DEC’13 “Getting to know each other” This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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“Getting to know each other”

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be

held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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The Glorious of Bresse

This is a competition of Bresse poultry internationally

renowned, held annually in December in four cities in our

“department” of Ain: Pont-de-Vaux, Louhans Montrevel- -

en-Bresse Bourg-en-Bresse.

In 1862, the Earl of HON, a deputy, organized the first

competition between 116 livestock farmers. The birds

competing are capons, turkeys and hens. The winner of the

honor prize "capon" receives in

Bourg-en-Bresse a Sevres vase

offered by the French President.

Judging criteria are the

whiteness of the skin, the

harmony of forms and the

homogeneity of the farmer's stock.

Les Glorieuses de Bresse

Il s'agit d'un concours de volailles de Bresse de renommée

internationale, organisé chaque année au mois de

décembre dans quatre villes de notre département : Pont-

de-Vaux, Louhans, Montrevel-en-Bresse et Bourg-en-Bresse.

C'est en 1862 que le député de l'Ain, le Comte de HON,

organisa le premier concours entre 116 éleveurs. Les

volailles en compétition sont les chapons, les dindes et les

poulardes. Le gagnant du prix d'honneur

« chapon » reçoit à Bourg-en-Bresse un vase

de Sèvres offert par la Présidence de la

République Française.

Les critères de jugement de la volaille

sont la blancheur de la peau, l'harmonie

des formes et l'homogénéité du lot de


4ème B

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The praline pie

Feel like eating something sweet?

Make a praline pie!

The ingredients are for 8 people. Mix the flour (250 gr),

the sugar (100 gr), the softened butter (130 gr) and one

egg together in a bowl. Once this preparation is complete,

place the dough in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 200 °C.

Now let’s prepare the filling: you need 500 gr pink pralines

and 50 cl liquid cream. Boil the cream then add the

pralines. Mix vigorously the ingredients with a whisk. Boil

it for 15 minutes, then let the preparation on the

extinguished fire.

We must now roll out the dough and

bake it for 20 minutes.

Take it out of the oven

and spread the filling on

it. Serve it cold for



Did you know it?

In our local area, the praline is a sweet made of pink-

sugared almond.

La Tarte aux pralines roses

Vous avez envie d’un peu de douceur ?

Faites une tarte aux pralines !

Les ingrédients sont pour 8 personnes. Pour cela, mélangez

d’abord dans un bol 250 grammes de farine, 100 grammes

de sucre en poudre, 130 grammes de sucre pommade et un

œuf. Une fois cette préparation terminée, placez votre

pâte dans le frigo pendant 30 minutes. Préchauffer le four

à 200 °C. A présent, nous allons préparer la garniture : il

faut 500 grammes de pralines roses et 50 cl de crème

liquide. Faites bouillir la crème liquide et ajoutez les

pralines tout en remuant énergiquement avec un fouet.

Laissez bouillir pendant 15 minutes, puis laissez votre

préparation sur le feu éteint. Il faut maintenant

étaler la pâte puis la faire cuire 20 minutes dans le

four. Retirez-la du four et terminez en étendant la

crème aux pralines sur la pâte. Attendez que la tarte

refroidisse pour la déguster. Bon appétit !

Le saviez-vous ?

Dans notre région, la praline est un bonbon constitué

d’une amande qui a été enveloppée de sucre teinté en



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A few famous French celebrations

On the 2nd of February, it’s « Chandeleur Day ». The

French People make pancakes with their family and


Valentine’s Day, on the 14th of February, is dedicated to


May 8th and November 11th are two days dedicated to

the celebration of the end of the 2 World Wars.

The 21st of June is the celebration of music with free

concerts all over the country.

Bastille Day on the 14th of July, which is the national day

in France.

It commemorates the French

revolution and the end of monarchy. A

grand military parade is held on the

Champs Elysées. People celebrate it

with fireworks and parades in many


Christmas Day, on the 25th of

December, celebrates the birth of

Jesus. The night before, people go to the

mass and have a big meal with their family. Then in the

morning, the children open the presents which are at the

foot of the Christmas tree.

Quelques fêtes célèbres en France La Chandeleur, fêtée le 2 février, est le jour des

crêpes avec toute la famille et les amis.

Le 8 Mai et le 11 Novembre sont des jours fériés. Ces

deux dates commémorent l’armistice de la 1ère et de la

2ème guerre mondiale.

