-- Mt4iiTW. 'ti"''""'! if --H pifYfilllr j i v. Ei tl il if !l If ; x ; ; f; El ill 111 , i i VOL. IV. NO. 398. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1885. PttTOE 5 CENTS. jlDStntstiEtnls. THE DAILY Advertisements. SVdcerttscments gusincss arUs. Pacifie Commercial Advertiser LIQUID BUElD. 1!5 PUBI WUED JULES TAVERN 1ER, ARTIST. Studio: Room 6, Spreclcel Block. f : - - A ' ". hi Every Morning Except Sundays. SUBSCRIPTIONS : Daily H. C Amvkrtiher, one year ?ft 00 1aicy P. C. AovEBTlitKK, six months 3 00 Daily P. C. Auvkktiser, three months 1 50 Daily P. C. Aovkrtukk, per month 50 Wkkkly P. V. Adveiitihkb, one year 5 00 F elgn Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including postage) 6 50 Payable Invariably in Advance. Steamers for Sale. The undersigned Lch t call tlio attention of steamship companies and others inter- ested to the following list of Hteam launches, tugs and other steamboats offered for wale by one of his correspondents in Liverpool with the prices attached, and which on ac- count of the remarkably depressed state of the shipping business will be seen to be ex- tremely low. Launches, tugs and small boats that can be brought on deck of a large steamer or sailing vessel: iew bteel screw tug 48 feet x 10 feet x 5 feet 8 in. with 10 horn power engines nomi- nal, surface condensers, donkey pump, etc. Speed, 12 miles an hour. Price in Liver- pool, 1,050 or $5,230. 84,130. Wood Screw Passenger and Cargo Launch, built in 1885, pair of C in. cylinders, 8 in. stroke, speed about 10 miles; extra strong oak frames, pitch pine planking, cop- per fastened, dimensions 15.Ck9.Gx4.11, draft of water aft 3 feet. Price, ;73. 2,801. A Steel Twin-Scre- St am Yacht, built in 1884, 2 pairs of vertical D A II P J engines of 1G II. P., four G in. cylinders, 8-i- n. stroke, speed 9 knots on consumption of 3 cwt. per hour, bunkers contain G tons. She has 11 sheping berths; was built to go up the Nile; dimensions G5.2xl2.70.7 Price, 1,550. 2,309. A New Wood Screw Steam Launch, copper fastened, compound S C engines 6-i- u. and 12-i- n. 7-i- n stroke, large multitubu- lar boiler, teak lagged, of 90 lbs. working pressure, dimensions 40.0x8.0x4.4. Price, G50. 2,301. Aa Iron Twin-Scre- w Steamer, built in 1879, for river passenger traffic, bull, engine and boiler lately overhauled at cost of 167, speed 11 knots on a consump- tion of about 4 tons per day: bunkers con- tain 12 tons, dimensions 8.0x12.1x4.0. Price, 480. 84,134. Steel Screw Tug, built in 1885, engines C S C 25 II. P. N. ll-i- u. and tubular boiler, 100 lbs. working pressure, boiler lagged, cylinders lagged with felt and mahogony, dimensions 70x12.8x0.2. Draft of water, 4H feet aud 6 feet. Price, 1,850. LARGER VESSELS. 2.293. Aii Iron Screw Steamer, now building, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, to carry 280 tons on 9.G draft, bunkers contain 20 tons, speed 9 knots on a consumption of 3 tons per day, compound D A engines of 40 H. P., lS-i- n. and 30-i- cylinders, boiler of 80 lbs. working pressure, donkey engine aud steam winch, dimensions 120. 0x21. Ox 10.6. Price, 4,600. 2,311. An Iron Screw Tug, built in 1885, classed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes, two compound S C D A engines of 45 H. P., 16-i- n. and 30-i- cylinders, 22 stroke, speed 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 79.3xl5.9x 9.3. Price, 3,500. 2,303. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in 1885, and classed 100 Al, 5G5 tons register, And carries 1,120 tons D. W. on 15.0 draft, 2 common D j A S J C engines of 90 U. P., 25H-i- n. and 48-i- n. cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke, cylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbs. working pressure, bunkers contain 162 tons, consumption 8 tons per day, donkey engine aud boiler, also 3 steam winches, dimen- sions 203.0x30.0x15.10. Price, 12,600. 2.294. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in 1885, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 97 tons register, carries 350 tons on 10.G draft, bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13 Vj to 14H knots on consumption of 8 tons per day, compound S G engines of 80 II. P., 21 in, and 42-i- n. cylinders, 30-i- n. stroke, steel tubular boiler of 95 lbs, working pressure, donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dimen- sions 145.0x23.1x10.6. Price, 8,500. The above are only a few of the steam vessels that are offered at sale in Great Britain at the present time. Almost any de- scription of steamer, nd of any size de- sired, can now be purchased at very favora- ble rates. It is of course necessary that some responsible party in England should examine the condition of the steamers of- fered for sale before purchasing. SG9tf W. L. GREEN. WENNER & CO. 93 Fort Street. Have on band Nev Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. S Watches Bracelets Necklets Pius, Lockets, Clocks And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate. Elegant solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENORAVIXU AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing- - in all Its branches. V Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. FRANK CERTZ, FQjjmprter ani Manufacturer JJ Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES reorders from the other Islands solicited. Ko, Hi Fort NU, Honolulu. tf MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job Frintlug at the Pacifie Commercial A. iertlNcr Office will from this date be presented for pay- ment monthly. Honolulu, March 2, 1885. BRICKS ! BRICKS ! Ex. W. n. DIMOND. 39 OOO California Hard 0 FOR SALE BY Castle & Cooke. 79tf The Forest Meat Market HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stables. Bornhold & Co. I'ronrictoi. Keep the best Reef and Mutton these Islands af- ford. Also, the very best Sausages made. No discount from any other maker. Hive us a trial. HSidecll tf WM. McCANDLESS, Xo. 6 Queen Street, FISH MAEKET. DEALER IN CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. ioz u Metropolitan Market KIXU STREET, G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR. Cnolcest Meats from Finest Hera Fatuities and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are thor ougly chilled Immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator, Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties and is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY KILLED MEAT. H3-t- t ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL tiu.oou.oou UNLIMITED LIABILITY . Insurauee oi all descriptions I.ire be ellected at Moderate Itates oi Prt mi uin, by the undersigned. WM. f,. IltWIN & CO. Managers for Haw. Islands u n i o rc Fire and Marino Insurance Co. Of Netv Zealand. UAI'II'AI.. : IO.OOO.OOO Uaviutf Ivstablishel an Agency at for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, ou favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo; freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. losses promptly adjusted A- - payable. S2-d- wtf WM. . lHWIN A CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. dO WALL STREET, NEW VORK Tlllie above Company having: estab- - JL hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa- iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write IVlVIfcllVE RISKS ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At current Rates. WM. C. IRWIN & CO., 81-d- Mauagers for Hawaiian Islands CO. BERGrEIi, GKXKKAL AQEXCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets $60,000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIIIE INSURANCE COMPANY. (Limited). Capital J 10,000 ,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. Fire and Mabine. Combined Capital.! ..$20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Assets 4,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMFANY, FlEE AND MAEINE. Capital f200,000 MACNEALE & URBAN SAFES! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance A Co. O. O. BEPtOEH, 100 niy29 HONOLULU, H. I. SUN FIRE OFFICE OF LOJIDOXf ESTABLISHED 1710. NSURANCEH EFFECTED UTON EVERY I description of property at the current rates of premium Total sum Insured in 1384 - - 318,599,316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribnuuls recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lOdJcwtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. MELLER AND HALBE'S Ice Cream Parlor And- - Confectioiiery, HI uk' Street, LlncolH Hlock. CT"A fine assortment of CANDIES and CAKES always on hand. Parties supplied, 141-tf-d-- w TO PLANTERS. We have Just received, by the steamer ALA- MEDA, a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces, For four nnd five foot furnaces, complete with grat bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of this make are now ii. successful operation at Spreckelsville, Makee Sugar Company and other plantations. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices and turther particulars ap- ply to Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co., 25tf AtrentM. UNION IXED CO, Queen & Edirdurgh Streels, WHOLESALE A BKTAIL Dealers lu HAY AND UKAIN, Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. iNlnnd Orders Solicited. 91tf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. Loui. Mo. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Book. News, Flat and Isabel Papers, Binders'1 Boards, Twines, Etc. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 205 Leidesdortr Street.! Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. N. B.Sieclnl Attention given to Iarjfe Contracts. 58 tf&w TELEPHONE 55 FPN 1ERFBI Sfp J3 PLANING- - MILL. 3 Alakea. near Qneen St. C. J. HARDEE, proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAtS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cat and Split. 21-t- f Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! FOR SALE BY Benson, Smith & Co. Sample "bottle free. TRY IT. 6Stf J. LTOXS. L. L. COHEX.; LYONS & COHEN, Auctioneers AND- - General Commission Merchantsf Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu of Fnrnitnre. Stock, Real Estate Sales GeDeral Merchandise properly attended to. Sole Agents for iwicau & European Meritolise. 191-t- f T. J, SPENCE, Special Agent for the Michigan Portrait Co. Producers of the finest grades of INDIA INK, WATER COLORS. CRAYON AND PASTEL PORTRAITS. OFFICE AT J. WILLIAM'S IMiotosraph Uallery, 102 FORT STBEET. Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. Where a large variety of specimens can be seen at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequently Tisit the several Islands of the greop, when he will be pleased to show specimens and take orders for same. 363 tf Ciaus SpreckeJs. Wm. O. Irwin. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., BANKERS, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Draw Kxchuuge on the principal parts of tlie world. Will receive deposits on open account, muke collections und conduct a general hunking and exchange olivines.-- . Deposits beating interest received In their hav- ings Department subject to published rules and regulations. 77oc.'ltf CLAra SPKKCKELS. rn. e. mwis. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., CIA It FACTO ICS ami C'oniiiiiMsioii SI AUK NTS. Honolulu U. I. M. PHILLIPS & Co., ami Wholesale Iealer lit 1iuiorterM Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahnmann Street. Honolulu, H.I. i:tf-w- tt H. HACKFELD & CO., G EXKRAL COMMISSION AGENTS. 11 tl Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. K. BAXNLS6. W. MAKKTluNS. P OfriJtdELT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEB, & CO., Importers fc C'oiuini4ioii Merchant. Honolulu, H. J. 14-- tf A. S. CLEGH0RN & Co., importerN and Wholesale and Ketall General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf MACFARLANE & C0-- , w IIOf.ESAI.I? IIEALESW A.I) E.. erai jobbers lu WINKS and LIQUORS. No. IS ICaaliuiiiami Street. HONOLULU. 19-- tf 31. S. Grinbaum' & Co., ivroRTEK.s or Meuernl Merchandise and Commis- sion Merchants, Honolulu, II. I. No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 104-Jyl-- ly J. 31. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Haivaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Hoiiolulu. II.I. 65- -1 THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, No. eONiiiimin Street, lOpposite Hollister ft Co,. Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf ALYIN 11. ItASEMAN, BOOK! BIISTDTCPt, Paper Ruler and Blank Kook Manufacturer. of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Cazetto Building:, 27 tf MERCHANT STBEET. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, j FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS. 12 and U Pine street, San Francisco, Cal. i?.iit fnr Kirhv'n Stanta CTUi Tanneries. Sole Harness and all oilier kinds of leather. 1599fS ly DB. M. GOTO, I'hysician and Sureoii, lyeprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec- ialty. OHice. mauka of the residence of Hon Jas. Kean.Kini; street, Kapalama. Honolulu. Ollice hours, 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B. Parties on the other islands can consult by let- ter. 268 octH'JOS !. 1J NOTICE. JOSEPH SMITH WILL, 111 N MK Representative for his district, North Ko- - hala, Hawaii. tf AN ABSOLUTELY PURE EXTRA (7? OF MALT. A VALUABLE TONIC AND REMi'DLAL AGENT, INDORSED AND RECOMMENDED BY THE ENTIRE MEDICAL FRATERNITY. Of all medicinal preparations that have been put upon the market in recent years, the extract o. malt has proved itself one of the most valuable as a tonic or remedial beverage. It has received the unqualified recognition and support of phy- sicians, and is freely prescribed by them in many cases, especially where the nervous or physical systems have been impaired by disease or over-- v ork. The house of "DA VI U NICHOLSON," of this city, has recently introduced a pure malt extract of high character, made at their request and under their suggestions by Mr. Adolphes Busch, and which ts popularlv known as "NICH-OLSOX'- S LIQUID BKKAD," from its life-givin- g and healih-restorin- g properties. A sample sub- mitted to Dr. F. L. James was made the subject of a chemical analysis by him, and the result of his investigations are given in the appended cer- tificate: "Jr. Lorts, April 29, 1S34. "V. F. C'OL'LTr R. Esq., National DruggistDear Sir: Having submitted the Nicholson midt ex- tract to examination, as requested, I take pl' asure in reporting that 1 And it to De all that the pro- prietors claim for it. The results, asshown in the following summary, are necessarily only approxi- mate, but are sulticietitly accurate for all practical purposes. The specimens submitted consisted of an effervescing Uuid, dark brown by direct and of a deep ruby color by transmitted light, resembling in general appearance and behavior a very supe- rior article of porter, Its taste was, however, much milder and more pleasant than porter, be- ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetness masked and covered by a very pleasant bitter, derived evidently from hops. The specific gravity of a sample fresh Lorn the bottle is 1.02V plus. Amount of extractive matter in 50 cubic centi- metres of the fluid is 3.96 grammes, or about 8 per cent. Amount of alcohol, per cent. Is 2.84 plus. The extractive matter is apparently identic with the "extractum malt is" of Trommer, or "f the German Pharmacopoeia. It consists almost en- tirely of malt sugar, dextrine, being free from fatty acids, etc. The fluid contains a very large amount of diastase, as shown by the fact that it easily llquetiesan equal bulk of gelatinous starch. This fact, Its low percentage of alcohol, its effer- vescence, its delightful taste and odor, all co'nbine to recommend Nicholson's malt extract as being a most nourishing beverage, and the best article of the sort that has ever come under my exami- nation. Respectfully, "FRANK L. JAMES, Ph. D., M. D." G. W. Macfarfane Ji Co., kmk The Hisdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale and Howard Streets, SAN FRANCISCO CA LIFORNIA W. II. TAYLOR President JOS. MOORK Superintendent BUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN branches; Steamboat, Steamship, Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VF.SSKLS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. I STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, ton- nage and draf t of water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- MA- CHINERY made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipe made by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c tic Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J S. WILLIAMS :. Honolulu (Agent for Hawaiian Islands,) 22tse30-l- y BEmVcH saloon NO. 7 POUT STREET. Opposite Wilder Jfc Co.'s H. JT. Noite, Propr. OPKK FOM 3 A. If. TILL 10 P. U FIRST-CLAS- S LOOIES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER, G1GEB ALE, Cigrn-- s and. Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PlPIiSperscnally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMO TIERS' ARTICLES. Lovers O BILLIARDS will find an Elegant BRUNSWICK & CO, SILLUSB IAELI ou the Premises. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a Ll'CH, A SMOKE, OR A GAJIE OF BILLIARDS. H. J. N0LTE. V6-- U HOURS: 3 to 5 p. ni. ICO im S. I.. STANLfcV. SOUS SrUV'ANCK. Spruancc, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS, 410 Front St., Sau Franclco. 57 tf Aw .Fulton Iron Works, HINCKLEY, Sl'IKKS & HAYES, Of San FrMrlco. AH kinds of Machinery and Boilers, p.potialciea ICK AND REFRKIERATINU MACHINERY, CORLISS ENGINES, BABCOCK A WILCOX BOILERS, DEAN K A IK, VACUUM AND STEAM PCMl-S- , LLEWELLYN HEATERS, ETC., ETC. S. IP. Taylor & Co., Agents South CoaBt Paper Mills. Proprietors Pioueer and San Geronimo Paper Mill. STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. 411 and 416 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal 10 JylO ly A. I. HALL fc SOIST Commission Merchants, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. -l y Dunham, Garrigan & Co. HAEDWARE, IKON AND STEEL MERCHANTS, San Francisco, Cal. Demin Palmer Milling Co., OF THE CAPITOL MILLS IJROPRIETORS 204 IavU street, Han Francisco Manufacturers of and Dealers In Flour, Grains of all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Corn meal,' Ground and - Rolled Barley, Cracked 'Wheat, Cracked Com, Buckwheat Flour, OU Cuke Meal, Hominy, Etc., Etc. 124-au2- .y K-LHSTJ- i! & GO., Importers of HATS and CAPS. Nos. 2 and 28 Battery Street, H. E. Cor. of Pine, 121a22-8- 6 HAN FRANCISCO. HMLDE BUSINESS 'J4 COLLEGE, J'ott Street. Hnr Itinr, So Framtlm. Cot. (Send for Circular. The Full Business Course Includes Single an.il Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to all departments ot business; Commercial Arithmetic: Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; Bunlaea Correspondence; Lectures oh Law; BusloeKa Forms, and the Science of Account; Actual Busi- ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Merchan- dising Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail- roading, Express Business. Brokerage, and Bank ing; English Branches, including Reading, Spell, ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing aud Modern Lna-guag- es, consisting of practical Instruction ia French, German and Spanish. Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman' ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga- tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Short-Ha- n Telegraphy, etc. For full Information address, K. 1'. IIEALn A CO., 103 d2 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal American Exchange Hotel, . SaiiMome Street, Opposite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express, one door from Bank of California, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. This Hotel Is in the very center of the buslne ' portion of the city, and has been renovated and newly furnished throughout. But one block from the Oregon Steamship Company's oBce. Tin traveling public will tiud this to be the most con- venient, as well as the most comfortable and re- spectable Hotel in the city. Board and Koom,81 and 91 25 per day Hot and cold baths free. None but the most ob- liging white labor employed. FREE COACH TO AND FROM THE HOTEL. MONTGOMERY BEOS., 350decl Proprietors. DR. C. WEST'S FAMOUS ELECTRO MEDICAL BELT- - Cures all forms of dls. ease with out medl-lallya- ll cine, espec tb forms of impurity of the blood and sexual ailments in either'sex. Most powerful Belt and only one In the world charged with water. Full directions sent with belt. 4i Send to DR. C. N. WEST, No. 652 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 251 A. F. IUNZ. WM. PLACEMAN X. YOLO MILLS, NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAW FRANCISCO, Cal. Telephone No. 56S. Ilinz 41: lMasemann, Manufacturers of Extra Family, Graham, Rye. Buckwheat and Rice Flcur; Rye, Oat. Corn and Feed Corn Meal; Sago. Tapioca. Farina, Buck- wheat Groats. Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Ear-le- y, Ground Feed, etc., etc. Dealers In Grain and Feed of all kinds, drindlng done to order. 123 aug2(l y "if . I.' ' . s ' i in r 3 ' t ! if X i ' ill: i rr; r ": ' ".t ' ' 1 t't I 1 - i If. i - E. E. MAYHEW, Contractor and Builder, MO Hotel Street. Honolulu. II I.. (Opposite Fashion !Sttllt-sJ- . j llKLI. TKLKPIIOXE 5:!. Y. O. LOX St".. i line faUhtuily l..n.. Plans and All work in my -- pociflcations uiwde. Johhins l lei.ils .lone aUuort notice. Mood work J low m iuy uiuuw. . t i STRAYED OR STOLES MALE PUP OF THE COACH-DO- G BREED, A white with black spots, both ears black, Zboot 8 months old. A proper reward will be to the party returning same to J . X. street. J,6-decl.- U I 1 i i I i

