player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath

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Page 1: player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath


Page 2: player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath


Table of Contents

About This Manual 2

Important Note 2


IG: Through the Looking Glass 3 3

OOG: Introduction to the Game 4


IG: Meeting Panchen 6

OOG: Alpha Runs 7

IG: Alpha Protocol and Procedure 7

IG: Security Clearances and Getting “Tagged” 8


IG: Beta Assignments

OOG: Beta Play and Online Resources


IG: Theta Briefing: What We Know

OOG: Theta – Learn the Rules

IG: Theta Briefing: How Things Work

OOG: Important Theta Rules


IG: Standard Issue Equipment

IG: Theta Communications Protocol

IG: Optional Equipment / Augmentation Software

OOG: Understanding Equipment Selection and Squad Roles


IG: L42 Pistol


IG: Disarmament Kit

IG: Lock Picks

Page 3: player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath



About This Manual: Throughout this manual, you will see content of two major types called out in two different visual for-mats: In-Game information and Out-of-Game information (‘IG’ and ‘OOG,’ respectively). You will often see IG information on a given subject followed immediately by any OOG information on that same topic. SECTION TITLE

IG: Subsection Title In-Game information is from a perspective that assumes the plotline of the game is real, happening right here and right now. It assumes that your ‘character’ is you, that there really is a dark conspiracy afoot, and that you have joined a clandestine organization to unravel the mystery and fight an unknown en-emy. IG information is mainly presented because it adds flavor to the storyline, and helps you better to understand your character’s role in that world. Throughout this manual, In-Game information will be presented in a box such as the one surrounding the content you are reading now. Note the letters “IG” at its head. SECTION TITLE

OOG: Subsection Title Out-of-Game information is directed at you, the player, and generally serves to define the mechanics of the game – how you sign up to attend an event, event rules, equipment descriptions that are necessarily OOG, etc. Throughout this manual, Out-of-Game information will be presented in a box such as the one surround-ing the content you are reading now. Note the letters “OOG” at its head.

Important Note: We will endeavor to describe as much of the game in In-Game terms as we can, as we feel that adds the most to your understanding of the world we are creating. However, it is important to state that, de-spite the fact that we will often pretend that this game is real to develop your understanding of it, this is only a game. All characters and organizations in our story are fictional, and in no way represent real life persons or organizations. Never attempt to link any character or organization from our story with any person or any organization in the real world.

Page 4: player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath


PART I. INTRODUCTION IG: Through the Looking Glass

IG: Through the Looking Glass Jenna wiped the sweat off her brow, contemplating the ticking bomb in front of her. It was no big deal, really...if she chose the wrong wire, it only meant that she, Brian, Kate, and Jack would just be blown up, is all. Well, she thought, we technically won't die in the real sense, but it'll certainly scrub the mission. And their team was the last team. If they didn't succeed, the world might not know what Memphis Technologies was planning for December 21 until it was too late. "Breathe easy, Angel," said Brian, calling her by her coyote name. "We know you know how to do this." She looked around, to nervous smiles from her whole team, and nodded at them. She wouldn't let them down. She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Now, Gos-pel," he said, with a nod to Jack, "get the data out of that node. Then we can blow this precinct, and the local steppers will never even know we've been here." He paused and then grinned. "But just in case, Angel, Halo, and I will cover the entry-paths." Jenna nodded, pulling out her gun and stepping to one of the three entries, as Brian and Kate did the same. It's not really a gun, she mused, but this place's representation of one. She'd loaded a really nice program into her cache when they'd flynned in, and she wouldn't mind giving it a go. As she heard Jack's fingers tapping out demands, extracting data, she peered off into the darkness. Any steppers that showed their weird faces were gonna regret it. She grinned in the darkness. Her group, the Holy Rollers, had earned quite a rep amongst the other coyotes. They'd solved all the puzzles, found their way to their contacts, and begun making runs a month ago. They'd learned some terrible things in that time...conspiracies tying a local health com-pany to some weird and almost sinister activity. Even now, they were trying to figure out why so many MHS employees were scheduled out of town the week of December 21. Something big was happening, and… Jack's voice sounded too loud in the quiet. "Grail," he called to Brian, "you gotta see this." As the team leader looked over the notes Jack had extracted, Jenna thought she saw something move in the shadows beyond the doorway she was guarded. She hesitated...should she say something to Grail? She tried to see any more movement, but there was nothing. She glanced to Kate, who was trying to cover the other two doorways, but who seemed calm. Halo always seemed calm, Jenna thought to herself. "My God," Brian whispered. "We knew they were up to something, but..." He coughed, an uncomfort-able, shuddering sound. "Listen, everyone. You gotta hear why Memphis has been snooping around City Hall. This is really big...they're gonna..." "Grail," gasped Kate, taking a step back and already firing into one of the hallways, "We've got com-pany." As the team grouped up and Jack frantically tried to load the info into convenient to transport files, Jenna began firing at the steppers that were emerging from the gloom. Well, she thought, with a grim smile, at least I'm not bored this weekend...

Page 5: player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath



OOG: Introduction to the Game

The Osiris Sanction is a new kind of gaming experience. It steps away from the boundaries of interactive theater, live urban gaming, or an online interactive role-playing game, combining elements of each into something uniquely suited to telling our story of intrigue and conspiracy. The place is here, and the time is now. In the Osiris Sanction, you and not a fictional counterpart have the chance to be a hero. As you weave through the puzzles and clues you encounter through various media, you'll discover the nature of the vast web of evil that threat-ens our normal existence. You'll enter the shadowy world of the coyotes, who oppose the dark forces at hand. Game play ranges from real world clandestine meetings to an online community when you can discover clues and events, and then ultimately to the actual missions into an alternate reality... Take a deep breath. Let it out. Repeat to yourself… it's only a game. How the Game Works At its core, playing the Osiris Sanction consists of uncovering a dark and twisted conspiracy. In the Osiris Sanction, knowledge is power, and you will find that the more information you collect, the better your standing within the commu-nity will become. There are three types of play in the game, but in the end the tasks you complete in each will uncover information regard-ing the singular storyline that ties them all together. We refer to those three types of play as Alpha, Beta, and Theta play. This page is meant to clarify the differences between the three, as well as give you a sense of what you can expect from the game. Alpha Play Alpha play is that which takes place in the real world. We use the real-life environments of cities as the backdrop for Al-pha play, and then overlay our storyline and game play on top of it. In Alpha, you take actions in the real world to obtain information and uncover more of the plot. In the end, Alpha play is a bit like an urban scavenger hunt, where you range across a city, performing certain tasks at checkpoints in order to discover the location of the next checkpoint and continue on. The difference is that this Alpha 'scavenger hunt' is a hunt for information, and the information you unveil is all a part of the plotline of the Osiris Sanction.

