Pharmaceutical Solutions.doc

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  • 8/9/2019 Pharmaceutical Solutions.doc


    Submission Date: 25/11/2010

    Submitted By:

     Tawhid Mahbub 09103023 Jannatul Fedous Tonney 0910302!Shamma Maia 091030"0Fahad #bne Fedous 091030""$amia Tasnim 091030"!Ma%ia Muad 09103052&a'sa Tasnim 09103053

    Submitted To:Ms( #in Dewan)ssistant *o+essoDe,atment o+ *hama-y

    The University of As


    Assignment on


  • 8/9/2019 Pharmaceutical Solutions.doc


    2)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    Topics Page no.Introduction 3

     Aqueous Solution

    3 - 16


      Water & Aromatic water 


      Gargles  Mouthwash

    asal wash  S!ra"

      #tic Solution  Inhalation

    on-aqueous Solution

    1$ - %





      )iniments  )otionsSweet or *iscid %+ - %6

      S"ru!sDi,,erences etween S"ru! & Eli'ir %$

    Di,,erences etween )iniment & Solutions %$

    Di,,erences etween S!ra" & S!irits %.

    /e,erences %0

     Table o+ ontents:

  • 8/9/2019 Pharmaceutical Solutions.doc


    3)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    harmaceutical solutions


    Man" !harmaceutical chemicals are onl" slowl" solule in a sol*ent and require an e'tended

    time ,or com!lete dissolution2 o increase the dissolution rate4 a !harmacist ma" em!lo" one or

    se*eral techniques such as a!!l"ing heat4 reducing the !article si5e o, the solute4 utili5ing o, a

    soluili5ing agent4 or suecting the ingredients to rigorous agitation2 he !harmacist should

    ensure the materials are heat staile and non-*olatile when using heat to ,acilitate the

    dissolution rice2

    he terminolog" used ,or the titles o, di,,erent ,orms o, liquid !re!aration ,or oth oral and

    to!ical use can sometimes e con,using with o*erla! etween de,initions and more than one

    de,inition eing a!!ro!riate ,or one !articular !roduct2 7urthermore de,initions can *ar" etween

    di,,erent o,,icial com!endia and ma" e at *ariance with de,initions used within !harmaceutical


    Aqueous solutions:

    he narrow de,inition in this susection limits the sol*ent to water and e'cludes those

    !re!arations that are sweet or riscid in character and non-aqueous solutions2 his section

    includes those !harmaceutical ,orms that are designated as Douches4 Aromatic waters4

    Enemas4 Gargles4 Mouthwashes4 asal washes4 S!ra"s4 #tic solutions4 Inhalations2


     A douche is a de*ice used to introduce a stream o, water into the od" ,or medical or h"gienic

    reasons4 or the stream o, water itsel,2


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    ")ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    It is used ,or reco*ering *arious *aginal irrigati*e diseases2


    Man" health care !ro,essionals state that douching is dangerous4 as it inter,eres with

    oth the *agina9s normal sel,-cleaning and with the natural acterial culture o, the

    *agina4 and it might s!read or introduce in,ections2 7or e'am!le4 the :2S2 De!artment o, 

    ;ealth and ;uman Ser*ices strongl" discourages douching4 warning that it can lead to

    irritation4 acterial *aginosis4 and !el*ic in,lammator" disease ,or !ossile *aginal in,ections4 es!eciall" "east in,ections2

