Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas And

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  • 7/27/2019 Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas And


    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-1

    PATHOPHYSIOLOGY COURSE - ENDOCRINE MODULEPhysiology of Endocrine Pancreas and

    Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus (DM)Abbas E. Kitabchi, Ph.D., M.D.

    Friday, December 4, 2009, 8:00-9:50amObjectives

    1. List hormones in the islets of Langerhans, their location and their relation to each other.

    2. Describe general function of these hormones and their inhibitors and stimulators.

    3. Define general principle of insulin synthesis, its precursor, proinsulin and its by-product, C-peptide, and their biological potencies.

    4. Describe the action of insulin and its role, as well as the role of counterregulatoryhormones in regulation of fuel metabolism in fed and fasted states.

    5. Define diabetes, its epidemiology, complications and their impact on the U.S. population.

    6. Classify the latest method of diabetes diagnosis and recent criteria for diagnosis ofDM, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), impaired fasting, and gestational diabetes(GDM).

    7. Characterize the differences between type 1 and type 2 DM.

    8. Describe the general principles relating to the pathogenesis of type 1 versus type 2 DM.

    9. Classify various causes of insulin resistance and the factors leading to insulin

    resistance in type 2 DM. Distinguish it from metabolic syndrome.

    10. Identify subjects at risk for development of type 1 and type 2 DM.

    11 Correlate clinical conditions to metabolic defects and clinical manifestations of thediabetic syndrome.

    12. Know how to calculate: a) Ideal body weight (IBW), b) Body mass index, c) Caloricrequirement based on ideal body weight.

    13. Know significance of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in DM.

    14. Know the study objectives and outcome of four landmark studies regarding relation ofglycemic control to microvascular and macrovascular complications in diabetes.

    15. Know the landmark studies and outcomes in the prevention of type 2 DM.

    16. Know the emerging concept on physiology of fat tissues and its mechanism of actionof its adipokines.

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-2


    The adult pancreas contains about one million islets, with the largest concentration in thetail. These constitute less than 3% of pancreatic mass. The islets are highly vascularizedthrough the pancreatic artery, which is drained into the portal vein, which delivers the

    entire secretion of pancreatic hormones into the liver. The islets are also innervated bythe autonomic nervous system-parasympathetic (vagus nerve) and sympathetic (middlesplanchnic nerve) fibers on or near secretory cells. There are four major cell types in the

    islets of Langerhans: -cell, responsible for the production of glucagon, -cell for

    production of insulin, -cell for production of somatostatin, and F (or PP) cell, responsiblefor the production of pancreatic polypeptide. (Figure 1 depicts the architecture of majorcells in the islet of Langerhans).

    FIGURE 1

    Arrangement of Cells in a Typical Islet

    From Unger and Orci, Physiology and Pathophysiology of Glucagon, Physiol. Rev. 56:778-838, 1976.

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-4

    has multiple biological activities through G protein. In addition, recent studies suggest thatC-peptide may have therapeutic properties in improving nephropathies and neuropathiesin type 1 diabetics who are deficient in C-peptide. Because of its common antigenicdeterminant with proinsulin, C-peptide cross-reacts with proinsulin but not with insulin intheir specific radioimmunoassays (RIAs). Hence assay of C-peptide in blood, under

    conditions when endogenous insulin cannot be measured, may be a clinically usefulmethod for assessing pancreatic insulin reserve. For example, patients who receiveexogenous insulin treatment may develop antibodies directed against that foreign insulinprotein. While these antibodies usually do not significantly influence the biologic effect ofthe injected insulin, they do interfere with the RIA for insulin. In that situation,measurement of C-peptide will provide an estimate of the patients own remaining insulin-secretory capacity and may help in distinction between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

    Human insulin is a 6000-molecular weight protein made up of 51 amino acids, arrangedas two polypeptide chains. The A chain has 21 amino acids and is linked to the B chainby two disulfide bridges. There is a single intrachain disulfide bridge on the A chain.

    The fasting insulin concentration in blood is about 10-11

    M. It is stored in the -cells and issecreted in two phases as shown in Figure 3.

    FIGURE 3

    The first phase, which is coupled to increases in cytosolic Ca2+

    from 10-7

    to 10-5

    M, lastsonly a few minutes. It is stimulated by compounds such as glucose and amino acids, andCa

    2+plays an important role. Thus, Ca

    2+, like sulfonylurea (a class of oral hypoglycemic

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    agents used in the treatment of type 2 DM), stimulates insulin secretion but not synthesis.The second phase of insulin secretion, which lasts longer, may be mediated through cyclicadenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Release of insulin involves two processes: 1) amicrotubular system (margination) for transport of granules from the cytoplasm toward theplasma membrane, and 2) a microfilamentous system for final delivery of the granule to

    membrane (exocytosis). In addition to glucose, there are other stimuli and inhibitors forinsulin secretion, as noted in Table 1.

    TABLE 1

    Stimulators and Inhibitors of Insulin Release

    Stimulators Inhibitors

    Carbohydrates CarbohydratesGlucose 2-DeoxyglucoseFructose D-Mannoheptulose

    Polypeptide HormonesGlucagon Epinephrine

    ACTH (not in human) NorepinephrineGrowth hormone Somatostatin

    Amino Acids MiscellaneousStarvationDiazoxideHypoxia

    Fatty acids Hypothermia

    VagotomyEnteric hormones HypoglycemiaSecretinPancreozyminGastrinGut glucagon

    MiscellaneousCyclic 3, 5-AMPGlucocorticoidsKetones, Calcium

    Potassium, SulfonylureaVagal stimulationMethylxanthines

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    Thus, the -cell response to insulin secretagogues is biphasic fashion. An initial, rapidburst occurs within the first few minutes that releases preformed insulin from a rapidlymobilizable pool. This phase usually responds to glucose, amino acids sulfonylurea,glucagon and gastrointestinal (GI) hormones. The second phase, which occurs after about10 minutes and continues for as long as an hour, is stimulated by glucose and aminoacids, and involves the release of preformed insulin, newly synthesized insulin, and

    proinsulin. GI hormones (e.g., glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, gastrin,secretin and gut glucagon) are also stimulatory to insulin secretion. Thus, a greater insulinresponse occurs following oral glucose (OGTT), as compared to an intravenous glucosechallenge (IVGTT).

    An adult human secretes approximately 40-50 units of insulin per day. Depending on thepurity of the preparation, 1mg of insulin is equal to approximately 26 to 30 units, of whichapproximately 50% is unstimulated or basal (preprandial) and the remaining is secretedas pulses in response to food ingestion (postprandial).

    Insulin action: Insulin is essential for survival; its lack leads to rapid wasting and death.

    Insulin has major effects on lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism in insulin-sensitivetissues (e.g., fat, muscle, liver), where its action is exerted at physiologic concentrations ofthe hormone (10

    -11to 10

    -10M). The actions of insulin may be classified as immediate,

    intermediate or long-term as indicated in Table 2. Insulin, in general, is an anabolichormone that stimulates protein, glycogen, and lipid synthesis, and inhibits lipolysis andgluconeogenesis.

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    TABLE 2

    Effects of Insulin on Target Tissues

    Immediate TissueMembrane transport of glucose Muscle, adipose, liver

    Membrane transport of amino acids Muscle, adipose, liverMembrane transport of certain ions (?) Red blood cell (?)

    IntermediateCarbohydrate metabolism

    Glycogen synthesis Muscle, liver

    Glycogenolysis Muscle, Liver

    Gluconeogenesis Liver

    Lipid metabolism

    Lipogenesis Liver, adipose

    Esterification Liver, adipose

    Lipolysis Adipose

    Cholesterol synthesis Liver

    Ketogenesis Liver

    Utilization of dietary lipid Liver, adipose

    Fatty acid oxidation Liver, adipose

    Protein metabolism

    Protein synthesis Liver, muscle, adipose

    Proteolysis Liver, muscle

    Long-termPromotion of cell growthPromotion of cell division

    Although the molecular basis of insulin action has been the subject of intensiveinvestigation, and numerous low and higher molecular weight compounds have beenproposed as putative mediators of insulin action on certain enzymes, to date the identity ofthese second messengers has remained elusive. However, following is the summary of

    the mechanism of action of insulin, as we understand it at this time. Insulin action isinitiated by its binding to specific cell receptor on insulin sensitive tissues (i.e. muscle, fat,liver). (The insulin receptor gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 1 near theLDL receptor gene.) This receptor is highly specific for insulin with high affinity. Thereceptor has two subunits, a) an alpha subunit with molecular weight of 130,000, which islocated extracellularly and binds to insulin molecule; and b) a small beta subunit withmolecular weight of 90,000, which spans cell membrane and extends in the cytoplasm. Itcontains tyrosine kinase, which becomes activated when insulin binds to the receptor. This

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    results in autophosphorylation of the beta subunit and cascade of phosphorylation whicheventually leads to movement of glucose transporter (GLUT 4) from the cytoplasm to themembrane to facilitate glucose transport across the cell membrane, plus many otherevents shown in Figures 4 and 5.