pifYfilllr - University of Hawaii · Cnolcest Meats from Finest Hera Fatuities and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this

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Page 1: pifYfilllr - University of Hawaii · Cnolcest Meats from Finest Hera Fatuities and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this

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jlDStntstiEtnls.THE DAILY Advertisements.SVdcerttscmentsgusincss arUs.

Pacifie Commercial Advertiser



ARTIST.Studio: Room 6, Spreclcel Block.

f : --

A' ". hi Every Morning Except Sundays.


Daily H. C Amvkrtiher, one year ?ft 001aicy P. C. AovEBTlitKK, six months 3 00Daily P. C. Auvkktiser, three months 1 50Daily P. C. Aovkrtukk, per month 50Wkkkly P. V. Adveiitihkb, one year 5 00F elgn Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including

postage) 6 50

Payable Invariably in Advance.

Steamers for Sale.

The undersigned Lch t call tlio attentionof steamship companies and others inter-ested to the following list of Hteam launches,tugs and other steamboats offered for waleby one of his correspondents in Liverpoolwith the prices attached, and which on ac-

count of the remarkably depressed state ofthe shipping business will be seen to be ex-tremely low.

Launches, tugs and small boats that canbe brought on deck of a large steamer orsailing vessel:

iew bteel screw tug 48 feet x 10 feet x 5feet 8 in. with 10 horn power engines nomi-nal, surface condensers, donkey pump, etc.Speed, 12 miles an hour. Price in Liver-pool, 1,050 or $5,230.

84,130. Wood Screw Passenger and CargoLaunch, built in 1885, pair of C in. cylinders,8 in. stroke, speed about 10 miles; extrastrong oak frames, pitch pine planking, cop-per fastened, dimensions 15.Ck9.Gx4.11, draftof water aft 3 feet. Price, ;73.

2,801. A Steel Twin-Scre- St am Yacht,built in 1884, 2 pairs of vertical D A IIP J engines of 1G II. P., four G in. cylinders,8-i- n. stroke, speed 9 knots on consumptionof 3 cwt. per hour, bunkers contain G tons.She has 11 sheping berths; was built to goup the Nile; dimensions G5.2xl2.70.7 Price,

1,550.2,309. A New Wood Screw Steam Launch,

copper fastened, compound S C engines6-i- u. and 12-i- n. 7-i- n stroke, large multitubu-lar boiler, teak lagged, of 90 lbs. workingpressure, dimensions 40.0x8.0x4.4. Price,


2,301. Aa Iron Twin-Scre- w Steamer,built in 1879, for river passenger traffic,bull, engine and boiler lately overhauled at

cost of 167, speed 11 knots on a consump-tion of about 4 tons per day: bunkers con-

tain 12 tons, dimensions 8.0x12.1x4.0.Price, 480.

84,134. Steel Screw Tug, built in 1885,engines C S C 25 II. P. N. ll-i- u. andtubular boiler, 100 lbs. working pressure,boiler lagged, cylinders lagged with felt andmahogony, dimensions 70x12.8x0.2. Draftof water, 4H feet aud 6 feet. Price, 1,850.


2.293. Aii Iron Screw Steamer, nowbuilding, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, tocarry 280 tons on 9.G draft, bunkers contain20 tons, speed 9 knots on a consumption of3 tons per day, compound D A engines of40 H. P., lS-i- n. and 30-i- cylinders, boilerof 80 lbs. working pressure, donkey engineaud steam winch, dimensions 120.0x21. Ox

10.6. Price, 4,600.2,311. An Iron Screw Tug, built in 1885,

classed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes,two compound S C D A engines of 45H. P., 16-i- n. and 30-i- cylinders, 22 stroke,speed 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 79.3xl5.9x9.3. Price, 3,500.

2,303. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in1885, and classed 100 Al, 5G5 tons register,And carries 1,120 tons D. W. on 15.0 draft,2 common D j A S J C engines of 90 U. P.,25H-i- n. and 48-i- n. cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke,cylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbs.working pressure, bunkers contain 162 tons,consumption 8 tons per day, donkey engineaud boiler, also 3 steam winches, dimen-sions 203.0x30.0x15.10. Price, 12,600.

2.294. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in1885, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 97 tonsregister, carries 350 tons on 10.G draft,bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13 Vj to 14Hknots on consumption of 8 tons per day,compound S G engines of 80 II. P., 21

in, and 42-i- n. cylinders, 30-i- n. stroke, steeltubular boiler of 95 lbs, working pressure,donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dimen-sions 145.0x23.1x10.6. Price, 8,500.

The above are only a few of the steamvessels that are offered at sale in GreatBritain at the present time. Almost any de-

scription of steamer, nd of any size de-

sired, can now be purchased at very favora-ble rates. It is of course necessary thatsome responsible party in England shouldexamine the condition of the steamers of-

fered for sale before purchasing.SG9tf W. L. GREEN.

WENNER & CO.93 Fort Street.

Have on band Nev Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

S Watches Bracelets NeckletsPius, Lockets, Clocks

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate.Elegant solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing- - in all Its branches.V Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

FRANK CERTZ,FQjjmprter ani Manufacturer JJ

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESreorders from the other Islands solicited.

Ko, Hi Fort NU, Honolulu.tf


All accounts for Advertising and Job Frintlugat the

Pacifie Commercial A. iertlNcr

Office will from this date be presented for pay-ment monthly.

Honolulu, March 2, 1885.


Ex. W. n. DIMOND.

39 OOO

California Hard0


Castle & Cooke.79tf

The Forest Meat Market

HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stables.

Bornhold & Co.I'ronrictoi.

Keep the best Reef and Mutton these Islands af-

ford. Also, the very best Sausages made. Nodiscount from any other maker. Hive us atrial. HSidecll tf

WM. McCANDLESS,Xo. 6 Queen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. ioz u

Metropolitan Market



Cnolcest Meats from Finest Hera

Fatuities and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are thorougly chilled Immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator,Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy propertiesand is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLYKILLED MEAT. H3-t- t



CAPITAL tiu.oou.oou


Insurauee oi all descriptionsI.ire be ellected at Moderate Itates oi Prt miuin, by the undersigned.

WM. f,. IltWIN & CO.Managers for Haw. Islands

u n i o rcFire and Marino Insurance Co.

Of Netv Zealand.UAI'II'AI.. : IO.OOO.OOO

Uaviutf Ivstablishel an Agency atfor the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,ou favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo;freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

losses promptly adjusted A-- payable.S2-d- wtf WM. . lHWIN A CO.




Tlllie above Company having: estab- -JL hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa-iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write

IVlVIfcllVE RISKSONMerchandise, Freights. Treasure,

Commissions, and Hulls.At current Rates.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,81-d- Mauagers for Hawaiian Islands


NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.,Assets $60,000,000


Capital J 10,000 ,000


Combined Capital.! ..$20,000,000


Assets 4,500,000



Capital f200,000


SAFES!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance A Co.

O. O. BEPtOEH,100 niy29 HONOLULU, H. I.



NSURANCEH EFFECTED UTON EVERYI description of property at the current ratesof premium

Total sum Insured in 1384 - - 318,599,316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribnuuls recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOdJcwtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


Ice Cream Parlor

And- -


HI uk' Street, LlncolH Hlock.

CT"A fine assortment of CANDIES

and CAKES always on hand. Parties

supplied, 141-tf-d-- w

TO PLANTERS.We have Just received, by the steamer ALA-

MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces,

For four nnd five foot furnaces, complete withgrat bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof this make are now ii. successful operation atSpreckelsville, Makee Sugar Company and otherplantations.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and turther particulars ap-ply to

Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,25tf AtrentM.


Queen & Edirdurgh Streels,


Dealers lu

HAY AND UKAIN,Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

iNlnnd Orders Solicited.



St. Loui. Mo.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Book. News,Flat and Isabel Papers,

Binders'1 Boards,Twines, Etc.


205 Leidesdortr Street.!Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

N. B.Sieclnl Attention given toIarjfe Contracts. 58 tf&w



Alakea. near Qneen St.C. J. HARDEE, proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Catand Split.

21-t- f


Royal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smith & Co.

