Physics of attosecond pulses produced via high harmonic generation Varju, Katalin; Johnsson, Per; Mauritsson, Johan; L'Huillier, Anne; Lopez-Martens, Rodrigo Published in: American Journal of Physics DOI: 10.1119/1.3086028 2009 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Varju, K., Johnsson, P., Mauritsson, J., L'Huillier, A., & Lopez-Martens, R. (2009). Physics of attosecond pulses produced via high harmonic generation. American Journal of Physics, 77(5), 389-395. https://doi.org/10.1119/1.3086028 Total number of authors: 5 General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal Read more about Creative commons licenses: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.

Physics of attosecond pulses produced via high harmonic ... · Physics of Attosecond Pulses Produced via High Harmonic Generation K. Varju,¶1 P. Johnsson,2 J. Mauritsson,2 R. L¶opez-Martens,3

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    Physics of attosecond pulses produced via high harmonic generation

    Varju, Katalin; Johnsson, Per; Mauritsson, Johan; L'Huillier, Anne; Lopez-Martens, Rodrigo

    Published in:American Journal of Physics



    Link to publication

    Citation for published version (APA):Varju, K., Johnsson, P., Mauritsson, J., L'Huillier, A., & Lopez-Martens, R. (2009). Physics of attosecond pulsesproduced via high harmonic generation. American Journal of Physics, 77(5), 389-395.https://doi.org/10.1119/1.3086028

    Total number of authors:5

    General rightsUnless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply:Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authorsand/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by thelegal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private studyor research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal

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  • Physics of Attosecond Pulses Produced via High Harmonic Generation

    K. Varjú,1 P. Johnsson,2 J. Mauritsson,2 R. López-Martens,3 and A. L’Huillier21Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics, University of Szeged, Hungary

    2Department of Physics, Lund University, P. O. Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden3Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées

    (ENSTA) - Ecole Polytechnique CNRS UMR 7639, 91761 Palaiseau Cedex, France(Dated: November 18, 2008)

    The physics of extreme ultraviolet attosecond pulse trains generated during the interaction be-tween an intense laser pulse and a gas medium is presented, including a simple modeling basedon the solution of classical equations of motion for an electron in an oscillating laser field. Thereconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transition (RABITT) techniqueis described and used to determine the pulse duration of the emitted attosecond pulses. This workforms the basis of a laboratory practical of an Advanced Atomic Physics course taught at LundUniversity for MSc students in Physics and Engineering Physics.

    PACS numbers:


    Atoms in molecules move on the femtosecond (10−15 s)timescale, whereas the much lighter electrons, responsi-ble for interatomic forces, change distribution on the at-tosecond (10−18 s) timescale. Using attosecond pulses asprobes enables one to capture the temporal evolution ofelectronic processes such as relaxation in case of an inner-shell vacancy [1]. A fundamental limit of the achievablepulse duration for a light source is given by the periodof the carrier component of the radiation. Lasers operat-ing in the visible and infrared spectral region are limitedto pulse durations of a few femtosecond. To reach theattosecond regime, the coherent radiation has to be ex-tended to shorter wavelengths.

    Almost twenty years ago, high-order harmonic genera-tion (HHG) in gases [2] , which provides a large spectralbandwidth in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) range, wasproposed as a possible candidate for the production ofattosecond pulse trains (APTs) [3, 4]. It took seventeenyears for scientists to be able to demonstrate these APTsexperimentally, and almost at the same time to produceisolated attosecond pulses [5, 6]. Over the last coupleof years, the metrology and applications of attosecondpulses have progressed rapidly [5–8], and attophysics hasbecome a “hot” field of research [9, 10].

    Alternative methods to produce attosecond pulses in-clude harmonics from plasma surfaces [11] and stimulatedRaman scattering [12]. Here we restrict the discussion tothe method of gas harmonic generation.

    In this article we describe the process of HHG, usinga simple model, and the characterization of attosecondpulse trains. This forms the basis of a laboratory practi-cal that has been taught over the last four years at LundUniversity (LU) for MSc students reading a course inAdvanced Atomic Physics. We believe that it is an ad-vantage for students to be in contact with a hot topic -producing numerous articles in high impact journals each

    year. The laboratory practical performed at LU is basedon the experimental setup used for our research. Wehope that even those - who do not have access to ampli-fied femtosecond laser pulses will find this article useful- and appreciate the interesting physics. Our laboratorypractical includes

    • modelling the HHG process, using classical calcu-lations

    • generating high-order harmonics by focusing thefemtosecond laser pulse to a gas target,

    • recording a so-called RABITT-scan using an opti-cal cross correlation setup and

    • analyzing the scan, thus obtaining information onthe attosecond pulse’s temporal structure.

