Chicago’s Urban Winter Will Young

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Chicagos Urban Winter

Chicagos Urban WinterWill YoungChicagos winter is notoriously known for being brutally cold, windy, and for accumulating lots of snow and ice. Winter here can be unpleasant, but not if you look in the right places. Even during the long winter, Chicago still proves that it is one of the most beautiful and unique cities in the world. Its parks are widely used in for winter fun, like snowball fights and building snowmen. The L is one of the most integral parts of keeping the city moving during the winter, to take people right to the heart of the city. Once downtown, theres so much to see and so many streets to explore. Its also important to remember that winter is not forever in Chicago; When the snow starts melting, the city seems to exhale and regain its color and stride as it transitions into Spring. Winter here has a harsh beauty that is rarely appreciated, one overshadowed by its other seasons.

A snow covered Lincoln Park, in Chicagos January. This is near the Lincoln Park Conservatory. The footprints in the snow show us the people love to get out and interact with the parks even when its cold and snowy in the Chicago winter.

View from the Fullerton red line stop, looking north. The elevated train system is a vital piece of the city and never stops for the weather.

View of St. James Chapel on N. Rush St. in downtown Chicago. Located near the John Hancock Tower in the citys Gold Coast area. Chicago stays well kept even during the harshest winters with good snow removal.

Photo of Seneca Playlot Park, looking toward the Ann and Robert Lurie Childrens hospital located near the Magnificent Mile. The park is still widely used during the winter, despite the gritty piles of dirty snow.

Frozen stairs lead up to the Lake Shore walkway, a path still widely used in the winter, with great views of frozen Lake Michigan. The unshoveled stairs show that not everywhere in the city is maintained during the winter and gives a look into the grungier side of the Chicago winter.

The Lake Shore walkway, looking North, a person looking out at the frozen Lake Michigan. These winter conditions change the landscape by covering it with snow, changing the context and feel of the city, but it still keeps a stark beauty.

Photo of the Chicago skyline, with the John Hancock Tower peeking out, from the Lake Shore walkway. Even on the coldest days, Chicago can still be beautiful.

Many buildings have truck ports and parking garages built right into the first floor. We see that the city keeps its functionality during the cold months and we have an inside look as to how that happens.

Photo of the Harvest Chicago Cathedral, taken from Washington Square Park in Chicagos Gold Coast area. Another showcase of the citys beauty during the cold months; its not always overcast and snowing it can be clear skies and sunny too.

Lake Shore Park, looking West towards Michigan Avenue and Water Tower Place. The park includes baseball fields and track that is used through the winter. The snow is starting to melt as the city is warming up for Spring.

A branch of the Chicago Parks District, along Lake Shore Drive. The warmer weather and brighter days as well as the snow melting, remind us that Spring is around the corner, and there are many parks to use and places to explore as the city evolves from the stark Winter beauty to the vibrant Spring time resurgence