Plan Groupoid cocycles and derivations Jean Renault Universit´ e d’Orl´ eans September 7, 2012 1 The scalar case 2 Sauvageot’s construction 3 The vector-valued case J. Renault (Universit´ e d’Orl´ eans) Cocycles and derivations — Yerevan 12 September 7, 2012 1 / 26

Plan Groupoid cocycles and derivations · Plan Groupoid cocycles and derivations Jean Renault Universit e d’Orl eans September 7, 2012 1 The scalar case 2 Sauvageot’s construction

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    Groupoid cocycles and derivations

    Jean Renault

    Université d’Orléans

    September 7, 2012

    1 The scalar case

    2 Sauvageot’s construction

    3 The vector-valued case

    J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Yerevan 12 September 7, 2012 1 / 26

  • The scalar case

    One-parameter automorphism groups

    In the C*-algebraic formalism, time evolution of a physical system is givenby a pair (A, α), where A is a C*-algebra called algebra of observables andα = (αt)t∈R is a strongly continuous one-parameter group ofautomorphisms of A. The generator of α is a derivation, usuallyunbounded, which will be denoted by δ. The pair (A, α) will be calledhere a C*-system.

    If A = B(H) is the algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space H,there exists an unbounded self-adjoint operator H on H such that

    αt(A) = eitHAe−itH

    Then the generator of α is the derivation δ where

    δ(A) = i [H,A] = i(HA− AH).

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  • The scalar case

    Example 0

    Suppose that A = Mn(C) and that α is given by a self-adjoint diagonaloperator H = diag(h1, . . . , hn). Then, for A = (Ak,l) ∈ Mn(C), we have:

    αt(A)k,l = eit(hk−hl )Ak,l ; δ(A)k,l = i(hk − hl)Ak,l

    Let us view the matrices as functions on G = {1, . . . , n} × {1, . . . , n} andrewrite these formulas after introducing γ = (k , l) ∈ G andc(γ) = hk − hl . This gives

    αt(f )(γ) = eitc(γ)f (γ); δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ)

    Note that c : G → R satisfies the Chasles (or cocycle) relation:

    c(k , l) + c(l ,m) = c(k,m).

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  • The scalar case


    The previous example fits into the general framework of groupoids andtheir convolution algebras.

    A groupoid is a small category (G ,G (0)) where each arrow γ ∈ G isinvertible. The inverse is denoted γ−1. We denote by r(γ) the range of γand by s(γ) its source. A pair of arrows (γ, γ′) is composable iffs(γ) = r(γ′); then the composition is denoted by γγ′.

    There are two examples to keep in mind: groups (this is the case whenG (0) is reduced to a singleton {e}) and equivalence relations (this is thecase when the map (r , s) : G → G (0) × G (0) is injective). In that case,arrows are pairs (x , y); composition law and inverse are respectively

    (x , y)(y , z) = (x , z); (x , y)−1 = (y , x)

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  • The scalar case

    Convolution algebra

    We assume that G has locally compact Hausdorff topology compatiblewith its algebraic structure and a Haar system (λx)x∈G (0) where for allx ∈ G (0), λx is a Radon measure on the fibre G x = r−1(x) and we have

    (invariance) γλs(γ) = λr(γ) ;

    (continuity) x →∫fdλx is continuous for all f ∈ Cc(G ) .

    We define the C*-algebra C ∗(G ) as the C*-completion of the ∗-algebraCc(G ) of continuous compactly supported functions on G , where

    f ∗ g(γ) =∫

    f (γγ′)g(γ′−1)dλs(γ)(γ′)

    f ∗(γ) = f (γ−1).

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  • The scalar case

    Scalar cocycles and derivations

    A map c : G → R is a cocycle if

    c(γγ′) = c(γ) + c(γ′)

    When G = X × X (or any equivalence relation), this is above Chaslesrelation.

