*«*■ TTi' ■as « ^ * «é Pmi Mention. THE KOOTENAI VALUATIONS Lwai Paragraphs. s INDEPENDENT As Transmitted to the State of Equalization. Board -BKPOBT OF TUK CONDITION OFTIIK RATHDRUÄ STATE BANK. FEED STORE C. E. Remington was in yesterday from Athol on business. Dr. and Mrs. F. Von Bargen visitors 10 Athol Wednesday. R. L. Agnew, a farmer of Athol, was in town last Friday. Cbas. Rose was In town Monday from his home on the rimrock: Plenty of Bran & Shorts for sale at the elevator. T. L. Quarles and R. A. Grimes were io town Tuesday from Echo beach, Twin lakes. W. L. Northway has* started de- livering the wood contracted for by the school district. J. W. Dugan of the Idaho Pine Lumber company was In town Tues- day. Ben Thomas is here from Okla- homa, visiting relatives. He former- ly owned a ranch west of town. Ben Schuldt has returned from California and Arizona, after an ab sence of several years. WANTEDA fresh milk cow. It Herman Kellner,Cœur dAlene. Halley R. Smith, formerly of Rath- drum, now engaged in the real estate business In Vancouver, B. C., was in Rathdrum Monday on a brief visit. 'Mrs. J. G. Gilbert is enjoying a visit froin a sister, who resides at Tacoma, Wash. One double stall and one single stall for rent during the school year. Inquire early of M. B. Layton. W. E. Tortelotte of Spirit Lake, a car inspector of the Idaho & Wash- ington Northern, was in Rathdrum the forepart of the week. Rev. Cbas. W. Monson preached at Coeur dAlene last Sunday morning. W. H. Cleland was a visitor to CoeurdAlene last Saturday after noon. Bartlett Sinclair attended to legal business at Coeur dAlene last Satur day. town Matt Otto, a Frenchman aged 47 years, died of paralysis at the county hospital in Rathdrum, August 7, and was buried -on the 9th. ' Louis A. Larsen had two new plate glass windows put in the front of his store last Saturday to replace two that were broken. Rain has interfered considerably with huckleberry picking during the past week, several parties from here being caught in drenching showers. The cement crosswalk between the Bradbury and Reiniger corners was completed Saturday by W. A. Poleson, F. H. Bradbury and E. S. VonHosteen. It is five feet wide and about 70 feet long. The sawmill at the foot of Twin lakes shut down the first of the week for a few repairs. It resum* ed again Tuesday and will contin- ue lor two or three weeks longer, before shutting down for the season. i Unlike some of the other counties of Idaho that have reported their 11,11 property valuations to the state board of equalization, Kootenai coun ty bas considerable tank stock, also watches, jewelry, harness and nnney 1 on hand, according to the abstract of ' tbe assessment roll just completed by 1 County Auditor D. E. Danby. The total va'uation for county, as equalized by the commissioners and iransmitted the state board 0 AT RATHUKlia, IN THE STATE Or IDAHO, AT THE CLOSE OF HCSIXK88, JUNE TTH, toil. ! S. L. FarnsworHi, Prop. Hay, Li min ami Feed. + 4 Shingles, Brick, lame, Cement and Hardwall Plaster Rathdrum, Idaho. were RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts............................................................. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.............................. Bonds, warrants and other securities........... ........... Banking House. Furniture and Fixtures............. Other Beal Estate owned .................................................. Due from Banks. ................................................................. Cash on band (lawful money of tbe United States) .1 B360K.72 50 42 . 10003.12 . 13871II . *5530.00 . 40439.38 12357.17 1* ! 0 0 i> 0 V 0 v Total Kootenai 451859 90 LIABILITIES. county to an Capital Stock paid In .................................................... Surplus fund............................................. ....................... Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid Individual deposits subject to check...................... Demand certificates of deposit................................ Savings Deposits............................................................... Cashiers checks outstanding ..................................... I 25000.00 10000.00 4314.27 870.-12 34 23538 94 1879 88 274.87 S. B. NUCNEYNE is $20,430,880, an increase over last year of $14,188,778 or approximately 229 per cent. These Bgures do not include the telegraph and telephone lines, enormous increase Is due to the adop- tion of the cash value plan of ment, instead of the 25 to 50 per cent basis heretofore used. There are 581,498 acres of patented lands in the county, assessed at $20 per acre, a total of $11,677,772. This Is 23,156 acres more than reported I 1910. Livery, Feed# Transfer lailway, The RATHDRUM, IDAHO Total I 161859.90 State of Idaho, County of Kootenai. .. I. B. E. Young. