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    (2 Hours) [Max Marks: 60

    N. B.: (1) All questions are compulsory.

    (2) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state the assumptions made.

    (3) Answers to the same question must be written together.

    (4) Numbers to the right indicate marks.

    (5) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

    I. Answer any two of the following: 10 a. b. What are the factors that can be abstracted with software economics? Explain in detail. c. How can the team effectiveness be improved? Explain. d.

    II. Answer any two of the following: 10 a. Enlist any ten principles of conventional process. b. Explain the significance of vision document. c. Write a short note on management perspective architecture. d. Explain the different lifecycle phases in detail.

    III. Answer any two of the following: 10 a. Explain interaction workflows. b.


    c. Explain different levels of evolutionary work breakdown structure d. Enlist the top seven workflows and explain any four of them in detail.

    IV. Answer any two of the following: 10 a. -of- b. c. Explain the basic fields of Software Change Order with the help of a template of the


    d. Project software standard is to be set by organization policy. Explain the statement.

    V. Answer any two of the following: 10 a. b. Write a short note on pragmatic software metrics. c. Explain the two dimensions of process discriminate with neat diagram. d. Enlist the factors of tailoring a software process framework. Explain the scale factor in


    VI. Answer any two of the following: 10 a. b. Explain the steps or strategies to make error-free software. c.

    d. Explain how modern process transition claims that to be fruitful.


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    I. Answer any two of the following:

    a. Ans:

    of large scale software systems at IEEE WENSON.

    The paper made 3 primary points:- (3 marks)

    1. There are 2 essential steps common to the development of computer programs: analysis and coding.

    2. In order to manage and control the development of software extra steps must be introduced which are system requirements definition, software

    requirements definition, program design and testing. These steps are added

    in analysis and coding steps. The resulting are added in analysis and coding

    steps. The resulting project profile and basic steps in developing a large scale


    3. testing is at end in the new waterfall model diagram which is risky and

    invites failure. Therefore the resultant changes might violate the design

    hence either the requirements must be modified or a substantial design

    changes is warranted by breaking the software in different phases.

    Suggestions to improve: (2 marks with brief explanation)

    Due to these problems in the waterfall model Winston suggested 5 ways to

    improve the development of the model.

    1. Program design comes first:- this is the 1st step towards a fix to insert a preliminary program design phase between the software requirements and

    System requirements


    Software requirements



    Program Design




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    the analysis phase. The software will not fail because of storage timing and

    data fluctuations.

    2. Document the design:- It is necessary to maintain complete and current documentation as the amount of documentation required by software

    programs are quite a lot.

    Need of documents:-

    Documents are required to identify the risk.

    Designer can communicate easily with interfaces, peers and customers.

    Documents gives clear view about the process.

    Documentation helps in creating future versions of the software.

    Documentation support later modifications by later teams such as test team,

    maintenance team and operations personal who are not software literate.

    3. Do it twice:- if the computer program is developed for the first time, arrange matters so that the version finally developed and delivered to the customer

    for operational deployment is actually the second version insofar as critical

    design/operational are concerned.


    4. Plan, monitor and control testing:- The biggest user of project resources is the test phase. This is the phase of greatest risk in terms of cost and schedule.

    In order to carryout testing the test team should be a separate team which do

    not include designers and should check for visual errors and process flows.

    5. Involve the customer:- It is important to involve the customer in a formal way so that he has committed himself at earlier points before final delivery

    by conducting some reviews such as preliminary software review during

    preliminary program design step. Critical software review during program

    design. Final software acceptance.

    The final diagram after improvements is as follows:-

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    b. What are the factors that can be abstracted with software economics? Explain in detail?


    Five factors (5 marks)(with relevant explanation)

    Software economics gives 5 fundamental features which are abstracted from

    software economics which are:-

    1. Size:- the size of the end product is measured in terms of the number of lines of source code or the number of function points required to develop the

    required functionality.

    2. Process:- Process is used to develop the end product. The process has the ability to avoid non value adding activities (rework, bureaucratic, delays,

    communications overhead). Process is a support heading towards target and

    eliminating essential/less important activities it is critical in determining the

    software economics like component based development, application domain,

    use case driven.