    To prepare the laboratory practical, the students haveto solve a few exercises, some of them requiring (sim-ple) numerical calculations. The intention of these exer-cises is to provide a good understanding of the underlyingphysics of HHG. It should be possible to solve them usingthe information provided in this paper.


    Non-linear process

    During normal light propagation, the light’s electricfield introduces a polarization in the material, redis-tributing the charges within the medium. In this waythe charges in the material are made to oscillate with thesame frequency as the electric field, re-emitting radiationat the same wavelength as the incoming field. In this lin-ear model it is assumed that the charges in the materialare free to follow the electric field, describing a perfectsinusoidal oscillation. However, in a real system, there

  • 2

    exists higher-order frequency terms in the induced polar-ization. This means that when a light field propagatesthrough a material, the introduced polarization of themedium also gives rise to radiation with frequencies thatare multiples of the incident frequency. Normally, theefficiency of such process is small and rapidly decreaseswith the order of the process. [13]

    To achieve high laser intensities, where nonlinear ef-fects play a noticeable role, ultrashort (femtosecond)laser pulses are used. In this case, energy can be con-centrated to a very short time interval, resulting in op-tical pulses with modest energies but high peak powers.As an example, a 50 fs laser pulse with an energy of1 mJ exhibits a peak power of 20 GW. If this pulse isfocused to a (100 µm)2 spot, the peak intensity will be0.2 PW/cm2, corresponding to an electric field strengthof around 0.4 GV/cm. For comparison, an intra-atomicfield strength is typically of the order of 1 GV/cm. Theelectric fields associated with ultrashort pulses are thuscomparable to the fields binding the electron to the atom,indicating that extreme non-linear processes are likely tooccur.

    FIG. 1: A simulated harmonic spectrum generated in argonusing a laser pulse of peak intensity 1.4 · 1014 W/cm2.

    When a laser pulse is focused to a high intensity in agas, high-order harmonics of the driving field are gener-ated, propagating collinearly with the laser field. Onlyodd multiples of the driving frequency can be seen andfor a typical harmonic spectrum (see Fig. 1) the inten-sity drops rapidly accross the first few harmonics. Thisis what one would expect from a perturbative approachwhere the efficiency of the process rapidly decreases withorder. What cannot be explained with this approach isthe far-reaching plateau, in which the harmonics havealmost constant intensity, ending in an abrupt cut-off.High-order harmonics were first seen in 1988 [2] and theharmonic plateau may extend up to very high orders(above the 200th)[14].

    Experimental setup & technique

    A picture of the experimental setup can be seen inFig. 2. The laser used in this laboratory exercise is aTi:Sapphire-based laser system using Chirped Pulse Am-plification (CPA), delivering pulses with 2 mJ energy and40 fs duration at 800 nm central wavelength. After reflec-tion losses, and the beam splitter, we use about 1 mJ togenerate harmonics, which corresponds to a peak powerof 25 GW. The 8 mm Gaussian laser beam is focusedusing a 1 m spherical focusing mirror to provide a gener-ating intensity of 2×1014W/cm2. We can also determinethe electric field amplitude (E) from

    I =12ε0c |E|2 (1)

    where ε0 is the permittivity of free space and c the speedof light in vacuum. The amplitude of the electric field inthis case is E0 =0.4 GV/cm, which is indeed comparableto the atomic field strength.





    Al filter

    FIG. 2: Experimental setup: the laser beam is divided to apump and a probe lines. The pump generates the high-orderharmonics, that are filtered by an aluminum filter, and thenrecombined with the delayed probe using a holed divergingmirror. The two beams are refocused to the sensitive regionof the MBES.

