The Hard-Rock'n Bi-Weekly Magazine The kickass Local Edition www.plugdinmagazine.com www.plugdinmagazine.com Inside This Issue Artist spotlight: Mike Truehart of The Dawn of apollyon (part 1), Impact: Johnny Plague, dear dead abby, vikki sin speaks: the do’s and don't’s of stage presence, 5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could happen (Part 2) 43 We rock out w/ mike truehart

Plug'd In Magazine Issue #43

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Plug'd In Magazine Issue #43

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Page 1: Plug'd In Magazine Issue #43

The Hard-Rock'n Bi-Weekly Magazine The kickass Local Edition


Inside This Issue Artist spotlight: Mike Truehart of The Dawn of apollyon (part 1), Impact: Johnny Plague, dear dead abby, vikki sin speaks: the do’s and don't’s of stage presence, 5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could happen (Part 2)


We rock out w/ mike truehart

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Artist spotlight: Mike Truehart of The Dawn of apollyon part 1 Interview by Michael Demos and Danielle Welgemoed


I recently got a chance to chat with Mike Truehart of

Dawn of Apollyon. Mike is guitarist for D.O.A. and a

very vocal and active supporter of the local music scene.

I’ve have been wanting to pick his brain for a while and

see exactly how he got his start, his future plans, and

how he feels about all sorts of thing. Here’s part 1 of his


PI: So how long have you been playing the guitar and do

you play any other instruments?

MT: I've been playing guitar since I was about 12 when

my brother got one for his birthday...only I kind of stole

it away from him ha-ha. But since then it's been my main

focus. I've also played drums, trumpet, and have dabbled

a bit into piano. As of late I have been studying mainly

classical guitar as well as some jazz. I feel like at a cer-

tain point everyone has to step outside of their comfort

zone and really challenge themselves in order to better

themselves as musicians.

PI: What are some of your favorite bands, both local and signed?

MT: The response to this could literally take up probably the entire magazine. My favorite local

bands are pretty much everyone that we have ever had the pleasure of sharing the stage with: From

This We Rise, Rivers of Nihil (we didn't share the stage with them, but they're great friends of ours),

20til8, Saturnalia, No Remorse For The Fallen, Apocryfiend, Moments of Silence, CHINGA!, Ambi-

ent Ruins, Screams of The Insane, The Way, Slapjaw, Relic, Meet At Sundown, Deception Theory,

Save The Zombies, Imora, Throdl...the list could literally go on and on. As far as 'signed' bands are

concerned, if we're strictly talking about just metal: Daath, Opeth, Mastodon, Behemoth, At The

Gates, Chimaira, Between The Buried and Me, Divine Heresy, Fear Factory, Meshuggah, The Devin

Townsend Project/Strapping Young Lad, In Flames, Trivium, Lamb Of God, The Human Abstract,

Unearth, Sylosis, Machinehead, Mushroomhead, Pantera...just like the local pages, this list is pretty

much never ending...But I'm really into a lot of different musical tastes I guess you could say. My

iTunes play list covers pretty much every genre there is. Lately I've been listening to a lot of Jazz,

Blues, and Classical music.

PI: How long have you been friends with Chaz Squillace and what are your thoughts on him?

MT: Chaz and I have been friends for close to two years now. He is one of my closest and best

friends, as well as probably one of the best, explosive, heavy handed drummers that I know. Besides

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being a great drummer he's just

an insanely talented person, and

gives 110% to whatever it is he

does. He's a great guy, and his

band kicks ass; and yes Doug, I

know you'll be making fun of

me for this.

PI: What is your favorite venue

to play at?

MT: A venue is a venue. A stage

is a stage. Not to say that we've

played them all or anything, but

we just love to play anywhere

that we can. If there are people

and we can get up in their faces

and share the experience of live music with them, we're going to love it. But without a doubt, our

favorite place to play is back home in Reading.

PI: Death Metal Jeff or the Fuck Yeah Guy?

MT: No comment. I don't want either of them to devour my soul! They're both awesome guys, and

obviously, widely known as two of the coolest peoples at local shows.

