Pilot Report on Master Choa Kok Sui’s Super Brain Technique Conducted in Association with Regional Education Directorate One Department of State for Basic and Secondary Education The Gambia by West African Pranic Healing Foundation Pipeline Avenue, The Gambia Ph: 220-4399589, 7564196 May – August 2010

Pilot Report on Super Brain Technique

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This report presents the aims, method and findings of Pilot study on Master Choa Kok Sui’s Super Brain Technique in Lower Basic School pupils. This project was conducted in Association with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, The Gambia, by West African Pranic Healing Foundation, The Gambia.

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Page 1: Pilot Report on Super Brain Technique

Pilot Report on

Master Choa Kok Sui’s

Super Brain Technique

Conducted in Association with Regional Education Directorate One Department of State for

Basic and Secondary Education The Gambia

by West African Pranic Healing Foundation

Pipeline Avenue, The Gambia Ph: 220-4399589, 7564196

May – August 2010

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Page Number

Executive Summary 4

Background 5

Aims and Objectives 6

Methodology 7

Implementation 8

Outputs and Results 14

Outcomes 33

Conclusions 34

Recommendation 35

Reference 36

Appendixes 37

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Our sincere thanks go to the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, The Gambia, for providing us with the opportunity to carry out this pilot study. Our thanks also go to

Master Choa Kok Sui, Founder of Pranic Healing, for the precise information on Super Brain Technique & Pranic Healing.

Mrs. Anna Burang Ceesay, Regional Director, Regional Education Directorate 1, Department of State for Basic and Secondary Education for her enthusiastic support

All staff members of Curriculum Research, Evaluation and Development Directorate, Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, Republic of The Gambia

The Institute of Inner Studies, Manila for issuing the licence to publish Super brain Technique Trainers’ Manual.

All Cluster Monitors and Trainers, School Heads, Teachers, staff members of Regional Education Directorate1, for their co-operation and commitment.

And to those who contributed to the success of Super Brain Pilot Study.

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Executive Summary This report presents the aims, method and findings of Pilot study on Master Choa Kok Sui’s Super Brain Technique in Lower Basic School pupils. This project was conducted in Association with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, The Gambia, by West African Pranic Healing Foundation, The Gambia.

Master Choa Kok Sui’s Super Brain Technique is a simple and effective technique which recharges the Pranic energy in the brain cells. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture. In this exercise, importance is given for hand and finger gestures, breathing along with 14 squatting which take less than two minutes to practice. This exercise helps people to improve their learning ability.

The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, The Gambia, recognised the importance of Master Choa Kok Sui’s Super Brain Technique and so approved it to be introduced to Lower Basic School (Grade One to Grade Six) and Upper Basic Schools (Grade Seven to Grade Nine) in The Gambia on 6th October 2009.

Mrs. Anna Burang Ceesay, Regional Director of Regional Education Directorate One welcomed the idea of the pilot study in Region One.

All Cluster Monitors, School Heads and two senior teachers from cluster based schools were invited for a sensitization program on Super Brain Technique. And on 24th and 25th May 2010 the sensitization program was conducted at Region One Headquarters.

All School teachers from 11 cluster based schools received each a copy of Trainer’s Manual, which carried precise information on the practice of Super Brain Technique. Participants who attended the Sensitization program provided a step down training for other Teachers in their schools.

At the beginning of each school day, teachers guided the pupils in the practice of super brain exercise. This practice continued for two months until the end of the term.

The effects of Super brain technique were measured by academic performance and behaviour. First term test results of grades 3 and 5 were considered as base and were compared with that of the third term.

Cluster Monitors, Head Teachers and School Teachers have noticed remarkable improvement in pupil’s academic performance and behaviour, through test results and punctuality, regularity and tolerance.

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Super Brain Technique helps people to improve their learning abilities. This technique can provide the Pranic energy that can keep our brain fit and fertile. These teachings were provided by Master Choa Kok Sui in his book, ‘Super Brain Yoga’.

