P P e e n n i i n n s s u u l l a a M M i i n n o o r r H H o o c c k k e e y y A A s s s s o o c c i i a a t t i i o o n n O O U U T T L L I I N N E E O O F F P P M M H H A A S S C C R R E E E E N N I I N N G G P P R R O O C C E E S S S S 2014 / 2015

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PPeenniinnssuullaa MMiinnoorr HHoocckkeeyy AAssssoocciiaattiioonn



2014 / 2015

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Updated September 2014 Page 2

Season 2014 / 2015



INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 3

RISK ASSESSMENT .............................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

JOB DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................... 7ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

APPLICATION PROCESS....................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

INTERVIEW PROCESS .......................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

REFERENCE CHECKS ............................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

CRIMINAL RECORD CHECKS ................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

ORIENTATION AND TRAINING............................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.


CONCLUSION...................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

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Updated September 2014 Page 3


Volunteers frequently have a highly public role on behalf of hockey associations; they are

persons that parents and children dealing with the association see firsthand most often. PMHA

recognizes the importance of volunteer screening with the end goal of keeping children safe.

As such, and pursuant to recently updated BC Hockey Policy No. 1.36 entitled “Association and

League Screening Process,” PMHA provides this outline of the screening process followed by

PMHA with respect to volunteers. This process includes assessing risk, writing position

descriptions, discerning suitability of an individual for a given task, providing training and, when

necessary, modifying the setting and arrangement of task.

The intent of this outline is to act as a “guiding” resource in the screening decision making

process. The association’s website has more detailed information and materials, and all forms are

available to download. www.pmha.bc.ca


PMHA Executive

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Risk Assessment

PMHA endeavors to determine the risk of the volunteer position by reviewing specific

parameters, including the following 6 questions:

1. Does the volunteer work with children or another vulnerable sector of our association?

2. Does the volunteer in this position have access to property or equipment?

3. Does the volunteer in this position have power over a player’s hockey future?

4. Does the volunteer in this position have access to confidential information?

5. Does the volunteer in this position have access to organization funds?

6. Is this person involved in making decisions on behalf of the organization?

High Risk Volunteer Positions:

“Yes” to questions 1, 3 = HIGH RISK and includes the following volunteer positions: Head

Coach, Assistant Coach, On-ice Officials. PMHA will take the following steps in the screening



• Reference checks

• Position descriptions

• Application form

• Interview

• Orientation & Training

• Supervising/Evaluation

Medium Risk Volunteer Positions:

“Yes” to questions 2, 4, 5, 6 = MEDIUM RISK and includes the following volunteer positions:

President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Registrar, Executive, Divisional Managers, Managers,

HCSP, etc. PMHA will take the following steps in the screening process:


• Reference checks

• Position descriptions

• Application form

• Interview

• Orientation & Training

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Updated September 2014 Page 5

Low Risk Volunteer Positions:

“No” to questions 1-6 = LOW RISK. For any volunteer positions that fall within the low risk

category, PMHA will take the following steps in the screening process:

• Position descriptions

• Application form

• Orientation & Training

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Job Descriptions Clear and precise position descriptions have been developed for key positions within PMHA.

Responsibilities and expectations are clearly laid out, including the position's dos and don'ts, as

well as screening requirements


• report directly to and take direction from the team head coach

• organize and oversee the following positions: team treasurer, score keeper/time keeper

coordinator and safety person

• Work with the treasurer to develop an operating budget for the team

• Coordinate team financial matters, i.e. set player fees, investigate possible sponsorship and

purchase a lottery gaming licence for 50/50 ticket sales

• Generate a team phone/email list and enter on the team webpage

• Oversee and submit a financial summary at the end of the season, as per association policy

• Coordinate travel, accommodation, meals and facility rental for the team

• Communicate regularly with team parents re: practices, games, events, etc.

