s ca st on high

On many mill ion spears,

Lifting far up into the Sky

The trophied sheen of years,

And s torms sweep up from a shorel es s sea

Where that M onarch holds h igh revelrv

With hi s s tar - crown’

d mountain peers .


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B al efully the unsettmg sun,

S h ines o'

er th at Monarch’ s head ,

Wh i l e many wrecks of ships undone,

Peopled with frozen dead,

Go sail ing past through the spectral l ight

Pale ghost of a day that has no night

In that l ifele s s sea of dread .

Far,far away from balmy i sl es

Those ship s and men must roam,

They ne ’er shal l answer welcome smiles

Awaiting them at home

Whil e round that northern pole they sail

Be fore the breath of a cea sel e ss gale

In a winding sheet of foam .

And round and round the pole they go .

A weird and ghostly fleet,

The shrieking winds around them blow

The undi ssolving sleet .


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The Pilot s tands beside the wheel

The Look - out,clad in ice

,l ike steel

Keeps hi s viewles s,f rozen seat .

Sad watchers wait in dis tant lands

E ach unreturning barque

Draw not the curtain,trembling hands ,

Nor peer into the dark,

For the Northern King has bound them

In hi s icy sea—their keel s have pas s’


O ’er ocean nor left a mark .

But when upon the summer sky

Ye see the arching l ight,

And view the ships go sail ing by,

Like arks of hope and might,

O ! pray for them who are far at . sea

And the lost ones may return to ye

Like angel s , in dreams by night .


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M any of our hopes thou bearest,

M any of our fear s thou Sharest,

And the dangers that thou darest

On the ocean sail ing,

Are to us forsaken , sorrow

For our souls of th e to—morrow

Can no consolation borrow

Tears are unavail ing .

S tay ! O, stay the morning light

E re our loved ones vanish‘

Swiftly, swiftly from our S ight

Into si l ence , gloom and night .

Why so glad to bani sh

A ll that unto u s are dearest,

All that unto us are neare st !

N ight of nights that i s the drearest

For the soul s departing .

W hile upon the water rocking

E vil spirit s round thee flocking,

Are with antic gestures mocking

Thy unhappy starting.


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S tay , O ship ! the ri sing sun .

Let us see the faces

O f the ones belov’

d undone.

Of the voyage thou’

st begun

Leave u s some sad traces ;

For there i s no port for thee

Thi s s ide of eternity

And the undi scovered sea

Wh i ther thou art tending

Gives no hope of thy returning ;

Though our hearts with love are burning

And,amid despairing


For a love unending !!

Glor iously,gloriou sly

The sun shone on the r iver,

And it s glad beams blending

On the waters quiver .

Like a dream from the stream

The Ship had long departed ;

From the shore cam e no more

S ongs o f the broken hearted .

13 1

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Down where the cedars are b ending,

Down by the side of the river,

Down where the waters ar e wending

Thei r way to the ocean forever ,

One night I heard

A lonely bird

S inging, Oh ! so sadly S inging.

There was such pain

In it s wild strain

S o plaintive and so ringing

I paused to l i sten and methought

The sounds were into meaning wrought,

While faint and low

As sob s of woe,

The lone bird kept repeating

The strange refrain

O f i t s wild strain,


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Woe ! woe ! against all b elow

That liveth and l oveth i s writt en .

Life,l i fe i s a bitter stri fe

Where the bes t are the soonest smitten .

Here,here on thi s hapless sphere


All that are beauti ful peri sh .

Hope,hope hath no wider scope

Than faint recollections we cheri sh .

E arth , earth had its hour of mirth ,

But woe i s an old , old story .

Fast , fast in the voiceles s past

Fleeth our dreams of glory l!

Oh, hush ! unhappy thing,! I cried


“Tho ’ fate has l eft thee naught besid e,

Hast thou not faith and duty !

What matters th e los s of a toy of clay ,

The per i sh ing birth of a peri shing day ,

Tho ’ it were a thing of beauty !

Can death destroy

The lasting j oy

That springs from h0pe immortal !


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Can gri eving br ing

Thee back the thing

That has fled beyond li fe ’s portal !

S til l , sti l l from the grave you fil l

Cometh a voice supernal

Trust,trust in God ! H e i s j u st ,

And sorrow i s not eternal . !


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But yesterday I saw a ragged Wight

Looking so happy and so free from care ;

He sunned himself with such a huge del ight ,

And laughed so loud he made the people s tare .

I envied the poor wretch hi s frolic gl ee,

And watched him long to note a hidden pain,

But not a lurking troubl e could I see ,

For m i sery on him seemed cast in vain .

I wondered at the fellow laughing out

At hi s own vagrant fancies,loud and l ong .

I asked him why he was so glad—a shout


e rai sed , and answered me with thi s wild song .

O,I am glad because I have

N O wife , no fri ends , no home !

The winds go by les s free than I,

Where’er I wish to roam.


