OCTOBER 2017 new developments in ST OUFFVILLE’s BEACON HILL plus a Call Out for Support from Downtown SPECIAL EVENTS A Halloween Hunt Looms 7 9 8 SPECIAL REPORT Reaching MARK HILDA 4 5 page 2-6 威卓多福 BEYOND our BORDERS WHITCHURCH - STOUFFVILLE on the road and 11

plus 威卓多福 - townofws.ca...overly-priced. Not to mention that the employment lands along Hwy. 404 are unserved by water and sewer, and we aren’t allowed to service them -

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Page 1: plus 威卓多福 - townofws.ca...overly-priced. Not to mention that the employment lands along Hwy. 404 are unserved by water and sewer, and we aren’t allowed to service them -

O C T O B E R 2 0 1 7

new developments inSTOUFFVILLE’sBEACON HILL


a Call Out for Supportfrom Downtown

SPECIAL EVENTSA Halloween Hunt Looms












o n th eroad

and 11

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业务发展 旅游业联络我们:David [email protected]


家庭活动高尔夫球场 农产品市场专门店


酒庄有机产品 鸭子店 夏令营






D 农





时尚包包 PKG6276 Main Street

Tanis Emmett Wedding Style是一个专为新娘服装剪裁的专门工作室。由Tanis Emmet她本人和一个五人组成的团队经营,业务量年均增长25%,每年服务超过1200名新娘子。客户可提前三至十二个月预约服务,有些客户,远至来自欧洲。他们设计的衣服,称身,令客人满意,而价钱合乎预算,即使客人需要把礼服分拆,然后再缝合,都不是问题。他们还会为顾客设计珠宝,及特别设计的鞋和其他饰物,配衬礼服。



David Barthau是安大略省少有的珠宝商之一,拥有内部最新的数码技术,可以为客人订制设计个人的首饰,他是这方面的大师级专家。他利用立体技术(3D),制造和设计模型,达致每一件手工制品都是完美的。David在工作时,都会穿着最好的衣服,对每个项目,表现出良好的态度和尊重。


大师珠宝制造商 BARTHAU JEWELLERS5758 Main Street




Gallucci酒庄于2014年开业。酒庄酿制的葡萄酒已经赢得了十二个奖项,包括冰酒。每个Gallucci 酒庄的员工,都是友善和好客, Gallucci酒庄逢周三至周日,全年营业,欢迎顾客品尝和购买产品。另外,逢星期六和星期日,顾客可以预订酒庄内葡萄园和生产设施导赏游。




APPLEWOOD FARM & WINERY 是 一个适合家庭玩乐的农场,自己採摘草莓,苹果和南瓜,它由同一家族拥有超过四十多年。活动方面,有马车遊,儿童游乐场和稻草山。



APPLEWOOD农场酒庄 by Victor Lee Photography

柳泉酒庄在过去十年中获得了18个奖项。Vidal冰酒在国内外都赢得了许多奖项。 Mario Testa是柳泉酒庄的酿酒师。他的工作谨慎细致,他相信维持低产量,大胆的口味和优质的冰酒。





Antonio Piro at GALLUCCI 酒庄 by Pretty in Pictures Photography

Micahel Zhang, Manager and Mario Testa, Winemaker at柳泉酒庄

King Cole Ducks是加拿大最大的鸭子养殖商, 是一间杰出的商店,每星期七天营业,店内供应全熟和新鲜鸭子食品。它是一间家族企业,在约克区僱用190名工人,拥有14个农场及1200英亩的土地,每年处理2,500,000只鸭子。

King Cole Ducks的大多数鸭蛋只用作孵化,不会出售。饲养的鸭子可以在宽敞及气候控制的饲养场内自由走动,所有鸭子都是用蔬菜,谷物饲料和无污染食水餵饲,不会用激素,贺尔蒙或添加剂。