However, Alpha play is not 'The Amazing Race.' Our plotline is one of conspiracy and clandestine encounters with secret and unknown contacts. As such, the ideal Alpha encounter will take place in a public place where you are surrounded by normal folks going about their normal business, yet they will have no idea that the game is even happening around them. Beta Play Beta play follows the same basic model as Alpha play, but it takes place in the online digital world of the internet. Much of Beta play takes place in the 3D virtual world known as Second Life, but parts of Beta may lead you out of the Second Life environment to scour the internet for a vital piece of information, or to perform some other task. In the end, Beta is just like Alpha, but instead of the backdrop being the physical real world, the backdrop is the digital real world represented by the internet. Again, you will be surrounded by normal online folks going about their normal online business, and ideally none of them will know that the game is even taking place. (Continued…)

Page 6: player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath


Theta Play Theta play is easily the most physically active aspect of The Osiris Sanction. In it, we send you on SWAT style raids to attack your adversaries' positions. In game terms, this action is happening in an imagined 'virtual reality.' In real-world terms, we equip you with advanced infrared-based guns and other necessary equipment, and you then physically enter a Theta arena to eliminate your enemies and complete the assigned tasks. Think of a Tom Clancy video game, but in-stead of pushing buttons to control the special-ops character on the screen, you are the special-ops character. Other aspects of a Theta 'run' include using tools to disarm bombs, picks to open locks, med-kits to heal your squad members' wounds, software to hack into real computers, and more. In Theta, it is up to you and your squad members to do what needs to be done. Although there is a basic rules system to govern how combat and other aspects of Theta play work, you will always have to physically perform the task at hand in order to succeed, whether that task is eliminating an enemy by use of your gun, disarming a wall mine, or anything else.

Page 7: player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath




IG: Meeting Panchen

Matt and his group have named themselves The Maquisards, or The Maquis, based on the French Resistance group of the Second World War. When they joined, the introductory (out of game) information they got is that most, if not all, of the encounters they would be involved in would be in a specific neighborhood near where they live. First contact is by email to “The Maquis”. The text of the email is: Will you do the fandango? Wait to hear from me -Scaramouche Matt and The Maquisards wait to hear from “Scaramouche”. At about 6:30, an email comes in giving them a contact to get to the office they are seeking. The message is simply: “Meet at Murphy’s Bar. The password is “Vermillion”. They must find Murphy’s bar. They do some research and find a “Murphy’s Bar” on the edge of “their” neighborhood. While they wait, they do research on the internet and find that that Scaramouche is a historical novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1921 about a young aristocrat during the French Revolution. Trying to put the specific reference of the first email into context, they also find a reference to Scaramouche in a Queen song called “Bohemian Rhapsody" written by the late Freddie Mercury: I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the fandango? Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me ... There is a final reference that tells them that a “Scaramouche” is a type of hand puppet used in the old-fashioned “Punch and Judy” shows that usually lost its head in the performance. When they arrive at Murphy’s, there are several men sitting at the bar. They talk to a few of them, letting “Scaramouche” slip in a (hopefully) natural manner. Finally, one of the team checks the Juke Box and finds “Bohemian Rhapsody” on it. They discuss it a bit, and decide to play the song. They are approached by a man wearing a Queen T-shirt under a blazer. After some conversation which reveals nothing but a sharp wit, the man finally tells them that what they are looking for is at the Marriott in the possession of a man named “Fandango”….but that’s all he knows. The Maquis go to the Marriott, and hang out a bit. In the bar there, they notice a guy with an open briefcase. He has a folder on top with a Lightning Bolt on it. They approach him and after some general conversation, mention the name Fandango. He then tells them that what they are seeking is with a Mr. Sabatini here in the hotel. One of the group goes to the front desk and ask for the room number for Mr. Sabatini. They won’t give it to him, but sug-gest he calls the room. They go to the house phone, and dial the Operator, and are put through to a room. The person who answers asks for some identification. They respond with “Vermillion”. He gives them the room number, and the Ma-quis go up. After much discussion, he eventually tells them that the entry to the run is in L'Academie, which is a Theta space that has an entrance on Arlington Boulevard. It will open at 7:00 PM the following night. He demonstrates a knock that will get the door open.

Page 8: player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath


The above description is an Alpha run, done in the real world, real time, and without any fantasy skills or weapons. It’s purely roleplaying, though it can get very intense and pretty scary. When in an Alpha run, there are a few things you need to be aware of. First, we want to be sure that you are not going into a dangerous situation and meeting people of unknown reputation. To be as-sured that you are in a place that is safe in a real world sense, simply look for the symbol of the Bodhi-sattva (at right). When you see this symbol, you know you are in an establishment that supports our game and you are in a controlled environment. Many times, if there is any doubt that the person you are meeting with is a part of the game, you will find this symbol on the person themselves, such as on a pin, t-shirt, etc., just to reassure you. We go to great lengths to make sure the establishment we op-erate in is aware of what we are doing and supports it, and the police are aware of what we are doing and will act appropriately. You should think of an Alpha run as sort of scavenger hunt. It can be very simple or get quite complex, depending on the objective of the hunt. You should always keep your brain engaged and consider things at a very basic level, and also approach the series of puzzles from outside the box. Teaming with other Coyotes is, of course, allowed, but you should remember that the real objective in this whole thing is the Theta run...actually going into “Theta Space” and confronting the minions of the Osiris Sanction. That can only be done with groups up to 6 in size. Safehouses and Red Zones When posting a sign to notify members that they are in an Alpha location, it will be either red or a green. Red indicates that although this is an Alpha location, the room isn't safe, and everyone should keep 'on the DL.' A green sign, on the other hand, means that this is temporarily a 'Safe House,' where things can be discussed freely and openly. If you are in a “Safe House”, you may relax and socialize with no fear of getting tagged or compromising your friends. The Most Important Rule: Don’t carry any weapon of any kind, real or fake. Period. You are engaged in activities that can appear scary to the gen-eral populace, and to cause fear amongst people is not only stupid, but illegal. Don’t do it. I repeat: think hard about what you look like out there and DON’T LOOK SCARY!