There is a rising epidemic that many people are now being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). People with ADD, Hyperactive disorder, anxiety, depression, etc. not only face difficulties in academic studies and work, but also have problems with interpersonal relationship, impulse control and general level of happiness.

Pilot studies on Super Brain Technique were conducted in USA by Dr. Glenn Joseph Mendoza, M.D., M.P.H. of New York and Dr. Eric B. Robins, M.D. of California. Both Doctors have seen significant improvement in learning capabilities and behaviour.

The West African Pranic Healing Foundation-The Gambia- approached the Curriculum Research and Development Department and discussed the idea of introducing Master Choa Kok Sui’s Super Brain Technique in schools.

After receiving the approval from the Curriculum Research and Development department, Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, Republic of The Gambia, to introduce Super Brain Technique in Lower and Upper basic schools on 6th October 2009, there was a need for a pilot study to learn the pros and cons of Super brain Technique on Gambian pupils. The pilot study was carried out in the schools in Regional Education Directorate One.

Super Brain Technique increases the intelligence of people based on the principle of ear acupuncture and subtle energy; unfortunately, the proper technique on how to do this exercise has been distorted and lost. To understand the principles behind the Super Brain Technique, it is important to explain certain new scientific concepts.

Master Choa Kok Sui

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Aims and Objectives

The Aims of Super Brain Technique in schools are:

1. To offer a technique that helps pupils to better concentrate 2. To mitigate the condition of pupils with hyperactivity, anxiety, day dreaming

and help them to have greater and beneficial class participation 3. To provide a de-stressing technique to Teachers and pupils to have more

control over emotions 4. To inform pupils on advantages of Super Brain Technique and to precisely

guide them in practicing it 5. To energise and balance Pranic energy in both hemispheres of the brain ( C.F

Appendix )

Aims of the Pilot study

6. To arrive at best approach to initiate the practice of Super Brain Technique in Lower and upper Basic Schools in Gambia

7. To monitor and record the effects of academic performance of pupils before and after the Super Brain Technique practice

8. To observe the emotional response of pupils and teachers during Super Brain Technique practice in school

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To introduce Super Brain Technique to school pupils, teachers, heads of school and cluster monitors were sensitised on Super brain Technique.

Cluster monitors worked with head teachers in the implementation and practice of Super Brain Technique in their respective clusters.

Participants from Cluster Based Schools organised a step-down training on Super Brain Technique to expose other teachers to the practice.

Teachers guided their pupils on Super Brain Technique practice daily before the first period of School. All Teachers in the cluster based school received the Super Brain Technique – Trainer’s Manual which contained useful information and illustration on the practice.

Permission for the publication of the Trainers’ Manual was requested and granted by the Institute of Inner Studies, Manila.

The effects of Super brain technique practice were analyzed by academic performance and behaviour. First and second term test results of grades 3 and 5 were considered as bench mark and were compared with those of third term.

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Super Brain Technique Pilot study was conducted in 11 clusters based schools. Two senior teachers from each cluster based school were invited for a Super Brain Technique Sensitization and Training program. The Director of Division 1 expressed the need of inviting the School Heads from Lower Basic Schools in Region 1. Eleven cluster monitors, 78 School Heads, 22 teachers and 5 Regional Education officers attended the Sensitization and Training program on Super Brain Technique on 24th and 25th May 2010.

School teachers from 11 cluster based schools received precise information on Super Brain Technique through a step down training in their respective Schools by Cluster Monitors, Heads of School and 2 Senior Teachers who had attended the Sensitization Program.

Sl No

Name of School Area Total Pupils

1 Serrekunda Lower Basic School

Serrekunda 4,073

2 St. Theresa’s Lower Basic School

West field 3,440

3 Latrikunda Sabiji Lower Basic School

Latrikunda 3,536

4 Bakoteh Proper Lower Basic School

Bakoteh 3,153

5 Bakoteh Annex Lower Basic School

Bakoteh 3,360

6 Tallinding Lower Basic School Tallinding 2,685 7 Abuko Lower Basic School Abuko 2,558 8 Bakau New Town Lower Basic

School Bakau New Town


9 Old Jeshwang Lower Basic School

Old Jeshwang


10 St. Joseph’s Basic Cycle Banjul 956 11 Campama Lower Basic School Banjul 442 Total Pupils 27,275

Institute of Inner Studies, Manila authorised the publishing of copies of Super Brain Technique–Trainers’ Manual. These Manuals were provided to all 11 cluster based school teachers. Approximately 700 copies of Trainers’ Manual were distributed to school teachers, and they were asked to practice Super Brain Technique along with

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their pupils to ensure conformity to the instructions of the Manual and to avoid associating it with punishment.