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I love the j olly,rolling worl d


Find j oy in everything :

I have no wealth but li fe and health,

And so I laugh and sing .

When parts Aurora ’ s misty vei l

That wrap s her eastern bed

And l i ft s her charm s from Tithon’

s arm s

Her smil es o ’er Waters spread ,

I greet her with a j oyful song,

I haste o ’

er dewy hill s

Where skylarks wing their fl ight,and s ing

Til l heaven with music thrill s .

At noonday glare I l i e m e down

In groves where streamlet s glide,

And my S l eep teem s with gloriou s dream s

N O mortal dreams beside .

Lord of that land of dreams am I ,

There nothing vil e intrudes

Spirit s of ai r and ligh t are there

In countle s s multitudes .


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Aerial s trains of melody

They sing my couch around

For me they pour the hidden lore

Of myst eries profound .

When evening breeze i s whi spering,

Like sigh s of lovelorn maid,

And weary car of Phoebus far

Has sunk in west ern shade,

By guiding light o f Hesperu s

I wait the ri sing moon ,

While winds of night in gusty fl ight

Chant an unearthly tune .

Ghosts of the past ari s e around

Wild are the tal es they tel l

Some darkly glare , some are fair ,

Beauti ful terribl e


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’Twas a l ingering death that the S ummer died ,

As i t turned and returned again,

As the lover returns to the loved on e’s s ide ,

Renewing hi s rapture and pain .

Ah ! beauti ful S ummer ! Beautiful dead !

As the l eaves that blow over thy tomb ,

Recal l th e sad thought of the glory that’s

S ere memory lives th rough the gloom.

The gloom that o ’

ershadows a dream of the past

O,say ! was i t al l but a dream !

Was the bread of my heart so wantonly cast

On a never returning stream !


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The leaves are all fallen,the flowers are dead ,

The wind has a dirge in it s tone ,

And vi sions that came with th e S ummer have fled

And left me with Winter alone .

But Winter i s welcome,i t s drearie st day

Has ‘hope of a S ummer in store ;

A s snow on the hill s ide gri ef pas seth away,

And the mourner will mourn nevermore .


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Now in the solitude of night

Oh ! tel l to me my soul :

Why has that spiri t taken fl ight,

Who was to thee thy one del ight

Above the world’

s control .

She came to thee in early life

A S pir it al l divine ,

And often in the h eadlong strife,

Where grief,and pain

,and death were

Her peace was ever thine .

Upon the tempest - ridden sea

When danger round thee ro se,

She seemed to beckon unto thee

From li fe to immortal ity,

From labor to repose .


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Among the summer islands where

Bright flowers perennial b loom,

She sat bes ide thee , ever fair,

And with her songs dispell’

d the care

That wrapt thee oft in gloom .

But,Oh ! my soul

,sh e now has fled

T0 some more worthy breast ;

The happy light her pres ence Shed

Now gathers round a dearer head

Than thine,O ! thing unble st !

She was so dear—so very dear

When she was all thine own ,

That now,when She no more is near


N O ruin coul d be hal f so drear

As thou,poor soul

,alone !

Shall I again thro ’ summer i sl es ,

Or o’er the wintry sea ,

O r in the ha l l s where beauty wile s,

Where laughing phantoms kil l with sm i les,

G 0 seek her out for thee !


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sG O O D - B Y E




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But in the maddes t moments, when

S tark horror l eaped on high ,

That mocking voice would shriek again ,

And stil l again “ Good - bye ;

Good - bye

That mocking voice would shriek again,

And stil l again “ Good - bye . !

Once more I trod my native land ,

S ought each famili ar place

And strove again with loving hand

Lost beautie s to retrace ;

Until one night upon a grave

I sank and prayed to die,

When from the mould a faint voice gave

To me a last “ Good - bye ;


S i l ent at las t within th e grave

For evermore—“ Good - bye. !


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Religion i s a mockery,all gods are dumb or dead,

And all the world i s worshipping the Golden Calf

instead .

They ’ve hung hi s neck with ribbons,put a garland

on hi s h ead

The Devil comes a- riding on the gale !

The Devil,but they don ’t bel i eve in him , no more

than God,

Although they feel the impres s of hi s hoofs all

golden - shod

But in terror he i s coming and with an iron rod

He ’s riding,Ho ! he ’s riding on the gal e !

The armies march ; O ,don ’t you hear the thunder

of their tread !

The Ships of war are sail ing out into the sunset red .

The plain of Armageddon wil l b e carpeted with dead

When th e Devil comes a- riding on the gale .


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The emperor and mill ionair e,the beggar and the


Will li e together underneath a blanket broad and


And over them the coming race will h eedl e s s build

i t s camp

The Devil having r idden on the gal e .

15 1

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He, as I guess,

gaz ed on nature’ s naked loveliness

A ctaeon - like,

and now he fled astray.

S helley.

A Shadow li es upon the earth

The sunshine i s a far :

I f love die s here , then death is birth

On some more happy star .

