Ann. Global Anal. Geom. Vol. 3, No. 1 (1985), 85-93 PINCHING AND BETTI NUMBERS Dominique Hulin We prove that the second real Betti number of an even dimen- sional complete riemannian manifold which is (1/4-E)-pinched is bounded by one if E is small enough. Introduction : We recall that a riemannian manifold (M,g) is said to be 6-pinched if its sectional curvature is always between 6 and 1 : 6al. We'll always assume that (M,g) is connected and complete, and then compact as soon as 6>0. The starting point of the work we present here is the following : Theorem 1 : [2], [5] If (M,g) is a simply connected p-dimen- sional 6-pinched riemannian manifold, then : (i) if 6>1/4 then M is homeomorphic to the p-sphere $P (ii) if 6=1/4 then either M is homeomorphic to or (M,g) is isometric to a riemannian symmetric space of rank one (iii) there exists a real e(n)<1/4 such that if p=2n (M is even dimensional) and if 6> 1/4 - E , then either M is homeomorphic to $P or diffeomorphic to a riemannian symmetric space of rank one. The proof of part (iii), based on the "compactness theorem" by Gromov ([7]), makes the real (n) involved in (iii) pure- ly theoretical in the sense that one cannot give a strictly positive lower bound for it. The result we present here is much weaker in the sense that the only topological informa- tion on M it deals with is its real cohomology of degree two;

Pinching and Betti numbers

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Page 1: Pinching and Betti numbers

Ann. Global Anal. Geom.

Vol. 3, No. 1 (1985), 85-93


Dominique Hulin

We prove that the second real Betti number of an even dimen-

sional complete riemannian manifold which is (1/4-E)-pinched

is bounded by one if E is small enough.

Introduction :

We recall that a riemannian manifold (M,g) is said to be

6-pinched if its sectional curvature is always between 6

and 1 : 6al. We'll always assume that (M,g) is connected

and complete, and then compact as soon as 6>0. The starting

point of the work we present here is the following :

Theorem 1 : [2], [5] If (M,g) is a simply connected p-dimen-

sional 6-pinched riemannian manifold, then :

(i) if 6>1/4 then M is homeomorphic to the p-sphere $P

(ii) if 6=1/4 then either M is homeomorphic to

or (M,g) is isometric to a riemannian

symmetric space of rank one

(iii) there exists a real e(n)<1/4 such that if p=2n

(M is even dimensional) and if 6> 1/4 - E , then either

M is homeomorphic to $P or diffeomorphic to a riemannian

symmetric space of rank one.

The proof of part (iii), based on the "compactness theorem"

by Gromov ([7]), makes the real (n) involved in (iii) pure-

ly theoretical in the sense that one cannot give a strictly

positive lower bound for it. The result we present here is

much weaker in the sense that the only topological informa-

tion on M it deals with is its real cohomology of degree two;

Page 2: Pinching and Betti numbers


but the constant (n) it yields is explicit :

Theorem A : There exists a real (n), which is computable,

such that if (M,g) is a simply connected, 2n dimensional

6-pinched riemannian manifold with 6> (1/4- E(n)), then

the second real Betti number of M is at most one b2(M) 1.-4

For example, we get E(2) = 2,9 10

As a matter of fact,the riemannian symmetric spaces of

rank one are P ,HP and CaP , endowed with their canonical

metrics. The second Betti number of Pn is one (the space of

harmonic two forms is spanned by the Khler form) ; on the

other hand the non trivial cohomology of HPn and Ca 2 appears

in degrees 4 and 8 at least, respectively.

This theorem has already been proved in [8],[9] for 4-

dimensional manifolds, using the splitting of A (M) under

the action of the Hodge duality operator.

We may also deal with a similar problem, under local

pinching assumptions. Recall that a riemannian manifold (M,g)

is locally 6 -pinched with respect to some function A : M - R

if at each point 6A, < A. Then

Theorem 14] : There exists 6= 6(p) > 0 such that any compact

simply connected locally 6-pinched riemannian manifold of

dimension p is diffeomorphic to the p-sphere SP .

A natural problem is to know what are the manifolds that

appear if we release the pinching hypothesis. It's easy to

show that if (M,g) is locally 6-pinched with 6>1/4 then its

second real Betti number is zero (see 1.) and that if 6=1/4

then b2(M), 1 (the harmonic 2-forms are then parallel).

Furthermore, we can state :

Theorem B : There exists E (n,v)> O provided -<2 such

that if (M,g) is 2n dimensional and 6-pinched with respect

to A : - , normalized so that A>l , then ,if

6 > (1/4- E(n,o)) for = A 2 n ) V(g)-1 then b2 (M) 1.

The pattern of the proof (which we don't give here) is


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the same as for theorem A. Using various Hlder inequalities,

we get different results of this type, but all of them depend

on how the function A differs from a constant ; the restriction

v < 2 can probably be suppressed.