• Obtain equipment and supplies for the team as needed

• Submit a year end evaluation and highlights report containing observations on team

performance and recommendations on the program

• Arrange and attend meetings as necessary

• Prepare a team schedule based on the information from the league commissioner and upload to

the team webpage

• coordinate referees for home ice games by emailing the league schedule to the RIC and also

when scheduling exhibition games

• communicate with team parents and association on regular basis

• coordinate all necessary pre and post game paperwork and submit to appropriate parties (i.e.

game reports & game sheets)

• keep team webpage up to date

• submit an official team roster to the association Registrar, within the deadline

• distribute and collect the Parent/Player Conduct forms at the beginning of the season


• strong communication and organizational skills

• strong computer skills and internet experience

• strong commitment and interest in hockey

• prior team management experience recommended, but not mandatory

• familiar with hockey rules and regulations (VIAHA, BC Hockey and Hockey Canada


• appointed via application and recommendation by the team head coach and ratified by the

PMHA executive

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• Represent the interests of players and parents of the division to the Association Executive

• Oversee the operation of teams in the division

• Assist the Coach Coordinator with selection of coaches

• Supplies the registrar with appropriate information on team officials and players

• May arrange for player and coach evaluation (in conjunction with the Coach Coordinator)

• In conjunction with team personnel, arranges for the allocation of players to teams. This may

also involve player movement, addition and deletion during the season

• Ensure that team equipment needs (including safety) are fulfilled through the equipment


• Ensure that, through the equipment manager, teams are provided with and return uniforms

• Provide information on practice and game ice allocation to the division

• Ensure team officials are knowledgeable of and adhere to game administration procedures

• Ensure team officials adhere to association penalty procedure

• May assist in the development of divisional tournaments

• Oversees the equitable assignment of exhibition games and approves all out of town exhibition

games for the division. Oversees the administration procedures for these games


• Strong hockey administrative background

• Ability to work with team personnel

• Ability to act as a liaison with the association executive

• Knowledgeable in rules, regulations, administration procedures of the division, association,



• May be an appointed or elected position


The Divisional Managers shall be responsible for all activities in his/her division as detailed below:

1. Divisional Managers will not serve as Coach, Manager or Trainer on a team in his/her division.

2. All Divisional Managers are members of the Ice Committee and shall make every effort to attend

all Ice Committee meetings and attend PMHA Executive meetings as desired or directed.

3. The Divisional Manager will attempt to resolve conflicts within their division and if not possible

will notify the 1st

Vice President and/or present these conflicts at Ice Committee with a request

in writing.

4. He/She shall make initial contact will all registered players prior to the season to notify them of

their initial ice time(s).

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5. The Divisional Manager is responsible for communication with the players until the teams are

formed and the team managers/coaches take over those communications.

6. Divisional Managers will only make decisions about team configurations (team makeup,

numbers, type, level of team) with the involvement of the coaches, assessors and approval from

one of the Ice Committee, 1st

Vice President or PMHA Executive.

7. He/She shall coordinate the execution of the Representative team tryouts in a fair and orderly

manner and under the direction of the PMHA 1st

Vice President.

8. He/She shall ensure that all House/Recreation teams are balanced in ability and numbers no

later than November 1 of each hockey season [Check deadline date].

9. Divisional Managers are required to ensure that all Coaches, Managers and HSCP Safety

persons are advised of the PMHA policies and directives from the PMHA Executive.

10. Divisional Managers must report any breaches of the PMHA policy, Constitution or

Player/Parent/Coach Code of Conduct to the 1st

Vice President as soon as possible.

11. Divisional Managers shall ensure that their coaches are aware that the proper procedures are

followed to obtain medical assistance in case of injuries and the proper administration of

Mutual Aid claims is exercised. This information is available from the association Risk Manager.

12. Divisional Managers, along with the Coach Coordinator, shall ensure that each of their teams

has coaches, a team manager and a Safety Person, with the required coaching certification.

13. Divisional Managers will coordinate ice usage, requests and availability between the PMHA Ice

Allocator and the teams.

14. The Divisional Manager will distribute information to his/her Team Managers regarding:

a. Referee, coach and development clinic information (from various sources)

b. Ice time availability and changes (from/to the Ice Allocator)

c. Referee allocation, requests and notifications (from/to the PMHA Referee in Chief)

d. Carding and Affiliation deadlines, rules and regulations (from the Registrar)

e. Medical Forms, rosters and contact information (from the Registrar)

15. The Divisional Manager will ensure that the following equipment is distributed at the start of the

season and collected at the end of the season from/to each team:

a. First Aid Kits (from/to the Risk Manager)

b. Pucks and Goalie equipment (from/to the Equipment Manager)

c. Jerseys (from/to the Jersey Coordinator)

d. Sponsor Banners (from/to the Sponsorship Coordinator)

16. The Divisional Manager will ensure that the PMHA Registrar is notified of the following


a. Coaches, Team Managers, Safety Persons that must be insured BEFORE they go on the


b. Any players that are registered have attended no practices or games by Sept.15

c. Changes in address, name or phone number of any players in his/her division.

d. Team rosters as the teams are formed

e. Player movement after the teams are formed

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17. The Divisional Manager shall inform the Equipment Manager of any damaged equipment and

ensure that proper repairs are done as required. Please see the new Equipment Sign-out Sheet


18. The Divisional Managers shall bring any situations arising from financial hardship to the Ice

Committee, via request in writing for special consideration or financial assistance on behalf of

that player or family and provide the details of the situation.