Sample "bottle free.TRY IT. 6Stf



AuctioneersAND- -

General Commission MerchantsfBeaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu

of Fnrnitnre. Stock, Real EstateSalesGeDeral Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Agents for

iwicau & European Meritolise.191-t- f

T. J, SPENCE,Special Agent for the

Michigan Portrait Co.

Producers of the finest grades of




J. WILLIAM'S IMiotosraph Uallery,102 FORT STBEET.

Honolulu Hawaiian Islands.

Where a large variety of specimens can be seenat all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequentlyTisit the several Islands of the greop, when hewill be pleased to show specimens and take ordersfor same. 363 tf

Ciaus SpreckeJs. Wm. O. Irwin.




Draw Kxchuuge on the principal parts of tlieworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, mukecollections und conduct a general hunking andexchange olivines.-- .

Deposits beating interest received In their hav-ings Department subject to published rules andregulations. 77oc.'ltf

CLAra SPKKCKELS. rn. e. mwis.

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,CIA It FACTO ICS ami C'oniiiiiMsioiiSI AUK NTS. Honolulu U. I.

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,ami Wholesale Iealer lit1iuiorterMBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahnmann Street.Honolulu, H.I. i:tf-w- tt


G EXKRAL COMMISSION AGENTS.11 tl Queen St., Honolulu, H.I.


ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEB, & CO.,Importers fc C'oiuini4ioii Merchant.

Honolulu, H. J. 14-- tf

A. S. CLEGH0RN & Co.,importerN and Wholesale and Ketall

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf


w IIOf.ESAI.I? IIEALESW A.I) E..erai jobbers lu WINKS and LIQUORS.

No. IS ICaaliuiiiami Street.HONOLULU. 19-- tf

31. S. Grinbaum' & Co.,ivroRTEK.s or

Meuernl Merchandise and Commis-sion Merchants, Honolulu, II. I.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal.104-Jyl-- ly

J. 31. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Haivaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., Hoiiolulu. II.I.65- -1


Manufacturing Jeweler,No. eONiiiimin Street,lOpposite Hollister ft Co,.

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf


BOOK! BIISTDTCPt,Paper Ruler and Blank Kook


of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Cazetto Building:,27 tf MERCHANT STBEET.




12 and U Pine street, San Francisco, Cal.

i?.iit fnr Kirhv'n Stanta CTUi Tanneries. SoleHarness and all oilier kinds of leather.

1599fS ly

DB. M. GOTO,I'hysician and Sureoii,

lyeprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec-ialty. OHice. mauka of the residence of Hon Jas.Kean.Kini; street, Kapalama. Honolulu. Ollicehours, 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B.

Parties on the other islands can consult by let-ter. 268 octH'JOS

!. 1J


JOSEPH SMITH WILL, 111 NMK Representative for his district, North Ko- -

hala, Hawaii. tf




Of all medicinal preparations that have been putupon the market in recent years, the extract o.malt has proved itself one of the most valuableas a tonic or remedial beverage. It has receivedthe unqualified recognition and support of phy-sicians, and is freely prescribed by them in manycases, especially where the nervous or physicalsystems have been impaired by disease or over-- v

ork. The house of "DA VI U NICHOLSON,"of this city, has recently introduced a pure maltextract of high character, made at their requestand under their suggestions by Mr. AdolphesBusch, and which ts popularlv known as "NICH-OLSOX'- S

LIQUID BKKAD," from its life-givin- g

and healih-restorin- g properties. A sample sub-mitted to Dr. F. L. James was made the subjectof a chemical analysis by him, and the result ofhis investigations are given in the appended cer-tificate:

"Jr. Lorts, April 29, 1S34."V. F. C'OL'LTr R. Esq., National DruggistDear

Sir: Having submitted the Nicholson midt ex-tract to examination, as requested, I take pl' asurein reporting that 1 And it to De all that the pro-prietors claim for it. The results, asshown in thefollowing summary, are necessarily only approxi-mate, but are sulticietitly accurate for all practicalpurposes.

The specimens submitted consisted of aneffervescing Uuid, dark brown by direct and of adeep ruby color by transmitted light, resemblingin general appearance and behavior a very supe-rior article of porter, Its taste was, however,much milder and more pleasant than porter, be-ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetnessmasked and covered by a very pleasant bitter,derived evidently from hops. The specific gravityof a sample fresh Lorn the bottle is 1.02V plus.Amount of extractive matter in 50 cubic centi-metres of the fluid is 3.96 grammes, or about 8 percent. Amount of alcohol, per cent. Is 2.84 plus.The extractive matter is apparently identic withthe "extractum malt is" of Trommer, or "f theGerman Pharmacopoeia. It consists almost en-tirely of malt sugar, dextrine, being free fromfatty acids, etc. The fluid contains a very largeamount of diastase, as shown by the fact that iteasily llquetiesan equal bulk of gelatinous starch.This fact, Its low percentage of alcohol, its effer-vescence, its delightful taste and odor, all co'nbineto recommend Nicholson's malt extract as beinga most nourishing beverage, and the best articleof the sort that has ever come under my exami-nation. Respectfully,

"FRANK L. JAMES, Ph. D., M. D."

G. W. Macfarfane Ji Co., kmk

The HisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale and Howard Streets,SAN FRANCISCO CA LIFORNIA

W. II. TAYLOR PresidentJOS. MOORK Superintendent

BUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, INbranches; Steamboat, Steamship,

Engines and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.STEAM VF.SSKLS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable. ISTEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed. Speed, ton-nage and draf t of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- MA-CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work andWater Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tohand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c

tic Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or

City Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J S. WILLIAMS :. Honolulu(Agent for Hawaiian Islands,)

22tse30-l- y


Opposite Wilder Jfc Co.'s

H. JT. Noite, Propr.OPKK FOM 3 A. If. TILL 10 P. U



Cigrn-- s and. TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PlPIiSperscnally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMO TIERS' ARTICLES.Lovers O BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aLl'CH, A SMOKE, OR A GAJIE OF


H. J. N0LTE.V6-- U

HOURS: 3 to 5 p. ni. ICO im


Spruancc, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front St., Sau Franclco.57 tf Aw

.Fulton Iron Works,HINCKLEY, Sl'IKKS & HAYES,



S. IP. Taylor & Co.,Agents South CoaBt Paper Mills. Proprietors

Pioueer and San Geronimo Paper Mill.STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC.

Manufacturers and Dealers.411 and 416 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal

10 JylO ly

A. I. HALL fc SOISTCommission Merchants,


Dunham, Garrigan & Co.


San Francisco, Cal.

Demin Palmer Milling Co.,OF THE CAPITOL MILLSIJROPRIETORS 204 IavU street, Han Francisco

Manufacturers of and Dealers In Flour, Grains ofall kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Corn meal,'Ground and - Rolled Barley, Cracked 'Wheat,Cracked Com, Buckwheat Flour, OU Cuke Meal,Hominy, Etc., Etc. 124-au2- .y

K-LHSTJ-i! & GO.,

Importers of

HATS and CAPS.Nos. 2 and 28 Battery Street, H. E. Cor. of Pine,

121a22-8- 6 HAN FRANCISCO.


COLLEGE,J'ott Street.

Hnr Itinr,So Framtlm. Cot.

(Send for Circular.The Full Business Course Includes Single an.il

Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to alldepartments ot business; Commercial Arithmetic:Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; BunlaeaCorrespondence; Lectures oh Law; BusloeKaForms, and the Science of Account; Actual Busi-ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Merchan-dising Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail-roading, Express Business. Brokerage, and Banking; English Branches, including Reading, Spell,ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing aud Modern Lna-guag-es,

consisting of practical Instruction iaFrench, German and Spanish.

Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman'ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga-tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Short-Ha- n

Telegraphy, etc.For full Information address,

K. 1'. IIEALn A CO.,103 d2 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal

American Exchange Hotel, .

SaiiMome Street,Opposite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express, one door

from Bank of California,


This Hotel Is in the very center of the buslne '

portion of the city, and has been renovated andnewly furnished throughout. But one block fromthe Oregon Steamship Company's oBce. Tintraveling public will tiud this to be the most con-venient, as well as the most comfortable and re-spectable Hotel in the city.

Board and Koom,81 and 91 25 per dayHot and cold baths free. None but the most ob-liging white labor employed.


MONTGOMERY BEOS.,350decl Proprietors.


Cures all forms of dls.

ease with out medl-lallya- ll

cine, espec tb

forms of impurity of the blood andsexual ailments in either'sex. Most

powerful Belt and only one In theworld charged with water. Full directions sentwith belt. 4i

Send to DR. C. N. WEST, No. 652 Market St.,San Francisco, Cal.

Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 251


YOLO MILLS,NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAW

FRANCISCO, Cal.Telephone No. 56S.

Ilinz 41: lMasemann,Manufacturers of Extra Family, Graham, Rye.Buckwheat and Rice Flcur; Rye, Oat. Corn andFeed Corn Meal; Sago. Tapioca. Farina, Buck-wheat Groats. Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Ear-le- y,

Ground Feed, etc., etc.Dealers In Grain and Feed of all kinds, drindlng

done to order. 123 aug2(l y



I.' '

. s ' i




' t

! ifX



i rr;r


' ".t

' '


t't I

1- i


i -


Contractor and Builder,

MO Hotel Street. Honolulu. II I..

(Opposite Fashion !Sttllt-sJ- . j



line faUhtuily l..n.. Plans andAll work in my-- pociflcations uiwde. Johhins l lei.ils .loneaUuort notice. Mood work J low m

iuy uiuuw. . t



MALE PUP OF THE COACH-DO- G BREED,A white with black spots, both ears black,

Zboot 8 months old. A proper reward will beto the party returning same to J . X.

street. J,6-decl.- U

I 1

i iI i

Page 2: pifYfilllr - University of Hawaii · Cnolcest Meats from Finest Hera Fatuities and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this


A careful estimate of the probable results I the Canadian Pacific Railway will resume ISLAND NOTES- - 3&&crttscincii!.! their trips early next week. It h

Pacific Commercial AMf:UICl. AFFAIJtii. Kouala, Hawaii, December 10th.Niulii Mill met with an accident on

Wednesday last, breaking the shalt of


, 1


in the unpolled districts by the News Asso-

ciation show that the Houe of Commonswill almost certainly be composed of 331

Liberals, 225 Conservatives and 84 Par-nellite- s.

THK MORMOM QUlSTIOX.their third set of rollers. They will j

continue grinding after a verv short de- - j BOYS WILL BE BOYS,

Powers, appear to have left "for parts un-known." The following is the latent newsfrom Peru:

Lima, December 5th. The last detach-ment of troops leaving here for Chorrilloslast night did some indiscriminate firing atthe railroad station. Much alarm wascaused, but only one person, a woman,was wounded. The object of the soldierswas to desert, and some did so. All isnow quiet. The Urban guard is doingpatrol duty in Eima.

All the iolitical prioners have been lib-erated. Colonel Frio, an adherent of


la now lor salt? Daily nt the Following Places :

J. Jt.OAT A CO Merchant streetCRYSTAL KOOA WOKKS Hotel ntrwlN. F. BUIUiKKS King streetWOLF A KIVAUUS...for Kin? ami Nihihou sisC. J. Mcl'A HTIl V llorl street

Fiv Out r 4'!.

H. Troops Called Ont Tlie Lmutton Maintained at all Hazard.

Jhu Sherman Vice President or tbeIn i ted State.

Washingtox, December 5th. The Re-

publican Senatorial caucus nominatedJohn Sherman of Ohio President pro lem.

Senator Sherman, rising, said: "Sena-tors : I return my hearty thanks for thehigh honor you propose to confer uponme. Your choice, doubtless, has been in-

fluenced by the fact that I have long beena member of tbe Senate. Still my duties

lay, as it is something more than ordi-nary that makes this energetic concernclose its doors.

The weather of the past week hasbeen a rather emphatic indorsement ofthe previous week. There has been

Omaha, December 5th. At an early hourthis morning General Howard, command-ing the Department of the Platte, receivedorders to send troops from Fort Omahaand other posts to some point which he reMONDAY l)t;:jmier 'Jlbt.

Yglesias the ruling President j, has beenimprisoned at Callao. He is c barged withhaving been implicated in the false

MR." DAGGETT'S MISSION. 1 assumption of the lovernorhip of Callao,j whi-- resulted in a rel.-lli..- u unioiiir the

hitherto have not given me the practicalexperience necessary for a good presidingofficer. I can only say that I will do all 1

can, fairly and impartially, to observe andenforce the rules of the Senate, and shallrely greatlv upon your forbearance and

iuu Mr. Dujjtt tltse! Islandsfor his home 1 1 iv Aihioktiskk stated thatHi-- Majesty's ( Iuv;rii merit had en-

trusted Jiiui A;t 11 .t rifiiunisr-ioi- i to theI'liited St.t:s-- ( i'v'i'i liiuelit 011 ;i business

rain and wind enough to satisfy themost exacting. ;

Very little work has loen done in the '

grinding line the past week, in eonse- - j

quence of the bad condition of tbe roads,N'uilii Wing the only mill that has j

worked every day. A clear case of flume j

vri. carts. j

The Star Mill Company has decided i

to rebuild tbe trash bouses burned a i

short time since. A thorough invest iga- - j

tion has settled the matter in the minds j

of most people here that the cause of the ,

fire was purely accidental.

fuses to make public. Batteries R and C

of the Fifth Artillery we-- e accordingly firstordered out. ami left this afternoon on aspecial train for the West over the UnionPacific. It is understood that all the re-

maining troops at Fort Omaha, consistingof ten companies of infantry and one ofcavalry, h&ve Iteen put under orders to beready to move at a moment's notice.

I nquiry at the Union Pacific headquartersreveals the fact that the company have re-

ceived instructions to have in immediatereadiness additional special trains for the

Aud ere they are a dozen years old, cast Parent,

Schoolmaster and Clotl ier no small ainouut of


Fur us the perpUxing question is, " Vlt will

lie like? What will his parents like?"