La Saint-Valentin, le 14 Février, est dédiée aux


La Fête de la musique est célébrée en France le 21

juin. Des concerts gratuits ont lieu dans tout le pays.

Le 14 Juillet est le jour de la fête nationale en France.

Cette date commémore la révolution

française et la fin de la monarchie. Une

grande parade militaire a lieu sur les

Champs Elysées. Des feux d’artifices

sont tirés dans de nombreux villages.

Le 25 Décembre fête la naissance

de Jésus Christ. La veille, de

nombreuses familles assistent à une

messe de minuit et se retrouvent autour du

repas de Noël. Le lendemain matin, les enfants ouvrent

les cadeaux mis au pied du sapin.

3ème Section Européenne

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THE EUROPEAN DAYS OF HERITAGE 1913-2013 » 100 years of patronage

The success that these two national days have each year in

September, proves the importance of enhancing our History

through different places and major sites as well as the

interest shown by the public. Again this year, the town of

Mâcon (Saône et Loire prefecture) has more than twenty

classified sites or registered as historical

monuments such as the City Hall, the Hôtel Dieu

Apothecary, or the Saint Clément

archaeological site.

The term “historical monument” was used for

the first time in 1790 to qualify the destroyed

Bastille a year earlier. It’s only in 1819 that a

budget has been dedicated for the patronage of

French historical monuments. On the 31st of

December 1913, a law establishes a wish to

protect the buildings as much as the furniture.

Within one hundred years, this patronage has

widespread for the benefit of the natural,

industrial, gastronomic al and traditional heritage. Each

monument is symbolized by a logo depicting a maze inspired

by Notre Dame Cathedral of Reims. Enjoy your visits!


1913-2013 »100 ans de protection

Le succès que ces deux journées nationales qui ont lieu en

septembre rencontrent chaque année, témoigne de

l’importance de valoriser notre histoire à travers les sites

et lieux majeurs ainsi que de l’intérêt porté par le public.

Cette année, la vile de Mâcon (préfecture de Saône et Loire

a plus d’une vingtaine de lieux classés ou inscrits au

titre de monuments historiques, tels que l’Hôtel de

ville, l’Apothicairerie de l’Hôtel Dieu ou encore le site

archéologique de Saint Clément. Le

terme « Monument Historique » fut proposé pour la

première fois en 1789 pour qualifier la Bastille un an

auparavant. Il faudra attendre 1819 pour qu’un

budget soit dédié à la protection des monuments

historiques français. Le 31 décembre 1913, une loi

consacre et fixe une volonté de protéger le

patrimoine mobilier ; immobilier et meubles. En cent

ans, cette protection s’est diversifiée au profit du

patrimoine industriel, naturel gastronomique,

folklorique, etc. Chaque monument est symbolisé par un

logo représentant un labyrinthe inspiré de la cathédrale de

Notre Dame de Reims. Bonnes visites à tous!

4ème Section Européenne

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The Ponte Copertooo

Whoever comes to Pavia can gaze upon the famous Ponte

Coperto, a bridge which is a reconstruction of an older

bridge, from the 1300’s, that was destroyed during the

World War II. As a tradition, every September there is a

scene of fireworks over the bridge that represent the end

of summer of the Festa del Ticino, that’s full of stands,

river tours, music, and the Notte Bianca. Il Ponte Coperto

also holds the “barcè” event, typical boats from Pavia.

A famous legend says that the city is home of a marvellous

bridge, that connects the centre with the village, thanks to

the deception of the Archangel Michael against the devil.

Gianni Rodari, a writer, tells a

story in which the protagonist

is Mr La Palisse, while a band

from Pavia, the “Fiò dla

Nebia”, sang it in 2001 in the

song “Vampire Blues”.

Il Ponte Coperto

Chi arriva a Pavia può ammirare il famoso Ponte Coperto,

che è la ricostruzione di uno più antico, trecentesco,

andato distrutto durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Come

è tradizione, tutti gli anni a settembre fa da scenario ai

fuochi d'artificio di fine estate della Festa del Ticino,

arricchita da bancarelle, escursioni sul fiume e notte bianca.

Hanno partecipato all’evento anche i “barcè”, tipiche

barche pavesi.

Una famosa leggenda narra che la città ottenne il suo

meraviglioso ponte, che collega il

centro con il borgo, grazie all’inganno

dell’arcangelo Michele ai danni del diavolo.

Lo scrittore Gianni Rodari vi ha ambientato

una storia, il cui protagonista è il signor di

La Palisse, mentre un gruppo musicale

pavese, i “Fiò dla Nebia”, lo hanno cantato nel 2001 in

“Vampiro blues”.