PI: What do you like to do when you're not playing music?

MT: Practice...practice a lot ha-ha. I also enjoy working out, cooking, going out to see new things

and places. Believe it or not the whole band spends a lot of time together, so we pretty much see

each other and hang out every day. It's cool to be a part of such a well-knit group of friends.

PI: Have you been in any other bands previous to Dawn of


MT: Yeah, I've been in quite a few. None that necessarily came

into full existence within the local music scene but I think

DOA is the largest thing that any of us as musicians have

done. Jim and I were also in Of The Ninth Circle. Chris was in

a local indie project called The Scarlet as well as a few others.

Bryan, we just made play bass. And that's pretty much his sto-


PI: What are some of your goals for the next year?

MT: It's funny...DOA hasn't even been around for a year. It's

crazy to think about now that we look back upon it because

we've played so many shows and gotten so far as a band with-

in the little time that we've been a unified band. The next year

is going to be quite the pivotal point. People are either going to love us or hate us. DOA and original

vocalist, Mike Hart, parted ways [We've recently begun working with a new vocalist...look for an

announcement soon!]. This brought kind of a dark shadow over our heads, at least with how we got

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viewed when fans didn't get to hear the whole story or ex-

planation of why we all decided to party ways. But, in light

of the situation, we began to write darker, heavier, and faster

music. So...the fans are going to have that to look forward

to. We will be in the studio again with Mike Radka on De-

cember 6th and 7th to record a quick two song EP that we're

still trying to decide what we're going to do with. We have a

lot of big things in the works but we don't want to discuss

them all so that we don't jinx them ha-ha! For now, it's just

business as usual. Play as hard as we can and as many shows

as we can [possible tour dates this summer] and just have a

good time doing it. You can't really do anything else other than try to have fun.

PI: What are your views on the local music scene and what do you think all local bands should do

more of?

MT: I'm very honored to be a part of such a good scene. I think that the local scene in Reading/

Berks County/Pennsylvania in general has been on the upswing lately and it's an exciting thing to

see. There are so many good and upcoming bands now. Unfortunately there's the whole economy

crisis going on...so it's hard to get a ton of people out to shows like there were back in like, 2006.

But I think that's finally starting to turn around. The bands coming out now are more original. It's

not the same repeated generic breakdown crap anymore. People are starting to become musicians,

and that's exciting. I think local bands should find what makes them happy, and play that. Don't sell

out to try to become the next biggest thing. Don't follow the trend. Then you're just a grain of sand

on the beach. Try to stand out and do something different. I think a lot of bands take themselves

way too seriously too. These bands need to have fun. Another big piece of advice I want to give is

to make small, realistic goals. Don't make your first and foremost goal to get signed and tour the

world...because chances are, that's not going to happen for a long time. So shoot for something a bit

closer to home; recording a demo, playing x number of shows in x number of cities within x num-

ber of days, print merch, so on and so forth. Taking all those little steps one at a time will lead to a

much further destination than you would have if your only goal was to 'get signed and tour the


PI: Where did you get the name Dawn of Apollyon from?

MT: Originally the name of the band was Apollyon. Apollyon is a mythological and biblical crea-

ture. In modern times, Apollyon was looked upon as the Angel that brought forth the end of times.

However, it was never said if he was the one that was bringing forth all the plagues, or if he was be-

ing forced to do it. So the name of Apollyon kind of has a dark, mysterious name to it and we

thought that represented the band well because we could take it in any direction that we wanted to

from there on. We then ran into some legal issues because of books and movies having a similar

name so we were forced to change it. We didn't want to change it to something too far off from the

original name so we added 'Dawn of' in front of it. It still brings forth that dark, mysterious mes-

sage. Our EP and LP named releases will also have to do with the end of times as well, just to fit

into suit well.


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Zumba Classes Forming Now!

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Abby was born and raised in the coal regions of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

The oldest of eight, she constantly had her younger brothers and sisters ask-

ing her questions about everything from how things work to why that boy

threw dirt on her. She’d try to steer them straight with her advice, though

sometimes she could be a bit sarcastic.