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• Serve as an official spokesperson on behalf of the team

• Coordinate the delegation of responsibilities to the Assistant Coach and Manager

• Plan on-ice and off-ice team activities in consultation with the Assistant Coach

• Coordinate player evaluation and player selection in conjunction with the Coach Coordinator

• Plan, implement and control pre-game preparation and communication with the team

• Design the practise plans in consultation with the Assistant Coach

• Coach the Team in all games and practices

• Establish rules for the team and oversee the supervision of the players submit a year end report

which contains the following information; evaluation of the players performance, evaluation of

the team's performance, outline of practise plans and game strategy and recommendations on

how the program can be improved.

• Coordinate the implementation of the on-ice curriculum as outlined

• Report to the association through the Coach Coordinator or designate

• Ensure all team members uphold the rules and regulations of the CHA, BCAHA, District and local



• Strong hockey background in playing, coaching and evaluating

• Strong interest and commitment to child/athlete development

• Ability to work with fellow coaching personnel

• Ability to communicate on-ice and off-ice requirements to players and parents.

• Availability as to time requirements

• NCCP certified at the level indicated by CHA, BCAHA and PMHA policy


• Appointed via application and subsequent recommendation by the Coach Selection Committee

and ratified by PMHA executive.

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• Assist with player evaluation and the player selection process

• Assist with planning, organizing and conducting practices

• Assist with pre-game preparation

• Assist with the operation of the team during the game

• Assist with post game evaluation

• Assist with scouting and evaluation of opponents

• Assist with the supervision of players both on and off the ice

• Assist with the formulation of the overall game plan, as well as the game-to-game adjustments

• Submit a year-end evaluation report to the Head Coach containing observations on player

performance, team performance and general recommendations on the program

• Reports to the team head coach


• Strong hockey background in playing, coaching and evaluation

• Strong interest and commitment to child/athlete development

• Ability to work with fellow coaching personnel

• Ability to communicate on-ice and off-ice requirements to players and parents

• Availability as to time requirements

• NCCP certified at the level indicated by CHA, BCAHA and PMHA policy


• Appointed via application and subsequent recommendation by the Coach Selection Committee

and ratified by PMHA executive

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• Conduct regular checks of players' equipment for defects and advise parents


• Is responsible for promoting proper warm up and conditioning techniques as a form of

injury prevention

• Ensure that all ice and dressing room activities have adult supervision

• Report any arena deficiencies to Association Board.

• Establishes medical history files on every player and carries these files and the team first

aid kit on every outing

• Implements an Emergency Action Plan for the team and through this is prepared to

react in the event of accidents, injuries and medical emergencies

• Manages all injuries, learns to recognize serious injuries and refers injured players to

qualified professionals

• Monitor rehabilitation of injured athletes and ensure medical clearance to return to


• Submit injury reports to BCAHA and follow up as per Return to Play guidelines

• Report any player abuse to Board of Directors

• ensure each player has completed a medical form, at the beginning of the season, keep

the original in the team manager binder and keep a copy with the first aid kit The

medical forms must be shredded at the end of the season.


• Must be minimum age of 16

• Must attend and pass an 8 hour certification course, and re-certify every 3 years

• A safety background is an asset, but not a prerequisite

• All safety persons are encouraged to enhance their skills with current first aid and CPR



• Interested persons may identify themselves to the coach or team manager

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The Risk Manager shall be responsible for implementing, administering, and evaluating PMHA’s

risk management program. Some of the specific functions of the risk manager are:

• Become qualified in the Hockey Canada Safety Program.

• Become qualified in Respect in Sport / Speak Out!

• Coordinate booking of association HCSP clinics through the District Safety and Risk

Management coordinator.

• Attend association HCSP clinics as a liaison between association participants and the BC

Hockey Course Conductors.

• Ensure that all association teams have at least one HCSP qualified person assigned to

their team roster (for Hockey Canada certified teams by Dec. 1, by Dec 31 for all others).