Class 2F

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in Pavia

Frogs are a table delicacy in Lombardy, specifically in

Lomellina (an area in the province of Pavia) and in the city

of Pavia. In the Middle Ages frogs were bound up with the

world of witchcraft. By the time, they became a valuable

source of food for the peasants. In our area there is a dish

that is so special to become a “must” in wedding banquets:

“Risotto with frogs”, it is a delicious dish that we propose

to taste. Rice is cooked slowly

in fried garlic, with broth

enriched with

boneless thighs

of about 20

frogs. Add

also parsley,


onions and carrots,

celery, oil, salt, pepper, white

wine and grated Parmesan cheese. Preparation takes time

and attention, but the result is excellent.

Le rane a Pavia

Le rane sono una ghiottoneria della regione Lombardia e in

modo particolare della Lomellina e della città di Pavia. Nel

medioevo la rana era uno degli animali legati alla

stregoneria. Con il passare del tempo è diventata una fonte

di sostentamento per i contadini. Nella nostra zona esiste

un piatto così speciale che è diventato un “must” dei

banchetti nuziali: il Risotto con le rane. E’ una delizia che

proponiamo di assaggiare. Dopo aver soffritto l’aglio il riso

viene lentamente cotto nel brodo arricchito dalle cosce

disossate di circa 20 rane. Aggiungete anche prezzemolo,

cipolle e carote a pezzetti, sedano, olio, sale e pepe, una

lacrima di vino bianco e Parmigiano grattugiato.

La preparazione richiede tempo e cura, ma il risultato è

decisamente eccellente.

Class 2L

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Down the streets of Pavia with Albert Einstein

Walking in the historic centre of Pavia we stop in front of

Palazzo Carnazzani. A plaque reminds us that Einstein's

family lived here. His father had the factory "Officine

elettroniche nazionali

Einstein&Garrone" next to the ship

canal. In 1895 the young Albert

joined his family in Pavia where he

enjoyed himself instead of studying in

Switzerland. Here Albert liked cycling, swimming in the

river Ticino and walking around the hills of Oltrepò with a

girl whose name is Ernestina Mrangoni. They were friends

and he wrote a lot of letters to her in perfect Italian. In his

father's factory Albert had a laboratory where he did

experiments. During his stay here Einstein had fun but he

also developed his scientific genius.

Per le strade di Pavia in compagnia di Albert Einstein

Passeggiando nel centro storico di Pavia sostiamo davanti al

Palazzo Cornazzani. Una lapide ricorda che qui visse la

famiglia Einstein. Il padre, infatti, possedeva vicino al

Naviglio, la fabbrica "Officine Elettroniche Nazionali

Einstein-Garrone". Nel 1895 si trasferì a Pavia anche il

giovane Albert, preferendo agli

studi in Svizzera lo svago nella

nostra città. Qui Albert si

divertì a fare giri in bicicletta,

bagni nel Ticino e passeggiate

nell'Oltrepò in compagnia di

una ragazza di nome Ernestina

Maragoni,con la quale manterrà il rapporti di amicizia per

tutta la vita, scrivendole lettere in perfetto italiano. Nella

fabbrica del padre Albert aveva un laboratorio dove compì

alcuni esperimenti. I due anni trascorsi a Pavia furono un

periodo spensierato di divertimento, ma anche la prima

affermazione del suo genio scientifico.

Class 2A

Palazzo Cornazzani

Officine elettroniche nazionali


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The Church of San Teodoro

The Church of San Teodoro is an important monument of

the Middle Ages. It is in the south-west area of the city: this

was the area of the harbour on the river Ticino.

The Church of San Teodoro was built at the end of the 12th

century on a previous church dedicated to Saint Agnes,

whose origins were early medieval.

The new church was dedicated to the

bishop Teodoro, who protected the

town during the siege of Charlemagne

in 774. Inside there are many medieval

frescos, the remains of a large floor

mosaic that represents monsters and

symbolic images. It was discovered a few

years ago. In the left nave, the battle of Pavia is portrayed

in two large frescos of the 16th century (at first, the two

frescos were superimposed).

La chiesa de S.Teodoro

La chiesa di S. Teodoro è un importante monumento

medievale. Essa si trova nel quartiere zona sud-ovest della

città, ai bordi del terrazzo fluviale su cui sorge Pavia. Nel

Medioevo, questa era la zona del porto sul Ticino.

