Planning for Electrical Power System Safety and Reliability

Planning for Electrical Power System Safety and Reliability · ANSI/NETA MTS-2011 ANSI/NETA MTS-2011 - New Edition Developed for use by those responsible for the continued operation

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  • Planning for Electrical Power

    System Safety and Reliability

  • Agenda

    • Who is NETA? • What are the ANSI/NETA Standards?

    – Acceptance – Certification of Electrical Testing Technicians – Maintenance

    • Specifying NETA Accredited Companies • How can builders, contractors, architects and engineers

    ensure safety and reliability in electrical power system installations?

    • MASTERSPEC / Bid Specifications • What is the opportunity?

  • Who is NETA?

  • Founded in 1972

    NETA is an association of leading electrical testing companies comprised of visionaries, committed to advancing the industry’s standards for power system installation and maintenance to ensure the highest level of reliability and safety.

  • NETA InterNational Electrical Testing Association

    • Accredited Standards Developer – Since 1996

    American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

    • Accreditation of Testing Companies

    • Certification of Technicians

    • Industry Education

  • NETA Vision

    To assure that safety, quality, and system reliability are basic foundations of the

    electrical infrastructure.

  • NETA Mission

    To serve the electrical testing industry by:

    • Establishing standards

    • Publishing specifications

    • Accrediting independent, third-party electrical testing companies

    • Certifying test technicians

    • Collects and disseminates information and data

    • Educates the public and end user about the merits of electrical acceptance and maintenance testing

  • NETA InterNational Electrical Testing Association

    • Members: United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Chile and Brussels

    • 1,500 Certified Technicians

    • 1,100 Individual Affiliates

    • International Associates: 60 countries

    – Columbia, India, Thailand, Hong Kong, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Greece, England, Australia, Cuba, Mexico and many more

  • ANSI/NETA Standards

  • ANSI/NETA ETT-2010

    ANSI/NETA Standard for Certification of Electrical Testing Technicians The Preface of Standard for Certification of Electrical

    Testing Technicians succinctly states the necessity of this document.

    This standard was created to codify the experience, education, and training requirements necessary for an individual to obtain a level of competency as an electrical test technician.

    This standard should always be referenced when writing maintenance specifications or performing routine testing on electrical power systems.

  • ANSI/NETA MTS-2011

    ANSI/NETA MTS-2011 - New Edition

    Developed for use by those responsible for the

    continued operation of exiting electrical systems and equipment.

    Provides a guide in specifying and performing the necessary tests to ensure that these systems and apparatus perform satisfactorily, minimizing downtime and maximizing life expectancy.

    This standard should always be referenced when writing maintenance specifications or performing routine testing on electrical power systems.

  • ANSI/NETA ATS-2013

    ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems Developed for use by those responsible for assessing the

    suitability for initial energization of electrical power equipment and systems.

    Specifies field tests and inspections that ensure these systems and apparatus perform satisfactorily, minimizing downtime and maximizing life expectancy.

    This standard should always be referenced in design specifications or when performing acceptance testing on power system installations.

  • NETA Accredited


  • NETA carefully examines the qualifications of each NETA Accredited Company (NAC) in addition to certifying the

    individual technician employed by that NAC.

    NETA Accredited Companies

    NETA Accredited Company +

    NETA Certified Technician = Quality

  • NETA Accredited Companies


    and Continuing Education

    2. SAFETY – Setting the Standard



    5. TOTAL SYSTEM EXPERIENCE – Total System Service

  • NETA Accredited Companies

    1. NETA CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN – Field experience, Training, and Continuing Education • NETA Certified Technicians have earned a Level III or IV

    NETA Certification in electrical power system testing and bring the knowledge and field experience necessary to perform testing to industry standards.

    • A NETA Technician’s work experience, education, and training keeps them current with new technologies and provides them the knowledge to perform testing across a wide variety of power systems.

  • NETA Accredited Companies

    2. SAFETY – Setting the Standard • A NETA Accredited Company recognizes the Safety

    Program is paramount to making sure all other operational goals are met.

    • Safety Compliant means to uphold the highest standards in the industry: standards put forth by OSHA, ASTM, NFPA, IEEE, The National Safety Council, CSA, NEMA, and others.

    • And with a dedication to Safety, each NETA Accredited Company implements procedures and continually reviews and updates the firm’s safety program.

  • NETA Accredited Companies

    3. THIRD-PARTY, INDEPENDENT TESTING • NETA Accredited Companies are independent

    electrical power system testing service providers. They must be divested of competing service or manufacturing interests.

