Pirkanmaan ammattikorkeakoulu PIRAMK University of Applied Sciences

Pirkanmaan ammattikorkeakoulu PIRAMK University of Applied Sciences

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Pirkanmaan ammattikorkeakouluPIRAMK University of Applied Sciences

Greetings from Finland

5 300 000 inhabitants (12 / 2007) capital Helsinki four very defined seasons member of European Union since 1995 GNP per capita around 30,000 € in 2006 in PISA 2006 young Finnish students were rated best in

science and mathematics in OECD countries and the second best in reading

Facts about Finland

Finnish education system

Doctoral Degree

Licentiate Degree

Master’s Degree 2 years

Bachelor’s Degree 3 years


Professional Master’s Degrees1-1,5 years


Bachelor’s Degrees3,5 -4,5 years




universities of applied sciences are multi-field institutions of professional higher education and also engage in applied research and development

studies at the universities of applied sciences give the students an excellent combination of theory and practice

universities of applied sciences are primarily financed from public funds (state 57%, local 43%)

traditioanally scientific-based universities engage in both education and research

Higher education in Finland

200 000 inhabitants 4 higher-education institutions 40,000 students (1,000 foreign students) 2 hours by car / 1,5 hours by train from the capital

Helsinki Tampere is the centre of industry, business, sports,

culture and education

The city of Tampere

Pirkanmaa University of Applied Sciences (PIRAMK)

main campus in Tampere approx. 4000 students approx. 400 staff members six fields of study 20 bachelor-level and 3 master-

level degree programmes 3 bachelor level-degree

programmes in English education divided into 4 clusters Research & Development services

(four focus areas)

from January 1st 2010 PIRAMK will merge together with TAMK and the new institution will comprise the following:

main campus in the city of Tampere

approx. 9000 students

approx. 800 staff members

7 fields of study

33 bachelor-level and 9 master-level degree programmes

6 bachelor and 1 master level-degree programmes in English

Research & Development services (seven focus areas)

Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)

The four clusters of education at PIRAMK





Emergency care

Nursing (nursing, midwifery, public health nursing)

Social Services

Master’s degrees:• Management and development of social and health care• Health pomotion

Biomedical laboratory science

Data management

Laboratory sciences


Radiography and radiotherapy

Master’s degree:• Wellbeing technology



Business administration

Business information technology

Hotel and restaurant Management

Service management


Research & Development services

developing services, processes and products in cooperation with working life partners

supporting development of PIRAMK’s degree programmes to meet the expectations of future working life

four distinct seasons offer exciting experiences in nature, sports and leisure activities

lively student life on campus and in city

good connections locally, nationally and internationally

PIRAMK is leading the applicant-per-place ratio in Finland

friendly English-speaking athmosphere

many degrees and courses available in English

good IT facilities on campuses

Welcome to visit PIRAMK

Internationalisation in 2009

Student ExchangeProgrammes Leonardo LLP/Erasmus Nordplus Tempus North-South-South First bilateral agreements

international educational cooperation is an important part of the pedagogical strategy of the institution

The following international competences are implemented in the curricula of every degree programme:

basic skills: awareness of internationalisation advanced skills: multiculturalism and international affairs applied skills: abilities for the international working


Internationalisation strategy

International activities

student mobility teacher mobility staff mobility international study weeks intensive subject courses curriculum development


Cooperation with

more than 100 institutions of higher

education in Europe and elsewhere: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Tanzania, Uganda, USA and Vietnam

private companies, the public sector and the third sector in Finland and abroad

Services for incoming students/trainees

international staff help with practical matters and with study/training programmes individual orientation for every student/trainee student union PAKO organises activities courses in Finnish language and culture cross-institutional studies with University of Tampere and

Tampere University of Technology, on-line bulletin board on studying, working and living in Tampere

address: www.uta.fi/sitr (Studying in Tampere Region)

PIRAMK contact information: [email protected]

Information for incoming students/trainees

academic year: September - May annually minimum stay: 90 days application rounds: May 15th and October 15th required documents: student application form, learning

agreement and transcript of previous studies letter of acceptance with an information package will be sent to

accepted students PIRAMK ensures accommodation for exchange students student tutors help with practical matters orientation and Finnish language and culture course transcript of records and certificate of attendance 1 ECTS credit = 27 hours of student work 60 ECTS credits = academic year for more information: http://ects.piramk.fi

Studies available in English

degree programmes in English: Nursing, Social Services, Tourism, Environmental Engineering (TAMK), International Business (TAMK) and Media (TAMK)

other programmes/fields of study also offer modules, courses and tailor-made studies in English

practical training placements can be arranged as a part of the study programme

exchange students may take up to 40 % of the courses from University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology (SITR cross-institutional studies)

summer school of Finnish language and culture (for students from outside Europe)

Outgoing students/trainees

selection according to PIRAMK’s set criteria application round: 15 February (annually) virtual orientation course for studying abroad foreign language training and support full recognition of studies and training abroad

according to learning agreement / training agreement

Application Clinic – international staff give practical assistance with forms

contact information at PIRAMK: [email protected]

first contact with colleagues or international office at destination

negotiation of exchange period setting the workplan with the hosts travel / accommodation assistance tailored certificate of the visit opportunities for teachers:

themed international study weeks opportunities for staff:

themed staff development weeks

Assistance for teacher/staff exchanges

Quality assurance system in PIRAMK

PIRAMK has passed the quality assurance system auditing made by Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council

quality assurance system is seamlessly connected to the daily operation of PIRAMK and its further development

quality assurance is also a part of the steering system aim of the quality assurance system is that PIRAMK attains its

strategic objectives and develops as a learning expert organisation to promote innovative expertise