• Maintain accurate and current association records of all HCSP qualified people.

• Attend association executive meetings and advise the executive of all safety and risk

management concerns within the association.

• Complete regular arena safety checks on all facilities used by the association and liaise

with the arena facility manager with respect to association safety issues.

• Conduct regular meetings with team safety people.

• act as a risk management advisor for association tournaments/special events.

• ensure that all teams have adequate supply of and access to mutual aid/injury report

forms and Hockey Canada injury report forms.

• establish a protocol for handling all injury report forms -i.e. receiving completed forms

BC Hockey 6671 Oldfield Road Saanichton BC V8M 2A1 [email protected]

www.bchockey.net Ph: 250.652.2978 Fax: 250.652.4536

• establish association protocol for response to serious injury and/or death of a member

i.e. association risk manager to be notified immediately, risk manager to notify BC

Hockey immediately, ensure serious injury report form is completed and forwarded to

Hockey Canada through the BC Hockey office.

• Receive and act upon all injury statistics.

• Inform facility manager(s) of any injuries which may arise as a result of


• Support the decision making authority of the team safety people and be prepared to

communicate with parents, team officials, or players should there be conflicts of opinion

with regard to removal from/return to play.

• Investigate all safety concerns reported by a team safety person or other interested


• Ensure every parent in the association is aware that “Safety for All” booklet is available

to download on the BC Hockey website.

• Review event sanction request form and guidelines with all team safety people to

ensure that every team knows what constitutes a “sanctioned” event.

• Review all event sanction requests before forwarding to the association President for


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• Advise facility management staff of the Emergency Action Plan.

• Set-up EAP information sheet for visiting teams / tournaments / special events.

• Receive all BC Hockey risk management bulletins and keep safety people current with

this information.

• Conduct annual safety / risk management meetings for parents.

• Be responsible for the association inventory of first aid kits. Distribute to teams at

beginning of season and establish replenishment procedures. If the association does not

supply kits, ensure that a well-stocked kit is easily accessible in every association facility.

• Encourage teams have completed their medical history forms prior to their first game of

the season.

• Be aware of TEAM FIRST program.






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Application Process

By asking volunteers to complete an application form, PMHA recognizes the seriousness of its

commitment to screening and provides a paper trail that will protect both the volunteer and


VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM – questions & format includes:

Volunteer Application Form

Association/Club name:


Name of volunteer:




City: ___________________________ Province: _______ Postal Code: _________

Phone (Residence): __________________ Phone (Business): ________________________

Position(s) you are applying for: Please indicate by prioritizing the position in which you would like to volunteer.

1. ________________________ 2. ________________________

3. ________________________ 4. ________________________

If your choices are not available, would you accept a different position?

____Yes ____No

Identify your previous volunteer position(s) and team category. (Attach personal resume if


Year Team/Association Category Position

______ _____________________ ______________ _______________

______ _____________________ ______________ _______________

______ _____________________ ______________ _______________

Training Experience: Coaching Program: ___Yes ___No

If yes, please complete below:

Level Year Obtained Location

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NCCP Certification Number


Initiation Program: ___Yes ___No

If yes, please complete below:

Safety Program: ___Yes


If yes, please complete below:

Safety Program Qualification

Number: ____________________________________________

Officiating Program: ___Yes ___No

If yes, please complete below:

Other relevant training ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are some of your personal future goals in the sport community? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why are you volunteering for this position? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Level Year Obtained Location

Level Year Obtained Location

Level Year Obtained Location

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References: (Please list three references i.e. parents, professionals). Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ Province: _______ Postal Code: ______________ Phone (Residence): __________________ Phone (Business): ______________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ Province: _______ Postal Code:_______________ Phone (Residence): __________________ Phone (Business):_______________________ Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ Province: _______ Postal Code: ______________ Phone (Residence): __________________ Phone (Business): ______________________ Screening Peninsula Minor Hockey Association is committed to reducing harassment, abuse and bullying in our programs. As a priority we are screening volunteers and staff to ensure the highest quality of personnel to support our programs and create a friendly and welcoming environment for our participants. Some positions require additional screening. Please be advised that your position may require a criminal records check and a vulnerable persons check. Do you wish to disclose any previous record(s) of offences? � Not applicable � No � Yes Official Charge Date of Conviction _____________________ Disclosure or discovery of a previous record of offence may be considered in the person’s application for position within the Peninsula Minor Hockey Association. Based on the circumstances of the record, a person may be excluded from participation within the Peninsula Minor Hockey Association. I hereby acknowledge that the information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I hereby consent to a member of Peninsula Minor Hockey Association contacting the references listed above. Signature_____________________________ Date ____________________ Personal information used, disclosed, secured or retained by Peninsula Minor Hockey Association will be held solely for the purposes for which we collected it and in accordance with the National Privacy principles contained in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act as well as Peninsula Minor Hockey Association’s own Privacy Policy.

