Play Dead Program - Extension

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Program for the West Coast premiere of Play Dead at the Geffen Playhouse.

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From the artistic Director

Welcome to Play DeaD. You are in for the ride of your life. todd robbins and teller have created an evening that follows in a long and popular tradition of interactive theater. in Play Dead robbins is an illusionist, a telepath and possibly a sociopath, but above all, he is a captivating storyteller, here telling the stories of those who can no longer speak for themselves. having had the experience of working with teller on The exorcist, with pleasure we welcome him back for an evening he co-created and directs. in the capable hands of robbins and teller, a journey with the dead becomes a veritable thrill.

embracing what separates live theater from the screens to which we are all so attached, Play Dead is immersive and all-encompassing and plays upon the viewer’s senses to create an environment that is both titillating and terrifying.

When the intimate audrey Skirball Kenis theater was built, we knew it would facilitate our desire to create work that draws outside the lines. Play Dead follows our mandate for this theater in offering a non-traditional theatrical event and, in doing so, introduces audiences to artistry that defies categorization. Sometimes art — in order to thrive — has to find its own path. We’re happy to provide one step on that path for new works such as these.

mr. robbins will warn you as the show begins about the frightening events you are about to witness, but let me assure you that the most terrifying aspect of this show comes from within our own minds. Participation, as with all good theater, is what makes Play Dead the exciting ride that it is.

enjoy the show.

Randall Arney artistic Director



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welcome to the geffen playhouse

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BoaRD of DIRectoRsFRAnk G. MAncusoChairmanPatricia Kiernan aPPlegate randall arneYBehnaz ataeeBeth BehrS dr. gene d. BlocKharold a. BroWngil cateS jr.marY ann cloYddenniS dotYjohn eBeYdr. Brad edgertonmarK fleiScherherBert m. gelfandChairman emeriTus

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letteR fRom the chaIRman

FraNK G. maNcUso

We are honored to Welcome You here to our theater and to the West coast premiere of Play Dead created by todd robbins and teller. thank you for your support and participation in one of the oldest and most precious art forms there is: live theater.

as we come to the second anniversary of the sudden passing of our founder, gil cates, i am reminded once again, what a treasure of an organization he created. additionally, i think how incredibly fortunate we were to have had time with this gifted and humane man, and to share in the joy of building an organization that continues to bring so much to all of our lives, and will, for future generations to come.

i would also like to take this time to thank you, our incredible Board, advisory Board, corporate and foundation funders, our staff, and other individuals who have so clearly stood with us, during a time of great loss and transition. You have not only helped keep gil’s vision and values alive, you have helped us build an organization that will continue to chart new territory and grow beyond original expectations.

as you watch Play Dead, i hope it will remind you what a precious and remarkable gift and art form live theater is for all of us. i also hope it will remind you to continue to support this one-of-a-kind theater and institution, founded by a one-of-a-kind man, and built by all of us. from all of us on the Board of directors, our profound gratitude to all who have stepped forward to keep this gem of a theater and institution growing and going.

this will be my last open letter to you as your chairman. i have decided after seven years of leading the Board that it is time to turn over the reins to someone else. We leave the theater in excellent financial shape, free of debt and producing an eight show season with additional entertainment coming from our newly created Spotlight Series. it has been a pleasure to serve our community and the geffen in this capacity. i know the new leadership will continue to maintain the values that have been created for this special place and will continue to create a “little bit of magic” here on le conte.

now, i invite you to sit back, hold on tight to the hand of your date and enjoy Play Dead.

With gratitude,

Frank G. Mancuso Chairman, geffen Playhouse

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throughout hiStorY PeoPle from everY culture have Sought to commune with the dead. our desire — to know if an afterlife exists, if our departed loved ones are within our grasp — quickly evolved into crowd-pleasing entertainment. the need to know what lies beyond allowed showmen to capitalize on an audience’s fear and intrigue and have kept psychics and spiritualists in business. from these roots grew a genre that continues to be among the most popular in the world. here is just a sampling of the entertainment borne out of our obsession with the dead.

staGe meDiUmshipone of the most infamous practitioners of séance for audiences was Paschal Beverly randolph. an 1800’s occultist who specialized in contact with the dead, he performed public séances wherein he conjured the spirits of family members of the audience who had since died.

in keeping with randolph’s tradition, medium john edward, in his long running television talk show Crossing over, questions audience members using information he says is communicated by their deceased friends and relatives. from “the other side” edward receives images and clues which the audience must assist him in interpreting. the audience does not supply edward with any prior information about themselves, or the person with whom they are trying to make contact (although they do fill out questionnaires prior to taping). his show’s popularity suggests there are many who believe in his power to connect with “the other side.”

haUNteD experieNcesduring the month of october, everywhere one turns there is another haunted funhouse to be found. one extraordinary example is Pennhurst asylum. What is most terrifying about this deserted sanitarium turned horror house is that it mixes terrible truths with frightening fiction to create an all-in experience.

the facts: Pennhurst State School in Spring city, Pa opened in 1908 and operated for almost 60 years before allegations of mistreatment of residents surfaced.

complaints stated that conditions were unsanitary, inhumane and dangerous and that the medical staff used cruel and unusual punishment. after a lengthy investigation and trial, prosecutors concluded that the conditions at Pennhurst were negligent at best and dangerous at worst, and in its 80 year history, the mentally impaired population deteriorated rather than improved.

the fiction: for several years Pennhurst was alive again with activity but no one knew what was going on behind the walls and under the complex. Stories of evil doctors performing experiments and fires that killed patients and staff are all part of the lore that lures those with morbid curiosity.

there are four different tours of Pennhurst that include underground tunnels, and a morgue which are all part of the original building. among the scariest of haunted venues, Pennhurst’s popularity grows exponentially every year.

mUrDer-miNDeD toUristsin london, on any given evening, tours are given following the murderous path of jack the ripper. experts on ripper’s methodology lead terror tours down dark alleys and abandoned streets to recreate an approximation of the original scene of his crimes.

in los angeles, patrons take tours via hearse to places where celebrities have died, where manson slaughtered Sharon tate and where the hillside Stranglers left their victims. these macabre entertainments appeal to us because nothing scares us more than death and that fear makes us feel unmistakably alive.


oUr obsessioN with the DeaDby amy leviNsoN Pennhurst asylum

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the geffen playhouse preseNts

Written by Todd Robbins & Teller

featuring Todd Robbins

directed by Teller

costume designerkathryn shemanek

Scenic designerTom Buderwitz

lighting designerElizabeth Harper

Sound designercricket s. Myers

Production Stage manager Young Ji

associate director Jim Millan

casting by Phyllis schuringa, csA

ensemble Julie Marie Hassett • Brianna Hurley • Shar Mayer • Rick Williamson

RunninG TiME approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes

There will be no intermission.

o p e N i N G N i G h t s p o N s o r s

opening Night: wednesday, November 20, 2013

original off-Broadway stage production by alan Schuster, cheryl Wiesenfeld and Pat Blake in association with frank and jono gero and ethan Silverman.

magic designerJohnny Thompson

illusions engineerThom Rubino

original musicGary stockdale

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Todd RoBBins (as himself / co-Writer)todd robbins is an award winning performer and creative artist who has worked in many areas of popular entertainment and the performing arts during a thirty year career. if todd looks familiar to you, it’s probably because you have seen him on one of the more than 200 tv shows he has done. these include all the major network morning shows, the late night talkfests of letterman, leno and conan o’Brien and the nBc special extreme Variety. classically trained as an actor, he has put his performing abilities to good use in the two drama desk nominated theater pieces that he created for off-Broadway. the first one, Carnival knowledge, was a behind the scenes look at the world of the american sideshow and chronicled his experiences working in places like coney island. the second show is Play Dead. currently, todd is working with discovery Studios on developing a tv series based upon dark chapters of history. and he is also reviving the 1923 musical Poppy. this was the show that made W.c. fields a star.