La chiesa di S. Teodoro è stata costruita alla fine del XII

secolo sopra una precedente chiesa più antica dedicata a

S. Agnese di fondazione altomedievale.

La nuova chiesa fu dedicata al vescovo Teodoro,

che difese la città durante l’assedio di Carlo

Magno nel 774.

L’interno conserva molti affreschi medievali, i

resti di un grande mosaico pavimentale che

rappresenta mostri e disegni simbolici; il mosaico è

stato scoperto pochi anni fa. Nella navata sinistra, due

grandi affreschi del XVI secolo rappresentano la battaglia di

Pavia del 1525 (in origine, i due affreschi erano sovrapposti).

Class 2G

16th century fresco, medieval mosaic and facade

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According to the


Edrisi, Almada

castle was built

in the XII century,

during the



The first castle of

Arab origin was destroyed in a battle between Christians

and Moors being rebuilt in the reign of Sancho I. The castle

was important for Christians because it helped protect

Lisbon from Moorish attacks.

Almada was a strategically important location, being

awarded a Foral by King D. Sancho I in 1190.

From the 12th to the 18th century the castle has suffered

many transformations due to various historical events such

as the crisis of 1383-85 and the 1755 earthquake. At present,

the castle serves Almada of the military installations of the

GNR (a national military security force), that prevents the

visit and research by historians.


De acordo com o geógrafo Edrisi, o castelo de Almada foi

construído no século XII, no período da reconquista Cristã.

O primeiro castelo, de origem árabe, foi destruído nas lutas

entre cristãos e mouros sendo reconstruído no reinado de D.

Sancho I. O castelo era importante para os cristãos porque

ajudava a proteger Lisboa dos ataques dos mouros. Almada

tornou-se um local estrategicamente importante, sendo-lhe

atribuída uma carta de foral pelo rei, D. Sancho I, em 1190.

Desde o século XII até ao século

XVIII o castelo sofreu várias

transformações devido a vários

acontecimentos históricos como a

crise de 1383-85 e o terramoto de

1755. Na atualidade, o castelo de

Almada serve de instalações aos

militares da GNR, o que impede a

visita ao mesmo e a investigação

feita pelos historiadores.

Catarina Pessoa, 8ºD

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Almada is our hometown. It is on the south bank of the river

Tagus. We face Lisbon, the capital of the country. The trip

between Almada and Lisbon can be made by car, train or

ferryboat. By ferry we take no longer than 10 minutes, by

car we have to cross

25th April bridge, that is

like San Francisco

Golden Bridge. Near the

bridge we have Christ-

king monument similar

to the Brazilian Christ-


Almada is also near Costa de Caparica where we have some

of the greatest beaches of Portugal with a long coast line.

We have a big hospital, a lot of green areas like Peace Park.

We can use a light train to travel around the town.

In Almada there are a lot of schools, hotels, a big shopping

centre (Almada Forum), a public library, museums… We

have a main square too, called St. John’s Baptist square.

That’s it, our town has many things and it’s a good place to



Almada é a nossa cidade natal. É na margem sul do rio Tejo.

Estamos em frente de Lisboa, a capital do país. A viagem

entre Almada e Lisboa pode ser feito de carro, comboio ou

de barco. De barco não demoram mais de 10 minutos, de

carro, temos que atravessar a Ponte 25 de Abril, parecida

com a ponte de San Francisco.

Perto da ponte temos o Cristo-rei, um monumento parecido

com o Cristo Redentor


Almada também fica perto

da Costa de Caparica e

tem das maiores praias de

Portugal com uma extensa linha de


Temos um grande hospital muitas áreas verdes como o

Parque da Paz.

Podemos usar o metro para atravessar a cidade.

Em Almada há muitas escolas, hotéis, um grande centro

comercial (Almada Forum), bibliotecas públicas, museus ...

Temos uma praça principal também, chamada Praça S.João

Batista. A nossa cidade é um bom lugar onde viver.

Diogo Barreiros, 9ºC

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Traditionally, this stew is a very simple preparation, whose

basic components are several varieties of fish, potato,

onion, tomato and pepper.