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the .above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and bullet. K. E. YOUNG. Cashier. 1 Correct, Attest: > STEWART YOUNG. ' I FRANK WENZ, assess- BARBER SHOP pioneer W. .1. FORD, Proprietor. Been here 7 years; going to stay 7 more. Satisfaction guaranteed. Subscribed- and sworn to before me this 19th day of June 1911. A. W. Post, Notary Publlo. (Seai.) Directors. BATHS n Rathdrum 1 There are now 284 miles of irrigation ditches in the county, sewd at $105,000. as- Surprise Party. A pleasant birthday surprise party was given at the home of Mrs Juli? McNett Friday evening, August 4, in honor of her son, Floyd McNett. The surprise planned was a success, tbe honor guest being taken com- pletely unawares. Ice cream and cake were served and all present en- joyed a very nice social time. Those present were: Mrs Julia MeNett and sons Floyd and Lloyd, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs A. O. Skinner, and Messrs. Frank, Roy and Amos Mitchell, Arthur Nicolai, Noel Taylor, Glen McCaddani, J. R. M. Culp, Heury Reiniger and Elmer Young; Misses Millia Mitchell, Lila Laird, Laura Rjiniger, Jennie Culp, Jean and Dorothea Wenz, Viola and Josephine Thompson, Lela McCaddani, Cora Sage, Hazel Walker and Gladys Dyer. Last year there were only 5J miles of ditches assessed at $49,450. The Panhandle Abstract Co., Ltd •y Under the head of personal P-tty appears the item of bank stock amounting to the sum of $316,526. According to the abstract, the or found 1155 head of cattle in the county valued at about $20.25 per head; 1755 milch cows, $31.75 per head; 304 sheep at $4.22 per head. 3722 horses at $63.50 per head, 186 colts at $41.25, and 575 hogs at $7.30 per head. Following is the complete abstract of the Kootenai county assessment rnll for 1911, as transmitted to the sta e auditor by County Auditor Danby under date of August 9. The state board of equalization convenes at Boise August 13. pro- lias the only Complete Set of Abstract Books in Kootenai M County. Get your abstracts from a Company that is reliable. Next to City Hall «« «j Cœur d'Alene, Idaho. 1 John Crenshaw, formerly of Rathdrum, now of Eugene, Ore., has traded his concrete store building at this place to John Haley of Eugene, for a piece of land near tftere. that occupied by the grocery stock and bakery of Reinger Bros. The new Rathdrum R. F. D. route No. 2, to run via Twin Lakes, Heitmans meadows, Little Round mountain and Ramsey, a distance of 26 miles, is to be inaugurated September 1. An ex- amination for a carrier under the civil service regulations is an- nounced to be held in Rathdrum September 2. The salary of the position is $1000 per annum. assess- Thc building is Klopfs Furniture Store //////» F. L. Farnsworth, Mr. Furniture, Carpets. Hanging lamps. Art Squares. Doors, Linoleum, Bird Cages. Windows, tar and building pa- per and deadening felt, Phoenix Pure Paint, China and crookory ware, eto. Gus B. Klopf, Mgr. RATHDRUM.IDAHO UNDERTAKING REAL ESTATE AND IMPROVEMENT *11,677, Idaho Licensed Embslmer Patented lands, 681498 a............... Patented land improvements.. Unpatented land Improvement City and town lots, No, 20545___ Improvements thereon................ Irrigating ditches, 28(4 miles... 172 iWWWWWWWWWWWW9 ....... 882,885 70,423 ....... 2,732,294 ....... 1.817,462 105,000 A series of religious meetings are being held at Fraternal Hall each Sunday afternoon at three oclock by a speaker from Spokane, under the auspices of the Inter- national Bible StudentsCuts and bruises may be healed in about one-third tbe time required by the usual treatment by applying Chamberlains Liniment. It is anti- septic and causes such injuries to heal without maturation. This lini- ment also relieves soreness of tbe muscles and rheumatic pains. For sale by all druggists. Total... 17,285,808 ' * GENERAL HARDWARE Woodchoppersand Log- gersTools. HENRY REINIGER. PERSONAL PROPERTY Shares lu National and other banks t 316.526 Cattle, common, 1155. Cows, milch, 1755......... Sheep, common, 301... Horses, common, 3722. colts, 186......... Frank Buckle of Alberta is visiting his brother, Joseph Buckle at the latters farm near the rimrock. O. S. Hinds was at Coeur dAlene yesterday on business concerning records of deceased civil war veterans which be is compiling. E. G. Daales became seriously ill at Twin Lakes Wednesday, but bis condition was reported much im- proved yesterday. Miss Katherine Cbambard returned Monday from a visit at tbe Lockling home near Athol, and a successful trip to huckleberry mountain at Graulte. Ransom E. Satchwell has been g-rlously incapacitated from work tbe past week on account of illness, his condition being unchanged at last reports. Mrs. Robt. Evans ol Seattle and Prof. Wm. E. Jackson of Spokane spent last Friday iu Rathdrum, guests of their cousin, Mrs. J. A Siegloch. Jas. S. Rushing went to Enaville last week to accept a position as sec- tion foreman on the O. W. R. & N railroad branch from Enaville to Murray, He expects to move bis family from here to Enaville to re- side. 55.795 associa- tion, who will give an illustrated lecture on the Dispensations and Ages of the Bible. All are invited. These lectures are entirely free and no collections are taken. 