Out ttie-w- t r is in a heavy stock of substautial


MAKKKs. There aie a ihounaiid points about

puch ehiil.il. f; which are to be seen, not radal .nt.

But in a way f ha?e s'mxbt to

press this thought ill our clothing that thJ boy

should not I..- - a caricature of a little uJJ man

tlctt his infant life should not be dwarf ted with

the garments of maturity, but that there should

always linger about his dress something of child-

like grace and simplicity. And it is this happy

touch, as well as conscientious workmanship and

low prices, which gives this part of our business

troops, and wilh having tired on a trainfor having been hi ed lv some pa-eng-

while proceeding to Callao. A deputationof school children waited on (ietteral Ch-cer- es

yesterday with a congratulatory ad-

dress. A dispatch from I'iura says all isquiet in that department. Caceres' resig-nation of the Provisional Presidency waspuhii-he- d yesterday.

DUnolrou Storm nt I'mimum.Panama, December ."th. Meager adv-

ice-- fnnii Aspiuwull this evening rexrt asevere storm ofl that coa-- t last night andto-da- v. The wind reached the velocity of

affair. If there h.i.l )eei any oliti-a- l j

niniiicaiHv in the mission vc should j

have stati'd its tenor; but a there was j

........ ..-!- . . ...... .. .. .1 1 : ...1. ,.11

movement of these troops westward.General Howard has persistently refused

courtesy."It was then determined that the bills re-

lating to the Presidential election, whichhad passed the Senate during the last Con-

gress, should be introduced as soon aspracticable, and after proper reference andconsideration should be promptly passed.

Price of Wisconsin offered a resolutionfor the appointment of a committee ofthree members to prepare and urge tbepassage of a bill guarding against the pos-

sibility of a vacancy in the office of thePresident of the United States, but sub-

sequently withdrew it and offered the fol-

lowing, which was adopted without oppo-sition :

"Resolved, That it is the sense of thiscaucus that immediate action be taken bythe Forty-nint- h Congress to provide forPresidential succession."

Carlisle Speaker of the House.

About Kinaii Street.Mr. Kiutok: It would seem un-

reasonable to complain of bad roads

to answer questions regarding the destina-tion of these troops. "My orders arestrictly confidential in this case," said General Howard, "and I cannot possibly even after such a spell of rough weather, butintimate where these troops are going. Itis of the utmost importance that the-pe- o

ple of the community to which they aredestined shall not be apprised in advance

none niMivici, v z ic i iv i 11 vu.n onnecessary to explain the matter fuit her.Nor, indeed, was any explanation neces-sary. Uut it su happened that "livenewspaper men" on the Coast, failing injiettin'4 "an item" from Mr. Daett onhis arrival, invented aroat many things,wiine plaii.sihle, more absurd, afid somealtogether in th. range of fanciful

in connection with his mis-sion.

Of course there was no jtossibility ofarresting the fanciful stories which origi-

nated with the clever city editor of theSan Fr.iueiseo "Kvening Tost." He hadnet the ball rolling, and it kept on gather-ing bulk as it rolled along. At last itreached thesy Islands, and the absurdityof the whole thing lec.ariie apparent.Even the "Bulletin," on Saturday even

of their coming."

the grievance to which I would call at-

tention is of old standing, and only moreprominently shown tip by the rain.

Kinau street is a fine street all theway along from the Makiki Reserve tothe back of the Queen's Hospital, or alittle further, and there, just 10 yards orso from Punchbowl street, it stops. Asmall gulch crosses the road, makirg

It is evident that serious trouble is an

a hurricane, and did great damage alongthe coast. Several vess.-- l iire known tohave been wrecked, but it is lc!ieved theircrews succeeded in reaching shore. Therailroad at Apinwall was "lamaged, andno trains left there tc-da- y. Telegraphcommunication 'n interrupted by thestorm, the real extent and seriousness ofwhich cannot be known until w.

From the location of the shipping at Colonit is feared many lives have been lost.

The terrific storm which commenced inColon on Wednesday afternoon, and con-tinued with great severity on Thussday,did considerable damage to shipping inthe harbor. Of twenty-nin- e vessels an

Call and w our new stock of good.ticipated somewhere, and General Howard such vigor an 1 hieintimated that much. The general con-

clusion is that the troops of the department Washington, December 5th. All theDemocratic Senators except four met inare all to be rapidly concentrated at Saltconference Senator Voorhees wasLake in anticipation of an attack on theinstructed to put in nomination for Presi-dent pro tein. Senator Harris of Tennessee.

Gentiles by the Mormons. Trouble of aserious nature has been brewing there forthe last few days. The arrest, conviction Senator Harris accepted the nomination.

it impassible to carriages.This neighborhood is quite populous.

There are three or four Portuguesestores, one of which was unable to getits supplies two days ago, as the directcut past the Hospital gate was

The Democratic members of the Houseand imprisonment of the Mormon leadersfor polygamy have not only aroused the of Representatives met in caucus to-nig- ht

Mormons to great indignation and revenge, and nominated Carlisle of Kentucky forSpeaker.but to a bitterness that has caused them to

The caucus then proceeded to nominateretaliate by importing prostitutes from San

chored there only fifteen can now be seen.Many were sunk with their crews. Theloss of life cannot at present be estimated.Several docks were badly injured, notablythat of the Royal Mail Company and thePacific Mail Canal Company. The newlybuilt office of the Royal Mail Company iain a very critical condition. It was dis-lodg- ed

from its foundation. The trafficon the Panama Railroad has been sus

1 12minor offices, as follows: John B.Clarkeof Missouri, present incumbent, for Clerkof the House; Leedham of Ohio renomi

Francisco and Denver and using thesewomen to entrap Federal officials andprominent Gentiles. One Deputy United

Now, half a dozen men, in two days,Would level over the small gulch I refero, and complete Kinau street to Punch-

bowl street. It would be a good job,and our worthy lload Supervisor wouldearn the gratitude of the entire Portu-guese Punchbowl colony. PiriciKi.

nated for Sergcant-at-Arm- s; Samuel Don- -

elson of Tennessee, doorkeeper. The name

Tlie Mutual Life Insurance Co.of Trainor of New York was withdrawn.

States Marshal was arrested for fornicationwith one of these women under the citycharter. He was taken from the custodyof the city authorities by a writ of habeascorpus by the United States authorities,

pended. The track at Ahorca and Lagarte Postmaster Dalton was also renominated.is submerged.KnxlUb lolltlc-Iarii- ell Hold th

--or-who declared the city ordinance invalidFor Chaplaincy, Rev. W. H. Milbuni, theblind preacher of Chicago, was nominated.The nominations agreed upon will be pre-

sented in the house on Monday by Mr.

ItAlaiie or Power.

ing, tacitly admitted that it had beeniniHsed upon. Its double-leade- d leader,with Hensational headlines, only toldhalf a truth, when it was quite is-sibl- e

to tell the whole truth if it hadin the proper quarter. There was

no reason why our evening contain xjraryshould not have had the fullest informa-tion on the subject by applying to the Min-

ister for Foreign A flairs, and we wouldrecommend this course in future as Vi-

cing preferable to its usual plan of imagin-ing its facts and argiing from pure

' .

There is really nothing to be said inthe matter of Mr. Daggett's mission ex-

cept that he was empowered to co-oper- ate

with the Hawaiian Minister Plenipoten-tiary to the President of the UnitedStates and aid him in presenting a state-

ment of facts eomtituting the basis of aclaim for the consideration of the Gov-

ernment of the United States. His com-

mission and duties rendered him entirely

because it exceeded the authority grantedNew York, December O'th. The Liberalby the Legislature.successes in the English counties have far ISTEW YORKTucker. Adjourned.The other night another Deputy Marshaloutrun Liberal calculations. The results,was assaulted by four Mormons, who lay General Notes.

Samuel J . Tilden has written a letter toso far as known this morning, give thoin wait for him, one of whom he dangerLiberals ninety-eigh- t cour.ty seats, and the Speaker Carlisle which gives great offense

to Democratic politicians. It refers to theTories eighty-on- e, leaving fifty-fiv- e un ously shot. The Mormons and theirpapers denounce this shooting as the act of IV. V "ascertained. Many of these voted yester I 1coast defenses of the United States, and is

in favor of a protective policy. Mr. Tildenday and only a small number of electionsare still to lie held. The Parnellites and LA

an assassin, who made the first assault,and the Mormon press is calling for "bloodatonement."

These are the causes that make Salt Lakeadvocates the fortification of the coast to

Tories completely monopolize Ireland. resist invasion and protect American commerce.The actual returns from the whole King

dom so nearly balance that with five-sixt- hs a volcano to-da-y, liable to break forth atany moment! Threats " have been madeof the House already chosen it is still un Judge Hagar of California wants the

Austrian mission. He had been appointedthat the entire Gentile population will becleaned out, and the excitement and fear

certain whether the Liberals will have amajority over both parties. Whether it is Port Collector of San Francisco.sul ordinate to- - Mr.- - Carter and that

Is ilie oldest active Lire Insurance Company In tliis country.Ia the larjjesit life Insuranco Com puny In lUo world. Us polUi-- now in lorce amounting to more

than 11 0,000.

Is the troiiCNt linanciiil institution in the world, Its Assets ajnoiintinB to more tliau i03,875,000.

Is the Mitt'Ott coin puny in which to insutv, Its surplus alone, us computet! by the New York at!ldardof four ami one-ha- lf per cent interest, amounting to more than fli ,000,001).

Is the 'IicHewt company in which to insure, its large dividend returns reducing the cost of insur-ance below that of any other company.

And is the best company u which to insure, its it combines all the advantage of ate, large and ct

membership, financial strennih, absolute security, anil the cheapest Insurance that la hon-estly possible under any contract which has a definite value to the beueilciary.

Tliis Company Has IssuedSince its organization more than 2t!.",000 policies.lias returned to Its policy holders in tli Vi!'MlH over ?f.G,OCO,roo.

Has returned In surrender values over f("t,0GO,00O.

Has distributed among its beneficiaries, in payment of death claims, endowments and annuities, overfH7,000,000.

The total returned to policy holders is over 2 10,000.000, and it now holds as it guarantee for thepayment of future claims, 4'hmIi AnnetH of $103,870,000.

It Iin no Nloeklioltiorw to claim any part of the profits. The assets and surplus all belong tothe insured.

Its ratio of expense to receipts isjU-.s- s than that of any other company.Its dividend to policy holders are greater than those of any other company.Ami the cost to the insured is therefore less than in any other company.

The West Coast Railroad has been abare increasing from day to day.a few more or less matters little- - A Liberalfunctionary being called away to Europewithout taking any action in the prem sorbed bv the New York Central.plurality over the Tories, if obtained, of

even 100 would be too slight to do moreA dispatch received in Omaha this after-

noon from Salt Lake, in response to a tele-

gram of inquiry, says: "The inflamed con

r 1

C -






than to exjel the Tories .from office..ises, Mr.' Daggett returned to VirginiaCity without on his part making anypresentation of the case. Ujon Mr. dition of the jublic mind here is causing


Saturday, December lUth.Messrs. A. J. Cartwright and Win. J

Gladstone,' who has passed from extremedejection last week to extreme elation this most serious appresentions, and the move

Carter's return from Kuroie the matter ment of the military is designed to preventthe possibility of an outbreak and securediscretion of week, issued a fresh electioneering addresswill be presented at the

which of his friends re- -on Thursday, somethat gentleman. That is all theio is in and

Irwin, assignees of the bankrupt estatein advance the preservation of life and of S. J. Levey & Co., vs. Cecil Browngard as singularly wanting dignity

i j


t -



f f.



. 1




) 1



! i

s -






i ' f- f


property. The troops cannot be concenprudence. He attempts to lelittle the sig and others, executors of the will of Au-

gust Unna, deceased. Assumpsit fortrated here any too quickly to allay thenificance of the Tory gains in the boroughs,alarm and excitement. S. G. WILD K R, .Aoiit,


$258. The defendants admitted the debtand deposited the money in Court, but

Owing to General Howard's reticence re-

garding the destination of the troops, 3U junlg

and intimates that they are the work oflandlords, churchmen, nobles and Parnell-ites. "whereas, in the counties you hearthe true voice of the English people." Theexcitement of the contest, perhaps, excuses

asked that Messrs. A. Iloffnung & Co.

u .out the mission of Mr. Daggett. Itwas a purely business matter. If theclaim be recognized by the United States,;is we conceive it should be, the recogni-

tion will result in advantage to the pub-

lic interest and cannot cause any loss.In any case it is of advantage to have itof record. . i i


there is considerable speculation as towhere they are really going, but the great be interpleaded, to whom said sum wafmajority believe that Salt Lake is the place j transferred in the form of an account.this perversion of the facts. Gladstone hadwithout doubt. lhcir destination ishis answer on the same day from Chamberalleged bv the officers to be Fort FredSteele, in Wyoming. 0,1 the Union Pacific.lain. The Radical leader, like his nominal

chief, has passed through . hot and coldfits. Chamberlain was disposed a weekago to recognize the fact of his own re-

sponsibility for the Liberal disaster in the

Others ultimate that it is Fort Lewis, inSouthern Colorado, where there havebeen some disturbances anion t the

Absolutely Pure.This powder nc :r varies. A marvel of purity.

Btrcnfcrth a'l vh. lu:ncao;--- . More economicalthan the ordinary J , v. id cui ;iio sold In i

v.ith the jauluiudu ol lo..test, shortweight, alum or j hospbate ) - .vj. rs. Soi.UQi.LY 111

cans. Royal Dakuno 1'owm.h. Co.. luu WtOi-ef- c

n. y.9d.w f

Continuation of Sale.

Indians and also among the Apachessome distance from that post. GeneralItoroughs, but now he totally rejects it

and boldly accuses Gladstone himself ofcompiling the party to enter upon the Sheridan, it is claimed, desires to concen

Plaintiffs claimed that said Iloffnung A

Co. liad notice of the insolvency of S. J.Levey & Co., and that said transfer is infraud of the creditors of said bankruptfirm. Counsel agreed that this issueshould go to a jury. W. 11. Castle forplaintiffs, F. M. Hatch for defendants,Iv. F. Bickerton for the claim of Iloff-nung & Co.