非凡的鸭子店KING COLE DUCKS 15351 Warden Avenue


MARKETINGthe art of


Page 3: plus 威卓多福 - townofws.ca...overly-priced. Not to mention that the employment lands along Hwy. 404 are unserved by water and sewer, and we aren’t allowed to service them -

The Art of Marketing Beyond our Borders: an interview with the OTR Editor SPECIAL REPORT3background, like me. They said to him “go get busi-ness” - meaning smoke stacks. He looked around and saw one winery, a couple cheese shops, a bakery and a country-type festival. He said “wow, these are good bones”. This guy proceeded to market the story, and perhaps exaggerated the reality. Now look at PEC - you can hire wine and cheese biking tours and go glamour-camping.The beauty of the PEC story is that it demonstrates how to preserve what local people love - the coun-tryside - and expand the tax base at the same time. We have assets in abundance that Richmond Hill, Markham and Vaughan don’t have - open space, forests, farms, and fresh air; why should we compete with them in an urban game of chasing Amazon.com? It wouldn’t be a wise use of finite resources.

Q: Tell us more about the target audience.DT: We are sending this publication to 45,000 homes and businesses. They live and work about 1 kilometer either side of the 404, from Bayview to Kennedy, Highway 7 to Elgin Mills. This area has one of the highest concentrations of Chinese Cana-dians in York Region. Look at Ward 3 in Richmond Hill or Ward 6 in Markham - only between 4-6% of the population identify with having Canadian roots.The Chinese Canadians in these two wards are the equivalent of the total population of Whitchurch-Stouffville. Excuse the gross over-generalization, but - the audi-ence is affluent, they are motivated by high quality products - including foods and wines - and most importantly, they yearn for information, but rarely is information presented in a way that they prefer. These are good customers - if they can find your product.We have what many of them want: great food, farm markets, attractions, unique shopping ex-periences, local wineries, forest walks, children’s camps, golf courses and crafts. To craft a product that is perfectly consumable - it should be in the target’s primary language; in this case, Chinese. This will make it stand out. Don’t get confused: this isn’t a public service announcement translated into our official languages - this is a re-sults-driven, directed marketing effort.

Q: Why did you use Simplified Chinese and not Traditional Chinese?DT: This has been a pretty big learning curve for me. I’m a new Canadian too (2002), but my family landed in North America in 1675 - I have no back-ground in Chinese linguistics. It appears that mainland Chinese and the people of Singapore write in Simplified Chinese; these folks are predominant in the last 10 years of immigra-tion. Those from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia

Q: What is this publication?David Tuley (DT): It is a one-time 16-page news-paper that highlights about 50 local businesses. It is a much like a ‘best-of’ edition of On the Road (OTR). Geographically, we touched on everything from Gormley, Ballantrae and Vivian to Downtown Stouffville and the West End [west Main St.]. The sub-title of this piece is “a playground close to the city”; that’s what we are.Over the past 10 months of publishing OTR we have gathered a wealth of information about our business community, including facts and figures, profiles and stories, and a photograph collection. The work is done and paid for - why not get more out of our investment? After all, the primary goal of OTR in the first place is to market our existing business community.

Q: Not to ask an obvious question, but why is it in Chinese?DT: In chatting with or interviewing our local busi-ness owners - especially those in the countryside - it is clear that the bulk of their customers are not from Whitchurch-Stouffville, but rather the region around us. This is especially true for farmers, mar-ket stands and for those involved in tourism. With short seasons and a dependency on good weather, light customer loads won’t keep their boat afloat. We have a small population here in Whitchurch-Stouffville, and a finite ability to grow it.If you ask Applewood, Timber Creek or Treetop Trekking about their customer base - they will say that much comes from Markham, Richmond Hill, Aurora and beyond. They will tell you that their visitors are greatly mixed, but the fastest growing segment of these are Chinese Canadians.Even the W-S Museum reports similar results.And so, an objective was born - market our busi-ness community to outsiders that are nearby, and target the fastest growing audience that is already known for traveling here: the Chinese Canadians.