    Table 3 demonstrates numerous glucose transporters. However, only two of these GLUTs

    are insulin sensitive.

    FIGURE 4

    Figure 4: Signal transduction in insulin action. The insulin receptor is a tyrosine kinasethat undergoes autophorylation, and catalyses the phosphorylation, these proteins interactwith signaling molecules through their SH2 domains, resulting in a diverse series ofsignaling pathways, including activation of Pl(3)K and downstream Ptdlns(3,4,5) P3-dependent protein kinases, Ras and the MAP kinase cascade, and Cbl/CAP and theactivation of TC10. These pathways act in a concerted fashion to coordinate the regulationof vesicle trafficking, protein synthesis, enzyme activation and inactivation, and geneexpression, which results in the regulation of glucose, lipid and protein metabolism.

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    TABLE 3

    Classification of Glucose Transport and Hexokinase (HK) Activity According to

    Their Tissue Distribution and Functional Regulation


    Organ Transporter HK Coupler Classification

    Brain GLUT 1 HK-I Glucose dependentErythrocyte GLUT 1 HK-I Glucose dependent

    Adipocyte GLUT 4 HK-II Insulin dependentMuscle GLUT 4 HK-II Insulin dependentLiver GLUT 2 HK-IVL Glucose sensor

    GK -cell GLUT 2 HK-IVB (glucokinase) Glucose sensorGut GLUT 3-symporter - Sodium dependentKidney GLUT 3-symporter - Sodium dependent

    FIGURE 5

    Hypothetical Model of Insulins Action on Glucose Transport

    (A) Sequence of events involved in insulin stimulation of glucose transport in muscle andadipose cells: (1) insulin binding to its receptor in the plasma membrane initiates a cascade ofsignals resulting in (2) the translocation of glucose transporters from an intracellular poolassociated with membrane vesicles to the plasma membrane where they (3) dock, (4) fuse,and (5) are further activated. (B) Potential functional defects contributing to insulin-resistant

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    glucose transport in muscle in diabetes, obesity, and other insulin-resistant states. Defectsmay involve (1) deficient signaling, (2) impaired translocation, (3) persistent docking withoutfusion, (4) partial fusion rendering transporters cryptic with inadequate exposure to theextracellular milieu, or (5) reduced activation of transporters.


    The second hormone produced by the islets of Langerhans is glucagon, (whose gene is onhuman chromosome 2) a single-chain, 3485 mol. wt., polypeptide hormone made up of 29amino acids. It is synthesized and released from the pancreatic -cells from a larger 160amino acid precursor (proglucagon). In this larger precursor exists many other glucagon-likepeptides (GLP) I and II which are released after meals from the proximal small intestine. Atruncated GLP-1 (GLP-1 minus 1st six amino acids) is also more potent stimulator thanpancreatic glucagon (incretin). An intestinal hormone Glicentin is part of proglucagonmolecule. Whereas insulin and C-peptide have species specificity, human glucagon structureis similar to all other species. The concentration of glucagon in blood is normally 10

    -10M, and

    it occurs as a monomer. Unlike insulin secretion, which is biphasic in normal individuals, the

    glucagon response to a standard meal containing carbohydrate, fat, and protein involves agradual, modest increase in the rate of secretion. However, in type 1 diabetes, glucagonlevels rise abruptly to a peak after 30 minutes. Conventional insulin therapy significantlyreduces the glucagon response in diabetics, but usually levels are still above those found innormal subjects. The major action of glucagon is in the liver through specific membranereceptor. Glucagon stimulates glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis), glucose productionfrom non-carbohydrate precursor (gluconeogenesis) and ketone production (ketogenesis).Table 4 lists the inhibitors and stimulators of glucagon secretion and Table 5 summarizes thephysiologic actions of glucagon.

    TABLE 4

    Stimulator and Inhibitor of Glucagon Release

    Stimulators Inhibitors

    Amino Acids (i.e., Arginine) GlucoseAcetylcholine InsulinEpinephrine SomatostatinNorepinephrine KetonesVIP FFACCK HyperglycemiaHypoglycemia

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    TABLE 5

    Effects of Glucagon on Intermediary Metabolism

    Effects Tissue

    Carbohydrate Metabolism

    Stimulation of glycogenolysis LiverInhibition of glycogen synthesis LiverStimulation of gluconeogenesis Liver, Kidney, CortexInhibition of glycolysis Liver

    Lipid MetabolismStimulation of lipolysis AdiposeStimulation of ketogenesis LiverInhibition of triglyceride synthesis Liver

    Protein metabolism

    Stimulation of proteolysis? Liver, Muscle

    TABLE 6

    Paracrine, Autocrine and Juxtacrine Control of Pancreatic Hormones

    Insulin Glucagon Somatostatin

    Insulin - - -

    Glucagon + - +

    Somatostatin - - -

    - Negative sign denotes inhibition.

    + Positive sign denotes stimulation.

    TABLE 7

    Biological Activities of Somatostatin

    Body System Inhibition of Secretion or ReductionEndocrine

    Pituitary Growth hormone, ACTH, ThyrotropinPancreatic islets Insulin; Glucagons, Pancreatic PolypeptideGastrointestinal tract Gastrin, Pancreozymin, Secretin, Vasoactive

    Intestinal Peptide, Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide,

    Motilin, Gut Glucagon-Like (GLP) Peptide

    Nonendocrine Gastric acid secretion, pancreatic bicarbonate &Gastrointestinal tract enzyme release, gastric motility, gallbladder


    Liver Splanchnic blood flow

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    TABLE 8

    Actions of Pancreatic Polypeptide

    Endocrine PancreasInhibits insulin secretionInhibits somatostatin secretion

    Gastrointestinal TractInhibits pancreatic zymogen secretionDecreases gall bladder contractilityReduces gastrointestinal motilityInhibits gastric acid secretion


    A third hormone of the endocrine pancreas is somatostatin, a cyclic tetradecapeptide, with a

    molecular weight of 1640, which is secreted by -cells of the islets of Langerhans.

    Somatostatin is derived from a larger precursor called prosomatostatin. Between the outer rimof the -cell and the -cell core are scattered somatostatin-containing -cells, which compriseapproximately 10% of the total cells. All these three cell types are in contact with each otherthrough gap junctions. Glucagon is a potent stimulant of insulin and somatostatin secretion.On the other hand, somatostatin inhibits both insulin and glucagon secretion. Somatostatin, inconjunction with insulin, inhibits glucagon secretion and diminishes postprandialhyperglycemia by approximately 50%. These relationships are summarized in Table 6.

    In addition to inhibiting insulin and glucagon secretion and being stimulated by almost allinsulin secretogogues, somatostatin acts in several other ways (Table 7). These includeprolongation of gastric emptying time, decreasing gastrin acid and gastrin secretions,

    diminishing pancreas exocrine secretion, decreasing splanchnic blood flow and restrainingmovement of nutrients from intestinal tract into the circulation. Calcium is important foroptimum secretion of somatostatin.

    Pancreatic Polypeptide (PP)

    PP is a 36 amino acid peptide with molecular weight of 4200. It is synthesized and secretedby F cells (or PP cells). The level of PP is increased with ingestion of a mixed meal, but not IVinfusion of glucose or triglyceride. Although the physiologic role of this peptide is not known, itis increased in pancreatic endocrine tumors such as glucagonoma, vipoma and in all patientswith tumors of pancreatic F cells. PP is also increased in old age, alcohol abuse, diarrhea and

    chronic renal disease. PP is increased about ten-fold in pancreatic tumors.

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    In order to understand the interrelationships of fuel metabolism under feeding and fastingsituations and relate this to the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus, we will describe thephysiologic conditions in the fed and fasting states and their role in intermediary metabolism.Figure 6 illustrates the effect of an ordinary meal with its three components (fat, protein and

    carbohydrate) as they interact with gut mucosa with their respective breakdown to FFA, aminoacid and glucose (as well as effects of various hormones produced by the gut) and their effecton insulin and glucagon secretion.