Then twine the ivy round the urn .

I wait the com ing ray ;

For I to my dead love will turn,

And hail my dying day .


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Where over the steps o f the lordly hal l

The weeds , untrodden , grew rank and tal l .

The drawbridge was down at the open gate,

Where shadowy sen tinel s l inger late,

And winds sobbed low thro’

the crumbl ing arch ,

Where unwritten centuries sil ently march .

I I I .

Cyril,a boy , went forth when first

The sun from purple mountains burst .

A n old man gazed with prophetic eye,

As he tenderly bade him a last good - bye,

And said : “When weary of wanderings ,

Mourning the los s of beauti ful things

You must know and l ove , you will backward

To the ancient town,l ike me , to die .

When hope has departed and fear has fled,

And all of the loving and l oved are dead ,

You will r eturn to th e ancient town

To lay your l i fe and your burden down .


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But you must love , and you must l earn ,

And you must suffer,ere you return .


IV .

E ternal Spring ! E ternal Truth !

Although our locks turn gray ,

We see the glory of our youth

Reviving every day .

Laughing and singing,with footstep springing,

H e went along ;

H i s spiri t that day as the morn was gay,

H i s glee some song

Rose on the air l ike th e song of a bird

A song the sweetest that ever was heard

For h O pe was strong .


H e drank in of Nature the glory and j oy,

And thought l ike a man,tho ’ he fel t like a boy .

Often he paused in th e wind - shaken grove,

Where wood—spirit s whi spered th ei r mystical love.


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I am carel e ss,and happy

,and free as they ,

H e cried a s he bounded upon hi s way .

“ I can go where I will , and none shal l say

There you must travel or here you must stay .

Oh ! It i s happines s truly to be

Free a s the wind,as the wild bird , free !

VI .

Now by a fountain in a shady nook

The hidden parent of a laughing brook,

That woo s th e blossoms of a thousand fields,

Returning love the di stant heaven yields ,

Cyril on mossy bank lay down,until

The soft,l ow music of the flowing rill

Mingl ing,as it pass ed along


With the wil d - bird ’ s loving song,

A nd the deep, sad symphon i e s

Whi spers of the wind and trees

Gently wrapped hi s tired sense

In the sl eep of innocence .


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And beautiful , and good ; for deep within

The mystic volume of h er heart no sin

Was written,nor the marks of grief or rage


Record of sorrow,or down - folded page ,

S uch as the wordly hide away , nor dare

,To scan

,yet feel i t s haunting pres ence there .

Awhile she stood in wide - eyed revery

As some swe et thought her captive fancy led,

Foreshadow of the future it might b e,

S ome j ealous power had cast upon her head .

Then she enclasped th e robes that loo sely clad

H er youth ful beauti es , and with fingers glad

Laid the soft glories o f her bosom bare ,

Like a young bud that opens to th e air

I ts blushing sweetnes s . Timidly and slow

Her garments fel l about her feet . Then Oh !

Beyond conception b eautiful and rare ,

S he stood an angel or a goddes s there

A thing to worship in th e heavens above ,

To look upon,then peri sh , mad with love .

And then her looped—up tr es ses sh e unroll’


And round her fell a flashing veil o f gold .


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Oh ! not the V irgin Goddess when she stood

B eneath the arches of the green old wood,

Clad in immortal lovel ines s and grace,

Longing impati ent for the coming chase,

;Was fairer than the laughing,thoughtl es s maid

Who by that stream her lovely form di splayed .

Whil e in th e stream she gamboll ed,tos sing high

The spray around her,Cyril with a sigh

Awoke to hear the splashing of th e r i l l

And,looking forth between the leaves

,a th ri l l

Shook hi s faint soul , hi s panting heart stood stil l ,

And,l ike to one enchanted in old days ,

He lay entranced and could not choose but gaze .

I! .

The wonderful woof that the sun - shadow weaves

Was dancing in gol d and in green thro’ the l eaves ,

And from the forest whi sper ing

There came a voice th at s eemed to sing

Peace,l ove

,and j oy to everything .


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! .

How sweet with one we love to dwell

Apart from every haunting care,

T0 l ook in eyes that only tel l

O f love’

s surrender beaming there;

To dream , and wake to dream again

The same sweet vision o ’er,

Have all the spirit would attain ,

And want for nothing more .

! I.

15 my love poison to the one I love,

My prayer s destruction even while they move

In deep devotion,true and pure as day !

M ust my fond kis se s steal the l ife away

That I would gladly yield mine own to save !

What have I done O Death ! O greedy Grave !

That you should rob m e thus ! There is I fear

Within the circl e of these arms some drear,

Most deadly,and most potent charm to kil l

All that I love,against my heart and wil l .


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Farewell,Old Year ! thy lat est sobbing breath

Fall s on my brow like whi sperings of doom ,

Cold,cold and stil l thy agony of death

Like one who peri shes in winter gloom .