In this pilot study Super Brain Technique was introduced to more than twenty seven thousand pupils. Every day before the first lesson began; teachers guided their pupils through Super Brain technique practice. This practice continued until the end of the third term of 2009/2010 academic year.

Sensitization and Training Program

The Super Brain Technique sensitization and Training program was held on 24th and 25th May 2010. The opening speech was delivered by Mrs. Ann Burang John Ceesay, Director of Region 1. Mrs. Isatou Nyang of Curriculum Research, Evaluation and Development Directorate was Chief Guest. Mr. Omar Jatta was chairing the program. Mr. John P. Bojang, Mr. Henrry M. Jammeh, Mrs. Reyes Jallow, Mrs. Alida Moukhtara and Mr. Srikanth Jois represented The West African Pranic Healing Foundation- Gambia.

Inauguration of Super Brain Technique sensitisation and Training program, from left to Right, Mr. Henry M. Jammeh, Mrs. Reyes Jallow, Mr. John P. Bojang, Mrs. Isatou

Nyang, Mrs. Ann Burang John Ceesay, Mr.Omar Jatta and Mr. Srikanth Jois.

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During the Sensitization program the following topics were covered

Topic Speaker 1. Need for Super Brain Technique in


Mr. Henrry Jammeh

2. Pranic Energy and its effects

Mr. Srikanth Jois

3. Scientific Evidence of Pranic Energy field

Mrs. Alida Moukhtara

4. Super Brain Technique

Mr. Srikanth Jois

5. Testimonials

Mrs. Reyes Jallow

6. Comparing the performance of Children

Mr. Srikanth Jois

7. Conclusion

Mr. John P. Bojang

Cluster Monitors, School Heads and Regional Education Officers at the sensitisation program

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Video Presentation on Scientific Validation on Pranic Healing

Participants feeling the Bio-Plasmic Energy or Prana

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Participants performing Super Brain Technique

Participants validating the effects of Super Brain Technique by feeling the Pranic energy in left and right hemispheres of brain

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After two days of sensitisation and Training program, participants conducted a step down Training in their respective schools. Super Brain technique was practiced for 2 months before the final examination in July 2010. The monitoring aspect was done by the Regional Educational Directorate One, through cluster monitors. For monitoring and evaluating to be easier, 11 cluster based schools were subjected in this pilot study.

Sl No

Name of School Cluster Monitor

1 Serrekunda Lower Basic School Mr. Kemo Jallow

2 St. Theresa’s Lower Basic School Mrs. Sirra Singhateh

3 Latrikunda Sabiji Lower Basic School Mr. Saihou S K Jagne

4 Bakoteh Proper Lower Basic School Mr. Bubacarr Jarju

5 Bakoteh Annex Lower Basic School Mr. Lamin J. Ceesay

6 Tallinding Lower Basic School Mr. Fabakary Jarju

7 Abuko Lower Basic School Mr. Sheriff Njie 8 Bakau New Town Lower Basic School Mr. Malleh S Sabally

9 Old Jeshwang Lower Basic School Mr. Lamin J. Ceesay

10 St. Joseph’s Basic Cycle Mr. Alhagie Jallow

11 Campama Lower Basic School Mr. Landing Sonko

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Outputs and Results

To assess the effects of Super Brain Technique in Lower Basic Schools, Result analyses were done by cluster monitors and school heads immediately after third term examinations results were announced. Results of two subjects from Third term were compared with earlier results. Results of various schools are as follows

