I sCi'c iQn !ere! dn_sday ,and Wln.de I Y hie RJral ' Teach 'Meet Tle 38 extins,on :"o"!en 00 ut Op Sdhe1uled erU Friday N9' d•' 1:3 the mfonn tion wIll rove- tb II C Iw me In" , the lesson to their r spectlve clubs e aId's Foo ' ntest ',I,"Y e Ilral tcaehqrs ' dUqr g Octobdr and I Novembcr. h pi . t '' Igh sehool yo ths walked I and nw !eglS'OlS I'lI=llclnc S of Wlth 0!l honors I The Her- 0°1 'I Pile repor s tw mcetmgl JS r-' '. riB" d I a d's fIrs c ntest last I ea ers ... nlng th VIS lal Hlds of cout:lty;s B 'J'o'0 nty Of!' a es ••k Th y will divide the $10 In ' p W k'E hObOt IRobert Rule, Co umbus, Pia 'e ASC 'N $jnn 000 Ttl C sl/l. priz 5 offered we kly to the rag ee x I I supermt nde twill t'xpl In at th local ASC oHlce I IE!I:ar -'I' 0 8 r$ons c rrectly select ng wmnel9 Rep sentatlvcs f the Wayne t e repo ts s day" orning. to new Wayne cot1nty of US foo ball games ) 1011 10 stry met a Hotel MOITI- IIton J Hassel Wlll c,?Utlt" eomnllttec which WIl takc ntl,s reached 62 IFirst_ rize $S we t to Ljlrry Ison la t Wednesqa to fmahze dl eus t e so 181 secUilty pw- OltIde ,,?ct. 1. '. . at tHe 195. quota, It was I ttomse Wayne Se ond went plans Oli observan C' of 011 Pro- g am 'for teae Mrs B(>tty Ghlcllrman CarlO, Sundell'sald , I by Wayne hoto /:lnt1puncp4 fFhs wee by Henry E I Norm 'nl P'OSPistUI a d thll'l'd to eek" Oct accordmg Ream, ',lIlt· utlmc the Jun- meeting will a , arr R:hq youths, 6, res ectlvely, re chalrm n terry 1M They IIlreqelve to Bo c emman of the lO!r poss IpnP lam for flual at a., ro. The ,grpup Will Mr. nd pictured their fl at to llcd $36,255, 113 and 2,1 respective I. I local op JIldustrl mformation sqhool' I I i a QQlunty chairman, ,vice __nj' fn a urging _ hlldren to __ brl glng fhf' total ounty sales to Thoms nand B' Ishil bMh comm ttee .. I member two 5687 fbI' $sed fl e gamest.Jbu Thomsen s Gu st speaker s W. C. Sid .1. I 1_ ° , I' G ,I ges for other counties to al estimate f 54d ¥.as ner, ne of more than 100 011 Music rds cnyent county committee ,, t L Iwelrl' as follows PI ICC', 66, Cedar, losest t actual t tal or 628 comp A y atlves loaned ± bers Sundell and l?urd, a 0 1 '1 I ,I ra n e I 0 I a 61, D<Xol] Cu mg, 51, Stan- dGmn as tied With 'hree other by f e" f"m5 10 ass.. t IDea' An'" U cd L y leld, and lclarry Homemann, I I' t l1I t:::1 d Thu son 45 ntrants ""1lth SIX err rs but hiS com I'tjtees. ,. g Wll)Sllie. The latter o ,;) 3n I ,. tot I of 620 was most I W Oil dCrC fs WIll offer tr II T d crt Carroll, when I I I. Y t. I I spea r anrt fll on petroleum ge I I oy a pOSItion WIth tJIC C II II' I b I Other tied for thn d wer'p Joel for s Is, farm omen's church adItio al t ll-tUltlOU s f 1:1 2000 l' i 9" I I t (Lest D.r ctors !lIblet, J1:'. Ray Nor on aJ¥! BIll and IV c groups, erchant saId s 'for students at· n l ya OU 0 Ie, e 19-- O ' e 1 1 1 1' I ra -I'fj on OrrISO Eight other Thoi' I 0 plan spc laJ advertISmg, WST *rc nno ne;d tOdavl by voters, e:5\ III I'! lJ.creaIPe udget ad only seven errors exhl ts and speCIa events I}uss I FJ: An crs n head of thc saitljS .e l!n (', I III Iii' Both Thomsen a Of air: nat'1i d ___ --+_ 1 Ii I L _ iii budget increas'" of about $500 icked Hawau u set f Ne-' The Ischol rshi s bin of t ese groups are to I R ' n I , d' I d t d T d b W raska omsen also hose leI Cel B"'" E'I ma4e a1rallab e b IArdath Co n, tl-).e convention Wednesdrr',1 ,te,'C lil'"il' "lnn',1 IconCOld outh Hea ing..l ROI- (' ayne .yer La r I He mISS d onlIIartl 'lWj son Ind'i daughter of r. V1Ct: chanmen will be altcI'nat(::-;: , ""r I 01 Y q.gton- OOmheld, A IT IV. S. Conn, W TO presIdent Ll·ted below are 'the precinct H 'r'" I,Frll'cfa ' In Hu tin is ap Ab d t I Tentat,ve bUd9"1t as submit- dge STe-Northe n $,ner toast asters fco!" '910 -"93, M'" Conn COllli/l,itteemen elected, nam,- RIChaJ d h I Conc 1 d a onmen ted by Chairman John O. Rice fender od Mormngsl e-We leyanl I _ h taught lIn mu Ie department ed Us chairman, secol\d is vke I I , . '>lIff(,IN\l a b 11 t \"0 ld lt1 hIS eft I 51 Ld 0 t 24 for $7,265, ThiS compares splshl missed Allen- oneal M nday 19 t sevlCral 1 chairman and third the 00W1' Sld(' aboiut n 0111 Sat Ida 1.'.h(' a c_ 1 1th $6,750 askeli a year ago. ,oomfl ld- Hart10gt n I:..aurel- . I as th(1 'Al(lalh Conn nlil':1ber. The la::;:t two are precinct A tetnoon gun usel:i by hb hu ill!!:) comran. 'f'lrectors pOlntedl out two new lIerce, STC·Northe J k Beeson w . elected pleSI- ScholarshWs," the tmards t. IIoIWI ,dOIHI' CC'1 C' ollles aek In 200 el e recet\edI be fOI tlH' II! Ij\ WS Ilbrar j now hospItal 1,\\ h >[' 'hit U? C'l 1.'.('nt s rg- from ab-',nc to ex- IIFrlday, Oct 2 has been set lIn Hns week scant st Deadhnj? clul!J1 I j1and l need Anuerson marin, Arthur Pollard 'and GHuct"t t I 11 Gltll)1I 'I.\lll b held cry ;,[tCI on Ilis on amllle at the Rallwa)- 'om- fdir tl1(' one,.day rive throughout for newest cant st IS b 30 suoce Arnold Ree g : I Bai¢l'. . ". I QfJn Hreslden John (hhon 1$ '0 1 nliSSlOn 'filII be 4t the )-lle CIty Herb ollmorgen Will nt. day an beloll the r officers named were. Apphcatlonp fo* thl' u\\(l\(1s for Chapin: Lloyd Behmer, D )( (' ;;d1<jl g P j courtho i e Oct 24 to heal ap- s<j'l'Ve as cI1alIm¥n, Mrs John blanlt: I today s pap r or 01 thosh Je,rr y Eulberg, vice pre*ent Jmr's,tCl" W1U be taken Far,l'an, Ted, Nydahl, LOUie 'l";alJl he $600, o@strJpturel1l be PIlcatlO1 Will heaq f(>sldentlal avallp.b e at paltlc Peltlngl busl- pre Ident, AI dahJ, executIve Ifrqrn ""eek. and! Dale Brugger, na ed aftjer tJhe Or. U, S, No r{lins have on thiS c- ctnvass and Cia ence Kuhn the nesses l I VI president,· Lemoyne Cun- I I peer Creek: Kenneth Ed(!il" d f Name C airm J for tor of tl1e line rn Itwo years. he b siness dlstrlct rive Adon Jef- . I nl ham, seGr lary I George BOdel]' rallro d now serves towns est f1f'Y Is publlclty halrman' an DIl;:k Kern,ls rgeant at-arms. t 5 ' I ste<lit, E. C. Woods and Haqy Nc k M p' d tee Boy tOri S of Randolph by a M & 0 I'ne GO I Cl t C u cil speqk r was "'"as n tamp I 50* I aS wlll COml1lUnlt han an [01 \ n(' from rvvakefleld to Laurel and Ir C U 0 I PlIucger, spoke On -J _ arfield: Guy co tam cert If historIcal (iocu- dav da\\n-t -d sk ) SeOUl dll\d Rand1Ph to Blohmfleld hey New Cirrs Elect New Of cers Insurance Edenburn OW JJ(v liable I fIa sen, Jenkms, E,rnestl Eck- i tt [ "[ I 6 I II I also eht lines be· I I \\as sp hker HiS talk on f ,r i man Cl.nd Kennard Hall. milts and Ie s 0 ere . \\ an tween Randolph Laurel 1 e tf Gil d cout NQ" las a footbal wa:s htlrd "God I I aid H speJI L1 L"\V:; SelVlr (j Hancock: pale Herbcl"t \cflll , fclS I tJeptate ()lmal d{'1l 'Ihl'l d l1\(, s SChldll(f' out _eg'l.st red" (,r'C tl ymg Hlil LmCij>ln-he uplandgl C! btlrl ([ \\111 11del ,1 the IHm\Jus thloughout h( sIal Oct 2') Ilblld,2;CSI (wd consIQu3bk tll'kage a ell ry AlbeIt Watson gave thl;- £'xtem- brd stamp s n n 1 .. F'llc \\ Ilill II( rl,: Ul,ll onthh Chan 'I dP "", I on th(' W<l\llr'-H.dhctolph IIIl 1 M ' r,. D. AddiS n was nam- pm speee on our a all perml OJS III thl st,l e, MelVIn Meler.hem.v, ) SE'S lOll III dmjune lOll \\ lh the w m( I ,( Il K ed f[)r SI ent. Other offIcers are'. coIl ChIef c hc Herb I Game h co lmlSSlon ofhclals Htrold WIttler, Reuben PuIs MUl"- CPl mnlllt'S )lJ\C:'v1 ogram c al1d I.' Mrs!. K nneth Old, vice presl l - Bralndstetter I nouJ1ced \IS eek vi land Lloyd " \\ 11 open 'i\ I h. a I nchpon at the Muntl'r Pc d(1ln I h Uohn Lettrnan, Wmslde, Chev. dent; Mrs. FerriS Wagntrr, seo- op"ic dl¥c sSlon ofj parking ReqUired I by f law by unter. CarlO.. SQndell, C. h. Stulc"lIt UlllO 1 101 tt and fleers ) 't I Ho KInS out I retart , and Mrs arO'ld Macll1- In }'Vayne I Ithe HISS ture, the stamp C?j1'blt, J'ohn H. SIevers, Carl 11. Jodd aillcd" arct g sts· LeVI P. ThOimps n. Wayne, Chev.[ I, treasurer. I was t astmaster for the must be aja'h d to hunting per- 13lthel.aoo John H, Mohr.. ' FfOl mal op rj,ing the Wayne E " P I l.. - [Henry Lutt, W yne-, Ford A'ij dget was cst bhsh d Plans I InclUded mils i<lnd Ign by any h'.mter , MaLWee EmIl lod '(' 1 30 m at /llP y ellt ry 1ce _ I 0 I., 1m, IClifford Bethun , ¥"- 'l"'e.t at th hur ry the gt phell Bob §h 'er, Kal sas City, who Is hu or pheaa- T'lrnow, LI'itdWBrUdlgan, AU,'-liSl thc'\l,lsonlthll ul Outf ed \151 Ted Krel Car 011, Oldsmobile first I )r;tdayofcahmoth Ian hlspllot,RlryLanley.1 1 ants. I I KI,.lr.and Ills Stewart. \\JlJ be 111' at 1 f5 fo1- l afka ltinC'r t 1I1tPr\ w r - - L All moneJ,r c lected from thc B'Lrogam AlberLSundell, C., if,\ 1 ploee 'IOn to fm the NOll fak St t Emplo)- II j dl '1 e'"\\S ::itl\lC' I f\J. f bale of thejsta ps IS to abe spent 1\(1(11 J01mal offlcrWlllbC'\att('\waVnccoUlt-1 () ha Vcr on Wtttle 12- 4H Calf S Ie lay "h LurestorattnadPropa,..,aflOl10f Plum Creek· EdWin C,· lJo lld JlI (:j;1l (nl }4'111 IS li(' , the housC' on arp nate l'lda\ sd llJ1g I son of I and::vI1 L Carl _ I' I I l'IJheasants nd f!UClJI The bIll \\ IS I3¢ N's Ii be 1: G I, 10I111U1 1O the grand Octob r N Ope£' bN, WltUe [I0skms'Lwas Its ted s Im- Isponsdred nd lendOl'>;C'd by w"i7liS m' stc1' to Il\llhqtstone 230 It wa an'l ujlccd II \\('ek p1 OVI at S Me onal II 'f diS A Jorgamzed ""lid Ie clubs tluoug 'Sherman: H. A. ·Rudebusch, M '" ,,,,I I, p! '"lil'd ,b\ the h'''pll 1 Omaha th" "ee ,arter or I el er 'out I Lloyd Morris, ,Herbert Hilken";" W \ Ilf' SId t (Uld r nd la scx- I I I helng tll( kcn \\, It I h 1'0100 1",1 rue, f na Lloyd Dunklau and John Rcps. te Rand., ,,<11 I'" Ihe Olatlon No Olkt" A et to oJ", j I 'Stcahan: Floyd Andrews, RIll''' I H Ihas been taken fro the I Council IM I -or Touring I Herman Frese, I I W ne ulty hosp tfll ISlolatldn ward H ap- 4 tq I ,', ry , Dorc('y and Oscar Mann. III I S 111,on N" 'Jlk pace !'y has nJ paralySIS , 0 5 I Wa ne Youth C AlderlLon ets n ne Plant,$ WilbU", ,RaY Finn, Harry Sam, Statf' hosllt-i rncmh(l as\ Th 1.'.af taken to Nol'- I- , I Mayor Gjen udC'rshC'ldt COUll- \Jelson, LcD Hansen, qllmor!J bco n addl' 0 11,' \\, I (' lIeu ty fol)( ">'0",<1 I"r' Tu",day "'t h ' Sh W j'Calves I To niversity Broke i clime" BCI:narH 0 Meyer atd F."ct and Morn, Sandahl. nn al pal t tlplC' liC! IS It \\ e S n and I lt ll I llo;lwd to Omahd \\ It a I n I Bahe, Cltyl H. D. I 1l0Ulltlll b* P (tOCHt JOll1 D ISt<-!tl' )dl1n[ Dodo s s 1d '? J Hllll.. lR,;';pC'clal r-:e':; C B·k' C Ih son, N. H.' Lesli Eilts, Hlc!' toda List V('dt11 seLl' III hid llUnJal At Ak a r Be Ll ('oln·- Two Vayn('l youths or· I ras I Walter and Jim N 5 "" ,. I lIt' \\ill cit 11° H;I'S 111 du ' a [1:YJll Pf>]lD I l - - N. ¥'CIC among 222 U iverS/'t y . of N('- Clilford AId rson sUffered 81 Thorburn Il'ft, i Saturdil) ,IOj' a arne ecr'Vtarses , Ilon<ll \ell logv, I VC11l01l I,., d l=Jt Ild('lIt III lstl Jet A1 HCI C'ford st r bl as a students 11' mC'd IllS w('ek broken left le'-" Tuesday U1 acarl seven-day tour WlllCh \\ III Ill( lude t B M J P 10 chj(' lopela I a1 thc I " \00, I I ' ov.ncd' by Karctn WIllers Wa)n bike Trnth streo stops at nldllulattUllng t OW Ing eet I 'I: ,. I blought the at the allnu I 01' D nald A. L('nt . \\ ill ap- squth of WS'irC campus plants 10 r-fC'w ¥Ol k, PennSi,y1\ H.01a I Sccl"tctanes fOl men's and unccd tl \\C'l' by TI :fliC SyP- E' eet 'Iff ers I Resigns Post ' ,;r pC'ar at foothall nf! lbaskcQ1all He was rlOln hiS blct,cle h-ome 1 and OhIO 1 . en s kagucs In the new clIV t 1 I Andro F re u " .... gam s and ROTC dre$s parade. for lunch whe he collIded With I J '1°\\ hng ass'JclallOn ded( d I' I - W': n nig ,As STC ! barn. Nam'd w('re Jim arsll and Kcn- a car driven bit Harlen Heyden, I Busl·nes Note", ['I(a,n,a1Clletlng Tuesday mght at thc' Thl <'ha l/i:''' effective ,I' I I Ja 11'" Tl>(,jf'!, VI t\'ran s tarm The calf purchased b 1 J1l'lh T('mpcro. oth l(lay trom- Jamison. I r Id' pdncy"dd 1\1ls INI'101e PI' tlans- '- ('crs,' \, .al WSTC,', bu. n'- G.ene's f,?r $29.50. hOllt', I (1lllOld I'! "Oil 01 Mr anl(i Persons ;ntending to have. lIed 10 \ H\lh(' y,cf'nU H/t; dur h 1 "igntd 10 a posltl n nth, hIgh prloe -of $28 was paId b 'll' :\11" Dllbct't Hlj? ! I Ileams in are to 'nt ehll f r She has beqn Plll1ClPEd, F rC'd s, a f 'tio compa y al Ilu 'selkille" for puane, Lutt's 990( U;l.kpn to hJJsPltal New Fdrd$lo °° Do';! Emery at 52 I or Ith t11 It com ny elgnt J' I Arl{ 'Tlwy pIa 1 to I{'a\"(' WlaVlw, pound Angus., 4 A'tten EA tJ1Cl1 Il'tulfwd to hljs The' shlowmg of tlw Maben at 299:W Imrn cd - CcU'S Sh' lln op ratOi and thc ClllOI· ( \\-llll1" a f('rtll s UCq':SSOI A total of l: calves were ome I d,H Fill b F iay lately , [lIce aSSl !Flnt (t FICll nt bcfO! e f ,II ('0; "1 11m lltl1l1 ,-;PI IO! not Vl t bli'Al1 llL\ll1l d for .'Fl1 731 26 Average selh g: E nt Sat retfay' I Chic[ of ",like E)-Ion nl- at ,) 1 I owling is scheduled to O\1I1g" I Wa\lq t lCClS cUl', llofllei, I !JIICC wds$231 ,$230ovCl the Id \C'stJgatcd thclflecldcllt, I of(rol"/:i nct safpjy fCD-tul'C's [or t1art Od Al Buhe annOlllwc'cL 0' [11(\( I('pl (''<; MIS PICO;ld(llt tind [( nnl Bdl I Cl- 11of thc packer pl'psent l A out 400 p 1soml att(,lldul 'd t I' I '102 lbo' M d i dXl11C I (Ii.ll::h I'" ho r lUl Sll d <I IC'tan -II 'aJuI cI f B TH I Cah es ¥.erc judged dunng I acci ('n (ro ant LI 11l:W... Jadlfis Wl w. 011 ays 1 ',,\( 111 Ilell'( "Ild IS nO\lllg 10 Stude t coun II mcmbe sae ,. aftcrnoon by Cumlng ope house and n ,pro- f I horsepo\vqr l'ngllH:. fVl'dneSdays. A mixed league lS C d Jerry G'n" and C rfr yn A W J T gta Saturday as 11he d\ne Wayne H"I h Band 0 I ----- -- E' cheduled jFdda y !lights. . -Ioslillls 11('le Iwr I sb,Ul IS I gC'nt Joe a son 1m routm n Cou ty Rural P bliC PowC't dls- G C sUI I 11ntr' dent. Likes, alJnell rev rt I and T J Hu hC's cned the sar1e tnc marked th(' l1.'.e\'1tlC'th anlll- 11 angst r ar. 0 0 , and D nnlS Ke n, sopho 0 %, I A 26 1\lJ dnd Ml ,UdllC evc nt \\ af; SPOltsOl ed by vel I y of I ural IcctrliJ IcatiOl1 Grand Is,afd Ev,nt I TIl(' Pf'tSOl1a l cal' 01 Jl111]1 Dil11l1 p I b SI d :t and Ju y Tlet's and on ld \, SIOUX a dU Ilt!.'l, ExtClnm and Chambcrlo[ uest speaker t the city aud,. Wayl1l' 1I1g1 s band \\11 pat 1- W'r: .gangfand 0,[ ,ll,le pl"O- 4-H Bar ecue. ate Blecke, frrshme Senlor re re- l 01 CC'r! Y\OIlI (Mts 14 Camm rce ag ICUltUJc commIttee, to um Saturda was Slen. t IpalC' III 1III (land Island lalv st hlbltlon'C (1. ;\'tlJ h' on dlsnlay at I Oct. 4 at Fairgrounds sentatl y t Ito be a ed llll' 101 tll( I h thlelll La II 11 C' ('oun y Will ha\(' 14 R H k y i'I, who t1tS- lllJ Hal morn C ct 22 DIrect r Waynl' n xl l"htlrsday, Jt, \\ as an- I , ";s oqllctCls all S pt IJ dlHI 1\lIs lCpres 111 the annual k- 0 adn rulS a, m:+a'REA He GrC('Il thl.sl weEjk . Ie 110l1OC('rlf11S \\:('t'k by Jay-I Waynr- county:s anI11l,1[ JUlllOI t:; !I.... m bu P CSI- 1','( 1I \VIIlOilHd, a SOil, 8 I P ozs j Sal-B n hh'st ck show at Om ha uyn Let le Marptz, hnnd \vlll 1ak' plU·t ;11 a g rcps. 1111 "a 1931 V- Hi harlwc:uf' will lle ,hdd itt I I: ' I dent, L V nm I-,ytl \lC P eSI-\ 1 Sept 3-0ct It was announ C'd H skinS, local d re-et r Kenneth IPi:li"<HIl' 111, 5S bi-1nc1 ('adlllm:, 1-14 pounds I fall·grounds. Oct. 4, It was I ayn Wedn I day am) dent, :rv al' o;t 1(' al\ S pt and MIS E \\at thIS 1.'.rck by ICounty Agcnt Iiar- 01 s acted as ast r of 11w aft(>r:lOon l1 tl,WY wIll ',W tch '2U IS ('quIp ,: d wltll a,l antI· ,nounc('d thiS \\cek L011l11" COrn I j $1.43 and Col ('(I WI I It tl PelS 1e Ie ple, s,?n, a sar, [: Ius old I aIls m nles. of tlw st':lt;{"sljJ(>st marchm ba cts {lurSllll mechumsm.s. DlllJ gel' and IAf!;l'n1 Harold Ingalls. A bal.,\' Oat j _66 Sopho 1(0; lJ1 ;\IcGln 1 P ('SI- (I ozs, ak 'J llld hosp ta You hs v.hq WIll f'Xhlblt I vc- I 'd cornprll'. 'fh(" tl"lP i:-, bpm sp, n- his mob, rf'portnl .sing the h('('f rRls('d by Larry Johnsc.)l1, I C Sm lb I .56 dent, J d) B('(j \ ICC' P CSI ent I ('pt 14 1'. I and Ml "tock rc Patll an"- WaltC'l B rs Alfr('d ... Ollll; P <'e ! ,ar i-ion'ct! hy Ran Raoslcil s. ('ar 111 39 holrtups and 13 murders. I, Way Ill', will Ilf' 'l9t'd, Hr:r p"l lovt r 5 Ib ) 17 and E! f Be mall sc re aJ\_!lVlU 11(."'1, LlTll,' son a da gl tm, $ man Isner tGlenn Houdcrsh Idt, org n concert an Lelf Ro ,> ---- -- --- lor (l.ln er 5 Ib ) 15 tl easure' lbs, 4 1 akc llc ld Roy utd Ja k LangemelC'l, ('0- led SlIlgl DI Vv SI;> lib (ve 5 s) .20 FI ( >;hhl' n III l< I I ln1!l1( I 111 (Sl- I <;\])1 11 dnd Ml jl\lch 11/1 lllS L9-\onnc nd LoUiS Llltt, fOb I lng am dlld L)- Ie Illb (und:r5 bs) .18 den I \\Cl Plfo;l(l'llt lId n]('III SIO'LlX Lily 1 on Bob og('l and K renled n clectrlcal r 101 Jdllll'(' Ie ht 0;' lrt:ll\ ,lldI;ctl\ lbs 0 0/.0; ,uul illcllq Wilklo; Wd}llC', 1\hrIIllTopp, 11- 'lOUIS 01 the E_99S" ur 30 Ie I tllL llll beth) s IgLand I Ih.elnllt r l1ozs'l '. , I, I usa I 1\lls !lollc 1 t WAYNE HERALD WANT ADS b

Pile - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960...(j Hancock: pale Kru~gcr,Herbcl"t \cflll,fclS I tJeptate ()lmal d{'1l 'Ihl'ldl1\(,

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I sCi'c nve~ iQn!ere! dn_sday

IJ~j~day ,and Wln.de I Y hie RJral ' Teach r~ 'Meet ~C"'air~an-Tle 38 'ho~e extins,on :"o"!en 00 ut ~, Op Sdhe1uled erU Friday N9' d • ' 1:3

t"eC€J~Vlng the mfonn tion wIll rove- tb II C Iw ,t~ ~ me In" ,the lesson to their r spectlve clubs e aId's Foo ' ntest ',I,"Y e CO~a Ilral tcaehqrs 'dUqrg Octobdr and INovembcr. ~IIF~/j~~at~ h ~l1tafJ~s('~natso~~~1 pi . t ' '

~• Thr~e Igh sehool yo ths walked~ I se~urlt!;, and n w !eglS'OlS ~nd I'lI=llclnc S

of Wlth 0!l honors I The Her- 0°1 'I Pile six-we~l{ repor s tw mcetmgl JS r-' ' .riB" d ~ I a d's fIrs ~ootball c ntest last I ea ers ...nlng schedu~edlm th VIS lal Hlds ro~m c~~rm~n of Wa~ne cout:lty;s B'J'o'0 nty Of!' a es ••k Th y will divide the $10 In 'p W k'E hObOt IRobert Rule, Co umbus, Pia 'e ASC reelneteo!,llUltl~esW111mect'N $jnn 000 Ttl C sl/l. priz 5 offered we kly to the rag e~s ee x I I ~untYI supermt nde twill t'xpl In at th local ASC oHlce Wednes~,I IE!I:ar -'I' 0 8 r$ons c rrectly select ng wmnel9 Rep sentatlvcs f the Wayne t e n~ws repo ts ~d r('glst~ls day" orning. to '(la~e t~e~ new

Wayne cot1nty ~ll~S of U S ~1 foo ball games ) 1011 10 stry met a Hotel MOITI- ST~ D~an IIton J Hassel Wlll c,?Utlt" eomnllttec which WIl takcsav~ngs ntl,s h~ve reached 62 IFirst_ rize ~ $S we t to Ljlrry Ison la t Wednesqa to fmahze dl eus t e so 181 secUilty pw- OltIde ,,?ct. 1. '. .per~ent at tHe 195. quota, It was I ttomse Wayne Se ond went plans Oli observan C' of 011 Pro- g am 'for teae t.'rs~ Mrs B(>tty Ghlcllrman CarlO, Sundell'sald

, "~ I ~Plctur by Wayne hoto /:lnt1puncp4 fFhs wee by Henry E I Norm 'nl P'OSPistUI a d thll'l'd to gIE'~S eek" Oct ~15: accordmg Ream, W~yne ',lIlt· utlmc the Jun- 'W~d~esday meeting will iOp~na , arr R:hq youths, ~nd 6, res ectlvely, re Le~, COWl~y chalrm n terry 1M ~inn. They IIlreqelve to Bo Mer~hat1t, c emman of the lO!r R~d poss IpnP lam for flual at ~r30 a., ro. The ,grpup WillMr. nd ~rs. pictured ~bove Wi~ their fl at ~Ugust sa~cs to llcd $36,255, 113 and 2,1 respective I . I local op JIldustrl mformation sqhool' I I i Oh1~, a QQlunty chairman, ,vice

__nj' fn a urging _ hlldren to I~!~~__ brl glng fhf' total ounty sales to Thoms nand B' Ishil bMh comm ttee .. I • ~~ttl~~~:; ~hird member ~nd two~48 5687 fbI' th~YCa;r $sed fl e gamest.Jbu Thomsen s Gu st speaker ~ s W. C. Sid .1. I 1_ °

, • I' G ,I ~ercent ges for other counties ~1'l1t to al estimate f 54d ¥.as ner, ne of more than 100 011 Music rds cnyent county committee mem~, , ~' ~ t L Iwelrl' as follows PI ICC', 66, Cedar, losest t ~he actual t tal or 628 comp Ay repres~n atlves loaned ± bers .~e Sundell and Lut~er l?urd,

a 01

'1 I ,I ran e I 0I a 61, D<Xol] 5~, Cu mg, 51, Stan- dGmn as tied With 'hree other by f e" f"m5 10 ass..t IDea' An'" U c d L y wak~ leld, and lclarry Homemann,I I' t l1I t:::1 d Thu son 45 ntrants ""1lth SIX err rs but hiS com I'tjtees. ,. g Wll)Sllie. The latter repla~(;d Rob~

o ,;) 3n I ~r ,. otn~ tot I of 620 was most ncar~I W ~ Oil dCrC fs WIll offer tr II T d crt ;r.~ones, Carroll, ~e.centl~ when

II I. Y C~Tre t. I I spea r anrt fll on petroleum ~O ge I I oy J~nes accePte~ a pOSItion WIth tJIC

C IIII' I L·b I • Other tied for thn d wer'p Joel for s Is, farm omen's church Tw~ adItio al t ll-tUltlOU sc1~ol- s ~e. S~ Of:l~ f 1:1 2000 l'

i 9" I I t (Lest D.r ctors !lIblet, J1:'. Ray Nor on aJ¥! BIll and IV c groups, erchant saId a~shi s 'for LL9~ students at· nlya

OU 0 Ie, e 19--

O ' e 11


1' I ra -I'fj rn~rs on ,~., OrrISO Eight other oont~stantsl Thoi' I 0 plan spc laJ advertISmg, WST *rc nno ne;d tOdavl by ~~~k voters, e:5\ ~allots~n ~~1III I'! lJ.creaIPe udget ad only seven errors exhl ts and speCIa events I}uss I FJ: An crs n head of thc saitljS I-?~ecmc .e e'~tIOns, l!n (',

~I III Iii' Both Thomsen a P~PIShlll 91\lSI~m Of f1O~ air: nat'1i d i~~<~ac~O=in~~mC~ai~~~~'~

___ --+_ 1~ Ii I L~ _ iii budget increas'" of about $500 icked h~ Hawau u set f Ne-' The Ischol rshi s ha~e bin of t ese groups are delega,~::> to I

R ' n I~I: , d' I ~ ~ I~ d t d T d b W raska omsen also hose leI Cel B"'" E'I ma4e a1rallab e b IArdath Co n, tl-).e OUI1~y convention Wednesdrr',1,te,'C lil'"il' "lnn',1 IconCOld outh Hea ing..l ROI- ~J~r::-u~it (' Ch~S~Sr~l~ect~rs ayne .yer La r I He mISS d onlIIartl 'lWj son IMu~cle, Ind'i daughter of r. V1Ct: chanmen will be altcI'nat(::-;:, ""r ~ I 01 Y q.gton- OOmheld, IOSld~-Cole A IT IV. S. Conn, W TO presIdent Ll·ted below are 'the precinct

H 'r'" I,Frll'cfa ' In Hu tin is ap Ab d t I Tentat,ve bUd9"1t as submit- dge STe-Northe n $,ner toast asters fco!" '910 -"93, M'" Conn COllli/l,itteemen elected, ~'irst nam,-~ RIChaJd ~ll h I Conc 1 d a onmen ted by Chairman John O. Rice fender od Mormngsl e-We leyanl I _ h taught lIn th~ mu Ie department ed Us chairman, secol\d is vke

II , . '>lIff(,IN\l a b 11 t \"0 ld lt1 hIS eft I 51 Ld 0 t 24 c~lIs for $7,265, ThiS compares splshl missed Allen- oneal M nday 19 t sevlCral year~. 1 chairman and third ~s the 00W1'

~Sld(' aboiut n 0111 Sat Ida 1.'.h(' a at~ c _ 11th $6,750 askeli a year ago. ,oomfl ld- Hart10gt n I:..aurel- . I Klno~ as th(1 'Al(lalh Conn nlil':1ber. The la::;:t two are precinct

A tetnoon gun usel:i by hb hu ill!!:) comran. 'f'lrectors pOlntedl out two new lIerce, STC·Northe nandlDana~ J k Beeson w . elected pleSI- ~USIC ScholarshWs," the tmards alt~~nates.

t. IIoIWI ,dOIHI' II~ 11~ CC'1 C' ollles )O~o~~S~h~:: dtat~~~' ~~Ia~~nt aek ha?:fI~;l~J~dOft~h~b~n:o~[:~ r~~~ :1~n~::r':~~~Pai9~~olUded In M~~; 200 e~trtes el e recet\edI J~~11~~~r~e~0 :~;~t~~~~~; ~~~~sbe~~~el~L~~rlt1urte~~~OI~l;Ii~:~e ha~/n~;l~t~~~~~:l.,K~~~~~~e'l~e~~~:,fOI tlH' II! Ij\ WS rc~ Ilbrar j now hospItal 1,\\ h >[' 'hit U? C'l 1.'.('nt s rg- from ab-',nc to R~ndolph ex- IIFrlday, Oct 2 has been set lIn Hns week scant st Deadhnj? clul!J1 ro~ms I !m~lelaflshlp j1and l need Anuerson marin, Arthur Pollard 'and GHuct"t

t I 11 Gltll)1I 'I.\lll b held cry SatLlId~ ;,[tCI on Ilis on amllle at the St~tl' Rallwa)- 'om- fdir tl1(' one,.day rive throughout for ~he newest cant st IS b 30 ~r ~ e~c,," suoce ~ Arnold Reeg : ~al~ I Bai¢l'. . ". I

~l:~l ~\ l,~;JIJ QfJn Hreslden John (hhon 1$ '0 d~' 1 nliSSlOn 'filII be 4t the )-lle t~e CIty Herb ollmorgen Will nt. T~e day E~trles an beloll the Ot~ r officers named were. Apphcatlonp fo* thl' u\\(l\(1s for Chapin: Lloyd Behmer, 'G('or~l'D )( (' ;;d1<jl OC~d\ g P j courtho ie Oct 24 to heal ap- s<j'l'Ve as cI1alIm¥n, Mrs John blanlt: I today s pap r or 01 thosh Je,rr y Eulberg, ~ucatlonal vice Ith~ pre*ent Jmr's,tCl" W1U be taken Far,l'an, Ted, Nydahl, LOUie 'l";alJl

he $600, o@strJpturel1l be ~. PIlcatlO1 E~nung- Will heaq ~he f(>sldentlal avallp.b e at paltlc Peltlngl busl- pre Ident, AI ~a dahJ, executIve Ifrqrn s~udent ne~t ""eek. and! Dale Brugger,na ed aftjer tJhe l~~e Or. U, S, No r{lins have ~un on thiS c- ctnvass and Cia ence Kuhn the nesses l I VI president,· Lemoyne Cun- I I peer Creek: Kenneth Ed(!il"

d f Name C airm J for tor of tl1e line rn Itwo years. he b siness dlstrlct rive Adon Jef- . • I nl ham, seGr lary -t~easurer, I ~ ~tihley: l-~ansen, George BOdel]'~; ~19~~S C~r~rr~Si .;~t ~~';, o~ rallro d now serves towns est f1f'Y Is publlclty halrman' an DIl;:k Kern,ls rgeant at-arms. ~h t5 ' I ste<lit, E. C. Woods and Haqy Nc ~

k M p' ~ d tee Boy SC:l~t tOri S of Randolph by a M & 0 I'ne GO I Cl t C u cil l1lnm~ speqk r Mon~ay was "'"as n tamp I 50*~~II rl~SY ~he ~b~~~#~'~~e. I aSwlll COml1lUnlt han an [01 \ n(' from rvvakefleld to Laurel and Ir C U 0 I WC~ PlIucger, w~ spoke On mort~ -J _ arfield: Guy A~ders~m, G~rlfl('Yco tam cert If historIcal (iocu- dav da\\n-t -d sk ~ ) SeOUl dll\d Rand1Ph to Blohmfleld hey New Cirrs Elect New Of cers ga!?~ Insurance ~ohn Edenburn OW JJ(v liable I fIa sen, ~y Jenkms, E,rnestl Eck-

itt [ "[ I 6 I II I also eht Burlln~t~n lines be· I ~ ~ I \\as t~othet sp hker HiS talk on f ,r i man Cl.nd Kennard Hall.