1.294 236,135 7,695 4,215 121.488 108.606 17,520 457,831 Swine, 576.................................................. Farm Implements and machinery.. Furniture and fixtures.......................... Harness, robes and saddles................ Goods, wares and merchandise....... Lumber...................................................... Saw Mills.................................................... Saw logs...................................................... Money on hind........................................ Musical instruments............................. Steamers and other water craft.... Vehicles and bicycles........................... Watches and Jewelry........................... Ready For the Races. 654,868 Heavy _ rain, with some hail, I Edward S. Shelton, general manag- thunder and lightning, was report- * er of the CoeurdAlene Fair and ed throughont the Inland Empire Racing association, states that 600 region last Friday afternoon. The only damage reported in this im- mediate vicinity was the striking of the high tension wire and burn- ing out one of the transformers of the Rathdrum Electric company, and the killing of forty-three head of sheep belonging to E. H. Brad- bury, whose farm is about a mile west of town. Near Spokane the barns of the Hazelwood company were struck by lightning and des- troyed by fire. Showers continued intermittently until Monday after- noon, delaying threshing and baling operations on the prairie. No damage to grain has been re- ported in this vicinity. 847.210 154.230 44.375 45,505 157,277 76,374 RATHDRÙM IDAHO hors s from California, Montana, Biitish Columbia, Utah, Oregon and Washington already have been pledged Tor the 36 daysmeeting at tbe race track, Post Falls, Idaho, be- ginning on September 11, says a re- cent dispatch. It Is promised there will be more than 800 horses on tbe ground before tbe fl.-st flag falls. Frank St. D. Skinner, one of the foremost turf officials in the western country, who visited the track, de- dans the course, which cost $75,000, s one of the fasest in the country, while the plant on the whole, be added, compares favorably with any in tbe interrnountuin district. Tbe association has decided to cancel Its dates from October 4 to 9 to give visiting horsemen an opportunity to enter for the purses, including the Spokane Derby, at the Spokane Inter- state fair, where the pr.zes in the racing department will amount to $25,000 this year. There will be no hookmaklng at the interstate fair, the laws of the state of Washington making It a penal offense to bet on horse races. There is no law against race track gambling In Idabo. 1.317 ..3,329,603 *20,615,409 184,529 Total CHURCH DIRECTORY. Notice to Creditors Grand total ............................................. Widowsand soldiers' exemptions.. Grand total as equalized by the county commissioners Estate or John Russell, deceased. Notice is hereby itlvou by tlio undersigned Executrix of the estate of John Russell, de- oeased, to the eredltoi-ti of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the , necessary vouchers, wltliln ten months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Executrix ut her -residence In Rathdrum, Idaho, the same being the placo for tlio transaction of the business of said estate, in the County of Kootenai, State of Idaho. Dated, this 10th day of July. 1911. MARY E, RUSSELL. F.xecutrlx M. E. OHUROH, Rev. Chas.W.Monson, Pas- tor. Servlcos every Sunday ocloek . and every Sunday at 7:30 oclock; Epwortli League at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 oclock p, m.. and Sunday School at 10 u. m. every Hunday. 20,430.880 ornlng at It evening BUSINESS BRIEFS. For all kinds of fresh meats call at J. A. Seiglochs—Rathdrum Meat company. Home made sausages a specialty at Seiglochs. Ham, bacon and lard. Qsb and game in season. t GERMAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL OHUUGHBabbatli school 10 a. in.; Preach lug servlcell a. m.; Catechism. Saturdays. 2 oclock Those who understand the German are cordially Invited. L. Gainer, lan ffuage pastor 6t July 14Aug 11 KIKHT PREStfYTERJAN UllülifcH-Rev. W. J. Thompson* Pastor.^HindayHcliool 10 a. in. morning service 11 o'clock. Christian En- deavor at 0:30 p. in. Evening service at < : JO. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. CATHOLIC OHURCII.Services every and and 4th Hunday of each month. On the Second Sunday at 10o'clock, and on the Fourth Sunday at wight oclock. Kev. lather Vandon llerg, I'asUir. For Sale. A new house next to the Catholic church in Rathdrum, on easy'pay- ments.Address Herman Kellner, 8(05 7th Str, Cœur dAlene, Idaho. 3t Aug 1125 Notice to Creditors. Estate of Mary A. Lancaster, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undei-slgncrf Executor of the Esin to of Mary A. Lancaster,deceased.to the creditors ol, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten monthus after the first publication of this notiae. Executor at the Probate Ooatt at Cœur d'- Alene, the same being th * place foi the transaction of the business cif said estate, in the County or Kootenai, diate of Idaho. Dated this 8th day of July, *911. HENRY M. LANCASTER. Notice ofSprinkling Bonis. L. E. TUCKER to Hie said Notice is hereby given to all persons living in the corporate limits of the Village of Rathdrum that the use ol water for lawn sprinkling, irrigating or other outdoor purposes, shall be subject to the following conditions; In all that part of town lying south of the Northern Pacific railroad track sprinkling, irrigating, etc., shall be restricted to two bouis each day, be- tween 6 oclock a. ni. and 8 o'clock a. oi.; and in all that park of town lying north of the Northern Pacific railroad track, sprinkling, irrigating, etc., shall be restricted to two hoUS each day, between 6 oclock p. m., and 8 oclock p. m. Violations of these regulations shall be punished by having the water shut off and a penalty of $2 00 charged to have it turned on again, each offence. These regulations are in full force and effect from and after tbe dale of this notice. Dated July 28, 1911. By order of the Board of Village Trustees. August File of Spokane has taken jibe place of J. H. Hoffman, as baker at Reiniger Bros, bakery. Mr. Hoff- man has taken a vacation aDd ex- pects to visit the coast. Wm. Blggar of Colville, Wash., visited Rathdrum friends over Sun- day, coming here Saturday and meet- ing Mrs. Blggar on her return from a visit to her former home at Brookings. South Dakota. Herbert Llnnell of Saskatchewan, Canada, arrived last week for a short visit with Geo. F. Wilihelmy. Mr. Llnnell formerly conducted a restau- rant here but is now occupied in falling in Canada. D. ,p. Sage of Forest Grove, Ore , stopped over In Rathdrum, yesterday, while on bis way home from Brook- ings, S. D., and spent the day vlsit- ing his brothers, Edgar and Cyrus Sage, *nd sister, Mrs. G. A- Laird. Hit son, Norman Sage of Spokane, wàa also here yesterday to accompany his father as far as Spokane on hs homeward journey. Painter and Paper Hangar Recruits Wanted. An encampment for target practice for the First battalion, 2nd Inf., N. G. I., of which Company E is a part, is to be held at Fort George Wright, Wash., September 4 to 13, inclusive. Recruits are wanted, between the ages of 18 and 45, desir- ing a little vacation and willing to enlist and attend this encampment and win a medal for marksmanship, are requested to apply to J. Culp. Captain of Company E, Ratb- druui, not later than August 25. sSIGNSs 5t July 14Au{! 11 Executor. Young men Bur it now. Now is the lime to buy a buttle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before tbe summer is over. This remedy has no superior. For sale by all druggists Save yourself many needless steps. Make a list and Bend one of the children for the groceries you need. A child can buy in our store as cheaply as a grown person. HONEST PRICES on HONEST GROCERIES, and guar- antee that everything we sell is not TAINTED with any impurity. Buy from US. >5 R. M. m Have you any wood to be sawed? Lester Satchwell can do it. Leave orders at Fords barber shop. Jv28A!8p n The band concert to have been given last night was postponed on account of the absence of Prof. Kyle, the leader, who was kept The concert, y*lAKC We put ; F. B. GHAMBARD £ Stationery - Confectionery j £ Post Cards of all kinds ; Tobaccos & Cigars. Antler Ice Cream. 4 Liy 4 away by illness, which is free to all, will be given next Tuesday evening if nothing « < I prevents. 1 A J. R. M. Culp, Village Clerk. » A well known Des Moines after suffering days from bowel complaint, was cured by one dose of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all druggists. woman miserably for two > * » 4 4 > Insure your life in tbe Prudential Life Insurance company, tbe best In tbe country. F. II. Bradbury, agent, Rathdrum. » « Have you any wood to be sawed? Lester Satchwell can do It. Leave orders at Fords barber shop. Jy28A18p 4 i 4 > REINIGER BROS., RATHDRUM, IDAHO J Lunches & Coffee Served. BATHDBUM - IDAHO i 4 5.. A