    7ig8 Douche


    Douche usuall" re,ers to *aginal irrigation4 the rinsing o, the *agina4 ut it can also re,er

    to the rinsing o, an" od" ca*it"2 A douche ag is a !iece o, equi!ment ,or douching?a

    ag ,or holding the ,luid used in douching2 o a*oid trans,erring intestinal acteria into

    the *agina4 the same ag must not e used ,or an enema and a *aginal douche2

    Wh" :se8

    @aginal douches ma" consist o, water4 water mi'ed with *inegar4 or e*en antise!tic

    chemicals2 Douching has een touted as ha*ing a numer o, su!!osed ut un!ro*en

    ene,its2 In addition to !romising to clean the *agina o, unwanted odors4 it can also e

    used " women who wish to a*oid smearing a se'ual !artner9s !enis with menstrual

    lood while ha*ing intercourse during menstruation2 In the !ast4 douching was also used

    a,ter intercourse as a method o, irth control4 though it is not e,,ecti*e2

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    5)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    Water & Aromatic Water:

     Water which is a lightl" scented !er,ume used as a s>in ,reshener2 It is re,erred to as aromatic

    waters and has high alcohol content2 It is usuall" a!!lied directl" to the s>in a,ter athing or 

    sha*ing2 It is considered a wea> !er,ume4 wea>er than cologne2 Aromatic water is de,ined as a

    dilute !er,ume2 It was originall" com!osed o, alcohol and *arious *olatile oils2

    7ig8 Aromatic Water 


     Aromatic water can e used as *iscosit" im!arting agent ,or solutions and also it can

    mus> the ad odor o, medicated solution2


    It can alter the !; o, the solution which ma" cause drug degradation2 It is alsosometimes incom!atile with the medication2

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    )ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    7ig8 oilet Water2

    harmaceutical :se8

     A sweetened aromatic solution o, alcohol and water4 ser*ing as a *ehicle ,or medicine2 Some

    aromatic waters ha*e thera!eutic *alue2


     An enema

    and colon *ia the anus2 he increasing *olume o, the liquid causes ra!id e'!ansion o, the lower 

    intestinal tract4 o,ten resulting in *er" uncom,ortale loating4 cram!ing4 and !ower,ul

    !eristalsis4 a ,eeling o, e'treme urgenc" and com!lete e*acuation o, the lower intestinal tract2

    Enemas can e carried out as treatment ,or medical conditions4 such as consti!ation and

    enco!resis4 and as !art o, some alternati*e health thera!ies2 he" are also used to administer 

    certain medical or recreational drugs2 Enemas ha*e een used ,or reh"dration thera!"


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    )ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    (an "!ass the ,irst !ass e,,ect2 So4 ioa*ailailit" is higher2


    Im!ro!er administration o, an enema ma" cause electrol"te imalance ing soda

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    !)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    solutions are also used4 including equal !arts o, mil> and molasses heated together to

    slightl" ao*e normal od" tem!erature2 In the !ast4 castile soa! was a common

    additi*e in an enema4 ut it has largel" ,allen out o, use ecause o, its irritating action in

    the rectum and ecause o, the ris> o, chemical colitis as well as the read" a*ailailit" o, 

    other enema !re!arations that are !erha!s more e,,ecti*e than soa! in stimulating a

    owel mo*ement2 At the o!!osite end o, the s!ectrum4 an isotonic saline solution is least

    irritating to the rectum and colon4 ha*ing a neutral concentration gradient2 his neither 

    draws electrol"tes ,rom the od" C as can ha!!en with !lain water C nor draws water 

    into the colon4 as will occur with !hos!hates2 hus4 a salt water solution can e used

    when a longer !eriod o, retention is desired4 such as to so,ten an im!action2I@2 (leansing the lower owel !rior to a surgical !rocedure such as sigmoidosco!" or 

    colonosco!"2 Because o, s!eed and su!!osed con*enience4 enemas used ,or this

    !ur!ose are commonl" the more costl"4 sodium !hos!hate *ariet" C o,ten called adis!osale enema2 A more !leasant e'!erience !re!aring ,or testing !rocedures can

    usuall" e otained with gentl"-administered a>ing soda enemas cleansing the lower 

    owel ,or colonosco!" and other owel studies can e e,,ecti*el" achie*ed with water-

    ased4 or water with a>ing soda4 enema administration2@2 he administration o, sustances into the loodstream2 his ma" e done in situations

    where it is undesirale or im!ossile to deli*er a medication " mouth4 such as

    antiemetic gi*en to reduce nausea

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    10)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    Gargle is used in the treatment o, !har"ngitis or @incents stomaitis2 It is also een

    a!!lied in root canals o, teeth or other dental !ul! ca*ities2 While used to!icall" as a

