Plastic Surgery Instructor: Runna Alghazo Section : 205 Name: Maram Alkhaibari Id: 201201083 Major: computer engineering

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Plastic Surgery

Instructor: Runna Alghazo

Section : 205

Name: Maram Alkhaibari

Id: 201201083

Major: computer engineering

Table of Contents


Introduction 3

Research Questions 4

Research thesis 4

Research importance 4

Methodology 4

Important Definitions 5

Literature Review

Introduction 6

Physical Causes 6

Psychological Causes 7

Types of plastic surgery 9

Side effect 10

Conclusion 11


Research question number 1 results 12

Research question number 2 results 13

Research question number 3 results 14


Research question number 1 discussion 14

Research question number 2 discussion 15

Research question number 3 discussion 17

Conclusion 18

References 20

Appendix 21



Plastic surgery

1. Introduction

Beauty is a requirement for all people, but now it over the limit and

most of the people do not accept there appearance. In recent years,

plastic surgery has become a part of the expenses of some families

monthly. People spend large amount of money on plastic surgery and

most of the time they do not need this plastic surgery. Plastic surgery

change the main goal of it and it became a trade. What I want to talk about

is the large number of people who go for this plastic surgery.

The obsession with beauty lead some people to the risk. A high

amount of female make the plastic surgeries even in young age. Yet, T.V

shows focus in appearance of stars every women want to be look like

those stars So they make these surgeries without hesitated. Many people

go to the less price and did not ask about the doctors degree and

experience. Now, we have many people who work in this domain some of

the do not have academic qualifications and just fool people. There for, the

number of file plastic surgery are increase also the side effect and many

people suffer form that for long time. That cause many of sad effect and

change the beauty to plastic human .


We cannot deny the distinctive role that most of the plastic surgeries did

to help us to get rid of burns ,wounds and some of the common injuries

that already caused a change is evident in the overall shape of the human

being, whether male or female. At the same time, plastic surgery changed

the main reason of it and it became an obsession known as "New Look."

2. Research Questions (at least 3 research questions)

What are the reasons that lead to obsession with plastic surgery?

What is the most popular plastic surgery?

What are the steps to make a safe plastic surgery ?

3. Research Thesis

Plastic surgeries in the last 10 years are so popular and the people

obsession with it especially women. There are many reasons for that

lead to obsession with plastic surgery such as T.V and movie stars

and some other psychically reasons like lack of self-confidences and

aging. Botox, hair remove and teeth-whitening as knowing as

Hollywood smile are the most popular surgeries that just take a few

hours and you can buy some products and do it at home. Of course all

that changes in appearance would not be cheap people who obsession

with plastic surgery spend thousands in one visit to doctors.


4. Research Importance

The importance of research is to define the reasons that make people

go for plastic surgery and reasons that make them obsession with it.

Understanding all the views about plastic surgery for both of the people

they go for plastic surgery or for those do not agree with plastic surgery.

finally, increase the awareness about plastic surgery to avoid any side

effect of it and help people to control the needed of plastic surgery.

5. Methodology

The methodology that will be use in this research to collect

information are websites are related to the research. Also,

electronic books and PMU E-brary that include filed study

and export opinions. Survey on 10-20 girls to get there

feedback about topic. T.V broadcast show with Doctor to talk

about her knowledge about the topic and show some real

examples to explain what she said.

6. Important Definitions

Plastic Surgery: the adjective plastic denotes sculpting or reshaping.

Cosmetic Surgery: aims to improve the aesthetic appearance of a



Botox: trademark a preparation of botulin toxin used to treat muscle

spasm and to remove wrinkles.

Breast Augmentation: Also known as augmentation mammoplasty;

breast enlargement by surgery.

Syndactyly: When fingers are fused together.

Human fat: Harvested from your own body and used as an

injectable filler for soft tissue augmentation.