Pmi Mention. Lwai Paragraphs. - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 12. · TTi' as « ^ * «é Pmi Mention. THE KOOTENAI VALUATIONS Lwai Paragraphs. As Transmitted to the State s INDEPENDENT

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Page 1: Pmi Mention. Lwai Paragraphs. - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 12. · TTi' as « ^ * «é Pmi Mention. THE KOOTENAI VALUATIONS Lwai Paragraphs. As Transmitted to the State s INDEPENDENT




^ * «é

Pmi Mention. THE KOOTENAI VALUATIONS Lwai Paragraphs. s INDEPENDENTAs Transmitted to the State


RATHDRUÄ STATE BANK. FEED STOREC. E. Remington was in yesterday from Athol on business.

Dr. and Mrs. F. Von Bargen visitors 10 Athol Wednesday.

R. L. Agnew, a farmer of Athol, was in town last Friday.

Cbas. Rose was In town Monday from his home on the rimrock:

Plenty of Bran & Shorts for sale at the elevator.

T. L. Quarles and R. A. Grimes were io town Tuesday from Echo beach, Twin lakes.

W. L. Northway has* started de­livering the wood contracted for by the school district.

J. W. Dugan of the Idaho Pine Lumber company was In town Tues­day.

Ben Thomas is here from Okla­homa, visiting relatives. He former­ly owned a ranch west of town.

Ben Schuldt has returned from California and Arizona, after an ab sence of several years.

WANTED—A fresh milk cow.It Herman Kellner,Cœur d’Alene.

Halley R. Smith, formerly of Rath- drum, now engaged in the real estate business In Vancouver, B. C., was in Rathdrum Monday on a brief visit.

'Mrs. J. G. Gilbert is enjoying a visit froin a sister, who resides at Tacoma, Wash.

One double stall and one single stall for rent during the school year. Inquire early of M. B. Layton.

W. E. Tortelotte of Spirit Lake, a car inspector of the Idaho & Wash- ington Northern, was in Rathdrum the forepart of the week.

Rev. Cbas. W. Monson preached at Coeur d’Alene last Sunday morning.

W. H. Cleland was a • visitor to Coeurd’Alene last Saturday after noon.

Bartlett Sinclair attended to legal business at Coeur d’Alene last Satur day.

town Matt Otto, a Frenchman aged 47 years, died of paralysis at the county hospital in Rathdrum, August 7, and was buried -on the 9th. '

Louis A. Larsen had two new plate glass windows put in the front of his store last Saturday to replace two that were broken.

Rain has interfered considerably with huckleberry picking during the past week, several parties from here being caught in drenching showers.

The cement crosswalk between the Bradbury and Reiniger corners was completed Saturday by W. A. Poleson, F. H. Bradbury and E. S. VonHosteen. It is five feet wide and about 70 feet long.

The sawmill at the foot of Twin lakes shut down the first of the week for a few repairs. It resum* ed again Tuesday and will contin­ue lor two or three weeks longer, before shutting down for the season.

iUnlike some of the other counties of Idaho that have reported their 11,11 property valuations to the state board of equalization, Kootenai coun ty bas considerable tank stock, also watches, jewelry, harness and nnney 1 on hand, according to the abstract of ' tbe assessment roll just completed by 1 County Auditor D. E. Danby.

The total va'uation for county, as equalized by the commissioners and iransmitted the state board


Hay, Li min ami Feed. + 4Shingles, Brick, lame, Cement and Hardwall


Rathdrum, Idaho.


Loans and Discounts.............................................................Overdrafts, secured and unsecured..............................Bonds, warrants and other securities........... ...........Banking House. Furniture and Fixtures.............Other Beal Estate owned ..................................................Due from Banks. .................................................................Cash on band (lawful money of tbe United States)

.1 B360K.72 50 42

. 10003.12

. 13871II

. *5530.00 . 40439.38


1* !00

i> 0V 0

vTotalKootenai • 451859 90

LIABILITIES.county to an

Capital Stock paid In ....................................................Surplus fund............................................. .......................Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paidIndividual deposits subject to check......................Demand certificates of deposit................................Savings Deposits...............................................................Cashier’s checks outstanding .....................................

I 25000.00 10000.00

4314.27 870.-12 34 23538 94

1879 88 274.87

S. B. NUCNEYNEis $20,430,880, an increase over last year of $14,188,778 or approximately 229 per cent. These Bgures do not include the telegraph and telephone lines, enormous increase Is due to the adop­tion of the cash value plan of ment, instead of the 25 to 50 per cent basis heretofore used.

