-`491`- Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design of the New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)* Han Suk Ock**, Tae Yeol Seo*** 경관풍수에 입각한 신도시의 개념적 설계 : 행정중심복합 예정도시를 사례로* 옥한석**, 서태열*** AbstractThe Republic of Korea is planning to build the New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC). The purpose of this paper is to suggest the conceptual framework for this new city that relies on the Korean geomancy, oriental viewpoint on man and nature relationship, particularly in Korea. According to the Geomancy which could conceptualize the human-environment relationship in the site, the overall landscape image of the city could be symbolized by two flying crane with three Taegueks. In transforming the overall landscape image to urban form, two diamonds which means eternity and strength arises from the western spatial viewpoint, as means to protect and harmonize the human, land and mountain relationship in this site and the symbolic meaning of this site as generative and sacred place in Korean people’s mind. On the one hand, through juxtaposing of the two diamonds a geometric structure shows up, on the other hand the main axis of the city could be established from two crane and three Taegueks. On the North-South axis from the core of the symbolic green axis, symbolic things will be located, and the administrative offices will be placed on the East-West axis. Peripherals of the central axis also play a role in developing overall land use from image. The buildings and residents could be arranged and located according to undulations and this is based on the oriental theory of geomancy. We can build cultural amenities on the head part of the crane and on the core area. Key Words : Geomancy, landscape image, geometric structure, land use, sustainable city 요약:경관풍수는 인간, 토지, 물, 산과의 관계를 잘 형상화할 수 있는 친환경적이고도 자연적인 토대에서 도시의 경관과 경관이미 지를 설계하는 데 이용될 수 있다. 이 글은 최근 건설예정인 행정중심 복합도시 예정지역을 대상으로 경관풍수와 전통적인 한국의 인간-자연관계를 바탕으로 도시의 개념적 틀을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 즉 도시의 구조와 형태, 도시 내 토지이용 등 다양한 방면 에 걸쳐서 도시관련 개념적 틀을 제시하는 것이다. 행정복합 중심도시 건설 예정지는 경관풍수지리적으로 보면, 평화, 조화를 의미 하는 쌍학(雙鶴)과 강인함과 상생, 생성, 그리고 성스러운 삼태극의 이미지를 보인다. 이러한 바탕 위에서 서구적인 공간관이라고도 볼 수 있는 중첩된 다이아몬드 구조를 도시구조에 부여함으로써 이러한 전통적 경관풍수적이고도 친자연적인 장소 이미지와 상징성 을 지속적으로 유지할 수 있도록 도시의 형태를 계획할 수 있다. 다이아몬드 각각의 두 중심점과 접점에 의하여 이루어지는 세 개의 * This paper is based on the proposal which was applied to the public conceptual subscription for the New Multi-functional Administrative City(NMAC) ** Professor, Department of Geography Education, Kangwon National University, [email protected] *** Professor, Department of Geography Education, Korea University Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2005(491~513)

Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

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Page 1: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the


Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of theDesign of the New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)*

Han Suk Ock**, Tae Yeol Seo***

경관풍수에입각한신도시의개념적설계 : 행정중심복합예정도시를사례로*

옥한석**, 서태열***

Abstract:The Republic of Korea is planning to build the New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC). The

purpose of this paper is to suggest the conceptual framework for this new city that relies on the Korean geomancy,

oriental viewpoint on man and nature relationship, particularly in Korea. According to the Geomancy which could

conceptualize the human-environment relationship in the site, the overall landscape image of the city could be

symbolized by two flying crane with three Taegueks. In transforming the overall landscape image to urban form, two

diamonds which means eternity and strength arises from the western spatial viewpoint, as means to protect and

harmonize the human, land and mountain relationship in this site and the symbolic meaning of this site as generative

and sacred place in Korean people’s mind. On the one hand, through juxtaposing of the two diamonds a geometric

structure shows up, on the other hand the main axis of the city could be established from two crane and three

Taegueks. On the North-South axis from the core of the symbolic green axis, symbolic things will be located, and the

administrative offices will be placed on the East-West axis. Peripherals of the central axis also play a role in developing

overall land use from image. The buildings and residents could be arranged and located according to undulations and

this is based on the oriental theory of geomancy. We can build cultural amenities on the head part of the crane and on

the core area.

Key Words : Geomancy, landscape image, geometric structure, land use, sustainable city

요약:경관풍수는인간, 토지, 물, 산과의관계를잘형상화할수있는친환경적이고도자연적인토대에서도시의경관과경관이미

지를 설계하는 데 이용될 수 있다. 이 은 최근 건설예정인 행정중심 복합도시 예정지역을 대상으로 경관풍수와 전통적인 한국의

인간-자연관계를바탕으로도시의개념적틀을제시하는데목적이있다. 즉도시의구조와형태, 도시내토지이용등다양한방면

에걸쳐서도시관련개념적틀을제시하는것이다. 행정복합중심도시건설예정지는경관풍수지리적으로보면, 평화, 조화를의미

하는쌍학(雙鶴)과강인함과상생, 생성, 그리고성스러운삼태극의이미지를보인다. 이러한바탕위에서서구적인공간관이라고도


을지속적으로유지할수있도록도시의형태를계획할수있다. 다이아몬드각각의두중심점과접점에의하여이루어지는세개의

* This paper is based on the proposal which was applied to the public conceptual subscription for the New Multi-functional

Administrative City(NMAC)

** Professor, Department of Geography Education, Kangwon National University, [email protected]

*** Professor, Department of Geography Education, Korea University

Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2005(491~513)

Page 2: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

1. Introduction

The Republic of Korea is planning to build the

New Multi-functional Administrative City

(NMAC). The New City will host main central

government bodies which will serve as the city’s

central focus and around which industrial,

educational, and cultural facilities will be built

creating a city with a population of 500,000 on

73.14 km of land in Gongju-Yongi County.