    The three-step model

    To explain the process of high-order harmonic gener-ation one has to consider the fact that the strength ofthe electric field of the laser is comparable to that of theatomic potential - implying that consequently the elec-tron cannot be assumed to be in a bound state duringits interaction with the laser field. A commonly-used de-scription of HHG is the three-step semi-classical modelintroduced in 1993 [15, 16]. This model assumes anatomic potential - strongly distorted by the electric fieldof the laser - as illustrated in Fig. 3. There is a finitechance for the electron to tunnel through the potentialbarrier, and to propagate in the laser field free from theionic potential. The laser field accelerates the electronaway - and a quarter of a period later - when the electric

  • 3

    field changes sign, the electron is driven back towards theionic core, where it might recombine.

    FIG. 3: The three-step model of harmonic generation. Whenthe external electric field is near its maximum, the total po-tential of the atom (dotted line) and the laser field (dashedline) forms a barrier (solid line) through which the electronmay ionize by tunneling (1). When in the continuum, theelectron is accelerated by the oscillating electric field, gainingkinetic energy (2). Finally, when the field changes sign, theelectron may be accelerated back to the vicinity of the ioncore where it recombines, and a photon is emitted (3).

    If the electron recombines, its kinetic energy gainedfrom the acceleration in the field, depends on the time oftunneling and the time of recombination, and determinesthe energy of the emitted high energy photon. The max-imum kinetic energy the electron can gain from the laserfield is approximatelly 3.2UP , where UP is the pondero-motive energy, that depends on the field intensity andfrequency. This result can be verified by the classicalmodel, as described in the next section. The pondero-motive energy corresponds to the average kinetic energyof a free electron in an electric field, and is given by

    UP =e2E204mω2


    where e is the electron charge, E0 is the amplitude of theelectric field, ω is the laser angular frequency and m isthe electron mass. The total maximum photon energy,or cut-off energy, is then IP + 3.2UP , where IP is theionization potential of the atom. In our experimentalconditions, we obtain a ponderomotive energy UP =11.9eV. The harmonics are generated in a gas cell (HHG),filled with Argon to a static pressure of around 15 mbar.Ar has an ionization potential of 15.8 eV, which leads toa harmonic cutoff order equal to 33. This is verified inthe experiment.

    All possible photon energies up to the maximum en-ergy are obtained with approximately equal probability,leading to the long plateau of peaks of almost equal am-plitude. The reason we get discrete peaks at the har-monic frequencies and not a continuous spectrum is be-cause the process is periodic in time: the electron maytunnel out each time when the electric field is close tomaximum. Since the gas is isotropic there is no differ-ence in the case the electron tunnels out when the electric

    field is −E0 or +E0. The period of the process is there-fore T/2 where T is the laser period. This leads to theperiodicity of 2ω in the frequency domain - and we onlyobserve odd harmonics [17].

    Classical model

    When the electron recombines with its parent ion, ashort burst of light is emitted. The properties of theemitted pulse are directly linked to those of the recom-bining electron, making the temporal profile of the emit-ted light crucially dependent on the electron dynamics inthe continuum.

    Performing classical calculations provide an intuitivepicture of the process. We consider what happens to asingle electron accelerated along a certain trajectory bythe electric field of the laser, and illustrate it in Fig. 4,as explained in Exercise I. This simple picture allows us

    • to determine the position of the cut-off correspond-ing to the electron returning with the maximumenergy,

    • to identify several trajectories contributing to HHG(called the short and the long, as illustrated in thefigure) and

    • to predict the temporal characteristics of the emit-ted light, and in particular its chirp, i.e. its fre-quency modulation in time.

    Exercises I

    Electron motion in a laser field

    The atom is exposed to a laser field E(t) = E0 sin (ωt)where E0 is the field amplitude and ω the laser frequency.An electron tunnels through the Coulomb barrier and isreleased into the continuum with zero velocity at time t =ti. We neglect the influence of the atomic potential andassume that the only force experienced by the electron isthat from the electric field : F (t) = −eE(t), where e isthe elementary charge. The position of the electron as afunction of time t ≥ ti is given by

    x(t) =eE0mω2

    [sin (ωt)− sin (ωti)− ω (t− ti) cos (ωti)] (3)

    Return of the electron

    With the help of the above equation it is possible tofind the tunneling times (ti) for which the electron mayreturn to the ion core. The easiest way to do this is tonumerically look for zero-crossings of the function for a