OOG: Alpha Runs


At times, the only method of conveying information between each other will be to meet in person. This may be due to the highly sensitive nature of the information, and it may also be because the information itself is in the form of a physical item, tool, or piece of software that we cannot otherwise deliver to you. What is very important to understand any time Coyotes meet in public spaces is that the factor of danger to our organization increases exponentially. If it has not hap-pened already, at some point in the future Our Adversaries will become aware of our presence, and do not be so naïve as to think that they will simply tolerate our disruptions to their machinations. As such, our working assumption must always be that, although we are the hunters, we are also the hunted. We must act accordingly, and observe the following guidelines: Any open conversation that may be easily overheard regarding our work is clearly a great danger to us all, and must

be avoided. Assembling in large groups, or regularly meeting in the same locale draws attention, and is highly discouraged. (Continued…)

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Alpha meetings should only occur when they must, with private and verifiably secure locations always being prefer-able to public ones.

And most importantly: If you receive a message from one of us requesting a meeting in a public space NEVER APPROACH THE CON-

TACT UNLESS THEY ARE ALONE. If your contact is engaged in a conversation with someone else – even if you know the person they are engaged with – wait until their conversation is finished and they have separated before approaching.

Even if your contact is alone, always establish eye contact first, and wait for the contact to acknowledge and sum-

mon you before approaching. You must assume that your contact has a better sense of the security of your location, and it is wholly in his power to determine if and when it is appropriate for you to speak.

Breaking these two core rules of Alpha encounters are considered high-level transgressions, and will be duly noted

in your record. Know that it is not only Our Adversaries that may be watching you… we will be watching you as well. Indiscretion or blatant disregard for security in Alpha encounters is grounds for reduction of your security clearance level, including permanent expulsion from our community.


IG: Security Clearances and Getting “Tagged”

In-Game information is from a perspective that assumes the plotline of the game is real, happening right here and right now. It assumes that your ‘character’ is you, that there really is a dark conspiracy afoot, and that you have joined a clan-destine organization to unravel the mystery and fight an unknown enemy. IG information is mainly presented because it adds flavor to the storyline, and helps you better to understand your character’s role in that world. Throughout this manual, In-Game information will be presented in a box such as the one surrounding the content you are reading now. Note the letters “IG” at its head. All of your activities are being watched. If you do things that advance the cause, you will be rewarded with a higher Se-curity Clearance. If you do things that potentially compromise the cause, you might actually lose Clearance levels. If you are compromised badly enough in a mission, either in Theta or Alpha, you may be “Tagged” by the computer. Being tagged means that the computer is on high alert against you, specifically. It will tag you if it suspects you of actions that are dangerous to the computer or to the Sanction. Being tagged will last for various lengths of time, depending on how badly you are compromised. Going on a mission while tagged would be very dangerous, both to the Coyote who is tagged and to any who travel with him. You will be notified by one means or another when the tag has been imposed, and when it is lifted. A high clearance will mean runs in more secure (from the host computer’s point of view) environments. This can be more dangerous, but it can also mean greater access to both more sensitive information and higher level item/skill codes. Your Security Clearance is determined by your actions. The things you are judged on are intuitive, but our knowledge of the things going into the decisions are not complete or clear. The Clearances that are known are: If you have reached the point of being able to read this document, you have achieved a Security Clearance of at least Confidential. If you look at your Personnel file in the secure site, it will have your current Clearance listed (not yet available at time of publication). (Continued…)

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Special Clearance: Top Secret Code Name Top Secret Code Name clearances are granted only to runners who have a TS clearance or above and have led themselves into a position to have access to a named mission. You will, in other words, be a part of a team that recovers information that leads into a mission (mission being defined as a series of Theta runs aimed at a particular goal). Caution: if a runner drops below a TS Clearance, he will lose his Code Name Clearance and be dropped from the mission. Your Clearance has implications specifically in Theta. It is possible that it might have implications in Alpha and Beta, also: our information is not clear on this point. “Agent” Status Additionally, there is a status called “Agent” that a runner can gain. An Agent is the guy that contacts the members of other groups. To be an Agent, the runner will have to read a bunch of documents about protocol and procedure. This stuff will make sure that real world concerns are met, such as dealing with the owners of establishments that we are using to host our meetings and being certain that there are no surprises with any local officials. Some judg-ment in this will have to be applied, obviously. The information to be re-viewed will be available on line, and we will need to be sure that the run-ners understand the concerns we have about dealing with the public. A runner hoping for Agent status should have a basic TS clearance. This might be waived in the face of too few people who qualify. For acting as an agent, you will gain consideration for a higher Clearance.

