Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy [email protected] @Moriarty2112 www.nottingham.ac.uk/physics/research/nano The Politics, Perception, and Philosophy of Physics (F34PPP)

Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy [email protected] @Moriarty2112 The Politics, Perception,

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Page 1: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

Philip MoriartySchool of Physics & Astronomy

[email protected]@Moriarty2112


The Politics, Perception, and Philosophy of Physics (F34PPP)

Page 2: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

Lecture 1: Induction, Deduction, Reduction

What we’ll cover in F34PPP (and some disclaimers)

Timetable and assessmentObservations and facts (or “facts”?)Deduction, induction, and BaconIs science irrational?Are we unbiased?

Page 3: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,


Induction, deduction, reduction. Lecture

Oct. 6 Wrong, or not even wrong? LectureOct. 13 Are most scientific papers


Oct. 20 The Science Wars Seminar and discussionOct. 27 The power and perils of peer

reviewSeminar and discussion

Nov. 3 Is science a public good? Seminar and discussionNov. 10

Responsible Innovation Seminar and discussion (2 hr)

Nov. 17

Communication breakdown? Seminar and panel

Nov. 24

Maybe, Minister: Can science and politics speak the same language?

Seminar and discussion

Dec. 1 Research ethics Seminar and panelDec 8. Brave new world? Panel

F34PPP in briefAll sessions in B17, 2 pm, Mondays (autumn semester)

Page 4: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

F34PPP in brief: Recommended reading

- What is this thing called science?, 3rd edition, AF Chalmers (Open University Press, 1999)

- Understanding philosophy of science, J. Ladyman (Routledge, 2002)

- Philosophy of science: A very short introduction, S. Okasha (Oxford University Press, 2002)

Page 5: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

F34PPP in brief -- assessment

A short "blog post" (300 words) [Deadline: Oct. 13] An opinion piece (along the lines of a one-page Physics World article) [Deadline: Nov. 19] A "feature article" (2000 words, in the style of a broadsheet article) [Deadline: Dec. 11]

Page 6: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

Science – more than just a technology driver


- How is scientific knowledge different from other forms of knowledge? [Epistemology]

- Can we define the scientific method?


Page 7: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

p.2, “Understanding philosophy of science”, J. Ladyman

Science: Rational, logical, objective

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“Science is derived from the facts” (Chalmers, p. 1)

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…but are our eyes good enough?

Page 11: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

And can we trust our ears?

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Seeing is believing?: Striped nanoparticles


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Seeing is believing?: Striped nanoparticles

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Seeing is believing?: Striped nanoparticles

Page 15: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

Do we really see intermolecular bonds?

Zhang et al., Science 342 611 (2013)

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Do we really see intermolecular bonds?

Page 17: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

Unrelaxed tip: nothing

Relaxed tip: sharp inter- and intramolecular

“bonds” resolved

Do we really see intermolecular bonds?

Page 18: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

Logic and reason“Logic is the study of reasoning abstracted from what that reasoning is about.” [Ladyman]

All dachshunds are good physicists.Daisy is a dachshund.Therefore Daisy is a good physicist.

Both are valid arguments!

Page 19: Philip Moriarty School of Physics & Astronomy philip.moriarty@nottingham.ac.uk @Moriarty2112  The Politics, Perception,

Logic and reason: Deduction

Invalid arguments!

All dachshunds are good physicistsEdward is a good physicistTherefore Edward is a dachshund.

All human beings are animalsDaisy is an animalTherefore Daisy is a human being

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Another valid but bad argument

The Bible says that God exists.The Bible is the word of God and therefore true.Therefore God exists.

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Invalid but not necessarily bad argument…

Moriarty claims to be a physicistI have no reason to believe he is lyingTherefore Moriarty is a physicist

Both premises could be true but conclusion could be false – invalid argument.