There are 581,498 acres of patented lands in the county, assessed at $20 per acre, a total of $11,677,772. This Is 23,156 acres more than reported I 1910.

Livery, Feed# Transferlailway,

The RATHDRUM, IDAHOTotal I 161859.90

State of Idaho, County of Kootenai... I. B. E. Young. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the .above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and bullet.

K. E. YOUNG. Cashier.

1 Correct, Attest:> STEWART YOUNG. 'I FRANK WENZ,

assess- BARBERSHOPpioneer

W. .1. FORD, Proprietor.

Been here 7 years; going to stay 7 more. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Subscribed- and sworn to before me this 19th day of June 1911.

A. W. Post, Notary Publlo.(Seai.) Directors.

BATHSn Rathdrum 1There are now 284 miles of

irrigation ditches in the county, sewd at $105,000.

as- Surprise Party.

A pleasant birthday surprise party was given at the home of Mrs Juli? McNett Friday evening, August 4, in honor of her son, Floyd McNett. The surprise planned was a success, tbe honor guest being taken com­pletely unawares. Ice cream and cake were served and all present en­joyed a very nice social time. Those present were:

Mrs Julia MeNett and sons Floyd and Lloyd, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs.and Mrs A. O. Skinner, and Messrs. Frank, Roy and Amos Mitchell, Arthur Nicolai, Noel Taylor, Glen McCaddani, J. R. M. Culp, Heury Reiniger and Elmer Young; Misses Millia Mitchell, Lila Laird, Laura Rjiniger, Jennie Culp, Jean and Dorothea Wenz, Viola and Josephine Thompson, Lela McCaddani, Cora Sage, Hazel Walker and Gladys Dyer.

Last year there were only 5J miles of ditches assessed at $49,450. The Panhandle Abstract Co., Ltd

•yUnder the head of personal P-’tty appears the item of bank stock amounting to the sum of $316,526. According to the abstract, the or found 1155 head of cattle in the county valued at about $20.25 per head; 1755 milch cows, $31.75 per head; 304 sheep at $4.22 per head. 3722 horses at $63.50 per head, 186 colts at $41.25, and 575 hogs at $7.30 per head.

Following is the complete abstract of the Kootenai county assessment rnll for 1911, as transmitted to the sta e auditor by County Auditor Danby under date of August 9. The state board of equalization convenes at Boise August 13.

pro- lias the only Complete Set of Abstract Books in Kootenai M

County. Get your abstracts from a Company that is reliable. Next to City Hall ’«« «j

Cœur d'Alene, Idaho. 1

John Crenshaw, formerly of Rathdrum, now of Eugene, Ore., has traded his concrete store building at this place to John Haley of Eugene, for a piece of land near tftere.

that occupied by the grocery stock and bakery of Reinger Bros.

The new Rathdrum R. F. D. route No. 2, to run via Twin Lakes, Heitman’s meadows, Little Round mountain and Ramsey, a distance of 26 miles, is to be inaugurated September 1. An ex­amination for a carrier under the civil service regulations is an­nounced to be held in Rathdrum September 2. The salary of the position is $1000 per annum.


Thc building is

Klopf’s Furniture Store//////»

F. L. Farnsworth, Mr.

Furniture, Carpets. Hanging lamps. Art Squares. Doors, Linoleum, Bird Cages. Windows, tar and building pa­per and deadening felt, Phoenix Pure Paint, China and crookory ware, eto.



*11,677,Idaho Licensed Embslmer

Patented lands, 681498 a...............Patented land improvements.. Unpatented land ImprovementCity and town lots, No, 20545___Improvements thereon................Irrigating ditches, 28(4 miles...

172 i WWWWWWWWWWWW9....... 882,88570,423

....... 2,732,294

....... 1.817,462105,000

A series of religious meetings are being held at Fraternal Hall each Sunday afternoon at three o’clock by a speaker from Spokane, under the auspices of the Inter­national Bible Students’

Cuts and bruises may be healed in about one-third tbe time required by the usual treatment by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment. It is anti­septic and causes such injuries to heal without maturation. This lini­ment also relieves soreness of tbe muscles and rheumatic pains. For sale by all druggists.

Total... 17,285,808' ’ *

GENERAL HARDWARE Woodchoppers’ and Log­


PERSONAL PROPERTY Shares lu National and other banks t 316.526 Cattle, common, 1155.Cows, milch, 1755.........Sheep, common, 301...Horses, common, 3722.

“ colts, 186.........

Frank Buckle of Alberta is visiting his brother, Joseph Buckle at the latter’s farm near the rimrock.

