PO SELECTION BATCH II 2021 mock discussion

PO SELECTION BATCH II 2021 mock discussion

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mock discussion

In the following question, a sentence is given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. Select the option given below that can replace the phrase in bold without changing the meaning of the sentence and mark that as your answer.

Japan has been producing whisky since the 1920s, if not earlier, but its global popularity has spiked over the past decade.

A. not before that, but its global popularityB. if not before that, when its worldly popularityC. at least, but its worldwide marketabilityD. in the least but gained an international marketE. None of the above

Which of the following phrases can replace the phrase in bold to make the statement grammatically and contextually correct? If the statement does not need any correction, mark 'no correction required' as your answer.

Even if I were to sit at our desk all day, our body still needs fuel to meet energy demands.

A. But when we usedB. As long as weC. Even if we wereD. But when I wasE. No correction required

In the question below, a sentence is given, divided into five parts (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of the parts is grammatically incorrect or has an error in it. You are required to identify the parts that are grammatically incorrect and choose the option accordingly.

I'm also lucky to have friends (A)/ who have studios because (B) /I was in there five days a week (C) / of two months straight. (D)

1. A2. B3. C4. D5. No error

In the question below, a sentence is given, divided into five parts (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of the parts is grammatically incorrect or has an error in it. You are required to identify the parts that are grammatically incorrect and choose the option accordingly.

The reservoir, meanwhile, (A) / created a water channel, (A) /sixty kilometres long, which encircled (C) / one hundred fifty-one villages from three side. (D)

1. A2. B3. C4. D5. No error

In the question below, a sentence is given, divided into five parts (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of the parts is grammatically incorrect or has an error in it. You are required to identify the parts that are grammatically incorrect and choose the option accordingly.

Christmas decorations come up (A) / for a month in December 15 (B) /with a special menu that leaves you (C) / craving for the rest of the year. (D)

1. A2. B3. C4. D5. No error

In the question below, a sentence is given, divided into five parts (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of the parts is grammatically incorrect or has an error in it. You are required to identify the parts that are grammatically incorrect and choose the option accordingly.

The absence of a supportive online (A) /community that one could turn to for help (B)/ was one of the main reason (C) / to start this campaign. (D)

1. A2. B3. C4. D5. No error

In the question below, a sentence is given, divided into five parts (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of the parts is grammatically incorrect or has an error in it. You are required to identify the parts that are grammatically incorrect and choose the option accordingly.

A clear advantages of online examinations (A) / is that it is cost effective and easily scalable (B) /to any number of examinees, (C) /wherever in the world they may be. (D)

1. A2. B3. C4. D5. No error

Which of the following phrases can replace the phrase in bold so as to make the statement correct? If the statement does not need any correction, mark 'No correction required' as your answer.

I needed to make sure that I had a job line up and there was security before I spoke out.

A. some job lined upB. a job lines upC. a job lined upD. few job lined upE. No correction required

Which of the following phrases can replace the phrase in bold so as to make the statement correct? If the statement does not need any correction, mark 'No correction required' as your answer.

Difficult conversations intensify our emotionality because our minds perceives them as a threat.

A. perceive themB. perceive itC. perceive theyD. perceives itE. No correction required

Which of the following phrases can replace the phrase in bold so as to make the statement correct? If the statement does not need any correction, mark 'No correction required' as your answer.

Generally, exercising at lower intensities doesn't require as many effort by our muscles as sprinting.

1. as few effort by2. as much effort by3. so much effort by4. like much effort by5. No correction required

In the following question, a sentence is given with certain words marked as (A), (B), (C), (D)and (E). Choose the options with the pair(s) of words that need to be interchanged to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. If no change is required, mark (E) 'No change required' as your answer.

In closer(A) years, Belarus, a geopolitical ally(B) of Russia with(C) cultural links, has shown(D) a willingness to work recent(E) with the West.

1. B-D2. A-B & C-D3. A-E4. D-E5. No correction required

In the following question, a sentence is given with certain words marked as (A), (B), (C), (D)and (E). Choose the options with the pair(s) of words that need to be interchanged to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. If no change is required, mark (E) 'No change required' as your answer.

The lifting(A) of restrictions on(B) inter and intra-State movement of persons and goods revived(C) both vehicular movement and, consequently(D) , demand for(E) auto fuels.

A-D & B-CB-EC-E & A-BA-BNo correction required

In each of the questions given below, a set of sentences is given, which when properly sequenced from a coherent paragraph. Arrange the sentences in correct sequence and answer the questions that follow.

A. The essence of the Vedas and Upanishads can be summed up in one sentence: Tat Tvam Asi - That Though Art.B. According to the Vedas, the world is not to be renounced but to be enjoyed healthily.C. Upanishad means 'sitting down near', originally, there were 108 Upanishads.D. The term 'Veda' connotes 'knowledge' or 'wisdom'.E. The four major Vedas - Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva Veda - are divided into subsections containing hymns to divine beings, their myths, liturgical instructions and philosophical treatises on the nature of the Self and the divine.