O ! heavy i s the burthen of thine age ,

Well mayst thou pant and stagger with the weight

Here , take with thee thi s darkly—blotted page

Fill ed with th e record of a darker fate .

S ad broken heart s and severed tie s are thine .

S in , sorrow ,death—a tal e of care and w o e

With ri fted gleams of glory that will shine

In darkest moments on the faint and l ow .


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Here i s a soul - drawn picture of the past ;

I traced it fondly when my heart was young.

O ! colors bright , why did ye fade so fast

Faint , mocking echo of a song I’

ve sung !

Go ! go , Old Year , such things may never more

Tear from my heart the armor thou hast lent ,

Tho’ floating faintly from a far - off Shore,

I hear a whisper with thy sighings blent .

Hush ! hush ! b e stil l—the poor Old Year i s dead !

While,springing from his a shes

,s ee ar i se

A being lovely as a spirit l ed

Fresh from the glow of God ’s own paradi se .

It brings to me a scrol l on which i s wri t

No word or sign of al l that yet mav be ;

But o’er the page a shadow seems to fl i t

I vainly grasp at what I cannot see .


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I see a form—Oh,can it b e of earth !

With long dark hair and eyes of wondrous hue ,

B ut robed in black , l ike one who at th e birth

Of sorrow stood , and all it s anguish knew .

S o once again the long—deserted hall s

Of my dark heart are fil l ing with a light

Which softly on each buried treasure fal ls

That long was hid by desolation ’s night .

Then hail , New Year ! for in thy face I read

Sweet hope and promises o f future !oy.

Delusive beauty,can I~—dare I heed

What thou hast shown,perhap s but to destroy !


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But he i s now beyond your hate,

B ut not beyond the love we bear ;

For love above all things i s great,

While hate i s . parent of despair .

3 .

H e ’s far beyond your cruel rage,

This patriot by traitors sold ;

Most faithful in a fa ithl es s age,

A leader without guil e or gold .

In fri endship ever firm and true,

In fortune ’s smil e or frown the same .

True heart that never fal sehood knew !

Pure soul serene and free from blame !


Aye,free from b lame ! H i s fame wil l

Among the nobl est o f our land,

Whose glory was their faith divine

In virtu e and the helping hand.


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Peace ! Peace ! O,l et the great dead rest

In silence ! Tears and words are vain

Thi s land to which he gave hi s best

May never s ee hi s l ike again .


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At last,dear Fred , our ta sk i s done ,

And time has not been cheated ;

I f we can find a publi sher ,

The work will be completed .

’Twil l be to you a monument ,

Like that which stand s at Verdun ,

The record of a l ife well spent,

A bles sing and a guerdon .

These lines w ere compos ed on M ay 29, 1897, on com

pleting the w riting of“

The Life and Times of A lfredPerry,


a work on which I had been engaged with him for

over a year. He intended to bring the book out , if h e couldfind a Publisher, but failing health and want of means pre

vented him.


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However,l et me , a s I can ,

Declare no time can bury

The mem’

ry of a noble man

Whose name was Al fred Perry .


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’Tis sweet upon a summer eve to stand

Upon dark Calpe’ s venerable height .

And gaze upon the scene of sea and land ,

Which l ie s beneath thee in the soften’

d l ight,

When the bright sun in it s descending flight

Ha s clothed the Spani sh hill s in crimson glow ,

And the dark shades of fa st—approachingmight

E nshroud the vall eys that are hid below,

And di stant mountain s far their l engthening shadows

throw .

Along the bil lows from Levantine s eas

Fantastic clouds upon the waters creep,

The sweet,cool breath ing of th e evening breeze

Brings strange , sad murmurs from the dark’


deep .

T7 I

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From Afric ’s cloudy mountains , looming steep

And boldly out against the south’

rn sky ,

Where weary warriors their watching keep , !

The mellow noi ses often echo by ,

Lik e to the sighs of those who there in battle die.

Dim grow the sail s that swiftly course alo‘

ng ,

S eek ing the di stant ocean’s troubl ed breast .

Loud boom the surges,ri s ing hoarse and strong


Then moaning softly as i f soothed to rest .

The light grows fainter now along the west,

The bugles sound the S ignal of retreat,

And I must answer to the stern behest ,

But thus to wander unto me i s sweet .

Far Buena Vi sta ’s l ights allure my weary feet .

! Writt’en at the time of the war between S pain

Morocco , in the year 1860


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Among the few,who held the wall ,

And fearles sly awaited

The doom that would to - morrow fal l

On brave heart s darkly fated,

One lordly spirit heard the call

Triumphant and elated .

For some unspoken S ln ,

twas said,

Or foil ’gainst E astern charmer .

H e bound hi s helmet to hi s head

And riveted hi s armour .

In battl e was no braver knight,

In Council none‘


wiser ,

But never h e to human sight

Was known with open vi sor ;

H i s mail ed hand was used to fight

And of it s blows no miser .

