San Francisco March 3, 2018 Planning Success James Cooke

Planning Success - James Cooke Enteprises...-Redraft & Draft 2 -Agree KRA’s -Follow on Focus Groups -Redraft Report to Version 3, develop key issues, KRA’s -Follow through focus

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Page 1: Planning Success - James Cooke Enteprises...-Redraft & Draft 2 -Agree KRA’s -Follow on Focus Groups -Redraft Report to Version 3, develop key issues, KRA’s -Follow through focus

San Francisco March 3, 2018

Planning Success James Cooke

Page 2: Planning Success - James Cooke Enteprises...-Redraft & Draft 2 -Agree KRA’s -Follow on Focus Groups -Redraft Report to Version 3, develop key issues, KRA’s -Follow through focus

“Never take the first steps-

without considering the last.”

Page 3: Planning Success - James Cooke Enteprises...-Redraft & Draft 2 -Agree KRA’s -Follow on Focus Groups -Redraft Report to Version 3, develop key issues, KRA’s -Follow through focus

1. INTRODUCTORY THOUGHTS…………………………………………………….1

1.1 Murphy’s Law

1.2 Your Leadership Path

1.3 Sort Out Your Thinking

1.4 “Cheat”

1.5 Cultivate Expectations

1.6 Make It Dynamic

1.7 Framework for Leaders

1.8 The Undiscussables

1.9 Key Result Areas

1.10 Plan the Publication

1.11 First Summary

2. THE PLAN……………………………………………………………………………………..8

2.1 Preparation

2.2 Tell a Story

2.3 The Sweet Spot

2.4 The Fly Wheel

3. PRODUCING THE PLAN……………………………………………………………...12

3.1 Preparing the Ground

3.2 Taking Stock

3.3 Completing

3.4 Communicating

3.5 Summary

4. SUMMARY SO FAR…………………………………………………………………..16

5. 5. SPECIAL THOUGHTS…………………………………………………………….18

5.1 Making it Happen

5.2 The Cascade

5.3 The Awareness Machine

5.4 The Business Development Unit

5.5 The Way We Do Things Here

5.6 The Welcome

5.7 Practical Thoughts

5.8 Presentations

6. NEXT ACTION…………………………………………………………………………….26

7. PROGRAMS FROM JAMES COOKE…………………………………………28









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Figure 2.

Murphy’s Law of Life

If anything can go wrong, invariably it will

Nothing is ever as simple as it seems

Everything you decide to do costs more than you first expected

Every important action takes more time than you have

It is a fundamental law that nothing ever quite works out

It is easier to get involved in something, than get out

The more complex the idea, the more simple-minded the opposition

Things get worse under pressure

Figure 1.



Structure for







Figure 3.


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1.1 Murphy’s Law demands a stock take (fig 1)

1.2 This is your path to leadership success.

-Framework for Leadership

-Focus on Pareto*1, communication, motivation

-Basis for Measurement


1.3 The Plan-Sort out your thinking (fig 2.)

-Think hard, fast, honest

-Do it right the first time

-Start with the end in mind

-What will success look like FREE (fig 3.)


-What are the key obstacles? What are the undiscussables?

-Where are we now? SWOT(*3)analysis?

*1 Pareto: Italian Engineer

80/20 Rule, 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the people.

*2 Be canny, think gutter up, what would you do if this were you’re money?

*3 Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats


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Local Interest Groups




Figure 4

Interest Groups


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1.4 Cultivate Expectations

-Who are your key audiences?

-What do they expect?

-What do they fear?

-Keep them in the loop?

-Presell everyone.

1.5 Make it Dynamic

-Focus groups

-Staff Involvement.

-All interest groups (see fig 4.)

-Ask why members left/joined, expectations.

-Build momentum, build on experience.

-Guesstimate but record real knowledge gaps.


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Figure 5 Ensuring Success

Strong Targets but always achievable

Exact time scales but always realistic

Clarity over knowledge gaps, major risks

Brutal facts, no whitewash

Saying “No” to fruitless options

Pareto Rules


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1.6 Set Your Framework for Leadership

-It’s all about you-the leader.

-It’s your framework for leadership in the future.

-It’s about building you’re “A Team”, involving your key people, your staff,

your members.

-It’s about success, how to get there (fig 5.)

1.7 Discuss the Undiscussables

1.8 Focus on the Key Results (KRA’s)

1.9 Plan the Publication-a Study in Persuasion

-Clarify purpose, target-Board, Bank, Manager, Public, Members, Staff

-Max of 40 pages-rest Appendices.

-Simple English-no sector babble.

-Make each chapter sing with labels. So: “ Clearing the Decks”, “ Consolidation”: “Break Out”- not “Marketing” but “Building Membership”; not ”Finance” but “Growing the Foundation”. Clarify purpose, target-Board, Bank, Manager, Public, Members, Staff

-Focus on KRA’s (Key Result Areas)

-Use 3-5 year time Horizon

-Create appropriate team and make time

-Ensure home support

-Plan visuals, photographs through out.