JuliE MARiE HAssETT (ensemble)julie marie hassett’s love of and work on the stage has thrived from chicago to los angeles. She directed and performed in The Vagina monologues at the hermosa Beach Playhouse for the v-day campaign to end violence against women. leading feature film roles include a police detective (measure), a dominatrix (salesgirl)

and a werewolf (Blood redd). She wrote and performed in the film, Joy. She looks forward to playing frieda in next year’s The Joy Division, a WWii feature developed from a cannes recognized short film telling the story of a Polish resistance fighter who triumphs over oppression after being forced into concentration camp prostitution. julie is a partner in red love film and founding member of foundation of joy, a nonprofit which raises funds and awareness for the welfare, education, and artistic development of women, children and young adults through art. She is grateful to the geffen Playhouse and teller for this opportunity.

BRiAnnA HuRlEY (ensemble)Brianna hurley is thrilled to be making her West coast debut! hailing from new York city, ms. hurley has well over twenty-five off and off-off Broadway credits, most recently including the theater Project’s a midsummer night’s Dream and the east coast run of Play Dead. She also holds international credits with teatro jaco and the Walt disney company. She is both a graduate of the american musical and dramatics academy and a proud member of Sag-aftra. She would like to thank her family, matt and all of her friends for their love and support. www.briannahurley.com

sHAR MAYER (ensemble)Shar mayer is a new Yorker who now lives in Southern california.

Shar began doing magic shows as a child. She played “magicgal” in a touring vaudeville show where she found her love of performing. Shar enjoys working in theater on both sides of the curtain. her obsession with horror makeup and scare-acting took her on a 30 year journey working in the haunt industry. Shar has performed monster roles in live haunted events and tv/movie projects, including Zombies Vs Vampires. She’s been featured in national haunt commercials, billboards, bus and print ads. Shar has worked on many interesting projects like star Trek: The Tour and glory of Christmas. She also designs makeup for dWi programs and is the production manager for Scarela. Shar thanks jerry and rosie for their love and support. thank you to teller for this wonderful opportunity. also thanks to harry houdini for showing us the way.

Rick WilliaMSon (ensemble)rick Williamson is an actor, writer, director, stunt man and puppeteer. he is very honored to work with teller and the geffen Playhouse. his other stage performances include award-winning productions of loot at the odyssey theatre, Bleacher Bums at the century city Playhouse, Flight of the Penguin at the limelight Playhouse and his own The Puppet show at the company of angels. tv credits include reno 911, The Conan o’Brien show, Firefly and a recurring role on general hospital. film credits include Born to be a star, houndz from hell and Death Factory where he played the infamous albert fish. he is currently in pre-production to direct and star in his very own Combat nuns. Previously he directed and wrote the award-winning a short Film which has won over audiences worldwide. rick went into the arts because it was easier than pulling a nun through the eye of a needle.

TEllER(director / co-Writer)teller has been the smaller, quieter half of Penn & teller since 1975. With Penn jillette, he has played off and on Broadway, toured in north america and Britain, and is currently the longest-running headline act in las vegas. Penn & teller have written and starred in television series and specials, including eight seasons of the emmy-nominated Showtime series Penn & Teller: Bullshit!; Penn & Teller Tell a lie on discovery; Penn & Teller’s sin City spectacular on fX; Behind the scenes, a PBS children’s series on the arts; The unpleasant world of Penn & Teller, a magic and comedy series on england’s channel 4; and the recent itv variety series, Penn & Teller: Fool us. teller has written for The atlantic monthly, smithsonian, The new york Times, The washington Post, esquire, gQ, The new yorker; as well as three books with Penn jillette and two on his own. he’s also a frequent contributor to all Things Considered on nPr. in 2008, teller co-directed a version of Shakespeare’s macbeth, conceived as a supernatural horror thriller that employed stage magic to represent the play’s uncanny hallucinations and manifestations. he directed the original off-Broadway production of Play Dead and co-directed the performance film. in 2014, teller’s dark, magical vision of Shakespeare’s The Tempest (with music by tom Waits) will run at the american repertory theatre in cambridge; and the feature documentary teller directed, Tim’s Vermeer, will be released in theaters internationally by Sony Picture classics.

ToM BUDERWiTZ (Scenic designer)Previously designed under The Blue sky and Joan rivers: a work in Progress for the geffen



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Playhouse. tom has designed for South coast repertory, center theater group, Pasadena Playhouse, denver center theatre company, intiman theater, Portland center Stage, laguna Playhouse, chautauqua theater company, arizona theatre co., San diego repertory, artists repertory theater, the antaeus co., reprise theatre co., the theatre @ Boston court, P.c.P.a. theaterfest, riverside theater, florida Studio theater, rogue machine, deafWest theatre and a noise Within among many others. tom has been honored with 4 los angeles Stage alliance ovation awards (24 nominations) and 3 los angeles drama critics circle awards. for television, tom has designed specials and series for every major broadcast and cable network and has 3 emmy award nominations and an art director’s guild award nomination. www.tombuderwitz.com

kATHRYn sHEMAnEk(costume designer)my high school drama teacher is the person i have to thank for introducing me to the theater. i became a stage manager, dedicating my life to all its facets. in 1974, i was hired by the guthrie theater costume Shop. in 1988, i joined Prince’s Prn Productions which led to pursuing work in film and tv in the los angeles area. my focus was mostly tv movies, but found the greatest reward in designing costumes for historical recreations including fox’s Big Bad Beetleborgs and Showtime’s Penn & Teller: Bullshit! currently, i am the costume designer for Big history on history 2, Blood relatives on investigation discovery channel and the movie unbelievable!!!!! the loves in my life are my two cats, Bunny and monkey and my parents — who are happy that i am making living at doing what i love.

EliZaBETH HaRpER (lighting designer) theatrical design credits and awards include wait until Dark (geffen Playhouse), a raisin in the sun, directed by Phylicia rashad (Kirk douglas theatre, 2011 ovation nominee, 2012 naacP theatre award nominee), good People (geffen Playhouse, 2012 ovation

nominee), The Twentieth-Century way (the theatre @ Boston court, 2010 ovation nominee), american misfit (the theatre @ Boston court), Crescent City (the industry), Fraternity (the ebony repertory theatre), it’s always sunny in Philadelphia and Family guy live (gibson amphitheater), how to succeed in Business without really Trying (reprise theatre company). industrial and event design: microsoft, universal Studios, on-live, comedy central, and Spike tv. her design work and sketches were selected for display at the 2011 Prague Quadrennial and were part of an exhibit showcasing the work of emerging american designers. education and affiliation: guest instructor, california institute of the arts; mfa, tisch School of the arts, nYu; member united Scenic artists local 829.

cRickET s. MYERs(Sound designer) Broadway: Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo (drama desk award, tony nomination). off-Broadway: marvelous wonderettes. regional: wrecks, some girl(s), emergency (ovation, naacP nomination-geffen); Joe Turner’s Come and gone, Vigil, Burn This, The lieutenant of inishmore (ovation nomination), Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, The subject was roses, The school of night, nightingale (mark taper forum); The wake, Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo (ovation nomination), second City’s Christmas Carol, The little Dog laughed (ovation nomination), Come Back, little sheba (Kirk douglas theatre); sideways, The nightingale (la jolla Playhouse); Book Club Play (arena Stage); in the wake (Berkeley rep); The Fantasticks, Parisian woman, elemeno Pea, Three Days of rain, The Trip to Bountiful (South coast rep); Crowns, orson’s shadow (Pasadena Playhouse); marvelous wonderettes (laguna Playhouse). other selected l.a. theaters include the colony theatre, Boston court, ghost road theater company, the celebration theater, ford amphitheater, the Shrine auditorium and circle X. www.cricketsmyers.com

GARY sTockdAlE (original music)gary Stockdale is a two-time emmy nominee who has composed for television shows such as sabrina, the Teenage witch; To Tell the Truth; and Showtime’s Penn & Teller: Bullshit! as well as Penn & Teller’s sin City spectacular on fX. he also wrote music for The aristocrats, a documentary by Penn jillette and Paul Provenza. gary has written music for most of Penn & teller’s television and stage productions since 1990. he was also an original member of the Brian Setzer orchestra, appeared as a singing killer on the cult-classic tv series Cop/rock, and recently backed up adele for the 2013 academy awards. With Spencer green, gary co-wrote the irreverent adult musical Bukowsical, which won outstanding musical at the 2007 new York fringe festival, and just ended a well-reviewed run in St. louis. in 2010, gary composed the score for the original off-Broadway production of Play Dead. gary’s cd, Sure of mice elf is available wherever music is found online.