    FIGURE 6

    Effects of an Ordinary Meal Containing Fat, Carbohydrate and Protein

    From Kitabchi AE: Hormonal control of glucose metabolism. Otolaryngol Clin North

    Am 8:335, 1975

    This figure demonstrates how the interaction of foodstuff with intestinal mucosa brings aboutgeneration of certain substrates and chemicals which stimulate insulin secretion while othercomponents such as amino acids, GIP and VIP specifically stimulate glucagon production.Thus interaction and synchronization of these two hormones facilitate assimilation ofsubstrates into energy (without hypoglycemic effect of insulin), while through action ofglucagon (and somatostatin), euglycemia prevails and both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemiaare prevented in normal subjects.

    Figure 7 illustrates the sources and fates of glucose, and shows how glucose homeostasis ismaintained through a variety of processes. Note that muscle glycogen cannot directlycontribute to blood glucose because of a lack of glucose-6-phosphatase in muscle. Muscleglycogen must, therefore, be converted to various intermediates before it can be used as asource of energy outside the muscle itself.

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    FIGURE 7

    Sources and Fate of Glucose

    From Kitabchi AE: Metabolic effects of neuropeptides, in Givens JR (ed): Hormone-Secreting Pituitary Tumor, Chicago, Year Book, 1982a, pp 45-62.

    Fed State: Insulin is the major hormone of the fed state.

    The ingestion of a meal increases insulin secretion immediately. The rise in serum insulin isproportional to the rise in serum glucose for a short time and promotes the assimilation ofglucose, amino acids and fatty acids to energy. For each 100g of glucose ingested,approximately 60g is taken by the liver for glycogen synthesis, 25g by noninsulin-dependenttissues and 15g by insulin-dependent tissues, especially muscle and fat, to increase protein

    and fat synthesis in these tissues respectively while inhibiting lipolysis and proteolysis. Duringthis period of food intake there is a reduced requirement for fatty acids for fuel; in fact,lipolysis of triglycerides to glycerol and free fatty acid (FFA) is inhibited by insulin.Carbohydrate ingestion is a signal for reduced secretion of the catabolic hormone glucagon.Thus, eating a meal usually reduces the need for glucagon-mediated fuel mobilization.

    Fasting State: Glucagon, catecholamines and cortisol are the major hormones of fastingstate (stress or severe metabolic decompensation in DM).

    Fasting is defined as the condition where the body is deprived of food for at least four hours.The body responds to fasting similar to stress or hyperglycemia. This fasting situation,

    therefore, brings about certain metabolic alterations in order to protect the brain againstdeficiency of its specific fuel, glucose. In order to accomplish this, certain hormonaladjustment will prevail in the body which is very similar to other stressful situations in general,but only to a different degree of severity. To accomplish the goal of ensuring glucose for thebrain two processes must be accomplished: 1) decreased glucose utilization by insulinsensitive tissues, and 2) increased glucose production by the liver from non-carbohydrateprecursors (gluconeogenesis). These are accomplished by reduced secretion of insulin by thepancreas and increased secretion of counterregulatory hormones in the fasting state. The


    Carboh drate




    Lactic Acid







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    detailed mechanism of these changes will be further discussed under the heading of acutecomplications of DM (i.e., DKA).

    When ingestion of food is delayed, the prevailing condition is that of the non-absorptive orfasted state. The blood insulin concentration falls to a level that prevents significanttransport of glucose to muscle and adipose tissue, while still permitting glucose uptake by

    noninsulin-dependent tissues such as the brain, white blood cells (WBC), and red bloodcells (RBC). Thus, of the total amount of glucose produced by the liver as a result ofglycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, approximately 60% of the glucose is used by thebrain, 20% by WBC, and 20% by RBC, with negligible amounts going to adipose tissue ormuscle. Glucagon favors hepatic utilization of amino acids, especially alanine, to produceglucose (gluconeogenesis), and stimulation of glycogenolysis to augment hepatic glucoseoutput. In the presence of decreased insulin levels in the fasting state, the anti-lipolyticeffect of insulin is reduced. This, along with some increase in catecholamines, stimulatesbreakdown of tissue triglyceride to glycerol and FFA (lipolysis). Fatty acids are used not onlyby muscle for energy, but they also serve as substrates for ketogenesis. Thus, the majorhormones of starvation are 1) glucagon, which stimulates gluconeogenesis and

    ketogenesis, 2) catecholamines, which in humans serve as the major lipolytic hormones,facilitating breakdown of triglycerides to FFA and glycerol, and also inhibit glucoseutilization, and 3) cortisol, which, along with increased glucagon (in the absence of insulin),brings about decreased synthesis of protein and increased proteolysis, resulting inincreased amino acids (namely alanine) which provides substrate for gluconeogenesis.Glycerol serves as a carbon skeleton for gluconeogenesis, whereas oxidation of fatty acidsprovides reducing equivalents for the gluconeogenic pathway. Excess FFA (as a result ofincreased lipolysis) is also used as substrate for VLDL production and ketogenesis in theliver, as well as fuel for cardiac and skeletal muscles through conversion to acetyl COA andentrance into the Krebs Cycle (TCA cycle).

    Therefore, in the fasting state, in addition to reduction of insulin secretion, three majorhormones which have the opposite effect to that of insulin (and hence are calledcounterregulatory hormones) are increased. As stated, these hormones are: glucagon,catecholamines, and cortisol. Growth hormone may also contribute to this mechanism as afourth counterregulatory hormone.

    Fasting, similar to hypoglycemic state results in reduced insulin and increasedcounterregulatory hormones.

    Figure 8 depicts the response of counterregulatory hormones and C-peptide to insulin-induced hypoglycemia in a normal subject. Notice transient severe changes in manyhormones with hypoglycemia (or other metabolic insults) and a return to basal levels afterrecovery from hypoglycemia.

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    FIGURE 8


    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disorder characterized by fasting hyperglycemia orplasma glucose levels that are above defined limits during oral glucose tolerance testing(OGTT), or on random blood glucose measurements, as defined by established criteria.The newly (2003) established classification for various forms of hyperglycemias is detailedin Table 9 and the newly established diagnostic criteria for various forms of hyperglycemiaare summarized in Table 10. There are only 3 methods by which diabetes is diagnosed

    (Table 10).

    DM is a heterogeneous group of clinical disorders with abnormalities in the metabolism ofcarbohydrate, protein and fat that results primarily from the deficiency in the synthesis,secretion or function of insulin. The disease is associated with microvascular,macrovascular, and metabolic complications.

    If we are to reduce morbidity and/or mortality of DM, we must identify people at risk fortype 2 diabetes in order to make an appropriate intervention.

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    TABLE 9

    Classification of Various Hyperglycemias

    Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

    Type 1 diabetesa. Immune Mediated (type 1A)

    b. Idiopathic (type 1B)Type 2 diabetes

    Individuals with insulin resistance who usually have relative rather thanabsolute insulin deficiency. (Obese or non-obese)

    Other types of diabetesPancreatic disease and pancreatic surgeryEndocrinopathies (Cushings, Acromegaly, Pheochromocytoma,Hyperaldosteronism)Drug-induced

    Gestational diabetes (GDM)

    Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT)

    TABLE 10

    Criteria for the Diagnosis of Hyperglycemias: 2003 ADA Guidelines

    Plasma Glucose (mg/dl)

    Stage of Glycemic Fasting Plasma OGTT

    Control Glucose (2-hr Post load Glucose)

    Normal < 100 < 140

    IFG (Impaired fasting glucose) 100 - 125orIGT 140 - 199

    Diabetes* > 126 > 200

    * Third criterion: >200 mg/dL casual plasma glucose (regardless of the time since lastmeal) plus symptoms of diabetes (polyuria, polydipsia, unexplained weight loss) ADA,Diabetes Care 26:2003.

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    Epidemiology and Risk Factors in DM

    There are approximately 23.6 million persons with diabetes in the United States with overone million as type 1 DM (prevalence of 0.4%) and 22 million as type 2 DM (prevalence of8%), of whom about 440,000 (prevalence of 3%) are not diagnosed. There areapproximately 57 million persons with IFG (prediabetes), or 25.9% of the U.S. population.

    In 2007, there were 1.6 million new cases of diabetes diagnosed in the U.S., whichrepresents more than 4300 new cases every day.

    Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions. Thus, it is estimated that by the year 2030India will have about 80 million (from 32 million in year 2000), China will have 45 million(from 21 million in 2000). And the U.S. will have 30 million (projected from 16 million in2000) persons with diabetes. The risk factors that are controllable in T2DM are sedentarylifestyle, central obesity and BMI. The risk factors that are not controllable in T2DM areethnicity, age, and heredity.