-Always present “ in draft”


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Action &





CLIENT Strategic




Vero Beach Museum

of Art

St. Petersburg Airport


Figure 6


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Part 2. PLANNING AHEAD (1 Month)

2.1 Where are we today? -Review the whole business (fig 6)

-S. W. O. T. Analysis.

-Quality - choose and then follow through.

-Risk - cover all facets, implications and sources of collapse.

2. 2 Prepare to Tell a Story. -Looking back, taking stock today, looking forward. *1

-Key 3 actions to strengthen today, who does what, by when,

what reporting Milestones, benefits

-Key 3 Actions into the future, who.. As above…

2.3 Understand the Sweet Spot (Fig 7 overpage) -What makes you special, different? *2

-What are your unique selling points (USP’s)?

-Produce the elevator talk for all you meet (see *2 on page 23)

2. 4 The Flywheel (Fig 8) -Effective generic business model.

-Little Steps.

-Tipping points.

-Exponential growth.

*1 Vero Beach Museum of Art

*2 Grimshaw


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Figure 7


$$$ BEST

Figure 8


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Focus Groups:

Target 20-30 attendees

Use a Facilitator

Summarize History

Describe Today

Be Up Beat but Honest

Focus on Key Issues

Ask for Feedback

Keep In Touch

Follow Up On Promises Record Details in Appendix

Take Photographs for Report

Supply Food and Drinks

Figure 9


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3. 1 Step 1 Organizing Thinking -Think it through with key advisors.*

-Recruit and brief strategic plan team.

-Rough first draft.

-Check audiences, key interest groups, expectations,

knowledge gaps, board and staff issues.

-Organize to respond to the above.

3.2 Step 2 Testing -Focus Groups (Fig. 9 on previous page)

-Co-opted Research



-Redraft & Draft 2

-Agree KRA’s

-Follow on Focus Groups

-Redraft Report to Version 3, develop key issues, KRA ’s

-Follow through focus groups, add others (e.g. Children and


-Start pre-selling the plan, checking expectations.

3.3 Step 3 Completing -Part 1: Introductory Summary ( 4 pages to be completed at

the end)

-Part 2: Looking Back. “History” ( 4 pages)

Key numbers, achievements, stories.

-Part 3 Today. “ Consolidation” ( 10 pages)

Where we stand, key numbers.

Part 4: Looking Ahead “The Springboard” (20 pages)

S.W.O.T analysis link to Fig 6 on page 7

-The Vision for the future, what success will look like.

-The Key actions again linked to Fig 6. For the future

-Immediate Little Steps.

-Taking care (see fig 10 on page 13))

*CBI Special Programme Unit, Royal Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London-Captain Cooke


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Figure 10

Complete in Draft

Keep “Cheating”-add a quick win

Keep “Cheating”-add a key decision

Ensure Communications

Thank and Feature the Team

Start Final Production

The Belfrey Hotel


Royal Automobile Club


“Taking Care”


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3.4 Step 4 Selling the Plan -Pre-sell, manage expectations, hearts and minds.

-Focus on Key people, then the rest

-Test, liaise, test, liaise, and test again…

-Feedback interest groups and staff

-Ensure no surprises

-Develop outline knock on plans such as Marketing, Fund

Raising, other KRA’s

-Develop Partnerships*

-Learn to say “No”

-Build Momentum

3.5 Summary -Prepare the Ground

-Plan Ahead

-Produce Final Draft

-Time taken 7 months (fig. 11)

* RAC and card games *Belfry PGA and Greenkeepers


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Vero Beach Museum

of Art

The Money Shot

2002 Ryder Cup


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4. Summary So Far

-We have taken up to 7 months

-We have a simple plan of up to 40 pages.

-It tells the story, history, today and the future.

-It is in simple English, spells out 3-6 key actions and why they


-It is built on what will become continuous research.

-It is clear, unabashed about guesstimates and knowledge gaps.

-It is achievable.

-It is owned by the leadership.

-It includes an early “win”*

-We have used the process to emphasize “the way we do things


-We present to all interested parties.

-We presell.

-We celebrate!

*Belfry and the Ryder Cup.

*VBMA and Blockbusters.

Time So Far:

Initial Deck Clearing 1 month

Preparing the Ground 1 month

Producing the Plan 4 months

Completely Communicating 1 month

7 months

Figure 11


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Figure 12








Small number but

known relationships

and high probability

Large Number Low




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The challenge now is getting traction without breaking the bank or falling on your face.

Here are 7 pragmatic concepts that will help.

5.1 Adopt the Cascade (Fig 12.)

-Priorities your clients in terms of the appropriate metrics. At the top are

those most likely to contribute most to your target They are the “low hanging

fruit”, usually existing customers and usually the challenge is to expand your

share of their wallet.

-But don’t forget past clients. Enlist them for introductions, referrals,

marketing support, and special skills.

-Don’t forget existing and past staff-possibly the most valuable short term


-Ask all your people for referrals, give them a copy of the elevator talk, one

new client per person.

-Include volunteers and friends.

-Think carefully about Business Clients of your operation, place them in the


-Intermediaries are potentially powerful enablers.