Lower Basic School Page Number

Muhammedan Lower Basic School 15

St. Joseph’s Basic Cycle, Banjul 16

Abuko Lower Basic School 18

Latrikunda Sabiji Lower Basic School 18

Bakau New Town Lower Basic School 19

Old Jeshwang Lower Basic School 21

St. Theresa’s Lower Basic School 21

Bakau Lower Basic School 22

Albion Lower Basic School 25

Serrekunda Lower Basic School 26

Bakoteh Proper Lower Basic School 27

Campama Lower Basic School 28

New Jeshwang Lower Basic School 28

St. Charles Lwanga Lower Basic School 28

Photographs 29

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Over 80% of the classroom teachers have been applying the Super Brain Technique to enhance teaching and learning during the third term of the academic year 2009/ 2010. Looking at each pupil’s performance in the third term test results from grades 3 and 5 in particular, we saw some more impressive progress compared to that of first term before the introduction of the super brain technique

Grade 3

Percentage has increased by 7 % & 9% respectively

Grade 5

There were about 11 students in grade 5 who were very weak in Mathematics. Their highest score before practice of Super Brain Technique was 32%. With the help of Super Brain Technique these students’ score has increased to 52%. ...


Head Teacher 30th August 2010

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Grade 3 Second term Third Term Improvement

Mathematics 42% 67% 25% English 66% 77% 11% Science 60% 70% 10%

Integrated Studies 74% 86% 12% Over all 15%

Grade 5 Second term Third Term Improvement

Mathematics 54% 71% 17% English 74% 83% 9% Science 54% 78% 24%

Integrated Studies 66% 81% 15% Over all 16%

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The learner’s participation and involvement is high because students now ask questions and also participate in the learning process. The pupils have become more focused and attentive in class. All these changes occurred when super brain Technique was introduced.

With reference to the above analysis, Super Brain Technique practice has brought remarkable change in students during their third term examination.

Students Behaviour

Super Brain Technique has done positive change in students’ attitude and behaviour. Students are now cooperative in class and their behaviour is acceptable and matured.

We will assure that the practice will continue in our school. Super Brain Technique is worth commending.

Signed Head Teacher

30th August 2010

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By comparing the first and second term test results to that of the third term, we can see a marked difference. They improved tremendously during third term examination, all because of the Super Brain Technique we were using.

Due to their heightened interest students they would often do the exercise on their own lead by their class captain even in the absence of the teacher.

Mrs. Fatou Bah

School Teacher

Since I started doing the Super Brain Technique, I have experienced high concentration level, stress free and a retentive memory. Super Brain Technique has helped me in my administration; the way I talk to my staff and pupils is very tactful.

Mrs. Bernice Saidy

Head Mistress


The involvement of teachers in this exercise helped children to practice regularly in school. We notice that children are now active and more prepared to learn.

In grade 3 for instance, this year there were 600 pupils in the department. Of this number, only 250 pupils were able to score an average of 50% and above in the first term, but in the third term more than 500 pupils scored an average of 50% and above.

In Grade 5, there were 650 pupils and only 300 pupils were able to score an average of 50% and above in first term. However, in third term nearly 600 pupils scored an average of 50% and above.

If we compare the result of last year and this year in most grades the children’s performance has greatly improved. This improvement in performance is due to the Super Brain Technique carried out regularly in classes.

Musa B. K. Badjie Grade 5 Teacher 31st August 2010

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The Super Brain Technique was successful in improving concentration and performance of pupils in our school.

Mr. A*****, a senior teacher in my school told me of a pupil in his class name S****** who was initially reported to be among the bottom ten of his class in all tests and exams and hardly participated or concentrated in class. A few weeks later, he was reported to have improved quite remarkably. In his final exam, he was able to move to 17th position out of a class of 46. Similar testimonies were given by other teachers, sighting examples of slow learners who had performed well in their final exams.

According to testimonies I received, some of our teachers who used to suffer from stress noticed a great change after the practice of Super brain technique.

The exercise was really appreciated by my teachers and pupils. Comparing their class work and final exams, the marks were better than both the first and second term work and exams. Attached are analyses of the first term and third term results of Grades 3 and 5.