    12+-3F solution ,or cleansing wounds2

    Mouthwash 8

    Mouthwash or mouth rinse is a !roduct used to enhance oral h"giene2 Some manu,acturers o, 

    mouthwash claim that antise!tic and anti-!laque mouth rinse >ill the acterial !laque causing

    caries4 gingi*itis4 and ad reath2 Anti-ca*it" mouth rinse uses ,luoride to !rotect against tooth

    deca"2 It is4 howe*er4 generall" agreed that the use o, mouthwash does not eliminate the need

    ,or oth rushing and ,lossing2 As !er the American Dental Association4 regular rushing and

    !ro!er ,lossing are enough in most cases although the ADA has !laced its Seal o, A!!ro*al on

    man" mouthwashes containing alcohol -u!s=2 ;owe*er4 one

     Australian researcher elie*es mouthwash should onl" e used as a short-term solution2

    7ig8 Mouthwash

    Mouthwash ma" also e used to hel! remo*e mucus and ,ood !articles dee!er down in the

    throat2 Alcoholic and strongl" ,la*ored mouthwash ma" cause coughing when used ,or this



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    12)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    or sus!ensions2 he adult nasal ca*it" has aout a % ml ca!acit" with a large sur,ace

    area ing it an attracti*e site ,or ra!id and

    e,,icient s"stemic asor!tion2II2 Another ad*antage o, nasal deli*er" is that it a*oids ,irst !ass metaolism " the

    li*er2III2 7or some !e!tides and small molecular com!ounds4 intranasal4 ioa*ailailit"

    has een com!arale to that o, inections2I@2 he drug will no e'!osed to hostile en*ironment o, GI2


    I2 Bioa*ailailit" decreases as the molecular weight o, a com!ound increases and

    ,or !rotein com!osed o, more than %$ amino cids ioa*ailailit" ma" e low2

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    13)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    II2 @arious !harmaceutical techniques and ,unctional e'ci!ients4 such as sur,actants

    ha*e een shown to e ca!ale o, enhancing the nasal asor!tion o, large



    Man" drugs are administered ,or their local s"m!athomimetic e,,ects to reduce

    nasal congestion4 such as E!hedrine sul!hate asal solutions4 :S or

    !ha5oline ;"drochloride asal solution :S2 A ,ew other !re!arations4

    )"!ressin asal solution :S and o'"tocin nasal solutions :S re administered

    in s!ra"s ,rom ,or their s"stemic e,,ect ,or the treatment o, diaetes insi!id and

    mil> let down !rion to reast ,eedings res!ecti*el"2


    (urrentl" no s!ra"s ,or use in atomi5ers are recogni5ed " the o,,icial com!endia2 ;owe*er

    there are a numer o, commerciall" a*ailale nasal decongestants4 antihistaminic and anti-

    in,ecti*e2 hese include drugs such as e!hedrine4 h"dro'" am!hetamine4 !hen"le!hirene4

    na!haa5oline4 tri!elennamine4 chloroutanol4 sul,onamides4 nitro,ura5one4 o'"meta5oline4

    tetrah"dro5oline4 tuminohe!tane4 c"clo!entamine and cet"l!"ridium2 hese nasal solutions are

    aqueous in nature2

    7ig8 S!ra"

    #tic !olutions:

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    1")ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    hese solutions occasionall" are re,erred to as ear oral !re!aration2 #ther otic !re!arations

    include sus!ensions and ointments ,or to!ical a!!lication in the ear2 Ear !re!arations are

    usuall" !laced in amounts ,or the remo*al o, e'cessi*e ceriman

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    15)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    he main class o, drugs are used ,or to!ical administrations to the ear include

    analgesic4 such as en5ocaine4 antiiotics such as neom"cin and anti-in,lammator"

    agents such as cortisone2 he :S !re!arations include Anti!"rine and Ben5ocaine otic

    solutions2 he eom"cin and ol"m"'in B sul,ates and ;"drocortisone2


    Inhalations are drugs or solutions or sus!ensions o, one or more drugs sustances

    administered to the nasal or oral res!irator" route ,or local or s"stemic e,,ect2 Solutions o, drug

    sustances in sterile water ,or inhalation or in sodium chloride inhalation solution ma" e

    neuli5ed " the used o, inert gases2

    7ig8 Inhalation

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    1)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions


    I2 he *a!or o, the drug is inhaled into the nostrils when needed to relie*e nasal

    congestions due to cold and high ,e*er2II2 It ma" also e em!lo"ed to relie*e ear loc> and the !ressure !ain in air tra*elers2


    I2 he content containers must e tightl" closed a,ter each o!ening to !re*ent loss o, the

    drug *a!ors2


    he e,,ects o, the drug are ra!id and are used in the treatment o, anginal !ain2

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    1)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    on$ aqueous !olutions:

    his section is4 there,ore4 de*oted to grou!s o, non- aqueous solutions4 the alcoholic or h"dro

    alcoholic solutions

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    1!)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions


    I2 It is intended ,or internal use onl"2II2 I, an aqueous solution is added to an eli'ir4 a !artical !reci!itation o, alcohol solule

    ingredients ma" occur2


    I2 Eli'irs are used as ,la*ors and *ehicle such as aromatic eli'ir :S ,or drug

    sustances2II2 he sol*ents are o,ten used to increase the soluilit" o, the drug sustances in the

    dosage ,orm2


    S!rits ma" e de,ined as solutions o, *olatile sustances in alcohol2 It sometimes >nown as

    essences is alcoholic or h"dro alcoholic solutions o, *olatile sustances2 It ma" e solid4 liquid

    or gas2 he amount o, *olatile material in s!rits *aries greatl" and no ,i'ed !ercentage can e

    gi*en2 he !re!aration egins with Brand" and Whis>" and ends with with a wide *ariet" o,



    I2 S!rits can concentration greater concentration o, alcohol than corres!onding

    aromatic water2II2 When mi'ed with water or with an aqueous !re!aration the *olatile sustances

    !resent in s!rits generall" mi'ed with water or with an aqueous !re!aration4 the

    *olatile sustances !resent in s!irits generall" se!arate ,rom solution and ,orm a

    mil>" !re!aration2


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    19)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    I2 Salts ma" e !reci!itated ,rom their aqueous solutions " the addition o, s!irits due

    to their lesser soluilit" in alcoholic liquids2II2 Some s!irits show incom!ailties characteristic o, the ingredients the" contain2


    S!irits ma" e used !harmaceuticall" as ,la*oring agents and medicinall" ,or the

    thera!eutic *alue o, the aromatic solute2 As ,la*oring agents the" are used to im!art the

    ,la*or o, their solute to other solute to other !harmaceutical !re!arations27or medicinal !ur!oses s!irits ma" e ta>en orall"4 a!!lied e'ternall"4 or used "

    inhalation de!ending u!on the !articular !re!aration2


     A highl" ,lammale s"ru!" liquid com!ounded o, !"ro'"lin dissol*ed in ether and alcohol4 which

    dries to a clear tenacious ,ilm used as a to!ical !rotectant a!!lied to the s>in to close small

    wounds4 arasions and cuts4 to hold surgical dressings in !lace4 and to >ee! medications in

    contact with the s>in2 

    'le%i(le collodion: A !re!aration o, cam!hor4 castor oil4 and collodion4 used as a to!ical!rotectant2

