we shape those, who’ll shape the fashion industry PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE)

PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

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Page 1: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

we shape those,

who’ll shape the fashion industry


sportking institute of fashion technology(ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE)

Page 2: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

Vision Create a learning space of international Repute for professional Excellence in

Fashion and Business.

Mission “ Sportking Institute of Fashion Technology is committed to provide value

based education with professional training to its students through immaculately

designed curriculum comparable to international standards in the field of

Fashion, Art, Design, Technology and Management and to offer high quality

professional service to the industry by planning, organizing and conducting

appropriate courses, seminars and workshops. To this effect Sportking Institute

of Fashion Technology has been setup under Aneeshwar Education society at

Ludhiana with state of the art infrastructure and facilities.”

Quality Policy “Sportking Institute of Fashion Technology (SIFT) is committed to provide

professional education and training to the students in the field of fashion

technology as per the requirements of the industry. The institute will strive for

continual improvement in conducting the appropriate courses to provide high

quality professional service to the industry.”

Page 3: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

M essage

Message fro m th e chairman Sp ortking Grou p o f In du stries W e started SIFT ,with a vis ion to tu rn o ut b ud ding stu den ts into dynam ic pro fessio nals fo r Ind ia’s apparel an d tex tile ind ustry.

The present accessib il ity to in tern ational m ar ket is b ecause o f r ap id g lo balization w hich mu st b e fully exp osed an d exp lo ited to ben efit th e in du stry wh ere th ou san ds of yo ung men an d wo men can b e emp lo yed w ith h eavy pay packages. I feel hap py and pro ud to an no un ce th at we, a grou p o f ex perienced in du strialists an d a team o f h ighly qu alified academ ician s have com e to geth er to b rin g for ward an institute to steer th e you th in th is field . W e p erceived SIFT’s role as a centre o f academic excellence and I’m greatly delighted to an no un ce that w e are alread y o n our p ath with an integrative app roach to fashion edu cation and bu siness to meet nation al and in ternational stan dard s. W ith th e grow ing status and repu tation o f th e in stitu te, we are loo king for th e fu ture with distin ct pr esen ce in th e field of h igher edu cation . Th e p rofessio nal

edu cation with co mmitmen t tow ards social resp on sibility will def in itely ke ep us to m eet all fu ture ch allen ges an d deman d s. I am con fiden t that with th e h ighly d edicated an d mo tivated team at SIFT, w e will con tinu e to defin e ne w ho rizon s of ou r grow th and satisfactio n. Raj Avasthi (C hairman)

From the Chairman’s Desk

Page 4: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

The Institute (An Overview)

SIFT has b een se t by th e Sp ortking Gro up o f Ind ustries u nd er A neeshw ar

Edu cation al So ciety, a so ciety r egistered und er So cieties Registration A ct 18 60

.Our stude nts get an expo su re to In tern ational academ ic stand ards an d systems

in the cu rricu lum d elivery.

Ou r o bjective is to train stud ents w ith com preh ensive ran ge o f intellectu al skills

and to de liver highest stand ards of edu cation thro ugh trained faculty. Ou r

teach ing, su pp orted b y latest in frastru ctu re an d facilitie s, is closely linked to th e

indu stry and expo su re to Internation al stan dards that are vital ingred ien ts fo r

an ed u cation al institute.

The Pro moters

Sp ortking is a lead ing man ufactu rer and expo rter of yarn, fabric an d all kind s of

garments. All pro du cts are b ein g exp orted to Ch ile, Brazil, Peru , Argen tina &

Co lumb ia in So uth Am erica, Banglad esh , Ko rea, Taiwan , Vietn am & Hong Ko ng

in A sia, Ken ya, M orocco an d Egyp t in Africa, Spain , Tu rkey, Italy, F rance,

Bulgaria, Po lan d, Switzerlan d , Ch ez Repu b lic, Ru ssia & C roatia in Eu rop e. W ith

200,000 spind les an d a state o f the art in frastru ctu re, Spor tking is a lead ing yarn

pro du cer in the In dia and is kno wn for its q uality.