O. S. Hinds was at Coeur d’Alene yesterday on business concerning records of deceased civil war veterans which be is compiling.

E. G. Daales became seriously ill at Twin Lakes Wednesday, but bis condition was reported much im­proved yesterday.

Miss Katherine Cbambard returned Monday from a visit at tbe Lockling home near Athol, and a successful trip to huckleberry mountain at Graulte.

Ransom E. Satchwell has been g-rlously incapacitated from work tbe past week on account of illness, his condition being unchanged at last reports.

Mrs. Robt. Evans ol Seattle and Prof. Wm. E. Jackson of Spokane spent last Friday iu Rathdrum, guests of their cousin, Mrs. J. A Siegloch.

Jas. S. Rushing went to Enaville last week to accept a position as sec­tion foreman on the O. W. R. & N railroad branch from Enaville to Murray, He expects to move bis family from here to Enaville to re­side.


tion, who will give an illustrated lecture on the Dispensations and Ages of the Bible. All are invited. These lectures are entirely free and no collections are taken.





Swine, 576..................................................Farm Implements and machinery..Furniture and fixtures..........................Harness, robes and saddles................Goods, wares and merchandise.......Lumber......................................................Saw Mills....................................................Saw logs......................................................Money on hind........................................Musical instruments.............................Steamers and other water craft....Vehicles and bicycles...........................Watches and Jewelry...........................

Ready For the Races.654,868

Heavy _ rain, with some hail, I Edward S. Shelton, general manag- thunder and lightning, was report- * er of the Coeurd’Alene Fair and ed throughont the Inland Empire Racing association, states that 600 region last Friday afternoon. The only damage reported in this im­mediate vicinity was the striking of the high tension wire and burn­ing out one of the transformers of the Rathdrum Electric company, and the killing of forty-three head of sheep belonging to E. H. Brad­bury, whose farm is about a mile west of town. Near Spokane the barns of the Hazelwood company were struck by lightning and des­troyed by fire. Showers continued intermittently until Monday after­noon, delaying threshing and baling operations on the prairie.No damage to grain has been re­ported in this vicinity.




hors s from California, Montana, Biitish Columbia, Utah, Oregon and Washington already have been pledged Tor the 36 days’ meeting at tbe race track, Post Falls, Idaho, be­ginning on September 11, says a re­cent dispatch. It Is promised there will be more than 800 horses on tbe ground before tbe fl.-st flag falls. Frank St. D. Skinner, one of the foremost turf officials in the western country, who visited the track, de­dans the course, which cost $75,000, s one of the fas’est in the country, while the plant on the whole, be added, compares favorably with any in tbe interrnountuin district. Tbe association has decided to cancel Its dates from October 4 to 9 to give visiting horsemen an opportunity to enter for the purses, including the Spokane Derby, at the Spokane Inter­state fair, where the pr.zes in the racing department will amount to $25,000 this year. There will be no hookmaklng at the interstate fair, the laws of the state of Washington making It a penal offense to bet on horse races. There is no law against race track gambling In Idabo.




TotalCHURCH DIRECTORY.Notice to CreditorsGrand total .............................................

Widows’ and soldiers' exemptions..

Grand total as equalized by the county commissioners

Estate or John Russell, deceased.Notice is hereby itlvou by tlio undersigned

Executrix of the estate of John Russell, de- oeased, to the eredltoi-ti of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the , necessary vouchers, wltliln ten months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Executrix ut her -residence In Rathdrum, Idaho, the same being the placo for tlio transaction of the business of said estate, in the County of Kootenai, State of Idaho.

Dated, this 10th day of July. 1911.MARY E, RUSSELL.


M. E. OHUROH, Rev. Chas.W.Monson, Pas­tor. Servlcos every Sunday ocloek . and every Sunday at 7:30 o’clock; Epwortli League at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 o’clock p, m.. and Sunday School at 10 u. m. every Hunday.

20,430.880ornlng at It



For all kinds of fresh meats call at J. A. Seigloch’s—Rathdrum Meat company.

Home made sausages a specialty at Seigloch’s. Ham, bacon and lard. Qsb and game in season.

t GERMAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL OHUUGH—Babbatli school 10 a. in.; Preach lug servlcell a. m.; Catechism. Saturdays. 2 o’clock Those who understand the German

are cordially Invited. L. Gainer,lanffuagepastor

6t July 14— Aug 11 KIKHT PREStfYTERJAN UllülifcH-Rev. W. J. Thompson* Pas tor.^HindayHcliool 10 a. in. morning service 11 o'clock. Christian En­deavor at 0:30 p. in. Evening service at < : JO. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening.