Abby also had an uncanny ability to see the truth in people, despite what

they tried to portray with their lies. Unfortunately, this led the locals to be-

lieve that she was with surrounded with dark forces. The summer before her

final year of school, Abby was sentenced to death by hanging, without a prop-

er trial, simply stating that she was a witch. Abby can’t recognize the faces of

her family through death, but she answers questions, thinking it might be one

of her siblings needing her guidance.

Q. My Mother is coming to visit us for a week over Christmas. She will be

staying at our house. She and my boyfriend do not get along at all. Any tips on how to make this Holiday more bearable? C.C.

A. They can either coexist peacefully for the holidays, or someone can leave. It’s really quite simple. Adults should be able to

put their differences aside for the sake of their loved ones. They should at least be able to be civil to each other. What if things

progress between you and your boyfriend to where he becomes your husband? Does she intend to be the mother in law from

hell? It’s natural for a mother to think that no one is going to be deserving of their children anyway. They both need to accept

that the other is in your life, and not leaving it anytime soon, so they need to make the best of it, and eventually even possibly

find things about the other they actually like.

Q. My girlfriend and I just broke up. We had a huge fight and she slashed my tires and scraped up my car. The cops came and

arrested her and now they want me to press charges against her. Personally I think she deserves it. What should I do? P.B.

A. Why did you break up? Did you do something to her or does she think you did something to her that would constitute re-

venge? Haven’t you ever heard the phrase “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”? Women are emotional creatures that quite

often do things that cannot be explained. Sometimes we don’t even remember why we did something, just that it seemed like a

good idea at the time. However, it is not to be taken as an excuse. People still have knowledge of what is right and wrong, and

can base their actions accordingly. Think carefully about what you do. It has no effect on you whether you press charges or not,

but it could impact her future. I don’t know you or what kind of person you are, but something like this cannot be taken lightly.

Perhaps you could make a deal where you won’t press charges if she agrees to pay for the damages to your car. Ultimately, it’s

up to you. I would look back on the relationship and ask myself if that’s really how I wanted to end things.

Q. I like to cut myself. My friends think it’s weird. I don’t see anything wrong with it. I’m not trying to kill myself. I just like

the way it feels. Is there something wrong with me? Anon

A. Yes. I should hook you up with the freak that likes to put fish hooks through his balls. He doesn’t see anything wrong with

that either. To each their own, right?

Q. Christmas sucks. I wish we could replace it with some new Holiday. If you could replace it what would be your new Holi-

day? S.D.

A. Public Hangings.

Q. My best friend’s girlfriend just told him she is pregnant. He seems really happy. Thing is…I know for a fact she cheated on

him at a party and it’s around the same time she got pregnant. Do I tell him? I don’t want to see him get hurt, but I also don’t

want him to raise a baby that might not be his. Help! N.F.

A. Well, you could casually mention about a “friend” of yours going through a similar situation. Gauge what you tell him by his

reaction. I wouldn’t tell him at first though. I would tell his girlfriend to tell him herself, or you’ll do it for her. Or, you could

mind your own business. I absolutely loath people that stick their nose where it doesn’t belong. They would be attending my

holiday listed above.

Dear Dead Abby From The Grave

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work in a clean



1402 N. 9th Street Reading, PA 19604

Fri. December 9th: NORTH END – You You Dark For-est – Pride Of A Lion

Sat. December 10th: HORROR FOR THE HOLIDAYS FES-TIVAL : Featuring : SUFFOCATION + Revocation – Divi-nation – Believer – Rivers of Nihil – Black Anvil – DeMilitia – Pale Harvest – March To Victory – Metrix and more

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Fri. December 23rd: The Winter Solstice Jam 2011 with: Flux Capacitor – Good Lovin’ Jam Band – Psycadelphia + Ross Garlow (acoustic)

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Impact: Johnny Plague Interview by Danielle Welgemoed Taylor

I was able to interview the one, the only Jonathan Cooke aka

Johnny Plague of deathcore band Winds of Plague. I played a

show in Allentown, PA at the Croc Rock on November 26

with Winds of Plague as a part of Thrash and Burn Tour. We

talked about his feelings on tour, the weirdest show they've

ever played, and the meaning behind some of the songs…


PI: How are you doing today and how is Thrash and Burn

Tour going so far?