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COACHING APPLICATION FORM – questions & format includes:

PMHA’s website has a “coaches’’ page” which explains the process and contains a link to the

application form that must be completed by all volunteers interested in coaching at PMHA:


The PMHA Coaching Application Form (revised May 13, 2008) requests the following




Telephone: (H) ____________________ (W) ____________________ (C)

Birth Date: (dd/mm/yy) _______________________ Place of Birth:

Employer: _________________________________ Occupation:

Employer's Address:


Preferred Coaching Assignment: (please indicate with a *)

(Level /Head Coach or Assistant Coach/A B C /Timbits (5-6) /Timbits (7-8)/Atom/Peewee/

Bantam /Midget /Juvenile/Female)

Certification: NCCP (National Coaching Certification Program)

(please be prepared to provide proof of your coaching certification upon request).

Level /Year Completed /Location

Initiation Program

Coach Stream (formerly Coach Level)

Development 1 (formerly Intermediate)

Development 2 (formerly Advanced)

Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP)

Speak Out

Other coaching courses or training activities:

Hockey Coaching Experience: (please list most recent first)

(Year/ Association/Team /Name /Division Position)

Other Coaching Experience: (please list most recent first)

(Year/ Sport/ Association /Age Group)

Playing Experience: (please list most recent first)

(Year/ Association/Team Name/ Division)

Coaching References:

Name: Address:


Phone Numbers

Name: Address:


Phone Numbers


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• I hereby consent to the disclosure of the above information.

• I hereby acknowledge the authority of the CHA, BCAHA, the District, and the local Minor

Hockey Association, and agree to carry out and abide by the constitutions, bylaws, rule and


• I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the coaches role outlined in the

Contract for Coaches, attached to, and forming part of this Coaching Application Form.

• I hereby agree to familiarize myself with the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)

Requirements for coaching minor hockey and ensure that I maintain the required level of


• I hereby agree to complete a Criminal Records check form, have it authorized by my local Law

enforcement detachment and return it to the Risk Manager before August 15.






This contract includes 2 major pieces:

• the Code of Conduct must be signed each year by each coach. This outlines how a coach is

expected to behave.

• the Responsibilities section outlines what a coach is expected to do under specific


Coaches Code of Conduct

1. I will treat my team’s players, their parents, the opposing team’s players, coaches, and

parents with respect and dignity.

2. I will conduct practices and games so that players have the opportunity to challenge

themselves and to improve their skills.

3. As a team coach of the Peninsula Minor Hockey Association, I will always conduct myself


4. I will offer only positive encouragement and assistance to my players.

5. I will strive to be the best coach I can be, both in games and in practices.

6. I will refrain from using profane language at all times.

7. I am committed to demonstrating good sportsmanship and a keen competitive spirit at all


8. I will regard all game officials with respect and understanding.

9. I will always ensure that when my team is participating in any hockey function that they are

properly, safely, and legally equipped.

10. I want to have as much FUN as I can while I am involved with hockey and I am committed to

ensuring my team does as well.

11. I will be reasonable in my demands of my players’ time, energy and enthusiasm, recognizing

that they are active individuals with a variety of interests.

12. I will endeavor to be fair and just in all my decisions.


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I am aware that the aim of minor sports is the personal and character development of EACH

participant and that every player in my charge will be given equal opportunity and

consideration in all situations and contexts. I am aware of the Peninsula Minor Hockey

Association’s Policy Statement and agree that any behaviour on my part that would be contrary

to the above COACHES CODE OF CONDUCT would forfeit my coaching privileges. I further agree

to attend all clinics and meetings as may be required by the Association.


Date: ____________________________

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Interview Process

Following the application process, and when necessary, PMHA conducts interviews providing an

opportunity for the volunteer applicants to speak to their background, skills, interests, and

availability, and also to explore any doubts about the suitability of the applicant.