-Accountants, Bankers, Lawyers, groups who know you well and have many

clients and contacts themselves.

-Sector wide Breakout. Look for sectors where you are having success and

then consider sector marketing.

*The Exxon receptionist


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Figure 13


1. The “Awareness Machine” is a

means of controlling thinking

and action in MR and aware-

ness building amongst existing

and target clients.

2. Issue: each part of the Club

identifies provocative issues to

be reviewed.








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5.2 Use the Awareness Machine (Fig 13.)

PR and Media coverage usually comes with a hefty price tag. Here’s a way to turn essential research

into a potential free press editorial story.

-Identify a real issue-e.g. price sensitivity.

-Use focus groups building on your planning

experience, including updates on progress.

-Write Paper no 1*1 and circulate to all “members” *2

-Workshop to appraise, investigate and agree outcomes. Again use key targets. Add food

and drink-have fun, cement relationships, take photographs.

-Feedback to all involved via email. This is all about communication-you cannot lose, it

is a win/win if properly handled.

-Involve Media throughout and brief at the end *3. You are

presenting them with a story, photographs and a topical initiative– what is not to like?

*1. There maybe several iterations and so more than one paper.

*2. “Members” maybe the most obvious target, but there will be many others identified in your



5.3 The Business Development Unit (BDU)

Ultimately the key to great marketing is detailed implementation of sensible ideas. It involves a

large amount of follow up, research, record keeping (contact lists) and there is never enough

time or money. You will never achieve a Breakout until you form a dedicated unit run by a me-

thodical implementer of plans and ideas. The BDU will oversee implementation of the cascade,

of the master contact list of members, friends, suppliers, intermediaries *1 . It can start with 1

person, using the internet and “mailchimp”, managing the website, and overseeing invitation

lists. It will grow as you cross-check peer groups for bench marks and then exceed their invest-

ment *2.

*1. The VBMA total list rose from 32 to 7000.

*2. Ford motor co-strategy


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5.4 Build the Culture-”The way we do things here.”

-The Learning the Company.

-Update, refresh, but NOT write a second plan.

-Celebrate Success.

-Zero tolerance on the bus.

5.5 Improve the Welcome

-Walk the new member process from the referral, to the web, to

the telephone, to the driveway, the front door, to the bar, the

shop, the grounds, the restaurant and to the internet follow up.

-Compare with peers, with the best*, with expectations of your

target customers. You win/lose on the first appearances, follow

through with the relationships.

*RAC, Publix, New Zealand and Disney.


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Be Practical & Honest

Ensure all staff are on the bus

Do not take on new recruits-test on a project, use as consultant, ensure adequate forward cash.

Recruit when finally convinced.

If in doubt, don’t recruit.

Focus on your brands in terms of selected quality, USP’s, KRA’s clients.*1

Keep Bank close, involved

Keep fit, sort out home life, initiate wellness at work.

Care for your members and staff- “love them to death”

In desperation put back payments by 1 month

Put the best person on debt collection

Give everyone the “Elevator Talk” -*2

Walk the talk, be there, communicate.

*1 Compared Publix and Ralph Lauren.

*2 We deliver large buildings that work, that transform the community and inspire their users.”


Figure 14

5.6 Practical Thoughts.

Check through the list in figure 14. It relates especially to moments of crisis but the lines of

thinking will help you conserve cash and avoid human problems.


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5.7 Presentations Matter Everyday.

You and your leadership team as a minimum should become master presenters, make them

everyday, seize every opportunity to add to their skills and help each other .

We have already touched on one or two golden nuggets applicable to all presentations

Establish a framework of relevance, hence “Looking

Back, Today, Looking Forward’”.

Look to tell a story, use simple English.

Be passionate, enthusiastic, committed, and be


Keep the essential story in mind (Fig 15).

Use F.R.E.E as a fall back structure.

Tell them what you are going to say, say it, sum up

on a major upbeat.


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$$$ BEST


Figure 15


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6. Next Actions

You have spent 6 or 7 months getting to this point. ACT.

Be decisive about essential KRA’s, and any knock on plans not

yet completed for Marketing, PR, CRM, People Development.

Delegate comprehensively.

Plan the Board and People Development Program as justified.

Introduce a total cost/revenue improvement plan

Confront issues, say “No”.

Coach, Support, Help and Celebrate.


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James W. Cooke

Formerly Managing Consultant at Europe’s leading firm of consultants PA Interna-

tional, Mr. Cooke served 4 appointments for the British government and the

European Union.

His clients have included public and private organizations of all shapes and sizes.

He created the Belfry Hotel as the European Headquarters of the PGA and the

home of the Ryder Cup.

He was a Senior Member of the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London and of

Brooks’s, St. James’ s Street London.

Today he lives in Florida with his beautiful wife, plays off a handicap of “10” and

gives talks, workshops and consultancy world wide.

For more details, background information and access to his book “Understanding

Leaders”, see his website



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“Leadership, International Talks and Consulting”



[email protected]

“A Collaboration of Knowledge”