JP: It's going really well. I'm enjoying every second of it. The

bands are all enjoyable to be around. We've befriended all of

them, but Volumes is probably my favorite band to play with

on this tour.

PI: What song has the most meaning to you and why?

JP: All of the songs have some sort of meaning behind them. We don't

usually write songs about nothing. I think as far as most meaningful, it

would definitely be a hard decision.

PI: What show has been the weirdest, craziest, or strangest for you since

you've been signed?

JP: Definitely a show we played in Atlanta a few years ago. One of our

fans told us that a ghost would ruin our set, and we managed to get

through our set, but some weird shit happened after the show. Ha-ha.

PI: Where did the name "Winds of Plague" come from?

JP: Well, we were originally Bleak December, but decided to change it

to Winds of Plague after an Unearth song, Endless. [Growing wings of

sorrow/have brought you the winds of plague.]

PI: What venue has been your favorite to play so far since you've been a band?

JP: I honestly couldn't tell you. They've all had their fair shares of pros and cons, and the fans have

always been awesome. It would just be too hard to choose just one.

PI: If you could give advice to all unsigned bands who want to make it big, what would it be?

JP: Don't do it just to get signed or make it big. Don't expect to make tons of money either. It takes a

lot of hard work but if you're doing it for the sake of playing music and you put your mind to it, it'll



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No matter what kind of a musician/band/rapper you are it‘s im-

portant to take into account the entertainment value of your per-

formance. Some people will argue that that shouldn’t matter, it’s

about the music only, and blah blah blah. Now of course it should

be about the music, but you shouldn’t underestimate that while

people are tuned in audibly, they want to be entertained visually,

even if just a little. There is, after all, a reason why shock rock is

such a popular ticket. I still say Kiss only made it that far because

of what the look like.

Having an act that people want to pay money to see is vitally im-

portant if you’re going to make a living in this fickle industry.

Now, not everyone is going to fall under the pig mask/soda

spraying clowns/guillotine on stage sect, but what you have to

realize is that even if it’s 3 dudes on chairs with instruments, it’s

all in the way you present yourself. Your goal is to captivate that

audience in some way shape or form that has them leaving the venue going “Man, I really want to

fucking see them again.”

First of all, be present. Music should be your escape. It’s generally the fans escape and that’s why

they came to see you play, so give them what they came for. Whatever bullshit you have going on,

put it aside for that time frame and be fully tuned into your performance. Make eye contact, jump

around the room, get in people‘s faces if you have to. Put everything you’ve got into it. Always

play like you’re playing to a roomful of A&R reps from all the top record labels that have ever ex-

isted. Because, well, you never know. This is especially important for acts that use no props, cos-

tumes, paint, masks, etc. You have to work all the juju on your own.

In a group, one person lagging can bring the whole mood down. If you’ve got 2 guitarists head

banging their hearts out, and your bass player is just standing there doe eyed staring at the door,

people are going to be a little distracted. Me personally, I love a band that coordinates guitar

whips and little steps and movements like that. It adds a really cohesive element that drives the

music home.

Originality is key when you’re incorporating other elements into your show. Do something no

one’s ever seen before. If you look like you’re biting someone else’s style, people probably aren’t

even going to give you a chance. Nobody wants to see another Slipknot clone or a slightly differ-

ent spin on ICP’s face paint. Bring something different or don’t bring anything.

There’s a fine line between tongue-in-cheek performances and making a mockery out of things.