    We assume that c is continuous and we define δc : Cc(G )→ Cc(G ) by

    δc(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ).

    It is immediate that δc is a derivation:

    δc(f ∗ g) = δc(f ) ∗ g + f ∗ δc(g).

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  • The scalar case

    Some properties

    Defineαt(f )(γ) = e

    itc(γ)f (γ).

    It is a one-parameter automorphism group of C ∗(G ). This shows that δcis a pregenerator, in particular it is closable.


    Let G , c , δc be as above. Then,

    1 δc is bounded iff c is bounded;

    2 δc is inner if c is a coboundary.

    Recall that a cocycle c : G → R is a coboundary if there existsb : G (0) → R such that c = b ◦ r − b ◦ s. Here, we are dealing withcontinuous cocycles and we insist on having b continuous.

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  • The scalar case

    Example 1

    This example is a groupoid description of the Ising model. As usual, Λ is alattice in Rd and each site carries a spin ±1. The configuration space isX = {−1,+1}Λ. Let G be the graph of the equivalence relation on Xwhere two configurations are equivalent iff the number of sites where theydiffer is finite. The C*-algebra A of observables is an algebra of matricesindexed by G : its elements are functions on G and the operations are theusual matrix multiplication and involution:

    ab(x , z) =∑y

    a(x , y)b(y , z); a∗(x , y) = a(y , x)

    The one-parameter automorphism group α is given by

    αt(a)(x , y) = eitc(x ,y)a(x , y)

    where the energy cocycle c : G → R is defined by

    c(x , y) = −∑i ,j

    J(i , j)[x(i)x(j)− y(i)y(j)]

    where J depends on the nature of the interaction.J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Yerevan 12 September 7, 2012 8 / 26

  • The scalar case

    Example 2

    The Cuntz algebra Od is the C*-algebra generated by d isometriesS1, . . . ,Sd on a Hilbert space H whose ranges are mutually orthogonal andspan H.

    The gauge automorphism group is the one-parameter automorphism groupα such that αt(Sk) = e

    itSk .

    Its groupoid description is Od = C ∗(G ), where

    G = {(x ,m − n, y) : x , y ∈ X ,m, n ∈ N,T nx = Tmy}

    where T is the one-sided shift on X = {1, . . . , d}N.

    The above gauge automorphism group α is then given by the gaugecocycle c : G → R such that c(x , k , y) = k.

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  • The scalar case

    Example 3

    One usually defines a tiling Tas a subdivision of the plane R2 into tiles.Here is a famous example of a tiling (or rather a patch of this tiling):

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  • The scalar case

    Example 3 (cont’d)

    We denote by T + x the translate of the tiling T by the vector x ∈ R2.We define a metric on the set of tilings: T and T ′ are � close if there existvectors x and x ′ of norm ≤ � such that T + x and T ′ + x ′ agree on theball of centre 0 and radius 1/�.

    The hull of a tiling T0 is the orbit closure

    Ω(T0) = T0 + R2

    The group R2 acts continuously on Ω(T0) and one can form semi-directgroupoid

    G (T0) = {(T , x ,T ′) ∈ Ω(T0)× R2 × Ω(T0) : T + x = T ′}

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  • The scalar case

    Example 4 (cont’d)

    There is a natural cocycle on G (T0), namely c : G (T0)→ R2 such thatc(T , x ,T ′) = x . This construction provides a C*-system (C ∗(G (T0)), α).

    What is this C*-system good for?

    Aperiodic tilings model quasicrystals. The corresponding C*-algebra givesinformation on the spectrum of its Schrödinger Hamiltonian, in particularon its gaps. A large part of the work is to compute the K-theory ofC ∗(G (T0)) and its image under a canonical trace.