1.5 kg various fish (monkfish, conger, purple paw, squid) 800 gr potatoes (cut into slices) 3 onions (cut into slices) 500 gr tomato (cut into slices) 1/2 red pepper + 1/2 green pepper 2 dl olive oil 2 dl white wine Parsley and salt Preparation:

Cut the fish and put the slices in a bowl. Season with a little

salt and leave to rest for 1h30/2h00. At the bottom of a

large pan put the first layer of ingredients starting with half

the olive oil and a good amount of sliced onion, then a layer

of sliced tomato, peppers into strips, parsley and salt. Place

over this the potatoes and finally the fish. Keep on always

in this order ending with a layer of fish, onions, tomatoes,

peppers and parsley. Sprinkle with olive oil and the white

wine. Cook gently for about 15 minutes from the time it

starts to boil.


Tradicionalmente, a caldeirada é um cozido, ou seja, uma

preparação que não passa pelo refogado, cujos

componentes básicos são diversas variedades de peixe,

batata, cebola, tomate e pimento.


1,5 kg peixes diversos (tamboril, congro, pata roxa, raia, lulas) 800 gr batata 3 cebolas 500 gr tomate maduro 1/2 Pimento vermelho + 1/2 Pimento verde 2 dl azeite 2 dl vinho branco Salsa e sal q.b.


Partem-se os peixes e dispõem-se as postas num alguidar.

Tempera-se com um pouco de sal e deixa-se marinar

durante 1h30/2h00. No fundo do tacho coloca-se a primeira

camada da caldeirada começando por uma boa quantidade

de cebola às rodelas, tomate também às rodelas, pimento

às tiras, salsa e sal. Por cima colocam-se as batatas e

finalmente os peixes. Continua-se sempre por esta ordem

acabando-se com uma camada de peixe e de cebola,

tomate, pimento e salsa. Rega-se com um fio de azeite e

um pouco de vinho branco. Coze em lume brando durante

cerca de 15 minutos a partir do momento da fervura.

Turma 9ºD

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In Portugal the month of June is very exciting because of

the feasts in honour of the popular saints. Our patron saint

in Almada is Saint John and so on the evening of June 23rd

there are many

street parties in

the town´s oldest

quarters where

everyone goes

sardine crazy.

Balconies everywhere are draped with

coloured lights, streamers and paper lanterns. The music

and the delicious smell of grilled sardines lead thousands

of visitors to the streets. There is also a parade and

contest along the main avenue of Almada that animates

the public, with lots of colour, joy and music. Primary

schools of Almada also participate in this event with an

afternoon parade also very much appreciated by everyone.


Em Portugal, o mês de junho é muito emocionante por

causa das festas em honra dos santos populares. O nosso

padroeiro em Almada é São João e assim, na noite de 23 de

junho, há muitas festas de ruanos bairros mais antigos da

cidade onde todos ficam loucos por sardinhas. As ruas e as

varandas estão decoradas com luzes coloridas, fitas e

lanternas de papel. A música e o delicioso cheiro da

sardinha assada levam milhares de visitantes às ruas. Há

também um desfile e concurso ao longo da avenida principal

de Almada, que

anima o público,

com muita cor,

alegria e música. As

escolas primárias de

Almada também

participam neste evento com um desfile à tarde que

também é muito apreciado por todos.

Turma 8ºC

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The church of El Viso del Alcor is the temple where

we worship our dearest virgins and it is also a place where

people from El Viso can pray.

The style of the parish is considered late Mudejar,

and it is divided into three naves separated by pillars. At

the top, there are two side chapels: on the left the “Virgen

of Carmen and La Borriquita'' and on the right the “Virgen

de los Dolores''. There are other Christs as ''El Cautivo'' and

''El Cristo del Amor''.

Outside the church there are three doors, one on

each façade. It is located on a high place. Our patron saint

is Santa Maria

del Alcor. Our

current parish

priests are Don

Santiago and Don



La iglesia de El Viso del Alcor es el templo donde veneramos

a nuestras más queridas imágenes y también es el lugar de

oración de los visueños.

Su estilo es mudéjar tardío y se

divide en tres naves separadas

por pilares. En la cabecera

existen dos capillas

abovedadas: a la izquierda la

Virgen del Carmen y la

Borriquita, y a la derecha la

Virgen de los Dolores. También

hay Cristos como El Cautivo o el

Cristo del Amor. Desde su

exterior, el templo presenta pórticos en las tres fachadas y

se encuentra en un lugar elevado respecto al pueblo.

Nuestra patrona es Santa Maria del Alcor, y los párrocos

actuales son Don Santiago y Don Francisco.

Clara Guerrero López

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Our high school, IES Profesor Juan Bautista, was a school for

students between 4 and 14 years old.

Our high school was built a long time ago, and that is the

reason why it doesn't have all the facilities we would like.