O. Background material :

1. Let (M,g) be a compact riemannian manifold. The Hodge-de

Rham theorem (see [6]) states that the p-th space of real de

Rham cohomology of M, HP(M), and the space of harmonic p-forms

on (M,g), whereX P(M,g), are canonically isomorphic. The p-th

real Betti number of M is : b (M) = dim HP(M) = dim YP(M,g).P

2. If (M,g) is a riemannian manifold, D the covariant deri-

vative associated to g and is a p-form on M, then the

Weitzenbbck formula (see [4]) states that

A(u) = D D + w (see [13]) (1)

where if (ei ) is an orthonormal basis for TmM :

,-1 -(p-l) - [kl0i,..ip mn"= 2(p-l) L klmn (


-2 RiCkl 1 . .ip ]12 . p1

where R is the curvature tensor of (M,g), Ric the Ricci tensor

and Rklmn = R(ek,el,em,en) and RiCkl Ric(ekel

3. One can give estimates of the curvature tensor components

in terms of the pinching :

Theorem 2 : [11] Let (M,g) be a riemannian manifold and

mecI ; assume that the sectional curvature of M at m is boun-

ded 6A o A ; then,if (e ) is an orthonormal basis for1

T M and (u,v,w,z) are distinct in (ei) we have :

R(uvwv) A (-) A, Rz) A (3!R(u,v,w,v) I ~ -s- ( l-6) , IP(u,v,w,z) I -T( 1 - 6 ) (3)

In all the following, (M,g) will be a 2n dimensional

riemannian manifold, 6-pinched with 6 = 1/4 -


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1. The Weitzenbbck formula on 2-forms :

Let a be a 2-form on M and pM ; there xists an orthonormal

basis (ei) for TpM such that

= al el^e 2 +...+ a e e and 0al < * a (4)n 2n-1 2n I n

and with respect to this basis, we have

kl I i2k-1 ,i 2k

1 2k

4 R a a (5)O1k<m <n 2k-1,2k,2m -1,2m k (5)

Since (M,g) is 6-pinched, we get,using (3) :

<Raua> > - (n-i) (46-1) 1 2 where =al2 a+..+a (6)

If we suppose now that a 2(M,g), (1) yields

o <ac> > (l 1l2) + Dc 2 + <, > ; (7)

integrating over M, we get :

JlDal 2 + < a ,> = 7 M M

(Note that if 6 > 1/4, (6) and (7') prove that b2(M)=O).

2. A Sobolev inequality :

We suppose now that (M,g) is 6-pinched and that b2(M) 1

and then choose ae X 2 (M,g) non zero. The estimate (6) yields

<~ at,> z 3(n-1)£E1a 2 (8)

and, since idlmIl IDI , the Weitzenbock formula yields :

A( ai |) 13 (n-1)elal (9)

whenever a 0 (i.e. almost everywhere [1 ]). The last

estimate will allow us to compare 1114 and 11 112 and

then the measures dv and Ic dv on M, using Hlder ine-qualities. Indeed, we have :

qualities. Indeed, we have


Page 5: Pinching and Betti numbers


Theorem 3 : [10] There exists an explicit constant c(e),

which depends continuously on , such that if fE H(M,g),

then under the previous pinching assumption on (M,g)

Ilfll 22 (<llf 11 + c(E) fll) V(g)


In particular, if aE 2 (M,g) we get with (9)

l|l11 2n < (1 + -(n-l)e c(E))2 1 a 11 V(g)- /2n


= k(2) Iail V(g) -1 / 2 n (10)

2 2 2we set q= 2n / (n-l). (Recall that fH1 if it is L , with L gradient).

3. Volume estimates :

1If (M,g) is 1-pinched, the estimate (6) together with

(7) yields < a,a> I Da112 - O ; then equality stands at each

step of (6) and we get easily al=..=an 2k1 i= a2k i = 1/4

(i 2k,2k-1) , R2k 1 2 k, 2 m-1,2m=l/2 (kfm) , and with some

algebraic manipulations, using (3) : 2k-1,2k = 1 ; this

is the situation of (Pn,can) endowed with it's Khler form!

If we want now to derive a similar statement (see lemma

7) in case (M,g) is 6-pinched, we need a sharp estimate for

<®a,a> that we cannot get all over M (since 2 a( 1 2) might

be very negative at some points). So we'll restrict ourselves

to : Mn(a) = mM / A(al2 ) > -n

Proposition 4 : Let n > O ; then

Volt M(a)) 1 [ + (n-1) k2 () .V(g) = v(e,n)) V(g).