    !alic"lic acid collodion: ,le'ile collodion containing salic"lic acid used to!icall" as a


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    20)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions


    I2 It was the ,irst widel" used !hotogra!hic !rocess which resulted in a negati*e image on

    a trans!arent !hotogra!hic medium2 he other methods o, its time4 such as the

    Daguerreot"!e4 !roduced a one-o,-a->ind !ositi*e image4 which could not e re!licated


    II2 In addition to the con*enience o, creating negati*es4 the collodion !rocess had

    numerous other ad*antages2 It was an ine'!ensi*e !rocess4 es!eciall" in com!arison

    with the daguerreot"!e2 he !olishing equi!ment and ,uming equi!ment needed ,or the

    daguerreot"!e could e dis!ensed with entirel"2 he su!!ort ,or the images was glass4

    which was ,ar less e'!ensi*e than sil*er-!lated co!!er4 and was more consistent than

    !a!er ,or !a!er negati*es2 It was also ,ast ,or the time4 requiring onl" seconds ,or


    Disa d*antages8

    I2 he wet collodion !rocess had a maor disad*antage the entire !rocess4 ,rom coating to

    de*elo!ing4 had to e done e,ore the !late dried2 his ga*e the !hotogra!her aout 1

    minutes4 sometimes less4 to com!lete e*er"thing2 he !late would e dri!!ing sil*er

    nitrate solution4 causing stains and troulesome uild-u!s in the camera and !late

    holders2 his made it an incon*enient !rocess ,or ,ield use4 as it required a !ortale


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    21)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    II2 he sil*er nitrate ath was also a source o, signi,icant troule2 hrough re!eated use4 it

    would ecome saturated with alcohol4 ether4 iodide and romide salts4 dust and *arious

    organic matters2 It would lose e,,ecti*eness4 and would o,ten result in m"sterious ,ailures

    o, !lates to !roduce an image2


    It is used as an adhesi*e to close small wounds and hold surgical dressings4 in to!ical

    medications4 and ,or ma>ing !hotogra!hic !lates2


    Gl"cerin is miscile with oth water and alcohol ut not with chloro,orm4 ether or ,i'ed oils2 It is

    an e'cellent sol*ent ,or tannins4 !henol and oric acid2

     (hemicall" it is the sim!lest trih"dric alcohol2 It is worth" o, s!ecial note ecause the two

    terminal alcohol grou!s are !rimar"4 whears the middle one is secondar"2 hus this ecomes

    the ,irst !ol"h"dric alcohol that can "ield oth an aldose etose

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    22)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions


    I2 It is use,ul as humectants in >ee!ing sustances moist8 owing to its h"grosco!icit"2II2 Its agreeale taste and high *iscosit" ada!t it ,or man" !ur!oses2III2 Miscile with water4 alcohol or methanol2


    I2 An e'!losion ma" occur i, it is triturated with strong o'idi5ing agents such as

    chromium trio'ide4 !otassium chlorate or !otassium !ermanganate2II2 In dilute solution reactions !roceed at a slower rate2III2 Iron is an occasional contaminates o, it and ma" e the cause o, a dar>ening in



    I2 It has some thera!eutic uses2 In !ure anh"drous ,orm4 it is used in the e"e to reduce

    corneal edema and to ,acilitate o!thalomosco!ic e'amination2II2 It is used orall" as an e*acuant2III2 Because o, its !reser*ati*e qualities it is sometimes used as a staili5er ,or solutions