In this paper, we tried to construct the

conceptual framework for the new city that relies

upon the oriental theory of geomancy, oriental

viewpoint of man and nature relationship, and to

seek the harmony between the oriental spatial

viewpoint and the western spatial viewpoint on

the city as the habitat for human being and

nature. We hope that our original and

inspirational ideas will provide new ideas in

urban design and planning of the new city.

Furthermore, we want to argue that the main

point in constructing a new city is to create a

peaceful environment for people to live in,

pursuing the harmony between nature and

human, and just recover people’s composure of

the busy world today. In order to perform this

task, the idea that human must allow one to get

closer to the nature and work to conserve the

nature itself should be considered.

Authors want to suggest what is conceptual

ideal city for Korean people’s mind and what is

the future “peaceful eco-polis” which will open a

new peaceful coexisting world of nature and

humans, through discussing main issues such as

the value of city, theory of geomancy, landscape

image, the structure and urban form of the city,

and through considering overall land use,

population density, distribution of building mass,

housing types, the major transportation modes

and operation, the cultural amenities.

2. Planning the New City Based on

the Korean Geomancy

1) The first step: deciding the value of city

The first step of planning the new city would

be to decide and define the value of the city.

Because of the symbolic image and its function,

the new multi-functional administrative city

(NMAC) will play most important role in Korean

peninsula. Therefore, the new city should be

structured towards peace through pursuing

ecological and democratic values. The main

priority will be the establishment of peace. It

could be oriented toward “the city in nature, the

city for nature”. Thus the symbolization of city is

peace as a completeness of prosperity, harmony,

unity and living as one.

Here, the peace is the peace in nature through

all conflicts and competition in this corrupted

world, harmony means the harmony between

nature and human, between different social

classes, and between men and women. In this

city, we can seek to minimize the tension among

various members of the society and the nature

itself. Problems arise of men and women, of


Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo

중심점에도시의남북, 동서의중심축이형성되고광장, 행정기관, 시청사가입지시킬수있다. 도시내교통망은방사형및직교형

으로건설하고, 중심점부근에문화시설을설치하며지속가능한도시발전을위하여자연보존지구등을남겨놓을수있을것이다.

주요어 : 경관풍수, 경관이미지, 기하학적인구조, 토지이용, 지속가능한도시

Page 3: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

generation gap, and of conflicts among people of

different regions. Through the new city, nature,

people can learn to embrace one another with

compassion and in this sense, will be able to

relieve all the conflicts going on in today’s

society (KRSI, 2004). People do not seem to have

any time to keep their composures; however, this

can all be regained by getting in relations with

the creation of nature.

The value of city also must include the

meaning of unity and in this matter will lead

people to see the city as uniting the North Korea

and South Korea as a complete one nation.

Unification of Korea symbolizes eternity and

through the city, people will remember this

significance. Learning to live in peace is very

important in this society and by establishing new

city, “our new multi-functional administrative

city” that includes culture, administrative,

university, research institutions, and high

technology industrial complex, it will fulfill the

society with spirit to live as one, in harmony.

The location of the city is an implication of the

mountain and the river. In relation, human will

be located in the “nature”, in other words, it is

not just a city in a wide plain, but a “utopia”

surrounded by the original Korea’s beauty of

mountain and the river(Suh, 2000; Ock, 2003). By

establishing this ideal city, we will not be far

from the peaceful future in our hands. We hope

to call the new city (NMAC), “Peaceful eco-polis”.

2) Searching the theoretical background of

conceptual framework of the new city :

Application of the geomancy and

oriental human-nature relationship

First oriental theoretical background of the city

come from and is related to Korea’s traditional

environmental theory called geomancy or

Pungsu. The nature of the geomancy theory is

divided into two parts, vitality condition (Senggi)

and feeling vitality condition (Kamung). Feeling

vitality condition is so called the Kamung and

vitality condition that resulted from moderate

moisture and temperature influenced people. We

must be able to feel the vitality condition and this

is all derived from the value of geomancy theory.

Vitality condition and feeling vitality condition

are elements that gave influence to all humans

and creatures. This defines the nature of the

geomancy theory. Based upon the amount of

feeling vitality condition, the power of life was

determined. Expectations of life, being high or

low, being high or low, strong or weak, rich or

poor, and up or down, depended upon the

amount of vitality one felt. This phenomenon

was created by the power of cosmos.

Circulating the fresh mild wind (Jangpung

method) and accepting the moisture under the

temperature (Duksu method) are aimed to

achieve vitality condition which literally means a

good combination of the moisture, temperature

and fresh mild wind. Koreans developed

geomancy in housing and applied this

knowledge in their living (Suh, 2000). The

Koreans tried to prevent water and wind troubles

in their homes, settlements, and cities by

establishing themselves in the best places that

showed a good combination of water and wind,

related to the circulating of the fresh mild wind

and accepting of the moisture under the

temperature methods(Lee, 1993). The best places

will be called by “Bright yard (Myungdang)” in

number 7 of Figure 1. The bright yard is the

place that people can feel vitality condition.

