Pitching a position- our Thermal Future In this pitch project you will create a 3-5 minute pitch for your local congressman using either emaze.com (with timed slide transitions! powtoon! or "y #lming your own $ideo. %e sure you consider your ru"ric while completing your pitch. &tate your position in clear concise language' hat is your #rst supporting reason and what research supports it) hat is your second supporting reason and what research supports it) hat is your third supporting reason and what research supports it) hat is one counter-argument and what research supports it)

Pitching a Position Worksheet

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Pitching a position- our Thermal FutureIn this pitch project you will create a 3-5 minute pitch for your local congressman using either emaze.com (with timed slide transitions), powtoon, or by filming your own video. Be sure you consider your rubric while completing your pitch.

State your position in clear concise language:

What is your first supporting reason and what research supports it?

What is your second supporting reason and what research supports it?

What is your third supporting reason and what research supports it?

What is one counter-argument and what research supports it?

Why is the counter-argument incorrect, what research supports this?

(1) Below Expectation(2) Approaches Expectation(3) Meets expectations(4) Exceeds Expectation


/40 pts__ My position is unclear or is not stated__ I include 3+ supporting arguments and attempt to support each argument w/ evidence, __ I attempt and rebuff counter-argument__ My position is stated although may be somewhat unclear__ I include 3+ supporting arguments and support each argument w/ evidence, __ I include and rebuff counter-argument__ My position is clearly stated__ I include 3+ supporting arguments and support 1+ arguments w/ 2+ pieces of evidence , __ I include and rebuff counter-argument __ My position is clearly and concisely stated__ I include 4+ supporting arguments or support 2+ arguments with 2+ pieces of evidence , __ I include and rebuff counter-argument clearly with evidence

Use of Research

/30 pts__ I dont completely annotate or paraphrase research,__ Quotes dont clearly support arguments,__ I dont explain how my quote(s) support my thesis__ I attempt to annotate and paraphrase research__ Quotes support arguments,__ I unclearly explain how my quote(s) support my thesis__ I completely annotate and paraphrase research,__ I explain how my quote(s) support my thesis with appropriate detail__ I thoroughly annotate and paraphrase research,__ I eloquently explain how my quote(s) support my thesis with thorough detail


/10 pts__ I use incomplete citations,__ I create a Works Cited using Citation Maker that is incomplete__ I use MLA font, size, or format incorrectly __ I attempt to cite my information with in-text citations, __ I attempt a Works Cited using Citation Maker__ Attempts to use MLA font or size__ I cite my information with in-text citations with mistakes, __ I create a Works Cited using Citation Maker with mistakes__ Uses MLA font or size__ I cite my information with in-text citations with few mistakes,__ I create a Works Cited using Citation Maker with few mistakes,__ Uses MLA font or size


/20 pts__ Mimics something well-known.__ Graphic representations are all simply copied from internet sources.__ No wow factor__ Missing 2+ requirement __ assignment is late__ Based on something well known and adapted to meet needs of topic.__ Little or no creative use of 21st century technology. Wow factoraverage.__ Missing 1+ requirement__ assignment is a little late __ Played it safestuck to something they knew would work.__ Utilized 21st century technology.__ Creative and insightful.__ Wow factorabove average.__ assignment is on time__ Took a riskunusual and unique.__ Utilized 21st century technology tools in new and creative ways. Highly creative and insightful. Wow factorhigh!__ Includes all requirements and attempts A Quality

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