Analyses of Grade Five First and Third Term Result

Roll 258

First Term Third Term


of Percentage Number

of Percentage Improvement Passes Pass Passes Pass

Mathematics 112 43% 148 57% 14% English 155 60% 172 66% 6% Int. Std 178 69% 197 76% 7%

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Analyses of Grade Three First and Third Term Result

Roll 277

First Term Third Term

Number of Percentage Number

of Percentage Improvement Passes Pass Passes Pass

Mathematics 123 44% 147 53% 9% English 145 52% 163 59% 7% Int. Std 172 61% 202 73% 12%

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…Children used to report to the Head Master’s office, when they were not given the time to do the Super Brain exercise, which shows that they enjoyed and had an interest on what they were doing.

... Most of the dull children did better when compared to the results they had in December 2009 and April 2010.

There was a notorious boy called O**** *, he was very hyperactive in class and would fight almost every day. Surprisingly, towards to end of school year, he became calm, attentive in class and was more frequent in school.

Signed Mrs. Armistisia Jones Acting Head Teacher 1st September 2010



When children started practicing Super Brain technique, their performances increased. Most of the students became more serious in their education. Their NAT results have improved when compared to the past years; most of the students scored 40% and above.

Mrs. Sirra Singhateh Cluster Monitor

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Grade Five

Second Term Result

Marks English Mathematics Science S.E.S Total 0-25% 36 40 38 31 145

26%-50% 34 36 29 33 132 51% -75% 25 27 27 28 107 76%-100% 22 14 23 25 84

Total 117 117 117 117 468

Third term Results

Marks English Mathematics Science S.E.S Total 0-25% 28 35 33 26 122

26%-50% 32 28 24 28 112 51% -75% 31 32 32 33 128 76%-100% 26 22 28 30 106

Total 17 117 117 117 468 SES- Social and Environmental Studies


Marks 2nd Term

% 3rd Term

% Improvement

0-25% 145 32% 122 26% 6%

26%-50% 132 28% 112 24% 4% 51% -75% 107 22% 128 27% 5% 76%-100% 84 18% 106 23% 5%

Total 468 100% 468 100%

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... Third term has been so marvellous considering the pupils performance. Third term result was far better achievement than second term.

Lamin A. Bojang

Teacher Bakau Lower Basic School

Grade 3

Second Term Result

Marks English Mathematics Int. Studies Total 0-25% 62 68 58 188

26%-50% 83 86 87 256 51% -75% 43 41 38 122 76%-100% 27 20 32 79

Total 215 215 215 645

Third Term Result

Marks English Mathematics Int. Studies Total 0-25% 47 53 43 143

26%-50% 71 70 72 213 51% -75% 55 60 53 168 76%-100% 42 32 47 121

Total 215 215 215 645

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Marks 2nd Term

% 3rd Term

% Improvement

0-25% 188 29% 143 22% 7% 26%-50% 256 40% 213 33% 7% 51% -75% 122 19% 168 26% 7%


79 12% 121 19% 7%

Total 645 100% 645 100%

Since the introduction of Super Brain Technique in the school, there has been great improvement in terms of performance in pupils. There is also great improvement during the third term examinations, which is far better than the second term

Signed Lamin

Teacher Bakau Lower Basic School

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After exposing Super Brain Technique to the teachers, they are to guide the children in their practice every day in class.

At the end of the third term some remarkable improvements were made in the said grades notably on core subjects


Grade 3

There was 17%, 11% & 14 % improvement

Grade 5

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S & Env= Social and Environmental Studies

There was 6%, 14%,9% and 14 % improvement

The above observation has revealed some remarkable improvement in the performance of pupils in the grades 3 and 5. This we believe is as a result of impact of the Super Brain Technique.