Clearance Abbreviation

Tagged Tag

Confidential Con

Secret Sec

Top Secret TS

Top Secret Crypto TSC

Top Secret Crypto (Class Alpha) TSCA

Top Secret Crypto (Class Beta) TSCB

Top Secret Crypto (Class Charlie) TSCC

Top Secret Crypto (Class Delta) TSCD

Top Secret Crypto (Class Epsilon) TSCE

Top Secret Crypto (Class Foxtrot) TSCF

Page 11: player manual v2-0 - The Osiris Sanction · 2012-10-01 · She bit her lip, as she deftly and surely cut the blue wire. No explosion. "Okay," said Brian, as Jenna exhaled a breath


We refer to any Coyote activity that uses an online function as ‘Beta’. The reality is that modern computer technology and the internet are simply ‘Beta’ stages of the technology our adversaries used to eventually create Theta Space. As an organization, we heavily rely upon Beta methods for both communication and research. The reality is that in-person meetings (Alpha encounters) are the single most dangerous method of contact for our organization, simply due to the fact that gathering two or more Coyotes in a single location opens the door to observation, interception, and possi-bly abduction for questioning… clearly something that must be avoided. On the other hand, email and the internet (collectively, Beta) provide us with a means to communicate with one another with relative anonymity. With a few precautions, it is possible for the Bodhisattvas to maintain contact with one another and further our cause utilizing Beta technologies without ever compromising the identities (and personal safety) of our agents. However, anyone who has used the internet regularly already knows that online communication is far from secure… or more accurately, that the typical modes with which we access email and the internet are completely insecure. As such, we will continuously utilize non-standard methods for conveying information to you via the internet. You may find your-self jumping through many hoops and accessing information in ways that you have never needed to before when com-municating with us in Beta. Please understand that these steps are necessary in order for us to insure that only our agents are capable of accessing the data that we are attempting to pass them, and that those communications happen in a truly secure fashion. Note that Beta actions or communications will take many forms… from simply receiving a email (often cryptic or even fully encrypted to protect us all) to reading content on a web page to meeting with other Coyotes in the online 3D uni-verse known as Second Life. Second Life (www.secondlife.com) presents a unique environment for us, and as such deserves special mention. If you have not currently set up a membership with Second Life, you should do so now (basic membership is free). Due to the massive nature of Second Life’s environment and all of the ‘data noise’ generated by its millions of inhabitants, we are able to meet there in private locals, train for Theta, and communicate openly about our mission (via our SL avatars) with-out fear of being overheard or observed. In other words, although SL itself is not secure in the technological sense of the term, it effectively becomes so simply because of the overwhelming amount of data that is continuously flowing through it, hiding our communications and activities within the noise. It is important, however, to note that the only environments in SL where you should openly discuss our work is on land that is owned and operated by the Bodhisattvas… in any other locale your conversations can be just as easily overheard and intercepted as if you were sitting in a public place in the real world. We cannot reveal in this insecure document where you can find us in Second Life… you will need to obtain that informa-tion via other methods. Contact your fellow Coyotes. After performing any Beta action (email, web, SL, etc), you may be asked to verify that you have performed the assigned task via an online challenge / response scenario. These types of confirmation check-ins serve various purposes – usu-ally either for you to convey to us the answers we seek, or simply for us to track your progress through your assigned tasks – and should be considered an essential step in your assignment. Again, please understand that the nature of a distributed cell organization such as ours makes these post-op check-ins essential and necessary so that we can track our own organization’s advancement and activities. (Continued…)



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VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Standard communication emails will be sent to you from [email protected]. Be sure to watch your inbox closely for messages from him, and configure any spam filters you have to allow messages from this address.


OOG: Beta Play and Online Resources

Out-of-game emails, which commonly include news about the game, information about signing up for events, etc., will be sent to you from [email protected], and will have ‘OSIRIS SANCTION:’ in the subject line. As stated above, in-game emails will come from [email protected]. They will most often direct you to crack a puzzle, do some online research, or perform some other task via the internet. It is important that you configure any spam filters that you may have running on your email program to allow messages from both addresses, as emails from these two addresses will be your main link to developments within the game. You should already have signed up for membership on the main game website: www.osirissanction.com. Various tools are available in the Members Area to help you to administer your membership info, character record, item software in-ventory, and more. Another very important resource is the Osiris Sanction Forum, available online at www.osirissanction.com/osiris/forum. Be sure to set up a membership on those forums and check them regularly for both IG and OOG information. Note that there are clearly delineated IG and OOG sections within the forums – please refrain from discussing IG topics in the OOG sections and vice versa. We also highly suggest that you establish a free membership at www.secondlife.com – some aspects of Beta play will require you to perform actions there, and SL is also a great place to meet and discuss the game in a live chat setting. Note that you will not need a paid subscription to Second Life to take part in any part of our game tasks. If you do decide to set up a paid subscription on SL, and would like to make your land there an official Coyote Safe-house (private for our members only), please contact us to make the necessary arrangements.

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This is an attempt to define for you what know about Theta right now. This information will undoubtedly develop as more coyotes execute successful runs and we learn more. At the time of this writing (July, 2007) our operation is in its infancy, and a major mission objective for every run is simply to discover more information and gain more experience in Theta. In other words, there’s still a lot more things that we don’t know about Theta than things we do know. What We Know: Theta is a virtual reality that can be jacked in to. We know this because we have seen it with our own eyes. The virtual reality is owned and operated by a secret organization that would appear to be vast and pervasive – a

conspiracy of global proportions with interests in a new world order. This secret cabal has managed to not only develop, but also to keep hidden, a level of technology that is only

dreamed of in society at large – a fact that indicates the level of power, wealth, and influence our adversaries must have.

We have been contact by rogue elements from within this virtual reality. They are the Bodhisattvas who have sacri-

ficed their lives and identities to save the great future suffering of humankind – or so they say. Everything we know about Theta – even the fact that it exists – has come from those on the inside. Communications from these inside elements are often garbled, encrypted, and extremely brief. It would appear that

they are ‘on the run’ within Theta, and that managing to get messages out in a secure fashion is extremely difficult. ‘Beta Epsilon’ – a core contact and apparently some form of resistance leader – has been able to provide us with

support to establish ‘Bridgeheads’ to Theta – cross-over regions that allow us to secretly enter and explore the vir-tual reality.

When and where we are able to establish these Bridgeheads is often not up to us, either on the Alpha or Theta

sides, but is wholly based on Beta Epsilon’s ability to open the necessary backdoor from the inside. Total available time in Theta is often short, creating the need for fast, decisive action when ‘flynned.’