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Many of us worry we're not drinking enough water, exercising enough or getting enough vitamins but sometimes we can overdo it. Salad leaves are an excellent low-calorie food. That said, you can't get by on the green stuff alone. Salad cannot provide us with all the nutrients we need to live healthily, such as protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Too much can also disrupt digestion and, in extreme cases, make it harder to absorb other important nutrients such as iron. Make sure you're keeping your salads balanced by adding things like avocado, olive oil or nuts and seeds and some protein such as chicken, fish, eggs or tofu. If salad is making up more than 50 per cent of your diet, it's time to rethink.

The idea that we need to be drinking eight glasses of water a day has led to many of us thinking you can't get enough. But drinking too much, known as water intoxication, can be fatal. Too much can lead to a reduction of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium in our blood stream. We see this quite often in people exercising excessively or who have problems absorbing nutrients - also in people who restrict their diet too much or have certain medical conditions. More than 2.5 litresa day is too much for most.

Getting enough sleep can feel like hunting for the Holy Grail but surprisingly you can have too much. Oversleeping can also be a risk to our health. Research shows people who sleep for nine to 11 hours a day are 21 per cent more likely to become diabetic, 38 per cent more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease and have an increased risk of death. The right amount of sleep will vary from person to person but seven to nine hours should suffice. Excessive sleep often goes hand in glove with poor lifestyle choices like overeating and a lack of exercise.

Despite its health halo, excess protein will be used to provide energy and is stored as fat if we eat too much. Protein contains exactly the same number of calories per gram as carbohydrate (4kcals/g) so we can easily eat too much. It needs to be balanced in our diet, like all the other nutrients. Most people need 0.75g of protein per kilogram of their body weight a day. If you're an athlete or trying to build muscle you can maybe get away with 1.7g per kilogram of body weight but anything above that will be used as energy or stored as fat. For some people, eating too much protein without the right balance of other nutrients can lead to kidney stones.

As per the passage, which of the following is incorrect about drinking water?

1. Drinking too much water can help in better absorption of nutrients.

2. Excess water can reduce quantity of potassium in blood stream.

3. The belief that we must drink at least eight glasses of water daily misleads us.

4. Too much of water can reduce amount of sodium in blood.

5. Consumption of excess water can be lethal.

Which of the following problem is not mentioned in the passage when we overdo good things?

1. Oversleeping puts people at risk of diabetes.2. Too much of protein leads to the development of

stones in the kidney.3. Sleeping excessively puts people at increased

risk of heart diseases.4. Too much of salad makes it difficult for the body

to absorb iron.5. Excessive intake of vitamins can damage bones.

Which of the following words can replace 'fatal' from the given passage?

1. nontoxic

2. harmless

3. safe

4. deadly

5. beneficial

As per the passage, which of the following is untrue about sleeping?

1. Sleeping too much can have an increased risk of


2. Sleeping for 9 to 11 hours is recommended.

3. Oversleeping can compromise our health.

4. There is no fixed amount of sleep that suits all.

5. Excessive sleeping can be linked with poor lifestyle.

Which protein source is not mentioned in the passage?

1. Tofu

2. Eggs

3. Fish

4. Chicken

5. Cheese

What does the phrase 'Holy Grail' as mentioned in the passage mean?

1. shared participation in a mental or spiritual experience2. a thing which is eagerly pursued or sought after3. the third person of the Trinity4. the state of being three5. the service of Christian worship at which bread and wine

are consecrated and shared

Which of the following is incorrect as per the passage?

1. A common man requires more amount of protein than

an athlete.

2. There are 4 kilocalories per gram of protein.

3. Excessive protein either provides energy or stored as fat.

4. Oversleeping is often linked to overeating.

5. We must balance our salad diets with other things like

nuts, etc.

Which of the following case is termed as water intoxication?

1. Intense exercise of more than 3 hours

2. Consumption of water in excess

3. When one sleeps for more than 11 hours

4. Consuming too much of water-soluble vitamins

5. When salad is more than 50% of diet

Which of the following words can act as the synonym of 'halo', which is mentioned in the passage?

1. glory

2. shame

3. humiliation

4. pity

5. disgrace

The following question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the correct set of words that is fit for the given blanks both grammatically and contextually.

India must focus on water __________,protection of water bodies and make rainwater __________ a mandatory feature in new housing.

1. preservation, harbouring2. fermentation, issuing3. conservation, harvesting4. management, humouring5. existence, queuing

The following question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the correct set of words that is fit for the given blanks both grammatically and contextually.

Portugal had already bested Spain in the exploration race, ____ in 1497 Vasco de Gama was the first European to discover a sea route to India ____Africa.

1. how, underneath2. this, above3. few, below4. when, around5. much, over

The following question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the correct set of words that is fit for the given blanks both grammatically and contextually.

For decades, researchers have studied the survivors of the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to ______ the links between radiation and long-term _____ risks.

1. studying, above2. determine, health3. examining, under4. will understand, beneath5. will comprehend, silly

The following question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the correct set of words that is fit for the given blanks both grammatically and contextually.

If I were a writer with ________ of serving up a web-streaming series, here's the storyline that I would ______.

1. rejection, erase2. ambition, delete3. aspirations, propose4. inertia, withdraw5. carelessness, destroy