  • 4

    FIG. 4: Illustration of the physics of high-order harmonic gen-eration. The top figure shows classical electron trajectoriesfor different initial phases relative to the IR laser field (blacklines). The electron returns to the atom when it crosses againthe horizontal dotted line. The color illustrates the varia-tion of the kinetic energy for the different trajectories (bluemeans the highest energy). The bottom figure shows the en-ergy gained by the electron in the continuum, as a function ofthe time when the electron returns to the core. This simplecalculation shows the existence of short and long trajectoriesseparated by the cut-off (maximum energy), as well as thefrequency variation in time of the attosecond burst.

    range of tunneling times. Note that it is only necessaryto examine tunneling times in the range 0 ≤ ωti < πsince the process is periodic with the frequency 2ω. Wealso observe that certain trajectories have multiple re-turn times. In reality, the probability for harmonic emis-sion from electrons that have spent more than one periodin the laser field rapidly decreases due to the quantumspreading of the wave packet.

    Return times and energies

    For tunneling times such that the electron may recom-bine with the ion core, i.e. tunneling times found in theprevious section, one can calculate the corresponding re-turn times and return energies. The return times aresimply the times t = tr for which Eq.3 has a zero-crossingand the return energies are the kinetic energies at timestr:

    Ekin = 2UP (cos(ωtr)− cos(ωti))2 (4)

    A plot of the return energy as a function of return timeshould look like to the lower part of Fig. 4. (Knowingthe value of E0 allows one to rescale the vertical axis toshow harmonic order.) It is possible to verify from theplot that the cut-off energy for harmonic generation isIP + 3.2UP .

    In the plot we also see that the return energy curvehas two branches: each harmonic energy can appear as

    a result of two different trajectories. There is always ashort trajectory, for which the return time is less thanthe return time corresponding to the cutoff - and there isa long trajectory, for later return times. The short andlong trajectories are named after the excursion time ofthe electron in the continuum (tr − ti < 0.65, /T for theshort trajectories and tr − ti > 0.65, /T for the long).From the figure, we observe that the return times forboth trajectory classes changes with return energy, im-plying a streaking in time of the frequency componentsof the harmonic emission. For the short trajectory class,the frequency of the light burst increases with time, inother words the pulse is positively chirped, and for thelong trajectory class the frequency decreases with time,i.e. the light burst is negatively chirped. The two tra-jectories differ in excursion time, i.e. they have differentcontinuum dynamics, leading to a significant differencein the properties of the emitted light. For example, theirdivergence is different. This allows us to attenuate thecontribution for one trajectory class by simply apertur-ing the radiation, without affecting the other, more col-limated trajectory class.

    Hint: It is convenient to express time variables in ωt,and energy in Up; this way one does not need to explicitlystate the intensity and frequency of the field.

    From this simple, qualitative investigation we can con-clude that for each half-cycle of the driving frequency, abroad spectral continuum of light is emitted, correspond-ing in the temporal domain to a short pulse. As discussedabove, in the spectrum we observe discrete peaks at oddharmonic frequencies because the generation process isperiodic with a period of T/2. In the temporal domainthis means that instead of generating a single attosecondpulse, we obtain a train of attosecond pulses.

    This classical model can be simplified even further, toallow discussions at a high-school level: in order to avoidcalculus, the laser electric field can be approximated by asquare function. The students should be explained thatin a linearly-polarized light field, atoms may become ion-ized, and the freed electron (appearing at a time ti rightnext to the ionic core with zero initial velocity), drivenby the electric field might return to the ionic core. Theycan find the time interval for ti during which the returnof the electron may occur, and obtain the maximum ofthe kinetic energy of the returning electron.

    A recent experimental study of plateau harmonics,generated in argon and neon, showed that the frequencycomponents of the XUV radiation are not exactly syn-chronized, and that the XUV pulses consequently exhibita significant chirp (frequency variation in time) [7, 18].This intrinsic chirp comes from the fundamental electrondynamics responsible for HHG.

    Under most experimental conditions, the short tra-jectories are favored by phase-matching conditions [19],making it dominate over the long trajectory. With onlythe short trajectory present, the XUV bursts will have

  • 5

    an almost linear chirp that can be compensated for [7].The classical approach we have used here is not strictly

    correct. In a quantum mechanical description [20], thesingle electron does not follow a single trajectory and in-stead we have to use a picture where the electron wavepacket is distributed over the different trajectories. Inorder to complete the picture, we also have to include ef-fects of the actual tunneling process. Qualitatively how-ever, the classical results are in good agreement with bothmore extensive calculations and with experiments.

