Podium - January 2012

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January edition of PlattForm Advertising's internal newsletter the Podium

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Kris Saim

Senior Developer

Account Supervisor

innovator of the monthdecember 2011

december 2011employee of the month

Joe Perkins

1. On pain of death, you MUST go see one of these movies over the holidays. Which one do you choose?

• Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 39%• The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 33%• Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol 15%• I’ll take the bullet. 13%

2. Which Hollywood Ryan is YOUR favorite Hollywood Ryan?

• Ryan Reynolds 44%• Ryan Seacrest 2%• Ryan Gosling 35%• Ryan Phillipe 5%• I kind of thought they were all the same person... 15%

3. With the holidays over, what’s your favorite way to get through the slightly-less-exciting, wintery span of January?

• Hit the streets and go to events! I’m not letting cold or sleet stop me. 27%

• Hibernate. Gather food and hot drinks, tuck them away nearby, and just sleep it out. 45%

• Ignore that it exists. If I marathon enough TV shows on instant streaming, I can actually forget what season it is outside. 28%

4. There have been a motherload of political debates in the past few months, enough that even Donald Trump wanted in on the action for a bit. Have you been watching?

• Yes! Analyzing every word and assessing how these guys are holding up under the political pressure. 5%

• Sometimes if I have nothing else going on. And sometimes I just read the recaps on the Internet later. 29%

• Erm ... no. I kind of have better things to do than watch those yahoos snipe at each other during prime time. 65%

5. One last holiday question before the half-on/half-off break: Which, of any, of these holiday movies is a must-see for you every season?

• Die Hard 9%• It’s a Wonderful Life 12%• National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 34%• White Christmas 7%• Scrooged 7%• A Christmas Story 17%• Love, Actually 14%


Congratulations to Joe Perkins for winning PlattForm’s companywide Employee of the Month award and Kris Saim for winning Innovator of the Month! The winners of these awards receive a plaque and the employee of the month receives the coveted reserved parking space. EOM nominations are submitted by director-level employees and above and the winners are determined by PlattForm’s internal board. This month there were 3 nominees – so keep up the great work, everyone!

“We are so appreciative of PlattForm’s

tremendous commitment to SAVE! Not only

has your Emmy award-winning video helped SAVE, Inc. raise over $950,000 but it has

provided a dignified and heartfelt voice for our

clients to sharetheir stories.”

- Sara Rowden, SAVE Inc.

Day of Caring MovemberThink Pink Day

“Over 75 families benefited from

PlattForm’s generosity over Thanksgiving. We

appreciate all of the work PlattForm did this year and in past years!

Thanks again for all you do.”

- Andrea Morales, Mattie Rhodes Center

January 2011Operation For The Troops collected some much needed books, magazines and DVDs for

military personnel in Afghanistan. Collectively, we sent care packages to eight different military bases. Your donations not only helped those fighting overseas stay connected to

home, but helped boost morale.

May 2011PForm sponsored the 2nd annual No Place Like Home luchean at the Overland Park Marriott to benefit SAVE. We raised over $50,000 for the organization.

May 2011We kicked off our busy summer with PForm “Day at the K”. Seems everyone likes baseball and hotdogs around here. In one day, we raised a whopping $900 for the Cystic Fibrosis

Foundation. Of course, that was between lunch, giveaways, raffles, door prizes and the game itself. Batter up! And we also rallied for a clothing and supply drive for the folks affected by

the devastating Joplin tornado – raising over $1,000 for the American Red Cross.

February 2011PFormers whipped up their best pies, cakes and cobblers for the 1st Annual

PForm Dessert Wars. All the proceeds went to Mother’s Refuge - a local charity that helps teen moms.

April 2011PForm hosted our 3rd Annual Paws For Cause fundraiser to help our four-legged

friends at the Pet Connection. The event raised over $2,000 for Pet Connection. Our furry friends were thrilled. And Team Phil also volunteered and helped cheer on the

walkers at AIDS Walk 2011.

