Physics days report Lunedi 26 Marzo: EWK meeting Lunedi 26 Marzo: H->WW meeting Martedi 27 Marzo: QCD-EWK-Top Meeting Martedi 27 Marzo: Joint Offline- Physics meeting Mercoledi 28 Marzo: PDG Session – Physics objects Giovedi 29 Marzo: Physics analysis groups

Physics days report

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Physics days report. Lunedi 26 Marzo: t EWK meeting. Lunedi 26 Marzo: H->WW meeting. Martedi 27 Marzo: QCD-EWK-Top Meeting. Martedi 27 Marzo: Joint Offline-Physics meeting. Mercoledi 28 Marzo: PDG Session – Physics objects. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Physics days report

Physics days report

Lunedi 26 Marzo: EWK meeting

Lunedi 26 Marzo: H->WW meeting

Martedi 27 Marzo: QCD-EWK-Top Meeting

Martedi 27 Marzo: Joint Offline-Physics meeting

Mercoledi 28 Marzo: PDG Session – Physics objects

Giovedi 29 Marzo: Physics analysis groups

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Lunedi 26 Marzo: EWK meeting

Introduction and currrent status Giuseppe BaglisiPreliminary L1 results on Z->tautau Simone GennaiPast results on tau tagging efficiency from data Alexandre Nikitenko Z->tautau -> leptons Kajari Mazumdar Z->tautau->mu + tau-jet Nicola De Filippis

What can we learn from Z->, W-> channels?

• Z->understand isolation algorithms, trigger, JET energy calibration– background for A/H-> tagging efficiency from data

• W->understand isolation, MET “calibration”, trigger– “Benchmark” for H+-> (but much lower ET involved)– Check W-> brancing ratio

• Masses and energy scale are different but the SM processed should/must be understood before any search or discovery “claim”



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G. Bagliesi – EWK meeting 26/03/20073

How tau decays are identified • Only hadronic tau decays are considered since the leptonic tau

decays produce standard electrons/muons– Identification through the final lepton

• tau tagging basic ingredients– Calorimetric isolation and shape variables– Charged tracks isolation– Other methods (IP , Decay lenght, Mass tag)

• Main background for taus– QCD jets– Electron that shower late or with strong bremstrahlung– Muons interacting in the calorimeter

- PT of the Leading Track (i.e. highest pT track) must exceed a few GeV/c- Leading Track must be found inside the Matching cone

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G. Bagliesi – EWK meeting 26/03/20074

Interested group/people

• Bari: Z->jet+– A. Colaleo, N. De Filippis, L. Lusito

• Milano: Z-> (leptonic channels actually)– T. Tabarelli, F. Ferri, + (L. Moroni, S. Malvezzi + PHD)

• Pisa: HLT optimization, W->– G. Bagliesi, S. Gennai, S. Dutta, S. Sarkar

• PSI: + -jet trigger (calo+pixel)– P. Trueb, D. Kotlinski

• Tata Inst.: ( interest in invisible higgs)– Also interested in studying the channels with taus to leptons (W->Z->– Kajari Mazumdar, Sunil Bansal

• Trento– I. Lazzizzera

• Warsaw: bZ->b tau tau->b mu+X (complete analysis)– A. Kalinowski

• Imperial College - A. Papageorgiou, K.A Petridis S. Greder, M. Takahashi, S. Wakefield D. Colling, C. Foudas, A. Nikitenko

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Lunedi 26 Marzo: H->WW meeting

Discussion on Workflow for H to WW (2l2nu) AllAGEN




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ETH Michael Dittmar, Fabian Stockli , Joanna Weng, Wieland Hintz, Thomas Punz

MIT Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos, Christoph Paus, Markus Klute (+ ...)