Cleft lip: The incomplete formation of the upper lip.


literature review


According to Nordqvist (2014), plastic surgery is type of surgeries that

done to enhance people appearance by reshaping the face and the body and

sometimes to enhance body functions after accident or burns. Ahmad (2014)

state there are 40 billion dollar spent on plastic surgery on 2013, 15 million

people did plastic surgery on 2013 and the number of plastic surgery done on

2013 are increased 700%. Those numbers are really huge and prove that

plastic surgery now is more than a normal surgery and it became an

obsession. In this literature review will defined the physical causes and

Psychological causes. Also, types of plastic surgery and the differences

between them. Finally, the side effect of file plastic surgery and how we can

avoid it .

Physical causes :

Physical causes mostly about the disability of body functions. That kind of

causes not for a specific age or gender so you can see a child make surgery

because of that. Birth disorders is a most common physical causes. High

numbers of people cannot live with those birth disorders beside those physical

disability they had a less self-confidents. According to statistics from the

America Society of Plastic Surgeons (2008), about eight millions surgeries

done to fix a birth disorders in 2008 and it was in all ages. The second kind of


physical causes are accidents, car accidents can case lose some parts of the

body or disability the functions. Also, burns can make a big damage in skin

and body appearance. Moreover, many people cannot deal with aging and

how their face be full of wrinkles epically women they want to be always look

younger and beautiful.

Psychological causes :

Psychological causes are a real issue comparing to the physical causes

because that can solved by fix those reasons. Psychological causes it

related to no reasons just how people image him-self and how he feel about

his appearance. Many reasons consists this mental Image :

low self-esteem :

According to Can (2012) low self-esteem is a main reason to

motivate people to make plastic surgery. That come from the way

people think about them-self for example they said I am not beautiful

and know one will fill in love with me or I cannot have a great job

because my appearance. So, a lot of people consider plastic surgery to

change this image but when they start making a surgery they cannot

stop because they do not have a self- confidence and that is a main

reason of all that. In fact many doctors do not care about the reasons

that lead people to make a cosmetic surgery.


Media is a faster way to produce anything. According to Hua (2013),

big companies around the world try to fool the audience by use


celebrities in ad to produce famous brands. Now, media can change

the image of beauty that was in people mind and create a new one.

That make high motivate to tradition and be like those beautiful models

in ad and happy like those celebrities. Moreover, media leads women

to feel they are dissatisfied with their bodies and increase a low self-

esteem. Also, make woman take extreme measures in order to

resemble the ideal body image (Hua,2013).

Types of plastic surgery :

Plastic surgery is general word to describe any procedure of changing face

or body. In fact plastic surgery defined into two parts :

Plastic surgery :

According to Morrison (2008), Plastic surgery is a first type of

plastic surgery it amides to enhance body functions and repairing

defects to a normal function. Actually, this type of surgery used in

medical cases and it necessary and urgently. The reasons to make

this surgery divide into two main parts. First birth disorders , like cleft

palate and Scar Revision Surgery . Scorned accident: like lose arms in

car accident or burns.

Cosmetic surgery :

Cosmetic surgery is a new type of plastic surgery and it is extension

of plastic surgery. It develop to enhance the appearance and increase

the beauty. That type of surgeries are more common now and it is


improve faster since we hair about technic after short time they create

another. Cosmetic surgery contains many types such as breast

enhancement, facial contouring, facial rejuvenation, body contouring

and skin rejuvenation ( Morrison,2008).

Side Effect:

Most of the people did not see the author side of plastic surgery and just

see what the beauty it Produces. According to British Association of Aesthetic

Plastic Surgeons (2013), 41% of plastic surgeries are fill in British each year

and this number increase every day. The fill plastic surgery make people

suffer of Permanent deformation , disability of body functions and depression

because they do not accept the new image that surgeries give them. Doctor

Jehan (2014) analyze the main reason of side effect is the people did not

know their rights. So they be shy to ask doctor about his qualifications and

the license of the clinic, what the medicines used in surgeries and what are

the side effect of it and that all should know before doing the surgery. After the

surgery fill they should go to the military of health and explained to them what

happened to punishment the doctors and check if he is a real doctor or not

(Jehan ,2014).