    Type 1 DM constitutes 5- 10% of all DM in the U.S. It is believed to be an autoimmunerelated disorder which results in insulinopenia. The disease is not familial, nevertheless,the risk is increased in family members. Table 11 provides lifetime risks for type 1 DM.

    The incidence of type 2 DM is related to multiple factors as well as based on ethnic group.Thus the incidence of type 2 DM in Blacks is twice, in Hispanics 3 times, and in AmericanIndians about 5 times more than in Whites. The incidence of type 2 DM is also increasedwith age, adiposity and number of family members with diabetes (Tables 11 and 12.) Thusa 60 year old Pima Indian has a 60 % chance of developing type 2 DM.

    TABLE 11

    Estimated Lifetime Risks of Type 1 DMClassification Risk (%)


    Background risk 0.4DR 3/4 2.4Susceptible DR/DQ alleles 6 - 8.5


    Parents 3Offspring 5Sibling 6 - 8Identical twins 30 - 50HLA

    identical 10 - 16haploidentical 2 - 9non-identical 0 - 1

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    Diabetes is one of the four major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Coronary arterydisease (CAD) is seen twice as often in men and four times as frequently in women withdiabetes as in the nondiabetic population. The incidence of peripheral vascular disease atthe time of diagnosis of type 2 DM is about 8%, with an increase to 45% after 20 years.The risk of stroke in diabetes is increased two to four times, and diabetes is responsible forover 60% of nontraumatic lower limb amputations. In addition to these problems, diabetes

    is the leading cause of blindness in adults and is associated with an increased risk ofglaucoma and cataract. Kidney disease occurs in 35% of type 1 and 20% of type 2patients, and diabetes accounts for 43% of the new cases of end stage renal disease(ESRD) each year. The annual cost of care, wages lost, etc., for all U.S. patients withdiabetes in 2007 is estimated at 174 billion dollars. About 70% of the total cost of DM wasfor outpatient and in-patient care of DM patients. In addition there is an un-estimatedamount of psychological problems.

    In general, detection of type 1 DM is based on the acuteness of the disease in the majorityof the cases and therefore, screening is not recommended in routine medical care, but isimportant if clinical investigation is indicated for prevention of type 1 DM for those with high

    risk. Table 11 provides information on estimated lifetime risk for type 1 DM. However, intype 2 DM the appearance of the disease is insidious; therefore, people who are at risk fordevelopment of diabetes (Table 12) need to be screened to detect DM [i.e. fasting bloodglucose (FBG) or OGTT)].

    Table 12 lists the populations who are at risk and, therefore, need to be tested for diabetesby OGTT or FBG.

    TABLE 12*

    Population at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (younger than 45 years old)

    1. Persons with classic signs and symptoms of diabetes (i.e., polyuria, polydipsia,

    polyphagia, and loss of weight).

    2. Obesity (particularly upper body adiposity) with BMI 27 Kg/m2

    or 120% of ideal body


    3. Strong family history of Type 2 DM.

    4. Ethnic groups (i.e., Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asians)

    5. History of delivering infant weighing greater than nine pounds.

    6. Having a HDL 35 mg/dl or TG 250 mg/dl.

    7. History of impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose.

    8. History of gestational diabetes.

    9. History of coronary artery disease and/or hypertension ( 140/90)

    10. Persons ingesting high doses of corticosteroids.

    All persons 45 years or older should be screened for DM every year and if normal, bescreened every three years. *Adapted from ADA Guidelines, Diabetes Care 1997

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    Table 13 (below) provides the characteristics of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

    TABLE 13*Major Characteristics of Types 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    Features Type 1 DM Type 2 DM

    Age at onset Usually 40

    Proportion of all diabetes About 10% About 90%

    Seasonal trend Fall and Winter None

    Appearance of symptoms Acute or sub acute Slow or sub acute

    Metabolic Ketoacidosis Frequent Rare***

    Obesity at onset Uncommon Common

    -Cells Decreased Variable

    Insulin Decreased or absent Variable

    Inflammatory cells in islets Present initially Absent

    Family history of diabetes Uncommon Common

    Concordance in identical twins 30-50% 90-95%

    HLA Association Yes No

    Antibody to islet cells (ICA) Yes Uncommon

    Insulin autoantibodies (IAA) Yes (in younger age) No

    64K GAD* antibodies Yes No

    Treatment Insulin and diet & Diet, weight reduction,pancreas transplant exercise, OHA**, Insulin

    *Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD); ** Oral hypoglycemic agents; *** Except in African-Americans

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    Type 1 Diabetes T1DM

    Multifactorial inheritance and poorly understood environmental factors are involved in thepathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. The association of certain kinds of human leukocyte

    antigens (HLA), abnormal immunologic response, infection with pancreatrophic viruses(mumps, rubella, Coxsackie B4, infectious mononucleosis, infectious hepatitis), toxins and

    excessive stress may all be contributing factors to bring about destruction of the -cellwhich characterizes type 1 diabetes, the hallmark of which is insulin deficiency. In type 1diabetes an increased incidence of antibodies to various organs such as thyroid, adrenalglands and gastric cells has been observed. Furthermore, antibodies to pancreatic isletshave been detected by immunofluorescent techniques prior to diagnosis of overt disease,and some investigators have reported the presence of insulin autoantibodies in newlydiagnosed type 1 diabetics prior to therapy with insulin.

    The term HLA is used to describe the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in man,

    which consists of three classes of closely linked genes on the short arm of chromosomesix (6), and consists of class I, class II and class III. Class II consists of DR, DQ, and DPloci. Certain HLA types (HLA-DR3 and HLA-DR4) are highly correlated with T1DM inCaucasians, although only 70% of type 1 diabetics have these HLA markers. These HLAtypes may vary with race as Blacks and Japanese may have different haplotypes.

    Recent studies with refinement of DNA technology on HLA typing have shown that acertain haplotype of DR4, namely DQ3.1, is the susceptibility antigen most associated withdiabetes, whereas, DR2 is protective.

    Additionally, some HLA types (such as DR4) may be associated with diabetic

    complications such as proliferative retinopathy of DKA, but not DR3 in patients with T1DM.

    Although the detailed mechanisms for destruction of -cells leading to type 1 diabetes arenot known, certain factors appear to play important roles. These consist of the followingcomponents: 1) Introduction of environmental or pancreotropic virus into the pancreaswhich leads to 2) production of an antigen. 3) This antigen is then processed bymacrophages which are antigen-presenting cells in whose membranes are located themajor histocompatibility complex [MHC II (DR3, DR4, etc.)] 4) The appropriate antigenconsisting of a peptide which fits into the groove of the class MHC II molecule of themacrophage must further fit into a receptor of the T-lymphocyte for CD4 T-helper cellactivation. 5) This brings about production of numerous cytokines and destruction of -

    cells. These hypothetical relationships are depicted in Figure 10. When more than 90% of-cells are destroyed, the clinical condition of type 1 diabetes emerges. Presence ofdiabetes is usually preceded by production of multiple antibodies, including islet cellantibody (ICA), specific antibodies against 64K antigen (now identified as glutamic aciddecarboxylase (GAD) (From the islet?), and insulin autoantibody (IAA). Theserelationships are depicted in Figure 9.

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    FIGURE 9









    Insulting Agent

    e.g., Pancreotropic Virus

    Autoimmune Process Begins

    T-Lymphocytes Macrophages

    (Ag presenting cell)

    CD 4 TNF



    -Cell Destruction

    >90% Destruction

    Interleukin 1INF

    Precipitating Factors orStressors

    TYPE I Diabetes Mellitus



    INFInterferon TNF Tumor

    Necrosis Factor

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    FIGURE 10
















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    Type 2 Diabetes T2DM (Figure 10)

    Type 2 diabetes is a heterogenous form of diabetes which usually occurs in individuals of

    older age (i.e., 40 years). It is eight to ten times more common than type 1 andaccounts for greater overall morbidity. Genetic and environmental factors, aging andadiposity play important roles, but viral disease, HLA type, and other immune factors are

    apparently not correlated with the disease. Analysis of identical twins with type 2 diabetesindicates approximately 90% concordance in the other twin. (Concordance in type 1 isabout 25-50%). One subclassification of type 2 is maturity-onset diabetes of the young(MODY), which seems to be transmitted as an autosomal dominant. MODY appears to bea rare condition which results in a less severe form of diabetes (see Table 14 for details).