    The spectral range of the harmonic emission as wellas the conversion efficiency depends strongly on the gasmedium, as well as on the excitation wavelength. Theefficiency is highest in the heavy atoms Ar, Xe, Kr, butthe highest photon energies are obtained in He and Ne.Similarly, using a longer fundamental wavelength leadsto an extended spectral range to the detriment of theconversion efficiency in the plateau region. This can bequalitatively understood with arguments derived fromthe three-step model: atoms with high ionization po-tential can be exposed to a high laser intensity beforebeing ionized. The maximum kinetic energy acquired bythe electron increases while the probability for recombi-nation and emission of radiation at a particular energydecreases.


    The fastest electronic detectors today have a resolu-tion limit of about 1 ps, making them inappropriate totrace processes on the time scale discussed here. Themost direct method to characterize the temporal struc-ture of the pulses is to use a non-linear autocorrelationtechnique exploiting two-XUV-photon ionization. It re-quires, however, a high XUV intensity, achieved so faronly for low-order processes [8]. Cross-correlation tech-niques where the XUV pulse is probed by the infraredlaser field scale linearly with the XUV intensity and cantherefore be used over a broader spectral range. Thecharacterization of attosecond pulses in a train is per-formed using the method called RABITT (reconstruc-tion of attosecond beating by interference of two-photontransitions), based on mixed-color ionization involvingone XUV photon and one driver laser photon [6, 7, 21].It is a simple and versatile spectrally-based method, ide-ally suited for the characterization of trains of attosec-ond pulses. Isolated attosecond pulses are characterizedby an alternative technique called the attosecond streakcamera, which exploits the dependence of the kinetic en-ergy of the XUV-pulse-generated photoelectron on thephase of the laser field at the instant of photoionization[5, 22, 23].

    The principle of the RABITT method can be presentedusing a simple model based on monochromatic harmonicfields. In this model the total temporal intensity is ob-

    tained from the coherent sum of monochromatic spectralcomponents, each characterized by an amplitude Aq, afrequency qω and a phase ϕq:

    I(t) =


    q odd




    , (5)

    where q is the harmonic order and ω the fundamentalfrequency. A constant spectral phase, such that ϕq isindependent of q, does not affect the pulse shape andthus a useful and commonly used quantity is the phasedifference between two consecutive harmonics, which isdefined as

    ∆ϕq+1 = ϕq+2 − ϕq. (6)

    With this definition, ∆ϕq+1 represents the average(group) delay between the qth and (q + 2)th harmon-ics. ∆ϕq+1/2ω is the return time used in the classicalmodel for an electron returning with the kinetic energy(q+1)~ω−Ip [18]. The shortest possible attosecond pulseduration is obtained when ∆ϕq+1 is constant, indepen-dent of q. In this case, all the frequency components ofthe pulse “arrive” at the same instant in time. Such apulse is called transform limited. If ∆ϕq+1 varies withq, the different frequency components of the pulse willarrive at different times, leading to a pulse duration ex-ceeding the transform limit. Furthermore, the instanta-neous frequency of the electric field of the pulse will varyin time during the attosecond pulse. This variation ofthe frequency in time is called chirp. If ∆ϕq+1 increasesmonotonically with q, the instantaneous frequency willincrease linearly with time: the pulse exhibits a positivechirp. If instead the phase difference decreases monoton-ically, the pulse exhibits a negative chirp.

    The harmonic amplitudes Aq are easily accessible ex-perimentally from measurements of the harmonic spec-trum. The phase differences ∆ϕq+1 can be obtained us-ing the RABITT technique, described below. When boththe amplitudes and phase differences are known, the tem-poral profile of an average pulse in the pulse train can becalculated using Eq.5.


    To measure the phase difference between two consecu-tive harmonics (∆ϕ) a cross-correlation technique basedon two-photon transition is used (see Fig. 2). Beforethe laser pulse is focused into the harmonic generator,a small fraction of the beam is split off using a beamsplitter (see the section on the experimental setup). Thisbeam, called the probe beam, is propagated through avariable delay stage and recombined with the harmonic

  • 6

    beam immediately after the aluminum filter using a mir-ror with a drilled hole in the center. It is crucial to have agood spatial and temporal overlap between the harmonicand probe pulses to produce a cross-correlation signal ofIR and high-harmonics (sidebands). The aluminum fil-ter cleans the harmonic beam from the fundamental (ω0)component of the radiation. The recombination mirroralso serves as an aperture to filter out harmonics emerg-ing from the long trajectory, showing a larger divergencethan harmonics from the short trajectory [24].