Theta is hostile to our presence in the extreme, and we currently have very limited resources to fight that hostility. As

more coyotes bring back knowledge and data from within Theta, our capabilities will grow… but for now, Theta’s a tough scene. The majority of our operations to date have ended in total failure of mission objectives.

The tools that we do have available to us, mainly in the form of software that provides you with equipment or aug-

ments your capabilities in Theta, have come from Beta Epsilon – either directly as whole packages, or having been written by coyotes under direction from him.

Obtaining more of our enemy’s Theta software is a constant mission priority. Steal any CDs and computer files you

can and bring them back to the Ready Room. You’ll directly benefit by getting to keep a copy of whatever you bring out yourself, and our strength as an organization will also increase.




IG: Theta Briefing: What We Know

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What We Don’t Know Who created, owns, and operates Theta What purpose Theta plays in their apparent grand scheme Why people seem to be trapped within it, in some kind of rebellion, reaching out to us. If those within it are to be believed, there is a very bad change coming for us on the outside if we don’t stop the en-

emy… or at least slow them down. We don’t yet know the extent of that change, its nature, or its details. Uncovering more answers to the questions above are at the core of all our activities, be they in Alpha, Beta, or Theta. Consider the assignment yours.


OOG: Theta – Learn the Rules, Learn the Tools

Theta is easily the most complex and intense part of playing the Osiris Sanction – the ‘live action’ component of the game, where you will enter a physical space and use IR-based weapons to fight the enemy, hack into real computers and disarm devices that would stop you from succeeding at the game. It’s a bit like doing a SWAT assault, but without real weapons or real danger, to see if you are capable of overcoming the challenge. Like any other physical game, the rules around Theta play are by necessity the most involved aspect of this player manual. Note that we supply the equipment as part of your fee to go through Theta, though you may buy your own with which we will then “equip” you. If you break something, we will charge you for it, so be gentle. Don’t try playing Theta if you haven’t read the Theta rules. Frankly, you’ll need to know them or you’re not going to have much fun. We have endeavored to build the rules into the equipment you will use, or into the devices that you interact with, in Theta… so ‘learning the rules’ for Theta play is in fact more a process of ‘learning the tools.’ Know your equipment well and chances are you will excel in – and greatly enjoy – Theta play.


IG: Theta Briefing: How Things Work

Your Construct When you are pulled into the virtual reality of Theta, the system represents you physically as a 3D model that we refer to as your 'construct.' A construct is a bit like an 'avatar' in Beta, but orders of magnitude more developed. Theta is such an immersive experience that it looks, feels, and acts the same as reality. For the most part, that is. There are ways that it is different. At the core of every 'physical' action and sensation in Theta is code, and code interacts with code in ways that physical reality does not. When a bullet rips through your construct in Theta and you take damage, it is because the bullet's attack code just knocked out some aspect of your construct’s code. Naturally, there are some odd results in this 'virtual reality.' Theta is a hostile system... they don't want us there, so they are not about to host the code for your construct to run on. This is where your RAM Deck, or simply 'deck,' comes in. (Continued…)

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Your RAM Deck Your RAM Deck is a free chunk of Theta's RAM that we've managed to temporarily steal (and hide the fact that we’ve stolen it) from the system. Although massive by today's consumer standards, most of your deck is occupied by your con-struct's code. We've got to keep the deck’s total memory size as small as possible in order to hide the stolen RAM (and thus, your presence) from Theta’s awareness. What space in the deck you are left with is divided into twelve even ‘Slots’ that you can plug 'accessories' into – add-on programs for your construct, such as guns, tool kits, med packs, explosives, and more. When you are in the Bridgehead (or ‘Ready Room’) before a run, you get to pick from whatever item software we’ve got on hand – typically, whatever we’ve managed to hack, crack, or flat out steal ourselves – and 'slot' it for your run. Not surprisingly, different types of items occupy more slots in your deck than others. Also not surprisingly, the more ef-fective the code is (i.e., the more powerful its effects in Theta), the bigger the program required, and thus the more slots it occupies in your deck. As item programs evolve, however, ways are found to make the code more efficient, and the same effect can be ob-tained with less code, and thus fewer slots. This advancement is represented in the version numbers (v1.1, v1.2, etc) that you'll see on item-soft. Your Inventory When you carry disks containing item-soft back to your Lieutenant in the Bridgehead, he can upload it to our permanent memory banks outside of Theta. The next time you enter Theta, and every time after, you’ll have access to the items whose software you’ve stolen to slot and take on the run with you. Therefore: ALWAYS WATCH FOR SOFTWARE IN THETA. Once you get it out, you get to keep it and use it thereafter. In order to enhance the overall communal power of the squad, we’ve set up a system where you can ‘lend’ another member of your squad an item from your Inventory to use during a run. You cannot slot it at the same time – the code in your Inventory can only be tied to a single RAM Deck for a Theta run. But the source code remains in your Inventory during and after the run, still yours to access in the future. Construct-Hosted Items vs. Found Items If you die in Theta (if your construct is destroyed), there is no longer a construct to host the items you have brought in with you, so they 'come out' into the Bridgehead with your construct. On the other hand, items that you have found in Theta are not attached to your construct – they are still hosted by Theta itself – and as such when your construct disinte-grates the items you have found and carry are left behind. So try not to die. Your Rig A rig is the central computing device that ties together your constituent parts (construct, deck, additional software for tools and items that you’ve slotted) and allows those parts to communicate and interact fully with the Theta environment. In physical form, a rig generally appears as a gun in Theta – the gun that you carry with you on your run. Note that you’ll carry this rig with you regardless of whether you have slotted a gun of any kind. If you have not slotted a gun of any kind, you will still carry your rig in your hand, but you simply will not be able to shoot it because you have not slotted any gun functionality. This is necessary because without a rig your construct simply cannot function or communi-cate with the Theta environment. Every rig will have a small communications dome mounted on top of it. Do not block this dome in any way or you will lose communication with the Theta system and be immediately ejected from it. (Continued…)