Mr. William Foster, Clerk of the.Court, issued commissions to Messrs.William O. Smith and Ed. Gray Stetsonfor taking deponitions of witnesses in SanFrancisco, California, for use in the casesof (1) Jona. Austin et al. vs. C. Brewer tCo., and (2) M. P. Robinson vs. L. (.Sresovich A Co.

contest at a great disadvantage. He de trate a large number of troops at thatpoint to handle any serious uprising whichmight take place in the southwestern coundares that the.Gladstone manifesto did not

include one point to which extreme Lib try. Another guess is that the troops are ON TUESDAY EVENING,erals attach anv great importance. The headed for the labor troubles at Rawlins,Rock Springs and Evanston, on the Unionelection, he says, has not been fought on

AT 7 O'CLOCK, THK SALE OFthe programme of the advanced LiberalsPacific Railroad, but the railroad officialslenv anything of the kind. It is alsoThey have made great sacrifices, and their

guns have been silenced, in deference to FVTSTCY GOODShiuted that the troops are to go to the Pacific coast on account of the Chineseinstructions. He plainly intimates that he

will submit to no dictation in future. He willlly order of Geo. V. Macfalne A Ca.be continued at my sah-sroom- .trouble1?.

singles out disestablishment as a questionSo far as Indian troubles are concerned itfor the very next election. He abates no

LEWIS J. LEVEY,jot of his extremist opinions or demands. is not at all likely that artillery would eforwarded. The sending out of artilleryThis most important seech puts plainly AUCTIONEER.confirms the general belief that Salt Lakebefore the Lilerals the alternative of comis the destination and place of concentra

St. Andrew's Cathedral.The Cathedral services were held yes-

terday at S :30 a. in. and ( p. m. At theformer service the Bishop of Honolulupreached from the text "The Lord is athand." The following order of servicesfor Christmas were given out : December24th, Christmas Eve, evening 7 p. m.December 25th, Christmas Day, Holy

plete submission to the Radicals or disruption. The troops at Fort Robinson, Neb.,have been ordered to move for tbe West, THE LAST GREATtion of the pasty.

larnclt Ability tteooi; 11


Since Electricity lias Lon applied for lighting purpose, all eflbrta of iuveutor tmrebeen directed to construct a lamp for general donitHtic ue. Tlie reason why thin prlem has till now not been solved, is that none of the inventors could rid thetnuelres of taidea of gas lighting, and that all have adhered to the fiyKtem of producing the electric! trin Borne central place, or by lai; machinery, instead of first laying down the principlethat a lamp which should ever become generally useful and popular, must be portablelike an oil lamp, and contain the generator of electricity in itsolf, i. e., in the foot of tbelamp.

The X orman Electric Light Company has at last succeeded in completely realizingthis ideal of electric lighting, and there is no doubt that this most important inventionwill bring about a complete revolution in all branches of lighting.

Our Electric Lamp needs neither machinery, conductors, nor any expensive outlay,ami is neither complicated or disagreeable in manipulation; all that is necessary is torefill it ever' four of five days with acid. The cost of lighting will be as cheap as gas (

cents per hour), and it lias before the latter the immense advantage of neither producingheat, smoke nor carbonic acid, owing to which the air is not impured, and remains at thesame degree of temperature. It is further, absolutely inodorous, and dots not need to bekindled by match or otherwise, but simply by turuing the key, thus avoiding all danger offire, explosion or suffocation, as in the case of gas, if the key is left open; and it mast be con-ceded that this advantage alono is invaluable. It is furtker preferable t any known kindof lighting for the following reasons:

1. Its manipulation is so simple that any child can keep it in order.2. That the lamp is portable, and can be removed like any oil lamp, from one place

to another.3. That it neither requires the disagreeable fixing of the wick, or the cleaning of the

cylinder, as in the case of oil lamps.4. That the light produced is a soft and most steady one; that it never flicker!, andthe flame, though being equal in power of lighting to gas, can be regulated to any degree.5. That every danger of fire is absolutely excluded, as the light will extinguish im-

mediately, if by any accident the glass surrounding the burner should be broken.C. That it will burn, oven in the strongest wind, completely unaffected, thu being;

invaluable for illuminations, lighting of gardens, corridors, etc.This lamp is constructed for the present in three different sizes:A, small size. Height of complete lamp, 11 inches; weight, about 5 pounds; for light-

ing rooms, cellars, storage houses, powder magazines (or similar places where explosiveare kept), coaches, illuminations, garden-- , mines or any other industrial purpose. Trice,Ter lamp delivered free to any part of the world.B, medium size. Serves all domestic purposes for lighting roomu, houses, etc. Thilamp is elegantly decorated, ana has removable white ground glass globe.Price per lamp (inclusive of !ronz foot and globe, richlv and elegantly constructed),

2. delivered free to any part of tlie world.C, grand size for pailor, hall, saloon, public building, etc. The lamp Rivee a mostbrilliant and steady light, has large removable white globe, decorated most tastefullyand the workmanship is both first-clas- s and elegant. Trice, 4.10. .Foot of lamp in either bronze, Japanese, faience or silver oxide.Any special size or design made to order. Estimates furnished.All lamps are ready for immediate u.se, and will be sent, securely packed in stronewooden box, with printed directions for use, a quantity of chemicals sufficient for severalmonths' lighting, and one extra burner for size A, and two for sizes B and C. - The neces-sary chemicals can be purchased in any drug store, even in the smallest village.Every lamp is accompanied by a written guarantee for one year, and will be ex-changed, or money refunded if the same should not give complete satisfaction.On all orders for six lamps and above, a discount of six per cent will be allowed oorders from abroad filled, unless accompanied by a remittance to cover tbe amount or

first-clas- s references on a Xew York or Philadelphia Louse. 'The best method of sending money is by draft on New York, which can be procured ofany banker, and everywhere, or enclose the amount in bank notes, gold coins or tosUcstamps of any country of the world.All orders, the srnailest as well as the most important, will receive the same particularattention, and will be forwarded without delav.

Both parties admit that Parnell hasand orders of a similar character have beenissued to other posts in this department.

Later. It is a sure thing now that theplayed his game with courage, skill and ac-

curate foreight, and is likely to find him CHRISTMAS SALE,troops from this department are going to Communion choral, 6 :J0 a. m. Tour-j- '

Salt Lake, and it is understood from good full service in F will be sung at this ser--self, when the election is over, exactlywhere he meant to le, holding practically,

By the Eureka, Captain Lee, we havebeen placed in possession of one day's laterdates from the Coast.- Inasmuch as thestorm in the northwest interfered with thetelegraphic dispatches the day before thesailing of the St. Paul, we practically havetwo days' news. Following are the leadingitems:

.Hervin-ltiilxarln- it War.'k York, December ;th. The "Trib-

une's" London cable special of Decemberothsays; Almost complete obscurity en-

velopes the Servian-Pulgaria- n question.The latest telegrams say that Servia decided

to refuse the Bulgarian conditions, includ-

ing the continued occupation of Pirot, undthat hostilities .thereupon were resumed,and that Austria will come to the rescue ofServia, and Russia will be forced to supiortBulgaria. The extreme gravity of such a

result makes a compromise probable, al-

though the conference at Constantinoplehas abandoned in despair the attempt tosettle the dispute.

Belokaoe, December 5th. Three suc-

cessive councils have resulted in the abso-

lute rejection of the Bulgarian terms foran armistice, but owing to the Powers ed

Servia to suspend hostili-

ties, the commander are ordered to awaita Bulgarian attack.

Vienna, December 5th. A Belgrade dis-

patch says it has been decided to proclaimmartial law throughout Servia.' Bei.oradk, Deccmlier Uh. It i. reported

that Bulgaria has promised new terms forthe establishment of peace. The principalcondition is that u Servo-Bulgari- an allianceagainst Turkey be formed.

Nissa. December nth. The terms ofpeace offered by the Bulgarian Governmenthas been rejected. It is expected that thewar will be renewed on Monday.

The ItrlUiliiu nurmali.New York. Pecemler 6th. The "Trib-

une's" cable special from Ixmdon of De-

cember 5th says: The rapid and completesuccess of the Burmese expedition has at-

tracted singularly little attention amid theexcitement of the election. Thebaw's sur-

render, the total collapse of the oppositionand the indifference of the Burmese peoplemake annexation or a protectorate inevita-

ble. Lord Durterin will have put mattersinto a final decisive shaie long before theKadieaD have had a chance to interfere.


if not numerically, the balance of powerltetween the English parties. He will be BY E. P. ADAMS & CO.

MONDAY Evening,

vice. Morning prayer and sermon, 9:"0a.m. Hawaiian even-son- g and baptism,3 :30 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon,6 p. in. DocemlH?r 2Cth, St. Stephen'nDay, Holy Communion, 6:30 a. m. ;

morning prayer, 9 a. m.The offerings of the congregation on

Christinas Day will be given for the sup-

port of Hawaiian girls at Christ Churchfamily boarding school, South Kona,Hawaii. One hundred dollars will foundfour scholarships for 18SG.

December 21st, at" o'clock p. m., the largestand choicest assortment of

Chinese anil Japanese Wares,Bethel I'ulon Chiirrh Services.At the Bethel Union Church, services

were held yesterday morning and even-

ing, Rev. E. C. Oggel, the pastor, of-

ficiating. "On the third day he roseagain from the dead" was the theme of


authority that trouble is looked for there.Salt Lake, December 5th. Among the

rumors in circulation to-da- y are that theMormons are massing and arming them-selves secretly; that the Secretary of Waris on his way to Utah to declare martiallaw, and a hundred others even more im-

provable. The facts as sifted out to-nig- ht

are that the Quartermaster at Fort Doug-

las has rented quarters in the middle of tliecity for a company of troops to le con-

stantly station d as a preventive of riotousoutbreaks. A battery of artillery is also onthe way from Nebraska and is expectedhere night. Excitement andpublic feeling still run high. The Mormoncrusade against the Gentiles for lewd andlascivious conduct has legun again in anew form. This time complaints aresworn out before Mormon Justices of theFeace and served by the Sheriff. Thesame arrests have been made as previouslyunder tbe city ordinance, and bail hasbeen fixed at $l,0(X) in each case.

British Columbia Keino.Victoria, December 5th. Three hun-

dred Chinese are reported in a starvingcondition on Fraser river. They are dis-

charged railway hands.Francis O. Adair, the American who

held up and robbed the Paymaster of theNanaimo Railway, was sentenced to fifteenyears' imprisonment yesterday.

At afire last night very few firemen putin an appearance. Tbe apathy of the firebrigade is due to the taking over of theproperty of the Volunteer Department by

master in the Parliament, unless the mod-

erates on both sides combine on the Irishquestion. Suggestions of this sort continueto be heard in many influential quarters,but the spirit of faction is exceedinglystrong, nowhere stronger than in Glad-

stone's address, ami is not likely to dimin-ish. Gladstone cannot easily forget thathe appealed to the country to give him amajority over loth the other parties, inorder to enable him to establish a strongand perfectly independent Government.The country has declined to do anything ofthe sort. Yet the dismay of the Tories atthe disappearance of their expected ma-

jority is but lightly modified by the signsof confusion and revolt among the Liberal-:- .

Few Tories really expect that the presentMinistry will survive the first session ofthe next Parliament.

Tlie Iat-H- t Ucturu.Losijos, December 5th. The political

situation to-nig- ht is one of perplexity toall parties. The Lilierals close the weekwith a tie with the Tories and Parnellitescombined. There arc, however, enoughconstituencies yet to vote to make thewhole issue one of absolute uncertainty.The Liberals have elected 313 candidates,the Conservatives 213 and the Parnellites70. While Gladstone has therefore 70 ma-

jority over the Tories, they and the HomeRulers tie him.

There are seventy constituencies yet un-

polled. Of these, twenty-tw- o are Fnglish,one Welsh, four Scotch and seventeen Irish.

IMuted Ware, K'uivti, Forks,A fine lt ofSpoous, etc., etc UZiC riin'lr Pr'c by law, and all imitations and infringement.,

the morning sermon, the eighth on treApostles' Creed. The text in the eveu- - j

ing was: "Is it Well With TheeV'jwill

Agents, salesmen on commission, and consignees for our lamps wantedV special knowledge or capital required. every- -

A fortune to bo made by active persons.A ff Velvet Kutjs.

Address :Mirrors and Tale Cloths, Handsome HangingLamps.

The subject at the church prayer meet-

ing next Wednesday evening is: Theglad, good news, Luke 2:10-1- 1 "Fearnot; for, behold, I bring you good tid-

ings of great joy, which shall le to all


Ami for tlie ClaMren an assortment of TOYS ofall Kinds.Ieople. For unto you is born this day, ,

in the city of David, a Savior, which isChrist the Lord." i

N. B. Special arrangements for u moonlightami fine weather. In consequence of the greatrush the FKKE LIST is suspended for this even-ing. La-lie- rnservett seats can I.p had y apply-ing to the auctioneer on or before 7 o'clock p. ru.GooiU tin Inspection during Monday.

Tta Kebel Alieid in PeruYle.'l on a Tramp.

Caceres, the rebel leader in Peru, whosetroops and officers were reported to havedeserted, and who was without following a

few weeks ago. has captured Lima, thecapital of the country, assumed the direc-

tum of the Government, while the Presi-Je- ut

aul Ministers recognized by the

NOTICE.rpiIK f'LEKKS OP THE LATP PTlrin? the accounts of said dissolved ttrm

ephlla-llonolul- u,

December u, S35. 384 22

The Popular Millinery IIou.c has thelargest assortment of holiday gxxls in theKingdom, and at prices that please

N. S. Sachs, proprietor, 104 Fort

SO. 15 PCNTHBOWL STKKKT, ONIKOM a small sorrel mare with whiteface. A liberal reward will be paid to anyone re-turning the same to Lewis tfe Co., Hotel street.

rE. Pthe city ADAMS & CO.,

Auctioneers.itA telegram to-nig- ht states that trains on i street.r r ' ' ' i'l1.