The U SP of Sp o rtking Institute of Fash ion Tech no logy is th at it is b acked b y a

Textile co mpan y wh ich has bu siness inter ests at a ll stages o f a fashion garm ent

fro m Yarn , fab ric, Retailing etc. The stud ents are at advantage o f taking

exp osure of these facilities as an d w hen they req uir e. T hey can get the first

han d feel of the A pp arel In du stry. Th is is a uniq ue featu re wh ich cann ot b e

matched b y th e o th er p remier fashion In stitutes of Ind ia.

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The institute has state-of-the-art- workshops to simulate the industry. It houses a fabric and garment testing laboratory, pattern making and draping workshop, cutting and garment construction facilities and design studio for fashion illustrations. The classrooms too are fully air –conditioned.


The library is an amalgam of leading Indian and foreign authors. The institute has put together an excellent collection of book related to the fields of art, fashion, textile, fabrics, manufacturing, marketing, planning, research and management. We have subscribed reputed national and international publications and journals related to the respective fields.


We believe that seeing is an important part of learning. The Resource Center continuously upgrades its library of swatches, fabric, trims, accessories and garments in keeping with changing markets.


Computer lab is equipped with the latest software packages related to various

fields of the garment industry.


The canteen provides hygienically prepared food at nominal rates to the students and faculty. A committee is responsible for monitoring the quality and the menu is reviewed and worked out in coordination with the caterer.

Page 6: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

A d v a n t a g e @ S IF T

T h e S t at e o f th e A r t M a c hin e r y a nd E q uip m e n t { LCÇ ╛℅ ○▓Ś ╛▓℅ĉ╛ĉĴ ĉŚ ○Ź ╛ĉ℅ ╪╛▓Ŕ ╛▓ L▓Ŕ╛· ō ╘╛Ľ ╘ ╘· ℅ ĉ╘Ś ĺ Ś℅ĉ ○Ź ĉ╘Ś ╛▓Źij· ℅ĉijĴ ĽĉĴ ijŚ� ĉ╘Ś

in st itu te h as b est o f th e m ach in ery an d eq u ip m e n t . It h a s ten w o rk stat io n s o f M o rg a n

C A D s ystem ; M o r g an is a n Ita lian co m p a n y an d i s w o r ld le ad e r i n C A D /C A M sy stem s

fo r a p p ar el in d u s tr y . F o r s ew in g m a ch in e s, th e i ns t itu te im p o r ted m a ch in e s f ro m

K o r ea an d Jap an . F o r its K n it t in g La b , th e in st itu te i m p o rted f ive w o r ksta ti o n s fo r th e

ar t D e sig n in g S y stem s a n d la te st K ni tt in g M ach in e w ith lo ad s o f fea tu r es f ro m Sto l l

o f G er m a n y. F o r F as h io n a n d K n itw ear D esig n in g S IF T h as b o u g h t s o f tw a re f ro m

S o u th K o r ea. T h e e xp er ien c ed an d q u alif ie d staf f o f th e se u n its a lw ays w el co m e s the

stu d en ts a n d is th e re to a n sw er a ll th e ir q u e ri es . T h e ad v an tag e stu d e n ts at S IF T h as

is h an d s o n t ra in in g o n la tes t e q u ip m e n t u se d b y th e in d u stry .

T h e C u rric u lu m

T h e co u rse cu r ric ul u m g u id el in es ha ve b een g iv en b y th e exp er ts o f th e ap p a re l

in d u str y an d th e te xt ile in d u s try w ith i ts v ast ex p eri en ce i n tex ti les , ap p ar els a n d

r eta il b u si n es s. D ed i cate d fa cu lty a n d an in fra stru ctu r e o f In ter n at io n al S tan d a rd h as

m ad e it s p r es en c e fe l t in th e F as hi o n In d u stry e ven b efo r e th e f ir s t b atch h as p a sse d

o u t to se rv e th e In d u str y . T h e A c ad e m ic B o ard r evi ew s an d r evi se s th e cu rr icu l u m

co n ten ts i n c o n su ltat i o n w ith d o y en s o f th e In d u str y ev ery tw o ye ar s an d p ro v id es

u p d ated ed u c at io n to its s tu d e nts . Stu d en ts o f S IF T h ave th e ad v an tag e th at w h er eas

th e sy lla b u s is d e sig n e d b y ac ad e m ici an s th e sam e is f in e tu n ed to th e n ee ds o f th e

in d u str y b y th e i n du stry le ad er s .