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Health Points “Health Points” are just a simplified method of assessing the overall functionality of your construct. A standard construct will enter Theta with 100 Health Points (HP). This number can be augmented by utilizing deck slots to add protective layers of code to your construct, effectively armoring its core code against damage. The most common means of losing HP include being shot or blown up. It is possible that you may repair your construct by means of a Medic device. Note that your rig communicates your construct’s HP to you via the Display screen. Death When your construct takes so much damage that it reaches 0 HP, it begins a process of total disintegration. As soon as you hit 0 HP, you will find yourself lying prone on the ground, unable to move, communicate, or perform any action be-sides using your personal communicator to call in to your Lieutenant (who will be running the operation from the Ready Room) and notify him of your status. Do this immediately upon reaching 0 HP. Your Medic will now have 60 seconds to reach you and apply a Defibrillator to bring your construct back to functionality. If they do not do so within 60 seconds the disintegration of your construct will reach an irreversible level, and you will eject from Theta. Any item that you might have picked up in Theta will remain behind, as will any personal programs you might have been running. For more information on how the Defibrillator works, please see the associated section under ‘Slotted Equipment.’ Bombs, Wall Mines, and Grenades Type I bombs are very large explosive devices that Our Adversaries sometimes use as security devices within their Theta nodes. Past experience indicates that the enemy will happily destroy an entire Theta node if they feel that node has been compromised in any way, and that is exactly what these bombs do – take out everyone and everything that is in the local node. If you trigger a type 1 bomb and don’t manage to disarm it before it goes off, everyone is immediately and irretrievably killed. Shortly thereafter you will find yourself back in the Bridgehead, pondering the fact that you have just utterly failed your mission and made our presence in Theta very noticeable to our enemies. Try not to trigger bombs. If you do, dis-arm them before they go off. More information on bombs and bomb disarmament is available in Appendix A. Type II bombs are much smaller security devices that our enemy uses to booby trap certain locales of high importance. Wall mines are generally Type II bombs, and do direct damage to all constructs within their blast areas in a similar fash-ion to the damage done by a gunshot… albeit from a much bigger, unidirectional gun. In other words, setting off a Type II bomb will do heavy damage to everyone near it, although it will not necessarily kill everyone in the same manner a Type I bomb will. Assuming you survive the blast, check your rig to see how much damage you’ve taken. Grenades are, for all intents and purposes Type II bombs in terms of how they affect your construct. Damage is taken directly, has an area of effect, and is survivable if you’ve got enough HP remaining to survive the blast. Ejecting Although early ejection is never optimal, you may find yourself in a situation where cutting the run short via instant ejec-tion is the best of a bad set of choices. You can do so by contacting your Lieutenant via your Personal Communicator. He or she may simply pull your plug directly, or he/she may establish an emergency exit nearby and direct you to it. In either case, follow their directions.

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The following rules must be adhered to while on a Theta run. Not following them will get you kicked out of the run immediately, and repeat offenders will be barred from the game completely. You cannot bring any items or tools into Theta except those that you have been issued in the Ready Room. You cannot share any equipment with other members of your party. In other words if you slot Lock Picks for a run,

you cannot hand your lock pick to another member of your party for them to use. You cannot take guns from dead NPCs (or anyone else for that matter) You cannot cover, hide, or in any way block the sensors on the rig, except by the act of taking cover. Watch for posted signs that inform you of areas to stay out of, things you should not touch, etc., and follow their in-

structions. Some of these signs may be phrased with IG language and others with OOG language, but both are just as imperative as the other.

You must never break red tape on an item. For instance, if you find a bomb, it might have red tape covering access

to a compartment. Do not break the red tape to gain access to that compartment. If you are killed:

Safely fall to the ground. Once on the ground, do not move except to get your body out of a position that puts you in physical danger. You cannot communicate with anyone in your party except with your Lieutenant via your Personal Commu-

nicator. Call your Lieutenant immediately to notify him or her that you have died Wait for instructions from your Lieutenant – he or she may direct you to stay where you are or to exit at an

appropriate time. If and when you are instructed to leave, quietly stand up, make sure you have all of the equipment you

brought in, and move to the exit you have been instructed to use.


OOG: Important Theta Rules

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You will always be issued the following Equipment in the Ready Room. They do not cost any deck slots. Tactical MOLLE Vest Personal Communicator Headlamp Being familiar with this equipment is essential, both to speed processing in the Ready Room (where time is always of the essence), and to utilize the equipment to its maximal capabilities once you’re ‘fully flynned’ into Theta. Utility Belt / Harness The utility belt / harness consists of a standard MOLLE tactical vest, and sufficient pouches to hold equipment. An atten-dant in the Ready Room will fit your vest to you. It is made so that it will fit virtually anyone, from a very small person up to a tall, large person. It can handle up to 74” waist The equipment pouch is mounted on the belt, and holds your Com-municator and any other equipment you slot. Note that your Personal Communicator’s earpiece and cuff mic wiring are run along and attached to the harness – pay special attention to making sure these are secured and out of the way in the Ready Room, or they could get tangled and interfere with your actions in Theta.



IG: Standard Issue Equipment

Personal Communicator (PC) Your PC will be installed so that you have an earpiece in your ear, and a microphone clipped to a location close your mouth – usually on one of your harness straps, although you can adjust this location as you see fit. To use the mic, grasp it between two fingers and press the button on the side of the device. Speak into the microphone. Release the button when you are finished speaking or you will not be able to hear any incoming traffic. Some basic microphone protocol is a good idea, like saying ‘over’ when you are finished talking so your team mates will know they may now speak without stepping on your message. Headlamp The headlamp is worn on the forehead with the control switch at the top. It can be used in several modes: it can shine a red beam, which is the default setting as it doesn’t kill your night vision. It can also be switched to bright white light, which is good if you are engaged in something that needs a lot of light for detail, like picking a lock or disarming a bomb. The headlight can be swiveled down, as well, to focus it on your work. To swivel it down, just reach up and pull the top of the light forward with your fingertips. (Continued…)

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Your Rig: You will carry a rig – which is inserted into your gun, if you are carrying one, and as a simple box clipped to your chest if you are not. appears as a gun in Theta Space whether you slot a gun or not. It is the thing that forms the virtual space around you and communicates with the mainframe you are inside. The helmet is the neural connection that allows your thoughts to convey to the computer and acts as the interface between the communicator and you. . Much more explana-tion of your Rig is given in the section ‘More on Theta’ above. Generally, we recommend activating your Rig’s weapon features by slotting a weapon… more shooters and ammo never hurts on a run. To find our more about the weapon features that can be added to a rig, see the Optional Equip-ment / Augmentation Software section below.


