PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

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Page 1: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood









Page 2: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood







Page 3: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

ADOLESCENCE the transition period from childhood to adulthood

extending from puberty to independence

PUBERTY the period of sexual maturation

when one first becomes capable of reproduction

Page 4: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

Initiation Rites: Rites of Passage that mark

admission into adulthood

Rites include informal celebrations and well

as formal events in society

Informal Example: birthdays such as 16 and 18

Formal Examples: bar mitzvahs, graduation,


Entrance into adulthood is different for

everyone and is usually blurry.

Some describe adolescence like “being a

full grown animal in a cage”

There are both environmental and

developmental stressors that can affect


Page 5: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

PUBERTY: sexual development

Biological event that marks the end of


Triggered by hormones

Patterns in boys and girls are different

Girls: start to mature earlier – age 8 (on

average) Puberty: 8 - 10

Boys: usually by age 9 or 10 and enter

puberty between 9 – 16

Just before puberty begins, both

sexes will experience a growth spurt

Rapid increase in height and weight

Usually lasts 2 years

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- Tend to gain weight

earlier, making them

appear chubby – tend

to have a harder time

losing the weight

- Menstrual cycle begins

- Able to conceive a child


- Growth spurt lasts

longer even though it

tends to begin later

than girls

- Body tends to fill out

- Larger shoulders,

and trunk

- Voice deepens

- Hair begins to grow on

face and chest

Page 7: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

Sudden changes in puberty tend to make all adolescents


Particularly if the changes happen early or late

Acceptance is important

Aware of other’s changes and very concerned about

society’s standards

Most adolescents mention appearance in descriptions of

others and themselves.

BOYS: if developed early, tend to be more confident and

more well-liked

Late maturing = withdrawn and some exhibit deviant


GIRLS: if they mature early, they tend to be embarrassed

rather than proud. Some become acting older than they are

(EX: dating older boys, more bossy)

Late maturing= tend to get along with peers better

Page 8: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

Society cues and rules have a lot to do with how

a adolescent views sex

Questions about the role of family, religion and

government have been raised

2004: 870,000 pregnancies occur each year

among adolescents.

3 million cases of STDs

Studies have shown that children of teenage

parents are more likely to be teenage parents

Also do poorly in school and tend to serve time

in prison (not all of course)

ABSTINENCE: not having sex

Most teens hope to avoid unwanted

pregnancies, STDs and loss of self-respect.

Page 9: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends.

Transition to adulthood involves changes in patterns in reasoning and moral thinking

As well as personality and sexual development

COGNITIVE DEV: Piaget’s stage of formal operations is reached

Rationization: seeking to explain an often unpleasant emotion in a way that will preserve his or her self-esteem.

At this stage, affected by a person's social or economic class

Page 10: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

Along with physical and cognitive changes, adolescents also go through important moral changes.

LAWERNCE KOHLBERG: psychologist who studies moral reasoning Moral reasoning develops in 6 stages

Cognitive development influences moral dev.

Children: egocentric (Stage 1) Consider an act right or wrong

Adolescents: tend to think about society and whether the act will be seen an appropriate (stage 3) or sanctioned by authority (stage 4)

Rarely move past stage 4

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As moral


progresses, the

focus of

concern moves

from the self

to the wider

social world.

Morality of abstract

principles: to affirm

agreed-upon rights and

personal ethical principles

Morality of law and

social rules: to gain

approval or avoid


Morality of self-interest:

to avoid punishment

or gain concrete rewards







Page 12: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

Psychologists who have studied personality in adol. Have focused on the

concept of identity.

ERIK ERIKSON: showed the establishment of identity if key to adol.


Building an identity is a task that is unique to adol.


One’s sense of self

At this age, people are aware of what other people think of them

Aware of labels

Social approval play an important role in development

Begin to think about the future and begin to solidify a sense of self by

testing and integrating various roles

IDENTITY CRISIS: time of inner conflict during which they worry intensely

about their identities

Erikson: face of crisis - STAGE 5: IDENTITY FORMATION VS. IDENTITY


Page 13: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

Erikson said that this is a “time of crisis and conflict.”

According to Erickson, an adolescent's task is to become a unique individual with a valued sense of self in society

The issue is never completely resolved

Resurfaces many times during the lifetime

“Who am I?”

Identity forms when the adolescent can resolve issues such as sexual identity, occupation, and a set of values.

Role confusion is NORMAL!

Confusion is represented by childish behavior and by being impulsive in decision making.

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8 stages of psychological development during the entire lifetime

A person encounters a challenge at each stage

Stage 1: Trust v. mistrust

Stage 2: Autonomy (independence) vs. shame and doubt

Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt

Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority

Stage 5: Identity vs. Role Confusion

Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation

Stage 7: Generativity vs. Stagnation

Stage 8: Ego integrity vs. Despair

Page 15: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood
Page 16: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT MORAL ... · During adolescence, a sense of identity and self-esteem are very important and depend a lot on friends. Transition to adulthood

Adol. Experience changes in their social relationships No longer a child, not yet an adult

Must find a new role in the family (parents may not always be ready to except)

Must also adjust to new, often more intense relationships with peers.

Role of Family: over time the typical family has changed Ex: Before 1970: father worked outside the

home Now, almost half of all marriages end in divorce, women work outside the home

Teens must figure out how to become independent of their families.

Struggle on both sides Often interpreted by adults as “adolescent rebellion” Both are working towards autonomy (indep)

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Teens spend much of their times with friends

High school is an important place for adolescents to get together Most schools have rigid, well-defined

groups or social “cliques”

Groups form along gender, class, and activity differences

Personal characteristics are also very important

Styles are often adopted by each group

Drawbacks: conformity, peer pressure, bullying Conformity: acting according to specifics


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Time of transition Erikson pointed out that ever

stage of life brings challenges

Majority of teens adjust quickly Suicide and mental illness are

relatively rare among the age group.

Time in history when both have been high

Ex: 1950 – 1990 – rate quadurpuled (decreased since)

Most juveniles outgrow the problems as they mature Some do not and carry them into

later life

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Depression is more widespread than parents or teachers tend to think

Teens usually appear angry or act rebellious.

Often engage in rebellious behavior such as truancy, running away, drinking, using drugs or being sexually active

Some talk about suicide withdrawal from friends or have excessive self-criticism

As a general rule : Boys tend to have more hostile or destructive behaviors

Girls also tend to outgrow problems sooner than boys