milts and I e s 0 ~n ere . v.~~ekU}~lS \ \ ~~~~t an ~h::ln(a~~d ll~~ tween Randolph ~nd Laurel 1~?-~ e tf Gil ~ d cout hC;-tOI~~q~ NQ" las a footbal wa:s htlrd "God I I aid H speJI L1 L"\V:; SelVlr (j Hancock: pale Kru~gcr, Herbcl"t\cflll,fclS I tJeptate ()lmal d{'1l 'Ihl'l dl1\(, s SChldll(f' Aflotlt\\()\C~ls,\gOtoo out _eg'l.st red" (,r'C tl °tIC:~SI~l ymg Hlil sLastAnthcrSe~son" LmCij>ln-he uplandgl C! Ja§'~(>r,DavldLueker,Petel'Jcn-

btlrl ([ \\111 11del ,1 the IHm\Jus thloughout h( sIal Oct 2') Ilblld,2;CSI (wd consIQu3bk tll'kage me~Jn a ell ry AlbeIt Watson gave thl;- £'xtem- brd stamp s n n ~al('~f('I 1 serll!l1~ ~UgO Fis~her..F'llc \\ Ilill II( rl,: Ul,ll onthh Chan 'I d P "", I on th(' W<l\llr'-H.dhctolph IIIl 1 M ' r,. D. AddiS n was nam- pm ne~us speee on Vls~tJn~ our a all perml OJS III thl st,l e, ~os,klns: MelVIn Meler.hem.v,

) SE'S lOll III dmjune lOll \\ lh the w m( I~ na,~~c I ,( Il K I~; ed f[)r SI ent. Other offIcers are'. coIl ge~ ChIef c hc w¥ Herb I ~tate Gameh co lmlSSlon ofhclals Htrold WIttler, Reuben PuIs MUl"-

CPl mnlllt'S )lJ\C:'v1 ~onw ogram LI~~~l~7;.~I;~CI A'll~ll~fl cal1d (£ n~1I.' Mrs!. K nneth Old, vice presll- KOl~mO~gen o~al Bralndstetter I nouJ1ced \IS eek vi SChr~eder land Lloyd A~'e. "\\ 11 open 'i\ I h. a I nchpon at the Muntl'r Pc d(1ln I I~. ~ h Uohn Lettrnan, Wmslde, Chev. dent; Mrs. FerriS Wagntrr, seo- led.l~'; op"ic dl¥c sSlon ofj parking ReqUired I by f law passe~ by unter. CarlO.. SQndell, C. h.Stulc"lIt UlllO 1 101 tt and fleers ) 't I Ho KInS out I retart , and Mrs arO'ld Macll1- In }'Vayne I Ithe HISS Le~l ture, the stamp C?j1'blt, J'ohn H. SIevers, Carl 11.Jodd aillcd" arct g sts· LeVI P. ThOimps n. Wayne, Chev.[ jew~ I, treasurer. I ~ulb¢rg' was t astmaster for the must be aja'h d to hunting per- 13lthel.aoo John H, Mohr.. '

FfOl mal op rj,ing the Wayne E ~ " P I l.. v·~ - [Henry Lutt, W yne-, Ford A'ij dget was cst bhsh d Plans ev~mngl" Gue~ I InclUded P~oto- mils i<lnd Ign by any h'.mter , ~eslle: MaLWee '~enntg, EmIllod '(' ""'~" ~cd ~ 1 30 m at /llP y ellt ~ ry1ce _ I 0 ~ I., 1m, IClifford Bethun , Laur'lr<M~rc'l ¥"- 'l"'e.t at th hur ry the gt phell Bob §h 'er, Kal sas City, who Is hu t,~quaol or pheaa- T'lrnow, LI'itdWBrUdlgan, AU,'-liSlthc'\l,lsonlthll rcee'PonlorS~he ul Outf ed \151 pro~·lng Ted Krel Car 011, Oldsmobile first I )r;tdayofcahmoth Ian hlspllot,RlryLanley.1 1 ants. I I KI,.lr.and Ills Stewart.01lll'l~ \\JlJ be 111' at 1 f5 fo1- l afka ltinC'r t 1I1tPr\ w r ~' - - L All moneJ,r c lected from thc B'Lrogam AlberLSundell, C., ~~,if,\ ll(tbll~\:\ 1 flil~l~~ ploee 'IOn to fm the NOllfak St t Emplo)- c~t II j dl '1 ~I"(ll: e'"\\S ::itl\lC' I f\J. f bale of thejsta ps IS to abe spent Rtn;'a;:~~~n~~:e~h~u:f~.l~1JJjJ

1\(1(11 R<~I~dRll J01mal offlcrWlllbC'\att('\waVnccoUlt-1 () ha Vcr on Wtttle 12- 4 H Calf S Ie lay "h LurestorattnadPropa,..,aflOl10f Plum Creek· EdWin C,·lJo lld JlI (:j;1l (nl }4'111 IS li(' , the housC' on arp nate l'lda\ s d llJ1g I:Yeal-~"CI son of ~ I and::vI1 L Carl _ I' I I l'IJheasants nd f!UClJI The bIll \\ IS I3¢ N's Ii be 1: G a,,"U.\~ I ,

10I111U1 ltl'd,l~lOll 1O the grand Octob r N v~mbe ~'d Ope£' bN, WltUe [I0skms'Lwas Its ted s Im- Isponsdred nd lendOl'>;C'd by I!~: w"i7liS ~;~ an~ cliffor~c~~~:~r~J,m' stc1' to Il\llhqtstone ~t 230 It wa an'l ujlccd II i~ \\('ek p1 OVI ~~I at Chtl~renS Me onal II 'f diS A Jorgamzed ""lid Ie clubs tluoug 'Sherman: H. A. ·Rudebusch,M'" ,,,,I I, p! '"lil'd ,b\ the • h'''pll 1Omaha th" "ee ,arter '~tel or I eler 'out th~ sta~" I Lloyd Morris, ,Herbert Hilken";"W \ Ilf' SId t (Uld

rnd la I('~' scx- ~ I I I helng tll( kcn \\, ItI h 1'0100 1",1 rue, f n~a ~. Lloyd Dunklau and John Rcps.

te Rand., ,,<11 I'" Ihe Olatlon No Olkt" A et to oJ", j I 'Stcahan:Floyd Andrews, RIll'''I H Ihas been taken fro the I ~ Council IM I -or Touring IB~ckC'nhauer. Herman Frese, l'~eJI:-;I • I W ne f~te ulty hosp tfll ISlolatldn ward H ap- 4 ~th tq ~ I ,', ry , Dorc('y and Oscar Mann.

III IJO"~)I~ S 111,on N" 'Jlk pace !'y has nJ paralySIS , 0 5 IWa ne Youth C AlderlLon ets Eastern,~,n ne Plant,$ WilbU", ,RaY Finn, Harry Sam,Statf' hosllt-i stc~ rncmh(l as\ Th ~'outh 1.'.af taken to Nol'- I- , I Mayor Gjen udC'rshC'ldt COUll- \Jelson, LcD Hansen, qllmor!J ~ah::ibco n addl' 0 11,' \\, I (' lIeu ty fol)( ">'0",<1 I"r' Tu",day "'th' Sh W j'Calves I To niversity Broke ~eg i clime" BCI:narH 0Meyer atd F."ct and Morn, Sandahl. •nn al pal t tlplC' liC! IS It \\ e S n and I lt ll I llo;lwd to Omahd \\ It a I n I Bahe, Cltyl At~~r)1l'Y H. D. Addl~ I •1l0Ulltlll b* P (tOCHt JOll1 D ISt<-!tl' )dl1n[ C'~COlt Dodo s s 1d '? J Hllll.. lR,;';pC'clal r-:e':; til'rvlC'~, C B·k' C I h son, N. H.' Brltj~ger, Lesli Eilts,Hlc!' toda List V('dt11 seLl' III hid llUnJal At Ak a r Be Ll ('oln·- Two Vayn('l youths or· I ras I Walter Brds.<;h~I1 and Em':ln&~l· Jim N 5 "" ,.


lIt' \\ill c~ cit 11° H;I'S 111 du ' a [1:YJll Pf>]lD • I l - - N. ¥'CIC among 222 U iverS/'t y. of N('- Clilford AId rson sUffered 81 Thorburn Il'ft, i Saturdil) ,IOj' a arne ecr'Vtarses, Ilon<ll \ell logv, I VC11l01l I,., d l=Jt Ild('lIt III lstl Jet A 1 005~poun HCI C'ford st r bl as a students 11' mC'd IllS w('ek broken left le'-" Tuesday U1 acarl seven-day tour WlllCh \\ III Ill( lude t B I· M

J P ~mot('(1 10 chj(' lopela I a1 thc ~. I " \00, I I ' ov.ncd' by Karctn WIllers Wa)n ~ast ('nn~~~~~ ~~a.~c:\~g ~)~I~dctJc~~ bike acclden~ [;1~East Trnth streo stops at grlH'~({tOl nldllulattUllng t OW Ing eetllO~~f'c~~ :~~~](~\I~l~ I ~a;e~~~ ~/..J.. 'I:,. Iblought the top~pncc at the allnu I 01' D nald A. L('nt . Th~~y \\ ill ap- squth of WS'irC campus plants 10 r-fC'w ¥Ol k, PennSi,y1\ H.01a I Sccl"tctanes fOl men's and wo~

~ unccd tl \\C'l' by TI :fliC SyP- E' eet 'Iff ers ITee~r Resigns Post ' fU~;~~\Jc~~~~it ,;r ~~YYI1~ec~~~i~ pC'ar at foothall nf! lbaskcQ1all He was rlOln hiS blct,cle h-ome 1 and OhIO 1 . en s kagucs In the new clIVt 1 I Andro ~on F re ~ ~ u " .... gam s and ROTC dre$s parade. for lunch whe he collIded With I J '1°\\ hng ass'JclallOn wel(~ ded( d

~1:~lt!en(en I' I - W': n nig ,As STC In~tructor ! barn. Nam'd w('re Jim arsll and Kcn- a car driven bit Harlen Heyden, I Busl·nes Note", ['I(a,n,a1Clletlng Tuesday mght at thc'• Thl <'ha l/i:''' ~came effective ,I' I I Ja 11'" Tl>(,jf'!, VI t\'ran s tarm The calf ~as purchased b1 J1l'lh T('mpcro. oth l(lay trom- Jamison. I r Id'

pdncy"dd 1\1ls INI'101e PI' tlans- '- ,1.as~ ~tr ('crs,' \, ,('ja~' ,1l~!1'\l('tor .al WSTC,', bu. n'- G.ene's ~afe f,?r $29.50. s~on, hOllt', l~ I (1lllOld I'! tll~l "Oil 01 Mr anl(i Persons ;ntending to have.lIed 10 \ H\lh(' y,cf'nU ~as a~slst- W,~.I~.C H/t; dur h 1 "igntd 10 aU{'(~tt a posltl n nth, hIgh prloe -of $28 was paId b 'll' :\11" Dllbct't f.\ldcl~orl Hlj? wa~ ! I Ileams in l~ag4es are urg~d to

'nt ehll f nl~C'11,11 r She has beqn Plll1ClPEd, F rC'd s, a f 'tio compa y al Ilu 'selkille" LarsQ~,~,8 for puane, Lutt's 990( ~ U;l.kpn to Bel1~llack hJJsPltal fQ~ New Fdrd$lo ° ° 'ph~ne Do';! Emery at 52 I orIth t11 It l('p)1()l~ com ny elgnt da~ ~J' I Arl{ 'Tlwy pIa 1 to I{'a\"(' WlaVlw, pound Angus., 4 A'tten EA ~rC'a1mcllt tJ1Cl1 Il'tulfwd to hljs The' fir~t shlowmg of tlw nl'\~ I~hlrley Maben at 299:W Imrncd-

CcU'S Sh' \\~\S lln op ratOi and ChHe~dll11 thc ClllOI· ( \\-llll1" a mGntl~ f('rtll s UCq':SSOI A total of l: calves were ~d ome ~ I ]~r6 d,H Fill b F iay lately, [lIce aSSl !Flnt (t FICll nt bcfO! e f ,II ('0; "1 11m lltl1l1 ,-;PI IO! Illd~ not Vl t bli'Al1 llL\ll1l d for .'Fl1 731 26 Average selh g: E nt Sat retfay' I Chic[ of Pol~(r' ",like E)-Ion nl- at ,)S(';l~r 1 Md~~~~ ~~rd l~Ol" r~~Pi6 I Lca~(' owling is scheduled to

O\1I1g" I Wa\lq t lCClS cUl', La~1 llofllei, I !JIICC wds$231 ,$230ovCl the Id \C'stJgatcd thclflecldcllt, I of(rol"/:i nct safpjy fCD-tul'C's [or t1art Od ~7, Al Buhe annOlllwc'cLMI~ 0' [11(\( I('pl (''<; MIS PICO;ld(llt tind [( nnl Bdl I Cl- 11of thc packer u~els pl'psent l A out 400 p 1soml att(,lldul 'd t I' I '102 lbo' M d idXl11C I (Ii.ll::h I'" ho r lUl Sll d <I IC'tan -II 'aJuI cI f B TH I Cah es ¥.erc judged dunng t~e • I acci ('n (ro l'c't~on ant LI 11l:W... • Jadlfis Wl w. 011 ays ~IH

1',,\( 111 Ilell'( "Ild IS nO\lllg 10 Stude t coun II mcmbe s a e ,. aftcrnoon by Cumlng COU~y ope house and n e~cnll1wg ,pro- ~ f I horsepo\vqr l'ngllH:. fVl'dneSdays. A mixed league lS

C d Jerry G'n" and C rfr yn A W J T gta Saturday as 11he d\ne Wayne H"I h Band 0 I ----- -- E' cheduled jFdday !lights. .-Ioslillls 11('le Iwr I sb,Ul IS I gC'nt Joe a son 1m routm n Cou ty Rural P bliC PowC't dls- G Cc~Wl91 sUI I 11ntr' dent. Likes, u~lors alJnell rev rt I ~ and T J Hu hC's cned the sar1e tnc marked th(' l1.'.e\'1tlC'th anlll- 11 angst r ar. 0 0 • ,

and D nnlS Ke n, sopho 0 %, I A 26 1\lJ dnd Ml ,UdllC ~he evc nt \\ af; SPOltsOl ed by ~he vel I y of I ural IcctrliJ IcatiOl1 Grand Is,afd Ev,nt ~ I TIl(' Pf'tSOl1a l cal' 01 Jl111]1 Dil11l1 p I b SI d:t and Ju y Tlet's r~ and on ld ~c \, SIOUX Clt~ a dU Ilt!.'l, ExtClnm 'Scl~ce and Chambcrlo[ uest speaker t the city aud,. Wayl1l' 1I1g1 s band \\11 pat 1- W'r: .gangfand ~(lllh[lll1 0,[ ,ll,le pl"O- 4-H Bar ecue. ateBlecke, frrshme Senlor re re- l 01 CC'r! Y\OIlI (Mts ~\\rJl 14 Camm rce ag ICUltUJc commIttee, to um Saturda n1g~t was Slen. t IpalC' III 1III (land Island lalv st hlbltlon'C (1. ;\'tlJ h' on dlsnlay at IOct. 4 at Fairgroundssentatl es~are y t Ito be a ed llll' 101 tll( I h thlelll La II 11 Wa~ C' ('oun y Will ha\(' 14 ~H R H k y i'I, who t1tS- lllJ Hal morn C ct 22 DIrect r E~rl Waynl' n xl l"htlrsday, Jt, \\ as an- I ,Oth(,I~1 ";s oqllctCls all S pt IJ M~ dlHI 1\lIs (lark~ lCpres ntatt\c~ 111 the annual k- 0 adn rulS a, m:+a'REA He GrC('Il ann~U¥l'd thl.sl weEjk . Ie 110l1OC('rlf11S \\:('t'k by '(,,\l;~vn(' Jay-I Waynr- county:s sc('o~~ anI11l,1[JUlllOI Ch,l~Jl t:; !I....m bu P CSI- 1','( 1 I \VIIlOilHd, a SOil, 8 I ~ P ozs j Sal-B n hh'st ck show at Om ha ~ selnt~~~~~:~ uyn Let le Marptz, hnnd \vlll 1ak' plU·t ;11 a rr~rml g rcps. 1111 \~"hl;'k. "a 1931 V- Hi 4-~I harlwc:uf' will lle ,hdd itt II: '

I dent, L V nm I-,ytl \lC P eSI-\ ~Ol ~OlK hosrl~l ~ 1Sept 3-0ct It was announ C'd H skinS, local d re-et r Kenneth IPi:li"<HIl' ~lllct 111, 5S bi-1nc1 con~('rt. ~n ('adlllm:, \\"('Igh~ ~), 1-14 pounds i.ln~ Ifall·grounds. Oct. 4, It was aJl,~(Pf'll~es I ayn Wedn I day am) dent, :rv al' Grllqlll~t o;t 1(' al\ S pt 1{~~~ and MIS E \\at thIS 1.'.rck by ICounty Agcnt Iiar- 01 s acted as ast r of cltre~ 11w aft(>r:lOon l1 tl,WY wIll ',W tch '2U IS ('quIp ,: d wltll S('~'c·X'a,l antI· ,nounc('d thiS \\cek b~ L011l11"

COrn I j $1.43 and Col ('(I WI I It tl PelS 1e Ie ple, t~.F~( s,?n, a sar, [: Ius old I aIls ~ m nles. of tlw st':lt;{"sljJ(>st marchm ba cts {lurSllll mechumsm.s. DlllJ gel' and IAf!;l'n1 Harold Ingalls. A bal.,\'Oat j _66 Sopho 1 (0; lJ1 ;\IcGln 1 P ('SI- (I ~ ozs, ak 'J llld hosp ta You hs v.hq WIll f'Xhlblt I vc- I 'd cornprll'. 'fh(" tl"lP i:-, bpm sp, n- his mob, !c'!'~ rf'portnl .sing the h('('f rRls('d by Larry Johnsc.)l1,

I C Sm lb I ~ .56 dent, J d) B('(j \ ICC' P CSI ent I ('pt 14 1'. I and Ml Iallal~ "tock rc Patll an"- WaltC'l B cr~ rs Alfr('d ... Ollll; P <'e ! ,ar i-ion'ct! hy Ran Raoslcil s. ('ar 111 39 holrtups and 13 murders. I, Way Ill', will Ilf' 'l9t'd,Hr:r p"l lovtr 5 Ib ) 17 and E! f Be mall sc re aJ\_!lVlU 11(."'1, LlTll,' son a da gl tm, $ man Isner tGlenn Houdcrsh Idt, org n concert an LelfRo ,> I,cS~1 ~--~- ---- -- ---H:~:' lor (l.ln er 5 Ib ) 15 tl easure' ~ lbs, 4 1 ~ OZ~ akc llc ld lO~pltal Roy utd Ja k LangemelC'l, ('0- led ~roup SlIlgl DI VvSI;> ~ lib (ve 5 s) .20 FI ( >;hhl' n III l< IIln1!l1( I 111 (Sl- I <;\])1 11 1\~1 dnd Ml jl\lch 11/1 lllS L9-\onnc nd LoUiS Llltt, fOb Ilng am dlld L)- Iesp~:ng Illb (und:r5 bs) .18 den I I~cl{fS(,\llltz \\Cl Plfo;l(l'llt lId n]('III SIO'LlX Lily 1 on 6IP('tc'l~ Bob og('l and K renled n clectrlcalCbcksgl~ r 101 Jdllll'(' Ie ht 0;' lrt:ll\ ,lldI;ctl\ lbs 0 0/.0; ~Il ,uul ~11" illcllq Wilklo; Wd}llC', 1\hrIIllTopp, 11- 'lOUIS 01 the

E_99S" ur 30 :vT('~\ Ie ~t11 I tJ:I':l~~~Slll tllL llll beth) s IgLand I ~~,~I11~31~1ii:~L:~S La;';'~~~ICle, laIldl~~~ ~n\\~;{'SI~~;I~Ih.elnllt rl1ozs'l '. ,I, I usa I

1\lls !lollc 1 t WAYNE HERALD WANT ADS~ II~" b




Wear iI-and yourJ! lind tnat suad~nly Rca Tapeis just "'hat evedone w<Juhllove to be tangled up inlA Max IFactor Color-fast lipstick-the onlynon-sm~ar typo lipstick with staY-aD lustre.

new ruby redwinding through the whole ofashion scene

in MAX Factor'sColor·f~st lipstick.


Results - - - Brings



Cash tor YOU!'

you~re sure tOI tie! him up


FOR SALE: 1950 Oliver'SUPf'r~nd 'No. 4 mounted pickrl". H

r:~ W~2~~~' -~hone Wakrlil

Too LateTo Classify






Phon!. 31


A dvertising In the Classified Section

The ABers of Selling In One Easy lesson

Try a Classified Ad Today- - -We Know

The ·Wayne Herald

vitamins and

John E. dawson, AA, 'on ofMrs, Grace Dawson, w~s re­leased la:s.' F .. riday fr.Om thf.' , hos­pital at No'rman, 'Ok:ta., wh te hehad beel1 since Aug. 26. 0 wsonhad spent two wee~s in the, ',htIS~pital, where 'he -undenvent -surg­ery. Davrson ente;retl the aertviceJune 1 and receiveid his I boottraining at Gre~t Lflkeok Heplans to remain at NQrm~n" forabout 11 weeks. His aiddress is:




$ee,us roday abQur Nutrena's Sen.I

$ati~nal Fifty-Grand ~e~ elfi~ie~CY

Gu~ranfee! .

Con1ains 1400 Calories per pound

met!llbolizable energy!

on l\Ir's OttoI1nornJng.

8 p.+.

'''f','' , "~r' 1""''''1',,' ;"ii·t', .. I- v",v - ., ••• I 'I'I

II, "'I

,(N~bJtl;lerQld, ·T

, The Ilew Fifty-Grand is a true hIgh.

elJici~mcyegg feed with high.ener• .,

and high.nutrition!

Anrll{()ufl1]~bmg lne\~ Ihrng!h..efficiency egg feedI i

,! with $en ational guarantee

~od,··c,e!,- ,.. 01 Serving Northeast Nebraska ,

I ~-H::::~~_i-_+_-#~"""__'!"""'!"":~:':+-__+---i'~ :f-__'::CA:,:ll~RO~L=L+~I\.--+-------..,......J------.....------r---;-.-----,I'I! i

"Heith'l: ho c uests \vc ,~e Mr. H---+~""';""-+-H+-""~d , . :C~ ~l f~ever.:. J\ r. qntt: ro()p:' ~i, 9~~i~Eid ~ I, tw·S• i Q.~ .;It 14. M " a. d Mrs.: Tri)Op 1 5 lt~eorgani.e t' ~t he'n' lIb r Helt, 01 tttld ,. at1l1~. Mr., -' ig:k '~C~fl :Mo:nday' ~ It. F. 't:d. nd ~. W· s fluege al d fnm., ,ickers. ~ sel#or- pa r 1 I lea, er'...."l""+H-+....i-fl---~-I~r-'~ d,i' Mr. , .~, iMrs. Ibe t Stuc- Jth "~Jl.,,, Borni1,Qft, ~ ~sist~nt.

:r ~ iU tami y. : I ante S ,am! is senl e.) I 'BIlly. I sue~IS i Win de, _ Sp""f1t ExplorP: crew chiC' m1 RObgr,

~car Kar eJ! h e, • ,last. u'!Hlay ,ev 'fOhl.{ at L. 1. M~Y· Misse11 'i.',r', Douglas' i ~ as 's-hUrs alY c cumg pack boxes ers. ,;:;istant. BiU Macklin i I seri e.

o se lito rI!0ld d P~ul Kar- '. M~'..., n~. '",s. '~bert StJ,'ub'e 'ra~tJ. Sent« patrp~ l~.aders e I. ill Koe-ell, r~ 111 th service. ramI. y. \'ISI d. nday eV~lljng 1J1 bel' and IJdd Barnhaft. I ILas u s~ay'ev ing Mr. and the ~ ben: ,,' rho . ~ ·-,-·-1 I, "

!rs u n Mf'Y and famIly Mil'. : I'"1d rs I·Paul is her ~-nd Troop. 1~5 _' :, ~'\ ISlte I UFo' ell ord Carlson, rz:.mily sp{:,n Ia t \VC'd es ay E'Vt'- '; Troop .:1 ::l 590uts ad, xplor('r.~pome. I I nmg a EJ l<:,r rBccJ\lC tia ers for ~ttended t h E'i Neb asl *-HawallI Clif.o d (;~. t'lsons I,slted Oseal" Mrs.! B CkE'l.h" ~.l"S .b.. i th~aYo. F,ri- 100.'.ball 19 m,'e last we k ~d, Tl~e,Y1~arde I, Laurel, Ul'Sda;l-' eve.. day 1 e'\ ening ~sehers d ited ih !ElIsa ti;m~e thO' UN m se. m, ~apI­~ng id<ltY! Ml' a d .]\[rH. Car)- the r~'a 1 J~~ns, n; home '':' kefield. tol bUl~dln and state enil entH~ry.."all a d tIr and 1's, Edward a,"~c G1clle pent th fl st week~inn, .1l11l'C'1: ,wC':1t .0 Pickstmvn, ill St!P cmbiJ!l' ,*h hi,· g~I'andpar~ WAKEF· El-D,j'S.D. , : cnt-s,1 ~11'. ~nd rII'S. ..pv; Gil?se. , '

Las funcl~Y ~vel ng guests in, 1\'11'. ~a 1~ l,ll'Sl!'Iel'm 11 IBf>C.ken- .H,osn,. tC1tl N t St:he I c l'I:l!'YI Echt kamp home !~aue, 101'· an 11iills, 'alit., spent r'~.:\'t're ! 1'. ,an..d Mr: I John tRonn,-, llast 'l' ..day pft q,1oon il'l,'~. e Giese II--"";~---...j.-I--_·Iltcldt:. L ons) ~'I1'. ' ~d .!'v1ts. Kcnl borne f~ncl \'1('01'; pUP!1('] g\lC'sts. Admitted • ~ ,~[llH nd, tIT. ,md Jrs. ,Ed ]<::ch~ Mr. ~f]d t..1r .. !LeV, j Gies.e ,went John, Ri sehe Lyo ,s· ..lrs, Ed-,rtf'llk 1jJ. '/1'. to St. .t.~dwa~'d Im."t Su da~' to at- ward Te pIc: Em r~on; lVII'S.I To lellp . ~US<l!n . :elthold ceole~ t0nd t1j0 l'l'pnij:m 01 j Irs.., GJrse's Harlan M 1(']lCI', E cl's6n; !~rs.

~')rat(: 1d~':""~j.!!!.<y:y 11-!~1-.:_~~nund 11'e,l<ItiV(lS a1 ;t.hd l~.,ome. f her bro~ :,Art ,MCYC'lr, W.J.I{!>fi(\l. ; I\1.I.rs. Oh,­1= --11hcr" Gharlos L." .Toh son

r'. About i,crt Jpn:sen, WaynC'; Mrs. Kf'l mit

135 athmdC'd.' ~'Sl Thl rsd y they :Johnf;on~ WakC't'icld; ,Mrs. C'I'dR~VE,RS bE 1~~,11C'n(lt:~"tl IudC'r,1 ~,ervl.".s or Mrs'I'Hansen, FIb,'skin~,; B,~:l.Y i~,bY,- T('m·

I Gporg-e- Pacltar ltl Al )iOl . !ple, Emerson; Mrs. HYln(~nd Ipa.

S "E"DDn~lfi"'f ! I I :sing, Winsid('; l\'fl-s. HallS Tid.

~lri II:,! WM I I~ I J.ls. ,'geh, vVa:',1U:('; Mrs Joe ,I Fi.,,:chl'l·,

't, ' k" ,'I C" IR:~~~iIP'US' e, ,lg~1~;:~:~'1S E J, I:'~r"rln, 0 wak"-It"I.lf' ,. a!r '" ~_ Ml"s, ChArlo,S Boes ,".-I, La"" I;

. U~· E iH I po , I I Mrs. Cad SanlllL'1 on, Wayne;r i Mar~ia~e Lipe1ses , r IMrs. Harl~n Mueller, F:met'son;, .' ! Sept, 13: IoJoJm JI:. P t{'-Ilson, 21, iMrs. EI:h'1-'.ltrd T('mplL\ Eml'rson:iRAC' 'S ~Carl"h,!.l, and, "J<0lJ1l.\'t C. Bif'hel 20 :Mrs. W. d," ,urWilcr. .!..A,urrl; Mn;,

: i \Vfllq:,fit'ld. I . , IKermit Johnson, \JV"kdi{'lcl; Un;.: ' ' I' Robert Joe' St'll, Way I C.

: ' ," Co~~ty 'CtluM: 'j I,'Jh i .. SPJ:}t. )(): ,N~rris Ja ]kf'fPilger, III' ' I

llt NOR LK I'meg $2" ."11d ho.lll,ro.',' ,or driv- 'I WII.BI R .

S.~nda~' NI·tell:~~;;:~i~;:El~::~~Br~C.~:~::' i M~ ~:d s:::c:~~~~:o:::~t andU, 1 ~ord,,_~t,.l":'oc,k,r<llso "'a"uP,ope" I fl ~::,fscuo,m, family ar.d Mrs. IE. Rf'hmus,

, IU c 't "'u Schuylor, ~'isited at ~he Otto Sahs

SI ("'ount), ('ou+t rl1ered lis issal of home Suntlay, Mr, arhl MTS. Keith

t 25 I >1Ult Sept 6 Ul \~ hlCh (1 pr sccks R('cd and l Nancy WErre' afternoonep .1 I ~1()(; lOr Jam gf'


, I"

.J. __ l....:.. rJ..•......Iii


.. I,i, I

twO PlEa PMCTro1IThe ....ic length jPeket ... u....a longb _ air aI ultra elegance. Theok.. , , " a s1lm';"'g >heath .. "both .. shim~er1Bg Borkskin Tweed

lhat just ne't« wrinkles, Perfed

for the dressiest occ<Kions.

Si>es 10 Ie 1a.



"erma.jut magh~makes your dreaIhs

come true

~.- -. ,. • ---------- +Apparel for Women

.'''~''edCup Bra IV"" G Laalfng Vpll"

Here is youthful ioveliness you've a~wa}'1 dreamedof-circuliI' stitching compacts, accentuates ,your

breasts-the Magic Insets, at the base ~f t~e '".eups"firmly yet gently support from belo\'l.:T~lI15 uplift that's guaranteed to last for the lon~ life

of your !Penna' lift bra. 10 fine Cotton, only $2.00

,,_,I.e Oval Crotf:" panlle Can" R."e L!P-E~er:,

Here is comfort you've always dreame.d ,~~-enJ~~the el'l5e of thi!i grand new "Perma'lift Pantlewith the exclusive "Magic Oval Crotch"*"'. It.

,can't ride up-chafe ot irrita~e-t~em,05~

comfo-rt'abl1. Pantie you'\'e ever \'ltorn. In slunmmg

' , Power Nctl $5,00 Be fitted to.day•• II.". u,s. Pd'- 01­"P~Anli#4r"

M l I MAl'" LlIlT aWM

I ~

Mrs~ Mary NiChols: is; e~ding H~rman Hu man, Mr. 3J d Mn.~.. _ week With Mrs. C. l . Waid, NO.rbert HU$man and' .. ' and

""I'~;~a~d Mrs. Emili W terman M~·r.M:~inM~~~· Jen en and

~~tw:::~~e~n~t ~~~. A~~~d kt~. ~m~~~~J~~ard~~rr lI,. ~~~Driovsen. Mrs. Drevs¢n, isler of Young and Mrs. Ray' Per ue wereMrs. Westerman, i!'\', r overing guests in th¢ Allan Purd c. home.from a recent illness. '\ Sunday. ~

Thursd-ay evening ~ir~n l guests 'Mr, and Mrs. Texley ,immer-in the h~me of Mr. ~d l. rs. Rus~ rnIJ.n retumed home Mon ay after

sell TI ike were 1 r. d Mrs. ~~~~~~'it{'~'7r~li~~a\n~ ~:f~d• j ~ 'Lln'eland, Colo, "and K~ n. anaHarry I!Siman Celeb: ates Kearney. Saturday ('ven' g Sim-

I "~erman5 Wt'r(' guests f Mrs.E,ght>1-Sixth Birthd~.y C ara Ehlel'S', Gretna. S nday allHarr~ Siman was hon' red on ~ :~~ ~~~~~ ~~~.,RiCh rd And·

, tUs ei~tY'SiXth bir~h~.a Tucs- 1cl-lay ht t Hotel orrison jMrs. Ad~ia Bush and MI. LuG~ub ~ 0"15.a Mr. ·.Sim1.~ S san. (' la Peck, Wakpfield~ ca, c FridayOr. P ul i8.i:f:!lan and w~ e, San to attf'nd the- John Ka~' twentYf\1':>.iego, Calif.o were \jl.OStsi!' fori the ~.fth wedding annive~s y and, 0

buffet'supper, Asslstin \"ere ~ er~~('th~o~':.Ck~~nd~~\~or~~~~~~~ar:~dF~~~r~l~li> . ~'al~: allpr in the PerduI.' me was

Out o~ town guests: we:i Judge ~~e~PO~;~a~~~i~~e;u :S~ ~~::~~~, ~~~ ~~:S,H~~OIl~~: S}:~~ ~Iillt'r, N'!llgh, is spen ing thisBoyd, Winside, Sixity ~:tended, \'\.'£'o?k and twxt with fta Perdues.

Dr. and Mrs. Sinian leav- Ed al\d Goldie Leon rd wereLng for the-ir home !Fri y after Sunday dinner .!-.'1lcstS· thci Ada!ipending about a \',I('('k ihere. Dili~ I~om('.,!~~ ------


Auxiliary Orders 5~ao

Poppies to Sell in MayRuth Carlson and Nan~y Wol­

ters presented musi('al storiesand sekctions at Lcgion ALLXil­iary iTuesday night in the ciubrooms. Reports Wpre !tivf'n onthe district meeting at Lyonslast Tuesday. \Vayne was award.eel first prize for their historybook thcre'.

The group bought :5j()()' poppies

~~l~ella~dM6:u~~~r~a~~~s~~~wen" guests.

Hostcsses- w(,1'f' Mrs. JohnEinung, Mrs. AUb'1lst Alleman,:\irs, r~rank Griffith, l\lrs. JohnPhipps, :'Ics, La\VTCnCC Smithand Mes, Hattie Hall.

Lois Hurd ~onored I tBrida.1 Shower Sund y

Lair Hurd was honore at abr1da shower, Sunday aft moonin R deemer \ Lutheran hurchparlors. Table was de ratedwith'l bride dbll with str ersleadi g to gifts. Games werewon by Mrs.' Russell, : dsay,Mrs, Fred ,Hurd and Karen

~~~\ r:,~~ ~:~e;~;~e;~ ~er~Mrs. Albert Klai, Elaine Hurd,Bonnie Foote Pat Werit andMrs"I,.~lmer Willers and ~ Irene.Miss, :nurd 'INKI1:te marrie1fct. 2

~a~~~eeii'h;;r~u:;:r~~~t( to

Friendly NeighbOrS~ell"How I Relax" Tue ay

Fi~teen Friendly, N ighbormempers answered roll ,II with"HoW I Relax" Tuesday. Guestswe,e, Mrs. George ~SChhOf'~~:'I~~~~~I~~et1~~n~y r~p~~;repottcd on the; counei me~t­

mg. : The group di s e s s e'dAchievement Day Oct. 28 ~t HO.gjkins.

ov~ft~e~n:~~.~~:~ ~~ ~~s~Gilbert Krallman, preSide n"t;Mrs, Amos Eehtenk~; vi<;epresident; Mrs. Elmer chten­kamp, seeretaty-tre~ur ; Mrs,Herbert Echtcnk a:m p, musicIeadc~; Mrs. MC'lvin Laic' ci~i­zenshlp; Mrs. Floyd Echten­kamp, health. and Mrs. erman

Ge~~:, ~~~:st~fc°:.tej~', had /hClesson. 1 I

Bridgette Meets TuesdayIn H. D, Addison Home

:\11'5. Jack Miller and Mrs. EarlU!in'r were guests at BridgetteTuesday il1 the H. D, AddisonhomC'. Priz~.'s went to Mrs. RoyChristpn s ,(' n and Mrs. BobJohnson

BPW to Observe NationalBusiness Week Tuesday

BPW will ob5l'rvC' t'-."'ationalRu.sin('~s Women's Week witha coffee hour for all Waynpbu~inl'ss ~'ompn at I-lotr' I Mor­rison Tunsday, The proglram willconsist of the emblem scrviceanp a talk on Business i,Vom('n's\Veck anlj the ongin of BP\VSpraker ~.. ill h(' Myrtle- Ne-lson, Ipast stahr president of the or­ganizatlo~.

TAG Hdnors Mrs. Boughn.At Picnic Dinner Monday

:\Ir~. l\-TaxlnC' Baughn, win.o I'l',signed from h('r position aschipf operator, \\-a~ hOnored b.yTAG members \]onday. Picnlcdinn('I' was sl't"\'ed, Tht' birth~

d<l\s of El.,;ic :\o\'<lk and 1\1rs,:'Iaria.n Rayml'r Wcrp abo ob­Sl'rvcd.

Satun!ay ,ln afll'rnoon partywas held for Adl'lin(' Schidf('r\\'h(1 i~ tr3.'lsfl'ITlnc: 10 Yankton,Gifts \\'("1"0 presented to all ofthe honored ladies

an"d<'l1t'pr;>sJdent:Sl'cr~t.':lrY.lreasurer:Pl\'~': nltzky, news:\lau'ICt' PrOf'tt.1\I)·s., Ernie Ja"~I'I".

]\-1)'s,: John Andl ' J'sol1rI'arll'ing. Twelvep,rest'nt.

Al~W Welcomes SiliJ~e Members I

uw h~'ld thl'lr nwmbd'rship111("'(' in/::" Thyr<.;day wirh six newmp bers JOining. Third'~lour

I\llP bel'S. we~t'" also Pl)."Sl'nt.tau 'a . Franklin had charFl' ofth(> program. She spoke! anel

'ho~ed pict~re<; on rural! En~·Ian. COt'03.1 Stephens i:i th~' Ill'\\'

Vie(., president su~el'e'(.ling,! :\.I.rs.Art ur' Price's pO:;ltlon, '1

1- ostesse's We're :\1 rs. H E.

~~I~ddre~i:s~ ~~\~.~ll:~! \\·i~~~II~~:'11' . A, 1<~ GulliwL

SI. ary's Guild SentJsto West Point



(')]1" ,

\Ir~ hflcl ch.'i.l'gb o[

I[n()~..'.!';ln.l CJnd introduGt'dc-"IJ(jv hnnk.; 1m' thehi )1I1d I~ ( hild\(';1I 11l",()t1

, t·", \\,,~., \lrsI_\lt"", Ltl

jFLlo'lhl'l.tl1:\lls Lco'll

,(;llh"l"t. 'l'I<lllll'1'l

L"tlJ(' St'otl, :\', ....:1III' t!w C;,llril'n YCd!':;

Be.ta S gm.aPhi Memb fsTour useurln Tuesday I

Eight Beta Si~ma Phi ml rtl­

ber~ ~o red th~ museum atr:'.~.::.i~o .SH~~::.. :~~a~e~rrsc t e i~n~th rlow. 'She was aSs· t

, 'b~· Mrs Rod LOve. ." 'ur H me" Is Tople atI mant.lel Lutheran lAid Count y Club P~esents

,·I\vcntyj-eight members were Fina~ easori Prizes

!~"SE'nt .d~ rm.m.anuel Lad..,es a!d... Mar ing golf event at Co try

T ursdaY', Mrs Warrcn ;Austm ~lub 'hursday was a two- 11w s a \"l5litor. Rev, T. Hj'Bueh- fOurs~c ",On by Mrs. W. G iessn !: had [jpvotlons. His to ic: was and ra. O. K. Brandstc trr.")ur HImf"" Mrs. Wlllam S"rallma and Mr~, ndrew .eason prizes. Were present€' ;to

I h Mrs. od Lov;!: Mrs, E. L. ar-



>hrna'IO>S' e"('pl·'h't'~el·nUsnesp· e!..1 ks t·O i:YMo~~~" ~d' ~~h~~, .~~,. a~t"and M ',Johni, Rice. i

11he were in present for the

other's Study Group ~~~~.e~~id~~;J.r7~e~·\\!;;h~et:·~r:Speak(~' at Mother's,' Study-

g 1('5t! Of'yht nweting TlIIursday Ii'rank: Morgft'l and ~lrs. Don\ 'as Co 'al ,Stephens, ,I second Wight.tnan. ':'

I'add. su )('rVlsor a.! \Vay!'}£' Prep. h,Iw leo parrd n,'w arct old S errys Serve Barbee P.t ach11ng- nwthods I F st P t 'C I r

HO"f's~r, WPlr MI·s. Oca Wa., or .. e ~r soup ent! Mr'il \Vilham Eynon. Dan! Sherrys were host to,list. P~~tC'1"S Discussion Co l@jcs

SCS Observes Fiiteenth MOnd~Y night.at.a barbeeu . din·1 ner in their 'hack yard. Rf'v,

Birth<Ja'IY Last Wedn,esday Willi m Kleffman ga'e th I"s.son 1"lom the text, "Ea tern

Fifty-tau. r atr:'nded, tl1(' birth- Catha ies." !ay lljndhl'on 01 the W~CS last j IV('dn!,sd"ay" Rll1.hday c;jJ.k(' was LaPo te MAmbers PaLJakl'd by Mrs. Ro\Pnt i Turnf'r '1 yoct ct""O'·a,..d by Leota,Spntr,. Dues With Roll Call ,IIrs. han Fl'l'se re\-"il~'Cd the. , ~'k\'(~.1opr~wnt 1:) ,'(pars nd hon- S(I'\.icnte('n LaPorte d iOel'S

)l'r,d thlf eight presidf>nt of the answ~rc.d. roll call when. 11 tyi~goeal d~lb. L!'ola Scnt r, :\1rs. annU

fdues last \Vednesd' Y In

'8,,\'1 WhL;ht. !\-Irs. GCOIig-e cos- thp IdeI' L'ubbcrstedt Xom('.\irs.. C11.ffor

1Wait. Mrs, asil Osburn was:a: Ues!.

:\lrs, Ray ond El- Thf' fternoon was spent s clal-Ralph ,C1rhart. Iy. 1

1:; .\I s. Clat'·

Pant~mime Quiz Giv~nby S~ymours SundaYtFO]ITtP.l'n COU.Pl('S.\\,CI'(, PI' spntSund y c\ ening at the Redeem-(,1'~ 19'('1's ...:lub, Mr. and jl\-1rs.Lyle Seymour show('d a [ilrn onbrat erhood of man and Had apant mime qU1Z. :\Ir. and 1:\11'5.Carl ~clson we're In Char~e ofc1evQ ions, Thev conc!uctc agrou diSCUSSIon. l'"II'. and Mrs.Deanl Plcrson and :\11". and l"ll'~'M .. h·~n horn sen'eel rcf,'l'sh-m('nt~. I


Homemakers H~veElec ion of Officers

:\'rlw met thl"Jackday'


Rural Homer Meets In~01 on HO(ne! Thursdh

ural .Hoh1(' President m;l\ rs,Iph Ritng took office is.

da in the Jo(' Johnson ho P.~~etarY.Treas.Ufer ,M. is,] E vi.'Ol~on and Vice f'residenf :\0 1'S.Erpil Lund also bpgan I tf Clfdl1ti.rs. New programs 11~\\.e,eh.3\Oded OU~ to the mephrr.s.~.~. .Merlel R~ng PlayC'.dl iJi nosc ect1005. I ,j

uests Wl'i(' ,l\lt·s. AldC'I4 J hn-

~o d :i~WdrC'~~rWi~:fd~'. ' (ueger

Methodist ~ervice dUildWelcomes 'i'lew Meh, ers

Pearl E)fC' ~nd Bcatrih iftb~'caI11e o('w ~l:'mb('rs IO~ M th­o~ist Wesley n Sen:icC'1 g. ildlqst W ..dnesd y night. T·.\" 'IvC'nH'mhct's Wel'! prf'sC'nt. !

New pnpgT ms \\'('1"1.' !handedo~t for thif'." omjng Yt'ctir. !SIJ\V

orflerrs takm charge 1e:, PatVVC'rt, prdldf'lnt: B('\"{~d' r rM.­epon. vice PITSirknt.: ~al~lynnay, spcr('jtary. rtod I-1Iat If' I~Ic­~Tutr, tr~a'$urer, Hattl~ i1.ll haddh'otions, I

i Host('s!:iI~S \\I('l'l' :\I1ss ,\oVert andMiss Day

H~ppy Homemakels ElectOfficers Last Wednesday

_\ Happy Honn,'makpl"s dubl n1l't

~1~~\·~~~',dS~'~d~;; ,t~~'til; ~~s,:. ;\I'~~i ;r:.~1(jal-l Frl'\'<'l"l ;1)](1 1\I1r", l'auiSplittged)('I" w,'r,' (lrl>S,'ljtt :'1)"$plit,tgt'rbl'l" bl'C;-Ulll' a 111<'11111,')

I Thr tollo\\:lllg n!I'ic,'l''j \\"1"

('~(>ct{'d: :\-,11'"" \'011i~f'l1t, :'lr" flrJ1l1o 'nlill"",I"'IVlcl' prl':..;ijdenr: :\-1\':,,;

im Millers Entlrtain IOT Club Fridat NightlEU~ club. h('ld a 1ard partYi t

the JW1 ;\-I1I1,'\" 1me Fri~ ynighl. lVIl". and )Ill' , ,Ray _

I S('I1, Mr~" r:lrner ,('t~'l"son1 dG('orgp Sll'ger wnn IpITlC'S 1

brace Aid Silv,r Tea i

Attended by t'-\inety.fd rThil't.y-.SiX gUf'stS(.iUS;;8 m.'; .

bpI'S at tr'tlded Gr ce Luther naid's SII\'I'I' te-a lag WC'dne,,; y..\li'm\)N_", from th¢ church I r­ganizatians rE'pr('s~ntpd e- a; hgl'OUp. ::\t!·s.1 Alberti Carlson : p_sl'nt{'~ ~anl:y Woltb~ and Jej Cf'Cook who plaved, plano s('! c-lions . I

.\1rs (In'illp ~('l~on and ~"1 S.

G'.'Ol'gl' BI'.n..('s.. \\"r'~e chos(' .,.1 asd,'lpgatps for th(' L\V;\lL r Iyat South SIOUX C ty ~ y.Alternates wer!:' :\11 s. E. rB n­tha I an.d :\tIl'S. La\-t I't.'ncp ~Jt, t.

Pouring at thE' 1',('a w('rp JII-' rs.'lJtccht and .\II's'l'al.'Vin Vid:. r.HO:;tl',";SE'S w (' r I' Mrs. Vil lisL!'ssman, Mrs. A pila Lcssn anand :\-'lr:..;. Frank Lpng-t'

-- I 1 ,-





"'-itnTni~'" '.'!"'> 20211. . 'Ihu:rlderbird ¥8..................\''',... PI New-?02-b.p. ThuJ¥fcrbird Y-8 enj!ine is avail..'I able in Fordomatic Fair~a,nesand Stati~m :Vagons., In Fo'rdomatic CustomImps and Mamlmf's youI S' ",.-' can' have- the 1.76:-h.p. Y-8. And Ford'.s newI 137-h.p. Six is avaiIabte in aM 18 modelB.

•••"With [!.!~~>'TI"lunderbirdI The new ~56 Ford l<lOk. like tbe Thnnderbirdl

You'll find t.he same gtacefullines. . the samelong, low silhouette ... the same das~ng appear­ance ... styling which helped the fabulous Ford,

.....WithrJ:i~ Hfeguard DeSig~~""'"'"<" - ....... "'"

'1 Ford's "e'Vi T..ifeeo..-d1 features are: a new dE'e~o'-center design steering wheel, to act as a ('uRhionRr '56, F10rd brings you the gr1a~est safety news In event of accident .•. double-~rip door loc~s

in a generation •.. Lifeguard Df'!slgn. In coopera- to reduce chance of doors opening WIder shocktion Withl' universities, medicallassociations and • , . optional p.addlng .r~r ~ontrol pa.ne.1 ar:::d sunsafety ex erts, Ford learned t e cawJ;e of most 'Visors to help lessen' JtiJUTles ..• pptlC'C1al seatserious i' juries in accidents, 0 provide extra belts to help keep occupants in s~ats. _protectio against these hazards Ford developedthe new Lifeguard features described at right. ,

! Come in ••• See,! theBut th~re is still m,ore won erful news! Ford

bring. yo>izThunderbird power i a modern deep- n'ew ;$6 FOR"block Y -$ • . . Thunderbird eauty, too • • • 't"rich new4nteriors •.• gu~.lity t roughout. -id

'~~~~~S~:<~YlER MorrOR':~- , .. ,;.,~~.,+


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Waynlel Nebr~ska



FLu~ Bedroom S",i«!s and fattressesf"dbr~rlY Tables; End' and Oc asional

I II'ables

F/odJ lamps

E e~t"'c S~\Ning Machine1,1 I

d'jJ~ ,atlag W~slier

! r I J 'II eli~ Too IN merOU5 to

I! ~~~T~ ~Al"~NIAL BT I' I' I


Dining Roo Suite lChrome Ki chen Table and! Cl\a rsCom~ina,ti in Kitchen Stove, r

ipracti ally new IOne O,tien al Rug • IWiltohs, A minister and ~ther rugs


O~e ~Iond Bedroom Suit


'PUBLIC AUCTIONEntire IIHouseho,ldl Furniture & Effects Of

! REO iBARTEh'Si I .. I : .


incoln 1St

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1\ ':0 .. '~ "=. -+ ... '.. ~,.", .., 't,1: ';. i;. ~v'."-Ijt;'r'(·l;\ ,~~!~ ,1{'''<l t I'" { ;I" I~ ;j ~ 0; ,. v fVy +1 ""I r .... : 'T

I I.,. _ ')1\


-gaLh&..,,' and.. ', ,lu Ih,g,'~6.S.ls...... i.I". '. '~..~,.le•.".LU 1<1;",1, ...ve.r t..- M.'._rs" 1.1".ui's, 'Kahl~r.• , Wayrl~.W·o,,-, ,:,'. <,,::K·,'···.,.,"E,'..·.· :~F·.'.·.'I.·E..,.'.,:L·..P·.. , N· '.j·,., , .. .to~ Ip ~~:;~ RiFe . tt;:~o:ln~"e~~: :~,s,a~~,~~d~~~tI,~~~~[t~a~~{~.' ',- ,[. ~. :" ". :~,' ',- I IObSill've't ' - and' ."B"olItl:berg, R<?y m.an and faml y, Mr~. W~lac~

, : ., " ,",," ' , seven';' Sti~d Rev~ ',8nd~'Mrs.' W~hJ~lOg.,,~r .. ailJd" r,fi. Jol1l:1, S,chroed-

. l'at'·'Mf~eor.eG'ri;;.iii ','I'd ., ~. . !tended la'11r, d Mr,.G,'i, Sar went ~~r~n'k~;:';~rana r"i.-r~nda~sivr~;::'-"'. ". ':y'\ ,,, ~ ""," ,I aa~~~~U1~ria' laier~ ;~~ 'Cd' re~' -to Lak' Viic~, p~~ Tmisdr,.y '" aCi" Hennan MarteUs, Norfolk.

Chure 1 '" !M+s.',Grover· '0 rr·, and I Mrs.-' Jor--' 'freshments '11\1 the' stt.ner, ome~ 'campan '7~h-elr~'daughter·,an . sonr: -:------; , II(Merlin IWright., p.;It~ I. '. 'Ie~ta ,Minc.r,att nded tire, iDixon. ,Bil.I, Griggs, ,Donl Y -'., rJdcr.son i~~law,~_r. and M,rs...Ije,o.n, ~.~ce; Legion Insta. s.

Thursday, Sept. 22; €hpr re" 'CGU11~y ,WCTUI ,convenl,-lol'l. hear,_ ahd Vernea1~Hanstrm· etHrne~ to Hohv us; NIJ."t? 'Js~.a.o nd • . dhearsal, 7P~'; YOuth,l;,.un , 8; IAJlen TueSday.. from a fishing trip i '.ca ada ,Frl- da.u~ht~ ,,'Mrs. Ed"ar . CWl a Officers Tues ayno Bible stu y. ' , -r" ,.... 'Mrs. Emma, ctcrsonJ and Mr. day evening. ' I ' . family. , .' " . ,

Sunday S: pt. 25: ,J;iibt~ \., 001" latld Mrs. 'Fr~,k Jepspn, Emer-:, Mrs. John!'Tell spdnt k- Tues</l y evemng, gu~st 1'1 tf:ic New officers were,installed at10 a m.· ~ munion ,amI'- w rship so were FrI~ y overn~ght guests: end, in Knoxville, la!, v on home of Mr. and Mrs. Os a1' oh~- a -meeting- of Wakefield American

• I service' "A' reacher' in 'T1,l Dol- !illihe, Alvern ' ndcrson' home. ! ell, who is hOSPita~zed SOil weii' -Rev, and ,Mrs. . ,Ry- Legio Tu('sd~Y, Paul Everinghamclub CO ventlOtl will be held at were SU1ay mner guests ih the mlttee Wlas IMrs Rh des, l\hs drums,:' 11; ~vening serVi~~". ,p:m;'! .:Ml'S' -Elme leetw1d yisite Mr. and M.rs.. Ene.st. '. ac~e_r beck ~ Mr. am~ Mr.. s. alter had d.arge, Bur.neal GustafsonWlil

keflePresbyter n chUrch Guy -C&a ley lome I4Mome 1Br~wnlee, rs. W L -- ,: I' iMr. and Mrs. au! By s, Lmco!n,1 werlt to Omlaha Fri( ay Ito "'VISit Johnsol[l . e r Was sJrgeant~at~arms.

FritlaY. tsesSI?J!ls Will ;;tarft at 9 Dr ~n MI M C cne, ary B;rers aI1d l\IIrsF H MOl1tg~m~ St. paUI1Lutheran Ch.U ch lo~er the week d. . their 80n, VOfl"nee, and fami y.lfrom wedn~sda.y e.vemng ~. J.O.ff New10fficers an': Eugene Swan-

I a m ~d! qlos< at 4.3 p,m. Jane a d Ma ,. spent t c w ek- C' , I ' (Harol Kieok" pa~tor. I Mr, and M ., Wes Anderson Omaha the~ will g to yraeuse guests. I the. GeOrge l , son, commander; LeMoine Brown-Plans fOI" t~e cony ntlo" were cnd 1Il MlnJl(~ polis to a t('nd Ih" - - Saturday,' SE:pt. 24: q;on 'Irma- .Ist~rted for 110 hern M.Jssou.ri Fri.' to visil Mr. rnd MrS~1R. Joyce. h.orne, i ,ere- Mr.. and Mr. l~~r Ie£'; first vice commander; LC'stf'f

made a a br~a-kfa~t I eetmg of \\cddlllk of rs CQe'.!f co sm, C~ SCO~'S I ~ tion c1asseS't,9:30 a.m. day on a sho vacation trll~.' A gr.oup ,of re1at ves thered Hensch ~ ~nd Cheryl, ¥>s An el~i~ Fischer, s('cond vicC' commamkl';Wakefl,Jd Wf»man s club 'last GOrdOI! Gocb 1 Frida~ e\iC mg Cub S out lenders nd .par~nts Sunday, S pt. 25: 'Sunl\lay chool i About 25 ~i nds . an9. relatives in the Fran1is Fcnto h Wed~ Mrs. Spphle Benl'lchke: ad" Cecil Rhodcs, adj uta n t, andTueSdaf mO'rl;lIO~ In the park_. thC';y a tende 1 the rt'hga'rsal 1Il~ ~~t In t C' If1:

1(, hall onday 9ve- and Bi,ble c asses, 10 .a.~.; ivirie Igathered'in t .' D.on p.(lter.s home ,nesday ev.. cning t.o l.el

Pb- eud .M~.i ~nd.M~S: '.DO"! P tel . a.nd Charl('s ~chwartc'n, tre:asul'er.

Mrs. R. W. Paulson I d the bus nel gl co by I the brJdegl, m s l1Irg 10 "-OIgaOlze an I apply for worship, 1°145; Waltljer league ,Saturday evel g In ob~ervance of serve thelr wcddmgan y, [amllY,1 plxon, : ~ , k' off _. ,_/ness m~etlng. pa,l t'rrtJ:1, Ml a d MIs E .) GI bel, a Inew chlal t r rally. South!" Sioux City., 4 .m. ;the birthday . the hos.tess, Mr. ,and t'o1rs. ,George ~ard:ner, Mr. lard Mrs. -Geor c EI h, Mr. and Mrs. Robert PHnCOI1~t.Club pragIan; for I


commg Wllml'1ltC', Ill. I -- ~- ~__ '_I ' ',Mr. an~ Mtjs Jack ~inn{'y, Mr, Chicago, visited JMon, ~y ,to h~lPe~I'fdPIP\1- He\nsc ke 0 selVC Fremont, sp('nt ~h(' wcf'1\cnd Inye~r waS ~uthJi(d SlxlguiJ'stl'l welC MI bnd M 8 M H Lak~ and Hpme CI~clel Club PresbjYterian 'Church 'and Mrs. Dorj Part: ,and Paul ,wedh.eSda XI in t~e, Frs ,ICI~ ,~nd hiS ,blr~l dC\y ,Th,u~da~ e en ng. the Mrs.' F. F .. FISher ho~e, .plckent II M" ("Ja Gaff.. we,d S~ ,lay Mrs Jl<,b&Jt Johnso. enlclt~In' (Archie Marston, pasto ) 'Erickson wer F ...d~y supper 0, E, Eenlbn home, M'. Gard- Mrs.:e~rge Elc\<hoff nd MrS, Mr. and Mrs, Paul BI','me""",~- .--l I I C\ pn1l1M calle s Jl1 the hOrr)(' of I£'~ Homp. Qirclc club Thulsqay ThUrSday,,) Sept. 22: D borah :guests in the ck par~. home. ner is ~ nl~ph~w 0, thell. F~hto~ Floyd lir~ were among t e roup wel'e Stl~lday dlll1w)' gU('st~ Jl1 tIl('100 Enr led ,. M" Fctl1a ( 'lId..", Beld,,' rs PaUl Bon"I,on ondueled a circle, Mrs. Clifford Sac erson Mrs, Jack rk andl Mr•. Jer- brothers. . ", who jh ,« Mrs, Do~ Pte s ,ob- home 01 nee parents, MI'. "I'd

arc enr I cd ~11 the oeal musIc ;lnd f~111) lllcoJn, [ent thf - - - - Smnday, S pt. 25: SUlld]'y chool grqup who ~ 'lped Mrs. Anders Mr. and Mrs. Lawepc Utecht, Mt i 'and Mrs Roy n son:, croft.I pro~ra. gu'~s tllpl trw IS now \\eeko dlwlth Wakefield lelalt\es Kun.g'S Daugl!lters lOa:m.; WO.shiP scrvice,l1;:slideS ,Jorgensen ob .rve her' birthday \Vaync, wctt to ~~ ~s it)'. Fri~ Gary'H'iland Ca'~roll" sh~andl, Mr~, V. H. R.,Hanso':,w~nt toI rehearsl The grou . cons~sts 01 NClg QOlS nd {lwnd h( PCdl KlllgS Pal~ghtcl'~ met Thurstlay of work"by, Dean and UI1~ Sar- Wednesday a ,moon., day for a sort VISI In th~ ho~c Ore.,' ere guests'We(ln sd"y i~ Omaha Sunday lor a \'!Slt in tlw

Pa.tty' ~utllga~ BeY( !Y Hdgl~n_ 7I1rs 'lo}d Jr'Urcy obs '[V(j' IWI 1Il the Cijlrjstlan thUi h parlors geRni, missibnaries in IliIdia~ 8 p. Mr and M

rrAlfred Melt'r wele of Mr, and ts. Fr~SC~lm(>s, Jr, the ~.' W.. , 4i


hl. ho e'

i. M~.". Charles NY.l' h.onw., _

ElIzahet, TJa~Y, Ka en Moltcn Imlhdqy Mo day afte,n on 1Yj" Gcdrgc Buskll plCsHled m I Sunday VlSlt In the Ne"cll Thcy rctur*ed Sun ay Ijight H' ~ is !Ilrs LUntlah"'~bro~ Mr and Mrs, A. B. McI-\.ay:son, Ma 'yl Jane Coe .. \onne Alld~ - Ilvllt'S Roy ~g!WlnS co due ted d('~ - I S~anley home Dixon Mrs Mayme Borg as a Sunday than lltJ th~ e\l~ning the~o IO~ folk, 'were weekpnd gUl'stS 111~rs?n, . al g-el:;Y Hal' mg, Jan('l1~ ~ I \(~ltlOns Jltev~ gC'-Ilm light had Misslonl Covenant Chur~h Mr and M E~ Rlj>se, Dixon dmnol guest In the cud S",cnson in~r.~,ere also guests \i.

Orin Clarence lIl'lll"ld~son homo.

Tall1o\.... and Sr-

alonJ Imson Jun S • t H bl( study, I

DlPnuss} nar} Jesson I (MplvlIl 0 Pederson, past 1') \\I"ere FrIday I evenmg guests In home the Hah50i1s: -Mr, and ~ • tl.a Gordon Fredrickson w('nt to

lOr ug studl!'nts alit Ilhl,lI~Jl1g 0' y ••1 • was In chargiC of MIS oyd ClIay I Thursday Sept 22 Mary Mar- the Alfred M er home. Mr and IMrs Kenneth Baker rence'lHanso'n and fam Iy, Mr. Omaha Wl'dnt'srlay Whl'l"C he \\'Jllthrc~ rt ~onlgs flo\ thel! I1C\\ Cbmmlltpf' ~cports ~l'{' gnl'cn lha SOClt'ty parsqhagc 2:3 pm I Mr and .5 W C HClflck welc Sunday iiftelWOn gupsts III and NIts, EHjjs J4Jhnson, ;. an~ attend medical school.

I.USl.C .OOkS. . t· ". . .'. Rally pay Mrs 0 E FC'nlon an MI oS tLc~ 8atUi da.}, Sept 24 Con J) ma~ spent Sunq.ay n the Rubel Hutch~ thC' Elmpr Rll1ehm t home', Tilden M.. rs... "'. el.V. in ,-.".rson., ~r. an... Mr, anc~ lVIl".S. Don PP1C. '.'S and. ',,' -'~ -.--- ----: , . R~lly <iiay vlil 1)(' II( III SU~daY MOlno Bl1ownk'C' "f'! ve IlIon classes) 1 30 pm nh.gs home, ~In' lVh and MIS 1-1 wald BC'rg('r~ Mrs, 'Oscar 91.bomqujst and M. family, DI~on, \\:nC' Sund~y dlll-I lnlS ,nlaJ


AS.$oclatlO . I.. Salem heran church Ull- ~- ~ Sunday ~l'pt 25 Sunday school Mr. and rs R. F. McCor- son Radchlfc. la, \1.Cle Monday and Mrs I Glenn', LUhda:~1 'and ncr guests III til(' George ElckhnlJ' isleX's of 1he (hul'c)1l':" . )('- sqhool a ~d Rlhl!' (lass em- Walther lealgue 1 10 a mO , '" 01 ShIp 11 • <.'1 ClllJ1g Im1ck Vaten~1 e, and Mrs. Car~ aV('l night ~uests 1Il the E \V Tomrtly'l . I home,longing 10 'he :Wak lleld Min,: ,,'iii ,'t 'nli \\O"hll' SllVUS St Paul', Walther leaKUe .~let s('l\lec '8 pm " rle Hunt.r, Redbird, v",ted Lundahl 11 l)1e I 'j' I in th¢ H C ~ __stenal a"oelanoo n \ TUI',da, ~lInda senool dppa, I pol Thursda, d"cusSlor th fIrSt e~ap- TIIP,cta, Sept 27 CoVcnant Mrs, Laura I vans In the nuco· C F ~ ndahl .!tended the B RCf.t;i.t {al er~ e Mr and 'Mrs' U•• Ttie W.yne Heral.[or ,\.n

oonJq~hC'on. p,.h'\~{'~~lrl~:(~ {Itl lilt' :';ll ICC Iler of M8Irk l Ronald S mpson J}IC~ rOllplcs, ("hurch '3 pm 1109 home 54 day. SpenCC'I, l~ fait' Wl('dnesday E:~~S~ Fnre~e~~ ~is~ ;\.1~,k'ha' Fl'~~ WANT ADS

wa, ,g,~en to. ev, r,"" '.' SIll" sided at the meehng otlOn 'lVas Wedne<dav Sept 28 Qu~rte"y Rogcr Borg "ent to LlIleoln Dr and Mrs L H Wagner, _____~__~~ __,.ton, pastor of th0 Presb~·ti'II;-\Il" I made and c~rrJe-d for b ys to us!her hus!nrss ~1(h. tin" Rpm Wednesday ~ ('1(' he Will attend Holstein IeIl, were WcC'kdnd guests I.:=':;~:;I;:::==:·==:;:=:....J'---------.:===--.:i('.hurch~ who ~a~ att€' ding 1m tlw I Covenfl.nt La les Aid ~ at ehurch rifter whle ReI.- Hal ~ ,.., ttl(' UlllVCI SltY. the commg yCdl Jl1 the Rlc~ald Utecht heme. "..firs. t tim. c. HUSll1C'SSll,s.,C',SSWIl .\\ ,1.<; CO\"fJ'Il..a.I':!. ad~('s .<Ue! .J~Wt. {'(.l. i oiltl Kieclt in. form.ed tHe group of Mrs. C. K Fi$Cher.\vas a t'hurs~ Relative'S g. !h.erecF In th: T, ~, , R('latlve~, amI ftlends gat.he~ cd ART JOHNSENconductpd by Ilftcv. M 11m, WVlgbt. rl('Sda~, MI'. I',lm('l' 1- lr'('~ ood the fall namy at South) Siuux City day afjernQon caller in ,the, home HypsC' home j nday evening III In the R. t. Utecht i home SUodayRc'\". Wl11al'd C~rlso IS secretary presid d. Th ~me o! tl1(' Il ro

::o 'am Sunday. of' Mrs HQ!cn Anderson., epbscrvancl' ofl the bi~thday of the to l-:c1p the hostcs$ observe her OFFI.CEof the ~ssoclatlOn.. plans we~e wa~ tempe- > {Icc. Hl'\I, J\-tcrhn Bob Dolplil and BettJ Longe had Mr. an~ Mrs. Vir Ii (p,reen hostess. ;" . ' birthd':lY' Sioux City'" Yourmadl'. fbl fal~ hOSPlt I a!ld PT ,A Wrlgh 'was t'S! speakl'l". D~'\'o~ charge of ~freshmentk. Memhf'rs d f '1 M Ch 9 I .' Mal. Neighbors \;/Ind friends helped PupIls Of thlrd and fourth Marl1:et

g(:V~tlIOdtls. Monthly, cet.mgs .WIll.1.ions.w"I'C. ollc!uckd by .{,ev,.ore. to thin~ of fund taising p1'o- ~m. a~~I,r~mi,;S'andan~Sr, and f:lsi<> COliinSl.•," bs.erve her birthday grad~s enjOyejd d". l~.rt.,y Trurs~1 "SIOUX CITY LIVE"e e . j Melv~'l Pede .son, ilh,;, John ('II jects for thll' next mee~ing Oct. 16. Mrs. Eltoh Grimm and 'sons, Thursday aft rnoon. day ]~ the Loy I 0 .flS~~ 1.0IP-l:

- ,~-----+- , and rs' R s.;ll Wpos1!mod ang ---,--- , Sioux Fa1ls. S.D., were Sunday Mr. and M~s. C. H. Larson and honOring 1,('5tc1' Johnson ", blrth- IS YOUR FIRMBand ~arents. i due. £VII'S. en!'l Obon plbYlfd a I Mrs. C. K. Fischer Iwtls a Sun- dinner an~ coffee guests' itl the Mrs. Rcubeni Holm attC'nded th(' day. ,

Band Parents" wII , meet Tul's- i ,nlo. ,.,. ,",uI'<lsI",,", ~ave Iday dinner i"uest in tne hom" of George Grimm home in observ- Spencer, la, ;fan' T"e,day and M,', and' MI". C. C;, Sl'!~n~~, I ShiP: to 'day at 8· p,m. III th school mu- Alma and An- I Mr lind IMrs. Paul Flischl'l". fAd ' b'M:hd Wedn('sday, : Creston, 1a., and MI s. AXll J~sic room. Plans al'~ ~)(,Ill,g. Il:ad(' na Mrs, Heynold:: Mr. and Mrs. G~orge~ Borg a~I~S \ ..a\\-~1'f'~eg;, sCa~lson~Yi!frs. E. 1 Mrs. Mami: Fink camp Monrla,y g)"('nc and F.rallk L~ndahl. Red Sioux City Li~eto sporysor a homc t Itnt sho\\, ·',,,I,,,'soll 'J' WI''''' Sun~ay I'venng suppel' E H M' EI r Fleetwood to visit in thq home of hrr daugh- ,Oak, la" ,,,,ele SatU<day supper Sk C C-.- --. -Y-d M G 11'\lV k. t:,' I *~('sts. in the Oscar orgo home. ~il's Yb~~r.R('rSGri:~ Mrs i Emil trr, Mrs, Iva,' Cal·lsoll. 1 and oWl'mght gU~tl~dTn tl~~ E. f"Y' 'I to~ om. o.

.l'vlr. an rs. ('n(', al1(> r.n ('1'- 1Thursday C ub ~Plxon 1 ' Ekh~t.(Y Mrs 0 E FE'nto~ Mrs. 1 Mr. and ,~iIJ'S~.~JD~a~ll:as~'.Jw~eJn~d;t,ltL~un~d~a~h~1~1~)O~m:e~.~~u~r~,a~?:~.:~e~,~o~~~======±================:.t. a,mf'~Mr. a~, d, Mrs!..J a,m.. e,.s. (•.,U~lU,'.·1 A-'l.l'''.' Kc nO.ld Am.l",r.,o.n. an.d ".-,.-~ -- . . . ,I '. Luthp;:"'n~rd"Ml:S, Lawrence'Ring, Char!C'ne an Chal"1C's and Mr, lowing w~~rc cooperatIve dmncl

~~y,. ~·~~~.,ttsM ~~:W':~~~~'I:~'~ ~\:;~,s~v;;seiJhn~;";;~enRC~~I~il~'t~~diCh h ~ Ii ; IE "5'6' F'O'R'P,Mr. d Mrs: Charl s RL~.s('ll, :\11. hoolr' ThuI'.sday (olluwilig a '. ulre -e e 0 0 -:' . -d' " ," " , J..:;;..~nd r~, Don Dyerl and ~Ir, Hnd llg\lst \'acatlon IMr". 'ete fl O"y , 'I :' 'Mrs. Willard Johns n ,II " "lulie' lll'.'su!<'cl A 1hort Salem. Lutheran Church ' , , • . ' " , '. ' •ll)g party Saturday 'cn"," LUlich ,progl1am \Va "ivenand Mrs, ~"IP (c;, Willard CU'Is',' pastol'1 '. • ," ' , "was sC'".ved lat.£>1' I, 11l1' \\ :l!wk : 0.lwr.~. to.1 d f. tlwir trip ,to S\\'~dpn, ThUrSday., Sept. 2.L M.".SIOn<lI"1YhQnl£'. J 1-----.; ._.~ society, 'Eslher Ober will ~peak. I

inF;~~·te~t~ni~Tn inh~%.g,::;~ Ivr;::;.,;u:~I~;~ry met Tlldsday 2 ~:r,ja;e~~~tChJr rU~cl~Pe~oir Th !W!fi·' t h If th t-· cu''r pr·c·e' lMr. f,nd Mrs. R bert LeWIS, 10vening, jn 't](' Legion halL IMrs. Ipr~ctlc~, 4:30.p.m.. , .:' '. '. e '1 e 0 r a a e" Ijn·e I "'" 1 !

~~~i~~e'R~~sh~~d i(;ya~~nd~I;S I~::;i;';:nl'k;~~;'~~?p it:;;~~~~:jl fO~ SiO~,~I"~d:J~ie~~:ltJ3blt;~"OI MIS· •.• I ,.. '. I' i', "'.' .,' ';', ':, ,:' ',' . , • \_Dean NImrod, lJI),\I! thi Ilf'xt m Ii'tlOg MIS 11donflBal. Sunday Sept :,n Sunday c:chool I~~


fdinndr guC's~ In 1h ('Iman and 11 s Andpl'son Sf' \ rd and Blbl(' cla.ssf>s 9l: n. m \\01 -I I~

orford Nlm'!,d hom _ 'h,p s"r\lce 11 dl tlld Young ~,..:Mr and Mrs Ru h( I fOl d '" l1Tl and tilere Club Wompn'l' l'fIlsslOnar) e-etmg 3 P I I "" ~

rod \\- 1'0 guests Sl rlcl\ III Uw am ThrP(' cl~h mctr:lnst m, Luth('~ leagu£' 730Call nd£>l'S()n hom \\s!trng \\ltll \\-nh :\11s EIle -fltz Thllrsday S('pt 29 SC'nlOl ('onJ0latl os from ShC'llorr <lnel \l(h- tultf'!S MI'" RI hard l!rmallOn cla<;s Olga IzatlOn R pcl,Iaf Mt' and iVllS \/'])10n an I MiS WrJ[wm \!C!OI,ITl Pare-nls 01 cbss IfllrmbPrs dl~KaIsei'. 1\11 S E.stht.e'll KaISC'I. cmel \\ on prlz( S I asked to attend IMi', and ivll's. Harr' John."on

Myron plson ,nd Charles C'lub" i i Allen' MethOdist~ChurChMa'!Ium went to . Louis Sun- ChambcI''<; ('l/ltCIain_

1iI(. O. Zavadil. pastor)

day ~o ta,k~ part n a research clUb~alt U(,Sy Tlll.II'Sda~." Sept. :22: Brotl;1.erl100d.

~~~~: tour Monda 3nd Tues- ~It~kl'f~'~~i~~ i 10S~~~Y'~~Ot.~~~~i~~:1~1; u~~t~l~h~~l~l\1rs~ R T. Utecht enhT\,dlwl! <l ), 1110WShiP, S, p.rn

grOUr~Of lad1('" F,'[dAy In \111- ".\l{'dnosday , 'Sept. ~R: I Senior.sC'rva C'{' of h('I' bl 'lhelay. alii

SUI ay pVl'llmg rlPlwl' , i John's LutHeran Church:~gt~~al~I~'~.I..~E'~.h~~l'ii)~~~7i~\'.\ E ng. l\11'~k('" pas~nr)~~:..~~S ]\i;,l:~·\~·~'I~t\;:~\(,~:~;~;~11 :23~ 8lJn(la~' ,,,clwol :1

cord, 'Rllth and 1 ary l'I-';II·"on, ~ SatllntilY\Vay~; l'vll-. anel :vll . LutlH-I' niird Iand ·M'r-. arid 1\ll's.1 Gordon Banl fichoo!and famil)-l. Mon 'av altr;-nl.wn i \\'(11'-

Mrs. ~ard {?nt(,I'lai 1('r1 ii 'gl'Oup oil 'rill'

~~~~rl.~~~~(~ (~~n~\ll:h ;:::!l~~~~,h(,l'S i!l)!Betty Cr<!nw!' alll J('lT~ M,n11 IJon,lson

Humphrey, and aIT:,




Sales eased'profits ",mean -'.. creased pros;­perity forrbusiltess. for the work~'

'ers,:iand. for. the T community,I '-"1' 'I ,)EverybodY hallia stake In advefl\tising; -everybody. profits .from:'cood advertisln~~'




These Are Like NewAt New Low Prices!



1951 Mercury 2-000r, Overdrive

1951 Chevrolet 2-Door, Powerglide

1951 Dodge 2-0oor, A real buy

1953' Ford V-S 4-D<1lor, Fordomatic

1953 Mercury 2-DQor

1954 Chevrolet 4-Door, Powerglide

CORYELLAUTO COMPANYDoing Business in Wayne for Over 34 Years

112 E. 2nd Wayne Phone 152

1946 Ford V-8 2-0oor 1949 Ford V-8 2-000r

1946 Ford V-8 4-Door 1949 Mercury 4-Door

1947 Oldsmobile 4-OT, 1949 Chevrolet 4-0oor

1947 Ford V-8 2-Door 1950 Ford V-8 4·000r

1947 Ford V-8 4-0oor '5QrChev, 5-pass, Coupe

1948 Kaiser 4-Door 1941 GMC *-T Pickup

1941 International 1 V2-ton Truck

Out prices .are rock bottom, but if you're

short five bucks we'll still make the deal. See

them today:

No, , , these, cars are not sleek, streamlined beau­

ties. Yes, we've checked them a little, They are

not in new tar condition, Yes, they are rUAAing,

some of them faster. than others,

.'j .. ,. '.!"' ~ -.,, . ,, ,


Bane off.

.-, ·1·,.··" .. ··· ..1·· '1'" !" J :JI·:1·'··· .,.,., , 1,··1···· f :~ ..

I I " I I e I I ' ,. rI! : I ' . I • '

130 'lkutaJ Scbo~s~ • • II ...TtI~:e;:w":,,,:Y::n.-=1Nj", -:br:.1tlH:-e:ro:;'ld:,~T:h:U"iis,,:dO:Y;:'s:~!p:",:m::b:~r:2::2;;':::19:SS::'$:::::~sbistrJ(~t 10 I

;Mrs. Alice Johnson, teacher ~ We have new; bo ks and W0l1k_ ! .. . ' ~'. b?Qks. A,utu,mn I.eav~,'s and a C,al,er. A=rnort Rou,n' u.pI Fifteen pupIls are enrolled. hey pillar have beeljl st1:lUght fOr <lIUr .,. ~ " 'j ,

are:. J ck .~4tt, begirmerI,Johrny scilence study. 'nh~ ,,~aterPillar has . , IC,I8:US n!d "Ca/f'lll .J~ec*, first grade; lSl?tltn its cocoonl' ,s.tl irrels, pumJ>-' S '" 11 " . \Billy ievers, 1'erry, Lan, ~rY kl~' le-Q.ves an~ CO,'" !':hocks liN" e;"1 0.. 'bo 0 . ' "'" W'in-~hom, son and,. Je,r~p,Y'MeYer, t,hrd,; ou f Il room dPCOr~tions. .nlll ..and Mrs. rle'rl Bra~,· '....lJoyce ·111'U'S, fourth; Don Me er, a ;- .. SJdl!'. w{'nt to Omaha anki visIted(j'ary i'€jvers and, 'e Thomp o'n, asHes were" m ide ~ont~llmng W. C. RacHords.' Mr. ~d' ~rs,

:==e~=±E~=~E~~~~~~~~+--~;~~~~~~~~---P;~~~~~~~=~=~~~~~=~_=~=~_~~~;;~L~n,~~~mUdm~~~.ThCh~i~U~I~r1~~B~WC'~I~ng~i~ViSi,tLarry Thornllson. s~ h, and. c*ro- O\l'eroonJe a bad ha It durmg th,f' 'fril1'nrtr{'vo Klf'itlschm t, SHm-

l it_ II -B fl ,week and gets to c lor a room,!f ton, II ~w in. Louis J~cksGtl. Em-

F~~a:~t~~ :'I~~e~rfgo~~~~~ ~d piano Turiing ~yn~ Co..- 24:n~~\ '~i~~;O~a~in~b am .~~;U~~~d~ir~ ~ag1ior~do~~~~~~~ e"on, alSO. came in.

champIon boar artri !'lO\.\ at Wa n~ I I . LpcatC'd '7 NQrth, 4 West of land h ,for our to«>els. We ao~edrbtro,kheCnOlloart;5 ~otl;~k is drawn S.et~a~~'s RogC'rs, Omal1a o. ~amel~(m-'S';\t ..E: 'Outside ±lite pint. __ Can' thJS fall J~rrell Hampsll~c I h ' .. Wayne. Modern home, ()ad barn, bough new papell' cutter with ':' tht> 'Il, In on bUSlI1ess. Sherrill Slmmer~

1 ~al1oJh fre~ with 5-....allon ur~ REGISTEIRED mea type Bia { Fa~'m 1 t\f'st 1,~ Ootth of 'r.,~,tfl,a . d· Ren,.a'lrlhg ocnib, -ro-anllry, shed. co l'lf>te wa- lour far and'C'lubmOlney. ,'Roger Nelson) Mr.ry Gustafson, mann, Wichita. Kan., fleW in on(hdse. ::iaH~ 20', at McNatt H 'rd- Poland Chl~la bo rs Febru81' ~I __~ : __ I M tar -systen).. About 45 a cos valley. Clu Weers at'e: -Carolyn B~clc, Elaine Meier a~d ,JuHann£' Petl?r- hllsin(~$s. R. W. Shier, Kansas

S ,,5t-3 and March faJ ow he boar til't ~-- c- I' I : b*lance r~llirrg. You . I likC' 'this ,Presidf, ; B-etty Claus, vice "P1f'esi~ SteQ~.areA IbeOaodkingc'utph~a'rPdOlilisngbeeo"hl~~ TCuit,Ys'dayMo... came in and 'r~!turned--: - ----. --'-'- - crOSses well 0 any reed Albe t I anted' .' b' R'I' 11 T" h .. n l' fltrm ('X'cept for the bi dWt'e'd. :dent; ne Thompst;ln, treasurer, M .Db ......_l·\Jft .sALE: 1950 ~tudeb.ker A Kllhon,6 Iks s uth, 51~ ea t 'I}- l18)(' I,e mCla I ~ 'and D Me~-er. sctlj"etB:t"y. Itl'has made by the boys fr ollr library

Jl~( klllJ GODd ~'ondltqJn Fot 1Il- Wayne fi s8 3 ~_ 160 A'cres - odern been n~ ed Sixteen +'Tobie Knitthts bOOks. Ronnie IDgri g and ..cerald '< i,01 hl~ltj(ln 41)'") \V dnut 51 Apt A. -----r-- ---- I VA:":TU) T{) l{VNT ](;\1 il(I'l'S, In Wayne Qctqoer.2 to 5 club be Ruse we ha,'c castles, we Grimm arc wo~kl"' with plectro. ~ "

\\ ~\'l' s213p FOR SALE C-/loice kte-d gIlts a d ~l)' l'lUlr,~. ! II~II tilll' nt' 1C1- .,' 1\V"e offer fhf' improved 160 of the are tr)li to fill with.gOod..deeds. magnets in science.' \ ~N~II1~lalr~I USED-AP~PL-IANC-E-S 1--I_HOlstl.'Jr) mJil1: cows Dnle :YIC'\_(' Iqhlll"I'.\'. ('<iil !Illlll<.lh I InqUIre Herald 'ab,ow' 240 acre f,arm. Y s. wei have' Several bloch ar('. filled, In the Staff of OUI' Ine\~·spaper. IIUht- '_'V'"~~t',f'111.'

: ~22131l/Z0~ :-'tr'llrll']". \\'III:-.ld". Ia, bUY('r for the North nimproved castle b 'each pupll! already. We 'Ga tt is L :'v1l1rv Gil I f"on •I II (11 J ._,--. --.- l\'A:\T,EI) n) m ''1': .~;;l'.; ]ll~' Ilto; :1 s22t2p ,80, ' ,haC':,eal.aoli 10UbBPeCakPCTsh'OW'ed the group ~i~O/ ~g~~. N;'ls~JI11. ~ssisi~,~t ('di~ i' • I

3f.l9'i DOA J t ~ - - tor'. ~nll1klin i l."ltt and \'i'l'n . I' • :J R SfiLE ' ;lIldP;i,IP:lll(' (;,a.-; (:.\'l,lnrllTS. ,'ill.! " ,. . ',' - -' Un' p d 80 'C ,II how ,to., ake an, 'lqyarium. ,It has Uj D5' ,I,.'.''''.-,! I t' \\'1'11,' r;L1Il";I.~ (,'ll11)i)<-lny. '12:':0 I ;, 1m rove T arro three oldfish r.olan~s and many yl'imm. jokes mnd l'id~ilps, ilnd 'UlaNr .'; _. ,,;

,~L , ')' I ['I I I B' 0 't- , J;-' Rogel' Peterson and Elall1C :iVli 11{'l'. .... ... '('("hi Hatti¢'s An ~\lill I o. _it.h,,':)t I )ill') 1,," ,1011(' 'II';I~,-, uSlness ppor,tunl les f ,,' snails. ~he :llso dt'monstratcd how ¢artoonist::o.F . tnt ,)II()IJ s~212 l:1ou farmers .~roundl Carr 0 II to mak~ a terrariufn. where we _.~1-

COCK!! Spotted Polan~ China " + -l r:"':' ,... - - . : :S'~oUld ~y "to add th's tOI your have a rog. ' Il-------'-------...:.----~----,

I H I W d ' 3,) I (lfL WELLS III Kimball coun· far·m. Its rolling h'$'a~ed w('11 0 '11' te t t ,t d ·thBoar Sa ie 'I.' ,.: e p. ante, i! :if;I~])·li':~:{:17'1.'1~~.0~h:\-;.i(~i1~II~PC~I:~:fbncC'd and seedi:d. cafe'd 3/4 ba~eurt~~s l~;hf~~ t~eS ;~P~I:; ~~re

N· ht ott b -. r- "', ';3/:-) up, DCile \Vatl<ins. ISouth of :Carroll on ighway. fIlling WIth colon:·d fall .Iea\"('s .lor II 19 I 0 er W(1;\J!.::\' \\'.\:\''1'1<1,) II) h:=llrrik 1 'UmHIM ~1512p I I I 'c:vcry 100 Don Meyer IS leadmg-

I III tl1(' 1'<-11' ,1 I'C:~-; tl'\ 1',[11 lltlll' wn~t"I: I'I'jlll \' \ - Improved 163 A _ Laurel l WI' hn~ a spelldown ('\er) ThUl s-o!" (l\"'I'11111", .''';1) (',P,TI"lll'O' I", '('';- ' '1 Iday 0 r last wmner was Lalry I

! Anwl'ican Ml'dl~'~'k('["s snIT .\ji!tOIl \\·'lldlJdtlnj ('(1 \\'; ~r'._1 I NEED A M.A.N NOW I It IS on Irl'ghwa\ No ~O If has a Thomp onI~ho\\' sp( )TT!tD A~l) fielel t''''t.:l ".., Id;ood crdr! B.. 01 flarm ~s In \ all('y 1 Thu graders made a mlmatu~c

- K~S .LF.:D ALL HU·:nS lI'CorRenl II:) tillS {'I)nll1l11Il11,v to \\01k \'\.-Ith lIas had cl6"ood lnc0nle [e'<!'Old i~l~~rf'.c ~tJ~~il~~ e~g~loa~~1 ~~~~~~: 1.1<.1\."\ :'Ill·.AT. HA'\-1 AI'\ll r


, ,('ill,' 111-",11'1('1 manag1'l' 1[('11" a lLaI ,!stUdICS a,nd rC'cldlJ1~

i I . " _,IOPPflr(;.ltllt y 101' 1{'halJll' I1Hln whol, ! I Hun-iL~~ Dumpty' features our


For fl\ore priflt . I FOR R!<!!\:T' TI\'o-room tUl'l1l~:lf'd lli~I'-; II\·('.-;!o('k cllld Rl1-ts rt ....ar, P, r-! RC H'II C hcalth-l~ntest. -lmp<:>rfc-et iJi!';pec-I' 'I: • mak<' (OUI' 11<''' 1"0" """ aI , I", '1"<1'" ":C"'" 1<1<,o,'nl "0(1(. ])nn', ~ass. this up! . , ,. 0 tion ujl>sets him aOd cracks his

• _ J-. Spotted Boar fr, m Hattids ,,'\ '),11 I :I.~ 1.1

1.'-,1 ;.lnot.I~I.'1' ~ld .11 ~~~: .. Wl'lt('1 • I '9 • face;r!'; '; graders han~ their own'j'~ j' 1"\\.,lU,Ti"P,', S, ,: A,,' I, ~O~,lljar Also -,,('Ilinn" .<;0010 npf'n ~iltsl >1"i']l~l1C'; I ()'l!\l,' ~,(.I, I,j : 110.'\ I'll ~I I"nlldl l.t1tf'l \, II \\-', I3,O,~ 1108 \Ves~ 3rd !ayne, Nebr, bu~et;L board '\\-'hich they fill with

:nah:p'.; Inll1) ~r'9,;)O. Onl) 'tl:i.CJO ,..,. ,,' ) 'II~II l\\rl L"II,lS;'l ( r' () \\ ,1:) n(' Hi'l,dd. 52:21

I or - th~ir 1~ilY work.~~,:-';1\'11(' ~ok Sto~.(~._~~ Elmer Hattlg~& Son f" (' '. __ _ __ I 635 Grain Exch. Bl ., Omaha -:--.-r:-Fill\. ~AI y .. Fi1'sl gra~le I,ent ch:y LIN b F()!{ RE:\T 'yIIILilJII' 1()I'Onl~ \AANTEn AT ()NC~~.: Older nt.an 1__.-_...1- . ----1---- __ OlstrlCjt: 8 , .

1'1 '("" '.'1 P, d <1 ", aure I r.. Or two 10 dl)\\'iltihlll,' not '.;ub,l'rt to mllltary s('n'lce, ~' Mrs. ~It-'It'n Darner, teac,her) UI~ d',]SS S( I c. I» 111 4'·1 ,n('- , '.'.. ' " .ttl 4 '1'<,ill l~anl\\;ll'I'.' \VRvdp. <?2 <L~t3 Phu)]i' f-l1:! ,~HtJ fot' g-ood Ra.....·IC'lgh bUSlll~'<;S III 1 Card' of Thank Seh 1)1 opened ~'1 1 pupI s.

,';TJ.\I{L,\TE ) U"l' 1':1\\,1; w;tl~-;l'e~~,' ,"~... 1 !; ~~~';~ ~o:m~~·I:Il'S~~ ~~~~l.n~~~d . ~~~nii;du::s~ngi~:d~~~~r Sec.(;(),lrkn, \'i):();',r, J,' ','om,' f'l,e tl'l,ll~ a, wn IFOR SAl~r,:: ,\\:ilts irt's, . a 111j'V' lost and Found , : P,,"0, rils,' If'. in!el'estf'd, write a,tl.T HANRI,YOU fO;:-fue 'a:rds) ;ttets ol1d~ *liann~ Peter~en a~ Paul

:",),j \Vend burn \lcl';att ~Rrd- brC'('d o! hog'S. Brp( sows to start I, ont'C', Rawle-l~h s, Df>pt. NRI-150-1 and v"its I hav-e I' ceived dur-' 'Gusta sbn, thrrd: Ellaure Meier ~nd\\ :lynl'. ,j ,.22 .farrow~m~ In ,1bOUt;!Wf'Ck. Fartn- I (JS I h~',il,,1'1' AA Fr('C'port. Ill. s22p ,"in,R my ".'t,a,Y i.n the 0,spital and Larryl~elso.n. n~th; Ro~mi('.Dormg ,~---- .- - - -I" - ~ INS prlC'P 3 I!'ast a ~ ;) "outh 101 H II '(T_ - - ,since 1 ,have been orne, Fred and Gerald G;nIn;fl!l, slxth. Mary

j (I!I ;;, \1 I Ke It ne \ \\ Illtf'l b,lr WlnsHl(' 1[dI old \\ a l' s$U "s , 1/)"1 I I I iHeier j~. s22 Gustarspn. Fr-llnklm Lutt and Ro~I' Hcl\ n1OI1d c..;tnzck \, ake- ~--- - - - --- lund [ lUI i J . ":: I Rea Estate __~_-.:.L_. _ e:r ttl'SOh, seventh, and VernI I ---i __ __ _FS22 IFOR SALF Top uallt) blfd I. t .-- I II WISI-f TO F:XTEN . a sinc£'re Gti landRog~~

~-~==-~=;;;--=;;;F;;;;' PUrf'blPcllIJamps~ (> fall gilts to I Mlst"'llaneou.lo Services L'(IR S'ALl'"' Ael.nage at 512 E·t th~nk! you to my ft'I'{'n~s. and, ;:-oI-i·:::::------.,IJ. k fallO\\ 1n (arl} S ))tembeI <lind I ~ ~ l' ,- as Il"'elatlvps for cards nd ViSits I I!llvestoc OC'tobpr Double tl·e ted for C]l- 7th ~ re-toeivedj while I was in 1Ihe hos-

era and Pr\ sl'pf'lns prbert Alb IS 1"Plta'l ant Rince my ~eturn homf'. Ff\ It P-l ~d r - -h- 1

7 ml 1l0lth \O\lf,lwr'IIIlgh .... a} )11 HOME LOANS at 51J!o OUR 'Also a trankyo-U 10t.tblOOd don· orI( 11" l:~l\l~~.il'El')t l~n:~~,~hon~4033 _~t4 ~~e AI, \Vus uppre·iat('d!. ~~~I .

. ~~~:::;:Y!jnn ~(:a~'('~~~l~rs~~~'~~s~l~: 1 Lee Wint er's I[ Cavan~ugh "A ad I ~A I TO THA K all thos--; II>1W]]o' Tilden. Nf'br ,1'::;15t4 TAMW RTH \bm .'-',1, , , SS'Ur I who. ent me Card\ and vi~ted: !S I

- s:~-U;-P~~{:-~Cbestf'r -- . '---, .~1.1tl mea1s~h~~n~ ~a~h~~~~he~d6~~~~18 i, a eboars and, gJitS.~ youI' BOAR {\LE WANT1'Jl ('thlum .ballllg IWI,tll I I II and ho.~pital staff ,[Ii>r thf'ir fine 'II ' '

a .fme herd. Boa 15 are '~. 'I John 1h'err' \\ Ire t 1(' lJalf'r. 1 Vv 111 5 P care and attention tl1ey gave me.sen'l e- now. Phon ,',8552. ~o bf' ~pld .on th(' arm one. Il('!1 furnish and pun flat r<lekS',1 Sec 1 a es. an Frank Merriman. I s22p I

owells, Nebr. 's:22t4 North.:2 Milt's ,East :and l,~ So thl Myron or Glf'll OEson. Wak~fiE'ld.

. W' Nb k • 19t1 WE ARE DEEPLY GItiT~FUL to The beautiful home at 305,'I'"R'SAU: oroe boars. 'ple ISner, ras a : ,--+- I SELLS FARMS our ~ighbO'" frieMs ~nd ",la- ." f

Win r.<;. Local(' 101/2 0 2' 5l I ALCOHQUCS ArtTONYMO S, a1 tives ho extended cO!mfortlllg East 10th. ThiS ome aces

nnl"'I,o'1\" 0 Wayiw on iway i M N., SEPT 6, 5 '!Jational o~gan.iz~tion ?f p,r bleln . PAY YOU 1'0 eE CUR-! sympat 'y and help in oUr recent the beautiful C'oUege campusSt thman andl Sons,! Night ,SaIl' Stlirtin at 7:30 p.. 'drmk('r~.. StrlctJy h"-imanl.tarla .INc 1'1' WILL "..,.....,. " serrow;: for the floral Mfering.s. I I k

s15tf;i ! noney IInvolved. I¥f'etmgs held IOUSABOUTrnrSEFFECu ,·.Itpe m~riY ,memori1,S' cards of ant has a pre~ty itte PQ~-~, '-+~-I 50 '. BO,'A ,S . 50 I 'I, ever,Y I\1edn;sda

yright at ayne F"R,M SELLING ,PLAN. 0 "1mpal y and other indhcss". A jus back 01 .t. Modem In

Ydrkshire ,I . ,. ' 11 CIty Hall. \\rlte P, O. Box 4 Pan· ED ONL:Y£Y--'. .f;JleeiaHJ'!1hank You" to Rev. Carl- eY ry woy. Fulil basement. 5

~B~g,. Ruggen. Me I'Type Bo rs rter eQW sori, R v. Volker, the Wakefield

BOAR & GILT SA I,E Tl11S off('rm~ I,S a~l ,..:a~cmatl'Cl 101' . . ' .' Missio ary society fbr their Sf'rv- ro ms on the lst f100f 000 4



.al'<' n"YOLDBILTIS Re H,'lle ,,:Ilc.,an tothoseW~,.o..,e',.vedd.in. be rooms ond bath on 20dTuesday Oct 41 ! t;uara,~t~'f'd ~)r('C'd('I'S. • rn. .L...\ 1 '0' II ner- -ar¥l furnishpd Ifo()dl These I, , . I ' \\ nt(' [01 Catal?R .of OUI I (;(,t tho? nlonpy ;.'ou npC'd frOt the' ~' ..... 1kimlnet,~ses will alwab-'s bli', rcm('m~ I f1o'or. Floore,d attic. New mod·

: ('Oh1jJ1C<" n, ('rmg i Centra] Finan('f' COl'porati0 hy • ~I bered. ,Fl'ank N. L4I[l'sen. famIlies ern kitchen, This home has

ILEE, WINf,HER horrowing on y011r car or h use- lOR WC'~·d :ird v.'aynC', Nebr.lnf Mel.~in Larsen, ,t\·erl. J..ars~.n,:

, hold goo,ds. MRinlai)j your r}rrdit or :YIn;. Chfford Paynp" YI1·$. :\1anon I been com~etelly redecofated, . ,'f I ., Schule~. Mrs. Raymond Flonne' 11.. •. ~I('k K~~t' ~ o.-,:ral~;~a.rk.. A~,_cts;, In Jll(' community, In.) r;\,.:lln Ext'h, Bldg., Omaha, arid ;'vTrts~Glenn Granquist. ~2~~' recently and t,e house is 10-

i FOR .,gALE: ,HoIR eln m11k lcovJ· Pl'i\'a1'e office'S - Fri('nrlly !':E'rvice I H 1;-00 \V 10 11 msR 10 THANt, Jrlf'nds and s'ulated. A home that anyoneI with thre¢-mont' call. f{C\{ T Central F,inanc~ ~ \1 0:r~ ~h I t fl relat,"rs for cal j<.; gltts and would, 'be proud to own. Can

s22t2 J r. l1uehlwr.1

Wakdn('ld. '221) t' joorns l~;'s~ar~s F ~~ h~~§j flowed ,serbt mC' dur ng m\ ll'('ent give possession at once. TheCorporation llwnt \\Ith garag( R(j} SUlbcr 'Inness~rhe\ \-"('le \(1

) much aO- 1 price is $17,000.n7 Norfolk A/e. TelflPhohe 350 _ ___ s8t3 I r;J~~~ ~~jty~~~ All ted Dr('\~"J';p

Us:e' Cars l'o,[lk l;~~J~:iI-e~; l:'~,~ j~K~ct;:~h;;~~\~~ R'ING'ER' sl-lt31 h\ S(l dlIlg ]('It('lS ahd (<lId" \\hl1c

. ,,,," ,<DOb -----<Iv.aslnth('Ve'ter~ns!lospltal,ltll

'. 'I HOlll~f' pricC'd fOl" im-:(~mahtL Also tllHnkij to,t.hos(' \~h() 'AGENCY'~'s", sale. Has FHA lOall. 4, \'ISlteel m(' persona I). 10m ~ob.

i !E!"~e"f' 0",nb. ~ anri hHsC'ownt. Lot T>:'(140: i ere". ! ' s'22pt!;".- 0 tl '!!'S \Q:JJ;;3 St. Mf-ll·.... ·S school. 311

(-)RO~L\V' s22t~ '1 WISH TO~ her::! of lhe

!D~ivihg Bargain ~t~:L::;:~r;:=~\~=nme . ~"':"'- S'-'I!"

1953 JAIS~R M~INHAnAN 4-DOOR i . . DepN'T WORRYPretty anti gree ' as pastures after a spri,flg rain, fiS Ab,"out the mon\l1' trouble6 and detalils of having an auction sale.big I sp~ocibus co 'comes completely equipP,~d includ ng 11

dU,~1 rbn~"e hydr motic tronsmission. Interi1, r. is finis,ed RE~~ ON THE COMPLETE AUCTIONIn hco~tetely ifferent upholstery. A bI9 ,(Owerful or : MANAGEMENT SERVICE OF

-:t w,t, lood of se+ce left ,ond ot 0 low, low p ICC , E~RL THIES, AUCTION.EER

1953 ~TUD~.BAK~,R lAN.DCRUISn 4-.mOOR : rr Iff V 8 ~t , N b I 3 W!. ond 2"2 S. of Woyne De, po,.~A ~ark ~rey oni~', -owner Jewe o. per ectr0

1· - 01. or oyne, e r. I '

on~ gas-/Soving :q)verdrive make It fas't on eCOnOml?1,!tOQ. Goocl radio Ifor soap operas, new,scosts,. your favo Itel

195;r~:;~T~~~l~~~,~t~~~~;~N WAGON j ~-~ L ERe\I and 'White ~o-tone, point, 8.pa,,~nger ,cor for 0 big j' Fa~ste dB_LE~u~lnen; -':'-'lIVestockfOti/y. It is eq ipped, with back-up lights, 'Od,O, he te,)di ection,ol sign ,t;. Bi9 8-cyllnder engme p~ovldes p .'.Ve~ ue to my h0811h I am eompe'lll'c1 to dhscontlnl1lP my farm o.pt>r-to spore It is a sportsman's dream ~O~ hun~ing or fts '"9 a Ions so WJIlsell th( follOWing] d('scrib('d pr@pf'rt~ <lnd larmtri~s.' a the farmstC' d locatNI 10 milt's north and 4 m1l('s C'ast of

1946 tHEVROL 'T FLEETLINE 21000~ .! '·I'f., E.E E,RSA 11,1 E orel. N"bra. ka. on

H¢re's or older morlel COr thot looks good ... runS'~OOd .. onay' September 26'~', . and~'. loode with equpiment, ~ndUdhing~llfrOdiO' he .terf, ' alf' Stm'1s at i2:~O' p,m Lunch Wagon on Grounds

sp t-lig t"'$un 'isor, deluxe steerl~g w e seat co ersf I

Ie der s irts. S te roor ,eat tor child'en. res are n or- SriiturCiay Sept 24 i ~' 307 ACRE FARMly Inew, rna kin ,it ad" id:al sec0'ldd COt o-r'lo fine sc 001 '\ I ' ELL IMPR VED--Th(' NW1.. and SWI.~ of SI'C. lR. Twp. 30c~r. See I, this 0 ¢ to oy or a reo eq. 1 am of 6th P in Dixon County, ,Nebr. Farm consists of ap~I I RU'CK·· I. i' 1,00 HEAD OF CATTLE proxima'"ly 3 7 acre, of which 135 aCTes are Brome Grass

II. "',U,, 0 T " ,,' I I nastlJrP, 1S Be es of AJfalfa Hay and balance l.'lndf'r cultivation.90- Choice erefol"d seers, wt. 700 to 800 Ib~., one bnando 8-room house 'ith 5 rooms (2 bt'drooms) do~airs; 40x32 hip..I .I • .J. I 100 Good ereford st e~s, wt. 600 to 750 n~s_~ one brand. ~OOf barn wit! 40xll6 lean-to cattle shed 't"ach side. 32x16 cattle

1951 i~HEtlROL T 1V2~TON tRu~K 'I ! I. 50 Crossbr d steers, t. 650 to 700 Ibs., same brand. ~hf"d and 16x3' hcrg- house. 32x24 double corn crib: 2 wire cribs;

cb.,mes Ith st k and ,'I9roih rock .. , bO~. y, motor on~ 40 Good H~. reford stlrs, wt. 60,0 to 700 Ibs., "ne brllnd. ~4XM ~rain b n; rax20 doUblegara¢"; hen h~use; wood shed.k l' d°ti I .j. I-' arm sold at :30, o'clock--rnay' be in~pected 'before sale date., rqc 01 In goo I -con Jon. : jO Good Hereford st ers, wt. 600 to 650 Ibs.,j one branfl. 'Prms: 20 per ent sale day; ba1al'lce dejjv~}' ~itIl' alld abstract.

I,,1 't I #0 Herefor~ cows on ZO calve, by side. '" FARM MACHINERY ,

.l.. bNTI"C ,4 .. L 1L ' C D, alance of.~un yeorli g steers, yearling heifers f cows and t:Olves .•:Yv.UR 'I" - "IUJ ' "I 1 odel B John Deere with Cult., McC-D 14.in

jPlow; PNO Fur·

J__ ,.J, ~ ., SALE STAR'TS 1;001. . N T'I thO 0i GM II. _ WllLYS '1'flrLE ow Opef1N; ft. McC. Mower; ew ra1 er agon. IS seas n.

II' , , ,1!Er."~ 'on ."vestock lAarket,' 43 HEAD OF <CATTLE I

O!, ,I'k A',"~,I U'.t,o' ,1,1 '.:~, i' f Y I Shorthorn ilk cows, freshen after :sale day; .4 Y""riing Shod,

I I orn Calves' Balance of Cows with' calW's a( foot; 1 Yearlirtg'E~icsoln, Nebr. horthorn iJu 1__1jhese cows sired back to Re~. Shorthorn Bull.

, , UAL CA F SALE $aturday, . Of!1N ADICKSON, OWt!JER,I NeL-wn Bros., AU~S_ Security Nrtional R~nl{J Laurel, ~le1'k

" '



, ,

~eg~larly 199~95


• ~ " ,." ••• ~ ... " ••••" " .•• "," .. "II ......1···.."":1,-, ,



,I • Weight! 9144 Pounds

:: ~~~ ~t~e~r~~o~sead Mo~ioro~ i: ~~~~j:{agu~o a;~o~:~~~nui~~on

Hideout :• Speed Over 100 Miles Pe,r Hour

, • Gun Ports Out of Whl(!h to, Shoot

• Smoke IScreen and Tear, GasGenerators

• Bullet-Proof Glass, 1 r'I" ;ThickIe Entire Body Lined Wit~ l~_in.


A Sen~otionol Exhibit 01 theGetQwpy Cor in Which' the

Dillinger Mob Committed

13 Murders:l9.Holdups' .

(Car was\ abandoned n~ar ~astLou~s ~hen. it ran out of gas)


!he Jaycees i

I!,~~l~1 r~I~P,!~i~Lf++H:+h-t---f+""T't-t----N---r-n-i-,--1

lH...\d, T~u~ay e-, M rlyJoan 'Vohf and W d.''''HO~INS ••, I' ~' , ' ~ I ayn'e R. amu~lson e' Ings ...I b I I i ff '· II ... J.E,Pinel,Pho 73 II~-+-:--r--;-r-----'~, I ~ 5 £1 ec I' er .11' ed at H Isteil'l, la groom was jh)~'er glrl Her gown sa' n The bodIce was~lace oVO'r'I I I , M~s Fmget's Slgt r, rs Paulme benhor and Mr 81 d Mrs. Ken- d ~t1 R was of white ta feta, and sh wore sa n" with long taperl g sleeves

I I i WUb!benharst. neth bbenhorst ere evermg ar} Joan Va an YVayne a turqUOIse btl d over her head an Petcl Pan collar he wore aI I. I I I IMr.ahdMrs H ITY Schwede and Iguests the MarVI Rosen h«pme, Sa uelson were mallied Sunday and C8rJIPd

IbBSket of ros s qwens clown of SelUl11S and

I J ~ d er 'ta I J~rry Leelwere v sioors In the $d- [osmon SUnday In he MethodIst hurch, Holstein, Dale Bl'ns n, Amps, In, was rh~('ston('s and carrl(,~ a whitei·


. In' s me sa, I II win Strate home hurtayevemng Mr c.l Mrs Ed 1\ aas werel VIS- la Parents of th' couple art; Mr. beft man I'oomsman wa Jim Bli k .md \\hlt(' 01 chid

I I Mr. and Mrs, H os smus spent Illtor5 I dWln Strat home F~lday dn MIS Henry Itths Ida, Glove, Whltm'y H rtmgton Usher, were aid of HanOi Ja~et Jolms,

1 I I - -t -----<~ Ftlday In SIOUX Ity evemn I Ia and Mr and lVIIS S E Sam- JUjn vohs ro~heI of the bride, Bc nlngton \\OI£' a y How Iwaltz. 0 fie rs we e#I~C ed by skinS~ Mr and Mrs F an Miller were I San 1Asmus wa an over!illght uel on, Wayne i and Stan!l' SlamuC'ison yons lel1'gth go"wn, net over.s tin. On herI high s hool r asse last week. Iguests at it e H~ I Y Sch e4 nelghb rs surplilse Mr and tcrfil Fhday VISItors m the Mrs. Martha Iguest the J E PH/gel 1)ome A D H ltry pel h.. Ted I br'Other of t1e IDl"ldegroom~ The head she wore a crowrjl of yellow

Jum rs also a elel 1e ne\ paper Ihome MI'. a dJ Mrs Ich rd as GeOige Ehlers I 0 ~helr flf e ill RRhrke home. I I Wedne ay the ouble rmiC1 emallY W,lle mhn all \\0 e hght gl ey SitS f1o

t,ers. She carried, yellow,. and

staf. r I land family El I e llenb Ig weddin anmvers ry A n ost ~s Mary Fa k, Jmlmy and I MI nct MiS WII181TI Vle~utz, m sand turqu Ise butt~n mwns Mrs VOh~ \\PIC' a dark <;rC'pe br nze pompons.R sU1S of. lassie eetl . er, Norfolk re sUi pel ~gues s supper was enu

odf Those p~es+ J1lne, Mr and rs I BIll Queen INorfo} , w~re guest m Ithe aIry de' Olated the e Uieh OlgaruSJI drcss With lack aCCE'SSOlle Mrs ale Marple was bes~ man. Both

F es me~: Am ld , I Mr and r Will s RI ze IH ent w rp M1 a d Mrs. t:f and family and Rev and Mrs Schwe e hbme Frrd lJ evel1ln Be eI I} Ro.:>en m accompame S4muelson \ 01 d a dal k blu dl ess m~n wore white jackc~s and darkprd Ide t, W Ilis IF, lk, • land DICkl~ ere ~ sltOls at th Koepk and farm ,I Mr an 1:~: Plaul Coolt, Way e, eliJoyed a P1C- 1 Mr~ Mabel Schwe e ""as arong Au gl~ Goet~s?, I \\ ho *ng Be~ with naV\ fccscsonc

sBot mo trtrsers.. _

den j lfJale urn rg-, se e ary- IBernard J n n b me WI ner Henry eensahg ~ Marv ~. nk dumeT Sund y at a W¥"ne guests 3Jtendlllg a parrt) at the ca. se and 1h LOids PuyeI' the-IS had rsagcs o[ \\hl e fUJl he brid("s motlwr Worc a pink1re urflr, Fa k

l9nd Denms elde-- IFrlday even n and M~S Leon W 1 hand f Ily, park Oscal udant home, Madlson, FII- he bl"lde \\0 (' a floor length I mums ta [pta dress with purple accessor-

rna, student ¢oun II, We eman, :M;r and Hf:1 crt ~d1\\Inid Mr an Mrs Will ~ Wesel, r. Mrs Mary Fal spent Fnday In dayall:'lrnoon I go)vn \\lth a ma darm c611ar, lace A ICCe'ptl n follQ\.-\ed In the it'~ShC wore a yello",' qJse cor-ne rtporte, land Dorot tant 1 \\r~e S. tur and MI5 WllhamHII!;g-ert, M nd Sioux CIt) 4 Mr a;nd MIS J Pingel and bodH..'c and a sh CI yoke \\lth ,ap- church pall IS With the tablf' dec- sa TC'. Mrs. rhancl' chOSe a brown

op: ornor sr, N rma ttler, 'day

afterno' viSIt s In ~hc 1 Mrs lement W qh and u ali, Mr and Mrs d\\In Strate and Mr al d NIl,.; Waite Koehllr,Os- phnu('d SPI<lyS 0 id.ce leaves fhe olated m t f' bllclp S colqls of iiI. en. dres.s with avocado ai.cccssor-pr Sid nt; e~~r W man, IMInnIe KrafS ho r )/11' a~d MIs V 'Pus Welc , Mr. Delores enJo)ed n oyster supper mond, left Wednes ay afternoon Sk~lt made a la C' tumc formll'lgi turquoise a d mau\e Thl' tentpI- ie and a yellow baby r¢se cor-\/1 preside ~ e e Mill ,sec.. I Mr and I' Jo Dlc\spn an Iand Mrs Art M{l~'1 and M and at the home of rs Strate's par- for C erokee Ia a d \\('le O\el~ scallop", Her rngerhp IllUSIOn piece \\as fqur-lll'red \\1cddmg sa-

Y£'. <

roe ar)l;; Bill a q ardt, t asur- M;~ ,LoUls· M:~lttiest 'adl or DI ,Mrs erman Gllirtffi I €jnts, Mr and M Edward Bern- ~ mght ue$ts In the Henr~ Plmgel veil \\ as \\01 n lih a cro\\n 01 cake decOl a cd \\ Ilh rosl."bur.s and ecC'ptlon for the immediateer Arle~e A,,",U and sse II spent Flld ~ aft rnoon ll1 th' - -------'- t,1 hardt, Norfolk onday evemriJ::" I hom0 Trursida\ an FI Iday Ithe} laJ;'c seqUinS Th bl"lde carned a to~d \\1th \\ hIll.. dovC's an,d dou fa ilks was held at the Fathfind-R h~an, tl/Jrn

c~unc, an~ Harry Drn e ho . Annlve~ ary pai --~- Iattend dl the Spe eel', Ia fall' bo'UqUL t of \\ lte [UJI mums h]p I Ings Irs, Max Ern(tt and C'I' hotel. Baskets of floy..·i:-rs dee-D rot y Fri "" n WI re rter. I Mrs Frc },1E.e~ ang <lnd Il,'r

fMl' md Mrs: edrge Ehl }en- 1,.5 tAt al I, They durned ho Fllday e\e~ cehtclcd \\lth b ue pompons 11rs AdOl]'l ","chs cut th cake o~ tt'd the room. ~milax and porn.

J ni rs ha \0 te Kl nbach, bert Kcaus erel "n th lellaIn d about 7 ""uests I on-,. a n U mng' Matron of h nor was Joamo M" Jun hs and "'" 'anley llS we"e on the tables.' Cuttingpre Id~~t, ug ~e Ehrhc, vice IMrs MInm "ldU~ IFI da on of I").elr flf:tee 1;h weddl an- W I MI and MIS El c Melerhenry Wlilku:, Nonolk She \\ore a tUI

lSamt\(!son KlUl(d J;>.nlCC cnton thl thrcc-ticr cake w~s Mrs. EI-

pre I~Elf:lt, M rY....lfi n Pm I, sec- eventhO' I lll\erS ry Pitch rllzes wer won, MS Gu st Day Carol J~nJce and Harry MIlle'1 Q401Sl' clystallet e gown ana car and JacklC ICWt asslst(,L~ \\lth m't' Johnson. Fr('mon~. MI's. Car-let rw; Gera d \'fIt leI', tr surer; - ~- I b) L well Hel o~shelmer, Mrs I _ MI nd I Ml S VIC or KlugT and rI!'d a \\hlte f " mum bouquet sel\ In I ro I Eisenhart. Omaha, and Mrs.Kal~nl Walk r q.n Bill oepke, L 0 . _J '\\a,y oehler. 1 dn Welch ~rt I About 60 per ns attended the Mr a 'el ;Mrs W,li am Maa, and I'l ,desmald wss alOl Sand, Om- The\"dJ a",nel,'d WS'l'C anel Kitty A. Roush, Frempnt.: poured.stu ~lt eOuo 11, Ian MISS mg-el, A-Tee... Icer:s ~ (leme ts vVelCh 1I1d~ean rank guest day spons red by Immanuel I Fred elf Visitors t the Willard at).a She wore Clfmauw cr~stalcttl' taught In SlO4L

XCity IdSI )ear 'H~.. rl"il't Murphy, sister.; o.f the

pC' neporte. _I ~ ~ - - Reformed 1115S10 aryl SOCIety Wed-II Mdas hOrPe Tuesd y e\ enl~g m g{h\n and also fan Icd a \\ lute Ow blldl'gliuorh b a gl'ldratt 01' brldegToom. had cl!al'gc" 01 theS iPrs~ b Flet her pr sldent: Namt::ld L st W - - ~- t nesday afternoqn at the ChUICh I honor ul ~rs Man bnthd \ [yJI mum OOUlI l't ~a\rH Pre and nCt'I\\ d IS dc- 'I gUest book. Delores Johnson, Fl'(1~

Del J$ St a e, seqletary· teasur~ " youth FFellow~hl basement. I" II Mr and lVIl S W ill,ll d ;vIaa and I Candh llghtl I S \\ C r (' MaxlnC1 gtl (' In 19S.P dt \VSTC lit IS nO\\ m'bnt. pn'sided at the; gift tablt'.er; elore. GalIIn4.t, BIll :0o.fe.r, A-Teen ~x:('nS11 (Iub I ct,P EU Youth Fellowshl met Emeha sChroeO€l'fa\e the wel- Mr a1d Mrs \rVjllam Maa~ andlVohs SIster 01 I thc Ulld,' and il) thl' Air ~OI'(tf'. The bncte IS a grad'Uate' of Fi'q~Ra all 'aus~ i' and PhIllIp offlcciS las cdl sdo!.\ d thr ::\1ond y evel1ljl1g at the B othet- ~om(~ and SCI'lptme Re\ Georgel Fled. \Is~$or", In the La'\-IDa\ld Volls tofSln of the bllcte, TJw C'0l1Pr11' \.... ill 11\:(' in tJenn'r, ml:mt :lIgh school, att£!"ndpd WSTCSe ~ ,!,ich, .' t~.~qnt coun , and home of M s~ Koppkl I i hood Ulldlllg \\1 h Karen alk;4r Heusmger led the peOlng Ot a~-I HeekE h0rtie~ I OJ talk ~atur- INanc~ StUve n l C( o[ tlw bllde- wh('l't' Mr,:. SarrlL!l'ison is *.. 1tat ion· t,*.IO ?'l:ars. a..nd was.('m~IOY.ed atCa Iy:n It leI', n ws rep rter. Those nfm d re Mrs ar ,lS Ie der Roy elerhenr cdtll- er Poems welle ead by MIS da\ I In allot of Mls -'- - -_ -_ _ cd at Lo\\'l"~. AFR. ' Blby's fawn f()J' some tune., The

v.jspape ~t~ff~rnemb s ar~: ence Schr Et er, reSident, ts ducte thp busllle s meetmg Plans Chrlstll1e Luoker anp Mrs Heus, Heck bll thc U\ "t h • I bl'ld("groom graduatc..4J [rom Waynf'Ma' e~1e La 'ehz; ',ditor; hyllis Earl And nice ore51d nt I were ade for a a~l'ack 1'1 e Oct mger Mrs BilI ltenske gave <'\ _ ahd Jerrj. Lee \ ere \ lSI ors Il1 t Q I High sC'rwd thre(' years 111 theMa 8. nssista tl e\:iit r; Gel' d Wit· Mrs. Guy Alnd~r on, secret r+y~ 110 It II v..as deci ed to 1m te the readmg Re\ B(>u~jng('r sang ~ V II I b Oall Schwede lome Sunday C\L Jl !'vtiil"i;1(' Corps and IS ('mployed with

'.lE' la."d. Miiarn ..on8

th.,SPorts; trea.surer.'JMrs'W.llllamRlge.rt.J IINorfO~k.F-::UBYothfellOWhIPtO.SOlo.andled glOUP.. Slng-w

gand a ey U l1;ll1

g t6\ISltl\I.' se.h\\Cde \\ho Kay Nelson WeUlS aloealPlumDing.andlhC'.al.ingfirm.Sal ~rfl Asm 's ~d>ci~l' a.nd arolyn mUSIC lea~el~I' M ,Elmer K dp the e\ent Hosts v.ere WillS and contests New 0 ficers II~as been \PlY 11 At thlS \\Iltlll.l! Af(('l' a short Wedymg

trip theWi ~ler, Ma'Y <t\.n Pmg, Dor- ke, soctal ~l'i1rs. Illlam Th en, L)le alk. -~-...... • she IS ImpI'm In r I h i l'Ollpl(' al'p makmg t WI1' ho,p1e atot yiF'riend l1'dpe nisW deman, dell healt • 'Mrs. Kennard 'r llj I· ---+-- ~ Paul RohrkPilSllCOd hiS motherr rsday eetlng Mr. and Mrs. IEd\\ln Moe\\Ill.ng Char et Murp y:at lO9 East T('nth.l"ep tters. , ' ne~; M ~;I Ja es Robin nj I Mr.land MI'$. Tank Mal en and IMrs. Martha ohrke, Saturday eleclPd ht th(' w('r(' a~t('rnoon a!~crs.a.t .th(' WlI, Attcnding a pl"ennptial di[lJ1{'l'

' : reading; !r1i-. L Roy Hall, ~lt, Mr. ~rld :vII's. rvill(' A der~on evenmg. ~ 'th Valle)' dub lard ,:vI::lR~ ~nn: S.at,Ul.dd). 1 ! 01 ill tIll' Nt'lson home, Fremont; be-cali1or.nians.. Fet¢d !.' I izenship, ~. d. M . Iver An ~rt ',an.d f .md Y WeI' Sunday \·enlIDg' Mr. and Mr.s. E.d"i'.m Strate an~ at till' home of ,:vII. .dn~ .?'.1~s. ;il!,ld~.~1~~~~t ~~l: Fremorit Sept.. 1, ron:. tIl(' ("('n'nlO.n

y, ('rc Ml". and

J. and 1\ rs. Clij.rence. ~hl'oed- son, flowelrs.1 \ " I \·I~lto s 111 the lLeonard arien ID.elores and r-.:~" and Mrs. J: q: Ul'ClI' PieIL'c famIly \\CIC un a) Cd elS , t Mrs Wlllplll1 Chantt'o Nancy,'rr ehtel1ai led, If thel Mouse- Mrs. ufUrred Plrrcc (~rtl', home. I Ping~l and Dlckhe sPC'llt SatUldaj. I flcers name were IMrs Hdll\ Fl\ h~1e LUlcDln Carol and HHlTH.tt, Mr. and Mrs.

gu stS Mr. and Mrs. ilfred Holh~vood'i Calif 'a~) . I.' ~1t,.1 and Mrs·liHans As us en- in Lincoln.! : Pete Moody pr ~Idcnt Mrs 1\11 an~ Mrs It'l n~an Ul~f(,l dn~ Dal\' 1\1arpl\', Bob Nelson. Mrs.'p!- rc¢', 0 lifo~ni.' W nesday Mrs,.' Rjgg~I't irl:'dc \·pd SQ 1~f. f t,('rtai~ed in ~,on1r ,of her b rt.hd\l~ ---- • ; Don ld Lars~n, Ice pr~sldent, ~~~~ha~/ s ~~~ :\~~(' ;~l ra'lld ~:~d Ail.c(' Chance :lll~ ~I's. :Villiam

m tJ Gues s 'Y.~r,' Mr. d Mrs. the mDnth. Mrs.. Db..".lS0.1.1 P 'c1t - suo nd<lY ev.e~rhg~'Guests we e.. M.. I. Mrs. Wit.tlefHonor.ed. Mrs Harry Drev en, secreltary-' y :vI d Ylr Ed\\IO R.. l'lt:lI't'S. all ,of \\3. 1(', MIS. Ma.YE ne~t Mac ml1ll~' ~r. d Mrs. cd I, i1r~. Ed S ifi-ll-e and elorls, trea urer Mrs Maas flealth JelfY Leed

DI an . ct \1 d \0/111((' and Ull'OJ Eo sh, Fremont,E :in Ulri h; M. and !'S. Ed (let. 12 ""Ielin "oil be, thc . ~':ct Mr:, Bcrnha,' 1· M.r: At Thursda Shower lead e, Me> A v'n 'Wagner, ~i::'eEr~er ~ :~~;~"an Cab:m~I,~ ~J'ct ~k and ~r"JRUSSel Johns

~s.! and .h.}l~.. lIS Mr. d Ml~" :\1rs. Ralph 'R.o.h. n .. ,.on.,o.. . .'. '. .M. IS... Hall.'Y . al1Iwcde an. Jen~ Mrs, Marvlt~ "'(Ittler, ~eC('.rtt, rea Ing Mrs ans Hansen, e:n o\ed a no-h st P1CtuC dillner <lit imd Jdlll'C Bennmgcrn.H ~lSI Asmu and r. and Irs. Er1C - , I, I l,ee, Mr. and M s. Herman Opfel. bride, was honGred at a n;llsccll-! new, Mrs. John Drevsen, flow- J_

H-2 k FI k Sunda\ •

Mlerhcnry I Mr and! Mrs. al'lf'n Sell rn!,r II Blll and Nanc·. Mr. a dl Mrs. anpous shower 'Thursday cvemnjg! ers Mrs LOl,lls end'n, mUSIC, [a a ou a lp IB -h dt It's (l fact that fat (lnd fussincss.~ ~- and Alfre~ -I""eref YlSltor~ 11 t 1e Franlf;. l\lIlIer" :}lrs. Matti' Vas?, I at the· Bl'otherhdJod buildmg. About and Mrs Ed Sh Ilenberg, Mrs Mr and

dMr I au d Jrn

ka; ~ be;lh b(' \\'<1lkC'd o'ff. .. ,"A el ets Hub"rt EhrlTch h, mc Fl'lda. e\'f:- 1).11'. alnd Ml·o;. fA:l :\h~s.and Bhylils 60 guests attenqed. : Har Id Maas a d Mrs Claus Eng~woo. Cs/ 0, an ac ~n _==--:j====:::;

.. ~ ning. I I ': 1 dnd~r. and MIS. Kelth oughn. Th event viras spent playinS Rat man, SOCial committee I gel ere Tuelay dinner gue is ._J t· ' ::vII". and, Mr~ 'lilis Rllz(' BIIb· 1Car pl'lzes W(>l' b~' "11r. a~? conte~ts and l1elay games. MrSl. M" B( Jlcl1n ((ll1lucl Ii Ill", husl 11'1 the Harry chwede homeee I 9 ay and Vickit'o ~·lsite at the \crni~ll, ::\1r.". :\l11]('r all anq MIS. Clarence SCh.roeder. won. th~. ness (,Ll sis },lr" I T :\11 Inc! l\1

lS llc'ln~dn Op!ll- h Behmer home Tu sda\ C\ el lng, Illl1u,-;hn rize and re$ented it to MrS.. LOUI dnd allC) und HII \\ PI L' F lldd\ €'\ ol'-"',et Te c Irs :\11 and M!1s Ge aId Blug emaIl I - I I ~ittler. P: I Mrs PIlIl( MIS I 1I1J.-; calle]s II the Hdtl<; Asmus

, I'QSkIllS

-TA h Ud Its f st m('et~ ~lsB~~~~~a~l~'i ~~l~a~~:;l c~~p c~ rc~es I Hostes.ses v.:ete ~rs..ArnolY v.:.i~~ lk~; be It the I o;~~·s. Hill \ lh\\(d(' \\as d111011"11 Tu"sd C"\e Ing at he lng to h 1 ~ U tier, l\1rs. Call Wlttlci . .:\11S. R,~) h I~UPsts dttcndlll--: a P31t\ tlll'shoal Ml CHI IWlttl pl"f'Sld- d rna a, WI FJ II k all(l I Oland \Vittler, Mrs. Lawl'('tl()(, om I I thur Schell epper hOIllPC f f Rel\ an~l ii\~s l~;; '1~I<il(1 T Inlty LutJrlan Chal/man Joch.ens, Mrs. HallC't Sch~l~t, M Scll\\pdc on :\1onda) ~!l'lllOOn l(ngth !-!;o\\n QI lac( 0\( I' ~~~('lrvtemb-e vote.lt[ to pu bhase a ami ~ an~J 1 l 1 t t~ I \\'lscon 1Il Synod MadIson, Mrs.' Paul SChCUllCh, __ -+-_~ ~

oqr mlrr r anllPlMkm $hears :\te~ack f~/ f' a 110ng

gl e )~of t (G Ii } I dllk paslOJ) Mrs. Myron W~lker, Mrs. Maurlceor the h me e~J1oml depart· ten mg al (t\t.' I

ln\lo Fl ~dtl\ Sli'pt 23 Can mUllIon Stalnak'er, Mrs. Edwin Mei~r,""

erJt Me tmg iiy wa Is,wltch- of Rc\ P t.:c ,II]( dTIl \ 11lI1obn(emt'nt" alltel noon nd t'\C !H"nry and :-'11'S. Erv".in Ulrich. I. f h RlSlllg \II'" I· III \ P\ t'!lln .d to the third onday 0 eac :\1 IVt FJ'\\111 Ul 1,1 :\11s lllll~[ _onth I ~' 1 ,Ill( IS d'tl } \ [~\ It ;-;1 II ICI.I\ :2) 1)1\ S('1 \ ICC Ruth

Nc\\ 'te,chels ,\elC 11tIOctuc"d FdIC,1 llr}C~~I~ 1~ll( llll~ :1~11 \\ III hnh guest in

~M II r1mHn Opfel '[I"hp.\ alC ,\VeT! dm'-fIl~1 Ol' , I](,~ \11('lS \"v'ednrsday,

Il s I~O\ Wltt( Kl'11 I BDughn el dl S,'I \ I(('S. d1 :-.Ilnt()h Sun~, Ij. fOl "c!lOol :\11'. and Mrs. J. ~':. Ping,,!. Mqry< nd GUI do 1 ;'vldltelle II :\lrs B('l thai POhlp11n _ Ann and Diekiq, :vIr.';. Paulinc Wtilb-

Hosh'ss! \HI¢ MIs Ians. As ~ -- • I EJan Uc'iledL"I,eth",n ,. ..... _

~'U' and' os Gdorgo L ['genhOl g Socl,I-I" ' ,

(:~t1he 1~1cl ~1~}~111n~11~:lt\~v'~!r~~ I t: .f 0 0 I~te Jen aijllw:itdslCij WSWS I '

II Jloskll1l' \\S\V flHI fllllSed\1- L'ZZ'Plrtas~ ~nd :\1IS IGerhaldt at tht' ~Ion~( 01 \IIS (llit Stell I

!n~lk No lolk \~ele Tu sda) e\f' nakC'1 \1h~ II;-nrld t lrl(h j('d rip ,.,_ ..... ".lll~ \ ISlt IS m the ::vI S ,EmelJa I \ otlOns ~nd gd\ e the I( "';0 1 :\11 s

'chmldt h m0 I FIPd .Jo{lh~ns II' rl <t PO( 1 :\11" ,Ii IJWI' an M~s Leona p M,\rten Paul S(rif Urich I ad Cil<tl U ot Ihe

i1Q [amd 'H'rejealiers ,t the Wd-' busme" ,oo<oon A gU'," ,n ",'Iall:! ~8.a home Frida} e\Cl1lng b(' held tIl the BIOI)HI lOO b\1l1d

~Mr an MIS [WIllis ltze, BIHy lIng Oct 14 :'\.11 S \1dUll (.? ~t(d

t DLc Ie \ I~lted at the Call na~l "liS d gUe 1I ze ho e Su~~ay e\ hmg - 1 I j

6 Ir dn :Y£rsl Waite Koehlci IBirthday C ub

lh1ond ' I were Fl'i~a' c\·ening I ,Mrs·llilns "I,lt '\,·t.<l!llWiI

Ig ' ests aJ'the J". rE. Rin 'i!l home. [Bll"thda. dluh. . <11 (:1 non.l:.I :Mr. al d Mr1' Ed\\i J3rogren" Card. pllZo!'" we T • \\ ()l.l. .\ 1'I!1 S.!Y'Dnne c·nd. ,L~is . Wf'l ,?unday ':\/lalll.".Vo~~. \'I~.'. ,1',1:1('11<1. :11:n:l{l~.

la '~ernool ..... lsltdt..S In t c Kennard I~l"s. Hatqe P~I cc and "; <11gi-lntHall ho e. ' 'Krause.:" I"

Mr. I-lnd M)"~, Mer! n Brugg('·! I _.'-I m;lJ.n and Paul return d to their: P<;a6'e ~org Pe pie

I~~~~in~t tij~i~1~jt th~1 i.d~ce::tf~ I ~('~~j~~,~ct eC~{Jf:h IC~~~('! the horne of \1n. Drug 'man's par- !/e~'(,llin.gl at thl:'tl'hUl'('h

crlIts ,. Ji.. Bruggqman, • erlyn is at- J 11C'mice Lan,L';{'n en..;tendmg the UniYCrsitY'h I' ,of the fl.l(>ctlllg" :\1<11')-

.M r.'" alld MI~!;. Wny, e Thomas i ""as a Iguest. Sfllldra

were Sunrlay, guest~' at the A. I hostl's-".' IBtuggeman \"10"1('. II, '_. _ '1_ ,

Mr. alld :~ns. Edwar ;Rernhal'dt, IAnniveJsary 0 estsi ~_~olkl \~_e Su ar dlnnpr Mon ay c~(' llng a




All, Merchandise",

'Sui?iect to : 'J' :

I Stiock on Hand 1••••••••III•••••~•••: I".•••••••I••~•••••• lI! ~'.~ •.~,••'.'iI.:;·

I I I ' I I

, 1'1 I I I·:i ! I .I' .1 ., ',I i ,II I i -




1_...._ .....

)." n'~I'f'f' .... 1. 1.•.•.•1.1' •• 1,1· ••.•• ..:, .. " .,••••••••1


••... '.' . '/,.1" I If'I I I r I I [ : , .

I' I I I ~ .I' •

,I I:' " ')1" . I ' ) .

"!-oE~'---+-I~"O"'-~I;;;;..I....I-~I 11ft ERA noJn wilh Ted S ahe~ans. Laurt GIbson Olher member ~I ~~I ~ IA il I Mr. ahd Mrs. IRay Farney were committee were Mrs Gord n Chap..RASllNu RD' I vls,lors of Mlkd 15raghus SundfY mil" O~d Mrs. Herb~rl Hi! em.nn.

• I I aft~rnoon I ~ Amo g the 41 present re Mrs.... I I -- I;-I0ward Mau lee hosts SUin- D L eed, Norfolk chapt r mem"

• t T1l Wa e County Scho I. , Vol 81 +No '0 Wayne N bra,ka Thu.. a Sept dol' for dmner r ond Mrs ber I" I_~__ Lr ", VI~gll Mosema d sons, Em~- ------+--

~d so , Mr and M K nneth Du k· M c· B

a "ne ••g I I bays from our oom h aI(' gOing I'he Chlldl '11 gOlhe!e unng Ih lr Bou hroan. Pamela and Tommy . esls Ihe 'Bob eu Ion home, 10 and daugh ers rd Mr a'd UriC 005t~ 5, •• lout for footbal I vacatIon < rid trlpsj ~01:e of the e and Mrs Anna Ma tn, Omalia, 51 UX CI ,and spent t e evening W-Ib j M sWill Lu t! he orcas! n I II ff. ,

ll1dergarten, Eighth Grade I ~ mclude uge PIOE'fC nes f1 m 8.!ld ii':J.r and Mrs b Mohan and In the del Lund h e to ob- I U r _ m~ked Lutt's fbrt -second w~d- ns~a 0 IcelftCindy M;eyer: nd DettiS Rei] Ii Our room ~ected 0 !flcers f 1ICalIfornia and ro.j;k lorn Co 0- J~e, SIOUX City. :ie e th birthd~.yS ot rs Lund I I dl g anmversar·1 ~ IN"~

elebra"ted theIr lith b ·thday las the ftrst sernes er thiI 1eek The rado and ithl

e Blac1;t. 11 s PlCtu es MI Nelhe JOh~SOn, Laurel, d D. . • By Staff Cor !Nl;KHldent r. and Mrs IGlc Gathje alnd d t t'Wi officers assume the\'Leek., Cmdy bt ght t ats t~ th are prbslden, Ro*r I1anso collected and takd-n 0t the tI'l s spen last weekend n the Vernon Mrs. renee WaIte attended fatmly VlSltCd~SUIl ay c.. en~ng ~u~~~ S;o~te~se~~I:lgM~nd an~~~tommg class a d Demus fo~ th "'"lce preSildent Illy Kpe er seer - are also qn dIsplay ~ Sch 112 home Sun ay all were eLL meetIng In South Mr. and Mrs. Ral Watson and W1~ Raymond ~tes. at the hi h sch ] Y

fternqon gro4P Mrs .f.tJeibold was tary, Gary L gr, alld treasure I In SCience we rna e ~hree ki S dmner guests m the Richard. Carl· S DUX C ~ ruesday. famll ~re dmner ues r. and M . V\f. J. Klepjer, N~goo. PaulVlsl~~r. Kenneth l vog1 Tite 1executh e of balOm~tt~-lS and lal \.\~Ol ked son Ihome, Laurel ~hrUSdaY and fro n Mrs LeVI Dahlgren, Ed ~nl)Y home, ~OlltSS~d~e S oner, WIS, l~ft Sunday a~cr PaUla n of~~~ n~~E M Witte,KattY Wolsk brought a l' ord com!T1ltt~e IS atty 01 on Jenl\ - - I I ~ Frld~y she VIsited n the Schultz r l' an 1 1"5 Thure J hnson, Mr. FrIday evemng the we~e amOIig vi Itm.g her Slst f, Mrs John B sh vIce r~dent.eM~ r~ Fran~

o shale WIth th morn~rig clas Baler Carole dght Ceryl Johm District 7 home agam a d M S Pal,ll Dah gren and sts m th D h an,d Jun They ~}an to \ilSlt ot cr IS ,. rdrst d son and Judj !Ollmorg n v I Hal bara krusemarki 'jtlCher Mt and Mrs E nest Packer ean a Mrs Rose Dahlgren, r;e rei to he1 ~ ~mers Ol~e, relatiVes around hpte and s nd ~I' s cret~ry, and Mrs. eona

I ra e- In adthmet c \\'C' ch <:.e team!;; I Enrollment totall d 14 to IS· wen to Omaha Frl ay to VlSlt lO bby d Stanley omed the U e h e p rs uners ce e- the wmter In lJ'londa Last W d- m! ns, reasurer. :d.<o:;.~m ~;~~~lr~s r~e~~k ~~r ~~ One \\ as nam d mad~ ard BPm' trlct 7 W]th gradq b eJfJ.kdO~\ ns as the orace Packer orne and WI~ goup ff relatives ha 109 a re- ~ear~ M~r :~~t ~~e~Ji~::: n~daY dmner~pests lO tlw B Ish sin~~~g pr~r~~ K~~~eitt ~~IbraryJ t bi with Kennetl1j v10gel s capta! 1 (0110\'\5 Irst ,thlce t Hid tlll e, also VISit m Syracu e U1 the Rus- u on I he WakefIeld park Sun- and famlly an R h me were M and MIS liou born a d tw t t 0105 bv

W I a e RI t1 'k The ot~cr \.', s name Wmnl g fourth 1 0, fifth tiC, SC\ l'l lb, sell IJoyce home d y l'! and Mrs A olph Berg LIM eImers, M culey Chlca 'b I E 1 nR

d Q rumpe f tham: ~~rt\~~~ll~~~ ';."j?t;~~ 1 :~ Aces \M]th J ely Kptl orgcn as 1\·\0 and enghth, onp, I M,' and Mrs Glel1in Cooper and Wd Wlen, Mr and rs RonnIe a~~l'~Ogr~~nslde andl~~e~~a Norman Po tllshll spent the m';.~H~?dep~~'~~~ctf:~~~mm;

~li>1' captam I fhe scJi<!,olhouse ~1,tS cleaned by ra~ly Bancroft w*e Sunday aft- euer S oux City a d Mr and Ed K 'I . w kend Wlth aIy Reed ' f th

~:yg O;kn~e~~%~eU~~o~ro~r~~t Carole WII~t \\af b~ent o~e some of ife mothl/.'r~n[Obre sch 01 erndon' vlsltll)rs ~t I an Nixon's. l'S. jI'i Pederse~ a d chIldren, %~C;DUffy,e~~~r~lld~1Mr and Mrs Mr. and M ~ Keith Reed and ~f:b ~~~P:I~~~:eKr~ctsl~~ach~t d to IlInes:-i Fnd y I opened ~ new leCo d al urn s \~ Mrs Soph~a Wolt rs was a Sun- urel ~re among t c guests Nancy spent undpy aftcrnoon prs w~re nt od d d elearn

e ~rs CSa~c~ la\e Js somd cat Judy Kollm rgen La pearf'd cln eral new l~brar). 11>0] tlnd ne s· day I dmner guest HallY Bar- Wr an Mrs LeVI Dahlgren ~ rT and M.p. W Illam Warner With Otto Sahs.oJl ed TlY ~e:e h~~~rednal reeep:

I f~· I TV Tuesda) a a 4-.1:11' ember] !?ary text oaks we e UI cha ed tel's l' turn d Thursday ev nm after an unmy, rem t, spent Sat- Dinner gues1.,lj In the Clflrk t t h .

tails f r qur form. R~por!s \\el;e g'l\er n sometf Nt'\.\ Pla~grOunrt Q IP ent In- Rtv and f\~rs TIL. R)dbcck, t m~ ola to Green Bayg WIS urday night and Su day WIth Her~ B~lster home Sun~ay Wf're ~r lOS a er t e m~~tm~.,} 'd Mrs

Iseoon Glt'ade I our early eCplords In SOl'I I eludes- a erry-gc!> rlu~d and as· Minheapolts ~ere bntertamed at _I Sun tMr and Mrs Em'll Roe bf'rt Thuns SundaY/iafternoon Mr a~d Mrs Eugenc Anderson $nd E e Ing'Aca: mI ee ~c u dieorge

Matlgo JJeffre¥ sl1a~rl a b X of IstUdies by Ro~rt D 10('tt 13 11 ketball B sketbaH b n boards III dmrjer Tue~day m] the home of tier a d orman Roeb l' and Den: and Mrs Oscar TFun and Paul d ughters and Ml and 1\115 Bill S h t M,ers~n, 1 Dfl ·er andcal1dyl With he..' cla~mates on· Witt MallenelF1ege, flncth V ~ be ln~tallrp soon It s deCide to Mrs. Emma Levene and sons ~s w re entertamed at dmner \.\erc vHnto1's ~ B nlster and sfns I rJlSmI ohn'~tSwoo~u ejdB.Y. t1 I I gel Judy Ko~lmOlgen P Itt y C 1_ buy a ba and a C'0lPll of hbr 1'y Mr and Mrs Jo~eph Enckson unda In the Be Hollman Mr. and Mrs. C renee Gran~ Mr, and Mrs'IIAndrew lemm~nd,

Bob y Oll\'e-r brotjght n ers I ~on and James NlCkols I bOOks V.I h thf' m n1) IC'cel ed and LoIS W('IC ertertamcd at h me M~s Norman oebel and qUlst and fanuly we e Sunday dm- ~noma, Calif II \\flP oVPlmghtIIor th room Ttiursda~_ I R6bert D PnOC'tt lought, n I flam the fall' exhlbl I' dUlJ1er and supper I 1Il the Carl aby aught~r born Thulsday npr guests of Mrst,W P French g ests at the Augu$t Kruse' hOme N~HWEST

IThlrd Grade I ane!JOld baronheh r fo u,-, to S (' I Vv'e ha\1e belll I acj!lJ¥g '20000 Sundell home Sund~y re p tlle~ts mBentha k hospItal and DarrelL Carro F Iday before Iretutmng to t»elr

RIC y Bornhpft celebrate nlS and obse1'\e bs \\C' atp stud\ll g Lpagues tTndl'1 tlk e fOI 0 en~ M1 and MIS I £J"1('5t Andcrson The Sund~y evening Wallace And· h¢lme Mr and Mrs Df'an Dedef~ ayne 'eIght birth y ,"lth <l pUt at about barom£ltels rn ('OlllWCtl n rng cxelt'!su; III lal stu hes spq1t Sunday art<.ernoon With WI}. t dt 11 NIxon fa lly Vvel(' rlsom VISited 111 1 the Clarence OOn and Jlrnm~ Ll~P JOll1cd t~em \schoo Wedn> r1ay lIe br ught WIth ollr SClCnte thIS v. pk I fourth sq\l'nth and p ghth g-r dC's bert Oaks a urea Iv supper gue$ s at Cal GI anquist home :1 fdr supper F1'i~ay • B t

!treats for tpe lass We ha\e $t81 tpd ,tkltH~ n iMe stUdying' earb 'brds!{a All NIl' and Mrs Ruben Johnson wag rtf's Mr and Mrs. Edward Mann and Mr. and Mris August Knuse Y Staff Correspon en

birth ay ch lth Hie name and I son and Bob wdt rought t!U SClene/, c asses I thp HJalmer Lund momC' ~rs al Swage ~ I nd Bl'tty Luth( r MIlliken h me Thursday hpme Sunday eVl nil for ;rVh Heory Wacker, jr. r turned'bIrth a).s of allilthe cl1tldren I the I pies for It Mqnte Seh am broug t Fourthl to eIghth j;l de stud nts 1\I1IS Verne Carls~n an.d Kathryn ere g~_lSts of othr's club In t'\fnln~Mr and M S Oscar Thun Rloberts' blrth~a)- SThU"udr"Yay[l'Otmo asDesnls',erKeHne ~eOydelleer[s'class Each cHIld lSI makm an sl1al)S and ~hellSi and 31\ r 011'(' ,In' Ie'admg hbldly Ib uks [01 .slX- spent Wedn(sday IiLfternoon wlth e Kenn thSchnJer ho Ie PendcI, and Pa:ul called 1'1' the Mllhken, +-"""l"'- I = jj,

ltndl\1 ual chart ~howjllg- hIS lrth- qro\.l-ght t\\O brb\ calp I \\cl'k boqk lepolis I~rrp EJnest Anderson ursdC\ home' d I'

Rmovp therl"

day ~nd those oi Ihls fa ante I Ml'is Sc<!ce ::m\e Ll ~fllll( (\t To hC'lp Roberti Wolter cele- Mt- a d Mrs A Schager Friday evening aller:s In the d Mr. and Mrs, Henry Wacker,I flleni I I I t,uls [01 our rfom I blatp'hls birthday IThUlsday ave_ jreturne Sunday fro a week s \\'ctllacc Andelson bom~' WCle MI an ft 11' and family Wl'IC dmner gue;;tsI NlI teen ell I dJen ha\e sh 19-kS I-~ NORTljIWEST nmg guests In the Wolter h~me trip I tq Minnesota nd Iowa. and Ml·S Vein Callson WakeflCld, ,.,. Sund~y at thc A.1tlC FlSh¢r home

Ion th book hor'b I W"":k f.] Id Wt'le MI and MIS La\.\rence IThe:y iVslted Ernestl Peterson'S and Mr and MIS ~uthel Milliken Mrs. J~hn Wlns~de /'• GIJ1\ WItt Ilbught a pIal t for IRural S~l1o Is I ..... e Ie I Utt'ch1 and faml!). MI and Mrs HU1boi t, la, and c.. Ie Kapas~ Mrs Konrad Sandro,k, SIOUX 16 Cyza, st. Paul Mm",


the loom al d 1Idlllj <P.: JIller'1 •• It I \\;llbur Utecht aad Gayle, Mr and Ikas, sacj City, fa, e"r ute home (It\ came last ~Sda}l to spend \\-l'l,S dmneJ guest ip. e EdwlUbrou ht f10\\l'IS ". I Olstrl~ 1 B~ Mrs Wall.aCj.e Ring MIs Pl'('ston rUIner and famlly Mr a%d MIS Ke~rct!l Pac!H'1 ,I \\11l1~> In th(' Os 81 Thun home ~andolph OES Klug home ThUisday He wasFOU~h Grade I Mrs £.<;01('1" ~lst'h(,1 pachcI (Wakefield Atll !Il 7-2872) and Walt Utecht and chl1d1'C'-n ~nd dau htcls vlsltcd III thtj' Walt Thursday they W re guests of Birthday Fete Tuesday I ('tUI ling from a vacati n trip to

Th 10111)\\ ng lupds ha\e I Slxtqen pu ,Il~ ClI (' } III ollpd <It I :1\11' and Mr;:, Clarence Wolter John on home '~' t sua} nc- l\1r,-, HeI man H('e~e, Laul el, and Urn la and Fulit'rton,


brou ht contrautlOn~ to Oll SCI- District 1 Th y an' pnll\- r,\d'r- Park Hill Club and MIS Maude Fishel were ill lIlg Sunday e\entng th~y \Isited Fred Randolph E01stf'rn SLll (hapter r, and Mrs. EdWin (uge andence able Ma y Wt'p SOll! An- lIlg-hamandMarlunG kil1ddl 1\-1lS -Rabtlt RI,~t hlOld p1tt'r. NOlfolk Flala)- They .... lSltpd U' Mrs Art Mpyers IS a patJHnt In Bohlk,ns Laurel held ItS bllthday !light meelrn~ MI and Mrs Chuence Inch and

I delso 1, Betty Harrli.'ion, ackle g-arten Jlmmj Rhooe , 1-;1Uq( I tauwd Fi;l.Ik Hill CflJI last u(s~ tilt' Wendell Jam~s homl' whIle Ithe Wa.k~flCld hospltal alt,'1 lllHl-1 Wilbur club met With Mrs. 05· last Tuesday at the MasonIC lIiall ctllldirl n sIX'nt Sunday in FUller~

IBel g Mal \ ~ ay Shlljee lssen MCI'I)cc Je~n G('( ~H Suspn Ida) dft, ~ noon I\1t~, G. n, P< ckf'1 thele ergolnll -~ulger) WLCl esdcn ICHI rJ-"un last TUP~daY All m('m- Tables \'oere decorated \\ lth cOilors Ion 'J, hf'lC' they Vlslte an aunt,anti enny w~mer Rhodes and DorC'Pll !OmSl n site I \\ is a l--;u. ,-,( MI::; Gub Schul \\ as Mr and Mr s LJqyd RoC'bC'1 and I MIS trrtll Mille'l 1 \ lSlt('d . ihe 1)( I S and two gues ,MIS Konrad appropriate tq the 18UI' S('dst>ns Ml <; Mal) TOI son, Pho ntz, ArIL>

I, Shl lI:e NlSS n, Narlc) de ~rl'cse and Ma~cla p'lskeli clnd [){]~n In' (Ital g-( of L ('nh'llcon~ent MI s sons ,>pent last Momday e\ cnlng m Roetr='n .!lIsters m SlO CIty sun-I SalH!rock SIOUX C ty, and Mrs Members sat ~It 1he tanlC' retH ('_ and (j)tllPl re1atl\e8 \

and andra N Ison hla\c be nab· Boeckrll aUPl. th!td h.-lll'n }\-I1:J\lll BUll Is and MIS J llWS the Gt'ne Wischhofl home Sunday Iday John Hansen wele plescnt sentlng the season Il1 \.\hlCh they Mr. and (vlrs. John Rosacker

I ~~~:h I~~a~~ 0 Illnes~ It=7~ad~la;~~n sq:;~} d~~h:\~, ~1 ! ~~~{~t~o\~ 11~~ (~l~ ~);t\tJ'bel~~~~t SIS\ Il1 II ~~bba~~~~e TI{~~:~~~e~ at dmner '1IM~~~apt~~ ~\~lte~l at ~y~~)~~~11 s('r~l~~~~ sunt~:y ~~~~~~~e ~~~~ we;o:;:}n Matron MIS I.e-oucII d ~~I('~t()I~~t S7II~~a~ D~r~~~rlO~~sl~c~~~JudY FOlk 4ind Be.. erl). Irlch I nal I, y r oe(k n : __ I Mr and Mr-s Th ron Culton and TueSdayafte-lnoon rs RydhClk MIS Guy PIPPltt a,n,d Mr and Mrs Robms.on cut tbp bltthda\ <take IlLnlj- Hoffman home. I J

I at'e qaptalt1s df ow fll st s Ilmg" I~au('r Mar~IIDlls~ell'l <\)~d HI h- Rl \ and i\lis 1r Rue hnpr daughters were Iday evenmg IWIll be remcmbpf( as 1 Sth(ll Cllfforri QUllln 1:)aked and dl'col'atcd by .:\1r;; Aug- Mr. and Mrs. ErWin Vahlkampconte~t teams ThiS contes ..... 111 n~nn~~ h~hX 1, <-Ill HI (j. }-....!n- ,lnt! lliilllltd \Vl'dntsday IguC'sts In the OHo Sahs home, I HO()lgnt'~ and att p l1 c PclIk Hdll Mr and Mrs. L~urence Hansen Ust Johnsoll MIS Mru1ltl MHdsen \\('If' SUppt'l glH'StS o~ Ml' anLl

I run Until tl1(-, end of the fn t SIX- ) g' I lunclll'o'~ ~uu;ts {jlll :\115 J<... nul Wayne They \\('r(' Sunday dinner school "fhcn a gnl I I and famlly spent I Sunday after- Mrs Clyde Al1(liew and Mrs RO\ Mrs DaVId Scholtlllghuis Friday: week.lpenod I I The school. has sc'o raj M'1l ! -, ~~-----~ ~-

MI~ Gl"ee;l tall~ed to the C.lass.: pl'O\"ements lpcludll1g tl('\\- . I ('1"'. .' .'. '. . I •••••••••••••••••••••••• I!I.-':." .l:Ia••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11I •••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••i Thul' day abo~t beginning band I fountain and.~avatolJ III the MI'. qnd ~!rs. r.:f,'11 Rof'lw' 1'1'. ! I :I 'Jesso s. The c ass will mee as a, ment and qew flo rs tum.ed last, I uesda cn'nl11gJ!l'om S '.I ' •: grou Ihree tines e~ch "eo" .iSheh·e, we rei a.dded on a tnp to Kan,"s Ct; and °raha ens..l..,t'·..·ona ",'8a,rg'a,-n,'s Thurs_ Fr,-_ $.af_ :Ly lettc J'twell and LlIlda of the room. . ' Mr, and l\lrs, lilJlalnwr ,Lund U •

!~~l~~:~;~r;~:;;·~~~:~~,;;~ ::~::~i~IOi:;:ia~l~z~c~.~.~.!;~~~=~:'::':~:::~Ji~~d.r~I:::;1 C..'Q,I~ Illlii":,1: " O.N,'·· ·n·AY'S.'.1'.' ~.' roc[{~ fmm t h.~lr ~(kk coJ1ectlon 1:3 _I ·; thb week. Ml s. fil(:kcrs sowed =I': :" the. Idas::; .'«llll(' pqtl"lrll'd woOO Ell'. mi jWl11c 1 she got from I the P('I', nfledgil:~. Forfy;t thiS :-;u,nnwl'. , ~ lJ: iiiI ~\'lt.Ps at thl' Nf'w ~.. ng1rtnd,statcs [' C1 • a .I w('I'e' made in -'geogr~phy cla's 1his : : ' i I : 'wee~. ' l'lI .!' , A •

Gdnc Kay b~'ought!two bo ks on'IM • • N' G W'fi,h t Y C I '"' moal.·IY c'xplm'c!'s for' the CIt'" to: : • . ,0 0 II ou our. oupon. :enjoy in connectIOn WIth 0 r his-I_ • a I j •tory lessons vn .i".1arco Pol,' and : ... _ ._..~~_:.. ,... ...... _ ...... _ ... .. __ .. :

the Vi,kings, ,'I II - • ': -- 1"'- A,'·,',.·I: Steel G l' •Sixlh Geode., .' , : ... , llO auge - ,S D/lnier :

d:e1~:p!~:~l~~~~Gaf:~~~~~lt~J: i v·ene'~' i-a'in ~. II-nds Nyloin Ho.sl-ery idepicting maliY thill~S used during ; , I

th~h~e~fudd~n,,~}lSi~:-t\[ric·h eon- =.I I

tinen! has belen tak:en up;'n ~eo- -5 \_. 18 to 1'36 i . ,~ide - 6.4 in. long Fashionable Dark Seamsg-raphy. Mapl:1 al'e being m1de, 10- . . I' ! Icating tlw cOlonit's of l;l,\ropcan I Strictly first quality, full 'fosh- 2countries'- , . • Gleaming oll~steol venet.icin.1blin s ••,lirl.~. $ 5. ioned nylon hosiery at this sen~ $12.5

F:ight . pupils .loolt ad\"f1il~age of = either egglSheli or white_ C~ttb" iI • sCitional low coupon price !'

:et~~~lctc~~f~~o\:n:luJ;t~~e+[cit" 15 ~~~~ :~;,:~~u;Sn;~~g ~~I;o;;etin~~· i for l ;hh:d~'o~rikit~~~ S~:ig~ewLi~;'; . ..

b~rt~~I~/. J<l.rs In, 10nor~u leI' : ,I last. Allow one week for de, livery.: Ii,' ': I two pair with each coupon. pr.


1n the WC~k.1'.' SPl.'lling: .1aster:.-. = + ~ , ... .. ............ _~~i ~~c~~:\O~~ 8~gd~su, e~~~\.~.~ 5 ::::::::::::::::::1::::


::~::::::::::::.i.I:::::::::::::::::::- _ _.. .. .. --iGr·ay, Judy GTIC'SS, Rog~t, uedf'rs, : I" r IIDlUne Y2nAu'kf:>r, Lee Va ' I, RI-lr.\,.. • Bea ff I I t :.J.I Regular $5.95 Goodyear Welt f

'~~~~n%a~~~d:nd Susan WIght. !I : I U I, U mpor fi'll Brown and' White i

de~\o;:~:~l~~£~uum ~sh:r, e:,:;: 5 • . B~,.oad~loth -'.' louse·s Sadd'ie Oxfords. Iand Barhara Wolske wer(' \\-inners : I i '-I D .~e€,o~.~r arithmetIc relay r: ce last : j iii

Budd Bornhort, ga\'e ,a ook re- : '1 Here is real value in Goodyear welt saddlle sport •port'in reading: class. lastlweek. • You will morvel at these beautiful imported ~ood- 100 $400 :

Budd Bornhaft, Gary Nelson, - ] $ oxfords. Brown and white. Sizes 51,1 to 10 i

~Me,,, "',,' "e' ."" ; "' "" II _f:~:i:~::::::: ..:~;~:~~~;:::::~~ :::_______ .1 ,__=::_:::_::_~_:~~:_~:_:':_:::_':::_----------------- J~ ~~I~~~~:~r~;~ t~ll~~ i ---------------------~-~~:d-;.;~.:,~~:~I-'----------;-------- ·····················l-···F~~~-~~:pl~~~----------I------~··-··i i'

:l':.:iil:li.:r9= :I Cpr ur y Tru"on ane s !!, • Off F II ' I Each Poir 60 inches Wide I •I : ,u Bol~5 J I • :

=. Strictly fi~st quality fine Jinwale corduroy 'I 9 Here are the popular trulo n panels that 6 9 c :,' :. h' f 1 fdll lEe are 50 easy to launder land need no lron- :

!5 In a c ol/:e 0 5 new co ors. very mg They always look like new Buy them , : :

• yard off 9f full boltl. Limit 10 yords with yd I Singly or by the pair ~Im!t 6 pon,ls With ' ea.:iE each eoiJpon.. ' • : each coupon. : . :

i: ------·l-----~-----~--------------~---------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~========:=====~.~=~====:=::::.Ii --------~7----------~-----r--------;. ---------------------1 1 Slock Up Now!

I· I ( •

'Ii Ra~".~gs IYellow Chore Gloves: Here are! the ever populo~ hit and miss rag r gs. So 1'9 c 1 ~ou:o~ t~:r:~~: t"wt~ i:u~~et:~::~ 29"'c: useful ~Jround any home., Limit 2 with each c upon. ' i g'loves or mittens. Limjit 3 poir with ~achi. '.. :,: pro=. ' 24 X 44 ;...... ,at 29c :', L~..~::·__---------..-----------~. , -'_: --------r-:---------r----~--------- ----------------------,• I . r

a Plenty ~f••••••·1'-+--'-~.....4_-.....Ik_--;;,JI:_.,••




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Cur "oor Benlo'Plan Meanl Brillian'"oor Beouly'Pltone 'or Equipmen'ReservatIon today I

110 \\· ..st Fln,t ~t<J ..,'t





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hlPI"ll COT.' Ju,' u.. our Clorke Renlol

Equlpm.n'j oov.llm., mon., ond e".'Q~

w. lu,nldl.'.....ryfhlnll 511,," full In,I,",

tlolY fGf' Ilvlnl yo.. , "ld II""" n....'


Save 2/3ds the cos II

Drs. Harvey & JensenVETERINARIANS

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Listing your profession in·'thisdirectory assistsl.others .. whrnneeding YQU~ special scn;res.

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Phone ~05-JI




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and Professio'1'alI


,217 Main I

i' :w.AI Koeber;, <p.o.:

! I I''OPIrOMETRIST' II Wayne, Nebr.j I

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\\-'aynl", !\'ebr.


Dil~1 NursingHome

Wirinlg Conll"adol's


Tiedtke Electric

111: \ "t 2nd


Drs. Lewis & LewisCHIROPH.A( 'TClRS

I ~. I I )

Farm, Ilori1f' Hnd Commf'rci4il

TeL 227-W

P,tY~h'E£PIT' I_-I--~--I-


:\T;l~ nr.j.-1t;I(,)]l~ II~lld('rslwldt

Cl.t)" T\..('asl.•.r]'{~l' ,-L('...,lir. \V) r.lllS('Ity Ckl'k

Wallf-!' ~,}-;!'I'ss]er 298~J


~\··ji~~;J~I~l·~Yre l~f

l~f':!r)<J~~4~f:~'Pl' 63~=iWm, A. 'Koeher 301

1.df,J,.~h'! rail q>pm~~~s. ~~~~?1r~j'pp~~\tm~I~~,~eoriFIHJ·~;. fall 300

P]lone 49

Nt> ~HERE I..., ' With IYour

:ounty! Ag

I,BY. Har91~ Ingall~

i I ~~.----------!New PUbli~'t.iO~ : Adrieultural Experiment "talin!1

Every fa "mer must d~t~rmLn¢ -The incre:ase in ~953 prorttlcll''':1the most p 'ofitabl(' croPPlJ1g SYSi fl'Om experlm('nt~ IS nenrlytern for hi ,faIID. iHowevcrr ther bl.1shel:;; peT acre ,jar manme IIul'.e some b sic Pl"ih... ciples tllat ca. QVi.er the same .am.O-/lllt of m'liI'J.'help him ke the best de~iSionSi' pl.pwed dOwn. In 19M the 11]('1',-,',

Northea~ Nebraska J rmerS w~s 11 'bushels. Irt 1952 it \\ .1' : I

can find t is Infqrmation. in tih~ .bushels. . . .

~~~~l~O!"t~t:CC1~J~~1. ~eC~~~~l~U~f w,I~ t~~;; ;~II~er;:tO~l~~;I' InCropplIlg J strms In thel Cornt mtnure mulch than~ in


bt'lt The Jullet111 ""as pUbllshe<f1 8611 What IS more ramh\ the Um ers t:> of Nebr~ska the mulched ('orn did 1Ur:

('af~~~C~t~ ~g~1t~btalhed Ifom lo~ ~~ t;:e s~~~u~~~e~C::eaThe bUl)jtlll dlSCUS~;Ps PIOdUe- tIle unmulchcd SOli lost mUll lill

t10n relatJ@1shrps bctv.l.'en crops ome-thlld of the ramtdll u\Othet sub ect~ dlsCUl'ised Imclude off Ow manU! (' mulclwd "011




Assessor, )Tenry Arp 198 Benthack Clinic

]~d'~~. f)a~~d fi1a';~r 2~! and HospitalHome fer th.-! Ilt;"M Ill"j rOII\'fjJ.'.9f'f'llt ShenJf H AS Tlf'tgen l 233 30G P I Strt'etCli((or'd n~b~, owrlt·1' Ulill <>1>'"1:1.1,,1' Supt GLa ~s Porter j 114 W ear Nebr

, ;iPliiJflfl 18 Treasl.!lren Leona Bahde 232 Cllnie ayne, . HospitalHS Matn .:-It. I \\'a~·n .. , rf..ur (IUlk oj Islrlct CD~rt- £::1

_~E7':_:S_T_A_~E__,-_I A;'~~;ll~' Ire;;:~~~I~ 341 11-_1_06--:V""E::r::E::R-:I"'N-:A"::RC"IA";'"N:;;-S---

~ Hal'pld ,[ngalls 564


A';SlslB.nCe, Director-II Mr~. J~en Wischhdf ..... 497

<:avanaugh AIg'~1;I~s IMCDermOIJ .317-W I1 'Comn}lssloners··-. I

INSURA'NCfE - REAL EST4TE DiSl. 1 " __ .ErTlfi.·l Meyer', Dis. 2 __ , ,GeoJtge Stolz[phone 84 Di, . 3 .Ed Gla"meyer

---+,----"O=ptO(vlETRIST~: •



5 ~mller -a I 55


- I


SOcDenim I JeansIn

-to the

of the

P. M.










! 'Trademark used

Buick's Big, ,~oulifu! andLofw-Price ISPECIAl

Iltoo',4Ido",,0, :00th"prrneerof4IdoOlharGIUp,l}

I 1955 Buick SA CIAl, 4-Door,

l-poss+ger Ri erc, Motiel 43,1188 ~p, 122· ~"wheelbase

Sui kf,s Pe~"'ess P hormonce Car,, the CE fURY

(W!l~ fluid'. ~'<;"1'11 pd er-Io-wp.ignt rClllol

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i4-boori 6-Pass ~ser-Riviera,Maciel, 63, ~36 hp, i22-in. wheelbase


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Ma .1'5 ,ej 236 hp 1127.in. wheelbase





, '



'I '. I'" -:: I ..I'!' Ii' \ '

" • II _

at Excelsior Sprfngs. '!1'hcy wlll·TnJ_ Iso 'stop at GlcnwOQQ. '.ta. ,to. visitrelatives.

Jess Jord~n, Ross, Carnes andFrank Roynolds l<>ft Wednesday'{Jlorning for Larimtj>r, In.. whl'rC'Mlcy will visit Mr. J~l'dan's sist<,t',

M~·r.lI~~Jr ~~~~!I.EltnC'r Sun(ipllWCFC Friday owrnight guests in

~~'kCI~~~ ~:J'~ \;~I'm~~h~~iPMi~;---....,.-!I---+-.,...;--++--..,.-H-+----!---I- ·\V~~~r ~¥~~.:~k~~tijrneu [rom a

hunting trip in lhe :pouglas, Wyo.al~U. He wru; aqcor;npaniqd oy Dr.Chace, Laurel. . ,t

Mr· and Mrs: Joe Grlffin,LlAS.k. Wyq" 'W:ere~ridaY a,ter.noon visitors in th Bill Cham-bers h.ome. . ,Group and indivi a1 picture'S of

thc pupils .attcndin Dixon Puhhcschool were tak('n riday,

D~~taa~:ty~Irs~"Cl'ay' ~~~:~~~:'guests in the Diek Chambers hom('.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl ,A.nkenyand Ted left We nesday for aweek's vacation i the CllLcagoa~ea. Their dau hter, Audrey,

::~'n;~~:e~is,tt~:r. :~~e M~:, O~~~Chambers. during !heir absence.ML'. ClI\d Mrs. \. A, Hart. 1',1­

gin, III, viSIted' ill the Dixon U1 ('d'

Tuesday U1d Wl ncsday, Th('y.\.... ('1·0 Tuesday aft rnoon gUl'sts ill.thl' Paul Bor).,( hOl1l'. TUl'sday ('\('_

Iwelc aftelnO II and pupper g\.l. sts \hO e I ning f1wy visltl'd MI', and ~lr"

I~~I~~~vvJ~k~t ~ldAdOlPh Hense I ke SI;l ~aval ~c ~~n ~~e~~~~l:~h~'e~e ~~e~~i~~/~ol~'~~;·l~( Y~ ~~i\~~l~l~:~l~~:liRe\ Cllfto d Schultz, Mrs ~th P -<l\a au home. • homes y-!l'dn!'sday morning and

Spahr Mrs utu K;och, :vIr flnd - wcre picnic dlllOl' g'll'sls In 11111'Mrs Vernon IBas1 Marvm Gr~en 1 I Sterling Bol'~ hoi l' W('dncsl{ay

r, and Mrs. Don Peter an : and:;vIi an Mr~ Glen Noe lat· Chi noon. Abo al1r'ndi ~g th(' Illl'l1ll'fan lly were,:. S nday aftlul00 lcnded Ievl\·a ~el \ Ice~ at the qak· C eC wen' A P. Borg 0.1 {! MI'. and MJ"lun heon guests n the F)()yd Pall il.!>le churdh uIIng the past w~{'k. . T l I Paul Borg anll Ka 'Pll. Wednl'sdayho e Mrs Par was celeb atln" ....,.Mr andIM Emery PIerson left I DIX~? ethoc.hst CI1Ul"oh afll'rnOOI1 Mr H<'l t vlsitl'd tlwhe bIrthday Saturday [01 r their l!Jome ilt New· ~ (H' raid, BO,na~h, P¥tor ~ Hal'l'Y Woehler ho ~,

. and Mrs, ohn Youn took \{nk Ole I S nda . S pt. :l5. Sunqay s(.:.hool, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fn'l'mUI1

Br ndato Chlldr n's hosplla. orii· Mrs Edna oc and faml}Y weJ;c 10 am ,~\vo ship 11 I Omaha: \\1'1(' Mo day <tNI Tn("ah Fnday She WIll remam there Sunda) dmnql guests at the Glen W('dn sda, Sept 28 Pra~er day g\.l(sls Il1 the Elmt'l Sunr!l 11sev '~al weeksl f r plastIC su gel y Noe home Isen 1 e, P hom('

uesda} ('vem g callers t the l\h and l\~S Ve:rnon Bass vlS- Th IS a~, Sept 29 IV!YF, 8 p ...,. +-......' _D Peters ho e were M and lted -then SOl s 111 Omaha Sunday m ~ ~ .,Mr GIlbert Ro and famll 111' Dean Sml h. Allen, spent the VV CS WI I not meC't Sept 22 ~OUTHEASTan Mrs Fred Bruns an Mrs weekend VISit ng hlS COUSII1S, Patty as sc ('.~lf'd but :WIll b held one WGe rge Eickhoff and Susie ,1 omas 111 the Paul \\ c('k lciY' cpt ~ At thls mcpt- aynI

r and Mrs ElIr¥'r Hc schke Thomas ~oml' mg e IbCI of COlt'11 ge WSCS II

_____I--L~I_O~A-T-ID__,N~-+_ an Cheryl, L s Angeles, werc Hlldll1g iergerson Fremj)nt. \\lll b gucs s I • B Staff Co respondentho ored at a 630 dmner n the vISited In PiX n Monday - -- - II Y

'I'n (. ":Ut'I'OH~ I IGe rgelElekhoff home Wed esday Mr anti rs Ray Miner re~ RO$e~HlI' Nazarene rhurCh ------+-....---('"u·t uf \\1L)tle COUllb lev mng Other uests wer Mrs turned frdm hClr\acatJon 111 Colo~ (~IIor Schultz, p stor) Mr. and Mrs. C lfford Benedict. '1" , ISo hie Henschk and Loul arlrado WecJ:nes ay They spent fC'v- Sun a ,S pt 2rs Sun ay school, and son EphIa1a Wash, V1Sll1 II

ul :\1. I) .\(I);,u~la 1100k de-I ~ __----+ ~~_ - 10 a wOlshlP, 11 evcnmg Thursday In tne M('rll~ Plcstoll

ul ....... t'b'H'Il,rt to all Oil· 1 SC'IVIC(' ~ P hom(', ' k b e F ad Wed il'sda , Sept 28 Prayer. I h 11 11 ac s ns nor r. ay 11 Last Saturday afternoon Mr';'":'"''':l '.:...:, ";~te::. u:~:~~'" I ~ , mcctll1' 8, I11 I and M,s Phlihl' A h\md ell1d fen"-({~I:lI~r'(Ii-Jb" !~I(;l ~\~~ ~~~,('~f D. , ,p, -M-; hd IS JIm Sqhutt(' and ny Dats S D c ll(d III tlll' P,l\d

,. 'n'''"''" a" "a'm, "!', • on arewe ar y ,on, 0 alia a ","cd in the An- "'" ;om,~[o C~\I~ C;~~~lJ't un Ullub,; " . !hony eGo pn home Wf'dnrsday., Mr. and Mrs ennetl) Rarl19cy

I DnVl<l.T. lIa,m r. I In d Mrs Gene Jacks ~ ard-··----~II A. P. 'Bor . Mr. and IMrs, Paul \\'('re gups!s III til Da\(' Rruggl'I'I ('ounty Jl d~e .F, n,' T \V III ~ . Bor a I K' Fen and MtaOd MI'~ home last lVlonda ('vel1lng \"1"lt~

:t!lll ~li'l JnHlOl t, Alto['fl 'y ..,) f Ily Wt;'le t:? o.~C'dd: t a J!'e. ('h. 1\Ir. and . rs, Stan}('y Brmey Stcr~mg Bo' cr spC'nt . riday i'l~ ing D\vight PiniOl, Arlingt~n, Vi\'

\\ It°(>\. H 11' ",,1'1 \ t \ ' • / a~YD\I~~I~ 1~~t~o~i~; 71('~~cb l~('tur~('d ~rllay from a two-vveek Sioux dty. ,., Guests in the Marvin Victorlerli.. 'l:~x.(; "lthhdJ \u- LEGAL PUB1L1CAT',ION iday ('v!'ning. \.~~a~lOn 1'.1'l thc So.~t~eas\:w-r,c~ Mr~' d irs, Jim G igcr CClf'},!'tOffiP

TTI.1U.I'.~d,ay C' 'cn,ing c('llbl'al-

~~ce . 1 I h ('venin 'as sent [siting \ISltfd thellrsan am aug.;;C' In hl'atec! ('ir (l1('\,('l1th w ddipg an mg Kf'vms fourt blrthdu) Wl')I'

w ~fi~~~l N~f11~ll U~~\lJ:::I It \O'I'H L 01' !ll' \I. ~FTTU':\II:N'J: ; a d e In ing :a es. P . : law. M,r an M'ts. Don s~o~:: niversal1. F 'iday .Gu~s i'n the-in Mr. and .Mr::;. Fl'l: V.ictol', Mr :lIld)00] l'l)ll(1 l, IJ! uf \\l\~/IP ('Olllt~ a~ks%ns will lC'ave SOD forlllY~anCill~ter'IGaw" a!1dSdl~'1'T ~o d home F.lda l?VL'nlng~W('l'e 1\Ill", Mrs. ClIfford VI tOl and l1augh-~

w ~Pllt" ('1I11pnrn l,lll, \:,bla~kt .' J k s)ght~cemg ~ arm prmE;s a~ and Mlts F C'd WoltC!' and Mr. tel's. Mr :Uld Mrs G('lhart Wack-TJ vlnp,"on-I! l \\Hlll (]H mi· ~llll, I ,r tho> l.st,lte of \\1 rl.lst C I.cago where hey p an to: rna C the bttle 'vV Ite: house 10 Georgia. nd Mr~ I P I Bose' an family .J ('I" and sons and i ,and Mrs. llol-

\'~\l Co ('hlol)l\(' ,I:: u<lt SlllO \1 11/7, ~;:I;tl~ftl\:(lJlni\ka to all on· t Ir home. ,Mr. and rSk~(,lln('th Ma~hi~. a Mr. ;'t rs, Fred olters a·fl~ lis Willi~ms and arIis,12;;UiO \\: .)Ile Co ..~ ~lla,t (',J TI~ «Jll'd! h arv"y Hen ina"en call d at She'll, CWlatcl'b ry wel~e gl,lests In Mrs. R s el NissC'n WC'IC in Siou~ Jud,y Woods an M'ary Ellen


:lH.ao If! Search~ ~c,oo :-';otl" ,,,h'Ii'Il., ~l\<'nt uta. ell- ~..... It e arcnc ennll1gscn home C't W d' f ~ ro.· h ·d "lI!!!n !'lnun lil~ - ill. 11 hall tHO I 111(',1 lell fllla] Sf" (Ie t ClarC'ncC' C'nningsen home Sunda afte notjln 1 I Y ne ay. \..lJ'anqulst were HIS ay SUP])ll

:"t"•.80 I tl' ,., SIIU() 00 III 1 nt hel' III del,lllllnatlon or {Hr- M nday nftern on. I Mrsy C D A]nkL'n and$ ~rs. Mr. a .t rs. Arth~r egley a':1 gupsts in the' DOR I;.utt honw.Ilg:~~ ~ u{ l~t(:~~~ll t~>tI!}\ 1 1- 110 I~~::'!:llll~~~~,'r:~t :il\\II~l:;ir;n ~er"~ }~? Mr .and Ml', Paul !30r al~~ \ Frank· LiSle' at.tfndcd wcr con· tt~~ce is 4' ~ ~d.~~ 111 ~:h~;~e ~ r. and Mrs. Georg~ Ma~n,

,he j "',00 tlild aPlJlova 01 filial account and K ren and Mr and NIl s. COl j.;l. '\"C'ntlon at S l'I~gLank ehur hAl. g. . ~ . I HOlnbro.ok. Calif.. nd their da'U~h-C flsUan!l' n Elnullg- I" nil : llflfllgnllH lIt (} cstatf' ,uld d}SCh1on. cndell and d ughtc~s WC'r Sun· II len, Tuesda ' ' and s m hell' new. elalive, tC'r and sOl}.:in:I<;t\\ ~toppecl last

~8tlmatf} I ;?S 81,8 1\ hl( h \\ III l' .fOl bOt.rln~ In thi'! d Y l'\'rning g ('sts Ih the Clay· M' M ~ L' 1 ~"$ited son bor e t. 8 to MI'. and Mrs Monduy a~ \:ISltl.d m 111(' Frllilk.T ~pr~~~llbllln J lnal I'lI-d-\ HIS'!:! ~\\l:t l~l~ot~)'tj Ll.'l~ dLl.) or Oct bel, to Stingley 1I,mC'. ' Iher ~~~t;l":or ~,~~"Ev\~CC~~ncB.l,thiS Albers. MIS' A~bers is the forme Soden homl·.. Th(',~· left last Wl'd·'I' l~'l'If codl.-i, Rtra('t t'o .. TI-1, 11~,~';:~(.J I jJU\ld J, Hll.m~~, Rev, and 1\;1 s. T,~nn('sc. wC'rC[WCCk, She! 1 [t Qb:on saturd'a~for Bettv J a eoler· ld'M 1 d ncsqay morl1l11g [r SO\llh ~ako-.(' ~f.q~~lrR~;~I~' ·~i..~.\~\lll'l' 11l1,l ~1('1JN'mo?t~u ..~{fo/J,~.';;~ F i~ay f'venin. r.~I~rs ,I thc BT?Olfings. .D. whcl'P sho will bO~sr~var~ S ~da;:e-di~n('r ~~e~t~'1 ka'd¥~nns arc une e and aunt oj

~Rtlmatfl ..... ,.. C aJ enee HC'nl1l gsc. orne. \"ISlt 111 the q. Plymate bo c. the Ge ::vIonk h me 0 ens.


.1· :'f~·teTh.(}.I',~I~ .1.1. I('~n~l.. ST" S ~W~nand ~%s. Al\hnel~un~ l~te~r.1 Mrs. Emi Erlandson. N r,?a Mr. a aIV r~. ·Clarcnc~ B~ nning su Mr~/~l'~;sia~tr ~~dSaOd~,1'(~~I~'~fl.~nse~~;lh~ l~(l:>l~l..l:O.. akefield, an' Mrs. Lyl~' I :ark, ~~~~l~~~ts~ ~ \~~l/CatG~~J~~ ; ~s~~ ~~nA~eli: a Irw~~~~~dt~. ~~'~~l~: in Pthe Hugo Osma hom:' \ViBJ11'r'

Cl'~I1<tiun!l'll,,·E111unh. N rfolk, were. hursda~ alt '111S

00n 1 \11 the' Elrne sun~l(,ll om(',~ she ha '~n'Oll(,d in fuwa Stat· Lois and Linda Elton visited~,.,"tJmfl.t. r ., ,. . .. . c [fcc guests I the Elme' un-l '~ - "~I th' d t FI" k Sod('n

. T.II~~t·tt:h().I'h.,~ II .. F~n~1 I.;;.t.l~ d II home. MI'. andvl ,rs. \\l'I~! o~,~:'~te~St ~~JJC~f[, '[01 e ~~n~~~~~fil[~~~~'tin': [O~lra g~~~~>kP~;f~1~15c1~:;OI ;;la'io'~i"fnynp CO, J.. »,1 I ad ('" Tl~ Mr. and Mr. Elmt'r ... und.ell Dakota, Chi ~ 'B'II Ch<l b ' ~gme on to 'is 0 lrh for a visit wit in Fl'f'mont. Thl' girls an' 101 n1-


l" ~l'a'('Il\f, . ", '1°1 ~ vi ited' 'at Van ton and avms guests 111 tiT"" CIS 10 . d ~ f d > I of WaYIll'• (']]~~~~~~~:ll :" l;ln:I~)~, I' ~ll!.~~ ~ _.,' _ isiting rnest"Br mmer inoe Pint Sunday.' ; WednC"sday. frIends an; Isb spen ('way (r y .

J 1~~'teTh,o.l',b,1l .·n,.. F~llHI I Hli· "no ... In ,~~~o W~~:~/l ~~~.1~~e~eSP~~. ib~~J • ' •"( ~L~'~~I(,~l~~~' ':~}?tl11;~~\\';1 i MI's. Martin Meyer, ,Mr. and Mrs. i! I . J:+,~,n,~"~,~~:,, ',:: ';',::~:;::' -'2~;~bC~ah~o ~~(~c~~~I~~~:. t:;;~~! . aI..~ ~e.'PII !DOW r l in ny ruck!~j';~;\::",:'~~':'f:')\'::,:,~gi;:'i!:;:;:;: [:~2~~~~~;~~~~:~!~{~~~i~~ Jr~, Uj ~l·~" In-' ~ f 'T'. k'\,(:\:~:::,g,·:::i :::,",,','::,,: ~::~a~~.'~ ~~~ ';';~ll1:~tPauI ~c,,- Ch YYO et a'SJ· oro 1. it"ue s.\ "til I"inn. 1 r "Id.'ll ... · M d~M GlenR Granquist I

i, "') l;t,~:3;:.·bi::o~,,:,:,:,','.,',.\"~\.\"I,,,~,', ',',',",',", ," , ::Jl1cl ri a~il:V \:(~;'I' \ is~to~'s in. thl' i I1

1 "h"l·t (Jo,,;] '11 I:, ~j,l"1 "" RH\ monel 1'lonne home F~'lday 'i t& ~h()n . 1n 111111.11'1 'ni~ht Dill(' 'S thel'e wcre Mrtand i : hortest $ roke va's of any fead..It "1\'1\" IIl"\\'d In 1:.11" HIl,l, )'11'3. :i\Iario Schuler .1nd d' ugh-: I~' ..J • t d

~ I ~!~b~~~Tl;1 '~'(H;;,ll~l i,l.\" t(J', SIOUX ·ty. I n9 truck. The inyustry 5 mas a "',

'r '::"\',\,:::. ~ '~I"~';;' ",~'," ::',.,. ,n ~~'::~~IR~li~,~~n~~~ h~~~e F1?i~:~ I , tReed 5 xes! You get the most

I~·)~~~~;;~'c)~:':,i:;,\I'I.\ U·I"th. \:I'I'~I' ~\l. nl~l~~. Hl"l~Ur C~rlson and jl M f"S. adern ower for your job vt- ith, ,1t \\'n" "110 I'd 1" 1"JllllI Vllgil Kal'dell and JaJ<wt \\l'l'L' ~'~~'''C"hevrolet Task-Force tru~!,~nd ,'I""OIHl"d hI 1·"111 • ThUJ"rlH\' 'aftehloOI1 callel" on ,"

I ( lUI" ttl'll Ii.' ~nUll , : .\1I·S Eilen El'ic~on. :Il:~(./·i,rl~:I~l' :';I~:~r \1/1\'11<1 \ Mr. and IMrs. Herman EClhten- I'ior th '.'1 I,." I ,III :-;11' ' ka:llp all' I(.arry and Ml'. and' Mrs. ~Iosl Mo~ern 'Engines'ge PH!"])I'!';<-· lJi' ,H-udlJlllh (;~·,'unk(' \\pnt to ~IOUX

'I', _:,:,:,:,,,,.,(,':'.,~,:,t,~,·,,,,,.,",'1. . '('It) last ~rl1l,s;day to help IMrs. 8 or 6 - I.'I)on KO,h .<,(']I'hrat(' lwl' bll"t

h,.d_"_Y. " ~d d' I CFJld,e !v8 is sta or '" new ~.. , -

( D\!crtisement) els, optional at extra cmt in <.II 0 her

'~xcept FOlwaTd Control mo~lcL. s~'~hevrolet trucks offer the md Istrmost adv,?-nced valvc-in-head I sixestoo. Allljve a modern 12·volf clec \

~ical syst 00.. ~ I

Mosl Mo e~D

~tyJjng i . i.Work SlY/I'd-with a fresh, funjl10T101~ppcararrce that's t.ailored to tl e job!ll'wo disti~Ctly differcnt\styling trcat-

~ents are offered-one for ligb - andedium-d ty models, anoth r fbr

e"vy·dut~ models. It's a Ch1VfFIet

~~~~i1i":i'<'"'''' ""jl",.•afety Ste sand qew High-Le\( 1-vcn-ilation! ew fr~rnes, new s spen­

,iDo! NeW', tubeless tires stand rd on~h-ton mddels! Come in and ee allthe modetn reatures that put yo~rhead! ! •

; II


I I I '.