Proof : We get easily lal 1 (n-1) M M - M


and then using Hblder's inequality for conjugate exponents

2 16 E 1/n 2(r= n 2s=n) : al < (1 + (n-1)) Vol(M (a)) Ilall ;

conclude with (10).

On the other hand, we can estimate the volume on which


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lal is not to far from its quadratic mean :

Proposition 5 : Let h>O and Mh(a)= {mEM/ Ila, 2 - p2 < h 2)

with = 11 a 2 V(g)- ; then

Vol(M (a)) [1 -1 (T 4()-1) Vol(g) = w(E,h) Vol(g) ,

where T(E) = ( n-1 16 E)-1/4

Proof : First compare I lall4 and Iall2 , using Lichnerowicz's

theorem (see [3]) and Rayleigh's principle applied to the

function ( al - P ) (which is of zero integral) we get

Ila l4 x< T(e) II1ll 2 V(g) - y4 ; then integrate ( - p2 2 )over

M-Mh(a) to get the proposition.

4. Estimates for a and the curvature tensor

Since on M (a) : 63 (n-l) < a>

we get from (5), (6)

Lemma 6 : For mEM (a), we have, using notation (4)

1 k < n a<i - (,i) la 2 (11)

with lim (E,n) = 0.(Ec)-(o,o)

Let now m M (a)F>M (a) , and (e. ) be an orthonormal basisn 1

for T M such that am = a e ^e 2 +..+ a e2n ^e2 projecting

am on the cone of 2-forms on T M such that In l =al , andm mrenormalizing,we define = e + e-e2 the

m 1 e^e2+ e2n i the2-form a is measurable on M (a),M (a).

Lemma 7 : There exist continuous functions a(e,n,h) and

b(c,n,h) such that for mcM (a))Mh(a) and (ei) an ortho-

normal basis for T M as in (4)m

k= 1,..,n 'i 2k,2k-1 : 2k i 2k, 6 I+ b

6 k=l,..,n '2k 1,2k > 1-a

with lim a (or b) = O.(c, n,h) -(o I,o)


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Proof : We have <(a,a> = < a,a> + <-(a+a),a--> ; using

[121 we get I<d(a+a), a-a>l < r(6) la+al la-al where r(6)

depends continuously on the pinching. Then for meM (a) Mh(a)

we have < aa> n'(c,n,h) a 2 ; then the inequality (6)

is not far from being an equality and we get the lemma (for

more details, see [9]).

On Mn(a)Mh(ca) , we define a field of endomorphisms J by2

g(Ju,v) = (u,v). Note that J is isometric, J =-I and


Lemma 8 : For me M (a) Mh(a) and xT M with Ixl = 1, then

+ Jx is well defined, up to a small error, by the condition

o(x,Jx) > 1-a .

Proof : Let zT M with lzl=l and g(x,z)=O ; thenm

z = cosG Jx + sine x2 where x2-L(x,Jx) and Ix 2 1=l . By indu--

ction we build an orthonormal basis (x,Jx;..x,Jxn) for T M.

With respect to this basis, = dx-d(Jx) +...+ d(xn)^d(Jx n ) ;

conclude with lemma 7 (for a similar computation, see [9]) to

get that for zT M , such a(x,z) 1-a , then

I (R. Jx,RJz)I < e(,,h) where lim = 0.

5. Proof of the theorem

Let us now assume that b2(M) 2 and let a ,6 2 (M,g) be

2 2non zero and globally orthogonal with ilall2 1= I112 = nV(g)

Note that, by proposition 5, la+ 12 2n and Ia - B I2 2n

on a big part of M, so that if MX(a ,)= (meM / <a,¢>¥ X n,

with X > O, then

Vol(M (a,2)) >- d(E,X) V(g) with lim d(c,)= 1 (12)E --O

X fixed

On the other hand,on M(a,6)=M (a)nMh(a)M (¢)Mh(B)

we can define and as in 4., and two fields of endomor-

phisms J and I by g(Ju,v)=a(u,v) and g(Iu,v)= (u,v). Let

m M (a,B) and xeT M : by lemma 8, there exists (x)= +11) M


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such that IJx - w(x) Ix| plXI where lipm P(En,h) = O.

Besides, for p small enough (x) is independant of xT M

(since if (xl)=l and (x2)=-l, compute in two different

ways J(x 1 +x 2) to get a contradiction).

We know then that for mMh(a,): h aa , , and I J


for mMh(a,B) : I<a,B>I > p(e,n,h) n ,with limp = 1 (13).TI n ~~~~~~~~~(Efl,h) o

The estimates (12), (13) together with the volume estimate

of 3. lead to a contradiction for suitable values of n , h if

e is small enough.

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Dominique Hulin

L.A. 212

University de Paris VII

U.E.R. de Math6matiques

2, place Jussieu

75251 Paris Cedex 05


Communicated by M. Berger

(Received: May 15, 1984)