X i

Page 3: pifYfilllr - University of Hawaii · Cnolcest Meats from Finest Hera Fatuities and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this

: y Pacific commerciai. advertiser, December 21, isss.

SUntiscnunts.i&trtiscmtnts.of the native3 in the boat caught hold ofBY AUTIIOltlTY.it and held it List. Then my suspense ;

Am bk Ilesper, from Newcastle, li 8 v doeDecember l9-3- o

Am bktne V.' II Diuion.), II c Houdiette, fromSan franewco, due December 24-3- 1

PMSSCity of Sydney, Dear'iorn, from Sanen route to liougkorg, due January 5


gave place to uelight to gee the sailorssliding down, one by one, until theeighth, and last man, was safely in theboat. The crew were all landed on thebeach. All they had Ktvd was thechronometer. Their clothing Tas leftbehind, except what they stood in.

EXPORTS.For San Francisco, p- -r brhjantine Consuelo, JAMES O. SPENCER.

Secretary and Treasurer.F. DILLINGHAM,President and Manager;

TEMPLE OF FASHION.Kos. 01 and 03 Fort Street.

us.'ar; C Brewer t Co, 1,70 bacs Lgar: H Aide:nann, 5J bags augar; oUs t ags sugar; Ily-ma- n

liros, 1,064 bags rice; C O ll.-rg(- r, li euiptv-Easohn- e

tanks. Iomesiic va.ue, f U.72-- PACIFIC HAI1DWABE COMPANY,"We all started for the town of Ka-- 1


Co. hxiiI Samuel 'ott.

: Honolulupaccestors to nlilingbaua

!Fort t?treex :

:o:- -

Trnilen for Urldent H iiiiuea, liaiiHi.eulfij le er;iveJ at the Interior

OHice uutU 12 oVlo-- noon on SATURDAY, De-

cember 2, lis5, for rebuilding the bridge atWuiiuea, Island of Kauul.

PUris an. sjwciti ations for tbn work un beseen up. n aipli-atio- at the oftice of the Superin-tendent of Public Works.

A suitable bond, with approved surety, basedupon the amount of the contract, will be requiredupon execution cf the same, as a i;nurunt-- e of iffaithful fulfillment.

All bids must be marked plainH on the out-tid- e

of Uie envelope "Tender for Waimea Uridine."The Minister of the Interior does not bind hlm-ae- lf

to accept inn lowest or any tender.('HAS. T. (iULICK,

Minister .f the Interior.Interior Oflh-e- , December Is, Is.j. decl-3- t

hului, and conducted the shipwreckedcrew to A. F. Hopfce, U. Consul. Amessenger was sent to Sheriff Everettto notify him of the wreck. He camedown and attended promptly to all hisduties in the matter. During the daythe native boat andthe Ida Schnauer'sboat (the latter manned by the wreckedcrew) succeeded in boarding the. wreck,and saved most of the clothing lelong-in- g

to the officers and crew. The nextday the Sheriff" sold the wreck for $500and her cargo of coal for $220, at auction,in front of Custom House, to Hon.Samuel Parker. The wreck has turnedover, and will le a total loss to the



Toys and Holiday Goods,

Suitable for Xuias and New Year's Presents. Prices very low.

S. COM & CO.


ARRIVAL.S.From Haualei, via Waianae, per steamer C II

Bishop, December l&th Hon JI A Wldemaim,Mrs W H Aldrich and servant. Miss Mary lioo-lei- a,

Mrs A C Dejaney, Mhs A Pelekane and ladeck passengers.

From Maui and Molokai, per steamer I.ikelike,December 19th W Hutchiuson, I. yon Tempskv,Mrs F. M Smith, Col S Morris, Wm Dunn, S MjUaruon.if JIeder. Mrs Mihi.Ah Me, Ah Hi,- -'prisoners and GO deck passengers.

From Lahaina. Maalaea and HHo, per Kinau,Ieceinber 2i Captain V (i (iofxlman, WM Lee,A F Strasburer, F Harrison, Wong Kwai. Hon JW KaJua, C B Corp, W H Cornwell and son, MrsM A Dean, Mrs J II Hare, Miss Amy Wodehuuse,M rs Howland and three daughters, Mrs H Macyand child, J Sheldon, wife and three children.

From Kauui, per steamer Planter, December20tliC Dertieman, wife and four children, W HKice, H H Wilcox. J Ward, J D Frazer, Nor.nau11 ulbert. Captain J Itoss. S Marauley. Hon W KHowell, V Meier, D Schaltzmau, 4 Chinese and 5-- j

deck passengers.From San Francisco, per bktne Kureka, De-

cember Dr K liraudt.UEfARTl'KliS.

For San Francisco, per bktne Cousuelo, Decem-ber 1'Jth Miss Christie.

ed ex steamersJust recei

ST- - J?J UALAMEDA ancJinLatest ixwigiis

1 02 tf





In ICe Ouoiuea Contempt Case.


2Votite.Whereas, Mrs. Perry has niilied by petitiou to

the Fence Commissioners for the district of Konu,Island of Oahu. to hear and decide in the matterof erecting a division fence between the lands ofWbilupe Kiid Waiulae, in futld distrU-t- :

Now, therefore, pursuant to the prayer of saidpetition. Tuesday, t'ue 2!th day of Iiecetnber, cur-

rent, at 10 o'clock a. in., is hereby named us theday and hour in which all parlies interested arrequired to meet on said land and prefer suchclaims as the may have in the matter.


Fence Commissioners for the District of Koua,Island of Oahu.

Honolulu, December 17, 1SS5. 3iKIdec2I


The American barkentiue Eureka, Captain J.Lee, arrived In port early December 2oth, I3,'days from Sau Fruncisi o, with a cargo of generalmerchandise valued at $7,443. Sailed from SauFrancisco December Cth. First two days hadstroug northwest winds with heavy seas; thenceflue weather till the last thirty-si-x hours, when



Editor P. C. Advertiser Sir: In thismorning's issue you publish a three-colum- n

opinion of His Honor JudgePreston in the above case, K)rtions ofwhich censure us for advising our clientsto disobey an express order of the Su-

preme Court.Immediately this opinion was read by

His Honor, we gave notice in open Courtthat we should bring that portion of itreferring to censure as a special case be-

fore the full Court, which we immedi-ately took steps to do.

That the public may suspend judg-ment while the matter is sub judice, andthat the full Court shall be heard from,

-- AT THEAshford A Ashford,




adjoining the TostHale, Popular Millinery Rou186,OHice HonoluluOffice. 267diwtf

A'otice.AH persons having garbage, etc., for removal by

tlie City Scavenger, are requested to have thesame in readiness before 8 o'clock a. m. Afterthat hour the cartmen are otherwise employed,and will sot call until the following morning, thusleaving the unsightly boxes or barrels in front ofyour premises all day.

J. KAIAKAWAIIA.decI3 Contractor for Cleaning Streets.

BROWN, ATTORNE W ANDCECIL Public, Campbell's Block. Merchant 104 Iort Street Honolulu.street.

she experienced strong northerly breezes. Hercargo consisted of 19,500 bricks, 435 sacks bran,200 sacks flour, 51C bales hay, 75 barrels lime, 100sacks potatoes, 108,932 feet lumber for Messrs.Allen & P.oblnson, and 330 sacks meal, 475 ctlsoats, 25 tons salt and 200,000 shingles. TheEure.'ca is consigned to Messrs. II. Hackfeld & Co.She is docked near the Oceanic Company's wharf.

Th American tern J. C. Ford arrived at Ka-hul- ui,

Maui, December 17th, fifteen days from SanFrancisco, with a cargo of general merchandise.

The bark Ferris S. Thompson is nearly loadedwith sugar, and will sail sometime this week forSau Francisco.

The schooner Ida Schnauer lias finished dis-

charging her cargo at Kahulul, and is waiting forsugar for Sau Francisco.

The American brigantine Consuelo sailed De-

cember 19th for San Francisco with 6,403 bugssugar and l.i'til bags rice, valued at f 11,724 35.

The steamer Mokolii brought 125 bags sugar, 6horses and 25 deck passengers from Molokai De

G. W. Macfarlane & CO. A. ROSA, The largest and best assorted stock in the Kingdom. PRESENTS SUITABLE FOR YOUNGAND OLD, MALE OR FEMALE. Toilet Boxes, Hand Glasses, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, Collar andCuff Boxes, etc., etc.i TTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUB- -

1. LIC. Office with the Attorney General, Alii67 nir26-12-t- folani Hale, Honolulu, II. I.

FANS !Water Notice.

From this date, till further notice, W. It. SEaDKSQ., la alone authorized to collect water ratesand dues oi: account of the Honolulu Water


wo now ask you to give an equal andtimely publicity to an absolute, positive,explicit and unqualified denial of everysentence and every word in said opinion,which can be construed into a charge ofour advising disobedience of any orderof the Court ; and this with due respectto Judge Preston and his office, we re-

main, yours, truly,Ashford & AsnFoitn.

Honolulu, December 19, 18S5.

Works.lie is fully empowered to give a good and suili- - J. M. MONSARRAT,



Real Estate in any part of theBought, Sold and Leased on Commission

Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn.

Xo. 27 MERCHANT STltEET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. lfi-t- f

cieut receipt, and none other will he acknowl-edged.

All parties are requested when paying waterrates, to produce to the Iteceiver their lastreceipt.

This Regulation does not apply to any businessrelating to the Water Works, which now Is, ormay hereafter be placed In the hands of the Atto-

rney-General for settlement.CM AS. T. CiULICK,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, November 5, 185. 313 no."tf


On Monday, Dec. 21st,AT 10 A. M.

At their Store, corner Fort and Uueen streets, wewill offer a large and Choice Collection of

French & English NoveltiesParticularly suitable for Christmas and

Jfew-- Year's, and which have neverbefore been offered at auction.

The flue quality of these goods cannot fail tocommend them to a cultivated taste, and wetherefore confidently ask their inspection by theladies of Honolulu, being aure their judgment willconfirm ours.


Many Beautiful NoveltiesWe can only mention a few, such as

Elegant French Bronze Statuet , "Front de Boeufand Robin Hood," Gentlemen's Russia

Writing Desks,

Massive Bronze :' Ewers,Square Sphynx Jardiniere, Turquoise Grounds.

Esquimaux and Seal Umbrella Stands,Incised and Carved Persian Vases,

Jar Shaped Vases, Vallands, RedGround and Black,

Ribbon Basket, Chocolate ground end Chintz.Elegant Bronze Statue with Clock.

One Pair of Magnificent Vases !

All colors, all kinds and all prices. Immense stock of LADIES' HAND HATCH ELS, at prices thatw'U Mtoaisb you. Endless variety of Ladles' Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Lace

Collars, Fichus, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc,, etc., etc.

The lVEillinerY DepartmentIs complete, all the latest styles of Trimmed and Un trimmed Hats, Feathers, Birds, Ornament?Wings, etc., at Prices to suit, at the

Popular Millinery House,

N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.213 f

Rowell, Jackson & Webster,Civil and Mechanical Engineer, NnrvcyorNaud Draiifflitftmen.


Two prisoners arrived by the Likelike onSaturday from Maui.

The Y. M. C. A. ljookkeeping class meetstliis evening at 7 :30 o'clock.

A sensible present for a child is a prettybonnet, and can be procured at Sachs', 104

Fort street.

We have to thank Captain Lee of theEureka and I'ilot IJabcock for papers giv-

ing one la3r's later news front the Coast.

cember 20th. She leavesThe steamer Kilauea Hou, heavily loaded with

machinery for Hamakc.a, Hawaii, was at anchorat Lahaina when the steamer Kinau arrivedthere.

The steamer Kinau, Captain J. King, brought1,943 bags sugar, 70 hides, 210 goat skins, 100 pack-ages sundries and one roller from windward portsDecember 20th.

The steamer C. B. Bishop brought 1,863 bagspaddy and 959 bags sugar from Kauai and Waia-n- ae

December 19th.

The barken tine W. II. Dimond and the tern W.S. Boyne were to leave San Francisco for thisport about December 10th. .

The steamer Ukelike brought 377 bags sugar,1 15 bags corn and 76 bags potatoes from KahululDecember 20tb.

The American schooner Aueriean Girl, whichrecently arrived at Hilo, IIawa.i was obliged toput to sea on account of the rough weather on De-

cember 14th. The steamer Kinau sighted her offKa Lae, Hawaii, (South Point) heading or iloou-ap- o.

The American bark Forest Queen, CupaWinding, was towed out to sea from liana, Maul,

The Board of Immigration pro-poses to make arrangements forthe further importation ofJapanese immigrants into thisKingdom and would request thatall parties desirous of procuringthe service of such contract lahorwill forward their applications toWra. G. Irwin & Co. the duly

PIONEEESteam Candy Factory

AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.Hotel street. 78 tf Telephone 74

3f 1

I - 11

J -7-..J V

7 CIi!Hi


' - )




I ii

A ; ;

; "i


; "A7A..n


i j :

vol' v

- j a

' if




" i '. J

I i;y:A

Al; itt


estimates prepared, etc., for all kinds of Mechanical, Architectural and Civil Kn- -Designs andgineerlug work.

Remember that dolls and toys will begiven away to-d- ay at the Popular Millin-ery, 101 Fort street, to every customer pur-chasing the amount of $2 and more.

A sorrel mare with white face hasstrayed away from No. 15 Punchbowlstreet. Messrs. Lewis & Co. offer a re-

ward to anyone returning it to them.