    The rates of insulin secretion and insulin levels in type 2 diabetes are variable dependingon age, the duration of diabetes, dietary regimen, prior glycemic control and adiposity.


    As can be seen from Figure 9 and Figure 10, insulin resistance is the precursor of T2DM,but not all subjects with insulin resistance develop T2DM. Therefore in order to developT2DM, both insulin resistance and -cell dysfunction must coexist. As obesity occurs in85-90% of T2DM patients, the natural history of T2DM may start with insulin resistanceand obesity where near normal FBG is maintained (IFG) with compensatory increase ininsulin in the prediabetic (IGT) state but with gradual increase in postprandial glucose.Both postprandial hyperglycemia and increased FFA, which are prevalent in IGT, may leadto decreased secretion of insulin from -cell as a result of both glucotoxicity andlipotoxicity, leading to exhaustion of -cells and development of insulinopenia and frankdiabetes. These events are depicted inFigures 9 and 10.

    Thus, a newly discovered, obese, type 2 diabetic has a high basal insulin level(hyperinsulinemia) and fewer insulin receptors on insulin-sensitive target tissues. Thesepatients present with a fasting blood glucose value > 125 mg/dl. The high insulin level isdue to a compensatory increase in phase 2 insulin secretion as phase 1 insulin secretionin type 2 diabetes is decreased. (See Figure 3 for description of phase 1 and 2 insulinsecretion). With the progression of the disease, even phase 2 insulin secretion is reducedand the fasting plasma glucose gradually increases, so that when the latter value rangesbetween 160-200 mg/dl there is generally a significant reduction of insulin secretion (andlow C-peptide).

    As can be seen from Figure 12, hepatic glucose production in both diabetic and non-

    diabetic subjects is proportional to fasting plasma glucose. The hallmark of type 2 DM isinsulin resistance, as can be seen from Figure 13 where glucose uptake and metabolismis reduced by about 50% in the muscle. The major sites of insulin resistance in type 2 DMare in muscle tissue and liver. Figure 14 depicts the whole body glucose uptake in controlvs. normal and obese T2DM, compared to normal and obese non-diabetic subjects inregards to glucose oxidation and glucose storage.

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-25

    Figure 11: Natural History of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes



    ObesityPhysical inactivity



    DeathInsulin resistanceHyperinsulinemia





    BlindnessRenal failureCHDAmputation

    Onset ofdiabetes




    The natural history of DM2 is depicted in Figure 11 indicating that as time progresses, hyperinsulinemia and near normalfasting blood glucose (IGT) eventually leads to hyperglycemia, insulinopenia and frank diabetes.

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-26

    FIGURES 12, 13, & 14

    Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes:

    Type 2 diabetes, which now affects more than 20 million Americans, is a chronic diseaseof multifactorial origin of polygenic nature, which means it cannot be ascribed to one geneor single environmental factor. Although various animal studies recently have discoveredsome candidate genes for diabetes, their connection to human diabetes is not certain.However, one form of type 2 diabetes, called Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young(MODY), has now been associated with multiple forms of glucokinase genes including the

    recently discovered glucokinase mutation gene HNF-4- . The table below lists some ofthe candidate genes for type 2 diabetes, with their function, effect, and their linkage to aparticular form of diabetes in animals and man.

    Figure 12 (above). Relation of

    Hepatic glucose production to

    fasting plasma glucose in normal

    weight diabetic subjects (o) vs.

    age, weight matched control

    subjects ().

    Figure 13 (right). Glucose

    metabolism during euglycemic

    hyperinsulinemic clamp studies.

    38 normal weight T2DM (NIDD)

    and 33 age weight matched


    From: DeFronzo (1991)

    Figure 14 (above). Insulin-

    medicated rates (euglycemic

    insulin-clamp technique) ofwhole-body glucose intake

    (total height of bar), glucose

    oxidation, and nonoxidative

    glucose disposal in control,

    normal-weight diabetic, obese

    nondiabetic, obese glucose-

    intolerant, and obese diabetic


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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-27

    TABLE 14


    Mutated Gene Function Effect Linked to

    HNF-4- , HNF-1- Transcription Insulin MODY (human)

    IPF-1, NeuroD1 factors secretion________________________________________________________________

    HNF-1- Transcription Insulin MODYFactor secretion Oji-Cree diabetes


    Glucokinase Glucose Insulin MODYMetabolism secretion

    ________________________________________________________________Calpain-10 Protease Unknown Diabetes 2 in

    Mexican andAfrican Americans


    PPAR- Transcription Insulin Diabetes 2Factor sensitivity


    Insulin receptor Transmits Insulin Human diabetesinsulin signals sensitivity (rare); mouseinto cell and secretion models


    IRS 1 and2 Insulin Insulin Mouse modelssignaling sensitivity


    Akt2 Insulin Insulin Mouse modelssignaling sensitivity


    11- -HSD Glucocorticoid Blood Mouse Modelssynthesis lipids,



    UCP2 ATP Insulin Mouse modelssynthesis secretion

    ________________________________________________________________Resistin Fat cell Insulin Mouse studieshormone sensitivity


    Adiponectin Fat cell Insulin Mouse, humanhormone sensitivity studies

    Reference: Science, Vol 216, pages 685-689, 2002

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-28

    Prime suspect: the TCF7L2geneand type 2 diabetes risk

    Andrew T. HattersleyInstitute of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, United Kingdom.

    Transcription factor-7

    like 2 (TCF7L2) is the most important type 2 dia-betes susceptibilitygene identified to date, with common intronic variants strongly associated with diabetes inall major racial groups. This ubiquitous transcription factor in the Wnt signaling pathwaywas not previously known to be involved in glucose homeostasis, so defining theunderlying mechanism(s) will provide new insights into diabetes. In this issue of the JCI,Lyssenko and colleagues report on their human and isolated islet studies and suggest

    that the r isk allele increases TCF7L2expression in the pancreatic cell, reducing insulinsecretion and hence predisposing the individual to diabetes (see the related articlebeginning on page 2155).

    established, understanding the associatedpathophysiology was relatively straightfor-

    ward. However, the very reasoning that led

    to the genes being chosen also meant there

    was not a lot of new scientific insights to be

    learned from identifying these two genes.

    TCF7L2: the most important type 2

    diabetes geneAt the start of 2006, transcription factor-7

    like 2 (TCF7L2) was revealed as an

    unexpected suspect for a type 2 diabetes

    gene by the DECODE group in Iceland (6).

    This gene had initially drawn attentionduring follow-up research on a small

    linkage sig-nal on chromosome 10, but it

    turned out that, despite not explaining this

    linkage, multiple polymorphisms within the

    gene showed strong association with

    diabetes in multiple cohorts. The initial

    study was rapidly followed by widespread

    replication not only in white Europeans (7)

    but also in Indian and Japanese people (8

    10), Mexican Americans (11), and West

    Africans (12) - representing the major racial

    groups with a high prevalence of type 2

    diabetes. In all populations, TCF7L2

    showed strong association, with the odds of

    developing type 2 diabetes being increased

    by 30%50% for each allele inherited -

    approximately double the odds ratio seen

    with most other diabetes susceptibility


    The tracking of criminals and the track-

    ing of genes have both been greatly helped

    by new technologies. Because of techno-

    Over 170 million people in the world can

    blame their type 2 diabetes, at least in part,

    on their genes. It has been hoped for over 2

    decades that identifying the guilty genes

    would help us to understand thefundamental pathophysiology of this

    common and important disorder. Now, at

    last, not only are common gene variants

    being reproducibly associated with type 2

    diabetes, but work such as that of Lyssenko

    and colleagues, reported in this issue ofJCI,

    is turning this genetic information into

    novel biological insights (1).

    Early genetic studies

    in type 2 diabetesEarly attempts to identify the genes respon-

    sible for type 2 diabetes were slow and

    unsuccessful: faced with 30,000

    suspects, geneticists were only able to

    examine less than 5% and, in most

    cases, the coverage of the gene and

    sample size were too small to detectmodest effects. The choice of genes

    studied was primarily based on

    evidence that these genes played

    biologically important roles in glucose

    homeostasis. By the end of 2005,

    despite considerable research

    throughout the world, only 2 polymor-

    phisms were considered guilty beyond a

    reasonable doubt of predisposing to

    type 2 diabetes: P12A in PPARG (2)

    and E23K in KCNJ11 (3). One

    advantage of using biological candidacy

    to choose genes for further study was

    that we already knew the critical science

    of the proteins encoded by these genes -

    the nuclear transcription factor PPAR

    and the potassium inward-rectifying 6.2

    subunit (Kir6.2) of the potassium ATP

    channel. Both genes were diabetes drug

    targets, and mutations in both could

    cause monogenic diabetes (4, 5).