C u rric u lu m P artn e rs

In a d d it io n to th e U n d er g ra d u ate & P o st g r ad u ate d ip lo m a co u r se s in F ash i o n

D e sig n , K n itw ear D e sig n , an d F a sh io n M er ch an d i s in g an d p ro d u ct io n , th e in s ti tu te

a ls o h a s a ff i lia t io n w ith P u n jab T ech n i cal U n iv er s ity to o f fer B . Sc in F ash i o n

T ec h n o lo g y u n d er d i stan c e e d u cat io n m o d e g iv in g its s tu d e n ts a d u al a d va n ta g e.

M OU w ith A p p ar e l In d u str ies , E d u ca tio n al In st itu ti o n s a n d A s so ci at io n s

S IF T h a s s ig n ed m em o r an d u m o f u n d er stan d in g w ith m an y A p p ar el In d u str ies ,

E d u cat io n a l In st itu tes as w ell a s T ra d e an d In d u stri a l A s so ci at io n s th u s g iv in g a

d ist i nc t ad v an tag e to its s tu d en ts .


FE K TA A & K nitw ea r C lub

Page 7: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

The Training & the Placement Cell

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to the professional needs and aspirations of the students. Organized industry

interface is established with a view to bridge the gap between individual

qualifications / ambitions and corporate job expectations / careerprofiles.

The Training and Placement Dept works for the whole year interacting and

liaising with the HR Departments of various organizations so as to invite them

to the college to help our students find their rightful place in the industry.

Experts are invited to brainstorm with students and apprise them of the latest

in the professional work arena. Industrial visits are part of the program,

enabling students to get a direct feel of what goes on in various departments

and hierarchica l levels of the corporate world. We are sure that the students

selected by you shall surpass your expectations and will prove assets to your


Page 8: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international


Fashion Design is a multidisciplinary framework of study leading to an original body of practical work, for example an innovative collection of women’s wear, men’s wear or children’s wear and accessories, a technological investigation into new methods with prototypes, or a dissertation on a design based subject.

Career Options:

Graduates of diploma in Fashion Design have an acknowledged

advantage in the employment market, obtaining work in a wide range

of vocational and academic fields related to fashion. They will be in

position to gain employment as innovators within the broad field of

fashion design and technology and may identify a fashion house,

large corporate company or alternatively choose to build their own

identity through the launch of their own design label. Further

employment opportunities include Fashion Coordinators, Visual

Merchandisers, Fashion Illustrators, Trend Analysts, Product

Development Managers, Technical Designers, Pattern Makers, Cost

Analysts and many others which are lucrative and have tremendous

scope of growth.

Page 9: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

Name: Himani

Address: House no- C-463, Punj Peer Road, Lucky Colony,

Vill-Garha, Phillaur, Distt- Jalandhar.

Internship undertaken: Knitwell apparel pvt.ltd,

Department: Fashion Design

DOB: 06-Feb-93

Phone No: 84279-77376

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Shakshi Khosla

Address: Mandi, Phillaur (b)- 7/389

Internship undertaken: Superfine Knitwears, Ludhiana

Department: Fashion Design

DOB: 17-Jun-93

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Anju

Address: Plot no. 57, Kishan Vihar, Tibba Road, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Sobhagia Pvt.Ltd, Ludhiana

Department: Fashion Design


Phone No: 9915890842

Email ID: [email protected]

FD Student Profiles

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Name: Amandeep kaur

Address: L-51, A Block, Street no.2, Haibowal Dairy Complex,

Humbran Rad, Ludhiana - 141001

Internship undertaken: Golmaal, Mumbai

Department: Fashion Design

DOB: 16-Nov-89

Phone No: 9803664591

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Shefali Bhatia

Address: Radha Swami Colony, Noor Mahal Road, Phillaur.