IG: Theta Communications Protocol

You will be assigned a number in the Ready Room: “Coyote 1,” “Coyote 2”, etc. This number will become your personal identifier when using the Personal Communicator to contact each other (when separated), but mostly with your Lieuten-ant in the Bridgehead. Because your Lieutenant does not have visuals on your situation in Theta, your squad must give continuous verbal updates to him or her. A good Lieutenant’s support and direction can prove invaluable, but it is impossible for them to provide this support if you do not keep them abreast of your situation. Good coyotes have leaned this, and accomplished their missions b cause of the fact. The responsibility of providing these verbal updates to your Lieutenant initially falls to whoever is assigned “Coyote 1” in your squad. If Coyote 1 becomes incapacitated, or is engaged in a manner that does not allow him or her to use their PC (combat, disabling / enabling a device, etc), it is then Coyote 2’s responsibility to serve as the main communications conduit with the Lieutenant. The pattern continues up the line, with responsibility moving to the next coyote in the nu-merical sequence as the previous coyote becomes unavailable.

General combat notes in Theta

When you enter Theta, you will have 100 Health Points. You will have a device that tracks hits and your health (typically a gun, but not if you don’t want one), and will let you know if you are badly hurt or killed. If you die, it will shut down. Each shot from a weapon is coded to do a certain amount of damage to you. The weapons don’t have a lot of spread, and only register a hit on a sen-sor, so target the sensor lf your opponent. The red light scope and the laser target finder have generally been zeroed in.. If the weapon is not hitting, aim around the target until you get a hit, and note how much you need to adjust the aim to hit. Remember that a beam of light has no ballistics drop, but the aiming device and the actual laser beam of the weapon don’t start at the same point: they will cross at some distance out from the gun. Before that point, you must aim a bit low, and after that point, you must aim a bit high. The beam from the laser is very narrow and holds together well, but it does spread, so it’s actually easier to hit a target at a distance rather than close on, as the beam has spread and is affecting a greater area.

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Software: Basic Gun

Guns come in various sizes, and each size has it’s limitations. Those sizes are Small, Medium, and Large. The maximum damage a Small gun will be able to inflict will not be as great as the maximum damage a Large one can inflict, for instance. In all cases, a ba-sic gun of each type can be improved, with each upgrade costing you by increasing the complexity of the program that is the gun, and therefore, costing you more slots. A basic small gun will cost you 4 slots. It is possible to build a gun that costs more than 20 slots, which would require a “Gun 8.0” at a minimum to be able to equip. A large gun will be large, and therefore more difficult to carry and move around. Here are the things you can add to your gun program and the slots they cost:

Gun Design Size: Basic Small: 4 Basic Medium: 5 Basic Large: 6 Round per Clip: Basic (No cost): 20 Each slot expended will increase this number by 5 Number of Clips: 4 is the default. 1 slot = 2 clips Reload time: 4 second default. You may gain a slot for each second you increase this by or cost you one slot for each second decrease. Burst, Semi-Auto, or Auto: No slot charge for your choice If Burst, Burst size: (1—6, increase by 1 each time): No slot charge for your choice Rate of Fire: Default: 400. You may gain a slot by increasing your rate of fire (Cyclic increase of 50) or pay a cost of a slot for each decrease in Cyclic of 50. Minimum Cyclic is 250, Maximum is 800 Damage/Round: 10 default. Slot cost1 = 15 slot cost 2 = 17 slot cost 3 = 20 slot cost 4 = 25 slot cost 5 = 30 slot cost 6 = 35 slot cost 7 = 40 slot cost 8 = 50 slot cost 9 = 75 slot cost 10 = 100 Flash Suppressor: Yes costs 1 slot Armor acts just like additional hit points. Each 5 Armor points cost a slot. General note: To check your current health, press the reload button. If you are not at a full clip, it will reload. If you are at a full clip, the LCD will display your current health.

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This is the P90, a medium sized gun. It is lightweight, easy to handle in tight con-ditions, and easy to aim. These guns are accurate out to about 100 feet, and will have a laser sight mounted on the side of the Red Dot support area.

Examples of guns

A note about our guns:

The guns we use are each hand made by our own assembly plant. The shell is generally a repurposed Airsoft gun, meaning that we can use almost any airsoft gun shell as the basis for one of our guns. The usual laser tag gun optics are large and cumbersome, due to the fact that they use infra-red LEDs focused by lenses in the 2” diameter range, with focal lengths of 4 to 6 inches. This translates to a large tube that needs to be incorporated into the design of the gun, which means, at least, that the thing is clunky looking, and at worst, just not possible in the case of handguns and the like. Our guns use actual lasers that operate in the infrared range. This means that they hold a much tighter beam over far greater dis-tances, and have much lower “scatter”, especially when hitting a white wall or some such. This means that we can use sniper weap-ons, for instance, at ranges out to hundreds of yards. And the beam is still cohesive. These are proprietary laser assemblies devel-oped specifically for use in this game, though we will be marketing the electronics for the guns separately soon. The lasers used are tested and certified eye safe by the FDA. The game boards were made by a third party, but fit us quite well. The boards are fully programmable with the variables mentioned in the description. The gun computer handles all of the game functions, leaving the player to just playing the game, confident in the computer to track hits at both ends, health, and other game effects. No more arguments of the “I hit you!” variety. One note: due to the tight beam, target your opponents actual sensors if possible. There is one in the center of the chest and three on the helmet, so “center mass” or head shot is always a good option.