    This meant that once the

    association with disease was

    Nonstandard abbreviations used:TCF7L2, transcription factor-7like 2 gene.

    Conflict of interest: The author has

    declared that no conflict of interest exists.

    Citation for this article: J. Clin. Invest.

    117:20772079 (2007).


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    Figure 1From genetic association to pathophysiology in TCF7L2genotypes predisposing to type 2 dia-betes. Diagram of proposed pathophysiological pathway explaining how TCF7L2 riskgenotypes predispose to type 2 diabetes. The risk genotype results in overexpression of

    TCF7L2 in pancreatic cells, which in turn results in reduced insulin secretion. Reducedinsulin secretion results in a predisposition to type 2 diabetes directly and also indirectly byincreasing hepatic glucose output. Dotted arrows represent previous genetic associations.Solid arrows show observations reported by Lyssenko and colleagues in the current issue ofthe JCI(1).

    tion factor involved in the Wnt signaling

    pathway and is ubiquitously expressed. The

    studies from Lyssenko and colleagues (1)

    confirm earlier studies (2225) showing that

    the predisposition to type 2 diabetes is the

    result of reduced insulin secretion rather than

    reduced insulin action, making the pancreatic

    cell the most likely primary cell target of

    altered TCF7L2 activity. However, this wascontrary to an initial, much repeated

    hypothesis, suggesting that the risk genotype

    was altering insulin secretion indirectly by

    reducing intestinal TCF7L2 activity, which

    in turn reduced the secretion of incretins,

    glucagon intestinal peptide (GIP), and

    glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) (6).

    Lyssenko et al. (1), in their detailed studies,

    show that insulin secretion in subjects with

    the at-risk genotype was reduced in response

    to a variety of stimuli including i.v. glucose

    and arginine and not just oral glucose. In

    addition, GIP levels were not reduced,

    suggesting that even though GLP-1 levelswere not measured, there was a reduced

    cell response to incretin secretion rather than

    reduced incretin secretion. The final question

    is how exactly the crime is performed

    within the cell and here there is a final

    twist in the story. Lyssenko et al. (1) show

    that TCF7L2 expression was increased 5-fold

    in type 2 diabetes islets, rather than being

    reduced. This vital and surprising

    observation came from studies of pancreatic

    islets carefully purified from type 2 diabetic

    and nondiabetic human cadavers. In addition,

    there was some suggestion that in the

    nondiabetic islets that the risk genotype was

    associated with increased TCF7L2expression, but the numbers are small and

    caution must be exercised in interpreting

    these data until a greater number of islets are

    examined. Finally, in a reconstruction of the

    crime, over expressing TCF7L2 in human

    islets using an adenovirus system reduced

    insulin secretion. As with much of science

    that has been reported in the study of type 2

    diabetes, there are bits of the story that do

    not fit: insulin gene mRNA was positively

    correlated with TCF7L2 mRNA, out of

    keeping with the reduced insulin secretion

    observed, and the overexpression ofTCF7L2

    did not result in the increased glucagonsecretion seen in the type 2 diabetic islets.

    ConclusionSo the interim verdict is that TCF7L2 risk

    alleles predispose to type 2 diabetes by

    crimes against the cell (Figure 1). The risk

    allele results in overexpression ofTCF7L2 in

    the pancreatic cell, which reduces insulin

    logical advances, the majority of common

    genetic variations can be assessed on asingle chip at a very reasonable cost. This

    directly led to a whole new series of large-

    scale genome-wide genetic studies. As with

    many other polygenic conditions, this

    approach has been dramatically successful in

    studying type 2 diabetes, and within a few

    months, the number of established

    associated polymorphisms increased from 3

    to 9 (1317). A key result was that TCF7L2

    polymorphisms have been most strongly

    associated with type 2 diabetes in the initial

    scan in 4 of the 5 recently published

    genome-wide scans (1317).

    Defining the mechanism

    by which TCF7L2alleles

    predispose to diabetesDefining the biological functions of

    polygenes found through genetic approaches

    can be very hard. Calpain 10 was the first

    type 2 diabetes susceptibility gene to be

    defined through linkage rather than a

    candidate gene route (18). Calpain 10 had

    not been previously thought to be involved

    in the pathogenesis of diabetes; it showed

    initial association with intronic SNPs, and

    replication required large studies (19, 20).

    We now recognize that these three

    characteristics are typical of the majority oftype 2 diabetes susceptibility genes, and this

    may mean that the biological function of

    such genes will be difficult to define. In the

    case of Calpain 10, it was 5 years before the

    gene was shown to play a role in apoptosis

    in pancreatic islets (21).

    TCF7L2polymorphisms are clearly guilty of

    predisposing to type 2 diabetes on the

    basis of strong, reproducible association in

    multiple populations and would appear to bethe leader among a gang of susceptibility

    genes. The next challenge, as with all

    genome-wide scans, is to define how the

    polymorphism predisposes to disease. The

    associated TCF7L2 haplotype was in the

    noncoding region of the gene without

    obvious function in gene regulation, so it

    was uncertain how or even whether such

    variants alter TCF7L2 expression. What is

    the critical variant of the large number of

    polymorphisms that are coinherited as a

    haplotype? Is the risk variant altering the

    gene it is situated in, or does it have a distant

    regulatory function? What biologicalpathway are the altered gene or genes acting

    in and how does this predispose to diabetes?

    These are the fundamental questions that

    need to be answered if we are to move

    forward from the genetic association to gain

    new insights into diabetes.

    It is the hypothesis-free results from

    genome-wide association studies that have

    the potential to create major breakthroughs

    in our understanding of disease, but thereare intrinsic difficulties in working on these

    leads. Most polymorphisms are in genes on

    which there has been little previous work,

    and the leading scientists working in cell

    biology and rodent models already havefunding for worthy work in other areas, so

    why should they risk time and money

    working on a gene whose role is not 100%


    The difficulty had been trying to place

    TCF7L2 at the scene of the crime, especially

    as there was some doubt regarding which

    organ and cell type(s) were involved in the

    pathophysiology. TCF7L2 is a transcript-

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-30

    secretion in response to a variety of stimuli

    (1). The reduced insulin secretion in turn

    explains the increased hepatic glucose

    production observed. There are still many

    unanswered questions: Is the concentration

    of TCF7L2 protein increased in the cell in

    addition to TCF7L2 RNA? How is

    expression increased by intronic variants?

    How does increased TCF7L2 expressionreduce insulin secretion? This is the first in

    a series of steps toward understanding the

    associated pathophysiology. In the end,

    what is desired from scientific

    breakthroughs is improved prevention of

    type 2 diabetes and improved treatment of

    those who develop the disease. We are still a

    long way from this, but there is now a new

    cell pathway to be further investigated to see

    if it can be manipulated by drugs or lifestyle



    Andrew T. Hattersley is a Wellcome TrustResearch Leave Fellow.

    Address correspondence to: Andrew T.

    Hatter-sley, Peninsula Medical School,

    Barrack Road,

    Exeter, EX2 5DW, United Kingdom.


    44-1392-406806; Fax: 44-1392-406767;

    E-mail: [email protected].

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    Obese Type 2 DM

    About 85% of Type 2 diabetics are obese. These patients have an insensitivity toendogenous insulin, which is positively correlated to upper body fat distribution (so calledapple shaped or android habitus as opposed to pear shaped or gynoid habitus),producing a high waist to hip ratio (W/H). Hypertrophy of pancreatic -cells in the early

    phase of DM (IGT) accounts for the exaggerated insulin responses to glucose and otherstimuli. As IGT progresses to T2DM, secondary to failure of pancreatic -cells as a resultof hyperglycemia (glucose toxicity) and high FFA (lipotoxicity), frank T2DM emerges. This

    -cell toxicity is selective for glucose, but the -cell may recover with correction ofhyperglycemia (see below).

    Insulin Resistance in Type 2 DM (Figures 14 & 15)

    Insulin resistance may be defined as a condition where insulin responsive tissues exhibitinsensitivity to physiological levels of insulin. Therefore, in order for the body to maintainfasting euglycemia (or near euglycemia) insulin secretion is stepped up to compensate for

    this insulin insensitivity. This leads to hyperinsulinemia. Although not all insulin resistantstates lead to T2DM this increased secretion may occur in the 2nd phase of T2DM, as the1st phase of insulin secretion in Type 2 DM is markedly impaired.