JoHnnY THoMPson(magic designer)johnny thompson is a las vegas illusionist who performs under the stage name “the great tomsoni” with his wife, Pamela hayes. they have a comedic slapstick act with the well-dressed thompson and his gum-popping assistant, Pam, performing illusions while enduring a series of mishaps. of Polish ancestry, he is also known as “Poland’s finest magician.” Within the magician community, tomsoni is considered a virtuoso, widely known as a mentor and teacher of magic and a creator of tricks, as opposed to simply a performer. he has worked behind the scenes with magicians such as Penn & teller, criss angel, Siegfried & roy, lance Burton and doug henning. he was the magic consultant for the off-Broadway production of Play Dead and in conjunction with teller, designed the magic effects for the geffen’s production of The exorcist. in 1999 he was awarded one of the highest honors in the magician community, a master fellowship with the academy of magical arts.

THoM RuBino(illusions engineer) thom rubino started designing illusions, theatrical effects and displays 28 years ago. originally from long island, thom worked with local magicians creating effects for their award-winning acts. in 1999 he moved to las vegas to continue his journey. his company, thom rubino illusions has a prestigious list of clients that include armani exchange, goldman Sachs, gucci, Sephora, myth Busters, Siegfried and roy Productions, cirque du Soleil, & teller, to name a few. i would like to thank my great friend johnny thompson for introducing me to teller in 2009 when my journey with Play Dead began.

JiM MillAn(associate director)jim millan is one of canada’s most versatile and sought after stage directors and innovators. he worked alongside todd robbins and teller on Play Dead off -Broadway. among his various recent credits, jim teamed with adam Savage and jamie hyneman to create mythbusters live which continues to sell out across north america. he collaborated with alton Brown on his edible inevitable tour. he wrote with and directed larry King to create his solo show standing up. as a comedy writer/director he created sPank! The 50 shades Parody that has played over 140 cities in the last year and has a sequel sPank harDer opening in january. he has directed three tours with sketch comedy legends the Kids in the hall. in fact he has directed on 5 continents in 35 countries in 17 languages. he has multiple new projects opening in the next year in the uSa, australia and asia.

YounG Ji(Production Stage manager) most recently, assistant director for robert falls, The Jacksonian at the new group (nYc). geffen Playhouse: rapture Blister Burn, yes, Prime minister, american Buffalo, nothing to hide, Build, The exorcist, The Jacksonian, radiance: The Passion of marie Curie, The elaborate entrance of Chad Deity, extraordinary Chambers, in mother words, love loss & what i wore, ricky Jay: a rogue’s gallery; louis & keely: live at the sahara. other


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regional: center theatre group: The Cherry orchard (taper); wrecks, Trial of the Catonsville nine, Pyrenees, a Very old man with enormous wings (Kirk douglas theatre). other los angeles: Cousin Bette, king lear, The autumn garden (Producer); la ronde, The glass menagerie (director); Tonight at 8:30, Phaedra (getty villa), mother Courage and her Children, Pera Palas, Chekhov X 4.

PHYllis scHuRinGA, csA (casting) Phyllis has been the casting director at the geffen for 12 years and now is also an artistic associate. recent plays are american Buffalo, yes, Prime minister, The gift, Coney island Christmas, Build and the los angeles production of By the way, meet Vera stark. Before joining the team at the geffen, she was the casting director for Steppenwolf theatre in chicago where her favorites include frank galati’s adaptation of The grapes of wrath (also la jolla Playhouse, national theatre in london, and Broadway, where it received the tony award for Best Play), the original production of Steve martin’s Picasso at the lapin agile (and subsequent productions including Westwood Playhouse and Briar Street theater in chicago), austin Pendleton’s orson’s shadow and charles l. mee’s Time to Burn. Broadway transfers include one Flew over the Cuckoo’s nest (tony for Best revival) and The song of Jacob Zulu. She teaches auditioning at Steppenwolf West and is a member of the casting Society of america.

RAndAll ARnEY (artistic director)randall arney has been a theater professional for over 30 years, and has served as artistic director of the geffen Playhouse since 1999. in addition to his artistic programming and

oversight at the geffen, arney has helmed more than 10 productions for the theater, most recently american Buffalo, superior Donuts, The Female of the species, The seafarer, speed-the-Plow and all my sons. arney is an ensemble member and former artistic director of chicago’s Steppenwolf theatre where his directing credits include: The seafarer, The Beauty Queen of leenane, Death and the maiden, Curse of the starving Class, killers and The geography of luck, among others. arney also directed Steppenwolf’s world premiere of Steve martin’s Picasso at the lapin agile, as well as the subsequent national and international acclaimed productions. mr. arney’s acting credits with Steppenwolf include Born yesterday, ghost in the machine, The homecoming, Frank’s wild years, you Can’t Take it with you, Fool for love, True west, Balm in gilead and Coyote ugly. as the artistic director for Steppenwolf from 1987 to 1995, he oversaw the creation of a new state-of-the-art theater which is Steppenwolf’s current home. Broadway transfers under his leadership include The rise and Fall of little Voice, The song of Jacob Zulu (six tony award nominations) and The grapes of wrath (1990 tony award, Best Play). mr. arney has an mfa degree in acting from illinois State university and has taught master classes and workshops at ucla, Steppenwolf, around the u.S. and in tokyo.

kEn noVicE (managing director)Ken novice’s career in the professional theater spans 25 years and over 250 productions. Prior to joining geffen Playhouse, he served as managing director and director of external affairs at Pasadena Playhouse where his credits include the revival

of Fences starring laurence fishburne and angela Basset and the world premieres of sister act the musical, ray Charles live, stormy weather starring lesley uggams and many others. he was director of marketing and Public relations for San diego’s tony award-winning old globe theatre where his credits include jack o’Brien’s acclaimed revival of Damn yankees, the tony award-nominated musical The Full monty, henry iV starring john goodman and Sheldon epp’s tony-nominated hit Play on! among many others. his credits also include marketing and public relations for the tony award-winning denver center theater company and new York’s circle repertory company. as director of Programming for YouthStream media networks he developed national marketing and public relations programs for most of hollywood’s major motion picture studios. novice also served as head of the theatre management mfa/mBa program at california State university, long Beach and has been a guest lecturer at San diego State university and the university of california, San diego. he holds a Ba from the Pennsylvania State university and an mBa from San diego State university.

BEHnaZ aTaEE (general manager)Behnaz ataee is a financial professional with more than 25 years of experience in for-profit and nonprofit financial management and auditing. Behnaz joined the geffen Playhouse in 1999 and this marks her ninth season as the theater’s general manager. She began her career in the Bay area as a partner in a small family start-up before joining fBS management where she acted as director of accounting, overseeing the finances of more than 25 non-profit organizations. Behnaz

continued her work with non-profits as an auditor for trump and van Sloten cPa and then returned to the for-profit sector at ultratech, before ultimately landing at the geffen Playhouse. Behnaz has a master’s degree from Pepperdine university.