Q: As the Economic Development guy - are you doing this instead of chasing Amazon’s next headquarters?DT: Amazon isn’t coming to W-S anytime soon. We are, however, chasing new employment opportu-nities that have shown an interest in Whitchurch-Stouffville - OTR is a sideline to my daily activities. One has to be realistic though, our employment land supply is meager, it is privately owned and overly-priced. Not to mention that the employment lands along Hwy. 404 are unserved by water and sewer, and we aren’t allowed to service them - yet! This will be rectified.I’d like to draw your attention to Prince Edward County (PEC). About 15 years ago, they hired an economic development guy with a private sector

威卓多福 A new Chinese name for

Whitchurch-Stouffville that means - “a successful Town of many blessings and good fortune”

write in Traditional Chinese. Since Simplified text is a simpler version of the Traditional language, they should be able to read most of it, with some exceptions.

Q: Will we be impacted by this?DT: Yes, hopefully - in positive revenue for our tax paying businesses. I don’t want people to pick up and move here - that would cost us money. I was taught in university that the average single-family home costs more to service than it pays in property tax. The people that come and spend money, and then leave, don’t require community centres or fire protection - less public cost is incurred in the realm of tourism.

Q: Was this difficult to produce?DT: Not really, but there were challenges. Chinese print is pleasing - it is architecturally beautiful and a pleasure to work with graphically. An unexpected problem was that Whitchurch-Stouffville, translat-ed phonetically - 托维爾 - as a long, meaningless name, which is not good posture in many cultures. According to a rule of thumb, for an international company to successfully break into the competitive Chinese market, the characters of a name should adhere to the following rules: (1) the name should sound similar to the English name; (2) it should be easy to remember and pronounce; and (3) the characters should cast the product in a positive light. Having the wrong Chinese name can sometimes result in franchise failure. When Best Buy first opened its doors in China in 2007 with the name 百思买, that sounds similar to its Western name, but it roughly translates as “think 100 times before buying,” which isn’t ideal. Best Buy shut its doors in China in 2011 due to the lack of success.I am told that the Chinese name for Markham translates to “thousands of splendid prospects”. So the challenge was on to find a name for W-S that has meaning and sounds similar to its English name. After five or six renditions we have rested with: “威卓多福,” which sounds similar to Whitchurch-Stouffville, and should be taken to mean - “a suc-cessful Town of many blessings and good fortune”. In an act of kindness, a staff member’s father created the name and translated this issue for us. Perhaps we should get Council to adopt it one day; I don’t know how this is done officially.

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Small Businesses Engaged Beyond our Borders


Hilda Crick-McDermott is the owner of Spahket is one of our favourite female-run businesses - and that means a lot given that so many of our local businesses are driven by successful women.

Hilda has been selling Spahket products at local events, trade shows, and farmers’ markets around Ontario. In early summer Hilda opened her first storefront - not any storefront - inside the grand and iconic Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Downtown Toronto (who hosted Prince Harry’s stay during the recent Invictus Games).

I always felt a store would be a good thing. I was recommended to the hotel by a friend and couldn’t pass on such a fantastic opportunity. Being in this location allows for Spahket to be available to both Canadian and international customers. After all Spahket means natural portable luxury-so the store location seemed like a perfect fit.

Hilda reports that she has a nice welcome at the Royal York. “People are learning about us and what we offer. Because of the time of year, it has been a slow start, but we’ve had repeat customers and awesome response.”

Hilda’s business was born in response to a family need, as one of her sons was diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease. This inspired her to make the transition to natural products; however, she also struggled to find any that were good enough, and pure enough, to help her eczema ridden children.

With a combination of experience along with extensive research and product testing on family, loyal friends and neighbours, Spahket was created - a line of luxurious, natural products.

To learn more about Spahket products visit spahket.com.“

Hilda Crick-McDermott and Spahket products [immediately above]Hilda’s first storefront at the Royal York [far above]


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Mark Hayward and Lisa Darchiville have operated Velvet Sunrise, a wholesale craft coffee roasting business on Ringwood Drive since 2009. They have recently leased a storefront in the Wychwood-Davenport neighbourhood of Toronto to open a cafe. The new place is named Crosscut Coffee, and is in the final phases of construction.