    • As third-party auditors, they provide unbiased electrical testing results while ensuring accurate testing and reporting – Never influenced by conflicting factors involved with budgeting, installation, or product manufacturing.

  • NETA Accredited Companies

    4. QUALITY ASSURANCE • The highest degree of quality is achieved when testing

    services are performed by a NETA Certified Technician and backed by a NETA Accredited Company.

    • This unique combination ensures qualified personnel are supported by: Corporate infrastructure The latest technologies Calibrated test equipment Comprehensive reporting and documentation Professional Engineer review System function tests

  • NETA Accredited Companies

    5. TOTAL SYSTEM EXPERIENCE – Total System Service

    • NETA Accredited Companies employ a team of NETA Certified Technicians and support personnel experienced in all facets of electrical power system testing and maintenance – doing so in accordance with ANSI/NETA Standards.

  • Why Test?

  • Risk Management

    • Safety – Injury to employees and the general public is possible when electrical apparatus does not perform as designed or manufactured.

    • Inconvenience – Down time do to miss operations causes an impact on the reliability of electrical systems. This requires subject matter experts to solve and rectify while uncertainty exist, resulting in loss of revenue or expected service.

    • Cost – When equipment fails while in service, the damage is almost always debilitating. The cost incurred by a single event, including the repair and likely associated down time, far exceed the inclusion of Acceptance Testing during the facilities construction phase.

  • # 1

    # 2

    Installation Error

  • Why Test

    # 1

    Factory Error

    # 2

  • Why Test

    # 1

    Factory & Installation Error

  • Why Test


    Factory Error



  • How Can You Help Ensure

    Safety and Reliability?

  • Ensure Safety and Reliability

    Three steps:

    • Specify the standards in all design and bid requirements, that involve electrical power generation equipment and systems:

    1. Acceptance testing of all electrical equipment and systems

    2. In accordance with most recent ANSI/NETA ATS standard

    3. Performed by a NETA Accredited Company and NETA Certified Technicians

  • Why Specify

    NETA Accredited Companies?

    • NETA Certified Technicians

    • Third-party, independent testing agency

    • Full-service

    • Safety guidelines

    • Quality assurance

    • Trained and certified to industry standards

  • Why Specify

    NETA Certified Technicians?

    • Technical Knowledge + Field Experience

    • Broad-based understanding of equipment and environmental factors

    • Continuing education requirements

    • Backed by a NETA Accredited Company

    • Meets ANSI/NETA ETT standard for certification





    Electrical Power Equipment and Systems: Tested as specified by the ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems and defined in Sections 2 – 7, by a NETA Accredited Company, or an equivalent, third-party, independent testing agency which can function as an unbiased testing authority, professionally independent of the manufacturers, suppliers, and installers of equipment or systems being evaluated. Test technicians shall be certified in accordance with ANSI/NETA ETT-2010 Standard for Certification of Electrical Testing Technicians. Each on-site crew leader shall hold a current certification , Level III or higher, in electrical testing. The testing organization shall provide the following: • All field technical services, tooling, equipment, instrumentation, and technical supervision to

    perform such tests and inspections. • Specific power requirements for test equipment. • Notification to the owner’s representative prior to commencement of any testing. • A timely notification of any system, material, or workmanship that is found deficient based on the

    results of the acceptance tests. • A written record of all tests and a final report.

  • Specify Acceptance Testing


    Electrical Power Equipment and Systems: Tested as specified by the ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems and defined in Sections 2 – 7…

  • Specify Testing by a NAC


    • … by a NETA Accredited Company, or an equivalent, third-party, independent testing agency which can function as an unbiased testing authority, professionally independent of the manufacturers, suppliers and installers of equipment or systems being evaluated.

  • Specify NETA Certified



    • Testing technicians shall be certified in accordance with ANSI/NETA ETT-2010 Standard for Certification of Electrical Testing Technicians.

    • Each on-site crew leader shall hold a current certification , Level III or higher, in electrical testing.

  • Specify Testing Requirements


    The testing organization shall provide the following:

    • All field technical services, tooling, equipment, instrumentation, and technical supervision to perform such tests and inspections.

    • Specific power requirements for test equipment.

    • Notification to the owner’s representative prior to commencement of any testing.

    • A timely notification of any system, material, or workmanship that is found deficient based on the results of the acceptance tests.

    • A written record of all tests and a final report.


  • Include NAC List

    Make it Easy:

    Include a list of local

    NETA Accredited Companies.

    Western Electrical Services, Inc