    FIG. 5: Sketch of the detected photoelectron spectrum, cor-responding to ionization by harmonics 9, 11 and 13, without(a) and with (b) the probe pulse. Ip: ionization potential ofthe target gas.

    To record the photoelectron spectrum, the harmonicbeam is re-focused by a platinum toroidal mirror into thesensitive region of a time-of-flight Magnetic Bottle Elec-tron Spectrometer (MBES). The spectrometer is filledto a static pressure of the order of 10−5 mbar with adetection gas, normally Argon or Neon. Using an ar-rangement of magnetic fields, the MBES collects ionizedphotoelectrons emitted within a solid angle of 2π stera-dian, directing their trajectories into a flight tube of ap-proximate length 87 cm. At the end of the flight tube,a micro channel plate (MCP) is used for detecting thephotoelectrons. Looking temporally at the signal fromthe MCP, faster photoelectrons resulting from ionizationby the higher-order harmonics will arrive first, followedby slower, low-energy photoelectrons resulting from ion-ization by the low-order harmonics. The actual energy-to-flight-time relationship is determined by the length ofthe flight tube, as well as by the ionization potential ofthe detection gas.

    tTOF =√

    me2(~qω)− Ip LTOF (7)

    Note that the ionization potential of the detection gassets a limit for the lowest, detectable harmonic order.

    In the abscence of the probe beam, the photoelec-tron spectrum shows peaks at the harmonic frequenciesshifted by the ionization potential of the target gas (seeFig. 5a). When the probe pulse overlaps in time and

    space with the harmonic pulses in the detection gas, two-photon transitions may occur and sidebands appear inthe photoelectron spectrum at intermediate energies, dueto the absorption of a harmonic photon together with theabsorption or emission of an IR photon (see Fig. 5b).

    Since the frequency of the IR is exactly half the fre-quency spacing between consecutive harmonics, thereare actually two quantum paths to each sideband (seeFig. 5b). The sideband with energy (q + 1) ω has contri-butions from the absorption of harmonic q plus one IRphoton, and from the absorption of harmonic q+2 minusone IR photon.

    The RABITT technique uses the fact that the twoquantum paths to a given sideband interfere, making thesideband intensity dependent not only on the intensity ofthe harmonic and IR fields, but also on the relative phasebetween them. When the delay between the harmonicsand the probe field is changed, the sideband intensity os-cillates. Using a simple perturbative model, it is possibleto show that the intensity of sideband q +1 is modulatedaccording to:

    I(SB)q+1 ∝ 1 + cos (2ω∆τ + ϕq+2 − ϕq) = (8)

    = 1 + cos (2ω∆τ + ∆ϕq+1)

    where ∆τ is the delay between harmonic and probe pulses[25, 26]. We neglect here for simplicity the small influenceof the atomic potential on the measured phases [6, 25].Fig. 6 shows an experimental RABITT-scan. The pho-toelectron spectrum is plotted as a function of delay be-tween harmonic and probe pulses, for harmonics 17 to 27and sidebands 18 to 26. In the practical students carryout an analysis of such a scan to show that the differ-ent sidebands does not oscillate in phase, i.e. the peaksof the oscillations do not occur at the same time delayfor different sidebands. According to Eq. 8, this meansthat the phase difference between consecutive harmonicsvaries with q, indicating that the attosecond pulses in theexperiment are not transform limited.

    FIG. 6: Experimental recording of a RABITT trace.

  • 7


    Using the RABITT-technique, we are able to experi-mentally determine the phase difference ∆ϕq+1. As dis-cussed above, together with the measured harmonic am-plitudes (Aq), this makes it possible to reconstruct thetemporal profile of the pulses in the pulse train usingEq.5.