REGinA MillER (chief development officer)regina has been a development professional for over 18 years, working with non-profit institutions, foundations and corporations on strategy, analysis and fundraising. She has worked for Simon Wiesenthal center, the clinton foundation, Ben affleck’s eastern congo initiative, hank azaria’s determined to Succeed, the millan foundation and Whole child international, among others. Prior to the geffen, regina served as the director of Partnerships for Big Brothers Big Sisters of greater los angeles and the inland empire where she led strategic planning and development while executing policies that advanced the organization’s visibility and growth. regina also has a strong passion for teaching. after graduating from university of north carolina School of the arts, she taught in preschools and kindergartens in new York. from the age of 13, regina worked as a professional dancer on Broadway as well as with a number of prominent modern dance ensembles. fusing two of her interests, she created a highly successful program which incorporated dance therapy and creative movement into an early childhood curriculum as well as wrote and produced a television show based on this concept. in addition to being a published author and photographer with tallfellow Press and Prometheus Books, regina has taught and lectured at numerous schools in new York, los angeles and abroad.

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pRoDuctIon staff foR PlaY dead

assistant lighting designer Jonathan A. lebovicassistant Set designer Jamie lewProduction assistant leia crawfordProduction electrician dan TuttleSound operator Amy PolinerWardrobe Supervisor carol Ann sparksStage crew Brad Hernandez


management for Penn & teller Glenn s. Alai and Peter Adam Golden metal fabrication by Bryan schuette, united Machine & Tool Set provided by scenic Highlightslighting equipment provided by Entertainment lighting servicesSound equipment provided by Jon sound inc. Prosthetic fabrication Frank ippolitolobby marionettes Michael curry Production Photographer Michael lamontmedia filming Four leaf MediaKey art Fraver

specIal thanKs

uclA school of Theater, Film and Television scene Prop, sound and costume shops; london cleaners; Peet’s coffee & Tea; T. Gene Hatcher; laura Foley; Ezekiel Zabrowski; penn Jillette

ucla school of theateR, fIlm anD teleVIsIon

the geffen Playhouse is affiliated with the university of california at los angeles, specifically the ucla School of theater, film and television. the geffen Playhouse values its role as an important educational resource by providing students with master classes, workshops and internships. Students are also able to work and learn from distinguished visiting geffen artists such as alan ayckbourn, jon robin Baitz, annette Bening, ed harris, david ives, neil laBute, david mamet, donald margulies, terrence mcnally, john rando and Kathleen turner in areas of directing, playwriting, acting, design, dramaturgy, management and production. the geffen Playhouse also draws upon the distinguished experts in the university to enhance the theater’s programs and research.

the actors and stage managers employed in this production are members of actors’ equity association; the union of Professional actors and Stage managers in the united States.

the director is a member of the society of Stage directors and choreographers, inc., an independent national labor union.

acKnowleDgements geffen at a gLAnceaDDRess

geffen Playhouse10886 le conte avenue los angeles, ca 90024

Administrative Offices ......... 310.208.6500 Weekdays ........................ 10:00 am — 6:00 pm

Box Office Phone Line .......... 310.208.5454 daily .....................................7:00 am — 6:00 pm

Subscriber Hotline ................. 310.208.2028 Weekdays ........................ 10:00 am — 6:00 pm Weekends ....................... 12:00 pm — 6:00 pm

Please visit geffenplayhouse.com for hours, parking and more information

tIcKet seRVIces

Box office WindowWhen shows are not in performance, the box office window is open: Weekdays ........................ 10:00 am — 6:00 pm Weekends ....................... 12:00 pm — 6:00 pm during the run of a show, the window will be open until curtain. Please note: the box office is unable to process exchanges and future sales one hour prior to curtain time on any performance day.


Accessible Accommodationthe geffen Playhouse is fully committed to ensuring a satisfying theater experience for our patrons with special needs or disabilities. Please contact the box office or an usher to discuss your needs.

at the theateR

late seatingShould you arrive late to the theater or vacate your seat during the performance, please expect to be held in the lobby until an appropriate pause in the action on-stage. to minimize disturbance to other patrons, you may be sat into the first available location by the house staff even if different from your assigned seat. Be advised that some productions or circumstances may not allow for late or return seating.


the geffen Playhouse is supported, in part, by the los angeles county Board of Supervisors through the los angeles county arts commission.

this project was also funded in part by the department of cultural affairs, city of los angeles.

the geffen Playhouse, a non-profit theater company, is proudly affiliated with the university of california at los angeles.

Page 11: Play Dead Program - Extension

Rita Wilson and Jackson Browne performing

2013 honoree Billy Crystal with storyteller Morgan Freeman

2013 honoree Bruce Ramer with presenter Clint Eastwood

save the Date bacKstaGe at the GeFFeN

saturday, march 22, 2014hosted by steve carell

Join us this year in honoring

yoU Never KNow who will tell a story ...who will perForm ...

aND who will steal the show!

For more information please contact regina miller at 310.208.6500 ext. 112 or [email protected]

steve martiNDistinction in Theater award

alaN horNchairmaN oF the walt DisNey stUDios

Distinction in service award

t i t l e S P o n S o r

P r e S e n t i n g S P o n S o r S

Page 12: Play Dead Program - Extension

to leaRn moRe aBout the eDucatIon anD outReach pRogRams VIsIt geffenpLAyhouse.com/outReach

youR Impact



california ranks dead last — 50th out of the 50 states — in the amount spent per child and adult on the arts: 14 cents per person.

the city of los angeles has a budget of only $3.7 million a year to support the arts, versus new York city’s support of $29 million and San francisco’s $13 million for the arts.

Your support changes lives — inspiring profoundly disadvantaged youth across los angeles county to stay in school and to realize their potential as writers, critical thinkers, and much more through their time and work with geffen artists, casts and teaching artists.

Your support gives veterans and their families the opportunity not only to experience our plays at no charge throughout the year — but also to feel honored, recognized and welcomed home.

Your support gives recently emancipated foster youth, women and families living in domestic violence shelters, and many other isolated populations the opportunity to feel connected to society, experience relief through entertainment, and gain renewed strength and perspective through plays and workshops with our artists and casts.

Your support brings unparalleled strength, insight, humanity and hope to those working hard to transition out of homelessness, through season-long work with geffen artists and performances.

Your gift improves our economy. every dollar spent on the arts generates more than $11 in revenue to the surrounding community.

You will have a role in bringing each play to life this coming year. Subscriptions and single ticket sales cover only half of the costs of our nonprofit operations and productions.

Your gift will give more than 25,000 profoundly disadvantaged children, youth, seniors and adults access to the one-of-a-kind beauty, power and inspiration of live theater.

Your support improves the quality of life for all of us.

Play a role in bringing the transformative power of live theater to as many people as possible in the coming year. Support the arts and access to the arts for all.

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the geffen Playhouse’s extensive education and outreach programs work with student, senior, low-income and veteran groups to ensure the most underserved of our community participate in the artistic work done at the geffen Playhouse and beyond.

Here are the top ten reasons to support the work:


o by






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Imagine being a 14-year-old who, on top of the normal angst and pressure most young people experience at this age, was also surrounded by the lure of gangs, drugs and more in a neighborhood where most adults do not have a high school diploma. How could you believe you would make it to graduation when so few, if any, adults in your neighborhood did so?Boyle Heights is only 11 miles from the Geffen Playhouse, but it might as well be 11,000 miles away. In fact, when we brought the first busload of our students to a play at the Geffen a few months back, some asked if we had travelled to a different state. They couldn’t believe how green it was here. They had never been to such a beautiful building. They had never been east of Downtown Los Angeles. Fourteen-year-olds who had never been more than a few miles outside of their neighborhoods. I am the principal of these students who attend Mendez High School — a public high school in Boyle Heights, East Los Angeles. My parents brought me here to Boyle Heights when I was five. Neither of my parents had completed more than elementary school. But they knew the power of education to change lives. Several years ago, I graduated from UCLA with a Master’s in education. I am back in Boyle Heights to give back, to help more kids get on a greater path in life. We were shocked when the Geffen Playhouse answered our call for help last year at this time. As is the case for most high schools in economically depressed neighborhoods across LA and across the US, we were losing too many 14-year-olds each year who decided to give up because they didn’t think they could ever make it to 12th grade. Less than 50% obtain a high school diploma. This is abysmal not only for them, but for all of us, and for the generations who will follow in their footsteps and in this downward spiral if nothing is done. One of the top reasons 14-year-olds make the disastrous decision to drop out of high school? They are acutely aware of how far behind they are academically and are convinced they won’t be able to catch up to meet the requirements to graduate. One of the most painful reminders of how far behind they are? Daily struggles with even basic writing tasks. Kids so far behind they don’t even know how to write one sentence in response to a teacher’s question, let alone a coherent essay.Writing is a complex skill, as we all know. Even the most celebrated, prolific writers of all time have shared their dread for writing. How can we help kids who are so frozen with fear about writing that they will drop out of high school instead of having to learn how to do it? The Geffen answered our call for help. The organization worked with us to develop a year-long runway of experiences and classroom work with teaching artists and experts from UCLA to gradually build students’ comfort and success with critical thinking and writing — skills that will jet propel them for life. Leveraging the rich and novel experience of seeing each Geffen play throughout the year, and working with the Geffen’s world-class teaching artists to decipher and interpret the plays in ways that comfortably forced them to organize and express their thoughts, these young people developed muscle, clarity and confidence in writing, in speaking, in life. I can tell you that because of the Geffen Playhouse program at our school this past year, 70% of the youth are now on track to graduate. Our school was just cited as one of the top in LA for improvements in the literacy scores of its students. We have to share this model and get it out to more schools across Los Angeles. With your help, we will. We know you understand the precious, one-of-a-kind value of live theater. Hopefully, this letter has underscored its value even more. Please include the Geffen Playhouse in your year-end charitable giving this year. We have a lot more work to do. My deepest gratitude to you for reading this long letter, and for considering an investment in these children and in their futures. Sincerely,

Mauro Bautista Principal, Mendez High School

to Donate oR foR moRe InfoRmatIon please call DeVelopment 310.208.6500 ext. 128

Page 14: Play Dead Program - Extension

“the play that First staKeD oUt harolD piNter’s DeFiNiNG

holD oN moDerN Drama.” — variety

“time has proveN its brilliaNce.” — chicaGo tribUNe

written by harold pinterdirected by william friedkin


additional cast to be announced

frances barber nick ulletttim rothsteven berkoff

BegIns februAry 4

Like uS On fAceBOOk fOLLOw uS On twitter fOLLOw uS On PintereSt

geffenpLAyhouse.com | 310.208.5454

Page 15: Play Dead Program - Extension

the geffen Playhouse recognizes the following individuals and organizations for their generous support of our annual fund and Backstage at the geffen. donors are listed at the associate level and higher for gifts made between September 15, 2012 and december 1, 2013.

in appreciation, donors enjoy a host of special benefits including house seats, complimentary drinks, receptions and much more. for more information, please call jamie mikelich at 310.208.6500 ext. 128.

chaIRman’s cIRcle $50,000+anonymousPatricia Kiernan applegatearia resort & Spaaudi of america, incBen/joyce eisenberg foundationcity national Bankmary ann cloydSusan & john ebeyedgerton foundationjoyce eisenberg-Keefer & melvin Keeferfox entertainment groupherbert m. & Beverly j. gelfandin memory of alice ghostley & felice orlandijim & ann gianopulosadi & jerry greenbergguggenheim Partnerscarole & Bill haberharold & mimi Steinberg charitable trustmartha hendersonj.P. morgan Private Bankmarilyn & jeffrey Katzenbergglorya KaufmanKeyes automotive groupSandra Krause & William fitzgeraldlatham & Watkins llPmr. and mrs. jason & Yvonne leeginny mancinifay & frank mancusojohn mccrite & juan lopezdonna mcKenna & flynn chernosron & Kelly meyerann & jerry mossmoss foundationoneWest BankPricewaterhousecoopersralph m. Parsons foundationmadeline & Bruce ramerlinda Bernstein rubin & tony rubinrichard & Barbara ShermanShubert foundationSkirball foundationKaren & vic SmithKate capshaw Spielberg & Steven Spielbergdeeanna Staats, Staats & co.cynthia P. Stafford & lanre idewujudith & Bruce Sternjodi & howard tenenbaumthe ucla dream funddeborah & michael e. Walshthe Walt disney company Westfield groupjudy & chancellor charles e. Youngdirk & natasha ziff

executIVe pRoDuceR $25,000 - $49,999anonymousthe Backyardrobert c. BaralBulgari corporation of americaStephanie & jonathan carsoncBS corporationclassic Party rentalsdan hartman arts & music foundationthe douglas foundationthe edward a. & ai o Shay family foundationgang, tyre, ramer & Brown, inc.greater los angeles new car dealers associationhilton Bora Bora nui resort & Spaj.P. morgan chase foundationloretta & victor Kaufman

laurents / hatcher foundationthe lear family foundationlos angeles county arts commissionlos angeles magazinelouis Xiii de remy martinSusan & Peter mallorymarcia israel foundation, inc.nancy & Sir Paul mccartneySusanna midnight & charlie midnightmontage hotels & residencesleslie moonves & julie chenmorgan Stanleynapa valley grillenorthern trust, naanna K. nupsonthe richenthal foundationShel & cynthia Stonetransamerica insurance & investment groupuniversal StudiosvarietyW hotel WestwoodWarner Bros. entertainment

pRoDuceR $10,000 - $24,999ariel investments, llcBeth Behrscharles a. Black, jr.james l. BrooksBrotman foundation of californiaeileen & harold Browngilbert cates, jr. & elizabeth laceyBrunello cucinellimark Burnett & roma downeythe capella resortscapital group companiesvalarie de la garza & michael centenocity of los angeles department of cultural affairscarole Bayer Sager & robert a. dalydreamWorks Studiosdr. & mrs. Paul eisenbergSusan & mark fleischerg.e. foundationPatty glaser & Sam mudiearthur greenbergc. curtis grishamin memory of morrie hazanhBoeric & Samantha heermellody hobsoncindy & alan hornjoseph drown foundationjoan KaloustianKenneth t. & eileen l. norris foundationPeter & janine lowycarla maldenmona maldenmalibu family Winesnancy & michael mcclellandSandra e. milkenthe muse new York, a Kimpton hotel

& nios restaurantoccidental Petroleum corpParamount Picturesrollin ransom & chris lacroixreaders fine jewelersdr. judith reichmanPamela robinson hollander & robert hollanderloren rothschild & hon. frances rothschildrichard ruskell Pastriesronen levy eventsthe Simms/mann family foundationSony Pictures entertainmentfred Specktor & nancy hellertanino ristoranteheather thomas & Skip BrittenhamSteve tisch

union Banku.S. BankWells fargo foundationWilliam morris endeavor entertainmentrita Wilson & tom hanksruth zieglerziffren Brittenham llPKen & ellen ziffren

DIRectoR $5,000 - $9,999jehan f. agrama & dwora friedamgen foundationjack & hilary angeloanschutz film group/Walden mediaannette Blummara & jonathan BlumBobcat Productions, inc.jerry Breslauer, mickey rutman