Before being a high school it was a primary school.

The building was built at the beginning of the democracy,

when the local government built the buildings anywhere.

The students went to school from 4 to 14 years old. It was

never thought that this school would be used by older


The corridors were designed for younger people, and not

for the students who use them now, so they are narrow and

dark, with little space in the classrooms, and lack of digital



Nuestro instituto, IES Profesor Juan Bautista, era antes un

colegio donde estudiaban niños y niñas de 4 a 14 años.

Nuestro instituto lleva mucho tiempo construido por eso no

tiene todas las instalaciones que nos gustaría. Antes era un

colegio de Primaria.

El edificio se construyó al

principio de la

democracia, en estos

tiempos el

ayuntamiento construía

los edificios en

cualquier parte.

El alumnado que iba al colegio, lo

hacía desde los 4 hasta los 14 años. Nunca se pensó que este

colegio lo utilizaría un alumnado de más edad.

Los pasillos estaban pensados para esas personas, no para

las personas que ahora lo usamos, por lo que ahora resultan

estrechos y oscuros, con falta de espacio en las clases y de

pizarras digitales.

María de los Ángeles Campillo de los Santos

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In El Viso del Alcor, the patron saint festivities are the most

important ones. They are in honour of Sta.María del Alcor

Coronada. This festivity is celebrated in September

although it starts on the

last Sunday of August when

new born babies are

introduced to the Virgin.

On 2nd September the

Novena begins, 9 days of

worship before the

procession of the Virgin.

On 12th September the

Santo Rosario is said and at

00 a.m the town neighbours meet to drink hot chocolate

and have some typical sweets, and the greeting to the

Virgin is done. In the morning of 12th, the religious function

to the Virgin is celebrated and they have the “Potaje”

(stew). The first Sunday after the 12th September people

celebrate the Romeria. A lot of visueños and people from

other places, take part in the pilgrimage to Alcaudete



En El Viso del Alcor destacan sobre todo las fiestas

patronales celebradas en honor a Santa María del Alcor

Coronada. Estas fiestas se festejan en Septiembre aunque

comienzan el último domingo de Agosto con la presentación

a la Virgen de los hijos neonatos del pueblo. El 2 Septiembre

comienza la novena, 9 días de culto antes de la salida

procesional de la virgen.

El día 12 comienza el Santo Rosario, a las 00h los vecinos

del pueblo se reúnen para tomar el chocolate y algunos

dulces típicos del

pueblo, y se realiza

la felicitación a la

Virgen. La mañana

del día 12 se realiza

la función a la Virgen

y se celebra el

potaje. Por la tarde

se realiza la salida procesional de la Virgen. El domingo

siguiente a este día se celebra la Romería, en la que

numerosos visueños y personas de otros pueblos, participan

en la peregrinación a la ermita de Alcaudete.

Esperanza Rodríguez Morillo

Page 17: Playweb 1 on line newspaper


The best products of our local gastronomy in El Viso del Alcor are

the “pechugones” and the “menudo”.

“Pechugones” are traditional cakes made in some

confectioneries for a long time.

“Menudo” is made with pork meat (tripe), and in some places it

is known as “callos”. It is one of the most demanded dishes by

the people and the tourists and what makes our gastronomy

better known.

Another typical dish is what we know as “tapas” that can be

found in bars and restaurants in our village, and of course, the

bread from our bakeries.


Los mejores productos de la gastronomía local de El Viso del Alcor

son los “pechugones” y el “menudo”.

Los “pechugones” son dulces típicos y tradicionales en El Viso y

se elaboran en algunas confiterías desde hace muchos años.

El “menudo” está realizado con carne de cerdo y en algunos sitios

es conocido como “callos”. Es uno de los platos más reclamados

por las personas y los turistas y ello hace que nuestra gastronomía

sea más conocida.

Además también son características las “tapas”, que se pueden

encontrar en los bares y restaurantes

de nuestro pueblo, y por

supuesto el pan de nuestras


Marta Oliva Sánchez

Page 18: Playweb 1 on line newspaper

This newspaper is the result of the work of many students and teachers from the four schools involved in

the PLAYWEB project:

Collège Privé St. Charles, Feillens, FRANCE

Scuola Media Felice Casorati, Pavia, ITALY

Escola Secundária de Emídio Navarro, Almada, PORTUGAL

Instituto ES Profesor Juan Bautista, El Viso del Alcor, SPAIN www.play-web.eu

Dec’ 2013