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  • Sauvageot’s construction

    Non-commutative Dirichlet forms

    J.-L. Sauvageot has given in 1989 the following construction in theframework of non-commutative Dirichlet forms:

    Let (Tt)t≥0 be a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positivecontractions (also called Markov operators) of a C*-algebra A. We denoteby −∆ its generator (so that Tt = e−t∆); it is a complete dissipation. Weassume that we have a dense sub ∗-algebra A which is an essential domainof the generator.

    The associated Dirichlet form is the sesquilinear map L : A×A → Adefined by

    L(a, b) = 12

    [a∗∆(b) + ∆(a∗)b −∆(a∗b)].

    Then L is completely positive in the sense that

    ∀ n ∈ N∗, ∀ a1, . . . , an ∈ A, [L(ai , aj)] ∈ Mn(A)+.

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  • Sauvageot’s construction


    Before giving Sauvageot’s representation theorem, let us recall thedefinition of a correspondence in the C*-algebraic framework.


    Let A and B be C∗-algebras. An (A,B)-C*-correspondence is a rightB-C∗-module E together with a ∗-homomorphism π : A→ LB(E).

    The inner product E × E → B will be denoted < ·, · >.

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  • Sauvageot’s construction

    GNS type construction

    The positivity of the non-commutative Dirichlet form gives the followingGNS representation:

    Theorem (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989)

    Let (Tt)t≥0 be a semi-group of CP contractions of a C*-algebra A asabove and let L be its associated Dirichlet form. Then

    1 There exists an (A,A)-C*-correspondence E and a derivationδ : A → E such that

    for all a, b ∈ A, L(a, b) =< δ(a), δ(b) >;the range of δ generates E as a C*-module.

    2 If (E ′, δ′) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists aC*-correspondence isomorphism u : E → E ′ such that δ′ = u ◦ δ.

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  • Sauvageot’s construction

    Classical example: the heat equation semi-group

    Here the C*-algebra is A = C0(M), where (M, g) is a completeRiemannian manifold, Tt = exp(−t∆) is the heat equation semi-groupand ∆ is the Laplacian. The Dirichlet form is

    L(f , g) = 12

    [f ∆(g) + ∆(f )g −∆(f g)].

    Let us introduce the complex tangent bundle TCM, the correspondingHilbert C*-module C0(M,TCM) over C0(M), where the inner product isgiven by < ξ, η > (x) = gx(ξ(x), η(x)), and the gradient

    ∇ : C∞c (M)→ C0(M,TCM).

    It is a derivation and we have

    L(f , g) =< ∇f ,∇g > .

    Thus this is the derivation given by the Sauvageot construction. Oneretrieves the tangent bundle and the gradient from the laplacian only. Thisis why Sauvageot calls E the tangent bimodule in the general case.

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  • Vector-valued cocycles

    Groupoid example: conditionally negative type functions

    I want to present another example of Sauvageot’s construction. Instead ofthe commutative C*-algebra C0(M), we shall consider a groupoidC*-algebra C ∗(G ). Instead of the Laplacian ∆, we shall consider theoperator of pointwise multiplication by a conditionally negative typefunction ψ on G .


    Let G be a groupoid. A function ψ : G → R is said CNT (conditionally ofnegative type) if

    1 ∀x ∈ G (0), ψ(x) = 0,2 ∀γ ∈ G , ψ(γ−1) = ψ(γ),3 ∀n ∈ N∗, ∀ζ1, . . . , ζn ∈ R such that

    ∑n1 ζi = 0,

    ∀x ∈ G (0), ∀γ1, . . . , γn ∈ G x ,∑i ,j

    ψ(γ−1i γj)ζiζj ≤ 0.

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  • Vector-valued cocycles

    CNT functions define dissipations


    Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system and letψ : G → R be a continuous CNT function. Then,

    1 Pointwise multiplication by e−tψ, where t ≥ 0 defines a completelypositive contraction Tt : C

    ∗(G )→ C ∗(G ) and (Tt)t≥0 is a stronglycontinuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of C ∗(G ).