Th? door of the double effect of the Wai

FURXI.SIIEH UOOns.Terms Reasonable

Reproduced from old Sevres models, grin ted toM. Daniell by II. I. M. Napoleon III. Theyare of Rose Adveinurine Unt, surmountedwith Tropical Birds of most brilliant lumage,elaborately and richly finished in Gold.

One Bohemian CUass Set,Parian Marhle Bust "Clytie,"

Telescope by Negretta fc Tambra,

A Variety of Beautiful Vases,

by the steamer Likelike December 10th, In ballastfor San Francisco. ROOMS TO LET. Entrance u Merchant street. All orConsulting and Draughting Rooms in Campbell's Block,

ders promptly attended to.mea Suar Mill, Kauai, broke last liiurs-da- y,

and was brought dow n by the steamer

appointed Agents of the Board:for Japanese Immigration .

It is requested that these appli-cations be sent in without delayand that the parties orderingatate as definate as possible whattheir requirements will be for thenext six months, so that the nec-essary arrangements can be madefor the introduction of thesepeople.


.Minister of Interior and PresidentBureau of Immigration.

Interior Office, Aug. 21, 1885.

Planter to be repaired at the foundry.

AND COMFORTABLE FURNISHEDNEAT at No. 3 Kawaiahou lane, a few stepsfrom the Government building. A man and wifecan also have comfortable furnished rooms, ortwo rooms unfurnished, and accommodations tocook for themselves. MRS. WARD.

105-t- f

The disagreeable weather of the pat

For Sydney and Auckland.

flat. Medallion Bronze, Majolica, Etc.,Garden Seats, Yellow aud Turquoise,

Plush Work Table,

Bronze Wall Clocks,Albums Cabinet Size, and Variety of Styles. :

Flour Pots. Pink Ground and Primrose,Brackets and Plaques, and numerousether Beautiful Articles which can beInspected the day before the KaJ' atLeisure.

"We invite Fry on (to come and see vuat wehave to sell, for an ojpor(t-init- y U DOW offeredthat will probably iayer again joccur.

E. P. ADAMS '& CO.,3Tldecl6 Auctioneers.

HOLLISTEE & COHave Removed to


"Williams3 Block.

IPORT OF HONOLULU, II. 1.The O. S. S. Co.'s line Al steamship'


week came to an end on Saturda', andearly in the afternoon the dust was flying.Yesterday was a beautiful, bracing day,quite in contrast to the previous Sunday.

For a clean and easy shave, a neat hair-cut and other tonsorial work go Ous A.Neth at the Hawaiian Hotel Shaving Par-lor, who will give entire satisfaction to all.

Messrs. E. P. Adams tV: Co. hold theirlast great Christmas sale this evening,when they will offer a splendid assortmentof Chinese and Japanese ware, plated ware,rugs, toys, etc. The goods will be on viewto-da- y.

At 10 o'clock this morning Messrs. E. P.Adams & Co. will hold a large sale of artgoods at the store of Geo. W. Macfarlane& Co. The goods include a fine collectionof French and English novelties such ashave never before been offered at auctionin this city.

The sale of fancy goods on Saturdayevening at Mr. Lewis J. Levey's salesroomby order of G. W. Macfarlane & Co. was agreat success. The spacious room was notlarge enough to hold those who wished toattend, and numbers had to go away. Theprices realized were very good. Owing tothe success of this sale, Mr. Levey will con


AKRlVArS.Satuiay, December 19.

Stmr Ukelike, from Kahululstmr C K Bishop, Macaulay, from Hanalel

wia Walanaeitmr James I Dowsett, C Dudoit, from MolokaiScar Mauuokawai, from Koolau

Sunday, December 20.

rstmr Kinau, King, from Hawaii and Mauiatmr Planter, Cameron, from Kauaifitmr Mokolii, Metiregor, from Molokai.Am bktne Kureka, J Lee, 13 l days from San


Will be due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

December 25thAnd will have prompt dispatch with mails and

ACADEMIC SCHOOL,passengers for tbe above ports.

For young ladies and little girls, closed uponthe isih for the holidays, to re-o- p u

For Irelgnt or passage, naving isui-jr.Kj.u- rt AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. ft. Irwin & Co.,1886.ON MONDAY, JANUARY 4,



All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Iteceived by

Stmr James Makee, Weir, for Kapna, Kauai,jit 1Z ma

Stmr Kilanea llou, Welsbartb, for Hamukua,Hawaii, fits pin

Stmr Walmanalo, Neilson, for WaimunaloAm brrtne Cousuelo, K H Cousins, forSan

Francisco, at 12 uoouochr Nettie Merrill, for IahalnuSchr Kan-ailaui-. for Koolau


Pupils are desired to be prompt in attendance onthat day, as class work will be resumed at once.Visitors tu the school are welcome at any time.

400 It Australian Mail Service.

The Wreck or the Hesperian.We are indebted to Colonel C. V. Iau-ke-a,

Collector General of Customs, forthe following particulars of the wreck ofthe American brigantine Hesjerian, atKahului, contained in a letter to him fromMr. W. F. Mossman, Port Surveyor atthat place. Mr. Mossman, who was thefirst to discover the wrecked vessel,writes as follows :

"The American brigantine Hesperian,G. J. F. Winding, Master, from Depar-ture Bay, I. C, with a cargo of coal forWilder & Co., appeared off this portThursday last (10th), and was boardedby the pilot ; wind moderate from S. W.He beat her up to the passage of the har-bor and cast anchor. During the nigh'tthe wind changed and was variable fromabout N. E. to N. N. E. The sea andwind kept increasing. On Sunday morn-ing about 3 :30 o'clock I was awoke by aheavy squall of wind. On looking out ofmy ledroom window I saw that the ves-sel was ashore on the reef, her positionabout west of the harbor, and that themen on board were flashing lights as sig-

nals of distress. I dressed and startedoff to find our Custom House night-watchm- an

to inform him, as I knew thevessels boats were stove by bad weatheron the passage to this port. I then sentword to Mr. Lowrie, who at once madeeverjr preparation to send a boat with apicked crew off at dai)reak to rescuethe IIesierian'8 crew from their perilousposition.

"I remained on the beach a mile fromtown in front of the vessel, with two na-

tives that Mr. Lowrie gave me to ren-

der assistance, as he wished to go

back to the wharf to be present whenhis boat left the landing. As soon asday broke we could see the vessel washead on the beach. The crew werehuddled together on the topgallant fore-

castle, and a boat manned by five power-ful natives, followed by a boat from theschooner Ida Schnauer, were battlingwith the terrific breakers in their effortsto reach the wreck. Their first attemptfailed, both boats being beaten back bythe breakers. The native boat was halffull of water. I began to fear that thetask was too much for them. After thenatives had bailed her out, they madeanother start for the wreck with re-

newed vigor. The struggle between the

TO LET. 230-oc- ti aeSis Every Steamer.

el f.eHvlni? Tills liny.stmr Ukelike, Lorenzcn. for Kahulul and liana,

"'s'tmr'james I Dowsett, Dudoit, for Molokai,at 5 p m

Kchr Sarah and Eliia, for KoolauSchr Kalamanu, forllamakuaSchr Leabl. for HanalelSchr Caterina, for WaimanaloSchr Waiehu, for KauaiSchr Manuokawai, for Koolau

tinue it on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock.We must acknowledge that the finest dis-

play of holiday goods are to be seen in theshow windows of M. Mclnerny. We wouldadvise general and early inspection by in-

tending purchasers. A fine line of ladies',misses' and children's Lilse and real gen-

uine Ilalbriggan hosiery and underwearcan be seen at the same establishment.Also, a full line of men's ware of same classof goods.


The new and splendid Al steel steamship Stock of Goods.Big5


JUDGE AUSTIN,227 Xiiiinmi Avenue.

Fine two story house with large grounds. Twocottages, large lanal, servants' rooms, carriageiouse, stable and chlckea houses. Eve-rthin- inperfect order.

Terms reasonable to a good tenant. Inquire ofJONATHAN AO'TIX,

317 tf Over Bishop dt Co.'s Bauk.

Of the Union Steamship Company, New Zealandwill be due at Honolulu from Sydney and

Auckland on or aboutMoojalisrht Concert.The following is the musical programme

to be given by the Royal Hawaiian Bandat Emma Square this evening at 7:30o'clock (weather permitting):

IOKKII1X VESSELS IX rORT.Haw brk Thomas U Foster, F W Kugg, from

l'ort.Townsend, W TOer bk C R Bishop, from TJremenBritish bark Victoria Cross, Kobertson, from

Newcastle, N S WBritish bark Lizzie Iredale, W if Iredale, from

UlasgowAm tern Eva, J Wlkman, from Humboldt Day,

CalAm bk Elsiuore. from Newcastle, X S WAm bktne Mary Wiukleinaii, Chas Backus,

lrm San FranciscoAm brgtte J D Spreckels, C S Frils, from San

FranciscoAm bktne KJikitat, It D Cutler, from Port

Twnsend, W TAm bk Caibarlen. H W Hubbard, from San

FraiiKiseoAm bktne Eureka, J Lee, from San Francisco

December 19th,Ani will leave for the abve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. Ct. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

Overture "Part du Diable"Sng "Reaper and Flowers".. .

Waltz "Vienna Bon Bons". . .

Dance "The Aborigines""M.'diina Malamalama

'Reminiscences of Auber"Waltz "In the Twilight"

Auber. . . Cowen

. . StraussThiere

. .GodfrejCoote


IMMEDIATELY books. Albums, FamilyHiWles, Maps, Charts, Atlases. Encyclopedia Bri-tannic. American Keprint, etc. Send for circu-lars and special foreign terms. Agents are mak-ing from J100 to :100 per month selling our publi- -

ctiODS- - a. L. BANCROFT fc CO.,


lluve on hand, in addition to their usual stock, a large assortment of

Fancy Goods and ToysToo numerous to mention. Also, a large additional XMAS order of

Furniture and Picture Mouldings'

Faust. .

. BergerMazurka "Love's Greeting". . .

March "Malanai me Ahi Wela""Hawaii Ponoi." fciaii Francisco, U. S. A.3I3janl

On the "ALAMEDA.

Post Office Notice.ENVELOPE OF THE

STAMPED ofONE, TWO, FOUR, FIVE and TEN CENTS,(lc, 2c, 4c, 5c and 10c) can be purchased at theTost Office at face value of the stamps, when lessthan one dollar's worth is wanted.

Cash purchasers of a dollar's worth t more ofstamped euvelopes will be allowed, nil furthernotice, discount of twenty per cent from the facevalue.

General Tost Office, December 16, 1S83. 2w

breakers and the boat was severe, and j



.A.t their Salesrooms

V.MMeln Expectetl frum Foreign furls.Bark Lady Bowen, from Newcastle, N S W,

due Dec 5-- 10

Norwegian bark Lovcspring, Thompson, fromNew York, due Nov 20--23

Brit bk Chllcna, Davies, from Liverpool, dueJan 1 10

Hawaiian schr Jennie Walker, B Anderson,from Jalult, S S I, due Nov I 10

Brit bk Mount Lebanon, C Nels.ni. ftoui Hong,"kong, due December 10-- 2'

Am. tern W. S. Bowiie, A. II. Paul, from SanFrancisco, due Dec. 1- -7.

Am schr Emma Clau.li :ia, W Matron, from SanFrancisco, due at Hilo, Hawaii, lieceuiiier 17-- 23

Brit bark Natuma, from Cilasgow, due Marchi0-3- 1

Brit ship Stirlingshire. Alexander, from Liver,pool, via Madeira, tine March 25-- 31

Brit bark Lady Lumpson. Marston, from New-

castle, N S W, due Feb 10-- 20

Am bktne Amelia, Newhall, from Port Towns-ten- d,

due Jan 3-- 10

Steamship Mariposa, 11 M Hayward, from Sanrranci-"- t ea route to the Colonies, due Dec 26

Steamship Mararoa, from Sydney, via Auck-land, en route to San Francisco, due Vec 19


" The Royal Party.Their Majesties the King and Queen

and suite were at Kawaihae when theKinau left. After leaving Lahaina theyproceeded to "Wailuku, and from theretoKawaihae, which place was reached onWednesday. The Koyal party will gooverland to Hilo this week. On the 31stof the month, the anniversary of thebirth of Her Majesty the Queen, will beappropriately celebrated at the latter-place- ,

and it is expected the Royalpart, will return to Honolulu the firstweek in Januarv.

Just received on "ALAMEDA" large stock of Furniture, consisting of

Light and Dark Cedar and Ash Bedroom Sfcts,Three-quarte- rs and Full-siz- e Bedsteads, Cane-bottome- d 1. V. and Assorted Dining

Room Chairs, Nurse Rockers and assortment of Children's Chairs.

continued for fifteen minutes at least.At last we could see that the boat wasgetting the best of it. The wreck madea very narrow breakwater. She wasstern on to the sea, which was some ad-

vantage to the boat as she neared thewreck. As we stood in susiense, wesaw one of the crew throw a rope fromthe end of the flying jibboom, and one

WEDNESDAY, December 23d, at "p. m.,


LYONS & COHEN,Auctioneers.

HiJ A fine assortment of Holiday Goods to arrive by next Steamer.337


Address P. O. Box 429. 379

Page 4: pifYfilllr - University of Hawaii · Cnolcest Meats from Finest Hera Fatuities and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this



SMtotritsrintius. ilvtttijsrmtnWi bfrtisrinnils.lis


If !

iWin. 6. Irwin & Co,

'The requirements for a Brandy likelv to be of anj medical use are all present m that su nil'1! bTMessrs. J. E. Pelllson t Co. Vide Public Health.

Uncolored, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy.Battled at Cognac, for Medicinal anil Domestic Uses, as Analyzed.

call the attention of all readers to the following extract from the Analysts' Reports audOpiuions of the Press:

Lalxiratory. Grepham House, Holborn Viailuct. London, E. C.This brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably rich iu fragrant ethers; contains a large amount o!

tannin, derived from storing in oan casks, which imparts to due old branny one of its valuable medici-nal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the phvsician in those numerous cases where pureFrench brandy is the moat useful of all medicines.