In choosing the location of best places in

Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Page 4: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

different regions, we must consider mountains

and waters of that region. The good harmony of

mountain, water, and land is show up with the

model. The various models cannot be explained

easily, so it always is symbolized by animals

including crane, plants, or things.

The geomancy fulfills many meanings that are

in relation to today (Ock and Park, 2003). First of

all, it is regarded as the most important

traditional science based upon the systemic

knowledge of physical environment. Secondly,

Korea’s traditional architecture is an influential

ideal system. Furthermore it is viewed as a

traditional geography that provides ideal spaces

and selective homes. As a whole, it provides a

new knowledge that a land is more than an

object but a correlation between the nature and

the human. This theory will be the ecological

viewpoint. Its ideas can provide amenity,

compassion, and fulfillment to our people so that

they can have a peaceful future in harmony.

Furthermore, the city, for Koreans, is for vitality

condition and the sense of stability. In this sense,

the marks of locations in the figure will be

expressed as the squares and circles, and the

squares will measure up to the ratio of 1:2 of

length and width. This symbolizes the spiritual

gathering of the oriental vitality and stability.

The second oriental background could be

found in Yin-Yang theory. The theory represents


Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo

Figure 1. General model of geomancy concept (Source: Chung Myun Lee, p.597)

Page 5: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

yin and yang. Generally, yin means the north

mountain side which is against the sun and so

darkness covers, and yang means the south of

the mountain side which faces the sun. This

theory represents the spatial duality theory that

bases its origin on the universe and the earth that

the world of darkness started a new world. Yin

and yang also came from the theory of Taegeuk,

including the meaning that the creation of the

universe is the state of Taegeuk. Our nation’s flag

called Tae-guk-ki derived from this theory. The

form of the flag arises from the color red and

blue, from yang and yin, which naturally is

harmonized into one representing one nation.

Furthermore, the Sam-taegeuk (three Taegeuks)

includes the three elements; the sky, land, and

human. It represents an ever-lasting state and in

the history of Korea, Sam-taegeuk was regarded

as a sacred sign and people thought of this as

more than just a sign, but as a way to life.

In relation to the natural phenomenal, yin and

yang most of the time have meanings including

variations of night and day, temperature, and the

season. The theory is not in existence in the

western society but the differentiation between

the western and the oriental elements does not

arise any conflicts. On the contrary, in

harmonizing, and coexisting of the two elements,

unity is formed so greatly between the two


The third oriental background could be the

construction of traditional Korea city theory. The

start of the construction of a traditional Korean

city could be determined by the once Eastern

Asia’s premodern capital city called Hansung Bu.

This city was made in the image of a natural

atmosphere, and the elements of this city could

be summarized as the powerful throne (Ock,


The main division of the city was artificially

divided by the internal and external part of the

capital city. Naturally, Hansung Bu was classified

as the central world and its surrounding world.

Inside the capital city, the King’s ideology was

adapted and followed the systematically principle

of the ideology(Ock and Park, 2003). Outer

world of the main city was influenced through

exposure to natural environment and the facilities

were arranged according to the connection to the

inner world of the city. Furthermore, while the

central world of the city was a sacred space in

relation to the throne, the outer world was a

sacrificing space and therefore different altars

were located in different parts of the city.

However, in this modern world, the urban

structure should be converted so that the central

world of the city will be for all people, and the

space in which people can feel the rise of the

spirit should be returned to them. The sacred

place and space which was only for the throne

centuries ago, it should be for all the people and

should be conserved in the modern world today.

Most of the altars outside of the city were in

relation with the agricultures since the

neighboring district was mainly an agriculture

region. Hansung Bu’s structure of the city was

formed in reflection to the social characteristics

of that period and through main facilities’

locations and arrangements, Hansung Bu

naturally became the standard of all cities.

The throne was the main symbol of the city,

and including ruling of a nation; the relation to

the throne was generally the basic principles of

the city. The city could be classified into two

different aspects, one, methodically, composition

of ideal system and symbolic system, in unity

with nature completes a city. Specifically, the

function of the city is in relation to the people.

Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Page 6: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

The elements of the city have characteristics of its

specific city and naturally have characters of the


3) Extracting overall landscape image

The overall landscape image should be for the

people. It is to be oriental and in accordance to

the theory of geomancy and yin-yang theory, the

mountain, water, and land should be


It shows up the modified geomancy model

conceptualizing the human-environment

relationship in this site, which is symbolized by

“flying crane”(Figure 2). This city lies in the

shape of twin divine cranes that makes a nest

under the main mountain, Mt. Wonsu. The two

mountains, in relation to the river, and the land,

Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo


Figure 2. Modified geomancy model conceptualizing the human-environment relationship in this site.(thick black lines are various kind of mountain streams).

Figure 3. Two mountains (Left : Mt. Wonsu, Right : Mt. Bihak).

Page 7: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

are lies in the heart of the region, and they will

provide stability to this region as the center of all

areas. Mt. Bihak is formed in the shape of one of

the cranes flying toward the nest. Bihak means

“flying crane” in Chinese character. (Figure 3)

The mountains are related in accordance to

geomancy and Kumkang River, the river of life,

which flows between the two cranes. The male

crane is placed on the north side, and the female

crane is placed on the south. In Korean culture,

the crane symbolizes sublimation and

transcendence of an endless life (Figure 4). In

order to understand the concept of geomancy,

the objects, and natures are symbolized to

provide better understanding of the Korean


The black and white color of the cranes is the

symbol of freshness and nobleness. For Koreans

to live long lives like cranes do, they have to be

very moral, peaceful, and kind. Administrators

who will work for the city should have qualities

like that of a crane. They should not be selfish or

corrupt. In our history, traditional Korean

administrators had embroidered cranes on their


According to our traditional geographic

theories, mountains influence the citizens. Most

Korean kings could read his subjects’ thoughts

through the mountains that are in deep relation

with water and wind. The key to form an overall

image is the relationship between the land,

water, river, and the mountain. In other words,

natural environment condition is the highlight of

forming an overall landscape.