    3. Personnel:-the capabilities of software engineering personnel and their experience with computer science issues and application domain issues of the


    4. Environment:- environment is made of tools and the techniques which are available to support efficient software development and to automate the

    process. The example of tools available for support of software development

    are:- Integrated tools, automated tools for modeling, testing, configuration,

    managing change, defect tracking etc.

    5. Quality: - the quality parameter of software economics includes its features, performance, reliability, maintainability, scalability, portability, user

    interface utility, usability.

    The relationship among these parameters and estimated cost can be

    calculated by using:-

    System requirements

    Software requirements

    Preliminary design


    Detailed design




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    Effort=(personnel)(environment)(quality)(size process)

    c. How can the team effectiveness be improved? Explain?

    Ans:- (any 4 principles with brief explanation 2 marks)

    The team effectiveness can be improved by applying the principles given by

    bohem for improving the team effectiveness which are:

    1. Principle of top talent:- use better and fewer people. 2. Principle of job matching: fit the tasks to the skills and motivation of the

    people available.

    3. principle of career progression:- an organization does best in the long run by helping its people to self actualize.

    4. principle of team balance:- select people who will compliment and synchronize with one another.

    5. Principle of phase out:-

    In general staffing is achieved by these common methods:- (4 methods---2 marks)

    a. if people are already available with required skill set just take them. b. If people are already available but do not have the required skill retrain


    c. If people are not available recruit skilled people. d. If you are not able to recruit skilled people recruit and train people.

    Also the Project Manager must have the following skills to improve Team

    Effectiveness: (Enlist any 4 skills-1 mark)

    1. Hiring Skills 2. Customer-Interface Skills 3. Decision Making Skills 4. Team Building Skills 5. Selling Skills

    d. Write a short note on


    What is FP and Why FP? (1 mark)

    1.There were some of the disadvantages found in method of SLOC cost estimation

    technique like it was not useful or a new invention projects and not useful for fully

    component based models. So FP as a measure of estimation cost of software is being


    2. It is one of the measure/mechanism to know the size of the project

    3. it is used when it is brand new invented project and no case studies or prior

    documents for refence are available for help of the project.

    4. It can be used when the project is 100% customized or 100% component based.

    5. It is world wide accepted forum as it has its own consortium for universal

    function point.

    6. the primary advantage of using function point is that this method is independent

    of technology and is therefore a much better primitive unit for comparisons among

    project and organizations the main disadvantage is that the primitive definitions are

    abstract and measurements are not easily derived directly from the evolving


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    7. Function points are also probably a more accurate estimator in the early phases

    of the project life cycle.

    About UFP (1 mark)

    8. As function point has its own universal functional point these points depend on

    the following table:-

    Language SLOC

    Ada 71

    Aishell 49

    Apc 32

    Assembly 320

    Ansi 85

    Cobol 91

    Fortan 77 105

    Forth 64

    Jovial 105

    Lisp 64

    C 128

    C++ 29

    Modulo 80

    Pascal 91

    Report generator 80

    Spreadsheet 6

    There are 5 rules used to calculate LOC they are:- (5 rules 3 marks)

    a. How many number of input screen are going to be in the project:- The LOC

    depends on the no of input forms/screens available for the project.

    b. Number of output achieved:- The no of output achieved also helps to calculate

    LOC as based on number of outputs the particular coding will be required.

    c. Logical units:- It provides interaction between interfaces and logical units so

    based on number of logical units provided interfaces can communicate and that too

    helps in calculating LOC.

    d. Interfaces:- Interfaces enable communication between different parts of the

    project and can be a measure to calculate LOC.

    e. Graphical user interface:- the more Gui based interfaces provided the LOC

    differs so it is also a measure to calculate LOC.

    In this way function point is also a metric added to calculate the cost

    estimation of the project or software. It is added due to the disadvantages of SLOC


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    II. Answer any two of the following:

    a. Enlist any 10 principles of conventional process. Any 10 principles (out of 30) with very brief explanation-5 marks


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    b. Explain the significance of vision document? Ans:-

    What is vision document? (1 mark)

    Significance of Vision document (1 mark)

    Template of vision document (1 mark)