Conclusion :


In conclusion, plastic surgery is to enhance appearance and everyone

should know how to control his needed of making surgery. Knowing the

reasons that lead to make plastic surgery is important to avoiding the

obsession with it and give a clear idea about it. Psychological causes can be

a real problem and the doctors should awareness about it especially for

teenagers. Divined the type of plastic surgery help to divined the impotent

and decide of it is urgently or you have time to think about it again. Plastic

surgery can cause a lot of side effect so the people should know what their

rights and do not be hesitated to ask anything to doctor and that will make

them confortable before doing anything urgently and remorse for a long time

after that.



Research Q 1: What are the reasons that lead to obsession with plastic


From a survey on 16 students about a plastic surgery. My question was

what do you think is the main reason that makes people go for plastic

surgery? and If you had answered "Others", please specify the "Others" . I

gave a three options witch was a boost self-esteem, media and others. The

major answer I got is boost self-esteem 50% of students agree that is the

main reason that lead to obsession with plastic surgery. After that media

come as a second reason in small different in percentage and it got 43.75%.

For option others I just got to answers that worth 6.25% and one of the

answers was breast reduction to avoid back pain from large breasts .

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Research Q 2: What is the most popular plastic surgery?

Questions 5 in survey is are about the most popular plastic surgery. By

giving many options of a plastic surgery types which Botox, Nose Reshaping

and Teeth-whiting. In survey result the high numbers go to Nose Reshaping

which 43.75% of them agree it is the most popular plastic surgery. In second

place is Botox in different in two responses comparing to Nose Shaping with

31.25%. In third place Teeth-whiting and it got a lower percentage than other

two types which was 25%.

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Research Q 3: What are the steps to make a safe plastic surgery?


) Jehan,2014 (explained the steps to make a safe plastic surgery. She said

as an export in this domain the most important step is the patient should know

all the procedures in the surgery, using materials and what are the possible

side effects. The second step which is to make sure that the surgeon is an

experienced and have an accreditation certificate to conduct surgeries. The

last step is the responsibility of the surgeon to clarifying the future after the

surgery and a remind that the side effects are forever and the patient will need

to multiple surgeries to remove those side effects .


What are the reasons that lead to obsession with plastic surgery?

There are many reasons why people are obsessed with plastic surgery but

the survey results shows lack of self-confidence and the media are the most

important reasons and I can say they are the psychological factors of

obsession with plastic surgery. Lack of self-confidence is a most important

reason many people go for plastic surgery to change their appearance in way

to enhance their self-confidence . A large number of people believe that their

outward appearance is decrease their opportunities to have a great jobs also

in the emotional level people think if they have a different appearance or if

they did some plastic surgery they will be more attractive and have a big

chance to make someone love them. In some cases people will afraid of

aging and think about what people will say about their appearance when they

have wrinkles so they go for plastic surgery to caver the aging and to be more


confidence with their appearance. The second important reason to obsessed

with plastic surgery is media. The girls who participate the survey and choose

the media as a main factor to go for plastic survey the notice how ad ,TV

shows and movies star influence in the people around them and make them

think more about their appearance. Based on (Hua,2013) media were able to

change people's idea of beauty, where he became promoted for one model of

beauty and canceled the specific symbol of the traditional culture.

International companies that interested in fashion and beauty, which is keen

to choose models with specific elements of beauty to present their products,

which make people connect this kind of beauty with a manifestation of beauty

and fashion. Also, celebrities have the ability to influence in the fans by their

external appearance and that could be a great motivation for the fans to go

for plastic surgery and look like their favorite star especially teenagers and

people in young age.

What is the most popular plastic surgery?