Mark mentioned that they have collaborated with Denise Gilham of Born Again Shabby Chic, a neighbouring Ringwood business, to refinish furnishings for the cafe. Denise represents another self-made small business: she graduated from her “kitchen studio” to renting her own commercial space at 100 Ringwood Drive. She has acquired a reputation locally for fair pricing and quality work.

Small Businesses Engaged Beyond our Borders SPECIAL REPORT5

Mark stocking the new place - Crosscut Coffee [below]Denise Gilham refinishing furnture [below left]

The Velvet Sunrise espresso trailer [bottom left]

The goal is to get closer to being a vertically integrated company, following the coffee bean from seed to cup. Our trip to Costa Rica put us closer to the supply chain - the opposite end to where we are going now. “

This is not Velvet Sunrise’s only engagement beyond our borders. Last summer they outfitted an espresso trailer. The trailer is a classy food truck-type vehicle, with custom paint job and a fold-out wooden counter. It is often present at events that take place in our Memorial Park, but has been a mainstay at the Unionville Stiver Mill Farmers’ Market on Sundays.

If you happen to be in the Wychwood area of Toronto - drop by Crosscut Coffee for a great cup of Stouffville-roasted coffee; 1142 Davenport Road at Ossington.

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Exporting Made Easier Beyond our Borders SPECIAL REPORT6Dear Business Owners, As the Member of Parliament for Markham—Stouffville, I would like to share some details regarding the new Canada/European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the potential it has to benefit businesses like yours.

If your firm is currently exporting to the European Union (EU), or are considering doing so in the future, this new free trade agreement offers many advantages to your company including the elimination of tariffs and the reduction of non-tariff barriers.

If you export services rather than goods, you will also enjoy preferential access to EU markets, putting you on the same footing as EU firms and giving you a distinct advantage over most of your non-EU competitors.

To give you a good idea of the size and strength of the European economy, consider this: there are more Fortune 500 companies in the EU than anywhere else in the world, including the U.S. That makes the EU a key hub for global supply chains.

CETA will offer tremendous opportunities for Canadian companies to plug into these supply chains—especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are the backbone of the Canadian economy and the lifeblood of our communities.

Companies will benefit from the increased visibility that comes with a free trade partnership, and new opportunities to bid on contracts to supply goods and some services to all levels of EU government – that includes its 28 member states and thousands of regional and local government entities, including schools, hospitals and utilities.

That’s why our Government has been so focused on raising awareness of CETA in the SME community.

To assist Canadian businesses, the Government of Canada has created a number of new CETA-related resources that we would like to share with you:

• The new Canada Tariff Finder (www.tariffinder.ca) allows you to easily find and compare the tariffs for your products in the EU and other markets—saving you time and allowing you to see the concrete benefits of CETA for your business;

• The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (http://tradecommissioner.gc.ca) stands ready to assist you in more than 160 cities across Canada and around the world, and provides export-capable firms such as yours with on-the-ground intelligence and practical advice on foreign markets. Its services are free and its value proposition is compelling; and

• To find out more specific details about CETA and what it means for your business, you can visit: www.international.gc.ca/CETA.

This is an exciting time for Canada. Now more than ever, Canada is positioned for success in traditional markets like the U.S., established markets like Europe, and fast-growing emerging markets in the Asia-Pacific and elsewhere.

We wish you all the best of luck in your business efforts, and the Government of Canada is committed to supporting you in any way we can.

Sincerely,Hon. Jane Philpott

Member of Parliament for Markham-Stouffville

“ This gives you unprecedented, duty-free access to a market

of more than 500 million consumers.

Smaller companies, in particular, will find it easier

and less costly to compete and succeed in the EU market.