Moreover, the strong affinity between men and

nature is also important in forming the natural

image of a landscape. Showing affection for the

natural environment will restore the beauty and

compassion for the corrupted environment today.

As the urban population increases, destructive

features take over some of our most splendor

features of the natural environment. However, if

we put some effort into making a unified nature,

the overall landscape by the harmony of men

and nature, the peaceful future will not be far

from it.

Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Figure 4. Two Korean art (left : crane picture, right :administrators dressed on an official uniformembroidered cranes

Figure 5. Symbolic meaning of this site, two cranesare flying.

Page 8: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the


Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo

The head, heart, wings, feet, and tails of the

cranes mark important areas in our “peaceful

ecopolis.” The cranes’ food is spread out in front

of the five features. The five features of the

cranes are small five cities including three

Taegeuks, which means three cities(figure 5). The

water comes from the Sam-taegeuk(three

Taegeuks) which forms all creations in heaven

and earth. In this nation, the location is

traditionally located on the heart of the land, and

the two river confluence in flowing of the Sam-

taegeuk (three Taegeuks) (Figure 6).

They will have various special functions in this

city that have various urban zones. These are

residential, business, commercial, and cultural


Our modern society is democratic, so our city

will differ from Korean cities from the past. The

society will not be in accordance of only the

King’s view, but in the view of all people.

However, the image that shows the love of rulers

for people will also be applied so that our

society will develop into a uniformed society.

3. Constructing the Structure and

Urban Form of the City

In transforming the overall landscape image to

urban form, the two ideal spots will be the heart

of development. The two cranes that symbolize

the city have the forms of one diamond structure.

Furthermore, the Sam-taegeuk is surrounded by

another diamond. The form of diamond arises

from the western spatial view and in unifying the

two diamonds and the cranes and Sam-taegeuk,

the oriental and western view is harmonized.

In selecting the cranes, the region of Sam-

taegeuk can be strongly conserved and possibly,

in order to preserve the untouched natural state

of the conserved area, the core is created in the

central part of where the right and left diamonds

meet. The cores are also created in the outlet of

where from the symbolic meaning of the oriental

thory river flows from the sacred space(the three

Taegueks)to secular space(two cranes).

Furthermore, the two cores lie in the center of

the two cranes. In this sense, the three cores are


The image of nature is the fulfillment of the

total land structure of the city. Moreover,

characteristics of harmony, unification, and peace

Figure 6. Waters from Sam-Taeguek

Figure 7. Two diamond structures for eternity in thissite

Page 9: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

are to be naturally blended in for the fulfillment

of the city. In this sense, the nature formed by

the harmonized mountain, water, and land

should be conserved with strong determination.

Juxtaposing of the two diamonds becomes a

geometric structure(Figure 7). Among the

intersecting places, the three places will be the

core area. The form of the two diamonds is the

desire for the spirit to spread out far across the


The three core areas will be in this structure of

the city. The core areas will have a radial road

system and the remaining areas will have a

crossroad system. All highway networks will

form an overlapped diamond shape and a

crossroad system.

On the other hand, we can borrow the western

spatial viewpoint in terms of the structure of city

to make shape the global city and to harmonize

the oriental and the western.

The earliest cities of the North America were

usually modeled, grew without formal plan, in

conformity to local topography or harbor

frontages. However, in the mid-centuries of the

western world, stylized North American city

model first appeared with straight streets crossing

at right angles. It was adapted from the European

planners of the same period and as the city

flourished, the habit of laying out squares or

rectangles was strongly reinforced at the end of

the eighteenth century. In the late 19th century, it

became necessary to create a large number of

towns almost overnight. The focus of a city was

the location of the railroad station (Levy, 2003).

The placement of the railroad station signified

both logical utilities.

As the cities grew larger the diagonal streets

were introduced and western minds leaned

toward economical dependence (Hall, 1996).

However, problems arose where the original city

blocks were platted with short frontages. These

hold up modern traffic flow every few yards, and

people begin to look for new way to prepare for

the increasing city. The search for space, which,

a century ago, was creating the “streetcar

suburbs” of older American cities, has, in the

automobile era, caused an explosion of urban

spread. It became the prime symbol of

consumption, not only for individual homes, but

for business and industry as well. As we could

see from the past centuries of the western cities .

Korean traditional cities and western cities were

worlds apart from consistency. In this sense we

must be able to blend both the western and the

oriental culture into one.

In this sense, we can put rectangular and

circular shape into the inner part of the two

diamonds. This symbolizes pleasures and a firm,

desirable society. The three cores will be

connected together and the left diamond’s inner

part will be in the form of rectangle. It has been

believed that the ratio 2:1 of width and length

symbolizes the spiritual gathering of the oriental

vitality condition and stability. The inner core

Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Figure 8. Land use structure induced from landimage.

Page 10: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

area of the diamond is in the form of a circle and

the other two cores are in the forms of circle as

well. You can see overall land use concept

induced from land image (Figure 8).