    !re!ared with other sol*ents2


      )iniments are alcoholic or oil ased solutions or emulsions containing thera!eutic agents

    intended ,or e'ternal a!!lication2 he" are intended ,or massage into the unro>en s>in and can

    contain such ingredients as meth"l salic"late or cam!hor as counterirritants2

      hese !re!arations ma" e liquids or semi solids that are rued onto the a,,ected area4

    ecause o, this4 the" were once called emrocations2


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    23)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    I2 )iniments are *er" moisturi5ing and good ,or dr" s>in2II2 he" ha*e a low ris> o, sensi5ation due to ha*ing ,ew ingredients e"ond the ases

    oil or ,at and low irritation ris>2


    I2 Strong )iniments and im!ro!er use ma" cause such !rolems as s>in allergies4

    dr"ness4 lesions and e*en a !ermanent thinning o, the s>in2II2 he" are o,ten disli>ed " !atients due to greasiness2


    )iniments are a common sustance used " trainers and owners o, horses2 )iniments

    are es!eciall" use,ul in hot weather to hel! a hot horse cool down the alcohols hel! the

    !roduct to quic>l" e*a!orate2


    )otions are not de,ined s!eci,icall" in the :S4 ut a road de,inition descries them as either

    liquid or semi-liquid !re!arations that contain one or more acti*e ingredients in an a!!ro!riate

    *ehicle2 )otions ma" contain antimicroial !reser*ati*es and other a!!ro!riate e'ci!ients such

    as staili5ers2 )otions are intended to e a!!lied to the unro>en s>in without ,riction2 )otions

    are usuall" sus!ensions o, solids in an aqueous medium2 Some lotions are in ,act emulsions or

    solutions2 E'am!les o, o,,icial lotions are Ben5"l Ben5oate4 272 (alamine )otion4 :2S22

    ;"drocortisone )otion4 27 and White )otion4 272

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    2")ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    7ig8 )otion


    I2 he lotions ha*e an acce!tale color and odor2II2 (osmetic lotions are a!!lied to hair4 scal! ,ace and hands and are !o!ular as

    sunscreen !re!aration2III2 he" ma" e oil" or h"droalcholic solutions or emulsions and ,requentl" the" contain

    gl"cerin4 !er,umes and !reser*ati*es2I@2 7ormulation containing gl"cerin >ee!s the s>in moist ,or a considerale !eriod o,



    I2 he" need to e sha>en well e,ore each use2II2 Microorganisms ma" grow in certain lotions i, no !reser*ati*e is included2III2 (are should e ta>en to a*oid contaminating the lotion during !re!aration4 e*en i, a

    !reser*ati*e is !resent2


    )otions are used antise!tic and germicidal and are used in the treatment o, s>in disease

    and as cooling and mildl" anesthetic a!!lications ,or s>in irritations2

    !weet and other *iscid solutions

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    25)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    Solutions that are sweet or *iscid include s"ru!s4 hone"s4 mucilage and ellies2 All o, these are

    *iscous liquids or semisolids2 he asic sweet or *iscid sustances gi*ing od" to these

    !re!arations are sugars4 !ol"ols or !ol"saccharides2


      S"ru!s are concentrated4 *iscous4 aqueous solutions o, sugar or a sugar sustitute with

    or without ,la*ors and medical sustances2 When uri,ied Water alone is used in ma>ing the

    !re!aration is >nown as s"ru!4 i, the sucrose concentration is .+F2

    Medicinall" the" are di*ided into two grou!s8

    The 'la*oring !"rup8 Which are used as *ehicle or ,la*or ,or !rescri!tions such as Acacia4

    (herr"4 (ocoa4 #range and /as!err" :S2

    The Medicated !"rup8 Which contain ingredients gi*ing them thera!eutic *alue2

    7or e'am!le4 tolu s"ru! is used as a cough e'!ectorant and orange s"ru! contains dried

    itter orange !eel as a ,la*oring agent2

    7ig8 S"ru!