& tammy andersonlinda & jerry Bruckheimerglenn & lynn cardosocreative artists agencycreative intelligence incorporatedfielding edlow & larry clarkemica ertegunandrew fickmaneric flamholtz & Yvonne randlefour Seasonsgary Sinise foundationgeorge hoag family foundationPriscila giraldogloria & Peter goldStanley & ilene goldjay gordon & meyera robbinsBrian & myra greenspunrabbi uri d. herscher & dr. myrna herscherlynne & michael heslovStanley iezman & nancy Starkhugh jackman & deborra-lee furnessWendell & Bernice jeffreymannon Kaplanjulie & david KavnerWendy Kurtzmanla valencialeo S. guthman funddavid & Susan levetondrs. gerald & Barbara leveyluxfit Spamarlene & Sandy louchheimlucasfilm ltddes & Bryna mcanufftobias meyer & Sotheby’smoca foundationKate moran & mikki rosenbergmorris & libby Singer foundationmy vienna gelatoneda nobari foundationchristine marie ofieshcarol & Bill ouchiShana & don Passmanlee & lawrence* j. ramerKay & Bob rehmejoyce reymayor richard riordanjane rissman & richard Sondheimerrikki rosenjay d. roth & Sherry e. grantthomas l. Safranjudi & Bruce Schindlerjody & arthur SchmidSidley austin llPmr. & mrs. Keong SimSimon Strauss foundationSondheimer foundationSt. regis Bora Bora resortSt. regis Princeville resortBen Stiller & christine taylorlarry & Kiki taylorlarry & Barbara tenan

thomas Safran & associatesdavid tillman, md & Karen zoller, mdWilliam & Karen timberlakemiranda & Brett tollmanthe travel companyalice & norman tulchinuBS Private Wealth managementuS Playing card companyjennifer Young & Katrina nasongail zapparobert & leslie zemeckisruth & Stan zicklin

sponsoR$3,000 — $4,999anonymousjanis adams & john lyonsconnie Kramer alexanderchancellor gene d. Block & mrs. carol BlockSusan Booth & christopher Waddenrobert Brook & jacqueline Kosecoffmarcy carsey & leo Yoshimuraterri ann cooper KonheimScott, Susan & joshua corwinvictoria dummerdora & neil KadishaSally & dr. manny j. Karbelnigthea & neal Kossrobin & Seth KuglerPhyllis & Ken lembergerPam, amanda, lianna & eddierenee & meyer luskinmichael & cecil PulitzerPaula & allan rudnickanne c. taubman & david Boylevernon, Barry & dale tyerman

in honor of ruth tyerman lentzleslie White & al limonKaren & rick Wolfenuniworld river cruises, inc.

eDucatIon aDVocate $1,000 - $2,999anonymous (2)23rd Street jewelersharry & gay abrams/abrams artists agencydr. richard ackerman & miriam Shaktermiriam aguiarolga S. aldersonrichard alonsomerryl & david a. alpertPatti & harlan amstutzarizona Biltmoremargaret & howard arveyd.c. & carol ann Bakemanalec Baldwin foundationrobert e. & maria h. BarronBattista familyrichard Bautzer & david mcdowellrichard & Shelley BayerSusan & eric m. BenderPeter & Barbara BenedekPatricia & mark BenjaminShelly & libby Bergencathy & Bill Bindleyhelen Bingjoe Blackstone & jamie mohnthe Bordy & leibovic familiesBrenda & alan Borsteindr. Wallace P. Brithineecarolyn & gerald BronsteinWendy & david Brotmanjanet & mark Brownmr. & mrs. todd Brown & familymarcia Burnamthe Busch-Schifino familytimothy j. carlsonchancellor emeritus albert carnesale

& mrs. robin carnesale



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annual DonoRs

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annual DonoRs

dr. fanya carter, Ph.d.david cates & christine vavakjane catesjonathan & elena catesmelissa cates & roger claman the chatwalSheldon cherry & carolyn runowiczrich-chiocchi familyroy & dorothy christopherlaurel & aaron clarklinda & john colemanlou colented cordesjames costacarolyn crandall & harley KornblumShelley Wike cranleyjanine cristianoin loving memory of ed cypertruth daughertylawrence g. davidShirley lu & norman davidsongavin de Beckerdeluscious cookiesBill & Kate in honor of Blanche Schimmeldaniel & gayle devincarolyn dirks & Brett doughertydennis & jeralyn dotydr. laura’s Wholesome junk foodjan & thea drayerdream Warrior groupgerald & Sally ducotWilliam duncancolleen m. ellisterri & david elstonKevin Watts & christine enlowcarl & courtenay enrightcarol & j.B. esterkinfairmont miramarmarc feldmandonnovan fieldlawrence n. fieldgloria & morton fieldmichael filermanBurt & nanette foresterjoan & charles foxSteve freedmanfuture lightingg2 graphic Service, inc. Pat & Sandy gageSharlene & Sol galperKathleen garfieldjeanne & arnold geffnerrose gilbertKiki & david gindlercherna & dr. gary gitnickcharlotte golddr. irene goldenbergmarion goldenfelderic goodmanadrienne grant & Paul jenningsKen greenblatt & Peter Walshheidi greggjill greyjack grossbart & marc Schwartzallen & deborah grubmanmichael grunwaldthe guerin foundationharlan d. gulkomadeline gussmanandrea & marc guthmonty & marilyn hallalan & michelle heilpernmel & faith henkinhernand familygrant & lysa heslovheys uSajean himmelstein & david colemanStephen Sass & Steven hochstadtdr. john d. hofbauer & dr. laura e. foxgail & Stanley hollanderin honor of developmentroger & linda howardtoni hoytlisa ingallsvicki iovinelynn hunt & margaret jacobjason & courtney jandajerome & linda jangerjordan Strauss Photographyjoseph B. gould foundationlinda & david KagelKarney guren family foundationrobert Katz

Patricia Keatinglenny & david KeltonBarbara & Stuart KlabinKent Klavens & judy vourlasKlingenberg familyjudy Knappleslie & norman Koplofcarol Krauseeric & melissa Kurtzmandeborah lacusta & daniel castellanetalas ventanas al Paraisohelene & arthur laublaura & harvey alpert charitable foundationjohn liebesSteven & nancy lippmandorothy lipskyjudith locke & dennis massieKaren & frederick lorigWilliam e. low & hana Ptacnikova the jennifer & greg malins foundationjanis B. mceldowneySue mchugh & herb SeeseBarbara & fred millerandrew & laura mintzerjoanne & joel mogygarry morris & Kent harrison hayesgreg morrisonin loving memory of harvey S. morserio & frank morselon morse & toni hollander morsejoan & fred nicholasalbert & Barbara nicholsornest family foundationguy osearylondon, alex & marty PadillaParadigm talent & literary agencymichael Parks & judith haywardjulie Piepenkotterherbert & marilyn Pikenin memory of michael Pillerruth PopkinPopland StudiosPortico by exclusive resortsjeanne mcdonald-Powers & travis Powersrichard rasiej & joan hermanharvey & joyce reicharddonald B. & Susan f. ricein memory of frances richmanesther & howard richmondBeth roberts & Warren Smithjoseph & cynthia rodriguezBrad & nancy rosenbergSue Weiss rosenwasserlori & david roussoruss august & Kabatlaura & john SaadeSabrina Kay charitable foundationdavid a. & Karen richards Sachsrichard & amber Sakaimark San filippoSarah leonard fine jewelerstoni & john Schulmanjonathan SchwartzSteve & Paula Schwartzin memory of diane Barnett-Shapirotraci SheltonSherak familyShowtime networks inc.holly & larry Shulmanrita & jose Sigalron Silverman & Soraya rossSnyder family foundationSold out crowddrs. matthew & marion SolomonBruce & Patti SpringsteenSprinkles cupcakesSt. regis monarch BeachSt. regis Punta mita mitch & Sherry Steinjoannie Sterneric Strom & eileen goodiselaine f. & radoslav l. SutnarKaty Sweetfred tatasciore familyjohn teeples & nicolas martinez, jr.audri & Stan tendlerPaul tetreaultdaniel tongbaithe lodge at torrey Pineslaura trice, m.d.Peter & Susan van haftenanthony vasekalan van vliet