Internship undertaken: MELINI, Ludhiana.

Department: Fashion Design

Phone No: 9815976596

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Tanvi Arrora

Address: 15 Victoria Enclave, South City, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Sobhagia Pvt.Ltd, Ludhiana.

Department: Fashion Design

DOB: 09-Jul-92

Mobile: 9779180878

Email ID: [email protected]

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Name: Ashima Maini

Address: 1820/23 Pavitar Nagar, Haibowal Kalan, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Iris Knitwears, Ludhiana

Department: Fashion Design

DOB: 27-Jun-92

Phone No: 8427188145

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Lakshita Aggarwal

Address: 373/1, Purana Bazar, Ludhiana

Internship undertaken: Nagesh Hosiery, Ludhiana.

Department: Fashion Design

DOB: 31-Jul-94

Mobile: 9803624123

Email ID: [email protected]

Name : Neha Rani

Address: H. No. B34, 6549 Tarsem Colony, Haibowal, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Melini Vasu Creations, Ludhian.

Department: Fashion Design

DOB: 15-Oct-93

Phone No: 8728800274

Email ID: [email protected]

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Name: Pranshu Mittal

Address: House No. 999, Chandan Nagar Civil Lines,Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Kudu Fabrics, Ludhiana.

Department: Fashion Design

DOB: 15-Oct-93

Mobile: 8728800274

Email ID: [email protected]

Page 13: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

Knitwear Designing

Knitwear Designing is a multidisciplinary framework of study leading to an original body of practical work, for example innovative knitwear collection of womens wear, menswear or children wear , a technological investigation into new methods with prototypes, or a dissertation on a design-based subject.

Career Options:

Graduates of Diploma in Knitwear Design have an acknowledged

advantage in the employment market, obtaining work in a wide range

of vocational and academic fields related to fashion. They will be in a

position to gain employment as innovators within the broad field of

knitwear design and may identify a fashion house, large corporate

company or alternatively choose to build their own identity through

the launch of their own design label. Further employment

opportunities include Fashion Coordinators, Knitwear Designer,

Fabric Designer, Visual Merchandisers, and Fashion Illustrators,

Trend Analysts, product Development Managers, Technical

Designers, Pattern Makers, Cost Analysts and many others which are

lucrative and have tremendous scope of growth.

Page 14: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

Name: Gagandeep Singh

Address: 2867/1, Opp. Hari Om Mandhir, Moti Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Pushkar Knits (Whool Park)

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 22-Mar-93

Phone No: 8566854134

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Anshu Kumar

Address: #107, Sherpur Khurd Focal Point, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: York Export, Ludhiana

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 29-Jul-92

Phone No: 9878702801

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Ankit Dhingra

Address: 121- b Raj Guru Nagar, Ludhiana(pb)-141012

Internship undertaken: Knitcraft apparel, Gurgaon

Department: knitwear Design

DOB: 09-Jul-92

Phone No: 8146504090

Email ID: [email protected]

KD Student Profiles

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Name: Sanal Ahuja

Address: Bal Singh Nagar, Rahon Road, Street No.1, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Knitcraft Apparels Inernational, Gurgaon.

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 18-Jul-93

Phone No: 9464682524

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Akash Dugar

Address: 3211, jain colony, sunder nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Amul Innerwears pvt.ltd, Tirupur

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 16-Mar-93

Phone No: 9878733383

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Raghav

Address: #1230, Kalyan Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Superfine Knitwears, Ludhiana.

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 26-Jul-92

Phone No: 9780799850

Email ID: [email protected]

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Name: Amit Ashat

Address: 669/9, Madhu nursing Home, Railway Road Doraha.

Internship undertaken: R.B Knits Exports, Ludhiana.