The bodies of his brother knights

Were in the harbour floating,

Whereon,with cruel revelry,

Old S olyman'

was gloating .


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The altar was a blaze of l ight,

Red flames about i t l eaping ;

Around in dinted armour clad ,

Dead knights lay as ’ twere sleeping

One giant figure only stood

An awful death - watch keep ing .

H i s right hand held hi s battl e brand,

H i s l eft the cros s uplifteda

While,o ’er hi s head , th e smoke and flame

In crimson bil lows drifted .

Last o f the garrison he stood

S ucces s ful foes defying .

When , headlong in a gulf o f fire

S t . E lmo ’s walls were flying

Then knew Val ette the Leper Knight

Had kept hi s vow in dying .


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Upon the Bastion of Castil l e

There stood an aged knight,

H e sadly viewed the crumbl ing wall s

That stil l defied the might

O f Mosl em foes,who fiercely urge

The stem , revengeful fight .

He looks on Corradino’

s hill,

And on S an S alvador ,

H e hear s the trumpet ’s summons shril l

H e hears the cannons roar,

And al l th e deep reces ses fi ll

Along the rocky shore .

S t . E lmo ’s wall s a re l evell ed now,

Its brave defender s dead


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But stil l 11 Borgo ra i se s up

A shield above hi s head,

While wildly beat without its

The waves of battle red .

Whil e gazing on the scene of stri fe

It faded from hi s glance,

And,in it s place , he saw the fields

Of well - beloved France ;

The years were lost that made him old,

And youth was in the trance .

He stands within hi s father ’ s hall s

A maiden form i s near

The heavy tread of l egioned men

Fall s on a l i stl es s ear .

The aged chief in that sweet dream

One only voice can hear .

He often heard it in the clash

And clangor of th e field,


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As,from the summit of the wall


The l ighted torches fl ing

A glare upon the coming host,

While bell s alarums ring .

A nnuciata’

s spectral spires

The frantic sounds repeat

A S up and down throughout the town

E cho the hurrying feet ,

Till at the old Grand Master ’s S ide

The thronging heroes meet .

From out the gloom the Moslems ri se

With shout and battle cry ,

But,in the breach , the l evell ed S pears

S til l breast them back to die ,

Like waves that beat again st the rocks

To break in foam and flv .

Amid the madness of the s trif e,

In gloom,and blinding glare


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The Master sees amid H i s knights

A shadow s til l and fair,

Though lance,and sword

,and scimitar

Meet wi ldly—it i s there .

And through the horrid noi se of war

There comes to La Val l ette

A voice , he cannot cea se to hear ,

In accents of regret“The knight who vows himsel f to God

Must Home and Love forget . !


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I t snows and it blows,i t i s cold



While Lonni e and Papa are s itt ing together ;

S itt ing and singing a sweet l ittl e s ong

Lonni e and Papa the whole day long .

There are th e towers on Parliament H ill,

There i s the river that runs by the mill,

There are the houses all covered with snow,

And there i s the roadway that l eads down below.

For it snows , etc .

There i s the battery Papa has made,

There i s the fiel d where his soldi ers parade,

There are the flagstaff and old magazine

The prettiest place that ever was seen .

For it snows,etc .


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These were two of the funniest boys

That ever had a mother ;

Roland was the name of one,

A nd Oliver that of the other .

One day they to the meadow went

The old gray mare to find ;

Roland,he got up before


And Ol iver up behind .

And then they to the river ran

To swim i s not a sin ;

Roland sat h im down on the bank

But O l iver tumb l ed in .


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These two boys to the theatre went

Whenever they saw fit ;

Roland in the gall ery sat ,

And Ol iver in th e pit .

Their mother s ent them both to school

To learn to read and write ;

Roland learned hi s l e s sons well

But Ol iver learned to fight .

On S unday they to meeting went,

Where all good people pray ;

Roland entered in and stayed,

But Oliver ran away .

On the mil l - pond they another day

Went in their father’

s scow ;

Roland sat down in th e stern,

Whil e Ol iver stood at th e prow .


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And then they cast their fishing lines

To hook some bass and trout :

Roland caught a mighty eel ,

Oliver an old mud pout .

Thes e boys were then to College s ent ,

Where for sometime they tarried '

Roland took B .A . , degree ,

But Oliver got married .

When they came home their father

That schooling did th em harm ,

S o Roland went to learn a trade ,

Oliver staid on the farm .

In after years these two boys met

One day when they were out ;

Roland had grown tall and thin,

Oliver short and stout .


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Big buns,and cakes

,and pies , and tarts

Were on the table spread,

Sweet honey , milk , and cream ,and fruit

And Oliver at the head .

They bade good - bye like gentlemen

Who part upon the road ;

While Roland in hi s carriage sat ,

On foot old Oliver strode .

At last , when they were very old

These two good fel lows died .

Roland he was laid at rest

With Oliver by hi s S ide .