Make sure the level of campiness matches your songwriting style. There’s such a thing as too

much. If you’re rapping on a serious note about how tough life was growing up in suburbia, and

you have 12 strippers in cheap costumes flinging candy at the crowd, it’s probably going to look

super cheesy. Consequently, that may work for a group rapping about dead bitches. You have to

really, really own it if you’re going to go really far with your act. Commit to it. Keep with the

same tone for every show too. Don’t play a show on Friday where you’ve got an entire sideshow

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If you would like your band featured in Plug’d In hit us up @

[email protected]

act, and then Saturday come out in jeans like nothing happened. Stick with the schtick, as it were.

Could you imagine Alice Cooper without the…well, everything?

Above all else, it’s obviously about giving 110%. It’s true that if you put your heart and soul into

something, it shows, and that’s what people want to see. And if people want to see you, that’s really

all a performer could ask for. That, and lots of press. That being said…

Inspiration for this column came mainly from the following Eastern P.A. bands that give you your

money‘s worth: The Curse of Sorrow- for image, movement, and audience participation. Wolfpac-

everyone loves strippers and masked men. 20til8, because throwing cake at the crowd IS metal.

Dual Diagnosis- for having no special image or props, but a really present and entertaining vocalist

Check them out (on Facebook AND in person)

Contact Vikki @ [email protected]

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5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen (Part 2) By: TE Sloth,

David Wong

#3.The Real Rage

Virus- As seen

in ...28 Days Later

What is it?

In the movie, it was

a virus that turned

human beings into

mindless killing machines. In real life, we have a series of brain disorders that do the same thing.

They were never contagious, of course. Then, Mad Cow Disease came along. It attacks the cow's spi-

nal cord and brain, turning it into a stumbling, mindless attack cow. And, when humans eat the

meat ...

How it can result in zombies:

When Mad Cow gets in humans, they call it Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Check out the symptoms:

Changes in gait (walking), Hallucinations, Lack of coordination (for example, stumbling and falling),

Muscle twitching, Myoclonic jerks or seizures, Rapidly developing delirium or dementia

Sure, the disease is rare (though maybe not as rare as we think) and the afflicted aren't known to

chase after people in murderous mobs. Yet. But, it proves widespread brain infections of the Rage va-

riety are just a matter of waiting for the right disease to come along.

Chances this could cause a zombie apocalypse:

If the whole sudden, mindless violence idea seems far-fetched, remember that you are just one brain

chemical (serotonin) away from turning into a mindless killing machine (they've tested it by putting

rats in Deathmatch-style cages and watching them turn on each other). All it would take is a disease

that destroys the brain's ability to absorb that one chemical and suddenly it's a real-world 28 Days


So, imagine such an evolved disease, which we'll call Super Mad Cow (or, Madder Cow) getting a

foothold through the food supply. Say this disease spreads through blood-on-blood contact, or saliva-

on-blood contact. Now you have a Rage-type virus that can be transmitted with a bite.

Just like the movie. With one bite, you're suddenly the worst kind of zombie: A fast zombie.

#2.Neurogenesis- As seen in ...Laboratories around the world.

What is it?

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You know all that controversy

out there about stem cell re-

search? Well, the whole thing

with stem cells is that they can

basically be used to re-

generate dead cells. Particular-

ly of interest to zombieologists

like us is neurogenesis, the

method by which they can re-

grow dead brain tissue. You

can see where this is going.

How it can result in zombies:

You wanted the undead to

make an appearance in this ar-

ticle? Well, here you go, you

creepy bastards.Science can pretty much save you from anything but brain death; they can swap out

organs but when the brain turns to mush, you're gone. Right?

Well, not for long. They're already able to re-grow the brains of comatose head trauma patients until

they wake up and walk around again. Couple that with the new ability to keep a dead body in a state

of suspended animation so that it can be brought back to life later, and soon we'll be able to bring

back the dead, as

long as we get to

them quickly


That sounds great,


Well, this lab dedi-

cated to

"reanimation re-

search" (yes, that's

what they call it)

explains how the

process of

"reanimating" a

person creates a

problem. It causes

the brain to die off

from the outside in.

The outside being

the cortex, the nice part of you that makes humans human. That just leaves the part that controls basic

motor function and primitive instincts behind.