“ CETA allows Canadian companies to be first in

line to establish customer relationships, networks and

joint projects in the EU—well ahead of competitors from

markets like the U.S. that do not have a trade agreement in

place with the EU.

For export financing:canadabusiness.ca/grants-and-financing

For export expertise:tradecommissioner.gc.ca

To compare tariffs for your products:www.tariffinder.ca

For more about CETA:www.international.gc.ca/CETA

For trade financing, export credit insurance and bonding services, as well as foreign market expertisewww.edc.ca


On the Road received an open letter to the business community from our Member of Parliament:

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A CALL OUT FOR SUPPORT FROM DOWNTOWN 7Our Downtown Coordinator, Tina Sharma inter-viewed the Downtown business community in the construction zone, along Main Street near Park Drive. If a generic letter had been compiled from their comments - it would read like this:

Dear Community,The construction on Main Street has created much noise and disruption for the past many weeks. It is impossible to park, and sometimes hard for our customers to access our driveways.

Sometimes our entrances are blocked, making it difficult to make or receive deliveries. Seniors will not walk to our shops during construction, and for that matter, not many other people do either.

Our sales have dropped an average of 50%. Please visit us soon! We’d like to continue providing you with goods and services.


Downtown Business Owners

Construction in the road right-of-way is not easy on anyone, business included. It impacts some businesses more than others.

We found that businesses located a half block outside the zone were somewhat relaxed about the whole issue, while those in the zone were directly impacted. Service-type businesses have adjusted better than retail businesses.

The primary objectives of Main Street Recon-struction are to: replace aging infrastructure, including pavement, sidewalks, water mains, sanitary sewers and storm sewers; accom-modate future growth; enhance the visual aesthetic of the Main Street streetscape; and improve pedestrian safety, amongst other things.

The Town has done its best to reduce the effects of construction - a steering commit-tee was set-up to help guide the engineering consultant through the planning and detailed design services, the project has been split into small phases over multiple years, and the business community is being monitored.

However, the business community still needs community support.

Continued on Page 10

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We wrote about the new Canadian Mar Thoma Church at 159 Sandiford Drive in the December 2016 edition of On the Road (www.townofws.ca/otr). Apparently, the origin of the Mar Thomites or ‘Thomas Christians’ is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the Christian world.

Thomas Christians believe that the apostles were sent by Jesus to evangelize various nations. Judah Thomas Didaemus, or ‘Doubting Thomas’, drew the lot of India, travelling down the Red Sea and across the Persian Gulf to land on the palm-lined coast of Kerala of southern India.

Here in India, Thomas founded 7-1/2 churches, laying the foundation of Christianity - in the eastern world. We cannot prove or disprove the existence of Thomas in India, but perhaps the existence of Mar Thomites in Stouffville, Ontario, with ancient tradition and customs, is evidence enough.

The church is 33,000 square feet in Phase 1. Occupancy is expected sometime soon. Phase 2 is expected to include a conference centre and gymnasium. They have a history of participating in local events, like Santa Claus Parade, and of giving to local charities and food banks.

To learn more visit canadianmarthomachurch.com


Rev. Samuel with Members of the Board, December 2016 [right]The Canadian Mar Thoma Church, September 2017 [above]


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Stouffville Pentecostal Church is the first of three different projects to commence in the Beacon Hill Business Park this past summer. With an action statement in hand - “a growing church serving a growing community” - construction has moved quickly, that is, once they got past the rains of early summer. The new facility will provide for a bigger church and a space that will provide for daycare, youth and adult programs, as well as have community meeting rooms, a gymnasium and banquet facilities.

Land was cleared at the end of last month at Mostar & Hoover Park to make way for the development of business park condos. The site is immediately adjacent to the Stouffville Pentecostal Church. The first phase of the project will include 30 units.

Further up Mostar, across from the Royal Canadian Legion, another business park condo building is being constructed. This one was slow to start, but fast to go up. It should be complete soon. There are 17 units available for lease or sale.