And all the boys and girl s would come

With flowers every day,

And place them on the grassy beds

Where these two brothers lav .


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From Heremon we claim descent

H i s bride King David ’s daughter ,

Who from the Holy Land was S ent

To E rin , o’

er the water .

S ince then the Norman and the Dane,

The Teuton and the Frenchman

Have mixed their blood,and from the strain

Came sturdy Briti sh henchmen .


Hurrah , then , for the blood and b irth,

With pedigree to fit on

The i sl e s and continents of earth,

The freedom—l oving Briton


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The libertie s our fathers won

We ’l l grant to every nation,

Til l peace and j ustice,l ike the

Shall shine o ’er al l creation .

We seek no conquest to oppres s,

Or trample on a foeman !

A S we are blest , we seek to bles s .

With enmity to no man .



,for the blood and birth


With pedigree to fit on

The is l es and continents of earth ,

The freedom—l oving Briton !

Thus Celt,and Teuton




Come back,like clouds from ocean


And fall upon th e earth,l ike rain

To set the crop s in motion .


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Give me the harp,Old Minstrel

,you have sung of

vanished th ings ;

You have told the ancient story,not of what the

future brings .

We have had our fi ll of fabl e ; l et another strike the


For Ireland at the Dawning of th e Day !

Thi s harp i s mine , Old Mins trel , for th e Chi eftains

of O drone

Consigned it to my fathers—it belongs to us alone .

Not sil ent shall I have it whil e we stand around the


For Ireland at the Dawning of the Day !


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The kings and Chieftains of the past were nob le in

their time,

Their wisdom and th eir valor are a theme for song


When honor was a heritage and love was not a


In I reland at the Dawning of the Day !

But I charge ye,Men of Ireland ! be the heroes o f

to - day !

S tand forth in fearl e s s manhood making hirel ings

cl ear the way

A glorious Faugh at Ballagh ! which to hear i s to


For Ireland at the Dawning of the Day !

B e pati ent , calm and prudent ; l et your l ittl e quarrel s

di e ;

Be firm of foot and strong of arm , with steady

gazing eye


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The ground ye tread i s holy ground , and God i s

on high,

For Ireland at the Dawning of the Day !

,The victory belongs to those who to them selves are


iThe tree of l i fe i s standing, ripely laden , ful l in view .

If ye would have the fruitage be prepared to dare

and do

For Ireland at the Dawning of the Day !

I behold a nation ri sing from the ashes of the past .

lI see a host advancing with it s shadow backward

cast .

I see a l ine of heroes where the greatest i s the last

In Ireland at the Dawning of the Day !

.I behold a people coming from the confines of the


,The women with the children who have had a higher



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We are coming,we are coming . Fling our banner

to the breeze .

In thousands we are coming from beyond remotest

seas .

We are coming after centuri es of sorrow and of toil,

To make our home in Pal estine , and tread its holy

soil .

‘O,l et the song of gladness ri s e ; le t all the nations


The anthem of the mighty host of ! i on drawing

near .

Across the mountains , through the vale s , and o’er

th e ocean ’ s foam,

Beho ld the hosts of I srael are coming , coming home !


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A . SONG OF ! IO N .


Twas said of old by one whose l ip s were touched

by Heaven ’s fire,

That God’

s own house would be buli t up , than hil l s

and mountains higher ;

That from it s portal s would go forth to al l the world

the word,

That we may learn H i s ways,and walk in truth

before the Lord ;

That sword and spear would broken be,rewrought

to arts of peace ;

That all the cruelty of war and stri f e forc ’er would

cease :

That nation shal l not l i ft up sword ’gainst nation,

as of yore .

But l i st en to th e voice o f God and l earn of war no

more .

O Children of th e Covenant,perhap s th e day i s



en now , i f you wil l li sten , you may hear th e ac

cents cl ear


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Of One wmo cal ls the scattered. brood Come to

Me ! children,Come !

M y hill s are vacant . Here I Am . I bid ye wel

come home !!

Then answer We are coming ! Fling our banner

to the breeze !

JIn thousands we are coming from beyond remotest

sea s .

-We are coming after centuri es of sorrow and of toil ,

ITO make our home in Pal estine and tread its holy

soi l .

0,l et the songs of gladness ri se l et al l the nations


The anthem of the mighty host o f I srael drawing

near .

A cross the mountains , through the vale s , and o’er

the ocean ’ s foam .

Behold the hosts of I srael are coming,coming home !


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O f One wno cal ls th scattere

Me ! children,Cone !

.M y hill s are vacant . H ere I

come home

Then an swer We a: com ing !

to th e breeze !

aIn thousand s we a re oming from

sea s .

-\Ve are coming a fter enturies o f

ITO mak e our home i Pal e s tine

soil .

0 , l et th e song s o f gt dness ri s e

h ea r

The anth em o f th e tighty host o f I

n ea r .