Blood Drive AIDS Walk Decorating Cookies with TLC

Movember 2011Things got a little hairy at our 1st ever Movember (yes, Movember) Moustache Contest. Over 25 guys participated to raise $$$ for the Live Strong Foundation. Congrats to Tom Anguiano who was crowned King of Facial Hair.

October 2011PForm took part in one of the largest events for Down syndrome in the nation! Nearly a dozen PFormers helped volunteer at the “Step Up For Down’s Syndrome” event at Arrowhead Stadium.

June 2011The event that started it all! Nearly 25 PFormers helped make the 6th Annual Day of Caring at SAVE, Inc. our best yet. We helped landscape

and spruce up the grounds for the folks at our charity of choice.

June 2011SAVE, Inc commemorated their 25th anniversary in September. And PForm helped sponsor the

event. And we also rocked Fashion’s Night Out where PFormers hung out and partied hang with celebrity stylist and critic Steve Cojocaru.

Thank you, again, for this

tremendous support for the low-

income Kansas City families and

kids served by Della Lamb! You

guys at Plattform cover a substantial

number of those little kiddos – and

it’s very much appreciated! These

economic times are really hard

right now for the working-poor …

parents trying to stretch meager

incomes against rising costs of

pure-basics. Once you’re on the

receiving end of grace, you never

forget it, and it affects everything

you do from that day on. God bless

you guys at PlattForm! - Judy McGonigle Akers, Executive Vice President, Della Lamb

Ever wish you were Brad Gibbs or Tracy Kreikemeier? Getting to travel the world, well the US? Taking in and enjoying all the sites? Lucky dogs…Well these stories may have you thinking twice!

Michael Platt and Tracy Kreikemeier:“Tracy knows them better than I do. Maybe she can tell you about the time I flew to Santa Ana and sat next to Michelle Wiles in the Eau de Urine (last) row. Let’s just say that when I offered her a barf bag, she turned towards me to take it and was a bit off in her timing. I was still finding chunks when I got to the hotel. Or the first time I flew with Joy and we talked the entire time about how upset her brothers were that she was tra velling with a man, and that when we arrived at the hotel they said “we are really sorry, but we only have one room”. Needless to say, I was a gentleman and found another hotel a few miles away. “Tracy: “These all make me laugh. As does the time we were almost kicked off of Frontier after we walked end

to end in the Frontier terminal twice. Or how many times you have forgotten your purse. Or almost had your bb confiscated. The list goes on and on.”

Brad Gibbs: “So I am in Dallas on one of my connection flights trying to get home. The plane is over booked by 1 person, however they don’t realize this which means two people have the same seat. The funny thing is when the flight attendant came back to talk to them, the two people had the same name. Not only, first name, but first name, middle name, and last name. But I’ve had worse, someone died on the plane, a plane caught on fire, an engine fall off, hole in the windshield, I could go on. I put my life on the line for PlattForm every day.Aaron Edwards: I was sitting on a plane in Orange County, flight attendant gets on the intercom, “I am sorry everyone, we’re going to have to get off the plane, there has been


“Yes, a few things. One I am drumming at a confer-ence with around 10k people. Another is me sing-ing ‘Ballroom Blitz’ on Rock Band with my friends.” – Caleb Finley

“Absolutely not! However, my fiancé has a few rap videos out there… I think it made him nervous when I stumbled across them short-ly after we started dating. I love Google!” – Jacquelyn Koehler

“There’s an adorable video of a baby panda bear going down a slide and crashing head first into the ground…I have a comment featured underneath that video.” – Caleb Brattrud

“No comment.” -- “Crazy” – Kerry Ann Kellerman

“Check out Hermy1034 on YouTube. Some box-ing, some dancing and some other stuff.” – Tylor Hermanson

“Unfortunately I am not famous in the world of YouTube.” – Kristen Adams

“Me and my friend Ali auditioned for ‘Can You Duet?’ on CMT … it’s still floating out there.” – Tiffany Romeo

Are you featured on YouTube in any way, shape or form? If so, what is it?