After discussed the main factors of that lead people to go for plastic

surgery there are still a common question what is the most popular plastic

surgery. The result of survey shows a similar percentage between the types of

plastic surgery and that confirm that people still not have a same answer of

this question. The girls who go for Nose Shaping because that is the most

surgery they sow the celebrities did, but is the real statistic shows that?. In

fact, Nose Shaping is goes in second place after Breast Augmentation that


what (American Society of Plastic Surgeons,2014) shows. The reason Why

people not think about Breast Augmentation as a most popular plastic surgery

because it hard to notice the change of the person who did the surgery not

said that, but in Nose Shaping the result is very obvious to all. For those who

choose Botox are have a same concept of Nose Shaping surgery according to

what celebrities did and the result they sow. Also, Botox is kind of safe

surgery because the result may gone after couple months unlike the author

surgeries that have a big side effects and cannot move easily only of you

make more plastic surgeries. Many of the girls in result think about Teeth-

whiting and that was a logic answer for them because they sow in their

society how people are drink coffee, tea and the other kinds of hot drinks a

lot . Those drinks mostly have colors and cause a change of the normal teeth

color and make it near to yellow. Also, smoking and the author medical

causes like a lack of calcium and teeth illnesses cause the change of teeth

color. I can say Teeth-whiting is less expensive than any other surgeries

because they just buy the products and do it at home by themselves. Even for

those how go to the specific clinic to white their teeth they will not pay as the

people how did Nose Shaping. Moreover ,it have the same reason that

motivate people to go for Nose Shaping which the number of celebrities who

did Teeth-Whiting and fast result and short time of remove the effects like

Botox. All in all, every answer in result come from the participate back ground

and society.


What are the steps to make a safe plastic surgery?

With the high number of plastic surgery the number of failed surgeries are

increase. Many people are wondering what are the steps to make a safe

plastic surgery. The majority of people look to plastic surgery as a simple step

to increase beauty and they are not care about the safety as when they think

about the rest of the surgeries. In fact, plastic surgery may be much more

dangerous than other surgery. ( Jehan,2014) divide the steps into three

important stages to avoid the failed surgery. The first stage is related to the

patient a lot of patients feel embarrassed to ask the surgeon about anything

related to the surgery of materials and equipment and they think only surgeon

who admiration to these matters. So, a lot of patients see that this medicine in

surgery has caused them side effects while others did not occur to them any

effects. The second stage is to ascertain from the extent for the surgeon and

the permit to practice the surgery. A lot of patients feel that those questions

put them in embarrassment with the surgeon, but this is one of the reasons

that lead surgeon to fool people. Some patients once they see the surgeon

certificate may be sure of his credibility, but there are a lot of forged

certificates and the only way to sureness is to communicate with health

military and search for the name of the surgeon. The last stage, which is the

responsibility of the surgeon to give the patient a full explanation of what will

happen during surgery and after surgery, and by giving the image to the

change on the external after the surgery and the side effects. Many surgeons

aim to make money from the patient in any way, and even if they believes that

this patient does not need to plastic surgery and it may cause them to deform


rather than the beauty of their appearance. As well as the side effects the

psychological effects for patient because a lack of explanation form surgeon

of difficult removal of the surgery effect, which is reflected on the patient after

the surgery and cause a depression and some of the social problems

because they lack of acceptance of this changes in their external appearance.

Some patient may go to make a large number of surgeries to returns their

normal appearance, which could harm their physical and psychological health

and cause them to lose a lot of money and time.


plastic surgery is becoming a normal part in people's lives and people

become more accepted to change their appearance. The reasons that lead to

this to go for many of plastic surgery divide to physical reasons defects from

birth and burns and psychological reason such as lack of self-confidence and

the impact of media on people. Plastic surgery is vary in types of popularity for

the people and this is due to different cultures and people need. Lack of

awareness of some of the patients may cause them to deception by some of

the surgeon and may cause them to long-term side effects. The Methodology

I used to collect data was find some of the sources to gather information, such

as health sites, medical surgeons opinions, e-library, survey on 16 girls. The

final result of this research is to find out the most important motives that lead

to the obsession with plastic surgery. Also, find out more about the types of

plastic surgery and how it influence on people. Moreover, the most important

steps to avoid surgical failure and the steps that will help to success of the


plastic surgery. In way to enhance my research I need to develop to

interviews with people had a successful surgery people to reflect on the bright

side of the plastic surgery also with people had unsuccessful surgery to

reflect the extent of the psychological and physical damage that can infect on

the patient because of plastic surgery. Overall the general idea of beauty

stems from the way the person accept himself and that the only way to avoid

the plastic surgeries .



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