A c ro ss th e mountain th rough the

th e ocean ’s foam

B ehold th e hosts o f Tsael are c om i

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Then send your voices from the shore

O f time unti l.

all things are done“ The Lord wil l reign forevermore !

O ! I srael , your God i s One !!

Remember in th is day of l ife ,

The thr i l ling memories of the past

He l ed you safe thro ’ fear and str i fe ,

And H e will l ead you to th e la st .

From slavery H e l ed you free,

Y ou children of H i s word and will,

O ’er desert waste and stormy sea

He led you,and He l eads you sti ll .

The blast of Shophar—hear it swell !

O ! I srael awake,ari se !

Remember , O ! Remember wel l !“Remember !! soul to soul repli es .


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Up ! Up ! and face the dreadful foe ,

For you have arms to make them flee

God - given arms to overthrow

The sinful ho st and set you free !

Then pardon , peace , and Joy, and love ,

With happines s wil l fi l l your days,

And God,who watches from above


Will bl e s s you in your works and ways .


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E N - S O F .

nmn rm iii-mmw as

I number up my j ewels,spread them all before your

gaze ;

I show you things of beauty,but I cannot give

you sight ;

I ’m speaking words of wi sdom—you may laugh and

go your ways

God alone gives understanding—H i s love alone

i s l ight .

I look into infinity from pinnacle s of time '

The S eer beholds th e myriads advancing from

afar ;

S til l higher , ever higher , ri s ing beauti ful , subl ime ,

Flaming oceans di sincarnate,each particl e a star .


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EN S O F .

Bright stars,they are not suns nor moons


thes e their raiment be ;

Twin essence s in all exi st,the Wisdom and the

Word .

Thrones,princ ipali ti es


, S ephiroth , mystery

Of time and space,with God ’s sweet grace


for they have heard .

A grain of sand has mysteries as vast as firm and


The brain that think s,the hand that works are

instruments of love .

Unless that spiri t be your guide,there i s no hope of


Throughout the whole wide universew on earth ,

in heaven above .


Transfigured you may wi tnes s on th e pages I unroll

The spiri t o f the Central Sun—the One,th e Three

the TWO .


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EN S O F .

But he who knows the world , A z iah,action—what

to do ,

Instructed by Y etz irah ,world formation—clear


Where stands reveal ed in Briah,world - wide thres

hold to the true,

I s free from all these i l l s of li fe with A tz iloth being .

Great j ewel s I have numbered four,but these are

counted ten,

Yet only three by you are seen,the fourth i s in

them all,

S til l i t is non - exis tent to th e grasp and thought of


Thoug h it contains infinity— all things both great

and small .

I l ook into the glories of a time that i s to come

The angel with a fl aming sword shal l pas s from

E den ’s gate .

Then M an shall enter in again . returning to hi s home ,

Triumphant over time and death , in strength o f

wisdom great .206

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EN S O F .

All nightmare gods of earth shall die,their altars


Shall l i e neglected ; prie sts no more shall l ibel

H eaven’ s King,

Nor stand to sel l salvation where their temples over


Are mounds beneath the forest trees where happy

wildb irds s ing .

Behold Man i s preparing earth for stil l another

change ;

With robbery and slaughter h e i s ravaging th e


With sa tel es s maw and pocket,see the rav ’ning

monster range,

But neither sati s fying,l eaves at last an empty

robe !

Hark ! S eraphim and Cherubim,the Voice that

speak s between



,N itz ach the Vi ctory


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Proclaim the gift I freely give—with that which isunseen

That you may be in truth set free,and meet me

by and bye

With Princedoms,in humil ity , you ye t may know

the truth,

With angels by the study of the Law Divine may

stand ;

Tiphereth then i s yours for aye, within the high

M alkhuth

With One S upreme Obedience that gives the last

command .

Thus numbered are my j ewels,thus all spread before

your gaze .

I’ve shown you things of beauty,but I cannot give

you sight .


ve spoken words of wisdom—you may laugh and

go your ways .

God alone gives understanding—H i s love alone

i s l ight .


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I I .

Shall I to mourning hearts recall the record of their


Where age in lamentation ends , and youth in grief


S ince Titus thundered at thy gates w ith l egioned

rank s of Rome,

While scattered far in heathen lands thy children

dream of home !

I I I .

There i s no sorrow like to thine ; enduring as thy


I t dwell s with thee forever in a memory of flame

Unquenchable,though streams of blood upon it ever


S ince tower and templ e , hall and home went down

to ris e no more .

2 10

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Oh,who can tel l the fearful tale ! Thy anguish who

can know !

I t fil l s th e corridors of time with one long wail of

woe ,

The pity of it wrings my heart ! When will thy sor

row cease !



I srael ! beloved of God,when will H e give thee

peace !


The earthquake,

fire and tempes t wind have sought

thy hope to blast ;

Be patient , and thou yet shal t hear the stil l , small

voice at la st .

Though gory footprints mark thy way,al ong the

shores of time

In al l the ways o f earth there i s no pathway so

subl ime .