The oriental structure and the western structure

of the diamonds must be in coexistence so that

the city will be but dull. It is not easy for the two

completely different forms to come into one,

however, in completing the form, will the two

cultures effuse and develop into a better and a

peaceful city.

In looking at the overall land use, you can see

that the three core areas connected to axis form

three lines that are the bases of an important

axis. The central axis represents the main

connector of the two diamonds to the area

symbolized as the upper crane that bear a broad

social welfare.

The symbol of the axis could be divided into

three parts. First of all, it could be divided into

axis of the North-South, which includes the

attachment of the Mt. Wonsu. to the Mt. Bihak.

From the geomancy perspective, this region is

spiritually the most lively region; the ideal spot of

the axis. On the North-South axis from the core

of the symbolic green axis, symbolic things will

be located. On the North, the library, the

museum, art center, the memorial tower of

unification, the square plaza, the monument, and

visual of crane symbolizing the origin of

geomancy will be located (Figure 9).

These features should be arranged in a

concentrated way so that it will signify the desire

of our land of unification- oriented overflowed

with energy and passion. In relation to the

crane, the two main regions lie on each core of

the two cranes. On the south of the main axis of

the core, more environmental things will be

located. Located are lakes that will be surround

by gardens, and the river will flow through the

gardens and head down from the northwest to

the southeast. Furthermore, a great pavilion will

be located in the lake.

The south of the main core will basically be

filled with greens, just like the gardens in the

European countries. The meadows are not just

green land, it is a garden filled will beauty and

splendor and people will be surprised at the way

the gardens are made. It will be a place for

people to stroll along and enjoy the nature just as

the way it is. The axis deprived from the central

core of the diamond will be in all greens which

means that the axis are park, gardens, or just

plain greens, leading to the four points of the

diamond, furthermore, to the outer part of the


Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo

Figure 9. Land use structure induced from landimage.

Page 11: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

cores. The NMAC city hall will be located at

another core, the heart of female crane.

Moreover, in the focus of the ideal spot as the

main region, the administrative offices will be

placed on the East-West axis. Included of the

administrative offices are the Ministry of Finance

and Economy, of Education and Human

Resources Development, of Science and

Technology, of Culture and Tourism, of

Agriculture and Forestry, of Commerce, Industry

and Energy, of Information and Communication,

of Health and Welfare, of Environment, of Labor,

of Construction and Transportation, of Maritime

Affairs and Fisheries, the National Tax Service

and the National Emergency Management


In relation to the axis of the central core, the

core that lies in the line where the two diamonds

meet, the presidential commission and prime

minister’s commission are located. Included of

the presidential commission is Civil Service

commission, Presidential commission on small

and medium enterprises, Korea Independent

Commission against Corruption. Included of the

Prime minister’s commission are The Office for

Government Policy Coordination, Prime

Minister’s Secretariat, Emergency Planning

Commission, Fair Trade Commission, The

Ombudsman of Korea, National Youth

Commission, Ministry of Planning and Budget,

Ministry of Government Legislation, Government

Information Agency, and the Ministry of Patriots

and Veterans Affairs.

The East-West axis is also the main connector

of the city’s transportation axis and the binding

of the inner structure. It is also a region for

connecting the two cranes and Sam-taegeuk.

Especially in the case of Seoul, the Han River

plays a major role in separating the two regions,

Kangnam(South Seoul) and Kangbuk(North

Seoul). For this matter, overcoming the isolation

of the two regions is in great need. In addition,

the North and the South region have a great

regional separation, so in the standard of the

Kumkang River, there is a need for another axis

to bind the two regions of Kangnam(South

NMAC) and Kangbuk(North NMAc). In this way,

the North-South axis and East-West axis may

become the central space of unification in

overcoming the isolation of the two regions by

the river.

Together, the North-South axis and East-West

axis become the central axis. Peripherals of the

central axis also play a role in developing land

use from its image. On the right side of the

central axis, the sacred diamond region

compromises the image of affinity of the nature.

On the left side of the axis, represents the reality

state such as the industrial development,

dwelling site. This field of merchant city is the

actual world of people doing things with passion

and spirit. It is a reality space where people

move busily. The two ideal spots of the

topography are connected and this in turn, forms

the central axis.

Far apart from the central target, where the

green plains are spread, there are research and

development center, universities, and low-density

residential houses located up in the north of the

central axis. In looking at the overall land use,

you can see that most of the low-density

individual houses are far away from the diamond

and in the center of each residential region,

spaces for convenient living plaza is arranged.

Furthermore, the water reservoir should be set

up in the space of where the two diamonds meet

and where the left diamond ends.

Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Page 12: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

4. Suggesting Overall Land Use,

Distribution of Building Mass,

Housing Types, Transportation


1) Overall land use planning and housing


In distributing and deciding the locations of the

building mass, knowing the population density is

a crucial factor. Populations have grown over the

centuries in the cities as the development of the

urban side of the nation grew. Rapidly growing

cities are characterized by their specialized or

diversified nature and are all inter-linked by

integrating networks. For this matter, the

selective growth of certain cities due to the

development of industrial parks is evident.

The different regions, such as the residential

district, the industrial district, the business and

commercial district, and the culture district are

divided and you can see the total basic form in

the panel of the overall land use.

The buildings and residents are arranged and

located according to undulations and this is

based on the oriental theory of geomancy.

Looking at the panel of the overall land use,

there are low-level individual houses in the

middle of the left diamond block and outside of

the diamond, and high floor apartments mostly

close to the central core and inner parts of the

right side of diamond. The left block of this city

has a very low mountain. In this area, mountains

cannot accommodate the moisture that comes

from the lake in dry season.