??? ? ?? ?? ?


a bomb threat.” I’m thinking to myself, probably didn’t need to go into that much detail.

Michael Mackie: Circa 2007, I went on a shoot at a school in Miami. When our crew of six arrived, the campus director literally said, “What are you doing here?” And I said, “We’re here for a week-long commercial shoot.” Needless to say – that particular week didn’t go too swimmingly.One of my crew members caught himself on fire during a client dinner in Laredo, Texas. Literally. On fire.I went six years without so much as one teeny-tiny travel hiccup on any of my shoots … and then got in not one, but two, car accidents on the road in two weeks. Uh, I was NOT driving either time.I shot at a culinary school and offered to take all the chef instructors out for dinner at the end of the week for being so helpful. They argued amongst themselves and couldn’t collectively agree on a place to eat … so we aborted the mission. (The crew ate well that night, however.)

Jeremy Schoen:“Linda Smith and I were sitting next to each other on a flight on the way back home from Philly. As soon as the plane’s wheels left the ground Linda and I started to hear heavy panting coming from a few rows behind us. We both ignored it for a few seconds but then the it became increasingly louder. I turned to Linda and said, “Sounds like someone is joining the mile high club.” A few seconds later the breathing got so loud now a small crowd looking back at this young woman sitting in the second to last row. Then she starts to say, “Oh my god, my god, something is not right, oh my god”. She now has the attention of the back half of the plane and flight attendants are stumbling their way to her seat. Remind you this is all in about one minute into the flight so we are at a very steep incline. Now with the flight attendants by her side, she says in a firm voice, “Something is not right, It’s too loud, please land this plane right now, It’s just too noisy something is not right.” They hand her a bag and tell her to just breath normally, everything is just fine. This young woman does not agree with our safety status so she begins to scream, “We are all going to die, we are all going to die, it’s too loud, something is not right, we are all going to die!!!!!!” Needless to say, she now has the full attention of everyone one on this plane. After she throws this fit for three minutes (which is a very long time by the way when being screamed at that we are all going to die) the flight attendants walk her to the front of the plane where it is less noisy. As she is being walked by my seat I turn to Linda and say: “ I have been a air plane mechanic for 14 years and I can tell you that something is not right with that right engine”. I don’t think the young woman

heard me but the person next to me did and asked if I was serious. That was the first time and only I have been on a plane and see someone wig out like that.”

And here is one of my own (Nicole Araujo): You think you’ve had a rough travel experience, well read this one. When travelling to Brazil for my brother’s wedding this year I experienced firsthand what a trip from hell would be. I initially boarded a plane in Kansas City heading to Houston at 5:00pm on April 21st. From Houston my next flight left at 9:00pm heading to Sao Paulo. As I found my seat I became extremely excited to realize I had my own individual little TV that was attached to the back of the seat in front of me. Unfortunately the excitement was short lived, as soon as the plane took off I attempted to lay my seat back so I could start getting confortable for my 10 hour flight only to find out it was broken and wouldn’t recline, translation – NO SLEEP! As those 10 miserable hours went by I was still glad to have landed safe and sound. I directed myself to the check-in counter for my domestic flight to my home city and received yet another bad news. My flight had been cancelled. Next flight out you ask? In 12 hours!!! Oh, and with an additional layover of 4 hours! My reaction? Aren’t you glad you weren’t there to witness that one.

