PKI Overview

PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

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Page 1: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

PKI Overview

Page 2: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone


o PKI Defined

o Terminology

o Key Technical Concepts

o Key Infrastructure Concepts

o Practical Uses

o What

o Who

o Why

o Important Considerations of Being a CA

Page 3: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

PKI – Public Key Infrastructure

The sum total of the hardware, software, people, processes, andpolicies that, together, using the technology of asymmetriccryptography, facilitate the creation of a verifiable associationbetween a public key (the public component of an asymmetric keypair) and the identity (and/or other attributes) of the holder of thecorresponding private key (the private component of that pair), foruses such as authenticating the identity of a specific entity, ensuringthe integrity of information, providing support for nonrepudiation, andestablishing an encrypted communications section

– PKI Assessment Guidelines v3.0

Information Security CommitteeAmerican Bar Association

Page 4: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Basic PKI Security Functions

o Authentication

▪ Be sure you know who you are communicating with

o Confidentiality

▪ Keep secrets secret

o Integrity

▪ Be sure nothing is changed behind your back

o Access Control

▪ Control who can access what

o Non-repudiation

▪ Have the evidence in the event of a dispute

Page 5: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

PKI Terminology and Concepts

o Hashing functions

o Symmetric encryption and decryption

▪ Session key

o Asymmetric encryption and decryption

▪ Key pair

o Digital signature

o Digital certificate

o Certification Authorities (CA)

o Registration Authorities (RA)

o Hierarchy of trust

Page 6: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Hash Functions

It was the best of times,it was the worst of times

It was the best of thymes,it was the worst of times

Small Difference

Large Difference

Examples: MD5 (128 bit), SHA-1 (160 bit)

3au8 e43j jm8x g84w

Hash Function

b6hy 8dhy w72k 5pqd

Hash Function

Page 7: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Symmetric Key Cryptography –Encryption

o DES, AES, RC2, RC5

o Problems:

▪ Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out

▪ Anyone who intercepts the key in transit can later read, modify, and forge all messages encrypted using that key

▪ Doesn’t Scale

Message Common key

Encrypted Message




BEncrypt Decrypt

Page 8: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Asymmetric Key Cryptography –Encryption


o Problems:

▪ Key exchange has to be done in a secure way

▪ Encryption and decryption are extremely SLOW

Message Public key

Encrypted Message




BEncrypt Decrypt

Private key

Page 9: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Public Key Encryption

= Private Key

= Public Key

= Symmetric Key

Encrypt with Bob’s Public Key

Symmetric keys encrypt data;Public keys encrypt symmetric keys

EncryptedSym Key

Encrypt Sym Key


Encrypt Message

Generate Sym Key



Page 10: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

EncryptedSym Key


Public-Key – Decryption

Public key and symmetric key cryptographyare complementary technologies


Decrypt with Bob’s Private Key

= Private Key

= Public Key

= Symmetric Key

Decrypt Sym Key

Decrypt Message

Page 11: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Public-Key – Signature & Verification




ing +



n =



re C




g +



n =



re V




Transmitted Message



Hash Function

If these are the same, then the message has not changed




Hash Function





Page 12: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Public-Key – Encryption

EncryptedSym Key

Encrypt Sym Key


Encrypt Message

Generate Sym Key



Page 13: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone




CAs are like the government agenciesRAs are like the local registries offices

(root CA)

(intermediate CAs)

Page 14: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Certificate Authority

o An organization that issues certificates

o Usually a trusted third party

o Backs the information in the certificate

Page 15: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Registration Authority

o Performs functions for CA but does not issue certificates directly

o Processes requests

o Manages certificate lifecycle

▪ Issuance, recovery, revocation, renewal

o Distributed

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A message which at least (1) identifies the certification authority issuing it, (2) names oridentifies its subscriber, (3) contains the subscriber's public key, (4) identifies itsoperational period, and (5) is digitally signed by the certification authority issuing it

– Digital Signature GuidelinesInformation Security Committee

American Bar AssociationVersion: v3

Serial No: 001b6f945h75

Algorithms: MD5 RSA

Subject DN: John Doe Issuer DN: State of Kansas

Validity period: from 11-03-2005 to 11-05-2005

Public key: 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 ba 6e e5 9a 74 f5 e7 af a9 8a 9c de a8 e5 53 1b 73 c7 f7 8a 13 f3 44 91 09 dc 91 12 b7 1b b2 cf 09 f7 4b 13 7d …


Certificate Extensions

Key Usage: digitalSignature dataEncipherment keyCertSignnonRepudiation keyAgreement encipherOnlykeyEncipherment cRLSign decipherOny

Extended Key Usage: serverAuth codeSigning timeStamping

clientAuth emailProtection OCSPSigning

Certificate Policies: URL of CPS and Policy notice text

Subject Alternative Name: rfc822name, IP Address, DNS Name

CRL Distribution Point: URL of the Certificate Revocation List

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Digital Certificates in Use

o Secure e-mail

o Virtual Private Network (VPN)

o Wireless (Wi-Fi)

o Web Servers (SSL/TLS)

o Network Authentication

o Code Signing

o Server to Server

Page 18: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Who Uses PKI?

Current demand for certificatesCurrent demand for certificates+ Wireless (WiFi)


+ Corporate Banking

▪ Phishing Attacks

▪ Identity Theft

+ Government and Industry Mandates

+ Physical/Logical access

▪ Windows Logon

+ Devices

▪ Web Servers

▪ Cable and Satellite

▪ Domain Controllers


+ Signed Code

▪ PC

▪ Mobile

+ eCommerce


Page 19: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Why Use PKI?

o Federal Government – HSPD-12

▪ Calls for the creation of a NIST standard for gov employees and contractors

▪ Builds off of DOD CAC card and External Certification Authority program

o DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification)

▪ Requires that certificates be imbedded in cable modems for device authentication and code signing


▪ Mandates the implementation of security measures to maintain patient privacy

▪ Email encryption of protected heath information (PHI)


▪ Guidance to implement two-factor authentication for Internet Banking

▪ Mandatory compliance by 2006

o Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

▪ Requires establishment of technical safeguards to ensure confidentiality and integrity for any institution holding financial data

Page 20: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

Specific PKI Implementations

o The Commonweath of Pennsylvania Justice Network (JNET)

▪ Allows disparate law enforement agencies to share information securely

o Barclays Bank

▪ Digital certificates issued to all online clients

▪ Account setup time reduced, trading volume increased

o Department of Interior Buruea of Land Management

▪ Smart cards issued to employees for physical and logical access

▪ Certificate use expanded to form signing for paper reduction

o State of New Jersey

▪ Allows residents, employees, business partners to share and access informaiton online

▪ Streamlined processes, reduced paper and realized cost savings

Page 21: PKI Overview Overview_0.pdfSymmetric Key Cryptography – Encryption o DES, AES, RC2, RC5 o Problems: Alice and Bob must agree on the secret key without anyone else finding out Anyone

What is Difficult about Being a CA?

o Understanding PKI risk management

▪ Controlling liability exposure

▪ Conforming to State and Federal Legislation

o Policies and Practices

▪ Developing a comprehensive Certificate Policy (CP) and Certification Practices Statement (CPS)

▪ Maintaining trust

o Security

▪ Technology

▪ Physical, personnel, administrative, etc.

o Operating high availability infrastructure

▪ Maintaining hardware and software