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You don't need the cortex to survive; all you need is the stem and you'll still be able to mindlessly

walk and eat and enjoy Grey's Anatomy. This is how chickens can keep walking around after they've

been beheaded (including one case where the chicken lived for 18 months without a head).

So, you take a brain dead patient, use these techniques to re-grow the brain stem, and you now have a

mindless body shambling around, no thoughts and no personality, nothing but a cloud of base in-

stincts and impulses.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what we like to call a real, live, undead fucking zombie. So there.

Think about it. Under every legal system in the world, all rights and responsibilities are terminated at

death. All it takes is someone with resources and a need for a mindless workforce of totally obedient

slave labor.

How long until somebody tries this? We're betting somebody in the world, maybe North Korea, will

have a working zombie by Christmas.

#1.Nanobots- As seen in...Michael Crichton's novel Prey, The PS2 game Nano Breaker

What are they?

Nanobots are a technology that science apparently engineered to make you terrified of the future.

We're talking about microscopic, self-replicating robots that can invisbily build--or destroy--

anything. Vast sums of money are being poured into nanotechnology. Sure, at some level scientists

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know nanobots will destroy mankind. They just can't resist seeing how it happens.

How it can result in zombies:

Scientists have already created a nano-cyborg, by fusing a tiny silicone chip to a virus. The first thing

they found out is these cyborgs can still operate for up to a month after the death of the host. Notice

how nano scientists went right for zombification, even at this early stage. They know where the hor-

ror is.

According to studies, within a decade they'll have nanobots that can crawl inside your brain and set

up neural connections to replace damaged ones. That's right; the nanobots will be able to rewire your

thoughts. What could possibly go wrong?

Chances this could cause a zombie apocalypse. Do the math, people.

Some day there will be nanobots in your brain. Those nanobots will be programmed to keep func-

tioning after you die. They can form their own neural pathways, meaning they can use your brain to

keep operating your limbs after you've deceased and, presumably, right up until you rot to pieces in


The nanobots will be programmed to self-replicate, and the death of the host will mean the end of the

nanobots. To preserve themselves, they'd need to transfer to a new host. Therefore, the last act of the

nanobot zombie would be to bite a hole in a healthy victim, letting the nanobots steam in and set up

camp in the new host. Once in, they can shut down the part of the brain that resists (the cortex) and

leave the brain stem intact. They will have added a new member to the unholy army of the undead.

Now, it should be more than clear by this point that our goal is to be responsible researchers. We

don't want to create a panic here. All we're saying is that on an actual day on the actual calendar in

the future, runaway microscopic nanobots will end civilization by flooding the planet with the can-

nabalistic undead.

Science has proven it.

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Special thanks to all the following for making this issue happen:

Without you...well, we just would have had to work a little harder.

The Reading Tattoo Co, American Heroes, Belly Busters, 1Up Collectibles, Its All The Rage Hair

Designs, Vertical Pole Fitness, Pottstown Tattoo Co, Gotham City Tattoo, The Last Level, Pocket

Aces Skate Shop, Crocodile Rock Café, Danielle Welgemoed Taylor, Michael Demos, Liana Marie,

Nicole Marie, Nicolle Stella, Vikki Sin, Tyler Heckard, Bandi Budwash, David Barber, Justin Ernst,

Designs By Your Arsonist, Roadrunner Records, Century Media, W.M.G., Victory Records,

Facedown Records, Fearless Records, Metal Blade records, E1, Hollywood Records, Disney,

Adrenaline P.R., Solid State Records, DRP Records, Strike First, Rise Records, Tech Basement, The

Children's Home of Reading, Bimbo Bakery, Pepsi, Smaltz’s Harley Davidson, SLP Concerts, and

all the amazing National and Local bands we’ve had the privilege to work with.

Man, We need your Help!! Want Tickets? Meet and Greets? Exclusive Access? Hanging out with your favorite Musician? The Experiences of a Lifetime?

Plug’d In is looking for the following:

Transcriber Photographer Interviewer

Writer Columnist


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2605 Kutztown Rd. Reading Pa 19605