Stouffville Pentecostal Church [far above]Business Park Condos [above & right]

Developments 9

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Continued from Page 7

Below are a few of the businesses we interviewed in the construction zone:


Card’s has been in business since 1968. Card’s is still very much a family operated business, led by Graydon Card. Graydon is an old-school, business person - the type you seek out for knowledge and advice. He is involved in the community and has served as a local volunteer in many capacities.

Card’s has had 3 locations in Stouffville in the 50 years that they have been in Stouffville. Cards carries many brand names, such as GE, Amana, Bosch, KitchenAid, and Jenn-Air. The most compel-ling reason to shop here, as opposed to a faceless box store is - who has the most at stake to provide good service if the appliance malfunctions? The local business does.

Graydon’s daughter Ainsley is involved in the busi-ness. “Downtowns are the heart and centre of a community. They keep downtowns open. Small businesses are the draw for people,” said Ainsley. “And, small businesses are involved in the commu-nity, support local events and fundraising efforts,” she added. HEADLINES SALON, 6328 Main

Two brothers, named Marc and John Galati, own Headlines Salon. We meet Marc and a crew of re-markable hairstylists. He seems wild and crazy in one moment, followed by being incredibly down to earth and grounded the next. The overall team has amassed more kudos than can be listed here; Marc’s list alone is almost too long:

Marc is one of only eleven master hairdressers that is spotlighted on Joico’s website. Joico is an international haircare product company, with

a headquarters in Connecticut, laboratories in The Netherlands, and offices in California and Quebec. As it turns out, Marc is an international platform artist for Joico.

The Marilyn Denis Show came to Stouffville once to interview Marc about the latest trends. He has been on Citytv’s Breakfast Television, featured on W Network’s “Search for an Expert”, and appeared on City Line TV when he was winner of Makeover Competition - Canada’s longest-run-ning lifestyle show. Recently, he was interviewed by Salon Magazine. He’s also a featured artist on CosmoProf’s website, a New York distributor of salon products that has over 1,200 stores in North America.

Marc is quoted on the Joico site as saying “Every-one expects a good haircut. But you have to make it better by making sure the great work is there, the customers are taken care of, they feel com-

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fortable, and they can’t wait until their next visit. That’s the ultimate goal.” When he talks about mentors, he says that his brother John was his first mentor; “John provided a strong foundation in creating a good client experience and develop-ing my skills in hair and colour.”


We met up with Larry Aaron Koffman and listened to his story. The motto at Aaron K. Purveyors is: “Let us bring a taste of the country into your kitchen.” They drive all over the province to hand pick each and every item in the store.

“We’re one of the few remaining country style stores,” says Larry.

Aaron K. Purveyors specializes in Mennonite meat products, such as naturally smoked extra-lean ba-con, hormone-free steaks and roasts, free-range

poultry and additive-free sausages with no fillers or gluten.

In the Bakery section, you can find a large selec-tion of gluten-free cookies, crackers, chips and biscotti, potato rice-flour bread and Mennonite pies and butter tarts.

Larry says that they strive to get to know each of their customers personally, catering to their indi-vidual needs and providing top quality customer service. Best of all, they will deliver orders over $60 on Wednesdays in Toronto and surrounding areas.

Specials are being constantly announced and things happening at Aaron K. – we recommend that you follow their Facebook page.

SPECIAL EVENTSA Halloween Hunt Looms

On Saturday Oct 28, from 10am to 1pm, the Magical Land of Oz comes to Main Street Downtown Stouffville, starting from the GO Station.

The Halloween Hunt Event has been a down-town tradition for several years. Last year the event featured the cast of Sesame Street and hundreds of children with their families poured the streets of downtown to take part.

This year children can follow the yellow brick road to the many businesses handing out treats and to many activities that will be fea-tured.