General areas of questions include but are not limited to the following PMHA Guideline to

Coaching Interview Questions:


These sample questions have been grouped into five sections. Some questions may not apply.

Thus, the interview committee must select which questions are relevant and/or important. When

interviewing a number of candidates for the same position, it is recommended that you first

determine a bank of questions that will be asked of all candidates.


1. Can you describe for us what you did in this situation… It was halfway through the 2nd

period and it was a tight game. You have a line that was not as strong as your other two.

You wanted to win.

a. What have you done?

b. Tell us about a time when the outcome was favourable?

c. Tell us about a time when the results were not as favourable?

d. Describe what you expect your players to sacrifice in order to win?

2. For your last team, what, if any, team or individual objectives did you set?

a. How did you determine what they would be?

b. Were the objectives achieved?

c. Would you have changed any if you had to do it all over again?

3. You have outlined (assuming application form was completed) your interests in coaching

the coming year with this association. Outline you general philosophy and coaching


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4. As a coach, is it necessary for you to have a standard for the management of your players

and support staff before a game, during a game, at a practice, on a road trip? Please


5. What is your attitude with respect to off-ice activities? (i.e. Dry land training, school

sports, other social activities)

6. What is your philosophy on formation of lines?

7. What are your feelings about players playing more than one position?

8. What are your coaching objectives in order of importance?

9. What is the percentage of time you place on fundamental skills versus hockey strategy?

10. How important is winning?


1. What type of practice preparation would you do to ensure that you receive optimum

performance from your athletes in readiness for game play?

2. Tell us about a situation when it was important that one of your players learn a new skill.

Why was it important?

a. What was that skill?

b. How did you go about teaching the skill?

c. What was the result?

3. How do you define player development?

a. Please explain how the athlete learns new skills?

b. How do you teach new skill development?

4. What is skill analysis?

5. Describe briefly offensive and defensive team play.

6. Why is sound yearly planning essential to the successful operation of a hockey team?

7. How do you teach disciplined play?

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8. In tryouts, what skills are you looking for and how do you plan to evaluate them?

a. Is it necessary to provide feedback to your athletes on their progress?

b. When should this be done?

c. Would you prepare any formal evaluations for your players?

9. How do you organize your practices with respect to time for warm-up, cool-down, main

teaching time, fun activity and other coaches’ responsibilities?

10. Do you agree that to be a good coach you must also be a good educator? Specifically,

how is this true?


1. How are your team rules communicated to the players?

a. Tell us about a time when you had to discipline a player and either the player or

his teammates felt the discipline was unfair. How did you handle this


b. Give us an example of when your discipline was proved to be unjust or


i. How did you handle this?

ii. What was the result?

2. Tell us about an occasion you are proud of when you were able to instill a sense of

motivation into one or more players.

a. What was the situation?

b. What did you do?

c. What was the result?

3. Do you see yourself as a role model for the athlete? Why?

4. How do you handle the player who does not get along with teammates?

5. Explain your approach to individual and team discipline.

(i.e. Older groups out beyond curfew, younger players late for practices consistently.)

6. How do you handle:

a. The aggressive player who gets frequent penalties?

b. The player who does not pass the puck?

c. The superstar versus the weakest player?

d. The player who complains about ice time?

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7. What is your approach when dealing with players who have suggestions?

8. How would you handle a situation where there is jealousy between two players or

where two players dislike one another?

9. How do you handle behaviour changes of your players at the specific age group?

10. What makes players of this age-group different from adults?


1. Describe how you would handle a parent who has a different philosophy or game plan

than yours.

2. What is your approach when dealing with parents who have criticisms and/or


3. What is your approach when you hear that a parent is criticizing you “behind your

back” and hasn’t approached you on their own to discuss the concern?

4. How would you approach the parent who is excessively vocal and negative in the

stands knowing that it is affecting either their own child or the team?

5. How would you handle a complaint from a parent that his/her child does not play


6. How would you handle complaints/accusations from a parent that the team’s budget

isn’t in order and that there may be money missing?

7. What are the most important steps in dispute resolution?


1. If applicable: How do you feel about coaching your child? What are the advantages

and disadvantages?

2. What is it about coaching that you find most difficult or you need to work on the


3. Tell us about a situation that shows the most positive side of you?

4. Outline one coaching experience you think best characterizes you as a coach?

5. What do you want this particular team?

6. Would you work as an assistant coach?

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7. How would you handle dealing with your affiliate team throughout the season?