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    2)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    I2 An im!ortant ad*antage o, s"ru! is their acce!tailit" and wide *ariet" o, ,la*ors2II2 As s"ru!s can contain u! to .+F o, sugars the" are ca!ale o, resisting acterial

    growth2III2 he" hel! to !re*ent cr"stalli5ation and to maintain soluilit" o, all ingredients2I@2 S"ru!s are also used to talets !articularl" those with disagreeale aromas or acrid

    taste2@2 Sucrose ased- s"ru!s continuousl" administered to children a!!arentl" cause an

    aincreasedin dental caries and gingi*itis2


    I2 In a closed container it is !ossile ,or sur,ace dilution ,or a s"ru! to ta>e !lace2 his

    occurs as a result o, sol*ent e*a!orations2II2 S"ru! ma" !roduce a diluted la"er which !ro*ides an ideal medium ,or the growth o,

    certain microorganism2III2 A ,urther !rolem with the storage and use o, s"ru!s in*ol*e the cr"stalli5ation o, the

    sugar within the screw containers there" !re*enting its release2


    he s"ru! dosage ,orm is used ,or antiiotics4 antihistamine4 antitussi*es4 sedati*e and


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    2)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

    DE''E+EE ,ETWEE !-+P! AD E)I/I+!

      S/: E)ILI/

    12 S"ru! is concentrated4 *iscous4 aqueous

    solution o, sugar or a sugar sustitute with or 

    without ,la*or and medical sustance2

    12 Eli'irs are clear4 !leasantl" ,la*ored4

    sweetened h"dro alcoholic liquids intended

    ,or oral use2

    %2 S"ru!s are thic>er than eli'irs %2 Eli'irs are thinner than s"ru!s232 rimar" sol*ents is sugar and water2 32 rimar" sol*ents are alcohol and water2

    2 S"ru!s are more *iscous than eli'irs2 2 Eli'irs are less *iscous than s"ru!s2

    +2 S"ru! ma" or ma" not use an alcohol ,or

    soluilit" !ur!ose2

    +2 An eli'irs must use alcohol ,or soluilit"



      S#):I# )IIMES

    12 A solution is a homogenous mi'ture that

    is !re!ared " dissol*ing solid4 liquid or gas

    in another liquid2

    12 )iniments are alcoholic or oil-ased

    solution or emulsion containing thera!eutic


    %2 Solution can e used internall" as well as


    %2 )iniments are ,or e'ternal use onl"2

    32 Some liniments can e solution ut all

    solutions are not liniments2

    32 Some solution can e liniments ut all

    liniments are not solution2

    2 Some !harmaceutical solution use

    sweetening4 coloring4 ,la*oring agent to

    increases aesthetic a!!eal2

    2 )iniments do not need these2

    +2 Solutions are alwa"s homogenous


    +2 )iniments ma" e homogenous or

    heterogeneous mi'ture2

  • 8/9/2019 Pharmaceutical Solutions.doc


    2!)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions

     DI''E+EE ,ETWEE !P+A-! AD !PI+IT!

      S/AS SI/IS

    12 S!ra"s are ets o, ,ine medicated

    *a!or a!!lied to a diseased !art

    discharged into the air2

    12 A solution o, essential or *olatile liquid2

    %2 ressure is used to !roduce s!ra"2 %2 o !ressure is needed here2

    32 It is a gaseous ,orm o, medicine2 32 It is a liquid ,orm o, medicine2

    2 It should e !reser*ed in highl" tight

    !ressuri5ed container2

    2 It can e !reser*ed in normal air tight

    container in normal !ressure2+2 Alcohol ma" or ma" not !resent in


    +2 Alcohol must e !resent in s!irits2

  • 8/9/2019 Pharmaceutical Solutions.doc


    29)ssi.nment on *hama-euti-al Solutions


    I2 S!rowis American harmac"a2 -)ewis W W2 Dittert

    II2 harmaceutics8 he Design and Manu,acturer o, Medicinesa2 -Michael E2 Aulton

    III2 /emingtons he Science and ractice o, !harmac"2

    I@2 En2wi>i!edia2orgKwi>t

    ( www2!umed2nl

    @I2 www2u>!mc2ac2u>

    ##( www2healthchemist2co2n5