The G 36A is a large gun, capable of delivering a lot of damage quickly. The dieal Gun Bunny weapon.

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On a Theta run it is very much the equipment that you slot that determines what role will play for your squad. Whereas some games use more permanent ‘character classes’ to indicate areas of specialty, in the Osiris Sanction you simply choose the equipment you want for this run and this run only, meaning that just because you play, say, the bomb disar-mament specialist on this run doesn’t mean you couldn’t be a gun bunny next time around. This being said, some equipment (or the complex devices you’ll use the equipment against) require real knowledge, skill, and experience to be used effectively. Instead of your character gaining abstract ‘experience points,’ in the Osiris Sanction it is real-life experience and knowledge that makes you more effective in the game. As with the real world, practice makes perfect. As an example, a good hacker will have read the associated hacking instruction material and have practiced online be-fore a run. He’ll have played the role several times on real runs in the past, and thereby have experience with what hacking is like in a tense Theta environment. This prior experience will help him to think on his feet and adapt to subtle differences in this particular run’s hacking process. With this in mind, some players will choose to focus on a given specialist role and develop their real life knowledge, skills and experience in it. The nice thing is there’s no reason you can’t choose to focus on a different specialist role at any time. Sick of being the hacker all the time? Start to learn about bomb disarmament. The most effective and experienced players will know all of the equipment and skills in the game well, and thereby be able to fill any role in his or her squad successfully. They’ll also most likely be the players that get the most out of the game.


OOG: Understanding Equipment Selection and Squad Roles

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Tactical Gear

You will wear a full set of tactical equipment into a Theta run. You see it pictured to the left. See the following pages for more de-tails on this equipment.

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A MOLLE vest is the anchor point for all your equipment, offering a reasonable, logical and secure means to carry the equipment you need to complete your mission. It can carry add-on pouches, or you can clip equipment directly to the vest. This particular model of the MOLLE vest is modified to be truly one-size-fits-all. It will fit comfortably a person 5-2 up to 6-8, and weighing 110 pounds up to 600, and any combination in between. It is what holds your communications systems wiring, as well as being the an-chor for the sensor array. The sensors will snap into place in their specific locations on metal snaps. Take the time to adjust this vest to your body. A vest that is not adjusted correctly may interfere with your actions, which could be disastrous to you, your team, and the entire mission.

The Medic device is, as yet, theoretical. We have recovered one, but it is not yet possible to copy it. We are told that this device is on the close horizon. When it is at hand, based on the version we found, it will be a simple matter of approaching an injured companion and selecting a “health” value, and hitting the “fire” button while close to and aiming at one of the target sensors. That amount of “health” will be transferred from the limited amount the device carries to the target. More about this will be posted as we know it.


“Medic” Device

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The helmet will have the snaps for your sensor array, act as the support for your headlamp, and is the device that intermediates between the virtual reality of the Theta run and your brain. It can take a bit of time to adjust, but it should fit tightly enough that it doesn’t move easily while you are moving. The head band inside it can be adjusted to fit your head, and the chin strap can, of course, also be lengthened or retracted.

Kevlar Combat Helmet

The sensor is the device that registers damage from other entities in Theta. Before you ask, yes, a sensor needs to be included in your package. If there is no reading of interactions between the security robots and your unit, alarms will be raised. The sensor is indestructible, as near as we can tell.



The headlamp, of course, gives you light in a run. The default setting is red light, as this keeps your night vision intact. You will want to switch to the white light if you need to see detail or colors, such as in the disarming of a bomb. The lamp may be aimed at the object of your attention by reaching up and pulling the top for the lamp forward. It will rotate forward more than 90 degrees.

Microphone and personal communicator

Your PC will be installed so that you have an earpiece in your ear, and a microphone clipped to a location close your mouth. To use the mike, grasp it between two fingers and press the button on the side of the device. Speak into the microphone. Release the button when you are finished speaking or you will not be able to hear any incoming traffic. Some basic micro-phone protocol is a good idea, like saying ‘over’ when you are finished talking so your team mates will know they may now speak without stepping on your message.

You will be assigned a number in the Ready Room: “Coyote 1,” “Coyote 2”, etc. This number will become your personal identifier when using the Personal Communicator to contact each other (when separated), but mostly with your Lieuten-ant in the Bridgehead. Because your Lieutenant does not have visuals on your situation in Theta, your squad must give continuous verbal updates to him or her. A good Lieutenant’s support and direction can prove invaluable, but it is impos-sible for them to provide this support if you do not keep them abreast of your situation. The responsibility of providing these verbal updates to your Lieutenant initially falls to whoever is assigned “Coyote 1” in your squad. If Coyote 1 becomes incapacitated, or is engaged in a manner that does not allow him or her to use their PC (combat, disabling / enabling a device, etc), it is then Coyote 2’s responsibility t o serve as the main communications conduit with the Lieutenant. The pattern continues up the line, with responsibility moving to the next coyote in the nu-merical sequence as the previous coyote becomes unavailable.

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DRAFTMore equipment will be added to this list as we find ways to do so without breaking our security.

Other Equipment


The Demolitions skill is the skill needed to disarm bombs or deal with explosives in general. It is expected that in the near future it will be possible to salvage a virtual equivalent of a Claymore during a run and reuse it against the foe, and perhaps even bring such a device in with you. Slotting a device such as this will have an as yet undetermined cost.




The locksmith skill is needed to deal with any of a variety of virtual locks. Some training will be provided on the types of locks we have encountered so far.




The 4 slot cost shown here is for the POE program (Point of Entry). It is the only one we have seen a need for, so far, but more complex programs are expected to be needed as we progress forward.




Armor is one point per layer. A layer of armor cuts the incoming damage value in half for ione instance. Cost:



Each level of Medic costs one slot. Each level will restore 5 health points. Cost: