“Gone.” By: Ellie, Liv and Abbie

Pitch presentation

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“Gone.”By: Ellie, Liv and Abbie

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What is it about?In the Television drama ‘Gone’ the main character Lucy Coles goes missing. Over a number of seasons investigations go ahead in order to find out what has happened to Lucy. Lucy goes missing on Friday 22nd of October and investigations soon start on the following Monday morning. Early in the morning on the Friday Lucy breaks up with her Boyfriend Zak meaning that the target audience (all teenagers) may think that he is a suspect. Or in a similar way, that she ran away because of the way she was feeling because of the breakup. The last time people see Lucy is in geography with Mr Jackson (4th period on the Friday). Mr Jackson is one of those teachers who always seems really on edge and curious. This makes it difficult for the investigators to tell whether he was in with the Missing or not. Lucy is dismissed from Geography to go to the toilet because she has a nose bleed. When another student (unnamed at the moment) enters the toilet, they reveal and tell their teacher that there is a trail of blood leading out of the window, investigations later show that this blood wasn’t actually from her nose and that it was from another part of her body which can’t actually be identified by these specific investigations. Also, witnesses from the classroom have all stated that 5 minutes after Lucy goes to the toilet Mr Jackson leaves the classroom and shortly returns with his sleeves rolled up, and looking very on edge. But because of his natural characteristics, it’s hard for the investigators to tell whether he was just being normal at this point or whether there was actually something which he needs to confess to.

In the drama which we will produce on film, when Lucy is going to the bathroom she has to take a minute in the corridor because she is light headed because of the loss of blood due to the nosebleed. While standing there, there will be a red filter on the camera and a throbbing transaction to create and emphasis on the headache / nosebleed. At the same time as this, we will see Zak (the ex-boyfriend) walk past her while she is in the corridor. However, when he approaches her, the scene will suddenly end and turn to another scene, meaning that we didn’t see what happened between Zak and Lucy.

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The main character

The Main character in Gone is LUCY COLES; she is the one that goes missing.She is:• 15 years old/year 11 in school• Long blonde hair• Typical ‘cheerleader’ (slim, average height and tanned)• Dresses very fashionable• Popular • Liked because of her shy personalityAlthough she is popular, she is very shy, but that is why she is so popular because she is gentle and kind to everyone. When she is cheerleading, her inner personality comes out which she fails to show during school time. Cheering is the only time when she’s loud and confident.

We wanted Lucy to look like this because she looks very innocent and sweet. This therefore meaning that none of the target audience would believe that she would have ran away, so they must have thought she was taken.

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Zak Bolton

Zak is Lucy’s ex-boyfriend. He is 16years old. He has dark brown hair which he styles in a quiff. He is extremely tall for his age, therefore he appears very masculine. He has bright blue eyes and us very good looking, displaying why all of the girls are after him. He is the captain of the football team so he is very popular and confident. Zak is usually quite naughty and doesn’t really car about school; his bad attitude leads to getting into trouble regularly.

The reason why we wanted Zak to look like this is because the character suits Lucy’s and there is a specific link between the two of them. His appearance is a stereotypical ‘captain of the football team’ look so this relates to his personality and his actions.

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Emily Smith

Emily is Lucy’s best friend. She is 15, she’ s got long brown hair, she’s slim and , like Lucy, very popular. Emily is also a cheerleader. But, all that Emily seems to care about is Jake. However, she has realised that Jake likes Lucy and spends the beginning of the series acting very jealous and this could makes the target audience believe that Emily might have done something to Lucy.

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Jake Hemmings

Jake, along with Zak, is on the football team. When they are together they are like partners in crime. He is:

• 15 years old

• Dark blonde hair

• Tall and masculine

• Well suited to Lucy and got jealous when her and Zak got together.

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Elliot Harvey

• He is 15 years old, got brown hair, popular, confident, he messes around in lessons. He is quite angered and can get quite violent when he’s wound up. He’s good with advice and very influential.