Moisture is so important for establishing

moderate conditions. The left block will not have


Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo

Figure 10. Overall land use

Page 13: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

enough moisture. The moisture can only be

provided to the low buildings. This is the reason

we should build the low buildings on the left

block. In relation to the correlation of the climate

and the location, the ideal space, known as

Bright yard (Myungdang), is located in the sides

of the central core where the nature and

conveniences is compromised, furthermore, the

culture centers, parks, and the main commercial

centers is located to the center of the core and

this makes the ideal space more desirable (Figure


In the middle block between the right and left

of the diamond, a business district will be built.

Also, an artificial lake will be constructed in the

middle block. Plazas, which represent a

democratic society, will be built in the rotary of

the core area. Each block must connect to

another so that the connections will have a radial

and rectangular road pattern.

On the other hand, there is a high mountain

on the right block. The condition of this block is

beneficial to high buildings. High mountains can

prevent the moisture from evaporating that it can

provide abundant moisture. Unfortunately, the

river flows on the backside of the block that it

cannot provide moisture like that of the other

block. The exact location of the lake may be in

the center of this city. Therefore, both the lake

and mountains can work together to capture a

large amount of moisture. It can lead to the

construction of tall buildings. You can see that

the high-density residential districts are close to

the river and the greens.

Living close to the nature will allow for the

high-density living resident to have cool breeze

and through mountain and the river, the

residents could be provided of lots of cool

moisture, so it would not be dense all seasons.

On the panel, you see that the low-density

residential district is located apart from the main

stream of the river. However, the low-density

residential districts are provided of green plains

Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Figure 11. An example of residential area (low-density).

Page 14: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

and they would not feel dense since the cool air

will flow from the plains and the mountains

surrounding them. If the district is too close to

the river, than it would not be able to endure the

rainy period which will last for at least 3 months.

Based on this condition, the population density

will be decided. The right block will have very

high population density. The apartments in the

right block faces southwest and south, but

townhouses, villas, and single-family houses are

in the left block towards southeast and south.

You can see in the Figure 10 that the

residential districts, mostly high-density

residential sites are located in the outer side of

the diamond. However, the low-density

residential region is to the peripherals or far to

the inner side of the diamond (Figure 11). This is

mainly because the districts are distributed in

accordance to the atmospheric condition of the


To live a comforting and a pleasure life, house

is one of the most important elements to

consider. There are many different kinds of

houses today, from apartments to single

individual houses. For people to live in peaceful

environment, several factors must be considered

in constructing a city. First of all, location is an

important factor for people in selecting their

homes and housing types on certain area. In the

middle of the plain, high-density houses such as

apartments will be necessary for it should be

high-storied considering the weather. On the

mountainside of the area, single individual

houses should be located. The closer to the

mountain side, low-storied houses will be perfect

for it as the atmosphere and peaceful homes

blend together. Overall, whether the houses are

high-storied or low-storied, the key to a

harmonious peaceful city is to construct a site of

nature-loving site that everyone could find

pleasures in and the site has to be in correlation

to the mountain, water, and the land,

harmonized with the humans.

Today, our life runs so fast that we have no

time to overlook at the natures and see the

beauties and splendors of it. Everyday, people

get up and go through their daily routines

without thinking about the value of the nature.

People are so used to the busy lives and the

busy city that no one seems to care about the

sound of the nature. It is important to keep one’s

composures; however, it is not easy to have

presence of mind since we have so much going


To this matter, by building nature-affinity

homes, people can enjoy the pleasures in their

very home instead of making time to go out and

enjoying it. Creating the houses in the image of

nature will affect greatly of people’s minds and

naturally it will open up to pay attention to the

presence of the natural surroundings.

2) Distributing building masses

Strolling around the building provides variety

and pleasurable feelings. Through the windows

you have a view into the atriums or over the

fields and plains. There are a lot of reasons for

stopping to take a look. In this sense, it is

important for people to choose where they want

to live and develop it into their own individual

homes. Seeing the distribution of the building

masses, one of the key issues is to considerably

get close to the nature and its environment as

close as you can. Busy daily lives have kept us

apart from the nature and we have to make

measures to get close to what we have left. In


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Page 15: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

constructing the houses, we must make amends

that will be differentiated from the houses of the


The CBD (Central Business District) should be

located in the region where the significant two

cranes’ abdomens meet (Figure 12). There should

be a waterfront in the peripheral of the river that

passes through the center of the city. The

waterfront symbolizes divinity, and it should be

located where the wild nature-free region end

and where the secular world starts. It is to gather

the Holy Spirit so that the water way will be ever

lasting and through the oriental-nature view and

the spirit will last forever in the water.

In today’s society, the natural stream’s

conservation is needed so by establishing a

waterfront, may the main business and

commercial region be made into higher statures

and the rest of the region, into lower statures as

you can see on the panel of the total land usage.

The business and commercial district is to be

located on the peripherals of the inner part of the

diamond where it meets with the residential

districts and the river, where it flows directly

across it. The streams that flow through the main

district of business and commercials eventually

flow and meet with the artificial lake and the

river in which the waterfront is formed.

The industrial buildings must be placed at the

end and the left side of the river (Figure 13).