    As stated above, insulin resistance in the muscle and fat is the hallmark of T2DM and maybe the initial event in cascade of DM (Figure 13), which may lead to hyperinsulinemia asthe 1st clinical demonstration of insulin resistance in type 2 DM. This brings about downregulation of insulin receptors with subsequent diminution of glucose transporters leading

    to post prandial hyperglycemia and glucose toxicity. The latter may reduce -cellsecretion (2nd phase) and final alteration of post receptor events. Therefore, in type 2 DM,hyperinsulinemia of early DM (or IGT) leads to decreased receptor numbers and alteration

    of post receptor events. This insulin resistance at early stages may be reversible with anymodality that reduces hyperglycemia (i.e., diet and exercise, or treatment with insulinsensitizers), which leads to reduction of insulin, improves insulin sensitivity and reversesinsulin resistance.

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-32

    Other Conditions Associated With Insulin Resistance: In addition to type 2 DM, manyphysiological and clinical conditions are also associated with insulin resistance, whichare dep icted in Figure 15.

    Figure 15

    Interrelationship Between Insulin Resistance & Atherosclerosis





    Endothelial dysfunction




    Small, dense LDL

    Low HDL-C

    Impaired fibrinolysis



    Insulin resistance is defined as impaired response to the physiological effects of insulin,including those on glucose, lipids, protein metabolism and vascular endothelial function.

    About 92% of patients with type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance mayalso be a compensatory mechanism to prevent severe obesity in man.

    In addition to the above, there are three mechanisms (although much more rare) besidesT2DM or metabolic syndrome, which are associated with clinical insulin resistance. Theseare summarized in Table 15.

    Fig. 6 depicts coordination between three major conditions, T2DM, insulin resistance andmetabolic syndrome. Common among all three are proinflammatory states and endothelialdysfunction. Each and all three conditions are highly associated with cardiovascularevents.

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-33

    TABLE 15

    Mechanism of Apparent Insulin Resistance

    Type of Defect Mechanism (s)

    Prereceptor Circulating antinsulin factors: antibodies against insulin;Abnormal insulin synthesisAccelerated insulin degradation

    Receptor number of affinity, Primary defectsor both Circulating antireceptor antibodies (membrane receptors)

    Physiological regulatory mechanisms (i.e., down-or up-regulation)Absent target site

    Postreceptor events Defective receptor second-messenger activityAccelerated destruction of insulin intracellularly

    Distal steps in insulin action

    Metabolic syndrome: This is another form of insulin resistance that consists of a)compensatory hyperinsulinemia (to maintain fasting euglycemia), b) impaired glucosetolerance (IGT), c) obesity (especially abdominal or visceral), d) dyslipidemia of hightriglyceride and/or low HDL type and hypertension plus other conditions depicted in Figure16 & its multiple components & criteria for diagnosis. The minimum criteria for thissyndrome are summarized on Table 16.

    Role of Fat Tissue and Obesity in Metabolic Homeostasis: As obesity plays a pivotalrole in metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and T2DM, it has provided impetus to many

    studies including a greater understanding on the physiology of fat tissue.

    Figure 17 depicts a cartoon regarding diabetes and biomarkers of obesity which includesecretory products from the gut, muscle and fat. Pancreas and gut could interact withmajor neurotransmitter in the brain, the control feeding and satiety center. This figure is anattempt to interdigitate these agents presence, some of which are demonstrated butothers are in progress of identification. Important among these chemicals are the secretoryproducts of fat tissue depicted earlier in Figure 2, Chapter 1, which are TNF, IL-6,Resistin and leptin. The chemicals elaborated by fat tissues are collectively calledadipokines. The above compounds are resistance components of adipokine. But animportant anti-insulin resistance compound produced by fat tissue is the recently

    discovered adiponectin 30,000KD plasma protein which is found in high concentration (2-10 mg/dL) in normal man but reduced in obesity. Table 17 summarizes properties ofadiponectin and its link to CV risk factors.

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    Table 16

    Criteria for Metabolic (or Insulin Resistance) Syndrome by WHO1


    Glucose (mg/dl) 3 or more of IFG, IGT or DM and/orthe following: insulin resistance plus 2FPG > 110mg/dl or more of the following:

    Blood pressure (mmHg) > 130/85 > 140/90

    Triglycerides (mg/dl) > 150 > 150

    Serum Triglycerides (mmol/l) >1.7 >1.7 or HDL-cholesterol 20 mg/g

    Urinary Albumin

    Excretion Rate >20g/min

    Urinary Albumin:

    Creatinine Ratio > 30mg/g

    1. Alberti KG et al, Diabetic Med 15:539-53, 1998

    2. National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III, JAMA 285:2486-97,2001

    * inches

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-35

    Figure 16

    Role of T-cells and E-cells in T2DM & CVD



    Environmental & Genetic Factors

    PMN TNF-

    activation IL-6




    -cell dysfunction

    insulin sensitivity



    AGE proteins






    Inflammation (stress)

    Endothelial Dysfunction








    Central obesity





    Kitabchi, IAMA Bulletin, 2006

    It is important to recognize that both diabetes and atherosclerosis are inflammatorydiseases in which endothelial dysfunction leads to production of reactive oxygen speciesand free radical production with reduction of NO (a vasodilating agent) and reduction ofvasodilation. Numerous adipokines affect metabolic homeostasis.

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-36

    Figure 17

    Diabetes and Obesity

    Body WeightFoodIntake
































    Gut Fat









    NPY AgRPMCH Orexin

  • 7/27/2019 Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas And


    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-37

    Figure 18

    Deficient Insulin: Hypersecreted Glucagon

    Defects in diabetes:

    Deficient insulin


    Glucagon not













    -60 0 60 120 180 240

    Time (min)









    Without Diabetes (n=14)

    Type 2 Diabetes (n=12)


    Data from Muller WA, et al. N Engl J Med1970; 283:109-115.

    Figure 19

    Multihormonal Regulation of Glucose Appearance and Disappearance

    Time (min) From Start of Mixed Meal

    Mixed Meal (with ~85 g Dextrose)

    0 120 240 360 480











    glucose uptake

    Balance of insulin

    suppression and

    glucagon stimulation

    Regulated by hormones:

    amylin, CCK, GLP-1, etc.

    Meal-Derived Glucose

    Hepatic Glucose Production

    Total Glucose Uptake

    Adapted and calculated from Pehling G., et al. J. Clin. Invest. 1984; 74: 985-991.

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-38

    Figure 20

    GLP-1 Modulates Numerous Functions in Humans

    Stomach:Helps regulate gastric


    Promotes satiety and

    reduces appetite


    Glucagon reduces hepatic

    glucose outputBeta cells:Enhances glucose-dependent

    insulin secretion

    Alpha cells:Postprandial

    glucagon secretion

    GLP-1: Secreted upon the

    ingestion of food

    Data from:Flint A, et al. J Clin Invest. 1998;101:515-520Larsson H, et al.Acta Physiol Scand. 1997;160:413-422Nauck MA, et al. Diabetologia 1996; 39:1546-1553Drucker DJ. Diabetes. 1998;47:159-169

    Figure 21

    The Incretin Effect in Healthy Subjects


    Time (min)






    Incretin Effect*






    Oral Glucose

    Intravenous (IV) Glucose





    Time (min)

    60 120 180060 120 1800

    N = 6; Mean (SE); *P0.05Data from Nauck MA, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1986;63:492-498.

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-39

    Table 17:

    Adiponectin Properties

    35K Dalton Plasma Protein Produced by Adipose Tissue

    1. Lower in:a. Men than in women

    b. Obese individuals with metabolic syndromec. Obese women with PCOSd. Patients with type 2 diabetese. Patients with CADf. Those at risk for type 2 diabetes and first-degree relativesg. Some adiponectin gene mutations associated with increased type 2 diabetesh. Diabetes-susceptibility locus mapped to chromosome 3q27, site of adiponectin


    2. Higher levels are protective for type 2 diabetes

    3. Positively correlates with insulin sensitivity (independent of age, BP, adiposity, lipids)and HDL-C in patients with and without type 2 diabetes.

    4. Inversely relates to degree of adiposity (BMI, fat mass), glucose, insulin, TG levels,systolic BP, intramuscular fat content, CRP, TNF, IL-6, and endothelin.

