Plate Tectonics By Mason Archibald Pd. 5

Plate Tectonics By Mason Archibald Pd. 5 By Mason Archibald Pd. 5

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Plate TectonicsPlate Tectonics

By Mason ArchibaldPd. 5

By Mason ArchibaldPd. 5

Convection CurrentsConvection Currents

Convection currents are heat cycles caused by the core. They spin around in circles and tug and push at the plates.

Convection currents are heat cycles caused by the core. They spin around in circles and tug and push at the plates.

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Ocean to Ocean Convergent Boundaries

Ocean to Ocean Convergent Boundaries

At convergent boundaries, tectonic plates move toward each other. When the oceanic plates push against each other, it is called ocean to ocean convergent boundaries. At these boundaries, plates push against each other and cause one plate to move underneath the other and be recycled into the mantle. One example of this is the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.

At convergent boundaries, tectonic plates move toward each other. When the oceanic plates push against each other, it is called ocean to ocean convergent boundaries. At these boundaries, plates push against each other and cause one plate to move underneath the other and be recycled into the mantle. One example of this is the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.


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Ocean to Continent Convergent Boundaries

Ocean to Continent Convergent Boundaries

When continental and oceanic plates crash together, the oceanic plate is pushed under by the continental plate. The oceanic plate is sucked down slowly into the mantle in a process known as "subduction".

An example of this is the Juan De Fuca and North-American Plate.

When continental and oceanic plates crash together, the oceanic plate is pushed under by the continental plate. The oceanic plate is sucked down slowly into the mantle in a process known as "subduction".

An example of this is the Juan De Fuca and North-American Plate.


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Continent to Continent Convergent BoundariesContinent to Continent Convergent Boundaries

When Continent plates collide, they can’t be subducted. The Continental crust is too light. Therefore, both of the plates have to be pushed upward. This causes mountains and volcanoes to form.

When Continent plates collide, they can’t be subducted. The Continental crust is too light. Therefore, both of the plates have to be pushed upward. This causes mountains and volcanoes to form.

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Divergent BoundariesDivergent Boundaries

Divergent Boundaries are plates that pull away from each other. Most of them are located in the middle of the ocean, where Pangaea was formed. They are usually higher than the rest of the seafloor around them, and a huge valley is in the middle.

Divergent Boundaries are plates that pull away from each other. Most of them are located in the middle of the ocean, where Pangaea was formed. They are usually higher than the rest of the seafloor around them, and a huge valley is in the middle.QuickTime™ and a

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Transform BoundariesTransform Boundaries

At Transform Boundaries, plates slide past each other. They slide past each other very quickly, and major earthquakes usually happen. Volcanoes never form at transform boundaries.

At Transform Boundaries, plates slide past each other. They slide past each other very quickly, and major earthquakes usually happen. Volcanoes never form at transform boundaries.

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Hot SpotsHot Spots

A Hot Spot is a place where volcanoes erupt frequently. An example of hot spots are the Hawaiian Islands. The seafloor moves about five inches a year, and the hot spot erupts underneath it, causing underwater mountains and more volcanoes.

A Hot Spot is a place where volcanoes erupt frequently. An example of hot spots are the Hawaiian Islands. The seafloor moves about five inches a year, and the hot spot erupts underneath it, causing underwater mountains and more volcanoes.QuickTime™ and a

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Convergent Boundaries + Geosphere

Convergent Boundaries + Geosphere

Convergent boundaries affect the geosphere by molding and twisting the continental crust.

Convergent boundaries affect the geosphere by molding and twisting the continental crust.

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Divergent Boundaries + Geosphere

Divergent Boundaries + Geosphere

Divergent boundaries affect the geosphere by pulling and tugging the crust apart.

Divergent boundaries affect the geosphere by pulling and tugging the crust apart.

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Transform Boundaries + Geosphere

Transform Boundaries + Geosphere

Transform boundaries affect the geosphere by tearing land apart and “scooting” it.

Transform boundaries affect the geosphere by tearing land apart and “scooting” it.

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Hot Spots + GeosphereHot Spots + Geosphere

Hot Spots affect the geosphere by pushing up the land from underneath and shooting up magma.

Hot Spots affect the geosphere by pushing up the land from underneath and shooting up magma.

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Convergent Boundaries + Biosphere

Convergent Boundaries + Biosphere

Convergent boundaries affect the biosphere by causing earthquakes that destroy homes and kill people.

Convergent boundaries affect the biosphere by causing earthquakes that destroy homes and kill people.

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Divergent Boundaries + Biosphere

Divergent Boundaries + Biosphere

Divergent boundaries affect the biosphere by pulling apart the crust. People and other things can fall through the cracks.

Divergent boundaries affect the biosphere by pulling apart the crust. People and other things can fall through the cracks.

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Transform Boundaries + Biosphere

Transform Boundaries + Biosphere

Transform boundaries can affect the biosphere by causing mass earthquakes that cause mass destruction.

Transform boundaries can affect the biosphere by causing mass earthquakes that cause mass destruction.