Signed Albion Primary School

30 August 2010


Marks 1st Term

3rd Term

250 and above 2 2

250 to 201 10 10

200 to 151 13 13

150 to 101 13 20

100 to 0 11 4

Total 49 49

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Bakoteh Proper Lower Basic School

Grade 3, Year 2009- 2010

Marks 1st Term

3rd Term

250 and above 0 1

250 to 201 1 5 200 to 151 10 15 150 to 101 4 8 100 to 51 7 2 50 to 0 10 1 Total 32 32

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The 3rd term results show up to 20% improvement in student’s performance when compared with 1st term results. If teachers continue to engage students with this technique, it will greatly improve their performances in class. The introduction of Super Brain Technique to students could not have come at a better time.


The Super Brain Technique was really successful as it had an impact. More than 75% of students were able to pass the examinations.... with constant practice, we hope to have quality education in our school.


Super Brain exercise is practiced every morning before lessons begin. Both teachers and students have become very interested and this has caused a great impact in both teachers and students.

.. with the practice of Super Brain Technique, teachers have noticed that children are able to concentrate better in class. The frequent movement of students in and out of class was drastically reduced. Truancy which was a problem at the beginning was also reduced.

This practice has changed the behaviour of children. Children behaving rough in class towards their fellow students were calm. The class control in most classes has been very impressive. In concussion the Super Brain Technique has changed the students’ behaviour, performance and concentration in class.

Signed Francis Gibba

30 August 2010

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St. Theresa’s Lower Basic School Pupils from various grades practicing Super Brain Technique

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School Teachers and Students at Old Jeshwang Lower Basic School practicing Super Brain Technique

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Pupils from Bakau New Town Lower Basic School Practicing Super Brain Technique

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Pupils from St. Josephs cycle practicing Super Brain Technique

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Super Brain Technique was successfully practiced in 11 cluster based schools in Region One from May 2010 to July 2010. With special interest of Cluster monitors and School heads, more schools adhered with the practice of Super brain Technique.

Achievements of Pilot Study on Super Brain Technique according to school testimonies are as follows

• Since this technique was introduced there has been a remarkable improvement in pupils’ performance. A mean of 11% improvement was noticed in core subjects in all the cluster based schools. School teachers also noticed that Super Brain Technique has brought positive changes in pupils’ concentration level.

• With the practice of super brain technique, pupils with hyperactive, notorious and stubborn characters have changed positively. These pupils were able to adjust to greater class participation as well as produce good results.

• Towards the end of school day teachers used to experience stress and

mental exhaustion. This problem was resolved by regular practice of Super Brain Technique.

• The method used during this pilot study to teach Super Brain Technique

enabled pupils to follow precise instructions and produced good results. The same method of training and monitoring pupils in their schools, can be replicated in other regions.

Teachers’ observations

• Pupils were cooperative in class and their reasoning and behaviour were quite

matured compared to those of earlier. • More pupils now conform to the school rules and regulations as compared

with that of before. • Many inattentive pupils did better compare to their earlier performances, as

they were both punctual and attentive in class.

• Pupils complained to the Head Masters office when they were not given time to do the Super Brain exercise. This showed their interest in Super Brain Technique.

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In conclusion Super Brain Technique as practiced in Gambian schools has positively improved the behavior and academic performance of the pupils involved and equally impacted positively on the teachers involved too.

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Based on the positive feedback received during this pilot study and with the basis of previous studies done in USA on Super Brain Technique, we would like to recommend the following that

- Every person irrespective of age is encouraged to practice Super Brain Technique to improve their physical, emotional and mental health.

- All the School teachers to promote Super Brain Technique in all schools in order to maintain, good academic performance and positive behaviour change in the pupils.

- The Ministry of Education to make it a policy adopting the practice of Super Brain Technique in all school.




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Super Brain Yoga by Master Choa Kok Sui

Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui

Advanced Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui

Pranic Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui





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Appendix 1:

Bio Plasmic Energy or Prana

The Super Brain Technique increase and balance the Bio-Plasmic energy in brain. Bio-Plasma is that life energy which keeps the body alive and healthy. Bio-Plasma comes from the word ‘bio’ which means life and ‘plasma’ which is the forth state of matter, the earlier three being Solid, Liquid and Gas. Plasma is ionized gas or gas particles with positive or negative charges.

