PHI: A better idea. Committed to doing the right things right with alternative risk for you Presentation for:

PHI Presentation 07 2015

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PHI: A better idea.

Committed to doing the right things right with alternative risk for you

Presentation for:

Page 2: PHI Presentation 07 2015

Captive Insurance Entities

What is Captive? Why Create A Captive? Why Offshore and Why Turks & Caicos? Implementation Steps and Timeline PHI Services Recap & Questions

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What is a Captive? A captive is formalized, structured and funded self


Very simply, a captive is an insurance company that you own.

You then use the insurance company that you own to provide insurance to yourself.

The insurance company may provide various types of insurance you now purchase from someone else.

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Why Create A Captive?

Reason #1: Make a profit! Reason #2: Create a financial asset. Reason #3: Control cost of risk

As the owner of the insurance company you can make additional money and have more ongoing control of your insurance needs.

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Optimal Solution

Profit / Asset Protection: The owner runs the captive to protect the assets in the captive and make money.

Ownership: The owner keeps the premiums otherwise lost to an insurance company.

Control: Captive empowers the owner to control the claim, coverage and cost of risk.

The Captive Structure



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Why Offshore? U.K. law attaches including tax treaty Access to major re-insurers and carrier fronts Limited right of Discovery Not subject to U.S. court jurisdiction No statutory accounting No Yellow Book International generally accepted accounting

principles Turks uses American dollars as currency

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Why Offshore and Why Turks & Caicos?

Lower regulatory expenses Economical annual financial audits No requirement that a board member be a resident Economical annual licensing fees / full transparency Annual actuarial study required Captive Funds may be invested stateside

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Captive Formation Steps

0-30 Days

90 – 180 Days

Begin Operations!

CapitalizationFront CompanyIf Needed

Engage PHI


NameSelection &


OpenBank Account

ReinsuranceIf Needed

Business Plan& FinancialProjections

MeetingWith CaptiveRegulators

File CaptiveApplication


30-60 Days

60-90 Days

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PHI Role & Strategic Partners

Reinsurance & Fronting – Risk & Reinsurance Solutions Actuarial – Merlinos & Associates Offshore Bank – Safe Harbor Bank Offshore Counsel – First Anguilla Trust Company, LTD. Offshore Auditors - Porter, Keadle & Moore, LLP. Medical Group Benefit – Capitol Administrators of S.E., LLC Claims – Littleton Group Onshore Administrator - PHI

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Create a Captive Insurance Solution



Risk Management / Loss Control

Compliance & Legal

Treasury & Banking


Investment Strategy



Policy Administration

Claims Management

Captive Management




PHI manages all your needs to create, operate and grow your captive insurance company.

Build an asset, capture control and add profit to the bottom line!

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Captive Models & Structure

Employer Owned Life: Captive issues policy. Liability: Self issued insurance coverage. Workers Comp: Self insured mandated coverage. Risk Sharing: Participate in risk of issued premiums. The captive model has many variations to fit your

business. Each provides a vehicle to make a profit, build an asset and provide more control to you.

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Employer Owned Life Insurance

Employer issues employee life policy Employer pays premium Employer deducts premium as business expense Employer owns life insurance policy Employer is the beneficiary Employer receives death benefit tax free Employer accrues underwriting profit

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Employer Owned Group Life Example

Individual Employee Group PolicyEmployer PaidPremium




$50,000 Policy LimitPer Each Employee




Employer issues employer owned life insurance policy insuring employees. Employer pays premium, owns the policy and receives death benefit tax free.

Example1,100 employees; $550,000 total annual premium

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Liability Captive

You currently pay huge premiums to an insurer. Insurers keep all the profit and interest. Insurers use your funds to pay your claims. When you work hard to control losses, the outside

insurer benefits.

A Liability Captive is simply an entity set up to issue your own liability insurance policy to yourself.

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Liability Coverage Example Model

Individual Claim Policy Premiums





$1M PerOccurrence

Policy Exposure


$3M PolicyAggregate






Captive liability coverage combined with a solid risk reduction strategy provides a model for rapid growth of the captive assets. Controlled risks provide immediate and significant profit.

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Workers Compensation Captive Workers Compensation insurance is mandated

coverage you must purchase. Insurers keep these funds unless claims occur. Insurers keep all the profit and interest. Insurer issues the policy to comply with statutory


A Workers Comp Captive can be used to issue your own mandated coverage, limit your risk and profits from proper business controls.

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Workers’ Comp Example Model

Individual Claim Annual Exposure Policy Premiums









As with the liability model, the worker’s comp model provides a model for rapid growth of the captive assets and the potential for immediate and significant profit.

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Risk Participation in Issued Policies

You are collecting huge premiums for insurers. Insurers make money on premiums collected by

deferring tax, making an underwriting profit and accruing interest on investments.

The captive shares risk on the policies issued by taking a sliver of risk and a portion of issued policies premium.

A captive company allows you to participate in the risk and profit from writing good business.

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Risk Participation Example Model


Total Premiums



Per OccurrenceLimits



Total WrittenBook






The risk participation model provides a long term growth opportunity to participate in a profitable book of business with proper risk distribution.

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PHI Orchestration Role

Captive Setup

Investment Plan Setup


Off ShoreIncorporation


BankingSetup &



Captive ModelAnalysis

Policy / PlanDesign

Filings &Regulatory


Financial /TreasuryTransactions

Back OfficeAdministration

Audits &Loss Control


Financial Filings& Compliance

PHI manages the entire life cycle of the captive and provides continuous monitoring and adjustments as needed.

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Captive Insurance Opportunity

A Captive insurance entity provides your business a financial asset and an additional profit source.

Turks & Caicos provides reasonable cost structures.

The Captive provides additional controls and insight to make your core business more profitable.

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PHI Complete Captive Management

A successful captive is dependent upon two key elements: Proper design and execution of setting up the

captive. Competent ongoing oversight and

management of an extremely valuable asset. PHI fulfills this role and keeps you informed.

PHI Manages the Captive Cycle