Continuing on with the story, my “reaction” got me a 12 hour stay at a nearby hotel so I could rest before continuing this journey. After walking for about 15 minutes I located the so called shuttle that would take me to my hotel. I checked in and headed to my room for some much needed sleep. I seem to have forgotten to mention that April is a very hot month in Brazil! And why would I make sure to note that? Because the air conditioner in the room was, ummm, you guessed it! BROKEN! So twelve hours in my new found sauna I again got zero sleep. As I returned to the airport and boarded another plane, followed by another plane….does it ever end I thought to myself? The answer, yes, it was about to as my final segment was coming to an end as we arrive the city of Salinas. After circling the city 3 times the pilot finally attempted to take off. I can see the roofs on houses; I can see the trees getting bigger, I can see the cars closely now, and………”Ahhhhhhhhhhhh”, someone screams! Why you ask? Because the darn plane takes back off right as it was about to land! Panic soars thru the cabin as the pilot makes no announcement! The plane circles the city a couple more times and finally we land.

Want to guess what time that was?? 1:30am!!! What was ahead of me?? A 3 hour drive! Yup, I travelled a total of 64 and half hours to spend a day and a half in Brazil. I will save the story about the return to a different time.

Take a sec to think about where you were five years ago. In PlattForm time, five years is a virtual eon. The chances that you were part of this company back then are pretty slim, and the chances that you held the same position if you were already a PlattFormer … even slimmer. Like Ali Lohan slim.

Five years ago this month, Michael Platt and Kevin Kuzma published the first print edition of Career College Central. And now, the magazine is a company and industry staple. It’s bigger and better than it was five years ago. Most of all, it’s a consistent source of updated information, best practices and opinions that you need to get your hands on. You! Yes, you. Pick up a copy of the January/February edition of the magazine – it includes interviews with the guys who got CCC rolling back in the day, a timeline of cover images, a gorgeous celebratory cover shot and designed by Rick Kitchell and Matt Thomas, and an overall look at how much CCC has grown and evolved over the course of five years.

Know what hasn’t changed or evolved even once over the past five years? The Career College Central website. For a company as in-tune with the world of web design, interactive marketing and social media, our dinosaur of a site didn’t reflect our capabilities and, let’s be honest, was a bit shameful. But thanks in large part to Dustin Steller and Lindsey Ihm, all that’s about to change! Or … has recently changed, depending on exactly when the new site goes live in com-parison with this edition of the Podium.

We’d like to thank those of you who have been consistent fans of Career College Central for the past five years … and to those of you who are still waiting to jump on the bandwagon, it’s not too late! It’s a new year, a new half-decade, and a new chance to check out the definitive voice of the career college sector of higher education.


Career C

ollege Central

The Definitive Voice of the Career College Sector of Higher Education www.CareerCollegeCentral.com

15500 W. 113th St., Suite

200 • Lene

xa, KS 66219





CelebratesKeiser universitY Celebrates

35Years an alternate ameriCan Dream

CareerCollegesanD their Communities


Who Makes CCC so Awesome? • Kevin Kuzma, Online Editor! • Rick Kitchell, Graphic Designer! • Bridget Duffy, Subscriptions Manager & Ad Sales!

• Lacey Hargrave, Circulation Manager! • The Proofing Team! • PlattFormers who contribute columns and articles!

• PlattFormers who READ Career College Central and subscribe to our daily email!

Whether it be on an airplane, in a back alley or at a funeral – we’ve all experienced a Brush with Greatness. Princess of Print Sarah Winston had the good fortune to bump in to the one and only Davy Jones from “The Monkees”.

M2: You weren’t even born at the height of The Monkees popularity, woman! Were you still impressed at Davy Jones?

SW: Yes, so impressed! I guess it’s because I have always felt that I was misplaced in the wrong generation. I dreamed of living in the ‘60’s-‘70’s, hitchhiking, bra burning, flower power, going to Woodstock, etc. Sounds like a big party if you ask me.

M2: Duly noted. So how did you get to meet him? And – whoa – is he short!?

SW: I was asked to help photograph an event with my friend Cory for the Shadow Buddies Foundation, when he told me I needed to dress up in ‘70’s clothes and that Davy Jones was going to be there, I was in! And yes, Davy is tiny! I think he is about 5’3”!