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Hot Spots + BiosphereHot Spots + Biosphere

Volcanic eruptions at hot spots can cause mass destruction. Pyroclastic flow can kill many people and destroy everything in it’s path.

Volcanic eruptions at hot spots can cause mass destruction. Pyroclastic flow can kill many people and destroy everything in it’s path.

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Convergent Boundaries + Atmosphere

Convergent Boundaries + Atmosphere

Convergent boundaries can harm the atmosphere by volcanic eruptions. The projectiles from the eruption can pollute the air. The same with divergent boundaries and hot spots.

Convergent boundaries can harm the atmosphere by volcanic eruptions. The projectiles from the eruption can pollute the air. The same with divergent boundaries and hot spots.

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Transform Boundaries + Atmosphere

Transform Boundaries + Atmosphere

Volcanic eruptions cannot happen at transform boundaries, only earthquakes. Therefore the projectiles from volcanoes can’t pollute the air. However, dust and debris from buildings can.

Volcanic eruptions cannot happen at transform boundaries, only earthquakes. Therefore the projectiles from volcanoes can’t pollute the air. However, dust and debris from buildings can.

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Convergent Boundaries + Hydrosphere

Convergent Boundaries + Hydrosphere

Convergent boundaries can affect the hydrosphere by volcanic eruptions. The eruptions can build up and form new islands on the surface, but the volcanic ash can also pollute the water and harm underwater life.

This also happens withhot spots.

Convergent boundaries can affect the hydrosphere by volcanic eruptions. The eruptions can build up and form new islands on the surface, but the volcanic ash can also pollute the water and harm underwater life.

This also happens withhot spots.

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Divergent Boundaries + Hydrosphere

Divergent Boundaries + Hydrosphere

Divergent boundaries can affect the hydrosphere by pulling the ocean floor apart and making trenches.

Divergent boundaries can affect the hydrosphere by pulling the ocean floor apart and making trenches.

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Transform Boundaries + Hydrosphere

Transform Boundaries + Hydrosphere

Transform boundaries can affect the hydrosphere by moving the ocean floor sideways a little.

Transform boundaries can affect the hydrosphere by moving the ocean floor sideways a little.

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The End!The End!By Mason Archibald pd. 5By Mason Archibald pd. 5

SourcesSources http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/150131main_image_feature_589_ys_4.jpg http://faculty.weber.edu/bdattilo/shknbk/notes/plts.htm http://geology.com/nsta/convergent-plate-boundaries.shtml http://www.platetectonics.com/book/page_5.asp http://www.answersincreation.org/curriculum/geology/images/Oceanic_spreading.png http://www.dnr.wa.gov/SiteCollectionImages/Places/ger_volcanoes_mtrainier.jpg http://stloe.most.go.th/html/lo_index/LOcanada4/403/images/4_1.jpg http://www.platetectonics.com/book/page_17.asp http://www.earthscape.org/t1/t1.2b.html http://www.hawaiianphotos.net/Animations/Lava_Flowing/A26_Lava%20Flow%20Closeup_750.

jpg http://www.pacificislandtravel.com/nature_gallery/platetectonics3.gif http://www.cliffshade.com/colorado/images/san_andreas.gif http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Destruction_in_the_Linden_Passage.jpg http://www.treehugger.com/san-francisco-earthquake-2.jpg http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/15/66215-004-497C497D.jpg http://www.geo.umn.edu/courses/1001/Summer_Session/img011.JPG http://www.volcano.si.edu/volcanoes/region14/guatemal/santamar/14mar11f.jpg http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/geologic_hazards/earthquakes/PublishingImages/SFEq06_03.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_azY58VZEZLM/SAKgr10yknI/AAAAAAAAA00/GMt5MuFruMM/


http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/150131main_image_feature_589_ys_4.jpg http://faculty.weber.edu/bdattilo/shknbk/notes/plts.htm http://geology.com/nsta/convergent-plate-boundaries.shtml http://www.platetectonics.com/book/page_5.asp http://www.answersincreation.org/curriculum/geology/images/Oceanic_spreading.png http://www.dnr.wa.gov/SiteCollectionImages/Places/ger_volcanoes_mtrainier.jpg http://stloe.most.go.th/html/lo_index/LOcanada4/403/images/4_1.jpg http://www.platetectonics.com/book/page_17.asp http://www.earthscape.org/t1/t1.2b.html http://www.hawaiianphotos.net/Animations/Lava_Flowing/A26_Lava%20Flow%20Closeup_750.

jpg http://www.pacificislandtravel.com/nature_gallery/platetectonics3.gif http://www.cliffshade.com/colorado/images/san_andreas.gif http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Destruction_in_the_Linden_Passage.jpg http://www.treehugger.com/san-francisco-earthquake-2.jpg http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/15/66215-004-497C497D.jpg http://www.geo.umn.edu/courses/1001/Summer_Session/img011.JPG http://www.volcano.si.edu/volcanoes/region14/guatemal/santamar/14mar11f.jpg http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/geologic_hazards/earthquakes/PublishingImages/SFEq06_03.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_azY58VZEZLM/SAKgr10yknI/AAAAAAAAA00/GMt5MuFruMM/


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