    In this reconstruction there are two aspects that haveto be addressed. First of all, the reconstruction is basedon the assumption, that the harmonics are monochro-matic, i.e. infinite in time. Therefore such a reconstruc-tion, only gives access to the average pulse shape of anattosecond pulse in the train. Second, from an ordinaryRABITT scan we do not have an absolute reference for∆ϕq+1, i.e. we can only measure how the phase differ-ence varies between different sidebands in the scan. Since∆ϕq+1 should be interpreted as the group delay betweenharmonics q and q+2, this simply means that we do notget access to the absolute timing of the attosecond pulseswith respect to the generating field [27]. Thus if we onlywant to determine the average temporal shape of the at-tosecond pulses, we can simply choose to set the phasedifference to zero for one of the sidebands. We do notknow either how to choose the absolute value of ϕq forthe first term in the summation in Eq.5. However, asdiscussed above, a constant spectral phase does not af-fect the pulse shape in any way and we may set this tozero as well, without loosing any information necessaryfor the reconstruction.

    Exercises II

    Pulse reconstruction

    Experimentally one has access to the spectrum, i.e.the amplitudes of the generated harmonics. In the exer-cise, students can choose a range of harmonics with con-stant amplitudes, and experiment the influence of differ-ent phase behaviors. An average pulse in the pulse trainemerging from the superposition of harmonics 13 to 21or to 29 is reconstructed in Fig. 7.

    The effect of the phase behaviour on the pulses is illus-trated in Figure 7. When the phase is constant, we talkabout a transform limited pulse, which has the shortestduration allowed by the spectral width. A linear phase,corresponding to a constant phase difference (α) in ∆ϕ(q)(i.e. constant delay) contributes to a simple temporalshift of the pulses, but does not change the pulse shape,compared to the transform limited pulse. Whereas aquadratic phase, or a constant increase (β) in ∆ϕ(q) cor-responds to a chirp and is responsible for the broadeningof the pulses. We add here, that the phase difference inHHG varies approximately linearly with harmonic order.




    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.40









    e in


    ity (




    Time (fs)

    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.40











    e in


    ity (




    Time (fs)

    13 17 21 25 29










    ic p




    Harmonic order

    FIG. 7: Intensity vs. time plot of the average pulse in thepulse train, emerging from the superposition of harmonics 13to 29 (a) and 13 to 21 (b). We show the corresponding phasevariation with order (c). Solid line: ∆ϕq+1 = 0 - constantphase. Dotted line: ∆ϕq+1 = α - linear phase. Dashed line:∆ϕq+1 = α + β × q - quadratic phase.

    These simple calculations also show that the existenceof a chirp reduces the optimum bandwidth over whichthe shortest pulses can be obtained [18]. Figure 7 (a) and(b) shows the effect of bandwidth on the pulse shapes,we add up nine and five harmonics, respectively. Whenno chirp is present (solid lines), the attosecond pulses areshorter since the more harmonics are summed up. In thepresence of a chirp (dashed lines), adding more harmonicsleads to temporal broadening despite of increasing theoverall bandwidth.

    Reconstruction of on-target attosecond pulses

    After obtaining the temporal overlap between the har-monic and probe pulses in the experimental implemen-tation, we record a RABITT scan similar to that in Fig-

  • 8

    ure 6. The signal produced by the MBES is recordedthrough an acquisition card of the computer, synchro-nised to the delay stage motion. The phase difference ismeasured by looking at the relative positions of the oscil-lating sideband peaks, and the amplitudes are estimatedby integrating the area under each harmonic peak. Theharmonic intensities are then corrected for the ionizationcross-section of the detection gas. The average attosec-ond pulse can then be reconstructed based on Equation5 and connections between the relative phases and thepulse shape can be drawn as explained in Figure 7.


    In this paper we have described the process of HHGand attosecond pulse production - using an intuitive clas-sical model. At Lund University we have designed a prac-tical for students, containing both an experimental and atheoretical part. This provides the students with a goodexample of applying concepts from classical physics (andoptics) in a newly developing field.

    We hope to have explained in a simple, understand-able way the basic physics underlying attosecond pulsegeneration in gases. It is our belief, that by applyingtheir basic knowledge of physical laws to a real-life com-pound problem, students appreciate more what they havelearnt.

    This research was supported by the Marie Curie Euro-pean Program (MRTN-CT-2003-505138), the Knut andAlice Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish ResearchCouncil. KV acknowledges the support of the Mag-yary Zoltán Postdoctoral Fellowship. PJ is currentlywith FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics(AMOLF)

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