The Kirlian photography refers to the resulting image of a gas discharge; "fluorescence" or glow that appears around the edge of a subject after it is placed in a high-intensity electrical field that is captured on a photo-material. Scientists have been able to study, observe, and take pictures of small articles like fingers, leaves, etc.

The Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV) gives a real-time viewing of the human energy field. This new technology allows one to capture by a special camera the physical, emotional, mental energy emanating and translate this into a computerized model.

Prana or Bio Plasmic Energy is the life energy which keeps the body alive and healthy. In Greek it is called pneuma, in Polynesian mana, and in Hebrew ruah.

The visible physical body is moulded after the energy body. They are so closely related that what affects one affects the other. If the energy body is depleted or congested with Prana, the physical body gets sick. When the energy body is healed,

the corresponding physical body also gets healed.

Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing that utilizes prana to heal the whole physical body. It involves the transfer of bioplasmic energy. Many Doctors around the world are using Pranic Healing as a complementary therapy to heal physical and psychological ailments.

Pranic Healing is based on the overall structure of human body. Man’s whole body is actually composed of two parts visible physical body and invisible Energy body called as bioplasmic body. The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The

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bioplasimic body is that invisible luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four to five inches in a normal person. Energy body of a depressed person is one to two inches while a person suffering from a chronic ailment has imbalanced energy body and it is lacking in energy.

Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing using energy. By applying pranic healing techniques the energy body of dis-eased person can be rebalanced. In Pranic Healing course, one can learn the basics of working with your energy body, including learning to "scan," or feel the energy, to "sweep," or clean away congested energy, and to "energize," or supplement areas in energy the field that have Pranic deficiency. It can be learnt by any one above 16 years of age and can heal physical and Psychological ailments.

According to GDV photography a healthy person has uniform Pranic energy and dense energy field. An intelligent person has a balanced energy in both left and right hemispheres of the brain. In an average person the energy level in the brain is imbalanced. Super Brain Technique activates and balances the Pranic energy in brain.

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Appendix 2:

Super Brain Technique

Super Brain Technique can increase the intelligence of people; it is based on the principle of ear acupuncture; to understand the principles behind the super brain technique, it is important to explain certain new scientific concepts.


Dr. Paul Nogier MD, a neurologist, rediscovered that the ears correspond to the whole body. The ear corresponds to an inverted fetus curled in the womb. The ear lobe corresponds to the head [ref: Nogier, Dr. Paul M. F., Handbook to Auriculotherapy.] The correspondence of the ear to the whole body was already recognized by the ancient Chinese acupuncturists and also to the great teachers in India, who developed a technique to increase people’s intelligence.

Super brain Technique transforms or internally alchemizes the BioPlasmic energies or Pranic energy from the lower energy centres into higher subtler energies. These energies are then utilized by the upper energy centres. When those centres are highly energized, they energize the brain so it can function with greater efficiency and effectively

Energising and Activating Pranic Energy in Brain

The right ear lobe corresponds to the left brain. The left ear lobe corresponds to the right brain. When the right ear lobe is gently squeezed with the left thumb and left index finger with the thumb outside, it produces the necessary energy connection. This connection causes the left brain and pituitary gland to become energized and activated. Similarly, when the left ear lobe is gently squeezed with the right thumb and right index finger with the thumb outside, it produces the necessary energy connection, which causes the right brain and pineal gland to become energized and activated.

For energizing and activating the Left Brain and the Right Brain, the left arm must be inside, while the right arm must be outside. The correct arm position is important for energizing and activating the brain. The physical body is very complicated subtle electronic equipment. When a proper energy wiring connection is made, it produces the right results. When the connection is wrong, expected results are not achieved. When squatting down, breath in simultaneously. When standing up, breath out simultaneously.

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1. Face East

2. Connect tongue to palate

3. Stand with your feet, shoulder width apart

4. Squeeze the right ear lobe with your left thumb and left index finger.

5. The thumb must be facing out and the index finger must be on the inside when gently squeezing the ear lobe.

6. Squeeze the left ear lobe with your right thumb and right index finger

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7. The left arm must be inside and the right arm outside. This is the correct arm position.