! II

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VI .

God - given i s the heritage of suffering and pain .

By it the glorie s that were thine shall yet: be thine

again .

The rapture of thy sacrifice i s what thou lovest best ;

Nor gold,nor gems

,nor vows

,nor pray

’rs can ever

make thee blest .

VI I .

Think not because the voice of God i s heard no

more on earth

That H e forgets H i s covenant,or deems it little

worth .

S t il l fix thy gaze on ! ion ’s h ill . He yet wil l h ear

thy prayer ;

on some N inth of Ab shall end the years of thy

despair .

2 12

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The devil wandering up and down

The earth one summer day

Fell in love with a mai den fair,

H e met upon his way .

Assuming mortal guis e h e wooed

That maiden for hi s br ide !

O,he was young, and rich , and grand ,

And would not be denied .

What could sh e do but love him

And soon they wed ded were .

0 she was very fond of him,

And he was fond of her .

2 14

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But he had much to do at times ,

And often stayed out late,

At which she fretted,j ealous grew


Bemoaning her sad fa t e .

She often wept , and then she pined,

Then she began to scold

Till the devi l wi shed himself in hel l

Again—out of the cold .

To them,in t ime

, a son was born ,

Who on i t s parent s smiled ;

All i t s immortal father ’ s love

Was centred on the child .

But a s it grew to man ’s estate

The mother ’s nature changed ,

Because the Devil s tayed out late

And all her plans deranged .

Her beauty turned to ugl ines s ,

Her love was turned to hate

The Devil bitterly bemoaned

The hardship of h i s fate .

2 1 ;Q

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S o wretched was he in hi s home ,

Her tongue so sharp and coars e ,

H e pray’

d the Overlord of al l

To grant him a divorce .

But he was told that having wed

A mortal woman he

Must bear hi s burden to the end ,

Whenever that would be .

One day the Devil told his son

The s ecret of his birth

A nd swore he ’d give him anything

That he might want on earth .

The son became a doctor and

Thanks to his father dread,

His fame was spread thro ’ all the land

As one who rai sed th e dead .


l l know , the Devil sa id , when you

Behold me drawing nigh

The patient lying on hi s bed,

I f he must l ive or die .

2 16

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I f to hi s feet I come and stand.

Have littl e doubt or fear ;

I f to his head,you may be sure

That death is drawing near .

The Doctor fel l in love one day,

A s doctors somet ime s do ,

The maiden of hi s choice was fair,

And young , and good , and true .

But e’

er he could his passion Speak,

The plague was in th e town ,


,k is sed her on the cheek


And she was stricken down .

Beside her bed the Doctor sat

A nd strove mo st skil ful ly

To save her l i fe,more dear to him

Than ought on earth could be .

‘N hen,suddenly from out the gloom


H e saw a presence dread

His father s tood within the room

Anear th e patient ’s head .

2 17

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O ! spare my love the Doctor cried .

She must not—shal l not die !

The Devil said,I must obey

The order from on high .

There i s no power to change her fate ,

No higher and no oth er . !

“ There i s ! There i s ! I ’m not too late !

I ’ l l go and call my mother !!

At that the Devil took to fl ight,

Nor s tayed a moment longer .

There i s a power of greater might ,

The Doctor said,

and s tronger

Than death or hel l . I’

ve proved i t here,

Dispute th e fact can no man ,

More bi tter than the grave—the fear

Of a j ealous,vengeful woman !

2 18

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I N .D E !

A Dream .

A b ercromb ies G rave ,

A t Peace . .

A rmaged don .

A F ine S ummer Morning .

A fter Many Years and L ong . .

Ba l lad of G regory, Th e .

Briton , Th e

Caprian Wine .

Convent Porter, The . .

Canada “

Come, Deares t , Coma .

Canada. O ur Home ,

Daw ning of th e D ay . .

Dea th of the 01d Y ea-in .

Devi l and Dearth Defeated , Th e ,

Dream. Song .

E lm Tree , Th e . .

E nchanted Is le,Th e . .

E n- Sof . .

F i l'


High th e BO WL .

F eb ruary 3rd ,

Fremasonry . .

22 1

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G ood - B ye .

G if t of W isdom, The !

Here and N ow . .

Here wou ld I P lace as in a S h rine .

Is le of Memo ry !

I D rink to Th e .e .

I O n ly S ing for those I L ove . .

In E x ile .

In Memo-Ham,Honoré Mercie-r .

I t S nows and it B lows .

Jew is h N ew Year , 5 660.

L eper ! nigh t , The .

L ines Recited at a Mas onic Ban! uet .

L os t S pirit , Th e .

L a Va l lette !

L ove and Death .

Moon l ight S torm .

Malene “

M y Moun tain Home .

Mystic Faith .

Morning .

M y S ong .

M en o f th e North . .

Nor th ern L igh ts .

Nigh t Bird , Th e .