'of Ilcompeting ~eafsiart ~Jso' vailabfe. The ,'19~5 springpi?crop was 9 erc~~t' igher han in 1954. Placement, of

chikS for broile pro~uc, ion is ow above 11954. . \1

I Low~r: *rides ~:ik~IYI LITILE I~PR<PV~MENTI in sla"g ter c~ttle prices

car be expecte~ in t~ei,remain~er of 199 con$iderin9 t.~enumber of cot~~e on feed and~' the larg sup~'ly of other

m~ats. Prices ~ lower grade attle will weak,.. n a~, grasscJttle come t market in lor er volump•. Prites for theb~tter grades s auld hold about steady. I

,IN 1956 FED CATTLE jRICES viii/ overage a littlela~er than in 1955. Demand w II bestra~g but iheavy mar­

k,tlngs Will ~ore than offse Its sust~tnlng effect. Nos~rlous price beak IS ontlc1pa ed In Ylell of the favorablee40nom1c outl ok-tather the situatIOn dl bq character­,%~d by stead to slightly 10 ~r sloug ter cpule prices.

SlIasonal price rmavements will probably 'be less than",pr­mol in the hlg er grades ~n.d Illabout normal for the Tbwer

glades I'

Profi I Pros ects fromF 'eding Cattle

THE OST FAVO AB'lE P~OSPECTS\foraiverage pr fits appear to be ilfl feeding sys­

trms whic convert C1eaper fbed into gain

r\ltherthan ,in th?.. se wh ch dep~nc! uPf,n pri.c.e.

~ar9ins be:rween feed r cattle land sl ught.er

c~ttle .. Th.e ,chances forrPrOf.it llre fair. y gOOd.

fb" long_f~ steer calv Sr defrred-f~d year­

ling steers,. and heife calve I fed 'lor 8-9

';'onths. C ances seem jless fay rable for pro­

fits with sh rt-fed yearlings an, heavy steer$.

: ANOTH loR SYSTEM w~ich migh~ be considered byH:irmers with Jhort corn cropsl is thdt o~ feeding plain cat­

tle _In this 5~tem ploin andl medium eeders ore bought

~.'t the season~1 low in the If II lus.uall•.' Octaberl, led t~commercial 9 ode and sold .1t the sea ona! ~lIgh fer thrsgrade which s "sually Apnl.and May. Ray Hoss, Exte~­

'.iO. n Livestoc0 ~orketing SPtciaIis.t a~.!Konsos State 'Cdl­lege says, "lfi you can buy' og' st,e~!~ in L~,c-the good~lat-bocked ~ind-they shou d make rfJoncy. He recom­mends buyin~' 650-700 poun~ steers 4t $10 t~ $11 per Icwt. and fee~ing them to lround lAPo pounds by next$pring. Fall ppsture, corn st Iks, and ~rop of/erinath foJ.:.._~owed by ple~ty of ''ensilage nd a mirilimum of groin will:z

~.ep feed cojts down. 1 '1 . . \ON FA MS I'here gra n craps ~.iled this year but

'all pasture, nsilage and h yare av. iI.ble, sUch \"u.gh:bge can be u ed to advantade by buyi 'g commQft to .med-

1 ium stockers and .leeders in-I October t tile seosonol low

alves on lee July 11,I;han 0 year i1Qa alild /d cattle bnd selling, tem as leedersi nexl SI" 'M tile seaSODo-I

eing market d at ~qavier weights. la~ i supplies j'9h, usually n May. I ' .

Compiled' from 11~~te~ on Neb1roska iFa,r! Business," Pre ~red underjthe .Direction 01 E. [I Peterson,Agrir; lturcl '. E~.•. ~ten'sion Service and. D ~artment of Ag ~c~ltur.a1 Ec noml.cs, Colleg of Ag'rlf. ~Iture,

Ur,versity of NebraskCl, mcoln l and Rep mted In the PubliC Interest by- 'II

. I. I I I:'

tclte I a ioal l BbnkI' 'I ' II' . ~ i· 1

ite You to B. nk Wilh .

I I !

fl- D~p~n - I

erl Lqans ~: nsuranice - loansI.' IMi'ei'.1 I deral D~sit In~DraDceCorpoI' I ' '" 'I, ~ , I I



ET FARM I COME will be 5. percent. less 1955than I s't year conti 'uing the detline which began.i 1952.This ill not leod t a general depresfion because f fewerbut 10 ger farms, 0 f·farm work, pride-supports .an othergover ment policies 'and programs. I


MEia prOductioj I

OTAL ~EA PRODU'CTION in 1954 sur~a sed the1944 ar·time hig . This year's production will b 5 per­cent igber than 1954 w'ith 267 billion pounds lor 160poun s p~r person. The perl capito supply of meat is up 7poun s from last eor mositly in pork and only 31 poundsless t an the 1908 record ofl{i3 pounds. '

TION ~i> fat in 1955 is r"nni) slight­ear. Th'Clre were 13 percent mo:e cattle

. . i I'


I., ...: ....... ,

iI I


1~OfS A'C:1n Th 5 L'afld" I

bRill ':5161" I I : I , II I

curre since [H n in the es~ern F~rn Be,lt ~~t th~s ,!was re be~~ set in most, bu,~.iness indkators with eoc~ p~fsingmore than otfs t by favo abl~',1 growing 'Co.ndltlon~ In I the ~onth. I onsumer-"sp ndlng for ~omesf automOblleSJ:1 ap-rest, I the dol, ~elt. Ne ras~p's pearly 750,000 :pcr~s 01 'Iiancel load and cia hing has pr1vided t"'i main str ,gth.irrig ted corr\! !I' Ok, very g ad I.~ut .total IPr.OductiO!~ ,in. the . on_re$.•.. ~entiQI cons.t ucti.on and i.nvestmen.t i.n new ,Iantsstote is expe~t d to be a out ,40 million bushels lfsS hon (Imd eq Ipment were mCllor f(j)rces in the rapid re pverythe lO-year ~ve QS~ of 22 n11~lion. If it matures I ra erly, from .t~ recession of 1954 and wjll continue to be hongthe . S. Corn ro,p will be 17 ~erc.~t cibov~ 1954: nd only ~"staln! g lorces in 1956. Federal, spending is expec ~d tosligh Iy below t e 'record f 3i? blljhon bus!hels In 1194. ,echnej a little mor Hi' 1956 but thiS rsduchon w II be

I 1 • • ~ore t~ n of.fset by ncreased spelnding by s. tate and.ltocolI THE CA RYOVER f C¢lrn from prevIOus ~Ye~s IS go¥ern ents. I I I

OVer{900 millio bush,el wit .9~'percfent of this in t e orth I : ' .Cen' ral StQt~s. Complian e 'oIfith corn acreage a lot ents I, • I.has een laWi s the mark t price ~his laill should be s me- , , OVERNM NT POUICY af~ectlng I USI-

wha1 below the average I an level. o! $1.58 per ijush, I. "'ess. ill be d igned to.1keep~ctivity la~ a

tTHE 0:-' S CROP a 1,625 million bushel.s sJts a new high I vel in the rest of 19'$5 and during 956

reco d which ,,'r. th corry 0 er gives 10 total, supply! f ~ear.ly r~. " '.:.2 bil ion bus~e,1 . New rec rds are also in prospect, lor grain ~spec ally with resld~ntlill and congre

sorg~um,. soy~ ODS, and, a y... Support prl.ces anj all leed a.'I el ctions co ing Jp' next. year R centgral s thIS ye~ are conSI erably below those of 954 With I' ,,' I •th.e. xception I c,orn. R nge con~itions and ha. supplies credi restrictio s are tQ c~ntrol t~e boo butin t e ranch, q untry wer ge1erol!y good to ex-c '.ent ex- '1 " I, •cep ~Westerri· an~sas, Eo ternl Co oraeW and Ne, ras~a" .not t. cause a d wnturn. ~rbs .on Install e~t

ALL OF HIS adds up 110 otl"nQant'supplie 01.1 feed Icred, may be a ~ed later. If voluntary r tnc-

grail" and pro ein cance trale. fQr the 1955-561 easbD intions rove tQ b inadequate. A ~ut In fe eralthefatlQn Os whole b t with njuch les. f"vor bioi can- I .: •. . I,diti ns in l<Ie raska exc pt ~.n irrigated forms 8y

l· late taxes IS probab In 1956 and th s WIlla d to

AtJg st muc~ f the corn an dry land in fo.tern IpDd Cen- Ispen able inco e. The federal budge 1 willtral Nebraska was dam ged' beypnd reGOvery ~nd Igroln I. Isorghums were also suff ring. Many larmers: wel~. c~tting .still balanc for the first time in . anycor for sdClge or turnm cOftle Into corn heidi In lorder I "t~ 5 Ivage forage. Pastur 5 in this; area w~re ve ! poqr but year , I'.wou d improve with rains in S~ptember. I' I ';. I I

I I .' HIS BRIEF UTLINE ol,the eca~amic aUtilk lor

~Ithe pe t 12-18 mo tlhs means that empl~yment 0 can-

U ..... ers dnd .Pr.".' ef· .. ,u.mer incomes win emain high and therefore. the ..~mandII'R Ifor m t will conti ue strong. Recent wage hikes III add

, Ito per onol incom . Consumer, debt is not reg.Q ~ed as

O.f ee e..l. Cattl I Iexcess ve in relatia to inCOme. Papulation grow ~. con-I , tlOues to provide n expanding market for all p oducts

I .!,' 'I includi 9 farm pro lucts. Farm~rs will not share n- this

J. THE SU: PLY OF F EO~R CATILE coming I a nj"rket . gener I prosperity s much as ~on-Iarm groups. emandsh. ,Id b.e ¢IS Igh or a IlttlJ h~9her thQn last,: yeo~ and I for m t, dairy and poultry pro.ducts, :,and fruits on I vege-pn~s Will prp ably ave ~ge ~ ltitle l~wTr. A 1arl):'lnno~- : tables will be stron ! but larger ,prodt.,lction wjll mo ethanm~1 seosonpl, ovement IS e~pected Wlt~ peak, olu e ~n Ioffset the small in rease from population growth Ind ea:-lat. SePte~br' and Oc obe~.' The moveme~t c ~ld 'begm , ports. No serious p ice breaks are e~pected provid d thata II tie e.arlle In Nebro ko If. dr.o'ught f~~:,~ue.s mtQ Sep· Itemplo m. ent in c;tie continues high. A recession w uld be Itember as th long-rQfl e wEl~thelr fore~ md.f tesl' ,disast us for farm rs. ,I .j

I THE N M1BER 0 CATIL~ onlarms a~ r nchesin' t~e U, S. ~ s been in reasi'ng lince 1949 irani 76~ mil­Iionl head to 9 .4 milliol on Janunry 1, 1955. M st of thisj'nc~ease has I een in be_t cattlei since beef co nulmbersor~ now. 52 p.' rcent hig cr than .'SiX yeors ogo, hil~. milkco·'1 numbers, ave reme ned 4l uit¢ stobie. i

THIS YI AR'S CAL CROP \V,II b¢ a little llpwer thonlost year's b~, ouse of s ring ~torms in th.e Nort~er.n Pla.insand Mountol'l states. S aughter ,of cows and ~eifers hasbe~n running igher t~o la~t ye?r indicating th~t ~he in­crepse in cat Ie numbe 5 is'slowing down. Rap~d li,quido­tio(l of herds is not ex ect.e~ UI:tless a severe ,~rought or

. prife break ~ C"rs. I' ·1 i, GOOD AY AND RANGE cond,tid~~ in Aiosta> tbe

raJch COUri.tf'l m€an tha co.,t..ltie (anchers, will b~~.n ~ fairly9~.d barg1:jlin ng positio Liit~.le distress of selli 9 .01 feed-er cottle due to droug t is,~ expected except fr m tm~d

or as. Faclolr tending a sH€n~then leeder cq tlepr;';.. :a ndont ie supplies, ow~~ pri(:e supports on dtgrGitlS,an the u~la,able ho pih q"tlaok. These, acl " willop rate tole~ ourage th ex~onslion (lIf c~ttle fe din. Off­se ting thdse cue the hi h m1mbers of, cottle ani fo"ns ofldra~Ches, ld r profits f om~cat~le th~s post Slsonl, lorgesu plies .of . eats \and ons' ej.ueh. t sligh'fly lowe Slqugh.tercottle pncesl xpeC'tcd n xt y or. '

I BALAI:-ICING TH SE :TWCIl SETS 01 cand tionls leadstal the 'caa;c.1 sian thot fcc.der ,tattle prices Wiill tveragea ittle lowier than last y ori-ab9ut $1 to $2 pet cw . Earlysales 'of goo to choic s~4er tol:ves and yea~lin shaveralnged from $18 to $2 ; hleifers labout $2 lo~er. Spreadin~prices bet een upper and., low!.~er "grade.s has ~en IW.iden­in but this, oy not ca tinue i~ Nebraska as rm~rs buypi iner co ttl to clean up i'I~au?ht-stricken co ,n firldS.

,IS6~'! 'Iau ht~r IPr cTHE' P ICES FA E~S ~Il RECEIVE or t cat-

tl when lh y leave th f~~ lotl will 'depend coo­s mers'. ~fm nd for m at,1 be~f produCtion, and upplieso comp~fln meats. ens ... ers' l:temand f.or a is de-t rminedllor ely by ge ero"econolmic conditio 5 ciulye playm~nt an.d perso 01 i~con\e~. When ...,pI y", nt aod.i comes o'r~ high, cans mefr eat l.et1 anti the lid 19r

eat is' ~st~ ng. If 0 ecejSsio~ dccms, some cu ack in5 endingJ fa food inel din~: mea~ con 'be ex,p cte.d. Witha r preS~l!It' eat prod cin~:cooa4ity~ unemplo ment wouldr pidly l:l~i1 disastrou Iy low prides for live~t k farmers., I', J", I'

Ec~ Om c! $iltuati':~ 0 ~~OO .

, , . ",I IGEN

1AL PROS ERITY Iis' expected lin the nation

t ra"ghout 1956 WIth em~laY'1e t incomes,' s ending andi YeSlme~t, 0' cantin." all<,hi~h levels. New ecord hig~s

I I" ,I i I

pro<>uctibn Jactice 'such as (ert1\iz:r,~1~ilehi tides, weedkillers ~ew iarietie ' irrigQtion~nd me ,~I ~ica driers wi II~ean ? ample sup Iy of feed ...for our to in9 umbers aJlvesto W, ,,' I I'

I II 'cq~~ CR P 01 nearly 3,500 il ion ushels was

estim tJd? Aug. 1. Some further 'de e iOl"ot n has







M~n's new, different

wGrk sticks .' 39C3 prs, $1

1 i,1 str·clch 11\ 101;

1,C'rii..'c.: I,t, COlllbdf001 Icr comfort Navy,

brown, cic'') , ",hi Ie

Men's sport shirts

Men's all woolflannel slacks


rore smartly sty'led!

5Clnforizcd cotton

Men's sites

Soft Sqnfonzed prmte~ cottan suede Iflannel .49.c yardGrowln~ girls' tnm Gdodyear wellt saddle oxfords .4,98Wome~'s white nylon tricot HoU'ywoob briefs, Just 98cMen's prawn horsehldJ work sho~s, s~omless backs 6.95Men's Ill-mch oil-tonEd leorhe* engineer boots 12.95Men's 1IIIMoney Bok" nfonted Ib1ue denim overalls 2.29Men's nm "Money B k" Sonfor zed ~enlm coveralls _.4.98Men's iSan~orized bluel denim "Sodbu ter" dungarees 1.79Men's .Icottpn work sak, nylor-fdrtifie tloes, heels ",':."-" .29cMen's :"Moiney Bak" ~hite CQtto~ flo ne '(r'0rk gloVl;!s , .33cBoys' onforized blue Idenirn "Sorbus r" dungarees ." 1.49

Warm flannel, 1

sport shirts I


Heirloom bedspreads i

l1~O96x 110 site

for men

~: li', t


Suede joc"ket values I Al:tion.built





Easy-ta-sew Quodrigo


cotton prints,

~995I') of \\orll1 bk~II,1 of

\\uol .:1' ('

aile! 11.'c1Roscwom' i.JIl;J,or tLJUI·)I',


skimmrr pumpsFoot-,Iimminr beautiel that 1ft

walk in <omIt 24~

~I 1

E,e-I'>!"csieilC,:clcc, t~02fo\h;OII' fa 'orc:ror ovocod,block

ale En 5 Saturday!

r chance to get the newest linstyling ! Reg~larly $45 to $ 5

ow you ton save on these 10 %I II

s - Lon 5 - Shorts -,Stout 'I ~

He~e~s ycolor: aNow seewool sui


II ,I 1

P'ufchas~ !Sale!I $2.'4

alueslto 4.99 I :

• rich velvet• furry felts-! bright sati., chic panne

-'f......-++tt+rr--&-...;,:,;;.+-:.:+::+~+i=:...:::..+;:;l--l_+I~' _'+-.lJ'II~I.l ~ ..,~, ~ ~, ~1 d I, NIr and Mrs 1m r HarrISon

, ILl'S vtrnlSa110rS and family, Mra d Mr FIarold ne and family

I S u h I01J,X CIt ,M anj:] Mrs': drville Harrison, M. and Mrs.

Rjo rt Beyeler a d r. arid Mrs., ~ .~~~ 6


, M • and rMrs. Rob rt Walker I

-+-.....-+tt-l...-"*_....r+--~--I-i--4I--....;-+~~--I- ....-+--+----+--; 1 Fa Worth, Te., rrived lasL jI - I I: We nes4ay for a 10- ay visit inj

wecken t in t.1C ;lnwr H81.ris01 the orne O.f Mrs. a1 er's parents .1home. atUfda M. and Mrs. H~r' l\f.r. n~Mlrs., Joh T. ressler. t I

g~~~l s dnt~h~ ~ :di~~:; h~' M~.~ I~~~a~ ee:'si : ~~~. S~~Mrs. Don Plppi t and icki dra vis ted in th M s. Nels An-

~~~~~rls stinvr~~nc'~:~deaftea~~~' d~~ ~ ~No$e·Andelrso~ and' Lillia'n l

home.' ." and ~r: and. Mrs.~aY ond Erick-'Mrs. E~i1 ~¢.'~ son visitc la~ son vlSlt~d l~ th Os ar Lundahl

Na..o;~~,. f..I:~r1~J~l~~~~ayM~S c~"~ ho~ St·f~::~~e~~, l:i~~:,.:d~~~d:~~:1Mrs. Hardt,!' vislt'd Il1 the uh MI'Sf'De-tier Bahd home weni- Mr 1

MIS Vl'rn~1 rr.lpq Hll1ner ch;> hOmer' ' and Mrs., Irving ,H. ,Bahde, ,Ft'e~1

l\!h~ ,~:s~~~elll;&~er Ol~,:~r fi~kl'~i~~ gon~~e~~/~ ~r~ ~~n 'i:~o~h~r, an~ M1'~. lrv Ba~de,and MIS El' 'I~l . d RC'- Mr hd M~S omer K lie and l\'lt~s. Wt»OY ubl.'ck, MI anc~ ,'Mr. and' Mrs. jl'"ank Baker"andlnee' AftCl']CHn \1 tors h the ItOOk is HI dll1 Wadlwm t Mrs. H..I.Y Aghl J and famiJ an.". Mrs Lou .BakC\ .isited in tpe AI-.IFlohlIch o~wrc Mrl Hel- Gland sian ast CCk(nd\\lCl. Mr,all.l\1I"s.J~l MI.l1er.. :1 bert! Miller ho c, .Laurel, la.strna Calst n ld ynctt ~sht' too {a I ll1 f r hOI hom II E. F. Shields r urned Thursday We nesday. .

r. anc;l . tto G leman San DI go C hf 1\11 and lrsf from i:l.

rtwo~wee viSit wlth rela- 'L st Sunday dl~nel'"igucsts in thel

alII pd hqrp t unday 1.001. "1IKelll'Y . \ lSI... f'. nds v. hl.l( Il 11.i\'CS. i •.1 .~ou.the.I'J,1. .ca.Hforn. i , H.'~5 I-~o .art AU.ker hOle "'.ere Mr..and.we k s vaeatl ,n be Bla Hills, Grand sla d r :daught r, Ah~o, "companie h® M:rs Raymond ecrman, Dakota! ITh Y also v s ted Mr. a Mrs I M r tid f. C fford Joh sonl: on Lhl trip ~n remained her~ CIt .Be rallb~, Cilea r Lake, S D ISouth Gat ea r and I a w('e befOlo r~turning t ht 'r. a"d IMrs. C A.ISard arrived:

rs. f:Io~e liar Ison a Pam- Chal les Bell [lld Shf'ryl ay home' t Nayah. aush, MinI. ~o e. last Sunda af~er a. lO-dayl

.last \\-ood, (allf, ,ISltP last 'Wee nes Mrs.!GU Y M dl nand Mr . Ji v,ac tlon a.t Lak~ .Pank, Mmn. I:

1'. 'day ev ning If thE HaJ'ry G. Ka l\1adlso 1, Emc~'s01, and Ml'::;. Har- L st Frllday VI ItOrs in the JOhnl'uesday homc. I .i. [I . uld Ql,mn, Wlinsi k, ::;pent hur~~ Ba er home wc e Mr. and MJ's !W will iMr.~and i 1'f'rs. A.rnold hr day ev'rung. v.jltb Mrs." Art ukdr.. Ern st. Dem!<e, .atfrbury. Las~.1e Eck- i left Sa 'Urd ~l to ·i.sit Rev, an Mrs. A. W.' Ro s who spe t tre SW1da~ Mr. Baklr "ras a dinner Ir. and :~I~~s~·S~~ Oirl~~" ri)~~l;'~'iS~~ LO~~~~~,c ~~;~\~I t~ d~~,:gW~~·. ~1ii ~~e'~. In the H rm~n Vahlkam~nge!a, Mrs. A t c.) .lega.an wen' 1\-11', an l'etUI'll to 1lL'l" I bOI H.' Tuesda . 1Vj.r. L st Sunday nt·ht 1

M r. and Mrs!.•Awalt Mrs. C rl l'~n 't and Mr. an and M's. Clarle'hc' Ross wili bri*g H ry Baker an LJrry" Mr. and

Mrs. Mrs, ay -;a Lafit, Tue 'da' Iwl' h me. : Mr. Edward aket and famihlWat- ('v£'nin visit, 1'5 \ ('n' Mr, all Mr. and. Mlrs. Duane Pe ers.L.h and John Bake v~sited in th~

fn' ,Cadsp \\:('n' last I' unday Mn;. loy ohl1s ,11 <md d' ugl - and G· ry VISI pd II the Don JoJ.u- AI' old va.h.lkamp home. ..1su p~.'1' guUe ts In t e Fred revert tel'S, P '0.10 .".I ,.'on h llle Thm.'s By ew'nin. " . r. and ,~rs'. El~er Peterson,'110 10, " " ,GracI: G mble as a Thu Sdl Frid y ever_n supper ueljots Os and, 'VIsited Mrs~ Dora Childs'

ast Frld ,y Mr. ~and M s. Ern· dll1l1('I' /tUP. t~of l\t J"S. Art ad, - 111 thp on J01~I~S n home we e Mr.! las I Sunday.' Ipst ~I'(.'\'.ert l~ld M'~' Mar ~a F.re~ gaard. Fd a Mr: Udcgaa.l' al.1 a.nd Mj'S. Gcrilrd eckcr an Fr:edl M~r. and. ,Mrs, ~. $.. Childs, Mr~,ve t i VIs\t.ed _I-"! th" Hem i Barel- Mrs. G pn ?,I on \ P!'P 111 NOI fol . ROl'be·. an Mrs: Paul M.in('~ and Mr" an I111 n, home, "Vllk~ f,ld. M rs.

a,Kn X

1Jone and H bar, Mr. and Mrs.: Don Jo ns~n,!:'vIr. WIlla:d Wiltse; left Sunda'

r. and~ rs. ,lffo,rd ~ohnson, Lincol ".:;p,n: Thl rsday Wltl Mf" Dougl sand Dafas W('l"C ,up~~r for Des ~Oln~S v(her.~ they, attend;':~n r.."Irs. C a¢l~s II an f:GherYI, and M.";;;. 'f.' R. 0.wcn and 1\11' '. gues.ts .il.1 the M. il ord Roeber home ed he K.iwams D.Istdct conventiol~. ,So th GatC', CaM., ,nme I 't Mon- Wood\\!Rrd Jones. i SUl1da '. T,h y returned hOme Tuesday ew'~da to .spe ~ a ~fe('k \ th Mr" Mr, Ilnd Mrs, qIifford Joh SOl' Mr,iand Mrs.. ans Hansen an'd mnJo nson smIi!Wl", 1rs, N s Jolll~- Soutb Ga~.. , en If" and t]w I' :\-'11':' ~'lil fonl llit''lieo and annie" r. ~nd. Mrs ..1:hq..·~ald Jacob'-

so. ' .N'.O.rfOl'l ' ...!lnd MjJ'~. hnson S..'. dRug

htt'I" ..•!I.I'.S .. '.'1 a~.'lt".'.. 8.,.,11 al d i '.'...l'l'l'.. ja~t .:YlO.l1da... afICl.'noon Vi$i.t- sc '. Wmsldc, \'I.F

ltCd. In the J'f'll.'ill ~~f'l, :Vl1 . ,l-f. I·, l'ay. ?',wryl, .l\lc y\tood, Callr., an VI '-1 OJ'S llj11 the Hqrm n Rue-big I orne, eh 1stemen hOIDfc last Wednesday,rs. 'A. . ,Gull \fer an ,Lenore, ltmg wI.th Lfs. J 1l1son's m tilt r, Mr. and IVrrs. Herman uebiig aft moon. , . " ' ['

R. ITl~('y att !1ded ,'Stat AA.UW Mrs. Ell.zal etfl Ka " and \utl ot - and f rieka wel' fiupper gu sts 'in ~st weekendJ/lsl'tlors In the R~m etmg at Gran Islan Fl'l~aYi C1' rplatl\'("': ' I th" l- t'l'man St \'e home riday Ch Isten.sep ho~e wer~ Mr. alll' enmg an pat day orOlng,' Mrs, Me,vir Br ne and Jarlie l'\'l'J1I g, M . Wilham Ryan~ Lincoln, .M s:, L. L. i1elIlll rd, Sc tsbluffJ sIwnt Fl'ld~y ant' noon \uth)I\-I~·s. ·Mr. and Mrs.' van Hame we:re an Mrs, Ralph~. Kry~er. NC'lig ,P. es~d~d at th~ meting 1'5. Gul~1 Harry Ka~, . I last l,uesday su PCI' gursts in the an Mrs,. Margery ScoflCld. Battl' IJi 'e~ IS ~ eflde~ Qf. t p loc:a!' ~hursda ~islto In the Carles (' J~el'l'in ho e. Cr ,ek, Mich.; . :A W. M '5 Ra e).1 IS tate 1111 Munp ho e \\'/'1' 1\11' and l\-1 'S Mr WHlia 8t f d and r. and M~. Marvll1 Utechl, 'to' .' t1.pnal 1'li'IRt.i 1,1S chai an. I B.Ob Dirks .: onm ".'.ld Carll a Hi (.lall tt'r, Umah" '. spe~~ tO~c W..".l!k- M1', and Mrs. M.,cl\'~n Utecht ~ntl•..•

Mr. ,and .Mrs. John orstrnari NIl'S. Hartll('~~sml h. C'olC'rld T(' ('!lei' Ow \V tPI' 'h ' M~!:>, Mary Ute,cJ;1t cqlebrated Rlch-al d Mr. a:d MIS, Art! l' Holt~ Rev, ~nd rs, . E. Jon sift Mr and M~s, E.lh~~~rPo r;:i1:hH a:qI u,techt's b.ll'thda~' Sunday E'VQ-:S dne-~, ,aI' IVt'~1 tome 1 t W('d~ last F'ndae,' fa I' WIt' hon I' in! \\'I'n' last \V('dl C'sd \.. ,·t .f, nllh::: In the Rlc~ar~te'?ht homO'. I)1t .sc!...a,.~ aft( l' "ISIt ng rela, hcs a. nd S.IO.UX. RanidS.. la, al !e.,· . il \.'tJ('l'S.; thf'. ome of {ey aYpet~<;1 ~~~j~ I ~ r. an. d Mrs.: De e

y. J.ones. anp I

flle~d~, at Mar 'US, P ~111 n a, \-'ISlt In lI:f~) F :-1001"1' h( Il\I'j I Ill'!' J ' ),11[". and Mrs ..BI/adf I'd Hlles: Dpd- I

IG.'aC'ttlllg(,l anddEsthC'l' 111~. l.a" 1 Mr. and rs. ,F. Moo e .at_I M~ Alv~na Brudigan ,; as yet, W('IC Fnd15' ('T'ntng vIsI10l1sn d Yjankt n

tS. I' Some omt,~ of t('nd,'d thl' n'dd 1).; 01 \ '"Y:IW I amon r g"UC'sts 'ho helped JJiI'Y In Ithe home· of l'u! ax. I'


11.0.I'C.',. t tl.l)' \"l.,.,tCd ~' \. .t.hO, sam~.]{IISOI~. a.'.ld :\1 ry \'0.';'-" S l1l~aY Bl'Ud. gall c.".'IC.bjat.l' hl.. S b.i th~;a ,I 1'.und~y M. r, "..nd M, rs, Ed La.rso"..'I 10ltt~ of h R('demptl '. \J" est ('vpnll!g atl I~,alste n. lrl. last jl0nday ('\"cnlllg in thefr 'll1k ,entertamcd. ,MI'. af,d Mrs, Earl

1!",n.K:ll'Ia., C. rn Falace, IltC'hdL I Don Id. L ve. nt to .ar do 131.'lId'gan himl.C: .. 'I. L~l'son and :i\Tn; .. N l'hE'l"t 131,ugg

t'.'.IS D:, ~'~' l~d~ll ~,I~~l a (I ,Ga\"lI1f', AFT~. f'X, \ hel'(' \w !lwl hi h '0- La t Tuesday evening M ,IAI_ I in 'hOllor or Earl La son's I;;rthday ir .mtj:da~l,,1hq or. g,llc aboutlllWl' l1rl~h(,': 1\\·0 till' \\('C'l,- \"(~lla Brudlgptl \'islted witi Mrs. fr. and M~, Arthur Weaven


to" C'C'kSj' . end 111 ;\1 nll'n'), I \\ alt 'l'd ('al'lo,od. LRst WC'd lCstlay ~nd C1~~t'a EI'1C'k~()n, Oakl:J!ld,.•~r:!and.Mrs~,}, A, J sen VI~~ Mf'"S, R Y ;Habr ck and C Ildrlen il!tPI'1(1)1J' :\']1" 'nd .\11's. u.ssl'll'sp nt Sunday in thE.: hOlI;e of 1\1/'.

lIt ~ lin, tlH l.l.on,.I( of ?1~~ ,Jf'ns('n ..SIs.pent Fl'ldrtY.:art"1 loon. 111 1hl holllL' p. l'YOf. (,<dll'd .. OJ1f:\'lrS. Carls n I al d Mrs. C. A.. v.. .I'(,,,,.'ton.. 1-Ir.~.p.lfI1IS. 11, .<In 1\11S RobC'1t !ift JOlIn :Jlr, , . Mn and Mrs.. ill Carlson vi'sited H Dry Preston wenl, 18 Oakland(<J.Utl!llln, ,ldtll~OI , S.D, last Sun-,I Las W,cd esd dinner guelSts' III t~l' \rVillis . '1" I I' w~th them to visit: a wC'ek or ](1d I...... ' , ! . I R ' , I ,l sun 10n cast;j :'! ,111 111~ (~h,t 1"t L Il1h hnnh' \\'~'l"t' ISund y P\'cn)ng, 'dalYs. - I :

n~rl and Mrs, Robert I Johnson I.:\-h <lind ::-llfs ol1,lrLl Ila 1i!ton' Mr and 11'11' Le C I~,1,d! ~Ial'Y II? :'Il~S' Ed orff YL<;-: and 1"Ckl

1" 'Uma <I, 'tum d last mo~ ar ~l'On~a; l~_(rae~ :' (l..' i '

~{Id fn tl~t '-emIt Fl~r lC home,! Mr..and rvlrs. y Lenna~ w re ~ COIOI1HdiThl'," \'isil d 1\1r 'r""II II!

IO_W',••rOhU'.. )~.'l ".. l1nda) !Ia" \ ,'d,,',~a, '[..'.".lIO b"'1m·, "' . 'oJi" '.\.. t..!. l'gl'n;bo,xe,. Den: 1-0.rr.~ .. 'I .. ,8. ':i o~ at el)ded. I meetl!"g I tIl(' \ (,1m 'I' 'Andl '''01\ hOllH. Ivel'. 1"5. Caauw i:Jnd M " , ,

~f ~lW A': )1'aSk

1""Hospi I Ad\'ls- Mr. ant Lrs. ' loyd He dla ff Ibf'rg l' (11'0 si~tc " IS. .cgcm- By M . Fred Baird

1'yi qounci a.t ncoln tm'day. and ·",tl y F:mtr<:on \'isi I'd in t'" Phor:!ie 1 9n 19Mr:" and ~rs:' orn'J vis. the' J hn LindsaJ. ]H;ml'· .',. f ~. and "(Irs C. J, Boye and I (Contmuel!l ["dm page 3)

, i ee! In t~1C' ,Ugf'l, (-' /oh ho~{', I evening. t'! .II II a} h~m ,~' S~~~~~~~i~ ~ J~: Dick ~o)'ce I~.IOU"i. Cll "last I\\('d C\C- 1 Mrs. C rl Ea man visi ed in i 'M~ !' st Sund ), 1M!' and Mrs'. Dutane Black aI flilInP.i " . . I~1(' Anlo h'd('T~kn :I.";!' 1\11' ';n

and ~ll'"s,l~h.ar]e:~Jor. en~en, I CttllY, ,EmcrsPll. we're Sund' y[v!tt and frs, I'Er Slefke..n 1 b.un.da).·. rl,(~l.noo. wsday Ml': ~tnrl Mt:. l1ta~(, JOl,~cns nand.: g l.'StS Il1 tl1(' honw. of Mr. an, d

:' nd'daugh (' 'S, ~~n;. G. \ . Hught.s (yv~nlng 11', and \'1' I'n ~ ,. d ~1,1 $. r," ,E. Be~ If'r helped .:\' l'S, Stanl('y Morris.nd MI.':;' J' la I-qnH'm(,l'i~nd fam- \"1S11ed In tlb'.' 'In,,! 11'11'('11 i~IS).~Oh('.'I.B.(, elt.'r cell'bl' to hel' .Gu.~~t~ in tl1(".hOI11.1' of Mr. ailrl

'i y: Dixon, 'ttC'ntkd a "ni"ily J'('- i homg. La Inll' )lrt 1 '::- Il.l ...,j ~1 lld,ly c\,pni 19. Mrs -~an Rdinwl"s Friday ('\!('-

mon 111 itest~w, M, ll. last I Tllursd y evening ,A plcnrc ,dlmner was he d last 11lng lwlprd :\1i-s Rel,owl's ObSLT!"und.i1 Y" rr1 ty-o p rPla .. '.i\'C'S ,-at.-! llw .Anton .:Ip('fli'...SI'n.. sun.'!ilY.1I1 1!h.~'.fi\l"k hOJ1?ri 19 :'vIr.. hl.I'I' bil.'thda

y. tho:;f' p.I:J'scnt WPIT

t ,no.,..,? fro .Nl>l rilska, linncsot'.a i 1\11". and f:II."S. HlrnHllJ I and ~11~. (;hal It'S 113rnson,. L.OS :\1r. a. nd MI',';.. 30.(' DUll.Y, Mr. H ldnd South I alwt l. i and :i\1r. 'ntl l\lr , Chilrll's ! A,Jll';fjlf'S, anU , r. and Mr'. KC'n ~J'<;. Ed Kpnnr- Mr, and 1\1's' l

. Mrs, M urice iProett 'nd fam_lman and Lijlda., r !BI:;\ellel" i~nd Ii'!, Hy. who al' mo\'- ,Rjalph WaL,<;m ~~d family and 1\tr, ,

~y ij,nd :\ofrs Dlil .. Thi roll, an{l Frld. ay ".. f :,rno In callel's in Ill", tf) J.)1.l1\ ('I", ,hosc ]WI.';;C t ~~c ~a~ct !\'lrs,_ IJtl~__ cnny __a_nd son. Iaug..,htP\,S.. \'{'f{' ~l'ast 1.10 day call- Anton ~,d(kr s.l'n ,homl' \\'('1" ... , - ,

c's m tl1l' Clau ' Hard I' homC'. ~,n.d .l\ll);;P 91 o\'q' Bil:.;;, (, Mr. and Mrs, lenn wi ·Iker and ~\tn~nj{ ~ l"l tO

I":'; 1\( n 1\11r mdy \'lslt(ld in: the o~j "81 Hick- IM}\I01 IS 1~\J11 I 1

e ·.'il)I~ hom Fridpy ('YC Ing. \~ 1(' IJna~If:( ~~~s 31~~)~1r hl~1 I

~ts Or i1 Hlc~erson ~ok Brad cJy ('ven ng] to (lp Paul}I<:klrson Lollainc M 'f'lIS and ccllhlatC' hi$ bll hdl\!\ I~I 1 d S 1\th l Nchg Tucsda). Mr. an] IMrs, O~car Phl~P >th(· attC'1 dC'd tl baton w~ht to ~Ilkoln~ last Sun

} 'II tiS l] .~~IC IS W ley Ru~ ViSIt 111 tl (' Alm(I pl('llmn)'~ 'aec llIpal1l·d tht Mrs Tlwy! ('tu 11~d h ml' \;:l.~t ;\1

, - Mr an Mrs. $ F Moo eI' h'a\ c FI1~la~ ror!DC1S MOln

!...~!J!!!ltlIiI"1 I whe-Ie t1l'il~ ~1\\lll pPhd th(

l~, r \~'l~(~'" \\~V~ ~~111\\ ~~ l"ghi~ t\,- e and 1\11 ~ n I '\Tl 1 (

f;;~'tlid:;o S~'11i1~~11 u.l( III 11

Mr anr Mrsl Robert,and lalll h 11 \\t!lnrlH\\ ('I~' lets \\i ('( III sci 1\ SI:~~~~,ls 11 lilt IIA111111

Mrs Ffrank 'llorrell <.InIIag} \1\ tlll\ \\1111 IIII FII a\ I I

rs ~ C S anson an rsI A C No t(m \\ ~ I ( III Pon a ast

\"'C'~~ t~}n ('Ie~IS ~clt~~;~.., b:~~nt~~I a\An~{'~' ~gh~ I; h rv;~( I~n t~ lll~-

EdM~~en~~ n No I~~~ay r tur edho~c lasfs~ und} ,'lIte 1 S II 109a 1('\\ da 111 t p Clal(nl ay-hev. hom re ant Jim I tiedWIth MIS Lm Sci) to s ch a Iwcpk

Friday s' ppe guests In th DJ. Harne '.' ~'1" ,h. Tnl' \\'('r(' 11'. aml,Mrs. Ed S ost < d Caro~ a 1d an 1

True, B oC) fic 'I, and 1\1.. and IMrs. Pa 1 Wot Omaha, 'I

\\:('~;- t~ .~ (~1~~,'" ?,~.Of]~Ill'~: ,k~~\'ISI1 then' dau 1t(,'1', M.l·S. G~' H'geJohnson. :

Mr. a dl Mrs.: John Nyg erit ~ndLowell q '(l la t \Veon0s :=tv aft­f'moon 'is tors ,of Ml·S. AI ni~ Ny-gren. ' I

Mr. a q Mf'S Aldon S dfirand fa 11 , ~e It IICl _ SP( l~





·1 '



.... :..... I.2c

...2 for 27c


....2 for 25c




This remarkabl' effec­tllle new Rexall. prod­uct eases naggingaches and pams with

welcom.e speed. Trylt!


................... .49<:Armour·s. StqrS/toAOKEES, 12-oz. pkg.

L~an and TenderBONELESS BEEF STEW, lb.

IGA Table·~ite

SKINLESS'FRANKS, I-lb. pkg., .

Armour's Stdr

PbRK SAUSAGE, I-lb. roll ...

IGAMIXED VEGETABLES, No. 303 canIGA TastySPINACH, No. 303 cali .Morton House--O~en

BAKED BEJ.I<NS, No. 401,can ..IGA-Long ShyedKRAUT, No! 303 canEllis Chili HotBEANS, NOr 303 can



Mission j


Sunshine Krispy


2 for

2 for

Bring 'in you,r GoldArrow Stamp book.Each book worth $3 inmerchandise at our~tare.,


IGA Cream Style


per pound

, ~dd to·youi'Savirigs"";with· hese top qualityh1eats .and tasty fruits . nd ;egetables.-

( I '~... ~ ~"'''''''''' -I-''''~I G At'I'I.1.Yaur!On .;..$top - Shop!

2 lor 25c~2, for 25c


1.".39c12 lor 25ci 18c,,". .1.49'

I' .129 I

·"1 ~.:~;~i~ :l64c,:69< I


, ' I

• ••......• 1•. !.. I•• 29cIII .. :


/1.,I:'10cI 1'1'1.


j fcj~ 45c, I

I'.....:I.I.. 29c

I ,! I

Is r'dr 4fCII I

.... .l-I··I··I ..33c


1c sale.

Musselman's :, I!APPLESAUCE, 303 cans


2 for 33cIGA SlicedPINEAPPLE, No.12 can. .31cDel Monte-Whale ~rain

.......... rJ........ .:.~.. 1::'.2~2:c~G:O:::.:::LD::E::N.:...:C:.:O::R::N~j~N.:o:...:3+3:..:c::i1:::n...;..::.:...::.:...:.:... ::.:.:..:=::.:.:..:~.17 c


Kraft IVELVEETA CHEESE, 2-lb. box , ·.' 1,Pillsbury or BallardBISCUITS, 2 - 8-oz. pkgs 1 1 29cMarlene-Quarters

MARGARINE, lb. pkg.





' ,Fa ncy Juicy Rip~

'JONATHAN ~PPLES, 2 Ibs..Tender GoldenCARROTS, 2 cello pkgs..Fresh WhiteCAULIFLOWER, lb. . ,.

FR9ZENIGA Delicious

CHICKEN PI~S, 8-oz. si~e;.

Snow Crop! IRED RASPBeRRIES, 10-ozJ pkg..

1H,.West.1 'rTENDER PEJ:}S, 10-oz. pkgs.

IGA Haddock ,

FISH STICK~, B-oz. pkg.,

I ; PALMOLIVE, *ath size

ICASHMERE BqUQUET. bath sifeVEL, large si~e .. "". . .. ".... ".FAR, large size ..' " ".AD Detergent,: large sizeAJAX CLEANSER, large size " . """ ..AJAX CLEANSER. giant .... j ••••..•.

KAN·KIL INSECTICIDE, lorgle """. ".""".""."FAB, giant siz~.....!:...with coupon

PALMOLIVE, 'ego bar ..."rCASHMERE B<!>UQUET, reg. b<lrsVEL, liquid. lairg. :VEL,giant '...' r.VE'L, liquidl L.

• I

Petersen I

MI', and MnL Richclrd Myel'S nddaughter att.e~d('d tlle -;ilver v. d.ding gathcrmlg" of Mr. and rs.John VOg1 Saturday ;evening. n ..day thpy, WCIr(' at 'Lyons fo agathering at the cil1)-' hall hOI Ol'~

ing :\11-. and l.\lrs. Hillph Whit- l~cr :and d. aughl(,l~, <;Ujvc~' C.it y , .ca if. I

A group a! Ylsltorp helped ob­ert, l1aJl"{~11 C'~'I(>bl'at~ hIs bll't.h ay,Friday U\T·njng. S1j.lnday dll !lcr ,gUl'st" at t hi" ILmspll home w rc:Ml', and i\ks. Blih1 Hansen 3ml