CATHOLIC OHURCII.—Services every and and 4th Hunday of each month. On the Second Sunday at 10o'clock, and on the Fourth Sunday at wight o’clock. Kev. lather Vandon llerg, I'asUir.

For Sale.

A new house next to the Catholic church in Rathdrum, on easy'pay­ments.—Address Herman Kellner, 8(05 7th Str, Cœur d’Alene, Idaho.3t Aug 11—25

Notice to Creditors.Estate of Mary A. Lancaster, deceased.Notice Is hereby given by the undei-slgncrf

Executor of the Esin to of Mary A. Lancaster,deceased.to the creditors ol, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten monthus after the first publication of this notiae.Executor at the Probate Ooatt at Cœur d'­Alene, the same being th * place foi the transaction of the business cif said estate, in the County or Kootenai, diate of Idaho.

Dated this 8th day of July, *911.HENRY M. LANCASTER.

Notice ofSprinkling Bonis.L. E. TUCKERto Hie said

Notice is hereby given to all persons living in the corporate limits of the Village of Rathdrum that the use ol water for lawn sprinkling, irrigating or other outdoor purposes, shall be subject to the following conditions; In all that part of town lying south of the Northern Pacific railroad track sprinkling, irrigating, etc., shall be restricted to two bouis each day, be­tween 6 o’clock a. ni. and 8 o'clock a. oi.; and in all that park of town lying north of the Northern Pacific railroad track, sprinkling, irrigating, etc., shall be restricted to two hoU’S each day, between 6 o’clock p. m., and 8 o’clock p. m. Violations of these regulations shall be punished by having the water shut off and a penalty of $2 00 charged to have it turned on again, each offence.

These regulations are in full force and effect from and after tbe dale of this notice.

Dated July 28, 1911.By order of the Board of Village


August File of Spokane has taken jibe place of J. H. Hoffman, as baker at Reiniger Bros, bakery. Mr. Hoff­man has taken a vacation aDd ex­pects to visit the coast.

Wm. Blggar of Colville, Wash., visited Rathdrum friends over Sun­day, coming here Saturday and meet­ing Mrs. Blggar on her return from a visit to her former home at Brookings. South Dakota.

Herbert Llnnell of Saskatchewan, Canada, arrived last week for a short visit with Geo. F. Wilihelmy. Mr. Llnnell formerly conducted a restau­rant here but is now occupied in falling in Canada.

D. ,p. Sage of Forest Grove, Ore , stopped over In Rathdrum, yesterday, while on bis way home from Brook­ings, S. D., and spent the day vlsit- ing his brothers, Edgar and Cyrus Sage, *nd sister, Mrs. G. A- Laird. Hit son, Norman Sage of Spokane, wàa also here yesterday to accompany his father as far as Spokane on h’s homeward journey.

Painter and Paper HangarRecruits Wanted.

An encampment for target practice for the First battalion, 2nd Inf., N. G. I., of which Company E is a part, is to be held at Fort George Wright, Wash., September 4 to 13, inclusive. Recruits are wanted, between the ages of 18 and 45, desir­ing a little vacation and willing to enlist and attend this encampment and win a medal for marksmanship, are requested to apply to J.Culp. Captain of Company E, Ratb- druui, not later than August 25.

sSIGNSs5t July 14—Au{! 11 Executor.

Young men Bur it now. Now is the lime to buy a buttle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before tbe summer is over. This remedy has no superior. For sale by all druggists

Save yourself many

needless steps.

Make a list and Bend

one of the children for

the groceries you need.

A child can buy in our

store as cheaply as a grown person.


GROCERIES, and guar­

antee that everything

we sell is not TAINTED

with any impurity.

Buy from US.

>5R. M.m

Have you any wood to be sawed? Lester Satchwell can do it. Leave orders at Ford’s barber shop. Jv28A!8p

nThe band concert to have been

given last night was postponed on account of the absence of Prof. Kyle, the leader, who was kept

The concert,

y*lAKCWe put

; F. B. GHAMBARD£ Stationery - Confectionery j£ Post Cards of all kinds ;

Tobaccos & Cigars. Antler Ice Cream.



away by illness, which is free to all, will be given next Tuesday evening if nothing



1 AJ. R. M. Culp,Village Clerk. »

A well known Des Moines after suffering days from bowel complaint, was cured by one dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all druggists.

woman miserably for two

> *» 4

4>Insure your life in tbe Prudential

Life Insurance company, tbe best In tbe country. F. II. Bradbury, agent, Rathdrum.

» «Have you any wood to be sawed?

Lester Satchwell can do It. Leave orders at Ford’s barber shop. Jy28A18p