Roma I (e.g. WW -> 2e2nu) Chiara Rovelli, P. Meridiani

Milano B. (e.g. WW -> 2e2nu)Pietro Govoni, Alessio Ghezz (CERN), Martina Malberti, Marco Paganoni, Roberto Salerno, Valentina Tancini, Tommaso Tabarelli

(+ Claude Charlot (LLR) ?, E. Delmeire (Madrid)

U. di. Padova (e.g. H->WW-> 2mu 2nu) E. Torassa, M.Margoni, A. Gresele, I. Lazzizzera, A. Ratering

"Santader IFCA + U. di Oviedo" (e.g. WW -> 2mu 2nu) Javier Cuevas Maestro, Rocio Vilar, Rebeca Gonzalez, Javi Fernandez

Interested group/people

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Martedi 27 Marzo: QCD-EWK-Top Meeting

FINAL !! http://tenchini.web.cern.ch/tenchini/EWK-planfor2007.pdf

• Sub-group 1 Inclusive W and Z production• Sub-group 2 W, Z and multi-jets• Sub-group 3 Multiboson production (WW, WZ, ZZ, W, Z)• Sub-group 4 Drell-Yan• Sub-group 5 PDFs from W, Z and Drell-Yan

1) Measurement of W and Z production cross section at 14 TeV in the electr. channels (10 pb−1). This is a 2007 trial publication paper.

2) Measurement of W and Z production cross section at 14 TeV in the muon channels (10 pb−1). This is a 2007 trial publication paper.

3) Tau production from W and Z decays at CMS (100 pb−1). This is a possible 2007 trial publication paper.4) Measurement of the pT distribution of W / Z bosons at 14 TeV. (100 pb−1).5) A precise luminosity determination from W and Z production at LHC (1 fb−1).6) W mass measurement with the CMS Detector (1 fb−1).

Sub-group 1

EWK Group News Roberto TenchiniAGEN


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Martedi 27 Marzo: Joint Offline-Physics meeting

News and General Status Shahram Rahatlou POG status with 1_3_0: Muon Reconstruction Riccardo Bellan Electron/Photon Reconstruction David Futyan Jets Reconstruction Monica Vazquez Acosta B-Tagging Reconstruction Andrea Rizzi Tau-Tagging Reconstruction Simone Gennai 



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Mercoledi 28 Marzo: PDG Session – Physics objects

DPG session Commissioning and DPG News and Planning Darin Acosta Tracker Status Report Didier Contardo ECAL Status Report David Futyan RPC Status Report Marcello Maggi HCAL Status Repor Mayda Velasco Report on DT Alignment Studies using Cosmic Tracks Francisco Matorras CSC Status Report Michael Schmitt

Physics Objects b-tagging Thomas Speer e-gamma David Futyan p-flow/tau-ID Patrick Janot

Production status/plan & generator group report Filip Moortgat Online Selection C. Leonidopoulos



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28 March 2007 Commissioning / Physics Days meeting 3

Commissioning Plans Given the tight schedule this year, we must

commission CMS in the midst of a busy installation campaign…

Bound to run into conflicting demands. Must weigh the cost/benefit of sometimes installing temporary structures to commission early

Still aim for the first global data- taking run during late May

Availability of LV power tight: ~mid May for HF+ and YE+1; the rest by mid- J une

Tracker undergoing commissioning at the TIF CSC minus endcap activated at SX5 for slice tests,

data is now coming in I nitial DAQ- FED connectivity tests in USC55

complete for many systems Tracker, Pixel, ECAL, HCAL, CSC, DT- TF

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Giovedi 29 Marzo: Physics analysis groups

Physics Analysis groups Top group: report on recent progress Jorgen D'Hondt B physics group: B_s-->mumu and general group update Andrey Starodumov Heavy-ion physics: update Bolek Wyslouch Underlying Event/Min-bias studies Livio Fano status of SUSYBSM Maria Spiropulu Diffractive physics group update Samim Erhan Higgs group: update Sasha Nikitenko General Physics Meeting Azimuthal Anisotropy in Heavy Ions Collisions with CMS (AN2007/004) H-->mumu in qqH (AN2006/105) Physics TDR addendum: heavy ions David D'Enterria Planning Paris Sphicas



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(Heavy Stable Charaged Particles)

Higgs group: update

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