SMOKERY’S FARM TO SUPPER SERIES:with the 19th Avenue Farmer’s Market

Oct 19th 7PM Farm to Supper Dinner $50: 1st course House Made Focaccia with oven dried tomatoes, caramelized onions, black olives and anchovies, balsamic reduction Greens; 2nd course Butternut Squash Ravio-li, Orange Cauliflower and parmesan puree, roasted garlic and sage; 3rd course Roasted pork loin, Smoked with creamed leeks and sautéed maple Brussel spouts; 4th course Tomato Pudding with Walnuts and Sweet Cream.

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The agenda for the Council meetings will be available for review at the Municipal Offices, Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library and on our website 12:00 p.m. (noon) the Thursday prior to the meeting. To listen to the Council meetings live, visit townofws.ca/cmlivestream. Also follow our Twitter account @ws_townhall for live updates during council meetings.

WS Walks indoor programs begin October 10 and runs until May 18, 2018. Meet up at SoccerCity at 8:30 a.m. Monday to Fridays. For more information visit townofws.ca/wswalks


Sign up here: eepurl.com/cKPNg9

The Town’s new Council e-Newsletter is now open for subscriptions. This newsletter, delivered directly to your inbox, will summarize decisions made at the previous night’s meeting, announce upcoming Public Meetings and provide other important Council-related information.


GhouliciousSaturday, October 28th - 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Bring your little ghouls to the Museum for an exciting Halloween treat! All participating children will decorate a sugar cookie, design a loot bag and go trick or treating around the Museum property.

Children: $10.00, Adult: $5.00 Recommended Ages: 3-10. Pre-registration required. ACTIVITY CODE: 3671

An Evening with William Lyon MackenzieSaturday, November 4thCocktails: 6:15 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m.

Do we really know William Lyon Mackenzie? Join author Chris Raible as he dispels myths, discusses folk tales, and introduces us to the real William Lyon Mackenzie.

Enjoy an 1830s inspired dinner, tavern décor, live entertainment by local award-winning bagpiper Jarrod Purvis, and more.

Tickets are selling fast! Call to purchase. $60.00 per person. Call 905-727-8954 for more information. Register with WS Play online or in person at the Leisure Centre or Museum.

Don’t miss out! Mark your calendars for Stouffville Reads 2017 on Thursday, October 19th at Willow Springs Winery. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with the event getting underway at 6:00 p.m. Tickets cost $20 and are on sale now at the library.

Bring your friends and join us for an evening to celebrate reading and community! Enjoy a silent auction, food, and wine, all while supporting your Library’s major renovation and expansion project. Find the list of the Stouffville Reads Community Champions and their book selections for the one book Stouffville should read at wsplibrary.ca


Pool Temporarily Closed: Great progress on the Leisure Centre and Library Expansion is being made this fall. In order to continue working on the planned improvements the pool section of

the facility will be closed to the public for approximately 8 weeks from August 28 to November 1, 2017. The fitness area will remain open with full public access to the fitness equipment.

Held at the Stouffville Arena(12483 Ninth Line North)

Friday October 27, 20176:00 — 7:30pm

Trick or Treating!Games! Face Painting!

Perfect for all your little ghosts and goblins!

Ages 3-8

For More Information Call: 905-642-7529Presented by your Halloween Hosts...


Sunday October 29, 2017, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Art Demonstrations; Free Draw & Refreshments; VISA and MASTERCARD


Lebovic Centre for Arts & Entertainment -Nineteen on the Park

(Behind the Clock Tower)


At the Council meeting scheduled for Oct 24, 2017, consideration will be given to the proposed amendment of the Procurement By-law 2013-136-FI. An amended Procurement By-law will be enacted at the October 24, 2017 Council Meeting, unless directed otherwise by Council.

Any comments or questions can be forwarded to Steve Mills, Procurement Supervisor, by email: [email protected]

COMMUNITY NEWSOctober 15 - November 14, 2017


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24Council Meeting at 3 p.m.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Council Meeting at 7 p.m.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Council Meeting at 3 p.m.

Customer Service:(905) 640-1900 or (855) 642-TOWN (8696) townofws.ca

Whitchurch-Stouffville Town Hall111 Sandiford Dr., Stouffville ON L4A 0Z8