8. Should the coaching position not be available, would you consider accepting another

position at a different level? What are your preferences?

9. What is your opinion about coaching while holding a position on a minor hockey


10. Do you have anyone who would work with you as an assistant, manager or trainer?

11. How you ever been suspended under any hockey regulations as a player or coach?


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Reference Checks

The next step in PMHA’s screening process involves checking the applicant’s references.

References can confirm the background and skills of the applicant and will provide an outside

opinion on the suitability of the person for the position.

Among other things, references are asked about the applicant’s skill and suitability for the

tasks. PMHA will identify the level of trust that will be developed with children within the

position and ask the reference questions such as “would you be comfortable with [the

applicant] working along with your child?” Ample space will be left during the reference check

enabling open comment, such as in response to “Could you comment on [the applicant] and

how you think he/she would fit this job?”

PMHA’s Reference Check Call Sheet can be found on the PMHA website under forms, but the

relevant questions are repeated below:

Screening of Personnel Reference Check Call Sheet

(From the Red Cross Abuse Prevention Services)

Applicant Name:__________________________________

Names of References (a minimum of 2: personal, business, volunteer related)

Name Home # Work# Occupation

R1 -


Interviewed by:_________________________________


Name of Reference1:_____________________________


Name of Reference2: _____________________________


(Note to Screener: Describe position applied for to the Reference and why reference is being


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1. How long have you known the applicant? R1___________________


2. In what capacity?R1_____________________________


3. What are the applicant’s strengths?




4. Is the applicant




5. Is the applicant reliable?R1




6. Can they work independently?




7. How do they handle




8. How do they handle confidential information or positions of




9. Was their position of trust handled to your




10. Describe their relationship with




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11. Is there anything you feel we should be aware of in accepting this





To advise the Reference regarding PMHA confidentiality:

Personal information used, disclosed, secured or retained by Peninsula Minor Hockey

Association will be held solely for the purposes for which we collected it and in accordance with

the National Privacy principles contained in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic

Documents Act as well as Peninsula Minor Hockey Association’s own Privacy Policy.

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Criminal Record Check

PMHA requires all volunteers working with children (including all coaches, managers, HCSP,

executive members, divisional managers, and tournament directors) to complete a CRC every 3

years. Compliance and expiry are tracked by the Director of Volunteer Records and reminders

are sent out regularly. PMHA has also moved to an online service where applicants/volunteers

need only contact the PMAH Director of Volunteer Records for the link and password.

When the CRC is complete the policy agency sends PMHA a copy via email.

Review of the criminal records check and vulnerable persons check results will be completed by

PMHA and will be based on the following criteria: A satisfactory CRC is either:

• confirmation from the police that no criminal records and / or charges exist; or

• That any existing convictions and / or charges are not relevant to the position, as

determined by PMHA.

In determining whether any convictions and / or charges are relevant to the position, PMHA will

follow the lead/guidelines outlined in the Hockey Canada National Screening Policy, and, in

making the final decision, will consider the following:

(a) Relationship of the offence(s)to the nature of the position;

(b) Number and nature of the charges and / or convictions;

(c) When the offence(s) occurred; and

(d) What the individual has done since the date of the offence.

If after the review PMHA determines that the individual poses a risk and is not an appropriate

candidate for the position, PMHA will immediately notify the individual. PMHA will not

necessarily refuse a position to an individual because he or she has been charged with or

convicted of an offence of a type which does not pose a risk to the members of PMHA

considering the duties of the position the person is seeking to occupy.

Offences which could deem the individual ineligible to participate in any capacity with PMHA

are listed below. Note this is reference only and not a complete list of applicable charges

•Assault with a Weapon

•Assault Cause Bodily Harm

•Aggravated Assault

•Sexual Assault

•Sexual Interference

•Sexual Exploitation

•Invitation to Sexual Touching

•Making, distributing or possessing child pornography AND/OR current prohibitions or

probation orders forbidding the individual to have contact with children under the age of 14

•Indictable criminal offences for child abuse

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•Luring a Child


•Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking

•Production of a Substance (as defined in the C.D.S.A.)


Recommended offences for which disqualification from participation is to be determined by

PMHA are listed below. Note this is reference only and not a complete list of applicable charges



•Possession of a Substance (as defined in the Controlled Drug and Substance Act [C.D.S.A.])