We will build cultural amenities on the head

part of the crane. Particularly, we will build a

theater that reminds people of Greek’s Dionysos’

amphitheatre on the head of it. On the core area

that three Taekuks form the exhibition, opera

house, and performing place are located (Figure

14). People will be free to use the various

complex facilities and enjoy different kinds of


Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Figure 12. An example of commercial and businessarea.

Figure 13. An example of industrial area.

Figure 14. An example of culture area.

Page 16: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

Memorial center will be located on the end

side of the garden area by the Kumkang river.

King Sejong or other great people are to be

remembered and special traces will be made in

their fame. The scenery will be so beautiful that

residents can enjoy peaceful moments of the

total scene.

Looking at the figure of where the culture

facilities lie, you will be able to see that the

culture facilities are located in the region of the

business district. Furthermore, the peripherals of

the inner diamond show the major complex

center and you can see that it is close to the

river. The major facilities for culture and

recreation will be located on the outer part of the

diamond, but close to it, as the map shows its

connection to the core and the axis of the

diamond. People can take great pleasure as they

harmonize with the nature and enjoy culture and

different activities.

The plaza is important as well. By putting the

plaza on the center of the core area in which

juxtaposition of diamond composes, we want to

make a Korean hall for sacrificial rite gate that

represents a high quality odd culture and science

in Korea. The plaza will be larger like the plaza

in Paris where people of different societies gather

and just enjoy different cultures. In locating the

plaza in the center of the core, it can be a place

for socializing and can be represented as the

heart of passion and free spirit.

3) Administrative buildings and open space

The administrative buildings and open space is

shown on the figure of the central axis. The

public spaces will be positioned on the diamond

pattern area. There are three public spaces. The

three different monuments will be built on each

of these three public space areas. Public spaces

can be accessed through the arterials. The

gardens from North-South axis form a linear

shape. People can enjoy a good sightseeing

while walking along the gardens. The disposable

landscape results from the fitness of the new city

structure to the principle of geomancy.

The main core of the diamond will be the

central plaza. Facing to the right of the main

core, the west side of the green axis will be the

center of culture, science and art. It will be filled

with passion, spirit, and ambition. People will

enjoy different culture activities and they will get

a chance to have pleasure in the activities. To the

east side of the green axis will be the center of

social welfare. According to the theory of

geomancy, relation to welfares is to the east and

in following this theory will have hope of


The inner part of the city will be in forms of

rectangle, circle, and diagonal and the outer part;

the two diamonds will embrace the inner side of

the diamonds. Not only the city be composed of

realism, but there will also be central park, and

an artificial lake for people to stroll and just

enjoy the nature of it.

The value of forming a lake artificially is a vital

sign of gathering the spirits and it is very

important in relation to geomancy. The lake will

be made in the form of nature itself and people

will visualize it as a unification lake. The central

park will be constructed in the place of the

pavilions. The parks will be located on each part

of the axis of the central core and people will be

free to grow closer to the nature environment in

this way.

On the panel showing the locations of the

buildings, you can see the administrative offices


Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo

Page 17: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

located on the right axis of the central core. It

will be lined up next to the green plains in

which all the axis of the diamond is covered

with. The main government offices will be

located on the core area of the spaces where the

two cranes, the two diamonds meet. To the right

side of the main core will the administrative

buildings be located.

Listed are the 13 ministries; Ministry of Finance

and Economy, of Education and Human

Resources Development, of Science and

Technology, of Culture and Tourism, of

Agriculture and Forestry, of Commerce, Industry

and Energy, of Information and Communication,

of Health and Welfare, of Environment, of Labor,

of Construction and Transportation, of Maritime

Affairs and Fisheries, the National Tax Service

and the National Emergency Management


In relation to the axis of the central core, the

core that lies in the line where the two diamonds

meet, the presidential commission and prime

minister’s commission are located. Included of

the presidential commission is Civil Service

commission, Presidential commission on small

and medium enterprises, Korea Independent

Commission against Corruption. Included of the

Prime minister’s commission are The Office for

Government Policy Coordination, Prime

Minister’s Secretariat, Emergency Planning

Commission, Fair Trade Commission, The

Ombudsman of Korea, National Youth

Commission, Ministry of Planning and Budget,

Ministry of Government Legislation, Government

Information Agency, and the Ministry of Patriots

and Veterans Affairs.

The open space, which is the space outside of

the diamond, will be left as a wilderness state. It

could be a lake park, or garden squares; just

itself will be the nature- free zone. The crucial

point in developing spaces like this is that we

must not be able to place any artificial materials

Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Figure 15. Open space and the greens.

Page 18: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

or destroy the zone with trash. In order to

conserve this area, people must be able to

understand the nature and work to get close to it

by just feeling the open space (Figure 15).

In order to maintain a sustainable city, the

control for the water system is in great need. The

control for rainwater, sewage should be located

inner and outer parts of the city. It is important

for the sewage disposal plant to be located along

the river as the sewage must not be in contact

with the nature itself, but has to be transported to

the disposal plant. Moreover, the network system

has to be constructed in advance to the culture

amenities and the figure of the water control and

network system shows clearly where it should be

located. The various systems can be greatly

advanced by the ubiquitors(Figure 16). The

development of a sustainable city is not just the

development of culture, but the development of

the sustainable grounds and associated plants

and systems.

4) Major transportation modes and


Once the structure of the ideal city is planned,

transportation modes and operation must be

considered. The transportation these days vary

broadly and we have gotten closer to the modern

technology as years move on. However, the

development must not stop here but work

further on in order to make our lives convenient.

The transportation system consists of highway

network of intra-city buses, cars, and inter-urban

light rail transit.