M2: I met Peter Tork once. Total D-bag. Rude and unfriendly. Your thoughts about Davy? He seems affable, yes?

SW: Adorable! He was so friendly.

M2: The Monkees have sold 65 million records. Not too shab-by, eh? What’s your favorite tune?

SW: Daydream Believer!

M2: What does Davy Jones smell like? I’m assuming it’s a combination of starch, cologne and eye cream.

SW: Yes, that’s about right. I wanted to hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek from my mom but my friend Ashley, the girl with the purple hair pushed through to stand right next to him so I couldn’t get close enough to touch him let alone smell him!

M2: Finish this lyric … Hey, Hey … We’re the Monkees …

SW: And people say we monkey around, but we’re too busy singing to put anybody down.

M2: Congrats on your retro brush with greatness, girl-friend!


Sarah Winston and Davy Jones


01.01.07 NICK ADMIRE





01.05.09 TRACY YOUNG


01.09.06 MEGAN ROTH

01.10.05 MIKE ATHEY





01.17.11 LINDA DAVIS


01.24.05 ERIC JONES



01.26.09 JOE WILK

01.27.03 KRIS LITTLE



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AFFILIATESWhat happened to December? The Affiliate Team blinked and the month was gone! As fast as it went, December was a big month for the team. The launch of our newly enhanced i-frame search tool was almost seamless and was met with excitement by our affiliates, as a number of them started taking advantage of the improvements right out of the gate. The goal of these enhance-ments is to provide a stronger quality lead and a better user experience. With projects like these, Programming is definitely maintaining their status as one of the teams BFF’s. December means holiday time, and holiday time means a new annual Affiliate Team holiday card, sending out gifts to a handful of our big partners, and getting ready for the much enjoyed Holiday PTO. Everyone had a chance to enjoy the extra week away from their desks, coming back refreshed and ready to tackle 2012 is a big way. In other news, the duo of Megan Roth and Erik Edmonds were announced as our November team revenue contest win-ners…free lunch on the Houlihan’s gold card (courtesy of Amy Butterfield) was the coveted prize! This was just the tip of the iceberg for both of these super stars. Erik in December; the big-gest news for this gent was Brie Spencer saying YES!!! That’s right folks, Erik Edmonds is now an engaged man, and the ring is quite a sparkler! Well played Erik…well played indeed. With January underway, the team is working hard to make sure no stone is left unturned in order to have a record setting month. We are digging in to find every revenue and margin opportunity on the table to help Interactive hit some pretty large numbers for 2012. Of course the team will make sure to keep the energy high while continue to display our love of food, in multiple ways. Bryan Tabtab is coordinating and hosting the 5th Annual Affiliate Team/IMS/PPC Chili Cook Off on the 10th, and a birthday food day will be hosted in honor of ladies celebrate birthdays on the 29th, Mallory Ragon and Bailee Platt. There are some more big reasons to celebrate in January; Megan Roth will be celebrating her 6 yr. anniversary with PlattForm and the Affiliate Team, and both Mallory Ragon and Lauren Barber will be celebrating their 6 mo. anniversary with PlattForm.

HRHappy New Year PF’ers!! Tis the season for New Year’s Resolutions and the HR team has a couple to share with you! For 2012 the HR team wants to focus on two pretty big things: mak-ing ourselves more visible and available to you all and secondly to increase our retention. To do this we are implementing a few new things that I want to tease you all about.

HR will now have a monthly article in the Podium, HR News, to tell you about all kinds of things up and coming and to keep you all in the know. Another thing that we are implementing (also starting this month) are “stay interviews”. Stay interviews will focus on what keeps you coming in to work every day and how do we keep that going. So, don’t be surprised if someone from the HR team (Dory, Jenn, Jan, or Julie) reaches out to you for a couple minutes of your time to pick your brain a bit.