    5. Increased with weight loss (most studies) and glitazone therapy.

    6. Not increased with exercise.


    Panidis D, et al. Hum Reprod18:1790-1796, 2003Diez JJ, et al. Eur J Endocrinol148:293-300, 2003Spranger, et al. Lancet361:226-228, 2003Daimon M, et al. Diabetes Care 26:2015-2020, 2003Matsubara M, et al. Eur J Endocrinol148:343-350, 2003Mohlig M, et al. Horm Metab Res 34:655-658, 2002; Nemet D, et al. Pediatr Res 53:148-152, 2003Yatagai T, et al. Endocr J50:233-238, 2003Monzillo LU, et al. Obes Res 11:1048-1054, 2003Engeli S, et al. Diabetes 52:942-947, 2003English PJ, et al. Obes Res 11:839-844, 2003; Ryan AS, et al. Diabetes Care 26:2383-

    2388, 2003

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-40

    Table 18 correlates various chemical abnormalities with metabolic defects and clinicalabnormalities in severely uncontrolled diabetes.

    TABLE 18

    Correlation of Clinical Conditions and Diabetic Syndromes with Various Metabolic


    Metabolic Defects Chemical Abnormalities Clinical Abnormalities

    Carbohydrate Metabolism Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia1. Diminished uptake of Hyperglycemia fatigue, muscle weakness,

    glucose by tissues such pruritusas muscle, adipose tissueand liver

    2. Overproduction of glucose Blurred vision(via glycogenolysis and Diminished mental alertness

    glyconeogenesis by the liver)

    Protein Metabolism1. Diminished uptake of amino Negative nitrogen Loss of muscle mass

    and diminished synthesis balance Weaknessof protein Elevated levels of branch-

    chain amino acidsElevated blood ureanitrogen level

    2. Increased proteolysis Elevated potassium level

    Fat Metabolism1. Increased lipolysis Elevated plasma fatty Loss of adipose tissue

    acids levelElevated plasmaglycerol level

    2. Decreased lipogenesis Loss of adipose tissue

    3. Increased production Hypertriglyceridemia Exudative xanthomaof triglycerides (skin lesions)

    Lipemia retinalisPancreatitis(abdominal pain)

    4. Decreased removal Elevated plasma and Hyperventilation,of ketones and increased urine ketones metabolic acidosis,ketone production abdominal pain

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-41

    Table 19 provides important guidelines for calculation of body weight and caloricrequirement and recommended dietary composition in healthy individuals.

    TABLE 19

    Calculation for Ideal Body Weight (IBW), Body Mass Index (BMI) and

    Recommendation for Proper Dietary Composition

    Ideal Body Weight (IBW)

    Women 100 lb for first 5 feet + 5 lb for each additional inchMen 106 lb for first 5 feet + 6 lb for each additional inch

    Body Mass Index (BMI) Wt.(kg)/height (M)2

    normal value 20-25, obese >27

    Calorie Requirement

    Basal requirement Ideal body weight x 10

    Average activity Add 30% to basal requirement

    Strenuous activity Add 100% - 200% to basal requirement

    Weight loss Subtract 500 calories/day to lose 1 lb/week

    Pregnancy Add 300 calories/day

    Lactation Add 500 calories/day

    Dietary Composition

    Carbohydrate 50% - 55% of total calories

    Protein 15% - 20% of total calories

    Fat 30% of total calories (

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-42

    Table 20 provides a rough guideline for various metabolic goals in patients with diabetes.

    TABLE 20

    Metabolic Goals in Diabetes

    Normal Value Goal Value

    Fasting Blood Glucose 70 - 99 mg/dl 70 - 120 mg/dlPregnant 69 - 90 mg/dl 69 - 90 mg/dl

    Postprandial Blood Glucose (2 hr) < 140 mg/dl < 180 mg/dl

    Pregnant (1 hr) < 140 mg/dl 120 mg/dl

    Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c 4 - 6% < 7%Cholesterol < 200 mg/dl < 200 mg/dl

    HDL CholesterolMen > 35 mg/dl > 35 mg/dlWomen > 45 mg/dl > 45 mg/dl

    LDL Cholesterol < 130 mg/dl < 75 mg/dl

    Triglycerides < 150 mg/dl < 150 mg/dl

    Body Mass Index* (BMI) 19 - 2519 - 25

    (kg [weight] m2


    *BMI >27 is defined as overweight.Some ethnic groups such as Asianshave lower BMI

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    Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus 6-43

    Glycosylated (Glycated) Hemoglobin HbA1c

    Under normal conditions, a certain amount of glucose attaches to the valine molecule of thechain of hemoglobin in the red blood cell (RBC) which leads to stable glycated hemoglobin(HbA1c). This reaction proceeds through formation of Schiff base between the aldehyde formof sugar and free amino acid. This is followed by an Amodori rearrangement of the Schiff

    base to a ketoamine derivative that is stabilized by cyclization and formation of hemiketalstructure. The percentage of hemoglobin which is glycated in normal subjects is 4 to 6%, butin diabetics with hyperglycemia ranges up to 14%. Since this reaction is slow and irreversibleand the rate is proportional to the blood glucose concentration over the 120 day life of RBC,its value reflects chronic glycemic control over the previous 3-4 months. The correlationbetween HbA1c and blood glucose is stronger with the postprandial blood glucose than fastingblood glucose levels.

    It has been shown in certain studies that the progression of chronic complications of DM maybe correlated with prevailing levels of HbA1c and that reduction of HbA1c decreases the risk ofthese complications (secondary to reduction of level of hyperglycemia). (See below.)

    Any condition that alters erythrocyte turnover lowers HbA1c levels (i.e., bleeding, pregnancy orsplenectomy). On the other hand, uremia, fetal Hb, aspirin or high levels of ethanol mayfalsely elevate levels of HbA1c. These interfering substances do not affect HbA1c levelsmeasured by more specific methods such as affinity chromatography.

    Assessment of average glycemic control from a shorter (~2-3 weeks) duration of time can beaccomplished by measurement of other glycated proteins with shorter half-lives such asserum fructosamine or albumin.

    Correlation of Blood Glucose Control and Diabetic Complications

    For many years controversies have existed as to whether hyperglycemia could lead tomicrovascular (retinopathy, nephropathy or neuropathy) or macrovascular (cardiovasculardisease, stroke, etc.) diseases. This important issue was finally settled by four importantprospective randomized long-term studies.

    The first study was the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial (DCCT) for type 1 DM, whichwas sponsored by NIH and conducted by 29 clinical centers in the United States and Canadafrom 1983-1992. The second study was a European Study, also in type 1 DM. The thirdstudy was the Kumamoto study for type 2 DM, which was conducted in Japan. The fourthstudy was in England under United Kingdom Prospective Study of Diabetes (UKPDS) which

    was also done in type 2 DM (newly diagnosed). These studies clearly demonstrated thatcontrol of blood sugar (reduction in HbA1c) resulted in significant risk reduction in diabeticcomplications. The results are summarized in Table 21.

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    Table 21Relationship of Glycemic Control to Reduction in Diabetic Complications

    Outcome Parameters Studies





    Type of DM Type 1 Type 1 Type 2 Type 2

    Number of Patients 102 1441 102 4200

    Mean age (y) 30 27 49 53

    Duration of follow-up (y) 7.5 6.5 6 10

    Change in HbA1c - 2.4 - 1.9 - 2.3 - 0.9

    Reduction in risk (%)

    Retinopathy 52 63 69 21

    Nephropathy 89 54 70 33

    Neuropathy NS 60 --- ---

    Myocardial infarctions --- --- --- 16

    Any diabetes related endpoint --- --- --- 25

    (1) Reichard P, Nilsson BY, Rosenqvist U. The effect of long-term intensified insulin treatment on the development ofmicrovascular complications of diabetes mellitus. N Eng J Med329:304, 1993.

    (2) The DCCT Research Group, The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression oflong-term complications of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. N Eng J Med329:977, 1993.

    (3) Ohkubo Y, Kishikawa H, Araki E, et al. Intensive insulin therapy prevents the progression of diabetic microvascularcomplications in Japanese patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: a randomized prospective 6-yearstudy. Diabetes Res Clin Pract28:103, 1995.

    (4) UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) Group. Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulincompared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33) Lancet352_837-53, 1998. Effect of intensive blood-glucose control with metformin on complications in overweight patientswith type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 34). Lancet352_854-65, 1998

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    Studies and Method in the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes

    Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) has now reached an epidemic proportion both in the U.S. and globaprimarily due to sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Among precursors of diabetes is impairglucose tolerance (IGT), which affects 21 million Americans and 200 million subjects worldwidIn the last few years, three major landmark