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 04-Aug-93

Phone No: 9878976769

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Abhishek

Address: #4614/B, Street No. 5, Sunder Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: York Export, Ludhiana

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 29-Nov-93

Phone No: 9646638148

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Amandeep Singh

Address: 537 E, B.R.S Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: KnitCraft international, Gurgaon.

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 20-May-91

Phone No: 9888884666

Email ID: [email protected]

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Name: Tajinder Singh

Address: #1344, St.No-6, Shimlapuri, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Claasic

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 22-Jun-94

Phone No: 7696198313

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Gurpreet Singh

Address: #2318, St. No-3, S.B.S Colony, Moti Nagar

Internship undertaken: R.B Knit Exports, Ludhiana.

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 26-Mar-93

Phone No: 8427999028

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Abhishek Jain

Address: # B-1-553, Bindraban Road, Civil Lines, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Vinay Knitwear, Ludhiana

Department: Knitwear Design

DOB: 24-Fab-93

Phone No: 8427142555

Email ID: [email protected]

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Fashion Merchandising deals with the core areas of merchandising

within the larger apparel business sphere. It gives the student an

overall understanding of the fashion product and the different

processes involved in merchandising. They are exposed to

commercial realities of sourcing and manufacturing of apparels

with the help of projects undertaken throughout the curriculum.


The programme aims at integrated understanding of Merchandising,

Product development, Retail operations, Quality, Supply chain

Management, Costing and Pricing and Fabric analysis and sourcing.

The students will be able to gain employment as innovators within the

broad field of Merchandising and sourcing in corporate organization

or choose to build their own identity by setting up an apparel

organization. They have career options as Sampling and production

Merchandisers, Product Developers, Fashion Coordinators, Sampling

Coordinators, and Quality Controllers

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Name: Navpreet Kaur

Address: 57-C, Model Town, Phagwara

Internship undertaken: Sumeet Exports

Department: Fashion Merchandising

DOB: 23-Dec-88

Phone No: 9501476676

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Amandeep Kaur

Address: #32 Gali No-2, Arman Nagar, Jalandhar

Internship undertaken: Superfine Knitters

Department: Fashion Merchandising

DOB: 26-Jun-90

Phone No: 8437922270

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Sahil Jindal

Address: 2872, New Tagore Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Matrix Clothing, Gurgaon

Department: Fashion Merchandising

DOB: 17-Aug-91

Phone No: 9646488844

Email ID: [email protected]

FM / FMP Student Profiles

Page 20: PLACEMENT BROCHURE - ReviewAdda · PLACEMENT BROCHURE sportking institute of fashion technology (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED INSTITUTE) Vision Create a learning space of international

Name: Aashray Thapar

Address: 29-A, Tagore Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Matrix Clothing, Gurgaon

Department: Fashion Merchandising

DOB: 16-Sep-92

Phone No: 9653339997

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Jiya

Address: B-III, 36/2, New Bajwa Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Sumeet Exports

Department: Fashion Merchandising

DOB: 16-Fab-89

Phone No: 9646080697

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Ajay Kumar

Address: #377, Dr.Hira Singh Road, Ghumar Mandi, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: R.R. Trends Pvt. Ltd. (Noida)

Department: Fashion Merchandising

DOB: 25-Fab-92

Phone No: 7508484845

Email ID: [email protected]

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Name: Slaudin Ali

Address: #1665, St No-5, New Shakti Nagar

Internship undertaken: Kudu Exports

Department: Fashion Merchandising

DOB: 25-Jan-92

Phone No: 9878988069

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Amandeep Kaur

Address: Dabli Rathan, Vas Kutab, Ward No. 11, Hanumangarh

Internship undertaken: Kudu Knits Exports

Department: Fashion Merchandising

DOB: 17-Oct-93

Phone No: 7307849851

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Diya

Address: B-III, 36/2, New Bajwa Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Suparfine

Department: Fashion Merchandising

DOB: 16-Fab-89

Phone No: 9646080697

Email ID: [email protected]