So, there are some teasers for the New Year. We are all really excited about the impact these initiatives will have over the next year and are excited to get them started. Happy New Year everyone!!

OPERATIONSOperations had a lot to celebrate this past month! Liz Bratichak picked up the Intergrity award and Christina Martin was hon-ored with the Synergy award. As if our department wasn’t stoked enough to have TWO winners from our meager 12 per-son department, Erin Cockman received the Unsung Hero award at the company holiday party and won a free cruise for two! There has been fierce lobbying to be her plus one, and rumor has it that she can be bribed in the way of non-chocolate treats, free child care, or personal sonnets written and performed in her honor. As if a strong showing at the holiday party wasn’t enough of a reason to celebrate, our own Melissa Heapes Davis returned from her honeymoon and was promptly promoted to Senior Project Manager! Congrats! POD is expecting more good news soon, in the form of Mr. Allen Harkleroad’s impending baby. We threw him a “manshower” and bequeathed upon him the lovely gift of a CD featuring Metallica songs played in a soothing lul-laby format. And because we love giving gifts, we honored our own “Huge” Val with a coffee mug featuring her sporting an awesome Movember mustache. Even though she didn’t win, in our hearts she still has the gnarliest lip warmer on the block!

PRINTJack has been MIA for like a week. Somebody said he is in Dallas on an Anthem photo shoot but no one has confirmed that. Julie’s sister had a baby last week and she is mega cute. Danielle is testing some new contact lenses. Matt’s kid joined a peewee rugby team. Tammie still doesn’t have her car fixed after one solid year of her husband fixing it himself. Sarah is debating taking her car to 5000 miles past the limit before get-ting serious about an oil change (we have wished her luck on that experiment). Rick cant decide where he wants to sit. And Linda Evans Davis got 3 departments in creative involved in a 6 hour decision-making-dilema over which outdoor “stomp-ing around” boots she should purchase. We are all happy to announce that she chose the brown ones.

SALESConference Recap:• Jeri and Mike exhibited at the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS COC) conference Dec. 3-6 in Orlando, FL• Brad attended the APSCU Investment Conference on Dec. 14-15 in Washington D.C.

Sales:We are half way through our sales contest with lots of travel, travel, more travel. A big welcome to Jeremy Schoen as he makes his transition to the Sales team.



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First Fridays Crossroads Art District

Mavericks vs. Oilers Independence Events


Fiddler on the Roof JCCC

Mavericks vs. Komets Independence Events


AWOLNATION Beaumont Club

Boondox Beaumont Club17th-22nd An Evening with Patti Lupone and

Mandy Patinkin Kauffman Center

Brad Paisley with The Band Perry and Scotty

McCreery Sprint Center19th-22nd KC Boat &

Sportshow KC Conven-tion and Entertainment


26th-29th Sesame Street Live: Elmo Makes Music

Sprint CenterAnthrax and Testament

The Midland

KU vs. MU Hockey Border Showdown

Independence Events Center

Jack’s Mannequin Beaumont Club

Freestyle Motocross: Nuclear Cowboyz Sprint

CenterMavericks vs. Blaze

Independence Events Center

WWE Raw Supershow Sprint Center

18th-21st Jim Florentine Stanford & Sons

Mavericks vs. Americans Independence Events

Center13th-15th Pauly Shore

KC Improv

Mavericks vs. Icemen Independence Events


27th-28th Mavericks vs. Mallards Independence

Events Center

Comets vs. Wings Sprint Center

Allstar Weekend Beaumont Club

Elvis Birthday Bash VooDoo Lounge

Mavericks vs. Mallards Independence Events


Find more events at: www.visitkc.com & www.eventkc.com

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EDITORIAL BOARDRebecca CoffindafferDanielle Hendrickson

Michael MackieJenni ValentinoNicole Araujo


EDITORMelissa Cowan

DESIGN/LAYOUTDanielle Hendrickson
