Pharmacology exam advice

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  • 8/15/2019 Pharmacology exam advice


    PHCL 4001 Exam Study Tips (Lecture #16 material)

    Become familiar with the equations used to calculate:

    Therapeutic Index (TI)

    Certain Safety FactorTotal Body Clearance (assuming elimination follows 1st order kinetics)

    Steady State Concentration in the plasma

    Loading Dose

    The following practice question is an example of the sort that MIGHT  be asked on theexam, based on material covered in Lecture #16 (March 22, 2016).

    1. A healthy volunteer ( Joe Smith  ) is given an experimental drug in a Phase 1clinical trial.  A 300 mg dose with 80% oral bioavailability is administered every12 hours for 7 days. Analysis on the 4 th   day indicates a steady state plasmaconcentration of 10 mg/L is achieved in this volunteer. 

    A. Based on these data, calculate the Joe Smith!s Total Clearance for this drug.

    A second healthy volunteer ( John Doe  ) in the Phase 1 clinical trial, following anidentical protocol, achieves a steady state plasma concentration of 20 mg/L.

    B. Provide one of many possible reasons why the steady state concentration forJohn Doe is two times greater than that for the volunteer Joe Smith.