The inter-urban transportation system has four

main roots in which it leads to the outer part of

the city. First of all, in order to get to the target

site from Seoul, the major transportation will be


exists, and from the Osong Station of KTX at

about 16 km north, the light rail transit(LRT), will

lead the way to the main target site, the central


Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo

Figure 16. Water control and network system.

Page 19: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

core of the diamond. People can get within 60

minutes to the New City (NMAC) from Seoul

using KTX train and the LRT. The LRT runs

through the south-north corridor to the south

end of the City (Figure 17).

LRT is not in existence today, but in Japan it is

one of the major transportations and if we could

get it started, than it will grow to become one of

the major transportations in our country as well.

Secondly, the four major cities, the city of

Jochiwon, the city of Gongju, the city of

Cheonwongun, and the city of Daejon(Yooseong

District, Sintanjin District) will be connected to

the target site by some arterials and it will each

lead directly to the site. The transport to the main

target site from Chunan interchange will be by

taking the Gyeongbu expressway. The arterial

will be from the south, Yooseong District and by

taking the LRT; it will be easier to get to the

target site.

There are five main communication root which

is the arterials of 6~8 lanes in both directions, the

collectors of 4 lanes, the local roads such as

country roads and other feeder roads. These

main roots connect integrated highways;

however the inner road (Figure 18) system is in

need for connecting the inner part of the city.

In planning a new transportation system, the

recent transport development’s problems have to

be overlooked and make changes in having to

transport from city to city. Local roads are 2 lane

vehicle roads in grid pattern in the blocks.

Collectors are for collecting and distributing

traffics between arterials and local roads. Arterials

are networked in radial pattern and make 3

major rotaries at the intersections in which they

are crossed mutually or with collectors.

The road system must not be in discord with

the natural environment and must be developed

so that the nature will be conserved without

harms. For example, within the conserved

region, the road must be direct and streets for

foreigners must be constructed in accord to the

natural contour line and the nature itself

Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Figure 17. Inter-urban network.

Page 20: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

Highways are to be lined and developed in

accord of the natural environment as far as

possible so that the nature should be preserved

well. For example, at the foot of mountains or

hillside areas, it is usual the roads are not straight

in accord to the natural contour line and the


Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo

Figure 18. Highway and transit network.

Figure 19. Bicycle network and pedestrian mall.

Page 21: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the

nature itself. In preserved areas, highways or

roads are developed to the minimum.

In addition to the highway networks, bicycle

networks are developed. Bicycle networks

consist of exclusive bicycle roads and bicycle

lanes as a part of highway. Bicycle networks are

distributed broadly around the City; in urban

centers, residential areas, preserved districts and

so on (Figure 19).

5. Conclusion

In this paper, authors tried to show how the

Korean geomancy, and oriental viewpoint on

man-nature relationship could be applied into

planning the conceptual framework for new city,

particularly in the case of the New Multi-

functional Administrative City (NMAC) in Korea,

through the process of deciding the value of city,

searching the theoretical background, extracting

overall landscape image, constructing the urban

structure and form and suggesting overall land


We also focused on ideas how to preserve

nature and establishing a city, how both the

nature and the city have to be harmonized into

one. The central point in establishing a new city

is that we become one with the nature.

Furthermore, the theories of geomancy have

shown us that water, mountain, and land have to

coexist in order to develop into a better world.

From the land image, we have transformed the

image to a complete form of a city, and have

assembled the building mass and its

transportation system through the map. The

different districts that has been divided shows the

basic idea of how the facilities should be located

and adapting the ideal theory of both oriental

and western spatial viewpoint, the city will be a

blending of both cultures, and will be developed

into a polished, new city. The NMAC, the new

multi-functional administrative city is also to be

mutual dependent and self-reliant. In developing

this form of the city, the cultural, industrial, and

business region is to be complemented and

people will rely upon this developing city,

instead of their own home town. The

enlargement and the fulfillment of the spaces in

the formation of the city will provide a new

urban formation for the people.

It will be a reborn of a peaceful and a natural

“eco-polis.” In developing a city, many measures

have to be made and many risks have to be

taken. Trying to construct a new advanced city is

not to be quick, but firm and precise in every

detail of what is made and located. In this matter,

having to harmonize nature and people is the

main priority in constructing the city, and

developing it into a better town is the next best

thing of what we have to do. The development

of both mutual dependent and self - reliant city,

the development of the future “peaceful eco-

polis” will raise a new world and open a new

peaceful coexisting world of nature and humans.


The authors are grateful to Mi Jin Kim (Ianrich

Co.) and Ji Sun Kim (Ianrich Co.) for graphic

design, Yun Young Kim (Hongik University) and

Jin Young Oh (Seoul National University) for

sketch and visual drsign, Ji Young Jang (Seoul

Natinal University) for translation into English.

Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)


Page 22: Planning the New City Based on the Geomancy: A Case of the


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Correspondence: Han Suk Ock, Professor, Dept. of

Geography Education, College of Education,

Kangwon National University 200-701 Korea

(e-mail: [email protected], phone : 033-250-


교신:옥한석, 200-701 강원도 춘천시 효자동 192-1번지

강원대학교 사범대학 지리교육과 (이메일: ock@

kangwon.ac.kr, 전화:033-250-6694)

Received November 8, 2005

Accepted December 20, 2005


Han Suk Ock·Tae Yeol Seo

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Planning the New City based on the Geomancy: A Case of the Design ofthe New Multi-functional Administrative City (NMAC)
