Metaphor Poem #5

Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

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Page 1: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

MetaphorPoem #5

Page 2: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

A caterpillar is an upholstered worm.

What is a metphor?

It is the first cousin to a simile.

Page 3: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

Metaphor= compares two objects but does not use “like”, “as”, or “than”.

Page 4: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

A caterpillar is an upholstered worm.

SIMILE: Her cheeks are like polished apples.

METAPHOR: Her cheeks are polished apples.

Page 5: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

My legs were _____________ as I raced for the tape.

Page 6: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

Faced with failure, I felt my heart become a (an) _________________.

Page 7: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

As the audience listened in shocked silence, my fingers became ____________, stumbling over the ivory.

Page 8: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

My feet were _______________ as I set out to investigate the peculiar noises coming from the attic.

Page 9: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

Brainstorm a list of Units

Examples: Groceries DishesWindowsFurnitureShoes

Page 10: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

Poem #5: Metaphor Poem- Write a Metaphor Poem about your own


- Pick a Unit and write a metaphor for your own family which includes every family member as an element in the unit.

Page 11: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

Metaphor for a FamilyMy family lives inside a medicine chest:Dad is the super-size band aid, strong and powerful

but not always effective in a crisis.Mom is the middle-size tweezer,

which picks and pokes and pinches.Halley is the single small aspirin on the third shelf,

sometimes ignored.Shelby, the sheep dog, is a round cotton ball, stained and dirty

that pops off the shelf and bounces in my way as I open the door.And I am the wood and glue which hold us all together with my love.

Page 12: Poem #5. A caterpillar is an upholstered worm. What is a metphor? It is the first cousin to a simile

Fifth of JulyMy family is an expired firecracker

set off by the blowtorch of divorce. We layscattered in many directions.

My father is the wick, badly burntbut still glowing softly.

My mother is the blackened paper fluttering down,blowing this way and that, unsure where to land.

My sister is the fallen, colorful parachute,lying in a tangled knot, unable to see the beauty she

holds. My brother is the fresh, untouched powder that

was protected from the flame. And I, I am singed, outside papers, curled away

from everything, silently cursingthe blowtorch.