Peter & denise Walshjoanne & Ken Weinmanroberta Weintraubgelena & Seth Weissmanalison Whalen & Steven marenberggeoffrey & Susan WhartonYoung familyms. Patricia Youngmandebra zavalaBarbara & Stanley zaxmarcie & howard zelikowellen & arnold zetcherin loving memory of herman zieglerdavid & ellie zuckerman

aRtIstIc aDVocate $500 - $999anonymous (3)norman & toshka abramsterry & richard abramsdale adrionKatherine amberross & lindsey avnerSheila & raymond Bangslucia Barbarojanet & irwin Barnetdawn & marshall Beinjames & diane Berlinerdiane & richard Birnholzruth & jake Bloomfrances & thomas Boothdr. r.W.g. Bugentaldavid & Kathy Burkems. martha chasejP cherryBeverly & dennis chesterPhil johnston & jill cordesdonald & zoe cosgrovegail cottinghamcameron crowejeffrey S. davidsondaniel dodsonrichard & lauren donnerthe milton l. & Betty j. dranow family foundationPatricia l. eisenbergroni & ethan ellerthe english language centermimi feldmanabby & malcolm fieldmarjorie & arthur fineSydney m. finegold, m.d.michael & lynne flynnmyrna forestglenn & jane fowlerfran fredella & Scott rubinlois & gerald gallopBenita & Bert ginsbergdonna & lee B. gold, m.d.louis & linda goldsmanellie & Barry goldsteinabner & roz goldstineellie goodmanlori & robert goodmanmike & elaine grayrobert & gabrielle greenberglance hagenbuchmary & alan halkettPeter e. hallronald hansenms. tess harperSheila & chester hasdayBarbara & Bud hellmanmurray & gail heltzerhelene hendricksonneal hersh & lynda Kleinandy heywardmrs. dorothy hoffmanrand hoffman & charlotte robinsonKelley m. hoganjudith hohmangerald isenbergrobert & gail israeljackie & Warren jacksonedward & aya jakobovitsBill & tiiu jacobsonnancy & len jacobyruth & marvin Kalintrudy & albert Kallisdrs. elaine & jeff Kamilmr. & mrs. Bernard Kamine

anita Karbelniglaurence o. Karshroy Kaufmanrima & Saul rima KaySusan & greg Kaymilly & robert Kayyemjoyce & don Kaisermanavi Kamiennydr. ann Kirsch & mr. jonathan KirschKouy t. Kolarmary Koppelron & joanne Kramarjay & Billie Kubrincarol & richard Kurlandtam & david lachoffjoan & christopher larkinjeanne & christopher lavagninojoyce ledererPeter levin & audrey davis levinmarla e. levineBarry levinsonBurton & anita levinsondr. isaac & Barbara levycharles & lydia levydonald lipschutzloris & Kory lunsfordneil l. & ora d. macfarlanemr. & mrs. Phillips h. marshalljim & Kathryn mccafferycindy mediavillarobert mercerPhilip & joan millerPamela & mark mischelallan m. mohrman jr.Bill & gail morinoSandra mossjohn & Sandy murdockSherri & arnold nelsonadrienne & arthur omanskymark Paluch & Bryan ozamotocynthia Palmdr. & mrs. emil & dolores Pascarellic. alexander Paynemr. john Perkinscarol f. Phillipslisa Pierozzijack & jane Pollockgary & gail racheletskylinda & manny ridercarlene ringerrichard robertsoncraig e. rogersdolores rogersronda & fred rosemaxine & gene rosenfeldlawrence ross & linda nussbaumPaul a. rudnick, m.d.nancy & ted Sanbornlarry & carole Scherzermalcolm Schneer & cathy liuelaine carey & vincent j. Schodolskidavid & margaret SchwankeBob & Susan Schwartzdr. & mrs. jack SchwartzSusan Schwarzmichele & Peter Serchukrobert Shadurannette & leonard ShapiroPeggy & robert Shapirodanelle SherrodPearl Shultzmelinda & Yossi SidikaroSteven Siegel & lily careySignificance foundationcarol & arthur f. Silbergeldrobin & robert SillsSteven Sillsdon & marie Sirneymartin & leah Sklardione & joe SmithKaren Smitstrudy Sokolroberta SperoSusan & alfred SternSally Stevensedith l. Stoell & linda gach rayaaron Stroudlance & maureen tanmr. & mrs. david tannmichael e. tennenbaum familyjudy & art tompkinsBrigitta troydeborah valdez

Page 17: Play Dead Program - Extension

haVe we maDe an eRRoR?to report a misspelling or omission in these listings, please contact the development department at 310.208.6500 ext. 128



y D



annual DonoRs

daniel & Shauna valenzuelaira & laurie Waldmanmarcia & dr. charles Wassermanjay Weinstein & lori WoldarBruce Whizindeborah Wisselaine & donald WolfKyra WooPat Westandrew & Kimberly zakanycharnold zane

assocIate $250 - $499anonymous (8)herbert ehrmann & constance abellelaine & michael agrantheo alexandermarjorie & james aljiancharles & annick allenSylvia almstadtjan altemusrobert c. andersonelise andrewsPhilip angerhofer & Stephen a. jonesnancy antonioueloise & mark appelaudrey & martin appelBarbara & ethan aronoffcharles & tana axelrodmarc & Betsy axelrodaKWlynne & lee Babbittanne Barrycecile Bartmanrandall c. Bassettlynne & Bernie BasseySheila Spiro & dr. gregory Bearmanarnold & Susan BeckerWayne Biswurm & Brock Bennettcarole a. & charles BennettBarbara Berenyroger P. Berggeorge e. Bergerrichard n. BergerKaren Berkowitzjoann Bernardlaurie BernhardBeverly Bierermr. & mrs. William Birnkrantadrienne & michael Blackmanmrs. marilyn BlankPamela & Bill BohnertSusan Boiko & martin Schwartztoby Bornsteinmary BosakWanda BoulgaridesPaula Brandmona Brandlerlaura Brawnerfelix Brennerdr. and mrs. neal & ruth Brickerdr. gerald Buckbergg & ashley Buonannomark & Penny Burleyhoward Bushinskylaura d. campbellgrace diehaus & Pauline cannymarlene & david capellcindy carlin & jeff roussoBarry charlesBeverly & dennis chestercarole & leslie cohendavid conney, m.d.dino conteSusan georgine craigSandy & alan crolljudith & mel cronerelse dahlhedva & dr. dudley danoffjaye t. darbydiana davidow & deborah constancedebra davisjeffrey davisruth B. davis & Pearl Schultzhal & roberta delevievirginia diBonaSusan & Kevin dobsonBruce & Suzanne doddscarol jean doehringfred & marilyn dorerSteven & Beverly dorfman

daryl & Paul f. doucettems. Susan downeydr. & mrs. William m duxlerchris easleyin loving memory of howard eichenmr. & mrs. epelbaumlarry & elke ereshefskydavid & joyce evansalan & Barbara faiolacarole faxonBarbara & denny federmancarolyn fernandezlila & fred finkPaul & Karen finkelfran flanaganWilliam & elisabet fleischmanin loving memory of frank & eileen floodedward floresjanet fourticqSandy francismarilyn freemanfrancine freidKenneth j. friedman & marilynn j. friedman