•Impaired Driving

•Theft, Fraud and Related Offence (while in a Position of Trust)

•Convictions pertaining to illegal substances, other than for manufacture and/or trafficking

•Firearm Related Offences (other than use of firearm in the commission of an offence)

A summary of PMHA Volunteer Requirements can be found at:



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Orientation and Training

Orientation and training are an important part of the screening process. PMHA provides

orientation and training sessions relevant to the position. Certain sessions and events are

mandatory as they provide an opportunity for PMHA to pass on information, including manuals

and handbooks, and answer questions. The following outlines the orientation and training

currently required by PMHA:


• Hockey Canada’s NCCP. The program enables coaches to build their build their coaching

tools and knowledge of the game so that they can work effectively with their players.

Coach Stream, Developmental Stream, High Performance Stream.

• Association meetings and frequent coaching clinics and coach development sessions put

on by PMHA for PMHA coaches.

Managers (both team and divisional):

• Manager’s Manual (see PMHA website:



• Annual Manager’s Meeting

• Regular Association meetings.

Safety People (HCSP):

• Completion of Hockey Canada Safety Person Certification Program

• Regular Association meetings.

Board of Directors:

• PMHA Bylaws, Constitution and Policies handbooks

• Regular Association meetings.

• Monthly Executive meetings.

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• Hockey Canada mandatory training (Level 1-6) and recertification yearly;

• Regular Association meetings.

• Referee/Linesmen development sessions sponsored by PMHA and conducted by PMHA

Referee In Chief.

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Supervision, Evaluation and Follow-up

PMHA utilizes surveys and questionnaires completed by coaches, volunteers and parents in

order to evaluate PMHA volunteers and coaches. The PMHA Executive, including the 1st


President, is involved in the on-going supervision and evaluation of volunteers. Meetings occur

monthly and provide an opportunity for mentoring as well as performance appraisal. Any

comments and/or concerns are documented with follow-up as necessary by the 1st


President and, when warranted, the association’s Risk Manager.

An end of the year survey is completed by the PMHA membership and can be found at

https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Peninsula_coaches_survey. The information gleaned from

the surveys is confidential and is reviewed by the PMHA Executive to aid in the continuing

screening of volunteers. The survey includes the following questions:


1. Coaches Name:


2. What is the age group of your player?



Pee Wee





3. My child had a fun and positive hockey experience this season.

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree


4. My child improved his/her hockey skills and learned about the game at a level that meets or

expectations at their level of hockey.

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

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5. The coach instilled creativity and self-confidence in the players

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

6. The coach promoted sportsmanlike conduct and fostered shared respect amongst the players

towards referees and with other teams.

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

7. The coach treated all players fairly and exemplified all attributes of the Fair Play Codes for


Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

8. The coach has a balanced perspective between winning and skill development

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

9. The coach served as a role model

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

10. The coach demonstrated effective and appropriate bench management skills for the age and


Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

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11. The coach was consistent with team discipline

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

12. The coach communicated effectively with the players

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

13. The coach was respectful of the referees and game officials

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

14. The coach exhibited good leadership

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

15. The coach ran well organized practices

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

16. The coach had the ability to effectively teach skills and concepts

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

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17. The coach effectively used the assistant coaches in practices and games

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

18. The coach created good practices with good pace, tempo and flow

Strongly Agree


Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree


19. What did the coach do well?


20. What could the coach improve upon?


21. Should this coach be selected to coach next year?

22. Any feedback on the assistant coaches?

23. Do you have any other comments for the executive regarding coaching or the team your child

played on?

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In addition, PMHA Coaches periodically evaluate each other and the development programs in

place. Surveys are completed and reviewed in an effort to evaluate volunteers as well as the

various programs. See, for example, questionnaires to Coaches re: Development and Surveys

re: rep assessment process, attached to this outline.

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As a volunteer organization that provides services to children/youth, PMHA endeavors to do

everything it can to provide an adequate, appropriate, safe and well-managed minor hockey

program. PMHA takes seriously its responsibility to screen any person who will have access to

children. Screening is the process used by PMHA to select and evaluate volunteers who will

provide services for PMHA and takes place before people join the association and continues

until they leave.

As described in the foregoing outline, in designing its screening methodology, PMHA follows

the basis steps of risk management and addresses the elements of screening, to wit: Risk

Assessment, Job Description, Application Process, Interview Process, Reference Checks,

Criminal Record Checks, Orientation and Training and Supervision/Evaluation/Follow-Up.