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Name: Ankita Dawar

Address: B V 649, Tilak Nagar, Ludhiana (PB)-141001

Internship undertaken: Nahar Group of Industries

Department: Fashion Merchandising & Production

DOB: 28-Nov-92

Phone No: 8427077770

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Daman Saini

Address: #1327, St.No-3, Chotti Haibowal, Ludhiana

Internship undertaken: Nahar Spinning Mills, Ludhiana

Department: Fashion Merchandising & Production

DOB: 23-Nov-93

Phone No: 9653086863

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Utsav Lekhi

Address: 168-C, Kitchlu Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Sunkraft Design, Ludhiana

Department: Fashion Merchandising & Production

DOB: 15-Jul-94

Phone No: 9988660668

Email ID: [email protected]

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Name: Shivam Dange

Address: B-15, Le Palm Apartment, Basant City, Pakhowal Road

Internship undertaken: Radnik Exports

Department: Fashion Merchandising & Production

DOB: 5-Jun-95

Phone No: 8968007087

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Navjot Singh

Address: B-34/7386, Durga Puri, Haibowal Kalan. Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: R.R. Trends Pvt. Ltd. (Noida)

Department: Fashion Merchandising & Production

DOB: 03-Jul-93

Phone No: 7696465624

Email ID: [email protected]

Name: Ashish Kumar Tiwari

Address: S.C.F-4, Moti Nagar, Ludhiana.

Internship undertaken: Radnik Exports, Noida

Department: Fashion Merchandising & Production

DOB: 09-Nov-95

Phone No: 9803388940

Email ID: [email protected]

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3. Fashion Illustration

4. Creative Fashions

5. Graphic Designing

6. Basics of Computers and Networking

7. Computerized Embroidery Designing

8. Boutique and Outlet Management

9. Fashion Photography

10. Personality Development and Communication

11. Stoll M1

12. Merchandising

13. Computerized Designing

14. Retailing and Visual Merchandising

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Sportking Institute of Fashion Technology(SIFT)

Registration Form Please ensure this Form reaches SIFT Ludhiana by FEB 20, 2013

Date: ________________________

Name of the Company : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Website : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Nature of Business : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Contact Person : Mr. / Ms. / Dr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

E-Mail: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Contact Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Telephone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mobile:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fax: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Job Designation : (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Place of Posting : (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

SIFT is holding Campus

Kindly indicate the date and ( ) time suitable for you.



15th Mar

16th Mar

19th Mar

21st Mar

22nd Mar

23rd Mar

26th Mar

27th Mar

28th Mar

9:30 AM - 1.00 PM

What Category of students do you plan to hire (Please write in appropriate boxes)

Department Specialization Code

No. of

students required

Fashion Merchandising

Merchandising FM

Fashion Design Designing FD

Knitwear Design Knits Designing KD

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(Please provide the detailed breakup of the salary. All fields are compulsory.)

Programmes (Codes) Gross Salary

Take Home Salary

Total Cost To Company


FM KD FD Accommodation Provided : Yes / No

Note: (Please keep in mind that the students’ choices will be governed by the information you provide in this

form. Please be as clear and detailed as possible.)


Shortlist from Resumes : Yes / No

Group Discussion : Yes / No

Personal Interview : Yes / No

Number of Rounds : _ _ _ _ _

Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not required if sent by e-mail)

Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Designation: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Dated: _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _

The completed form may be sent by post/fax or e-mail to the following address :-

Ms. Aman Kochar Placement Officer – Placement Cell Sportking Institute Of Fashion Technology 178, Col. Gurdial Singh Road, Civil Lines, Ludhiana-141001(Pb). Tel: 9815969277, 0161- 2770954-955 Fax: 0161-2770953, email: [email protected]

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Site Map

Ms.Ratandeep RekhiAdministrative Officer(M) +91-987-809-4277

Ms. Aman KocharPlacement Head(M) +91-981-596-9277

Ms. Deepali BhatiaPlacement Co-ordinator(M) +91-981-596-9277