8. When squatting down, breath in


9. When standing up, breath out simultaneously

10. Practice squatting for 14 times

11. Release your fingers from your ear lobes.

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Super Brain Technique


Please Note

• Super brain Technique must be practiced every day to repeatedly energise and activate the brain.

• Practice Super brain Technique for 14 times. • Do not practice the Super Brain Technique two days before, during and two

days after menstruation.

There are multiple factors that may affect the results of the practice of Super brain Technique.

• Facing the correct direction • Positioning the arms properly • Positioning the fingers properly • Breathing correctly

Many people have experienced stress reduction by practicing the Super brain Technique. Other benefits noted from the practice of Super brain Technique include greater psychological stability and an ability to regulate the sex drive. This is especially helpful for teenagers. Prolonged practice of the Super brain Technique can make the practitioner, in general, smarter and more psychologically balanced.

Both hemispheres of our brain have functions or specialties. There is a tendency for one hemisphere to be dominant. This dominance affects our response to new experiences and situations, with the knowledge of how we use our brains. Super Brain Technique balances the bio-plasmic energy in both hemispheres of brain. According to Master Choa Kok Sui, when too much energy (Pranic Energy) is stuck down in lower energy centres of the body and not enough flowing to the brain, Super Brain technique would cause the Pranic energy in the lower portion of the body to flow up and energizes the brain. This technique makes it easier for thinking and focusing, it also has a calming effect.

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Super Brain Technique


Appendix 3:

Master Choa Kok Sui

An author and teacher of international calibre Master Choa Kok Sui is the modern founder of Pranic Healing and Super Brain Technique. He devoted over 30 years of study on the use of subtle energy to heal the wide spectrum of psychological and physical ailments.

He has transformed the truth and ideas into simple teachings that demystify the world of energy healing and he has made it accessible to everyone. Master Choa, has authored 20 books published in 27 languages. His work has spread over 150 countries in less than two decades.

Master Choa once wrote, ‘just because Science is not able to detect and measure life energy or Prana, it does not mean that Prana does not exist or does not affect the health and well being of body’.

‘In ancient times, people were not aware of the existence of electricity; it does not mean the electricity did not exist. Ones ignorance does not change reality; it simply alters the perception or reality, resulting in misconception and misperception, of what is and what is not, what can be done and what cannot be done’.

Master chaos combined experience as teacher, an extraordinary healer, a scientist and a successful businessman has provided him with unique and affective ways to address modern day’s problems through the application of energy. All of this is expressed and shared in his books and courses.

One can discover miraculous possibilities by applying Pranic healing and Super Brain Technique in life. Now more than ever, improved health and well being is at your finger tips.

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Super Brain Technique


Appendix 4:

West African Pranic Healing Foundation

The West African Pranic Healing Foundation under the auspices of World Pranic Healing Foundation set up its head quarter in Togo for West African countries.

The foundation aims to spread Master Choa Kok Sui’s teachings to urban and rural areas in West Africa. To ensure uniformity and purity of teachings, Pranic healing courses have uniformity in its teaching in more than 150 countries. People from different walks of life are learning and utilizing the benefits of Pranic Healing around the world.

Pranic Healing centers were subsequently opened in Benin, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Senegal and The Gambia. The Gambia branch was opened in 2008. It has been registered as a Charitable Institution under Register of Companies

The Foundation likewise conducts Pranic Healing Courses, as well as orientation talks, introductory lectures, and healing demonstrations for interested people and organizations. Pranic Healing sessions can be accommodated upon request. Distant Healing services can also be availed for patients who cannot travel to the Healing Centres.

The following people from West African Pranic Healing Foundation – The Gambia contributed to the Pilot Study on Super Brain Technique Mr. Kumar Sabnani Mr. Srikanth Jois Mr. John P. Bojang Mr. Henry M. Jammeh Mr. Lamin M. Camara Mrs. Reyes Jallow Mrs. Alida Moukhtara Mrs. Aysha Njie-Nyang Mr. Tijan Mbye