~~~lil~·CI~i:~'. t~db ~~6~C'r~~y:i~;~: ~~~~~~'k, i~;'~.O~i{~d ~ll~~~~~aCnk s~~~ ~d~

Ct': !"otrs. Mar::. Hans('!1 ihd 11'13.Mable' ('l~nkl:fnbcard,

:'1-11', and. ;'\~I·S. Ed' K"i and Mi',

~~(l~sd~l;:s~a~l:~:l~lt ~~'~r~~oRai~ 'C~~i~{~I~ul;~t~~l~(:;;~m i r fishing trip

:\11', <In:d :\-1I'S, Bill'y Hansen alldfamily. jll'. and MIls. August Kal

~~~ f~~;t, ~rr?en~~~lth~~d~thDv~~~ding annl.\Tltary obfC'l'vancc ucs-

~~\~I?~~C'~Y~l: ~O~~~'~~~~ :\Irs. Ted

i :vrrs.,~" ~t. :'Ill' uil-e ..ass stod\VakC'[I{'{d hosjlltal <-tUX-lilaI'. in~l~;d~;. i.lt tire hOSI~lt(l1 last, cti-


, :VIr, and ;\~rs, Ellis JOhn.son .. pc:ntSund~y t\"f'rJing at L. J. Bress er's.Irving P d{'~lsell, WakefIeld, W'8S

an o\'cr'ligly gue$t of To myI Dr'essler; I,I Forre:H S1eel(', S1on·in·law 0 Mr,and Mr's: Al~('rt Ka.~, has pure' ased

. the Her~ Vv·ehl'C'r !farm soul ofWayne,l'Mrj anrl til-Irs. H.ti w.anThomsc Ilrld fami} wj}J taU thefarm \'a 'aled by th Steele fa Hly,

.:'Ill'. alnd .:'\.1I"s, Harry Slcl 'hoff

the I

~j ~• NEW ~. .$1..CUSH~~PESOLE '':j; lifO.

• RAWIlIOEt;:;~1• STEEl S .. ::r• EXTRAS .

NI'IS,'/Nay e, Nebr.!

T:OR ,


Evan~elist. "B

ond only



~ C8S11101ml" E.FaDM REB. 10 Of

VI ..

.210 Mai~




'1",ill!!II.··I"I:I.'I/!i,·I;ii'l~ "':!ilil,IH!I":lliillIY'

Wihion. i-\.illr•





'1 'RnJUf $LW~ nL 5afRw1nJ-

Jell-we I. elatins, Assarted Flavars~. Pk~'S' 16eMayda IS lad Oil, Nelltral Flavor I-Qt. B1.67eNabise f esh Ginger ~naps , .. 16-oz. P ~. 38eSunshi e rispy Soda (rocke,s ..•. I"lb. B x 27cQuality E 9 Noodles.! ..•.• ~ .•. I-lb. p~g. 2geGlen,vie Large Dry Apricots .. 12-oz. P g. SSe

Vine~r~st Seedless Raisins. '... IS-.OZ. P g..1geSunny ils Large Dry White Beans 2-lb. rg 2geShow 0 I While Rice ....•.••. 2-1~. og 33cWhite gic Fresh Bleach ..... '/'_Gol. ,~g 29c

. While, gic Granulated Soap .. 22·oz. P~g. 2ge

" I..........

•. ' .- .'. dorl<, toble IGO\~weR U p:

I 9 'S.\b.' All Cpoi\: ..

Airwi offee I-lb. Bag 82c 2-lb. BJ $1.63'Nob ill offee I-Ib. Bag 86c 2·lb r:ag $1.Edwa d Rich (offee I-lb. ,tan 91 cEdward Instant (olfee ..•••... 2-ozl'ar SSeManlros Grade-AA' Buller •..•. I-lb. pn. 6geKilch,n raft Enrich~d Flour ...•. S-lbJ~ag SSeMamlnY lou YellaY4 (orn Meal .. S-lb'l~ag 43eSno-Wh tePlain Ta~le Salt 26-oz. In. 11~Pills~ur Pancake "'ix 3-lb.I,Bag 4Sccroin olony(hiJi~owder,!•• 1'!,-oz\I.~can I~t

, I . ,I ,I I


'el' ~' ~. T" ~"d,n: ' ""0'. 3~J(·.r pe ~ Ice """"",,,,·d. no jugar .dd,d Bo<tle ~'9~

Bi ,Ch~p ed ieef ":'I.on·' .. " :'2C~~ 2.9cIV'en""'~' re" Skyl:lrk;t1iced. ' 16.0Z-.2.2.I • • ... fi"h darly at your Sar,w.y .. Loaf. C

Oraha , roc ers t;f:;,'~~~,O:d.;,,,tli~~J3cFrenchlD essit-g K"rLMI"", ... B~;'if; 23c'Clatsup Br ok" ~', 12'0'·2.·3cI I : D tt miss this :'t:uchdown'~reaturl!,.:..•... Bottle , ",

II-stan"'. D'ry .llk L••.V;".Seepk!'.o. 16,0'.' 37~1:1 T forpremlumoff~.',:,Pkg. '"

'~uak~rOats ~U;'k or OldIF..hion........ '.~.~~~. 39c

Ii '1juMac1L "~·:··9J)~T~1b1Jlm~tUJ!tmcdliO JuicJ Ubby's: n"uralin.vor .. 46c~~ 29c

F-fig way: purplc I No, 2~~

~lumS!Whf",unp""d' n.Hght.yru~".f......2 C.ns 45cum"kl·.... D,I Moot:. ,.

,b·13c.... I! ~. m,kc' del ClOU' t"tinr pumlkin pies. , .....:Can , i

,$weet:P~as D,IMonle:Ear!YG,en 2 .~~~39c

'.~rup IS~CtIYHOllnw:"!,,ndm'PI~ f : ' :,~,~~;2..Sc, ....ndwi h SPteadILU",*1l0x:rrOSh. 1·,t. 59c'.... wr i Seorcl'·bigsavmgs" ... Jar.. I

, 'd ap r Waxtex:' loo.ft·19caXe( I'nolh'1 "loulhdOwn- v.lu, ... RollI ' ,, I !, I

V.S.D.A. Choice Craefe 43cMature Beef,;blad~ cut .• , t'" .Lb.

........; _ ·7c

2,II0-0Z. '49¢IPKaS,

~~~~I O~ANGE$ PER DOnN ••••• _ ••.1. 2CJCROSY IRED .alpPLES!' 2 I 25('JONAT~N~, ' , "............... PCP~



SPRY.I-LS. CANi·· .35~iRIMsa. L6E PKt)-. 31c ~BRE£ZE, LGE P/f.(j. 34cLUX LlQUfO,lZll,r.,39WlC SOAP, 1lE<T. CMtt1T1i13~



~~:'LI~:,;:~,a~=~ ;,!FR,,:E'FEATURIf'lG I '


'I I

Alii II Blue B~nn~, Ice Cjea"'\" : I

Made:frqm Flure! I

i Sweet ~re1m

! anld IFr~sh Fro~en fruits I'

I ,I!


~.4tf/ll# ..,yr-


~-,& ~~Fc:,,)!oe!.!,,::N<l11".1.priU.J..'38.~Wllltlt- ., .... -,"""",... " ,"'..

I • lIt< '~ICO~" OOkIIlll • !lloll'-~"r' "".....aJ' MIll' 1HTll"'~' Gil


IQiabeticIIcf' Cream

fir Those

Who .Are


t~ a Sugar

Flree DietI

!I I'~



Phone 60








land Feed



PurinaChows·e at

Meet Your

Friends at ,

11\ S. Main



..L,ngemeier; IOU CO.:I ¥crn Mordhorst, Less~e .614


Main Pho'je 522


:. B fore the' Games:itl A\NAY-

. ill. p with Skelly , • .nd Always Get


, Sk lIy Grease~a5ter .Lubrication I

II, ..


Hel~ us na~e our cafe '" .I ! 'I,

the former


Coflege InnAnd enjoy good food every day, 1ith

Bob ,Pearson and Art Lam.p ,



( ) LYON~,

Free Pickupand Delivery







Coffee Shop


•S~e thJ Bclys GO!










EhR~TIME. 'P6r a

Blue ilRib~on Fini~h,


"""+--~Ul~ and, LA$SY FEEI)S

RJberts Loclke~s& !prodlJce.1106 P1r1 ' ,Phone 17~-W(M~NNE50TA ' PURDUE ( )


ft\elody Cleainers.111 H,. So. 1st Phone 79







es,t. I i

, ,I


,A p.'o"Velrhousel


I300 A~D 400


I Ah~~ys ai Wi~ner

K~~EL'SCIJ+D~!ON ( )

f ••••••••••,." ...' •••

See the Big

AG·EI PORT BlE TVI.-lJ I $V as ·t'ow as 995_

1 NE N braska's He dqu,orters for

Plum'in g• Heating & Appliances

i TIETD Ep,um

1'ng , Heating' & Appliances

108 ain Phone 268

(; ) NOTHE DAME _ IN lANA" )




For IComplete '

'5110 R T 5


of N~ Nebraska


H t RA,L D,

I 'STA~TON ,(: )






IHome f:

4-~ .St ~k. I

~Ierr 'Si 1, I

,Ca·f I

I {vhf:re Cr wds

Slow,Satisf ctjon






1 TIEr~E IL:[f I,

HAT,tH RYII Ph ne 322 Wayn

kj ) HAS INGS 'DOANE ( )

I 'l--.l.I---/---+---!-'--f--o/---!


00· I I


I ,

I I '

i~othi~g 0 B yExtra $aH ts FI

'n P~i**erlyW II

.-..............-----........................... ,plneiat Rut ..........IIlIIIII~....- .....__....._.~,1. The Iwa~ne Herald ~ffers $ a each wee for thel best I I .ij '!

foot~all Iscoring of 21 games.2. If qre ~ntrant pick~ Ia'!1 21 ames correc Iy he wih Iic-

cej\!~ $1p.,' . I

-3. ~il~reaerntr;~;t. :;;i~ok~d !~lla~~~e 'a~~e t~~;;e;t. correct h'lIlot:


5. Anypne 'can enter exbept em loyees of Th Wayne Hflr­ald.:. Emlployees of t~e 21 S onsoring mer hants on this!paglt ca~ ente,r as of~en as t c'I wish. ,I

6. There i~ nothing to PUy, not iog to pay. ntries can ,be,ma~e on. this page qf The era~d; they ay be qopied I

on ~ sheet of paper. ~VERY PONSORIN MERCHA/'iiT

~~~~ r:~coit~7vl~~ELt TS~:~LA ~[ HANl!>y

7. Entries imust be reoei.ved a The t'terald office by t'he:foll?wing Tu~sday a~ 5:30 pm. , 1 '

8, 'PlclK W1INNERS.L Don't pi scoreS.IPic both teams ifyou, bel eve it will b~ a tic arne. I



Phone 3~


Win $2, $3

$5 r $10


ITh~ Wa ne Herald

Fbotba II Contest




IJ~h. ~on'sSa ery





Mr. nd M .... Ttl iy' $t~albhl en-

~et;~~~l~~ ~NJ~' a~~' ~;,', &~~~Cream l' and Mr~ nd Mrs: Mar­\rin' D arisef·a at a 'fa'mily· din­nli'r in heir hOme undIlY.·

Mr. nd 'rs.fD ve,Tlleophilus

~~~en~ ~o~.~;V~6~ ~. s§~f~hlSa ~1~'F'~ Presb teri~ Church· la., S lday. Tiler ,i~cd h,l smit,h-(llive. B. Pro tt, r.D., past~rh land sven ears.! 'und y, Sept. :'25: ,~hurch school, ~~n ay . dinncs ~u~sts..~t the

~~ ~C~l 1np~~: ~~~~.da~:4~p:~~~.~ ~~dS~\ ~~11!A~~~ ~ ~~e.\~~~. ~~nu~c ,11; divi c. w !"ship, "RO(f,m :\~\S', () 10 ~('dtl(e -' nd B;cl'mcc andfm Ch dren", d (he8 Ion of chur h ~L at i MIS. ~nl ell T_e~t¥ andsc 001 cacl1crs nd cader spC'c a1 tamllYl' Thp, ctmm' was In -honorm. sic 1 u .' " of Wn r{'n'~ Rnd .J an's birthdays.'.Wed,e~day, '('pt. 28: Wcstmln- Mr, nd Mrs. AI ert KlrsQh and

9t r f~IOWShlP 7 pm Womer g Pat mo\C'Ct to \Vayne flam Madl-

as OCla lon, 8 i' , I ;~tg~I~leK~::~~snnd l\lls Chrls-- - '- I Mrs. Mary Utec~t returned Frl-

G ace Lut era Church rlay from tht' home of :\11'8 Gem ge.i MISSO 1'1 Synod FII.>per' caledOIl'Ia,~Mmn.( J Be tha, pastor) I Gleinn Houders eldt and Ken-

hur day, S€1\lt )2 ChOlI' te- nl'th Dahl \\u(' II Lmcoln $atur-he rsa 730 p)11 day to ath'lld jthC Neblaska-

Saturday Ila\\ all root ball g tIDeconfnrj1a~ Mrs Glen HOLl ersheldt was in

Sl,oUX CJl~ Fdda¥ and, called Il1

th~~,ot~~lfr~'~s,hr~~~g~ Noakestind Mr and :Mrs.i Charles Hei"!<csattendl'd thl' spc~cer, lao [air ~astWednf'sday and 1ursday and vis­ite'l! a~ tht' Georg' Johrrs(;m home.

'1 Members of H~lIside club hadell 7...,0 pm a sUJ1pris(' housC'warming Friday

W('~nC'sday, 'Se.1. 28: AI1ar for Nf'ni. Clal'('nc(~ Mann. AftC'r agllnld 2 r m, Wal hel '~(aguel 8 coVC'rl!'cl rllsh luncheon, games were-- - I played witl, priz1s going: to Mrs.Redeeier Ll.Ithleran Church, ViLe Henry Rcthwischl Mrs. Ed Grubb

lS K de Frc s(' pastor) :md ~1rs. Low('!l Rcjth\'O'isch.FII a} Scpt 23 Ushl'rs meE;'t- ~ Mr.i and Mrs. 'RoM Christensen

lnig, 7 P m w€'r~honot(,{I, at h'surp,rise hOl..\se-Satqrday selt 2 3uI11or chOir wal' ing <it 1he-i{ ne\\! home last

1'30 pm, can IrmltlOn class or- Wed ('sda* mghtlY: Mr. and ~rs.gamzaltlOnal m ('tlO!g '2 Earl Oliv("'" Mr. and Mrs.,OrvIlle

'~~~l~~Y'~~~ g~~~1 ~a~~scr$~~~ ~:~,rt~~.~~~da~~.. ~~~a~""~illta~~~fry sFhool , 10 am late serYTIC't>, ~~ t~~~s.M~~h Lt~n~~~~K~~~~' ~1d

Tuesdaj 5e})t 2} BrothE'rhood Mrs. 10. K Bran stetter, Mr" and

conveptlOn 5t Pat 1s church ~h~~1~~lMc6~:~~<~L ~t: :~~l ~~::le:-~en~s~a~ 1

5t>P 28 Luther Bennett Vik('n, I'. and Ml'S. BO!l

Thtusdaj, Sept 29 Counctl Han:lson and 1\'11' a.nd Mrs. WaYllestC'wardshlp n1t>f'tm~, PIerce Mars~. . I--+---~- I~-- -- -----.f'- - I

.. ...mm.. .•....•... . ~.•••...I •eadquarters f'or E


I fl·

LE~II HOP"S~TURDAY,I . Cit ',Auditorium





9 $eel

,educe~ T~ Ma~e ~Onl"11956· I, Models Cbmin~ Soon ..

i, ~ :" j ~ . J hove t~ree motors on hand .now~., ~nd

Here's y ur opportunityi t~1 g~t the OU~bO,ard t~:ylre 0, II f~e ~ew, qujeter, more eff.ICle~td1b J h Se - Ho se molors that hove. t e

motor y r've always wort ~ ; .. an a ~u ,- il b60~~~; on fishing worlld t~lkin9 and' wan~-stanlial ,savings, too, w~"e we c1ear.

I,'our i~g Johnsoni See them Ipd<?; , . , they wan t

1955 ml~els to ~ake lodm for new qfell' Tt long I j I

"A~I1~~ 4~::l





comb 1'd, meastlr ng 25 x 112, L.,ghtni~~ Deaths~h~~~ ~:l~~~tetfl pa~~d~~~~ ~~ • Ieompl'ti klteher. has eab,riets liard to Identify~~n~ ~~h el~sS~'d ~ ~~m:endd a~;~ Iri Lives ockgreen Two 1az1 susans are on I. h I('Ither Ide of the s nk I IL~g tmng deaths In a h\C'stbck

T 1+ rIn the I chen is c~coa heJ;ji are ~ays easy to Iden­brO~l1lwlth vello,+, eaturc:' and cap tIfy, accordmg~ a1report fromltheAll f:*Odwork hie e IS buttennut APJ,erlcan FOUl dation for Am:tnalstam whIte pin Black. way ~alth.and 5t stlped Clr pes hang <lver " L,i~~mng S oke usually 1$ athe tv. -level casf ent windows In qUl~~ killer, ut the report saysthe Uv ng room om thiS roorln lS blac ego antli ax and ceriamth oIu~ de door 'r' types of POlso~mg can kill llve-

;'h~ I;~Y'S roo 1 pamted yepow stock ovenllgh toowltl~blue drape~ aster bedr~om Because of the possibility of

gIg: fs b~~~ ~~~ n bVJ;I~l~~tdr~~J_ :~u:e~t~~I':o~~1~n;a:tl~:r ~~~ <ii

roo s measure ~O x 13 peter~ons lightning, It is usually best I to 'haV('t their own1 ontrol on heat get a veterl~:arlan to dlagnbsedow here The al brlck hOlisej ex~ Fny death Of~mYsterlOUSnatLlre.

I cept for white stu co second level JThe Founda Ion adds that 1 the

I ~ot~±-ba~~d ISa~r a~eds~~t~e1hl~ \I.~~;~n:n~~so~ ~a~eJ~~rest~u~


2%- rt over~a g CIrCles.4 th(j dIsease or po oning as a cause 01

~~Uls tJ'eh~r~~tU~~ m2e;sl~1r~~ckO I~ su~~~n ~eeaat2~l1lmal ",hould be Istan ~ OJil a 150 x (5 lot c/hecked for bl s of c\Jrience Ithat I

1 M( I'lloks mO\ pn mto thea' house pomt to 1Igh nJOg-cau~e deaths

~en al~~~e:[tju~e1019154 th~~:~~J ~~~~~~~nsasrt ~uf~m~e 11~~~PI~~~plan I Include ~andscaplIlg, patIo I s~.ns of dlsea e Ot pOlson. The Iand farage wlthl reezeway, I task of deter hing cause of dleath I

I. ~at?~~e~a~~? romPlCX, the Foun- i\- I • ,,: Lightning st o~e is not always I

j -Hec'" St ff Ph~to New [J)'es Ig"'S fatal., While ,a direct hit us~allYpcar1nce. ~ouv rs run f am the Walls and ceihng are NIl: gre~n ' • :'. ~;~F~~~t~ot In e~a~~~ ~'~~r~o~~~Dud", ay poInt t the cellI g whIle I Wlth maroon tIle on lower half of I I W -III I f the strike i ~ay be left deafthe ower half haS sto age for walls FeatUle strip IS whlte Flx- n d pap~r blind,' dazed o~f partly paraIY:4ed.'cay? Itable~ anc~ chairs t tUles are whIte wIth ehlOme Mar- r 'Injured anitpalS 'often rec<)lvcr,

lh~ longl ha~]waY exte dtng tal behzed tile 00$-1' ~ gray and ma- 'If" Fi I the Foundation s(lvs but Se\elethe back bedrooms, featur S guest roan The room IS 11 x 5 with tub In vor nerve illJury III result 111 pel mblOOE and IUl¥rn closets bUlltm and shower T~b and shower v.alls 1 anent bhndne~ deafness or }:1a.ra-tclep 10n(' ,$tand

1and doc vays to are tiled 11~ f et from the ceiling r TIJE' \\allpapf' bought I last lYSIS. I'

all P,ll pOSt' 1 10m klteh n, andl Vamty top a oun~ the smk IS I yeal l accOl dmg t the waIl~apet •batln oom The hncn clos t, bUlW wood grain Fo mica Slidmg mlr- 1councl] ,""auld stretch aIOun thqo\er !the ba~('rn~t 5taU'\\3 to-.sa\e ror doors ove~\allltY are edg~d 1 \\orld 'at the (' uat01 ove 2511 Stop That Sq~eak 1

space has sortm g boatd 3 d thlee- WIth fluoresce lights tim€'[: Squeakv or~Ulllng floOtboards 1

eOlllercd botto dr~wel I Cellmg and orth wall of mawe, 1 T E' reasons f~ wallpaper's m~ SJlOuld be re ailed Nalls shouldIn the "'ort~ ast corne of the bedroom are pmk Other th ee crca mg populal I yalE' not ,ha1'91 always be drl n In at an angle.

hou~e IS the 111 x 15~/2 kitchen walls are ton d down mulbe y to c.hme b) Mac me-prmt ~anu..J ::====t-:-=.~=:..:--:-::.:====:..j:=.:!==.:=====±=-==~"':'=====:::;Wlt~ walls aOf ceiling painted The lOl/zx14 l' m IS In the so~~h- factJreIs have ade avalla Ie aJ _' I.1, Ice~blue. Low~r half of ails Is I east corner of he house Furmt~re \\hoJe new 1me f smart new walL I ~ G 'e• 1 ret dUb9


nnet tlleCwb,t tbtlaCk IdS waln!ut WIt th large shrdlmg pa c1 pap rs that off I' thp fmest ljIual- C BUI IN or Ct":' 'e" "'e and c p. a In ops oor C ose , arquet oonng IS ity r pnces to [il the Onost I r

I.'.I':':. :~t~ re~lr~S ~!~e ~~:~gfl:~~ C~~~~e! th~~~_ycar_old Jeffltey find i~- ~~~OInf0ctCl~a;as~~~~ ~~~~o~~~' ~:~g~ . . I' -

Ree(l:;sed 11,g,~lng IS a o\e thE1 montH.-oldPat~lcJaha;ethetrb4d- mquf not only n deSign bi;t ml • PI L,· I, .' W' " ,I• SUlk I room pamted robms egg color the t 111Ctl'J1 and JPPlJCatIOn df the 1 urn,',olng " I' !. Irl,n'g'. In~ldC oj the

lcupboards is pamt~ Wlth hor) cel~ings "All Aboald" pro1uot I i

ed d l'k bluE' with two la susans nursery pattelb drapes hang o}er Tlends In edl r arC' dC'fullltely t H " • A I''" :. on lthNlslde oj the snk F...x4 the statIOnary southwest cor er In tr,EL> dllC'ctlOn 0 th( c1C'an,lll ght i eating PP'lances

II••• I' ~\~~lt ~~:~h a~~tl~~e o~o 'sC d~1 ~v~dd~~~t a~n~qi~:l'~~{ls t~::e ~ ~~ ~~~~I:bI~~1dth~OJ~~~ st~~d b/~~:, :~~ I ' , tWI h '

",dla lIe aliI ('Ohf~ltlOnmg a~d heat.. lserycutouts Coset and floonn IS the c1('ah'st gn'e sIn tLe mono- I. YOung'ls 0 n Kit"..,,· enS),Itlg sj.:-.tcm lS l1Dstall('d hele and1the same as I the master roorp tonosi. thOles a lW tltnd t~ the ."to t e bathroOf Basebo~rd heatt I BaSement all'" ay IS pamted cle~n~"l of gl atys and away from I ~I ~

I. ling tas Uff'ct 1 tlw cntll~e house, Isierra green e north room~.s tl1(" .!bugcs and b 0\\ IlS of sc sons GEINERAL ELECTERIC




, SETANO.ARD II; 'I, I..ar-=D'(jj~'I :,l• IKlt'C en flror s brown and belgl1l the entire wlct~h of the house h~ past I ~ ~M-


mla d Imolcum \\Ith dlAlllond dc- room serve's a~ both a utJht~ TO m T ('1(' a10 not bll' additIOns 1n. TI ~~

I'· ,slgn l and frUit 100m Here IS the f 1- t]10 sCluhlmhl(', plclstJe u~rcg-I ' j• "Aj nOdt t11Ck 11n th, C hOUS,c 1S th¢ II nace hot, water heater and SOfte.n- nat d and plastllc coate,d prL' enta- I,

1\\0 dOor batl~loom that seneS £'1' and automajtlc \l\.ashC'f. It melas- tlO~ as \wJI as 1he P1P-ttl med I

• fam ly nef.'d~ tlro01 ~ bedroom hall~ ures 13 x 34. Asphalt tile in gIjay, and prl'-pastpdl arictlcs that aid I ~'\\'8\1 Gnd Idoub~es as la\.~tory off black, cream ~nd coral is laidl in in a'sy hanging. 'I :..J~1iJ PLUMBING HE liNG &:' APPLIANCES,' '_ ~

Ikitch, ",n arid e.fl~st rc!,ar ent 'ance, ,It i the entIre b sement except t~e , h~ lattt')' n~,~l (' ':hanging .11w,all- ~.../. __":,J;I" , jis elompartmebted by flu ed glass InO~hroom. T e small bathroo1f If' pap'f yourself 1 'ntJrely feaSible Phbne 268 I i ~08 Main

I ,par lflOn and ,.pace~sa\'in~ \"crtical,tri med in y How. ,lo1'lthc home-op.· .cr who waflts, tOIIE::~~i~::~::~~~~::::t~::::::~::::::i:::::::::::::::=::::~', towpl r,~cli:. I, .: '. and M.r'S. Duane Peterson ct"o ,a .smart loohng rccfe,cotatm.gf- -·l~----~ and l1-mont

E-Qld Gary OCC1Y JOb~On a. very. m des.t I?udg:('t~ ThlS

the oomplet Iy fini~hed apa _ pro (let IS n.cdhe· cllffl<;ult, ~essy I

• ment in the asement. or , nduly tmw- ol1summg. i $'9 b' d'_~i\il1~_.cOCljandk~n are I Waf[1t A JOHN! N Gut ioar "

S'irting Poi '! I I

I-OI1W rlC'corati go authorities arc' SUY AT REp,UCED PRICES\'t'C mmct1rling ore liberal ~lSC' of I

~~~O~~;";'Oi~~(~sO~ an'~0~~\orl:1~~u~~ I,nafll"<·d wood b cnd so weil into: 1 dmo 0rn color ,e!1l'm('s. Neutral I D" 0 M diE 'wo d <hades 0' popular hemlock ~ !J rIn9 ur . q e n

,an ~·il' floo.ring ·(,1'v(' as a ~e1'f.c'ct : I 1 I

, ~~~ ·t~~O~~N~1tg: f·nr i,~~I,~rr~dm~nJng I-I·, I