    2 Its generator −∆ has the dense sub-∗algebra A = Cc(G ) as essentialdomain and ∆f = ψf .

    Exercise. Compute the Sauvageot’s derivation associated with thissemi-group.

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  • Vector-valued cocycles

    CNT functions admit cocycle representations

    Proposition (J.-L. Tu, 1999; R 2012)

    Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Letψ : G → R be a continuous function conditionally of negative type. Then

    1 There exists a pair (E , c) consisting of a continuous G -Hilbert bundleE and a continuous cocycle c : G → r∗E such that

    for all γ ∈ G , ψ(γ) = ‖c(γ)‖2;for all x ∈ G (0), {c(γ), γ ∈ G x} is total in Ex .

    2 If (E ′, c ′) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists aG -equivariant isometric continuous bundle map u : E → E ′ such thatc ′ = u ◦ c.

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  • Vector-valued cocycles

    What is a G -Hilbert bundle?


    A bundle consists of topological spaces E and X and a continuous,open and surjective map π : E → X .A bundle π : E → X is a Hilbert bundle if each fiber Ex = π−1(x) is aHilbert space and

    1 addition, scalar multiplication and norm are continuous;2 if (ui ) is a net in E such that ‖ui‖ → 0 and π(ui )→ x , then ui → 0x .

    Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -Hilbert bundleis a Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a continuous, linear andisometric action of G .

    Linear and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , L(γ) : Es(γ) → Er(γ) is alinear isometry.

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  • Vector-valued cocycles

    What is a vector-valued cocycle?


    Let E → G (0) be a G -Hilbert bundle. A cocycle for E is a continuoussection c : G → r∗E (this means that c(γ) ∈ Er(γ)) such that

    c(γγ′) = c(γ) + L(γ)c(γ′).

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  • Vector-valued cocycles

    The crossed-product C*-correspondence

    Given a G -Hilbert bundle E , we let Cc(G , r∗E ) be the space of compactly

    supported continuous sections of r∗E .We define the left and right actions: for f , g ∈ Cc(G ) and ξ ∈ Cc(G , r∗E ),

    f ξ(γ) =

    ∫f (γ′)L(γ′)ξ(γ′


    ξg(γ) =



    and the right inner product: for ξ, η ∈ Cc(G ),

    < ξ, η > (γ) =



    This can be completed into a C*-correspondence C ∗(G , r∗E )

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  • Vector-valued cocycles

    Construction of the derivation

    Let now c : G → r∗E be a continuous cocycle. Defineδc : Cc(G )→ Cc(G , r∗E ) by

    δc(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ).


    1 δc is a derivation: δc(f ∗ g) = δc(f )g + f δc(g);2 δc : Cc(G )→ C ∗r (G , r∗E ) is closable.

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  • Vector-valued cocycles

    Solution of the exercise

    Theorem (R 2012)

    Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system and letψ : G → R be a continuous CNT function. Then the derivation (E , δ)associated with the semi-group (Tt) of pointwise multiplication by e

    −tψ bySauvageot is (C ∗(G , r∗E ), δc), where (E , c) is the cocycle representing ψ.

    For the proof, one checks that the Dirichlet form of (Tt)t≥0 has thedesired expression:

    L(f , g) =< δc(f ), δc(g) >

    and that the range of δc generates C∗(G , r∗E ) as a C*-module.

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  • Vector-valued cocycles


    Just as in the scalar case, δc is bounded iff c is bounded. It is inner ifc is a continuous boundary.

    The theory of unbounded derivations with values in (M,M)-Hilbertmodules, where M is a von Neumann algebra (usually equipped witha finite trace) is well developed. This is not the case for unboundedderivations with values in (A,A) C*-bimodules. The above groupoidexample may be useful to develop this theory.

    It would be nice to illustrate the vector-valued case by physicalexamples.

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  • Vector-valued cocycles

    The End

    Thank you for your attention!

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    The scalar caseSauvageot's constructionVector-valued cocycles