family foundationlynn & Barry friesenms. laurelle fromeYury & Yelena furmanlee gardenswartzlarry & judith garshofskyadleen & richard gibbslinda gibbsKaren Berko gibsondiane glazerann m. goldbergfrancine golden & marvin Schlossmanmarilyn & allen goldendr. Peter goldmanlouis & linda goldsmanellie & Barry goldsteinmark gordonroger gordonSusie & Bruce gorenellen greeneSusan & michael gregorygary grossmarcy & edgar grossSuzi & Bob guerineve haberfield & david johnsonPeter & Sarah hallmark & monica haloossimcarolyn & Bernard hamiltontess harperKay harringtonSalli harrisnancy harrisondr. & mrs. Samuel havesonhBc Protocols inc.richard hefner & greg hoffmanallan heinbergmr. & mrs. William hellmanjackson henrycarla & alan a. herdmichael & candice hermanms. Kathryn hibbscina hodgesShirley hoffjackie & dr. irwin hoffmandr. Sharron holmanmr. & mrs. john hopmansmr. & mrs. john huberlonnie levi israelcraig & lynn jacobsonjosh jacobsteinfred & nancy jacobusmr. & mrs. vernon d. jonesPeter & cynthia joycemarlene Kanejo ann Kaplandr. & mrs. mitchell Karlanharris Katlemanowen Katojudith P. Katzclaudia Kazachinsky & richard a. Shererjordan & nicola Kerner familyirwin KishnerPhyllis Kleindr. Phyllis Kleindonna & jeffrey Kleinannette & charles Kleemanlaurie & milton Klormancharles Kolstadmr. & mrs. richard Korchiendolph Kornblum & florence robins

donald KottlerBarbara & Stan Krasnoffjanice White & eugene Kriegercharles Kristensoncarol d. landedr. & mrs. eric leibovitchginger leibovitzann lelandWayne levinedr. isaac & Barbara levyrichard & vivian levynan lewismae & hugh lichtiglee & therese lindenvictor & madeline lindenheimjoanne lindsayirma & allen lipinleslie & adam lobelgeri loelori & tom lowann & Bill lucasanne l. lynchteresa l. maguireguillaume & crystal mailletcarol & doug mancinojeannette & mervyn mandelbaummyrna & irving margolrobert B. & dona martinSylvia masonPhyllis & Bert massingStewart mayeda david israeli & dr. marie mazzoneSheri & jim mccashincheryl mccormicklawry & charles meisterKimberly meyeteddie j. milnerankica milosavljevicPamela & mark mischelthomas mitchelldr. & mrs. leon mizrahiandrew molaskySusanna morganShelagh moriartyjohn moschittaBill mullinsBonnie nashdavid neilanfran neimanmark & diane neubauerSheila newmanrobert & anita nittanapoleon & afra nobayShelby notkinelad offerSandy & alan olickjudy orlanskiallen Pack & rikki gordonBill PalmerBob Parisedward Parkerdara & greg PayneKathy & jeff Perkinsmichael Perlsteinnaidu & jane PermaulWilliam PesetskiBruce Petersfrank Pfizenmayer & josh Brownfrank Piontekzazi Popedavid PosnerPhilip Pritchettjoan & martin ransohoffKaren reckampmildred reidvicki reissmr. & mrs. anthony rennicklinda & Steve richmanlee rodgerselizabeth roeweBarbara & david rognlienrose Brandgeorge m. rosenBeverly & melvin rosenthaljoyce & deane ross

dr. martin & lorraine rossBert royal & clay Blackadrienne & Stanford rubinBlanche & Bruce joel rubinmr. & mrs. daniel Sackheimjanet Salter

in memory of hon. maxwell hillary SalterKaren Sandlerdr. victor Sands & mrs. charlene SandsSusan & Kenneth Sarnomaxine Savitzcarole & michael Scheinbergcarole Scherzergary & Karen Schneidernancy & Steven Schneiderjane & Bill SchopfBarbara SchulmanSusan & Peter Schwabmr. charles Schwartz & mrs. carol Schwartzjohn h. Scottearlene & herb SeymourScott Shagrinmary & Paul Shanetom & judy Sharpmadeline & robert SharplesShelly & greg SherwinSideshow rare & remarkable Books, art &

curiositiesrenee & joe SiegelSeymour & dorothy SiegelBonnie Sturner Phd in memory of Peter Siltondiane good & frank Smithdiane Smithmarcia l. & mark j. SmithKaren Smitsjoan & jerry Snyderfanya & Sidney Sollmichael & millie Sondermannanne-marie & alex Spatarums. rita Spiegelms. m.l. Stearnsdr. jay Stein & mrs. carol Steinmr. & mrs. tom Stempelgloria Stroock Sternholly Strommr. Kayser Sume & dr. renee SabshinKatherine Sungi.h. Sutnickdeepak Swarupdonna thompsondorothy thornhilljay & courtney tobinmr. & mrs. art tompkinsdavid trainerlaura & john lincoln uelmenrobin & gary ungarleon & Stephanie vahnPia & Steve vaianthony vasekvital research llclois von morganrothcarole Wagner-vallianos & Peter vallianosjane WangBunny & jay Wassermanelisa Wayneannette & david Weiljulie & Peter Weilin memory of eunice Weinermarsha & Steven Weissjohn Westonrae jeane WilliamsBruce & marci Wisemandeborah Wissrowie & jeffrey Wolfgeorge Wolfbergalbert Wolskyjess Womacklynn Woods Karen & frank WurtzelKevyn Wynnharriet zaretskylynn & meir zivdayle & abram zukorSandy zwirn

* in memoriam

Page 18: Play Dead Program - Extension

Randall Arney artistic director

ken novice managing director

Behnaz Ataee general manager

Regina Miller chief development officer


Mary Garrett artistic managerAmy levinson artistic associate / literary directorPhyllis schuringa artistic associate / casting directorshannon noel artistic coordinatorkristina leach literary associate nick Johnson literary internMaggie Rose literary intern


Ellen catania director of major gifts & corporate/foundation PartnershipsJessica Brusilow Rollins director of education Partnerships & donor relationsJamie Mikelich associate director of individual givingkristen smith Eshaya grants manager & major gifts executive assistantscott kriloff development associate & database managerAva Bogle development assistantJessie sherman development assistant


Frankie ocasio executive assistant to the managing directorMaryam Meehan accounting and Payroll manager Francisca lopez accounts PayableMarguerite Harris receptionist


Jennifer Zakkai education Projects leaderconnor White resident teaching artist & education associate


daniel ionazzi Production managerJill Barnes associate Production manager Matthew carleton technical directorThomas Watson assistant technical director Rich Gilles Properties masterJames Grabowski Sound masterdarren Rezowalli master electricianleah A. lewis Wardrobe Supervisor

maRKetIng & sales

Joseph Yoshitomi marketing directorkaren Gutierrez director of advertising & SponsorshipsMark san Filippo ticket Services director & database administrator stephanie strand audience Services manager Brian dunning graphics / Production artist Jodi Feigenbaum advertising & Promotions assistantl.J. stevens group Sales Janice Bernal associate Box office manager Bryan Martin associate Box office manager korie Benavidez, audrey cain, clay Dzygun, Zack Hamra, Richard Martinez, lilach Mendelovich, Alyssa Tyson,Martin Wurst Box office Staff

puBlIc RelatIons

Andy Perez Public relations director

fRont of house

Jeni Pearsons director of Special eventsdavid Gerhardt Supervising house managerMichelle cantrell, kevin cernansky, Amy Farkas, Tommy French, Matt Jones, Erik odom, Julianne Tveten house managers Abdoulaye n’Gom head ushersevana Baghdasarian, Taylor cerny, Vianney cossyleon, Josiah davis, karel Ebergen, dan Foote, netta lee Joseph, Erica keller, caroline Harrison kohler, nathaniel Meek, keith Mitchell, Roxana Meyers, lindsay nyman, chase o’donnell, Jonathan schwartz, chelsea smachetti, Vika stubblebine, Danielle Weisberg ushersRob Mersola Bar managerManuel Mayorga Weekend Bar manageradam carr, Brenda Davidson, Jared White, lyndsi laRose Bartenders

facIlItIes management

Miguel del castillo facility managerMario santillan-Perez custodialJuan carlos umaña cleaning custodial

this theater operates under agreement between the league of resident theaters and actors equity association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the united States.

the scenic, costume, lighting and sound designers in lort theaters are represented by united Scenic artists local uSa-829, iatSe.


geffen playhouse staff