EDMUND R. SOUTUBY, M. R. C. S., F. C. S."The only two qualit es shipped "Seven and Ten Years OM" uu be Lad lu oue-doie- u cases.


'o. Hi Xanana Street,DEALERS IN



Oil iiiaNow offer for sale at very low rates a choice va-

riety of


One hundred dozen GENTS full fashionedsocks,

"Morley's of London,"At 23 cents per pair.

200 dozen LADIES COTION HOSE, extraloug aud silk clocked uever excelled.

"Louvre of Brussels," FREETH & PEACOCK,


May S tli --Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d- - Per Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages,



Sugars. lll-j- a Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.147 Ieb23 Fort Street. TEA SETS, VASES, FLOWER POTS, LIRDSAND TREES.

Ureal Bargain. tireat Bargain.

New and beautiful articles of the most delicateworkmanship Just recei ed fr m Japan.

812 Jan5P. O. box 259. Honolulu.


Grxocexies5 --Provisions and. FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, --""resh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PostotHce Box No. HiTelephone No. s. 76 api7


Half Barrel.Aud Boxes.

CUBEIu Half Barreis

And 25 pound Boxes.


GOLDEN C. (COFFEE,In Half Barrels

And Boxes



Lowest Market Rates,

A Large Stock of the Must FavoriteBrands of




AVill bo Sold nv the Lowest jSIarket Rates.1 f A"J.Ctl. M. TV McChesney & Son,

The magnificent steamship

AUSTEALIA,(Brough, Commander.)

Will leave for the above port on or about

December 15th,For freight or pass:ige apply to


ly 4 2 antl II Queen Mreef. HoiiwEulu.








fin carte and cask.,)

rKLI.ISSO.VS HlXIY,7 and It) years old,;

MKI.Ctii:il'N KrHANT'-tll- K


'Art s tic Co tor Prin tin ,

LEWIS & CO.,"Wholesale arid Retail Grocers,

67 and 69 Hotel street. F. O. Box 297. Oid and New Telephone, 240.

NEW GOOD." JUST RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California Fishand a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of c'sarge


THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO,Have completed nnl olfer for Male tlte follow in:; Itoiler. tlx:


1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft.xoft.G in.1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x lit., also

1 Second-Han- d 'Tubular- Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.ios-j.-27- -s Apply to Tire Honolulu Iron Worlis Co.




-- AN)

Steam Navigation Co.Salmon.Budweiser Lager Beer,For which we are the Sole Agents iu the Ha-

waiian Islands, are particularly recommended.




UARKEL-s- . 2I3I MAIN ST., 1


BATES Com mander

Will run regular.)' to Maalaca, Maui, and Konaaud Kau, Hawaii.

11886,1886. Third Year of Publication.Tut ii nml Country Onlr. Ftlletl

Promptly, hiI Naf iMfactioii

Flour.FAMILY '.n quarter sucks-- ,

l ilJK'S EXTRA (Ii half sacks).Fre.etli & Peacock.STEAMER PLANTER,


Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawillwili,Koloa, Eleele and Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawillwili every Saturday at 4 p. m.,arilvlng atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m.

:: Nuuauu street, Honolulu, H.I.Telephone No. 4H. P. O. Box 8a.

II (I ia24 dfc6



For the Year of Our Lord 1SS(, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'l CaleiuVr

Cases Medium Bread.NOTICE.


Ex. " MENDOTA," and Other Late ArrivalsFrom New York and ."Sun Iran, l'o, a I,trge and Varied Assortment of

Merchandise, Suitable for

Plantations, Country Stores and Eamilies,

Lime and Cement. STEAMER IWALANI,....CommanderFREEMAN

y MEL TSCHYANO, PHYSICIAN, BURX Kn and accoucheur, late Surgeon to the

C anton Mission House, Canton, China, has openedan otnce for tha practice of medicine in all itsbranches at No. 3'J King street, left side of ChinaEngine, Uonolulo. , 327 may 18

NOTICE.FOR THE YEAR ANWill run regularly to Ilamoa, Maul, and Kukul-nael- e,

Honokaa and Faauhau, Hawaii.MANILA

Official and Business Directory of HonoluluAnd



Leaves every Friday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,Oahu, and Hanalel and Kilauea. Kauai, Return-ug- ,

leaves Hanalel every Tuesday at 4 p. m., andtouching at Walalua aud Waianae Wednesdays,and arriving at Hoaolulu same day.

fllUE UNDERSIGNED HAS SOLD THE1 lease and drygools more, corner of Hotel

aud Nuuaiiu streets, to LAM KAI WING. Alldebts owed ey me will be settle, and all amountsdoe ine collected by me before my departure forChina. I am not responsinle for any debts con-

tracted from said store after October 17, ISso.UM C1II.NO WAA.

Honolulu, December Hth." decl Keed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering. STEAMER JAMES MAKEE,WEIR- - Commander

Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.25 "A" TENTH, (suitable for camp-

ing and surveying parties.) T. R. FOSTER, President.J. Eka, secretary. 73.ap7-l- y



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General Business DicesOF


P. O. BOX 115. TELEPHONE 172

(KrttnbllslieU 1S79.J


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'V 5

Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAW'N ISLANDS,

Is now in Course of Publication. Will be Issued the

First Week in January, 18SG.

Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latesmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex-pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Secretaries of Societies and Heads of Departments are respect-fully solicited to make returns of their officers, Compiler's aimbeing correctness and perfection

Advertising Space Limited Large CirculationGuaranteed.


Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil in the market. Vulcan and Electric k'ero-se- ne

Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm and Cylinder Oil, Albany OoiapttnroiiPlumbago, etc., Galvanized and Plain Cut and Wrought Iron Nails, Galv&niasd Cor-

rugated Iron, Plain Iron aud Basket Fence Wire, Plain and Perforated SLt Zinc,Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire Cloths, Centrifugal Rubber Springs,Blake Pump Company Patent Rubber Valves and Springs, I. R. Hose,

inch to 2 inch, 3 and 4 ply. Steam Packing, round, square and flat, allstyles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Rams, Jack Screws, Paris Steel Breakiug PIowh- - -- theboss plow yet; Molisse Furrowing and Breaking Plows, all feizen, Cultivators, IIoisHoes, Gang Plows, Planters' Hoes, our own make, inch Goose Neck Lauo'sPlanters' Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, Bush Scythes, Feed Cutter.Cane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn MVwers, Road Hcrapers,Cart Axles, Fairbauk's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, all sizes, Axes, Hatchet ,

Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick Axes, Horse Shoes, Machine Bolts, all size ai:dlengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders' Hardware a full liut.Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., Planes of all kinds.Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kiuds, Hammers, etc.. Paints, Oiland Glass.

White Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Boiled and Raw Oil, Valentine's VarnishesTurpentine, Patent Dryers, a largo variety of small paints in Oils, Chandeliers, GinLamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inks, Tin and Hollow Ware, Medicine.

BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 aud 10 oz. at bottom rates.

FINE RED SALMON, iu barrels.


CRUSHED and GRANULATED SUGAR, in half barrels.


2Vew (jooriw Kxpecl el per Ntomiihlilp Alameda.BLAKE BOILER, FEED, LIGHT SERVICE and VACUUM PUMPS IN STOCK.

86 tf


We have received a consignment o the mostEconomical ai.J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.- -

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Fleh former, Milk and

Butter producer In use.

OU Cake Meal shows a'x.ut 27 per cent, of nutrlllve matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 t. ol this meal is equal to 300 ts. of oats,or 319 ls. of corn, or to 707 B. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our t'.sual supply of the best kinds of

Hay, Oat, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Ete.

STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanaer),

Leaves Honolulu as6 per following .schedule,touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makeua,

illio and Keauhou:Commencing on MONDAY'. October 12th, and

thence on the first Monday following the arrivalof the "Alameda" and Mariposa." on the 8thand 2"--d of each month:

The steamer Klnau will make the VOLCANOTRIP', reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morn-ing, giving tourists two days and two nights atthe VOLCANO HOUSE.

When the 8th and 22d of the month fall onMonday, the Kinau will leave that day.


The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On H Jo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.


PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKlnau at Mahukona.

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia andPaauhau on dowi trips from Hi'o for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.




GEO. ENGELHAEDT,Formerly with Samuel Xott,

Importer and Dealer In

Stoves, Chandeliers, Lamps, Crockery and Glassware.

House Furnishing Hardware,Agate, Iron and Tinware.

Agent for Hall's Safe and Lock Company.

Beaver Block : : : : Fort Street,Store formerly occupied by K. Nntt, opposite Spreokels t f'o.'s Rank. 30-- nov3 8B

The foUawbM; various branches of businejis will

enable the public on the Islands and from abrottdto gain general Information on all matters In thefollowing department:

Heal Estate DepartmentBuys aiid sells Real Estate in all parts of the

VIngdom.Values Real Estate and Property in city and

suburbs.Rents and leases Ji out;, Cottages, Rooms and

Lands..Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing and

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legal papers of every nature (Searches

Titles, Records. Etc.

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment iu all branches of industry

connected with the Islands.

General Business MattersKeep Books and Account, collect Bills, loans

or Invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire ami Life insurance.Advertlsemen ts and t'orrespoudenceal tended to.

' Information of every description connectedwith the Islands coming from abroad f illyanswered.

Custom House Broker.Merchants will find this Department a special

benefit to them, as I attend to enterlug goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thelame at a small commission.

Soliciting .,' nt for tk "MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK,"the largest, gsntidest and soundest InsuranceCompany In the world.

AGENT for the

"Great Uurlinur ton Hallway Konte,"Iu America. Travelers Journeying by rail inAmerica will find this route the most comfortableand moot delightful. The scenery Is the grandestKoiug East, and with the PULLMAN PALACEBLEEPINGH-AR- and good meals along the trip,polite attcnti-x- i from employees and reason-able fare no route can excel this.

AGENT Tor the

Honolulu Hoy Ml Opera lIoue.Managers ol flrst-cln.s- s companies abroad will

-- address me for terms, etc.

(Lorenzen, Commander;,

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. w. torKknnakakaj,Kahului, every week; Hueio, Uana

and Kipahulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu ever;other week. Returning, will stop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.


Liiixiloei- - and. Coal,Doors, Sash;and Blinds. All kinds of BUILDERS HARDWARE, Taints, Oils, Glass, MattlnrCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement; STEEL NAILS, much superior to Iron, and com but 1HO

more. lOi-tajZ-- tf


The underBiKutd are ucyr prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Back A Ohlacdt

San Franciaco:

The following is a report of the compo-

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical

STEAMER KILAUEA HOD,(Welsbarth, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Koholalele,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, Uaka-la- u

and Onomea

Tahiti Lemonade Works(Nanny South).STEAMER LEHUA.8.10 per cent

a t

t(Davies, Coiiimuiirter

WfttcrOrganic Matter. . . .

Silk'ion Ma tier...limePhosphoric-- Acid...Oxide of Iron .

Carbonic Acid.Alkali Salts


31. VO

23.11. .So



No More Darkness.Just received, ex MARTHA DAVIS, from Boston,

Downer's Kerosene Oil.

Standard Kerosene Oil.

Wat. r Wliiie Kerosene Oil.ron SALE P.V


same porta its KiluueaWUI leve regularly forHou.

10.00Nitrogen 2.1 per cvtit.

STEAM Eli MOKOLI1,i McOregor, Commander;,

Leaves Honolulu earn Monday at 5 p. m. forKarnakakal. Kainalo. I'ukoo.Lahaina. Lanaf,

l'elekunu and Kalaupapa. Re-turning, leaves I'ukoo Friday 6 a. m. for Honolulu,arriving Suturday morning.

Aerated waters of every description, which willhe found to be as good as those otTered the publicIn lxnidon or Paris, can now be furnished.

A Machine of Ureal Rower, on the newest prin-ciples for securing purity, nnd expei-iall- fur pre-venting the carrying over any sulpuric a id in thewaters, has been impound fit:n Engh'-nd- .

The capacity is one hundred dczeii an hour,fitted into Crystal Vulve Lotties Ih- - most rteentpatent in Europe: by usina w hich all danger andtrouble in opening is avoided. These buttles w illbe universally approve! of. pnj mrnt will be ex-pected for those not returned in g. o.

London and Tahiti Leniotiiide, Ginger Ale, etc.,ready for issue.

Plain Soda. In corked bottles for exiort, su-

perior to anything of the kind ill)IMJl't,:,

These waters will effervesce for minutes afterbeing opened, and the taste of carbonic acid gas isperfect, producing that pleasant and invigoratingsensation in drinking which cannot be imparted byInferior machinery.

HONOLULU DEPOT, Fort street, opposite E.O. Hall Jt Sons, and next to Al. Smith.

Telephone, Sunny South. No.Telephone, Fort street, No. 360.

Picnics and Evening Parties require little elseas "refreshments" than these pleasant and pureproductions, which are moderate lu price.

375dec 25

Orders Received will have Jronpt! and Careful Attention.


CiiNtom IIoae ltroker.Money Ilroker.

Fire nnd Life Insurance Agent.Employment Agent,

Kailroal Acent audo General linsiuess Agent.


J. E. WISEMAN,ftmj6-8- 6 HONOLULU, II. I.

N. CUItKY & mtOTllER, Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.AND DEALERS IS SHOT,IMPORTERS and Pistols, Colt. Winchester,

MV The Company will not be responsible forany freight or package unless rooeipted for, norfor personal bagtcage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry inlss placed Incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

JSAM'L. O. WILDER, President.8. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.69-- ly Mar 30

W. (x. Irwin & Co.,Kennedy and Marlin Magazine Rtties. Reming- - j


ton, Miarps and Ballard sporting liirtes. Agents j

for W. W. Greener, Colt, Parker and Remington! ti illST,1 Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worksome street, San Franciaco, C'al. 36 ly I 71

Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.hits I

1 i j


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